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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.05 Annual Street Overlay~~~~ .. ' -~-~ ,C'~ /<~.. CITY CLERK File # ^~~~-QD AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 19, 2009 SUBJECT: Award of Bid - Contract No. 09-07, 2008-2009 Annual Street Overlay Program Report Prepared by: Melissa Morton, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) Location Map 2) Bid Results 3) Resolution RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution awarding Contract No. 09-07, 2008-2009 Annual Street Overlay Program, to DSS Company, dba Knife River Construction, as the lowest responsible bidder. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The total amount of the base bid to be awarded is $712,509.93. In the Table below, the improvement cost compared to the budget is shown, including a 10% contingency. ~~ndi :, - Tt For ~ Lo~~ t Co , <T©ta Sa gs State Gas Tax (#206) $217,000 $53,760.92 $ 53,760.92 $163,239.08 Alameda Co. Transportation Improvement Agency (ACTIA) Measure B (#217) $597,000 $579,509.93 $17,490.07 $597,000.00 Congestion Management Agency (CMA) Improvement Funds (#228) TOTAL $133,000 $133,000.00 $133,000.00 $ 947,000 $712,509.93 $71,250.99 $783,760.92 $163,239.08 COPY TO: DSS Company, dba Knife River Construction Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. `C 'S G:\CIP\Overlay\2008-2009\AS awazd Final.doc DESCRIPTION: The Annual Street Overlay project consists of removing and replacing failed asphalt concrete (AC) pavement to a minimum depth of 4 inches on residential streets and 6 inches on collector/arterial streets, resurfacing the street with a minimum 1-1/2-inch overlay of AC, and re-striping pavement markings. Major cracks will be sealed prior to resurfacing in order to prevent the cracks from reflecting through the new AC overlay. This year's program also includes replacement of storm drain pipes on Amador Valley Boulevard and Sage Court prior to the resurfacing work. These segments of pipe were identified for replacement as a result of the Citywide Street Storm Drain Condition Assessment capital project (C.I.P. No. 96030). The 2008-2009 Annual Street Overlay Program will repair and overlay the following streets, as shown on the Location Map (Attachment 1): STREET San Ramon Road Amador Valley Boulevard Wicklow Lane Sage Court LIMITS Alcosta Boulevard to Silvergate Drive San Ramon Road to Village Parkway Davona Drive (north) to Davona Drive (south) Penn Drive to end A total of nine (9) bids were received (Attachment 2), with the low bid of $712,509.93 submitted by DSS Company dba Knife River Construction. Staff has reviewed the bids and determined that the low bid contractor has satisfactorily performed similar projects. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution awarding Contract No. 09-07, 2008-2009 Annual Street Overlay Program, to DSS Company, dba Knife River Construction, as the lowest responsible bidder. Page 2 of 2 2008-2009 Annual Street Overlay Program ~, ,~ ~ ,~ ~, - p ~` ~, .~ ~~~~~ ~~ ,.s- : , v =~ WCKLOW LAN t- ~~ "" n.,, .,.,. , __.-__a -.. .. .t>~~. G I ~~ is .. azT. Parks RFTA I~ SUMMARY OF BID RESULTS -May 5, 2009 CONTRACT 09-07, 2008-2009 ANNUAL STREET OVER LAY PROG RAM _ _ - -- Page 1. ~ _ _ _ 1 ~ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ KNIFE RIVE _ R CONSTR. _ ~ MCK S ERVICES G. BORT OLOTTO _ BID ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 _- - ITEM DESCRIPTION - -- Striping & Marking Removal Plane AC Pavement 12' Wide Plane AC Pavement 6' Wide Base Pavement Failure Repairs 4" _ I Crack Sealing UNIT j MEASURE LS LF LF SF LS QTY ~ --- - -- 1 17,202 20,980 18,918 1 UNIT PRICE $ 16,000.00 $ 1.70 $ 0.85 $ 2.40 $ 30,000.00 TOTAL PRICE ' $ 16,000.00 $ 29,243.40 $ 17,833.00 $ 45,403.20 30,000.00 , $ UNIT PRICE ~ $ 25,000.00 $ 1.73 $ 0.81. $ 3.05 $ 13 ,200.00 i TOTAL PRICE - $ 25,000.00 $ 29,759.46 $ 16,993.80 I $ 57,699 90 ; $ 13,200.00" ~ UNIT PRICE $ 17,642.00 $ 1.43 $ 0.77 $ 2.470 $ 14,100.00 TOTAL PRICE $ 17,642.00 $ 24,598.86 $ 16,154.60 $ 46,727.46 $ 14,100.00 _ 6 Install 1 1/2" AC overlay SF 643,874 _ $ 0.55 _ $ 354,130.70 ' __ _ _ $ 0.66 $ 424,956.84 $ 0.67 $ 431,395.58 i 7 Pavement Reinforcing Fabric SF 1 570,720 $ 0.12 $ 68,486.40 $ 0.12 $ 68,486.40 $ 0.125 ! $ 71,340.00 8 ; _ _ InstallDetectorLoops EA ~ 212 $ 250.00 $ 53,000.00 $ 235.00 $ 49,820.00 $ 251.45 _ _ $ 53,307.40 --. 9 Adjust Storm DrainManhole ~ EA 5 i $ 475.00 $ 2,375.00 $ 585.00 $ 2,925.00 $ 301.00 $ 1,505.00 _ 10 - Adjust Monuments to Grade , LF 20 $ 400.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 335.00 $ 6,700.00 $ 180.00 $ 3,600.00 _ _- 11 12" Line, White/Yellow Thermo LF 3,850 $ 2.75 $ 10,587.50 $ 2.65 $ 10,202.50 $ 2.60 $ 10,010.00 _ _ 12 13 Install Detail 10 - -- Install Detail 21 LF LF 15,889 143 $ 0.32 $ 2.15 $ 5,084.48 $ 307.45 $ 0.40 $ 0.90 $ 6,355.60 $ 128 70 $ 0.31 $ 2.08 $ 4,925.59 $ 297.44 _ 14 _ 15 Install Detail27B __ ___ -- --- - Install Detail 37B __ LF _ LF __ 30 350 _$___ 1.05 $ 1.05 $ ___ 31.50_ $ 367.50 _$ ________0.30 $ 0.75 $ ___ 9.00_ $ 262.50 $__ 1.05 $ 1.05 $ 31.50 $ 367.50 16 Install Detail 38 18 Install Detail 39A LF I LF 4,922 11,320 $ _1.30 ~$ _.___0.55 _$ 6,398.60 _$ 8726.00 $ _ 0.75 _ $ _ 0 45 _ $ 3,691.50 $ .6594 00_ $__ __ 1.24 $ __ 0.5_2 ! $ _ 6,103.28 $ 7 686 19 Install Detail 40 _ _ ___ - LF 320 ~ $ 3.20 $ 1,024.00 $ 2.65 $ 848.00 $ 3.11 $ 995.20 '' 20 ', In Itas I Arrow Type I (24) ~ EA 5 i, $ 135.00 $ 675.00 $ 94.00 $ 470.00 $ 125.00 _ $ 625.00 _ 21 _~ Install Arrow Type II (L) EA 2 $ 175.00 $ 350 00 , $ 136.00 $ 272.00 , $ 165.00 $ 330.00 22 ' Install Arrow Type III (L) - EA ; 19 $ 1 55 00 $ 2,945 00 ! $ 127.00 I $ 2,413.00 I $ 145.00 2,755.00 $ 23 ___ 24 _ _ - Install Arrow Type III (R) Install Arrow Type IV (L) __ _ _ _ EA EA ___ _ 15 18 _ _ _ $ 155.00 ~ $ 55.00 _ $ 2,32_5.00 $ 990.00 _$ __ 12_7 00 ' $ 46.00 _$___1__,905.00 r $ 828.00 $ 145.00 $ 5 5.0 0 . _ $ 2,175.00 $ 990.00 , _ 25 Install Arrow Type IV (R) EA 1 $ 5 5.00 $ 55.00 $ 46.0 0 46.00 $ ___ _ _ _ $ 55.00 55.00 $ 26 Install Arrow Type VI (L) I EA 3 , ___ _ $ 175.00 _ __ _ $ 525.00 ____ _ $ 127.00 _ _ $ 381.00 $ _ 145.00 _ $ 435.00 27 Install_Arrow Type VI (R) __ __ _ ~ EA 2 j $ 175.00 $ 350.00 $ 127.00_ $ __ 254.00 _ _ $ 145.00 $ 290.00 28 _ Install Arrow Type VII (L) - - _ - -- -- -- - ~ EA 1 $ 105.00 $. 105.00 $ 42.00 $ 42.00 $ 101.00 $ 101.00 29 , g Install Bike Lane Le end Thermo. EA 22 $ 70.00 $ 1,540.00 , ----- --- _ $ 70.00 - - $ 1,540.00 ! $ 67.00 $ 1,474.00 30 Install "PED RING" Legend, Thermo. EA 2 190.00 ; $ 380.00 $ $ 167 00 $ 334.00 $ 180.00 $ 360.00 31 Install "STOP" Legend, Thermo. EA 3 _ $ 90.00 _____ $ 270.00 $ 85.00 $ 255.00 $ 84.00 $ 252.00 32 Install "30" Legend, Thermoplastic __ EA -------- 2 ---- $ 70.00 $ 140.00 $ 65.00 - $ 130.00 $ 65.00 $ 130.00 33 Install Reflective Markers (Blue) EA 17 $ 16.00 $ 272.00 ------ $ 10.00 -------- $ 170.00 $ 17.00 _ $ 2 89. 00 34 Sidewalk (Remove & Replace) SF 1.00 ~__$ 50.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 10.00 $ 1,000 00 $ 8.77. __ _ _ $ 877 00 35 36 37 ;,Curb & Ggt(er _ _ _ _p ) ' AC Pavin Remove & Re lace Pedestrian Curb Ramp (CD-105) -LF LF EA I f 20 20 2 $ 100.00 $ 90.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 2,000 00 $ 1,800 00 $ 8,000.00 $ 40.00 $ 21.00 ~ $ 2,100.00 I $ 800 00_ ' $ 420.00 $ 4,200.00 ' _$ 37 37 $ 50.00 $ 2,483.00 +$ 747 40 _ $ 1,000 00 $ .4,966.00 h_ , 38 39 RCP - 27' Class III - RCP - 12", Class III LF j --- __ LF _ _~ 121 89 $ 135.00 $ 125.00 $ 16,335.00 ~ -- $ 11,125.00 - .__ $ , 125.00 - $ 115.00 - $ 15,125.00 $ 10,235.00 - ; $ _____195.00 i, $ 195.00 --- $ 23,595.00 $ 17,355.00_ _ - - -- TOTAL: - -- ___ --- ~ - $ 712,509.93 $ 764,700.10 r ~, 770,501.95 $ ~ ---- ---. . .. '~ SUMMARY OF BID RESULTS -May 5, 2009 CONTRACT 09-07, 2008-2009 ANNUAL STREET OVER LAY PROG RAM ----- _ -- Page 2. BID ITEM _ ~ ITEM DESCRIPTION ~__ UNIT MEASURE ~ - QTY O'GRAD UNIT PRICE Y PAVING - _ _ _ TOTAL PRICE BAY CITI - UNIT PRIC~ ES PAVING TOTAL PRICE PAVEX UNIT PRICE CONSTR. ,TOTAL PRICE 1 2 ;Stnping & Marking Removal Plane AC Pavement 12' Wide LS - LF 1 17,202 $ 17,000.00 --- -- $ 1 65 $ 17,000.00 - ! $ 28,383 30 $ 36,850.00 ' $ 0.67 , $ 36,850.00 $ 11,525 34 $ 15,400.00 _ _ __ $ 1 80 $ 15,400.00 _ -- $ 30,963.60 3 Plane AC Pavement 6' Wide LF 20,980 $ 1.50 $ 31,470 00 $ 0.55 $ 11,539 00 $ 1 40 $ 29,372.00 4 5 Base Pavement Failure Repairs 4" -- Crack Sealing -- _ __--- SF - -- LS 18,918 ; _ _ 1 $ _ 2.5_0 $ 16,000.00. _$ 47,295_00 $ 16,000.00 $ 2.77 ; ' $ 1 ,9 3 5 9.00 $ 52,402.86 $ 15,939.00 ~ $ 4.65 $ 15,1 80.00 ~ $ 87,968.70 $ 15,180.00 , 6 Install 1 1/2" AC overlay SF 643,874 $ 0.64 _ $ 412,079.36 _ . . _ __ _ $ 0.71 $ 457,150.54 . _ $ 0.66 $ 424,956.84 7 _ _ Pavement Reinforcing Fabric SF 570,720 $ 0.12 $ 68,486.40 $ 0.13 $ 74,193.60 $ 0.12 $ 68,486.40 8 Install Detector Loops EA 212 , $ 250 00 $ 53,000.00 $ 246.75 $ 52,311.00 $ 235.00 ; $ 49,820.00 9 10 11 Adjust Storm Drain Manhole __ Adjust Monuments to Grade ~ 12 Line, White/Yellow Thermo EA ~ LF __ LF 5 ' 20 3,850 $ __ _ 400.00 $ 250.00 $ 2.50 $ 2,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 9,625.00 ' $ __ 614 25 , $ 351.75 $ 2.63 $ 3,071.25 $ 7,03 05 0 i $ $ 10,125.50 $ 5_85.00 335.00-~ $ 2.55 _$ _ 2,925.00 $ 6,700.00 $ 9,817.50 12 Install Detail 10 LF 15,889 _ $ 0.30 $ 4,766.70 $ 0.32 _ $ 5,084.48 _ $ 0.30 __ $ 4,766.70 , 13 _ - Install Detail 21 ~ _ - -- LF ~ _ _ 143 ; _ __ __ $ 2.00 $ 2 86.00 ____ _ $ 2.10 , $ 3 00.30 _ _____ $ 2.00 $ 286.00 14 Install Detail 276 i LF i 30 $ 1.00 , _ ___ _ __ $ 30.00 $ 1 05 __ ___ _ $ 31.50 $ 1 00 $ 30.00 15 ___ _ Install Detail 37B LF __ 350 _ $ 1.00 ' _ $ 350.00 ; _ _ $ 1.05 _ $ 367.50 ~ ______ $ 1 00 $ 35 0.00 16 Jnstall Detail 38 LF _ 4,922 _ $ 1.20 _ $ 5,906.40 $ 1.26 $ 6,201.72 $ 1.22 _ _ $ 6,004.84 i 17 - Install Detail 39 ---._. _ - - LF -- 13,882 ___ _ $ 0.60 $ _8___,329.20 $ 0.58 $ 8,051.56 $ 0.55 7,635.10 $ 18 Install Detail 39A , LF 1 320 i $ 0.50 $ 660.00 $ 0.53 $ 699.6 0 $ 0.50 _____ _ $ 660.00 19 Install Detail 40 __; LF 320 i $ 3.00 __ $ 960.00 ___ _ $ 3.15 _ _ $ 1,008.00 _ $ 3.05 _ _ $ 976.00 20 Install Arrow Type I (24) , ___ EA 5 $__ _ 130.00 - $ 650.00 $ 131.25 $ 656.25 $ 1.27 $ 6.35 * 21 Install Arrow Type II (L) ~ EA 2 I $ 170.00 $ 340.00 __ - $ 173.25 -- $ 346.50 - $ 167.00 --- $ 334.00 ; 22 __ Install Arrow Type III (L) EA 19 $ 150.00 $ 2,850.00 $ 152.25 $ 2,892.75 ______ $ 147 00 _ $ 2,793 00 __ 23 Install Arrow Type III (R) EA 15 $ ___150.00 $ 2,250.00 $___152.25 $ 2,283.7 5 $ 147.00 $ 2,205 00 Install Arrow Type IV (L) - _ EA - 18 $ _ 55.00 - $ 990.00__ $ 54.60 _ $ 982.80 _ $ 53.00 _ $ _ ___954.00 _ 25 ! Install Arrow Type IV (R) EA__ __ 1 $ 55.00 $ 55.00 $ 54.60 $ 54.60 $ 53.00 $ 53.00 26 ; Install Arrow Type VI (L) __ _ _ EA _ _ _ 3 _ $ 150.00 _ $ 450.00 __ $ 152.25 _ $ 456.75 ~ ___ _ $ 147. 00 _ _ $ 441.00 _ 27 Install Arrow Type VI (R) EA 2 $ 150.00 _ _ $ 300.00 $ 152.25 _ ______ $ 304.50 ! __ __ _ $ 147 00 $ 294.00 28 ! Install Arrow Type VII (L) EA 1 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 _______ $ 99.75 $ 99.75 ! $ 97.00 , ___ _ $ 97.00 _ 29 _ _ B eg n _ -- ~ 2 - 1 - ~_- _ 1 ' 30 Install PEDXING' end,Thermo,_ e g ___EA 2 $ _190.00 $ 138000 ' $ 189.00 $ .378.00 $ 0 $ 366.00 31 ; Install "STOP" Legend, Thermo. EA 3 $ 85.00 $ 255.00 $ 88 20 _ ~ $ 264.60 $ 85.00 _ 52 5.00 t _ 32 Install "30" Legend, Thermoplastic EA 2 $ 70.00 , $ 140.00 $ 68.25 ; $ 136.50 $ 66.00 $ 132.00 33 Install Reflective Markers (Blue) EA 17 $ 16.00 $ 272.00 $ 15 75 I __ $ 267.75 __ $ 15.00 _ $ 255.00 34 ? 35 _ -- - Sidewalk (Remove & Replace) Curb & Gutter - - SF_ _ LF - _ 100 20 - $ 9 00_. $ 40.00 i _ _ - _$ 900.00 $ 800.00 - $ _27 30 i $ 73.50 - $ 2,730.00_ $ 1,470.00 _ _ $ 8.35 $ 4 2 .00 __ __ $ 835.00 $ 8 4 0 . 0 0 36 __ AC Pavin Remove & Re lace _ g ( _ p__ _)__ LF 20 $ 25 00 $ 500.00 $ 31 .50 $ 630.00 ___ __ _ $ 14.00 _ __ _ _ _ _ $ 280.00 37 Pedestrian Curb Ram_ p (CD-105) ___ _ EA ____ 2 $ 2,500 00 _ _ $ 5,000.00 ___ . _ $ 4,200.00 _ $ 8,400.00 _ $ 2,200.00 _ $ 4,400.00 38 39 RCP - 27" Class III -- RCP - 12 Class III LF LF _ 121 89 $ _205.00 $ 275 00 $ 24,805.00 $ 24 47 00 $ _ 132 60 0 r$ 16,0_44.60 _ $ 258.00 $ 31,218.00 . I , 5. $ 130130 0 T $$ 11,570.00 $ 344.00 $_ 30,616.00 _ 1 - ---- - -- - TOTAL: -_____ _ ' _---- $ 778,679.36 j - $ 805,358.35 -_- ' $ 840,125.03 ; * -- * Amount corrected after verification of calculation W SUMM CONT Page 3 _ BID ARY OF BID RESULTS May 5, 2009 RACT 09-07, 2008-2009 ANNUAL ST . __ ---- - REET OVER ~ ~ UNIT LAY PROG ~ RAM RANITE - - -- CONSTR _ ~ ~ - TOP GRADE C F AR - - -- HIBALD _ 1 _ ITEM DESCRIPTION -- .Striping & Marking Removal MEASURE -- __ LS ' QTY __--- - 1 UNIT PRICE $ 17,600.00 'TOTAL PRICE $- 17,600.00 UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE - -- $ 24,500.00 $ 24,500.00 ~ UNIT PRICE ~ - -- $ 10,000.00 TOTAL PRICE - - ---- $ 10,000.00 - ; 2 _ Plane AC Pavement 12' Wide - - - LF -- _ 17,202 -- i $ 2.00 $ 34,404.00 $ 3.50 $ 60,207.00__ $ __ 1.20__ _ $ 20,64_2.40 3 4 Plane AC Pavement 6' Wide Base Pavement Failure Repairs 4" _ ~ LF SF _ -- 20 980 18,918 $ 1.00 , $ 4.35 $ 20,980.00 i $ 82,293.30 $ 1.40 $ 29,372 00 $ 3._30_ _$_ __62,429.40 $ ___ 0 70 ~ $ 3.00 $ 14,686.00 $ 56,754.00 5 6 Crack Sealing - Install 1 1J2" AC overlay LS SF 1 643,874 ; $ 13,200.00 $ 0.73 $ 13,200.00 $ 470,028.02 $ 14,000 00 $ 14,000.00 $ 0.70 $ 450,711.80 $ 24,000.00 $ 0.80 $ 24,000.0 $ 515,099.20 7 _ Pavement Reinforcing Fabric - . _ _ --_ - - SF 570,720 $ 0.13 ---- - $ 74,193.60 - $ 0.13 $ 74,193.60 - $ _ 0.13 ' - -- -I $ 74,193.60 -- 8 Install Detector Loops EA 212 $ 235.00 ' $ 49,820.00 ; $ 250.00 $ 53,000.00 $ 240.00 $ 50,880.00 9 ; Adjust Storm Drain Manhole EA 5 $ 450.00 $ 2,250.00 $ 625.00 $ 3,125.00 $ 300.00 _ $ 1,500.00 10 ~i Adtust Monuments to Grade LF 20 $ 385.00 $ 7,700.00 $ 360.00 $ 7,200 00 _ ~_$_ 250.00 _ $ 5,000.00 11 ' 12 12" Line, White/Yellow Thermo --- Install Detail 10 LF ---- LF 3,850 15,889 ! $ 2.50 $ 0.30 $ 9,62_5.00 $ 4,766.70 $ 2.40 $ 0.30 $ 9,240.00 ~ $ 4,766.70 $_ 3.00 $ 0.50 _$ 11,55_0.00 $ 7,944.50 13 Install Detail 2l LF 143 ~$ 2.00 $ 286.00 $ 1.90 $ 271.70 $ 1.00 $ 143.00 14 15 ! Install Detail 27B Install-Detail 376 _ LF LF 30 350 ____ _ $ 1.00 $ 1 00 $ _ ___ 30 00 $ 350 00 i $ 1.00 $ 1.00 ' ____ _ $ 30.00 $ 350.00 $ 0.60 ; - - - ---- - $ 0.90 $ 18.00 $ 315.00 _ 16 ' _ 17 18 Install Detail 38 --- -- Install Detail 39 Install Detail 39A - - LF LF LF -- - 4,922 13 882 1,320 __ _ $ 1.20 $ 0.55 $ _0.50 $ 5,906.40 '~ $ _7_,635 10 _$ 660.00 _$ ___ 1.15 $ 0.50 $ 0.50 ___ $ 5,660.30 $ 6,941.00 $ 660.0 $ _ 0.60 $ _ _ __ 0.70 $ 1.00 _ _$ ___2,953.20 $ 9,717 40 $ 1,320.00 19 Install Detail 40 - --------------- LF 320 $ 3.00 $ 960.00 2.90 $ $ 928.00 ' $ 1.00 _ $ 320.00 _ 20 Install Arrow Type I (24) EA 5 $ 125.00 $ 625.00 _ _ $ 120.00 _ $ 600.00 _ $ 130.00 , $ 650.00 _ ~ ) ---- EA A _ - 2 $ 165.00 -- $ 3 30 00 - $ 160.00 $ 320 00 $ 130.00 I _ __---- $ 260.00 22 . 23 a _ -- Install Arrow T e III L _YP ~--,_).-- lnstaN Arrow Type III (R) _ __ E - EA_ --- --.19 15 145.00 $ $ 145.00 _ $ 2,755 00 ; $ 2,175.00 ' _$ .___.140.00 $ 140.00 ~ $ 2,660 00- $ 2,100.00 _ $----130.00 $ 130.00 $ 2,470.00 ~ $ 1,950.00 j 24 Install Arrow Type IV (L) EA 18 $ 52.00 _ $ 936.00 $ 50.00 $ 900.00 $ 50.00 $ 900.00 _ 25 - Install Arrow Type IV (R) EA __ __ 1 $ 52.00 _______ $ _52.00 $ 50.00 _ __ $ 50.0_0 $ 50.00 _ __ _ $ 50.00 26 Install Arrow Type VI (L) ! EA ~ 3_ $ _ __145.00 $ 435.00 $ 140.00 $ 420.00 $ 130.00 $ 390.00 27 Install Arrow Type VI (R) ~ EA ~ 2 $ 145.00 $ 290.00 __ _ $ 140.00 _ $ 280.00 ' __ $ 130.00 $ 2 60.00 _ 28 ~ Install Arrow Type VII (L) -___' EA 1 ! $ 95.00 ---- - - $ 95.00 $ 90.00 $ 90.00 ; $ 90.00 . $ -90.00 _ 29 Install Bike Lane Legend, Thermo. EA 22 ____ _ $ 65.00 _ __ $ 1,430.00 $ 65.00 _ _ $ 1,430.00 _ 200.00 ; _ $ 4,400.00 0 ermo. IN 1 __ _ 1 31 32 Install_"STOP" egend The mo Install "30" Legend, Thermoplastic EA __ EA __ 3 2 84.00 $ $ 65.00 $ _,__252 00 $ 130.00 ~ $ 80 0 $ 65 00 ~ $ 240.00_ $ 130.00 $ 66.00 $ 66.00 $ _ 198.00 $ 132.00 33 ,, Install Reflective Markers (Blue) _ --- EA _ _ 17 _ __ $ 15.00. ; $ 255.00 '~ $ 15.00 $ 255.00 $ 5.00 $ 85.00 _ 34 ! Sidewalk (Remove & Replace) ___SF - - --- 100 -_ -- $ 8.20 j $ 820.00 _ _ $ 8.25 $ 825.00 _ ___ _ $ 9.00 _ $ 900.00 _ 35 ' Curb & Gutter _ __ LF 20 $ 35.20 _ $ 704.00 _ $ 36.00 _ _ $ 720.00 __ $ 36.00 $ 720.00 6 AC Paving (Remove & Replace) LF 20 _ ___ $ 21.00 i 420_00 ~ $ _ $ 22.00 ~ $ 440.00 _ _ $ 25.00 __ $ 500.00 37 -- .- - Pedestrian Curb Ramp (CD-105) __ EA __ 2 $ 2,320.00 __ $ 4,640.00 i $ 2,350.00 ; $ 4,700.00 _ 2,400.00 $ $ 4 800.00 38 ; RCP - 27", Class III LF 121 $ 175.00 i $ 21,175.00 ~ $ 215.00 $ 26,015.00 ___ $ 200.00 , $ 24,200.00 39 ~ RCP - 12", Class III __ ____ LF 89 $ 235.00 $ 20,915.00 $ 160.00 $ 14,240.00 $ 200.00 $ 17,800.00 --- -- --- --- TOTAL: $ 861,482.12 ~ --- - - I $ 864,351.50 - $ 867,991.30 -~= 50~( RESOLUTION NO. - 09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AWARDING CONTRACT N0.09-07, 2008-2009 ANNUAL STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM TO DSS COMPANY DBA KNIFE RIVER CONSTRUCTION WHEREAS, the City of Dublin did, on May 5, 2009, publicly open, examine, and declare all sealed bids for doing the work described in the approved Plans, Specifications, and Modifications for Contract No. 09-07, 2008-2009 Annual Street Overlay Program, which Plans, Specifications, and Modifications are hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and for all particulars relative to the proceedings under the request for bids; and WHEREAS, said bids were submitted to the Public Works Director, who has recommended that the bid hereinafter mentioned is the lowest and best bid for doing said work; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City. Council of the City of Dublin does hereby award City of Dublin Contract No. 09-07 to the lowest responsible bidder therefor, to wit, DSS Company dba Knife River Construction, at a bid of Seven Hundred Twelve Thousand, Five Hundred Nine Dollars and Ninety-Three Cents ($712,509.93), the particulars of which bid are on file in the Office of the Public Works Director. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized to execute the Agreement. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of May, 2009, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINING: ATTEST: City Clerk G:ICIPIOver1ay12008-20091reso award.doc Mayor AIIAi~If 3 ~~~ 2008-2013 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NUMBER 96580 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Annual Street Overlay Program ACTIVITY .STREETS DESCRIPTION -LOCATION This project provides for the placement of a 1-1/2 inch asphalt overlay on streets that are presently in a deteriorated condition at various locations. COMMENTS As streets begin showing structural failures, it is important to reinforce these streets with pavement repairs and overlay to reduce the need for more costly pavement reconstruction in the future. The City's Pavement Management Program has provided the City with funding guidelines and priorities for maintaining the City streets. The scope of work in this annual program includes removing and replacing failed pavement, placing 1-1/2 inches of asphalt concrete overlay, and restriping the street. This program is primarily funded by Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority (ACTIA} Measure B funds (Fund 217) and Gas Tax (Fund 206). Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (CMA) TIP funds (Fund 228) are available in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 and Fiscal Year 2009-2010 for improvements on arterial/collector streets. Proposition 42 funds (Fund 240) is also available for this program. This program will protect the substantial investment the City has in its street system: FINANCING/YEARS SCHEDULE ESTIMATED COSTS Fund Prior Years 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Totals Design /Inspection $ 355,570 206 Annual $ 217,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 517,000 Other Contract Services 53,500 217 Annual $ 705,370- $ 95,300 $ 468,300 476,300 476,300 2,221,570 Land /Right of Way 228 Annual 133,000 373,000 , 506,000 Improvements 3,680,976 240 420,008 439,968 859,976 Machinery /Equipment Miscellaneous 14,500 TOTAL $ 4,104,546 S 1,055,370 $ 888,308 $ 908,268 S 626,300 $ 626,300 $ 4,104,546 PROJECT STAFF 0.44 0.32 0.32 0.28 0.28 MANAGEMENT (FTE) CONTRACT •,;l .r "- F.. -59-