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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.05 Recycle Grant FundingG~~~ O~ Dp~~2 /// ~\ \7/1 1~///l O~LIFOR~~` STAFF REPORT CITY C L E R K DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^®~I ®-®® DATE: December 1, 2009 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJE Acceptance of Grant Funding for Recycling Projects And Approval of A Budget Change To Recognize the Grants And New Appropriations Prepared By: Roger Bradley, Administrative Analyst EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider approving a budget change to accommodate grants awarded by and the Altamont Settlement Agreement Education Advisory Board. The total of the grants is $16,946, which will be used for two projects: 1) to improve the recycling infrastructure within the City's parks; and 2) to improve junk-mail recycling at the City's multi- family complexes. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City has been awarded two grants which total $16,946 which will fund projects that were not part of the adopted Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Budget. Therefore, a Budget Change is necessary to recognize the new Revenue and to appropriate the expenditures. The following summarizes the Budget Change required: Grant Awarded B Revenue Expenditure Stopwaste.Org $ 14,000 $14,000 Waste Management: Printing; Operating Su lies ;and Contract Services Altamont Settlement Agreement - $ 2,946 $ 2,946 Park Maintenance Operating Supplies Education Adviso Board and Contract Services The City Park Maintenance Budget will incur additional costs associated with collection and processing the recyclable materials. For the multi-family complexes the cost of servicing the bins will be the responsibility of the property owner. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Budget Change. Sub fitted By Administrative Analyst V (~ ~ f Reviewed By Administrative Services Director /~ eview y Assistant City Manager Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. ~•;~ r~ DESCRIPTION: Staff conducted a survey of recycling container infrastructure in the City's parks and found a need for greater recycling opportunities at various locations. As a result, Staff sought grant funding opportunities to install improvements to accommodate the greater recycling container needs. On Monday, November 2, 2009, the City received a $2,946 grant from the Altamont Settlement Agreement Educational Advisory Board to cover the conversion of 20 permanent existing garbage containers to recycling containers at 11 of the City's parks. Additionally, the grant will cover the installation of approximately ten blue Rubbermaid recycling containers at the Dublin Sports Grounds. These changes will significantly improve the availability of recycling at the City's parks and ensure that every park in the City has recycling containers available for use. StopWaste.Org provides grant opportunities to multi-family recycling projects with the goal of helping multi-family dwellings in Alameda County increase recycling through infrastructure improvements and tenant education. The City applied for and has been awarded a grant through this program to create a Mail Area Junk-mail Recycling Program in multi-family complexes. In addition, part of the funding will be used to develop informational door-hangers aimed at reducing recycling contamination. The door hanger will highlight materials that should be kept out of the recycling stream. This project will also assist property managers in reducing their garbage need and costs, while also increasing diversion. To assess the interest in this project, Staff contacted property managers of the large multifamily complexes within the City and a large majority has responded as interested. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Not applicable. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Budget Change. Page 2 of 2 CITY OF DUBLIN ~ ~"' ~ BUDGET CHANGE FORM FY 2009 / 2010 CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): From Unappropriated Reserves (General Fund) X From New Revenues I)RGRF,ASFi,`RIJD(~FT A('(Y)C1N'1' AMOllN`I Budget Transfers: From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) Within Same Department Activity Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) _ Other IIVC;REASE BUUGF.T ACY`()UtiT AMUUl\T Name: REVENUE: -RECYCLING FUND - Intergovernmental -County (Attamont $ 2,946 Settlement Funds) GL Account #: 2302.0000.47301 Name: EXPENSE: RECYCLING FUND - Park Maintenance- Operating Supplies $2,796 GL Account #: 2302.7501.61104 Name: EXPENSE: RECYCLING FUND - Park Maintenance- Contract Services $ 150 GL Account #: 2302.7501.64001 Name: REVENUE: -RECYCLING FUND - Intergovernmental -County ( $ 14, 000 Funds) GL Account #: 2302.0000.47301 Name: EXPENSE: RECYCLING FUND - Waste Management -Printing $ 2 515 GL Account #: 2302.5101.61116 Name: EXPENSE: RECYCLING FUND - Waste Management -Operating Supplies $ 9 000 GL Account #: 2302.5101.61104 Name: EXPENSE: RECYCLING FUND - Waste Management -Contract Services $2,485 GL Account #: 2302.5101.64001 Fin Mgr/ASD: Signature Date: l ~ ~ ~- ~ao°~ REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: At the City Council meeting on December 1, 2009 the City Council was advised that the City was the recipient of two Grants which will support Recycling activities. Neither the revenue nor the planned expenditures were included in the adopted Budget. It is appropriate for the City Council to adopt a Budget Change which will account for the additional revenue and the proposed expenditures as described in the Staff Report on December 1, 2009. City Signature Date: ~ ~~~ ~~D As Approved at the City Council Meeting on: Date: 1211/2009 Mayor: Signature Posted By: Signature G:\Budget Changes\2 2009_10\6_12_I_09_RecycleGrants.DOC ATTACHMENT # 1 Date: Date: I-t~-tYl ~- ~ ,5 0 ~~ ~ f ~~I