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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.05 Invest Rpt 3rd Qtrti~~ ~~ ~- ~ -~ 1 ~~:~/.w' CITY CLERK File # ^~^!^-3^O^ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 5, 2009 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: RECO~ENDATION: FIN~CIAL STATE City Treasurer's Investment Report for 3rd Quarter 2008-2009 Report Prepared by Paul S. Rankin, Administrative Services Dir. 1. Quarterly Investment Report For The Period Ending March 31, 2009 Receive the Report See Report DESCRIPTION: The attached Investment Report details the City's investments as of March 31, 2009, in accordance with the requirements for reporting investments. QUARTERLY REPORT FORMAT The format of the quarterly report consists of the following components: Section I -Portfolio Information • Portfolio Summary (Includes the Par Value; Market Value; and Yield) • Portfolio Details (Includes a listing of individual securities and investments) • Investments By Type (Includes a listing of Federal Securities including call date if applicable) Section II -Investment Charts Section III -Listing of Investment Transactions by Month 3rd QUARTER RESULTS As shown on the Portfolio Summary the total investments as of March 31, 2009 were approximately $103.8 million. The "Yield to Maturity" was calculated at 3.483% and the weighted average maturity of the portfolio was 968 days (2.65 years). The report also displays the weighted average maturity based on the "Call Date". If all securities were assumed to be called the portfolio average maturity drops to slightly more than one year at 380 days. The Market Value as of March 31, 2009 was approximately $ 2.7 million more than the Par Value. (Par Value = $103,789,959 and Market Value = $106,455,091) The Par Value is the "face value" or principal amount at maturity of the note or bond. The typical investment approach used by the City is to hold investments until maturity. The City does not actively sell securities prior to their maturity. In the current market, the premature liquidation of a security would result in less interest income upon reinvestment, diluting any gain achieved from selling the investment prior to its stated maturity. COPY TO: Page 1 of3 ~•~ ITEM NO. G:Unvestments\FY 2008-09\OQtr3March2009 Report\Ag_Stmt_3rdtQtr_mar_09.doc n The following Table displays the comparative results based on information in the Portfolio Summary for the most recent five quarters. This allows for a comparison to the most recent quarter as well as the same three month period one year ago. COMPARISON OF PORTFOLIO MEASURES Most Recent Five Quarters 2007!08 2007/08 2008/09 2008/49 2008/09 Portfolio Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Quarter I Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Measure (Jan - (March - (Jul -Sept (Oct -Dec {Jan -Mar March 2008) June 2008 2008 2008 2009 Par Value $118,018,240 $124,192,095 $115,358,346 $120,350,694 $103,789,959 Average 649 Days 691 Days 948 days 940 days 968 days Term (1.78 yrs) 1.89 s) (2.6 yrs) (2.58 s (2.65 s) Yield To 4.046% 3.579% 3.740% 3.661 % 3.483 Maturi /Call As noted in the Table the total portfolio is approximately $14.2 million less than one year ago. The total portfolio will fluctuate between fiscal years based upon planned expenditures, fluctuations in revenue collected, and differences in timing of both revenue and expenditures. One factor which has contributed to the decrease experienced in the current year is that City has been expending capital reserves for significant projects including the following: Shannon Center Reconstruction; City Maintenance Facility Acquisition; Interstate 580/ Fallon Road Interchange. The average maturity of the investments held has increased over the past year from 1.78 years to 2.65 years. This was impacted by the fact that in the third quarter of last fiscal year the City received the Fallon Interchange funds in excess of $11 million. INVESTMENT ACTIVITY DURING THE THIRD QUARTER This report discloses changes in individual securities due to Maturities, Called Securities, and New Investments. None of the investments held by the City were scheduled to mature during~the quarter. No new investments were purchased during the quarter. A total of $11,000,000 in securities were called by the issuers before their stated maturity. The details related to the called investment are shown below: INVESTMENTS CALLED DURING THE THIRD QUARTER T e* Date Ac uired Par Value Original Maturity Date Coupon Rate Call Date FHLB 4/7/2008 $3,000,000 1/7/2011 3.000% January 7, 2009 FHLB 4/9/2008 $3,000,000 1/9/2012 3.410% January 9, 2009 FHLB 2/6/2007 $2,000,000 8/6/2010 5.180% February 6, 2009 FFCB 3/24/2008 $3,000,000 3/24/2010 2.625% March 24, 2009 TOTAL $11,000,000 * FHLB =Federal Home Loan Bank; FFCB =Federal Farmers Credit Bank; FNMA =Federal National Mortgage Association or "Fannie Mae"; FHLMC =Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation "Freddie Mac" G:Unvestments\FY 2008-09\OQtr3March2009 Report\Ag_Stmt_3rdtQtr_mar 09.doc COMPOSITION OF PORTFOLIO Section II of the Report contains charts which assist with reviewing the portfolio. The Charts focus on key factors to monitor including the investment maturities as well as the composition of the portfolio. The following are key highlights of the portfolio: • At March 31, 2009, 28% of the portfolio was immediately available in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LATE) and Money Market instruments. This is the same percentage reported as of December 31, 2008. • Federal Agency Securities represented 72% of the Portfolio, which also remains unchanged from the percentage reported as of December 31, 2008. • There was diversity in the issuers of the federal securities held in the portfolio. A total of four different issuers were represented. (FNMA-22%; FHLB - 49%; FFCB-17% and FHLMC-12%). • 39% of the funds are invested for one year or less compared to 35% reported as of December 31, 2008. • 24% of the funds are invested in securities with maturities of 3 years or more as of March 31, 2008, compared to 33% reported for December 31, 2008. MONTHLY TRANSACTIONS Section III of the Report provides a list of transactions related to investments in the City portfolio for each month of the third quarter (January, February, and March 2009). This schedule provides compliance with the Government Code requirement to disclose monthly transaction data. It is incorporated as part of the quarterly investment report rather than individual monthly reports. RECENT TRENDS COMPARED TO BUDGET There have been significant downward trends in interest rates. This can be observed by examining the LAIF rate as shown below: Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) Quarterly Rate Quarter Ending Rate March 31, 2008 4.18% March 31, 2009 1.91% The current trend in the market is to continue with lower interest rates. In terms of new issues of Federal Agency Securities there have been fewer new issues and most are at rates below those of securities currently held in the City portfolio. The economic environment and lower interest rates in general is expected to impact interest income earned by the City. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive the report. G:\Investments\FY 2008-09\OQtr3March2009 ReportWg_Stmt_3rdtQtr_mar 09.doc ..: / ~~~ ~' CITY OF DUBLIN QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2008-2009 March 31, 2009 Presented To City Council May 5, 2009 Section 1 -Portfolio Information • Portfolio Summary (Includes the Par Value; Market Value; and Yield) • Portfolio Details (Includes a listing of individual securities and investments) • Investments By Type (Listing of Federal Securities including call date if applicable) Section II -Investment .Charts Section III -Listing of Monthly Investment Transactions ~!A ;'A ,~~ ~ ~J Attachment 1 ~~ F nU~~ u; ,~ ;~ '~\~~~~ ~trrouN CITY OF DUBLIN Portfolio Management Portfolio Summary March 31, 2009 Par Market Book Investments Value Value Value $106,455,090.60 Money Market 4,631,365.97 LAIF 24,448,073.47 Calif Asset Mgt Pgm (CAMP) 55,519.21 Federal Agency Coupon 74,655,000.00 Total $103,789,958.65 Cash and Accrued Interest Accrued Interest (~l 4,631, 365.97 24,448,073.47 55,519.21 77,320,131.95 4,631,365.97 4.46 1 1 0.430 24,448,073.47 23.53 1 1 1.910 55, 519.21 0.05 1 1 1.020 74,782,378.98 71.96 1344 527 4.188 $103,917,337.63 100.00% 968 380 3.483% of Term / Days to YTM/C Portfolio Days Mat./Call 365 Equiv. 899,756.49 899,756.49 968 380 3.483% Total Cash and $103,789,958.65 $107,354,847.09 Investments Value $104,817,094.12 The schedule of investments, including the dates of maturity, provide adequate cash flow liquidity to meet anticipated expenditures over the next six months. The investments and schedule of investments are in compliance with the City of Dublin Investment Policy, and all applicable laws and regulations. ~~. ~..~..~ ~~Z~ lay PAUL S. RANKIN, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR DATE (1) Accrued Interest represents the portion of interest earned as of the end of the quarter, that will be paid in a future month. Federal Securities typically pay interest twice a year (6 month intervals) and LAIF interest is distributed quarterly approximately 15 days following the end of the quarter. 'a. CITY OF DUBLIN Portfolio Management Portfolio Details -Investments March 31, 2009 CUSIP Investment # Issuer Average Purchase Balance Date Par Value Market Value Page 1 Stated Days to YTM/C Maturity Book Value Rate Term Mat./CalE65 Equiv Date Money Market Accounts SYS10044 10044 Columbia Funds SYS10046 10046 Fidelity US Govt Portfolio Subtotal and Average LAIF SYS10043 10043 LAIF Subtotal and Average CAMP 28,231,944.44 SYS10076 10076 California Asset Management Pr Subtotal and Average Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3133XSDP0 10083 Federal Home Loan Bank 3133X9BF6 10066 Federal Home Loan Bank 31331XEE8 10032 Federal Farm Credit Bank 3128X2PQ2 10033 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 3136F6W54 10048 Federal National Mtg Assn 31359MA94 10054 Federal National Mtg Assn 31398AQN5 10080 Federal National Mtg Assn 31398ABT8 10034 Federal National Mtg Assn 3133XGLE2 10036 Federal Home Loan Bank 3133XQUH3 10069 Federal Home Loan Bank 31331XNE8 10037 Federal Farm Credit Bank 3133XRYJ3 10079 Federal Home Loan Bank 31331XRQ7 10055 Federal Farm Credit Bank 31331XWU2 10049 Federal Farm Credit Bank 31331 GCQO 10081 Federal Farm Credit Bank 3133XHKF8 10039 Federal Home Loan Bank 3136F8U37 10059 Federal National Mtg Assn 31331Y5J5 10078 Federal Farm Credit Bank 3136F82S3 10060 Federal National Mtg Assn 3133XQ4C3 10065 Federal Home Loan Bank 3133XKNN1 10041 Federal Home Loan Bank 3133XLEN9 10042 Federal Home Loan Bank 31398AGR7 10052 Federal National Mtg Assn Run Date: 04/25/2009 - 12:19 2,185,420.04 07/01/2008 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.130 1 1 2.130 4,631,365.97 4,631,365.97 4,631,365.97 0.430 1 1 0.430 4,631,365.97 4,631,365.97 4,631,365.97 1 1 0.430 55,519.21 24,448,073.47 24,448,073.47 24,448,073.47 1.910 1 1 1.910 24,448,073.47 24,448,073.47 24,448,073.47 1 1 1.910 55, 519.21 55, 519.21 55, 519.21 1.020 1 1 1.020 55,519.21 55,519.21 55,519.21 1 1 1.020 09/29/2008 3,000,000.00 3,036,570.00 3,001,809.67 3.375 365 181 3.250 09/29/2009 04/03/2008 3,000,000.00 3,044,070.00 3,017,194.32 3.500 579 216 2.500 11/03/2009 01/10/2007 2,000,000.00 2,049,380.00 1,999,501.98 4.850 1,045 233 4.890 11/20/2009 03/06/2007 3,000,000.00 3,097,620.00 3,005,228.57 5.000 1,060 303 4.770 01/29/2010 08!31/2007 1,500,000.00 1,555,320.00 1,501,666.06 4.810 94$ 369 4.690 04/05/2010 09/13/2007 2,000,000.00 2,075,000.00 2,004,287.51 4.750 950 384 4.530 04/20/2010 09/12/2008 3,000,000.00 3,061,890.00 3,000,000.00 3.050 593 392 3.049 04/28/2010 06/27/2007 2,000,000.00 2,008,120.00 1,995,020.99 5.080 1,052 43 5.321 05/14/2010 01/26/2007 3,000,000.00 3,179,070.00 3,001,647.75 5.125 1,323 527 5.080 09/10/2010 04/28/2008 1,500,000.00 1,543,590.00 1,500,000.00 3.125 913 575 3.125 10/28/2010 02/14/2007 2,000,000.00 2,131,880.00 2,000,305.26 5.050 1,448 671 5.040 02/01/2011 08/29/2008 3,000,000.00 3,031,890.00 3,000,000.00 3.720 910 146 3.720 02/25/2011 11/15/2007 1,655,000.00 1,762,061.95 1,673,024.45 4.850 1,210 707 4.240 03/09/2011 08/31/2007 1,000,000.00 1,066,560.00 1,000,900.27 4.800 1,333 754 4.750 04/25/2011 09!29/2008 3,000,000.00 3,036,570.00 3,000,000.00 4.050 1,095 181 4.050 09/29/2011 11/09/2006 3,000,000.00 3,071,250.00 3,000,000.00 5.250 1,826 222 5.250 11/09/2011 02!08/2008 3,000,000.00 3,060,000.00 3,000,000.00 3.570 1,461 313 3.570 02/08/2012 08/21/2008 3,000,000.00 3,031,890.00 3,000,000.00 4.020 1,279 142 4.020 02/21/2012 02!22/2008 3,000,000.00 3,055,320.00 3,000,000.00 3.300 1,461 327 3.300 02/22/2012 04/03/2008 3,000,000.00 3,132,180.00 3,016,318.31 3.500 1,436 1,073 3.300 03/09/2012 05/03/2007 3,000,000.00 3,116,250.00 3,000,000.00 5.020 1,827 397 5.020 05/03/2012 06/15/2007 3,000,000.00 3,148,140.00 3,000,000.00 5.560 1,827 440 5.560 06/15/2012 ~~ 09/10/2007 2,000,000.00 2,035,620.00 2,000,000.00 5.200 1,827 162 5.200 09/10/2012 `., Jv Portfolio DINV AP PM (PRF _PM2) 7.1.1 J~.~ Report Ver. 7.1.1 CITY OF DUBLIN Portfolio Management Portfolio Details -Investments March 31, 2009 Page 2 Average Purchase Stated Days to YTM/C Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate Term Mat./CalE65 Equiv Date Federal Agency Coupon Securities 3133XNST7 10058 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/27!2007 2,000,000.00 2,095,620.00 2,000,000.00 4.420 1,827 635 4.420 12/27/2012 3133XQYC0 10070 Federal Home Loan Bank 05/1312008 3,000,000.00 3,053,430.00 3,000,000.00 4.000 1,826 226 4.000 05/13/2013 3128X1EJ2 10084 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 10/14/2008 3,000,000.00 3,223,470.00 3,027,787.64 4.250 1,681 1,512 4.002 05/22/2013 3128X7WV2 10074 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 06/10/2008 3,000,000.00 3,140,160.00 2,992,926.56 4.050 1,826 800 4.113 06/10!2013 3133XRFL9 10077 Federal Home Loan Bank 07/25/2008 3,000,000.00 3,230,640.00 2,999,819.37 4.250 1,785 1,535 4.250 06/14/2013 3133X06A4 10082 Federal Home Loan Bank 09/26/2008 3,000,000.00 3,246,570.00 3,044,940.27 4.375 1,813 1,626 4.000 09/13/2013 Subtotal and Average 77,010,965.96 74,655,000.00 77,320,131.95 74,782,378.98 1,344 527 4.188 Total and Average 107,483,849.65 103,789,958.65 106,455,090.60 103,917,337.63 968 380 3.483 Run Date: 04/25/2009 - 12:19 Portfolio DINV'~- AP ~'d. PM (PRF_PM2) 7.1.1 v`~ , Lr~ ;711 ~_ 1tl 19 ~~~ ~ ~~In/ j~~ '7GIF'Q~'~~ CUSIP Investment# Fund Fund: General Fund Federal Agency Coupon Securities 31331XEE8 10032 001 31331XNE8 10037 001 31331XWU2 10049 001 31331XRQ7 10055 001 31331Y5J5 10078 001 31331 GCQO 10081 001 3133XGLE2 10036 001 3133XHKF8 10039 001 3133XKN N 1 10041 001 3133XLEN9 10042 001 3133XNST7 10058 001 3133XQ4C3 10065 001 3133X96F6 10066 001 3133XQUH3 10069 001 3133XQYC0 10070 001 3133XRFL9 10077 001 3133XRYJ3 10079 001 3133XD6A4 10082 001 3133XSDP0 10083 001 3128X2PQ2 10033 001 3128X7WV2 10074 001 3128X1EJ2 10084 001 31398ABT8 10034 001 3136F6W54 10048 001 31398AGR7 10052 001 31359MA94 10054 001 3136F8U37 10059 001 3136F82S3 10060 001 31398AQN5 10080 001 Run Date: 04/25/2009 - 12:21 CITY OF DUBLIN Investments by Typ Active Investments March 31, 2009 Issuer Par Value Federal Farm Credit Bank 2,000,000.00 Federal Farm Credit Bank 2,000,000.00 Federal Farm Credit Bank 1,000,000.00 Federal Farm Credit Bank 1,655,000.00 Federal Farm Credit Bank 3,000,000.00 Federal Farm Credit Bank 3,000,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank 3,000,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank 3,000,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank 3,000,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank 3,000,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank 2,000,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank 3,000,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank 3,000,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank 1,500,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank 3,000,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank 3,000,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank 3,000,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank 3,000,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank 3,000,000.00 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 3,000,000.00 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 3,000,000.00 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 3,000,000.00 Federal National Mtg Assn 2,000,000.00 Federal National Mtg Assn 1,500,000.00 Federal National Mtg Assn 2,000,000.00 Federal National Mtg Assn 2,000,000.00 Federal National Mtg Assn 3,000,000.00 Federal National Mtg Assn 3,000,000.00 Federal National Mtg Assn 3,000,000.00 General Fund Subtotal 74,655,000.00 e Purchase Price 99.8880000 100.0330000 100.1590000 101.8630000 100.0000000 100.0000000 100.1380000 100.0000000 100.0000000 100.0000000 100.0000000 100.7280000 101.5410000 100.0000000 100.0000000 99.9930000 100.0000000 101.6710000 100.1220000 100.6100000 99.7187500 101.0300000 99.3594000 100.2850000 100.0000000 100.5300000 100.0000000 100.0000000 100.0000000 Book Value 1, 999, 501.98 2,000,305.26 1, 000, 900.27 1, 673, 024.45 3,000,000.00 3, 000, 000.00 3,001,647.75 3,000,000.00 3, 000, 000.00 3,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 3,016,318.31 3,017,194.32 1,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 2,999,819.37 3,000,000.00 3,044,940.27 3, 001, 809.67 3,005,228.57 2,992,926.56 3,027,787.64 1, 995, 020.99 1, 501,666.06 2,000,000.00 2,004,287.51 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 74,782,378.98 City of Dublin Current Maturity Call Call Rate Date Date Price 4.850 11 /20/2009 5.050 02/01/2011 4.800 04/25/2011 4.850 03/09/2011 4.020 02/21/2012 08121/2009 100.0000000 4.050 09/29/2011 09/29/2009 100.0000000 5.125 09/10/2010 5.250 11 /09/2011 11 /09/2009 100.0000000 5.020 05/03/2012 05/03/2010 100.0000000 5.560 06/15/2012 06/15/2010 100.0000000 4.420 12/27/2012 12/27/2010 100.0000000 3.500 03/09/2012 3.500 11 /03/2009 3.125 10/28/2010 4.000 05/13/2013 11/13/2009 100.0000000 4.250 06/14/2013 3.720 02/25/2011 08/25/2009 100.0000000 4.375 09/13/2013 3.375 09/29/2009 5.000 01 /29/2010 4.050 06/10/2013 06/10/2011 100.0000000 4.250 05/22/2013 5.080 05/14/2010 05/14/2009 100.0000000 4.810 04/05/2010 5.200 09/10/2012 09/1012009 100.0000000 4.750 04/20/2010 3.570 02/08/2012 02/08/2010 100.0000000 3.300 02/22/2012 02/22/2010 100.0000000 3.050 04/28/2010 ~~~ Portfolio DIN A DT (PRF_DT) 7.1. Report Ver. 7.1.1 ~~ /~ QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2008-2009 March 31, 2009 Section II -Investment Charts Attachment 1 INVESTMENT CHARTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDING MARCH 31, 2009 INVESTMENT CHARTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDING MARCH 31, 2009 ~~~~ ~'~,1 March 31, 2009 -Portfolio Maturities 000 ._....,.~. ____~_,.._._.__..~.. _________._........~._._.. .____~._~ .__ _ $35 000 , , . _ _ _ ..~.~ $2 9,134,95 9 000 000 $30 - - - , , 1 $25,000,000 - - _ - _ - - $20,000,000 -_ -- -- --. _ __ _- -- ------- ---- - - _ _ . _ __ i $15,000,000 $19,6>.~00 ----{~$15~.!,rn,i,000 - -------- -- $10,000,000 -- - $15,000,000 -- --- _ _ - - -- - -- $11,000,000 - $10,000,000 $5,000,000 - - - - - i $0 No Maturity Date (1 Yr or Less) (I Yr - 2 Yr) (2 Yr - 3 Yr) (3 Yr - 4 Yr) (4 Yr - 5 Yr) 9~ia QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2008-2009 March 31, 2009 Section III - Listing of Monthly Investment Transactions Attachment 1 CITY OF DUBLIN Cash/Checking Activity January 1, 2009 -January 31, 2009 City of Dublin Issuer Current Transaction Investment # Fund Security ID Rate Date Comment Deposits Withdrawals Interest Received Balance Money Market Accounts Fidelity US Govt Portfolio 10046 001 SYS10046 0.660 01 /01 /2009 0.660 01/02/2009 0.660 01!07/2009 Inv #10063 0.660 01/07/2009 Call Inv #10063 0.660 01/09/2009 Call inv#10068 0.660 01/09/2009 Int on Inv#10068 0.660 01/12/2009 Transfer to LAIF 0.660 01/16/2009 Payment of fees 0.660 01/16/2009 Collection of fees 0.660 01/29/20091nton Inv#10033 Subtotal and Ending Balance 0.660 ___ ___ 85,839.55 65,839.55 1,304.88 67,144.43 22,500.00 89,644.43 3,000,000.00 3,089,644.43 3,000,000.00 6,089,644.43 51,150.00 6,140,794.43 6,100,000.00 40,794.43 875.00 41,669.43 875.00 40,794.43 75,000.00 115,794.43 6,149,525.00 6,100,875.00 1,304.88 115,794.43 LAIF LAIF 10043 001 SYS10043 33,574,518.16 2.540 01/07/2009 4,300,000.00 29,274,518.16 2.540 01/12/2009 UBOC 6,100,000.00 35,374,518.16 2.540 01/15/2009 163,555.31 35,538,073.47 2.540 01/16/2009 1,030,000.00 36,568,073.47 2.540 01/21/2009 1,200,000.00 35,368,073.47 Subtotal and Ending Balance 2.540 7,130,000.00 5,500,000.00 163,555.31 35,368,073.47 CAMP California Asset Management Pr 10076 001 SYS10076 55,336.24 2.480 01/01/2009 81.44 55,417.68 Subtotal and Ending Balance 2.480 0.00 0.00 81.44 55,417.68 Total Run Date: 04!25/2009 - 12:24 13,279,525.00 11,600,875.00 184,941.63 35,539,285.58 Portfolio Ate LP (PRF LP) 7.~1 ~ Report Ver 7. ~1 ~' J~!'~. City of Dublin ~~~~ ~R1 CITY OF DUBLIN " ~~~ J/ Cash/Checking Activity ~~~ < ~~,/ February 1, 2009 -February 28, 2009 Issuer Current Transaction Investment# Fund SecuritylD Rate Date Comment Deposits Withdrawals Interest Received Money Market Accounts Fidelity US Govt Portfolio 10046 001 SYS10046 Subtotal and Ending Balance LAIF LAIF 10043 001 SYS1004 Subtotal and Ending Balance 0.590 02/01/2009 0.590 02/02/2009 Int on Inv#10037 0.590 02/02/2009 0.590 02/06/2009 call inv#10035 0.590 02/06/2009 Int on Inv#10035 0.590 02/09/2009 Int on inv#10059 0.590 02/12/2009 wire transf to BofA 0.590 02/23/2009 maturity of inv#10027 0.590 02/23/2009 Int on inv#10078 0.590 02/23/2009 Int on inv#10060 0.590 02/23/2009 Int on inv#10027 0.590 02!25/2009 Int on inv#10079 0.590 3 2.540 02/05/2009 2.540 02/11/2009 2.540 02/12/2009 2.540 02/17/2009 2.540 02/20!2009 2.540 1, 700,000.00 140,000.00 1,430, 000.00 600,000.00 1, 650, 000.00 1,650,000.00 3,870,000.00 35,368,073.47 33,668,073.47 33, 528, 073.47 32,098,073.47 31,498,073.47 33,148,073.47 0.00 33,148,073.47 CAMP California Asset Management Pr 10076 001 SYS10076 55,417.68 1.020 02/01/2009 55,417.68 1.020 02/02/2009 58.14 55,475.82 1.020 02/27/2009 43.39 55,519.21 Subtotal and Ending Balance 1.020 0.00 0.00 101.53 55,519.21 ~` '"'+ Total 4,996,700.00 6,140,000.00 710.53 .. _ 34,396,696.t~ ~ AP ~ Run Dat=~ 04/25/2009 - 1224 ~ LP (PRF_LP) 7.1~ "' Report Ver. 7.1./1 50, 500.00 2,000,000.00 51, 800.00 53,550.00 1, 000, 000.00 60,300.00 49, 500.00 25,250.00 55,800.00 3,346,700.00 2,270,000.00 2,270,000.00 609.00 Balance 115,794.43 115,794.43 166,294.43 166,903.43 2,166, 903.43 2,218,703.43 2,272,253.43 2,253.43 1, 002, 253.43 1,062,553.43 1,112,053.43 1,137, 303.43 1,193,103.43 609.00 1,193,103.43 City of Dublin `~ ~!~ - ~~s~ ~~ CITY OF DUBLIN ~~~~~~f Cash/Checking Activity ~~~ ~/~ March 1, 2009 -March 31, 2009 Issuer Current Transaction Investment # Fund Security ID Rate Date Comment Deposits Withdrawals Interest Received Balance Money Market Accounts Fidelity US Govt Portfolio 10046 001 SYS10046 1,193,103.43 0.430 03/01/2009 1,193,103.43 0.430 03/02/2009 378.79 1,193,482.22 0.430 03/09/20091ntinv#10055 40,133.75 1,233,615.97 0.430 03/09/2009 Int inv# 10065 52,500.00 1,286,115.97 0.430 03/10/2009 Int inv# 10036 76,875.00 1,362,990.97 0.430 03/10/2009 Int inv# 10052 52,000.00 1,414,990.97 0.430 03/13/2009 Int inv# 10082 65,625.00 1,480,615.97 0.430 03/24/2009 Full call inv# 10061 3,000,000.00 4,480,615.97 0.430 03/24/2009 Int inv# 10061 39,375.00 4,519,990.97 0.430 03/30/2009 Int inv# 10081 60,750.00 4,580,740.97 0.430 03/30/2009 Int inv# 10083 50,625.00 4,631,365.97 Subtotal and Ending Balance 0.430 3,437,883.75 0.00 378.79 4,631,365.97 LAIF LAIF 10043 001 SYS10043 33,148,073.47 2.540 03/04/2009 3,000,000.00 30,148,073.47 2.540 03/20/2009 5,700,000.00 24,448,073.47 1.910 03/31/2009 24,448,073.47 Subtotal and Ending Balance 1.910 0.00 8,700,000.00 0.00 24,448,073.47 Total 3,437,883.75 8,700,000.00 378.79 29,079,439.44 Run Date: 04/25/2009 - 12:25 N Portfolio DI~ LP (PRF_LP) 7p1~1 Report Ver. 7.1.1