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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.05 Dublin Square Shopping Center~~' ~1 J ~ ~ C~~`~ ~ ~C'/ CITY CLERK r~ ~ --- - - File # ~ _ ~ ~ ~ O '_ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 15, 2006 SUBJECT: Appraisal Services for Dublin Square Shopping Center Report by Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director ATTACHMENTS: 1. Budget Change Form ~ ~~~ RECOMMENDATION: ~ 1. Authorize City Attorney to secure appraisal services ~ 2. Approve Budget Change . ~~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Estimated cost for Appraisal Services -$17,500 DESCRIPTION: At the August 1, 2006 meeting of the Dublin City Council, the Council adopted Resolution 149-06 approving General Plan Amendments and approval of the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan (with the Dublin Village Historic Area Specific Plan attached as Exhibit A to the Resolution). This action changed the General Plan land use designation of the Dublin Square Shopping Center from Retail/Office to Parks/Public Recreation and will be effective on August 31, 2006. Additionally at the August 1, 2006 meeting, the City Council adopted the Parks and Recreation Master Plan May 2006 Update (Resolution 150-06) and the Dublin Historic Park Master Plan (Resolution 151-06). In order to proceed with acquisition of the Dublin Square Shopping Center for the future Dublin Historic Park, it is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Attorney to secure appraisal services of the property at such time that Resolution 149-06 is effective (August 31, 2006). The estimated cost of these services is $17,500 and a budget change is required as funds were not included in the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Budget. It will also be necessary to retain a relocation consultant, a goodwill appraiser and a furniture, fixtures and equipment appraiser; this will be done at a future meeting of the City Council. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council take the following action: 1) authorize City Attorney to secure appraisal services; and 2) approve budget change (Attachment 1). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPY TO: Dublin Square Shopping Center Page 1 of 1 ~ ITEM NO. , G G:\COUNCILWgenda Statements~2006\8-15 Appraisal Services.doc n~ E/ CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM I~ ( CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: _ From Unappropriated Reserves (If Other than General Fund, Fund No - From New Revenues X From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (10800-799.000) Within Same Department Activity Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other Name: Contingent Reserve $17,500 Name: Dublin Historic Park $17,500 Account #: 001-10800-799-000 Name: Account#: 001-95555-740-000 Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Account #: ASD/Fin Mgr rs-~ ~ Signature Date: <? \ '< \ 0(., REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: In order to proceed with acquisition of the Dublin Square Shopping Center for the Dublin Historic Park, appraisal services are necessary. City Manager: r- V:?~~C~ 4- Signature Date: ~/1J /(Yf. .. I As approved at the City Council Meeting on: Date: Mayor: Date: Signature Posted By: Date: H: ICC-FORMSIFORM-bu(lger change.dac Signature '6 - J !::;)-00 f1 ffzu)1 ffWJ+ 4 _b'