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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.04 TassajaraCreekPhII CITY CLERK File # Ol6JOO-fb][l)J AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 15,2005 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements for Tract 7279 (Tassajara Crcek Phase II - Greenbriar by GHC Investments, LLC) Report Prepared by: Mark Lander, City Engineer A TT ACHMENTS: I) 2) Resolution Accepting Improvements for Tract 7279 and Approving Regulatory Traffic Control Devices Vicinity Map RECOMMENDATION: ~ X-\ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Adopt the Resolution accepting improvements associated with Tract 7279 (Tass~iara Creek Phase II - Greenbriar), and approving the regulatory traffic control devices. GHC Investments, LLC, has provided a Maintenance Bond in the amount 01'$261,298 to guarantee against defects for one year. Once thcsc improvements have been accepted, the City will incur maintenance and street sweeping costs for Creekview Drive, Roshill Place, Somerset Lane and the Tassajara Road improvements. Strect light maintenance costs will be paid by Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District 1999-1. All other internal stTeets (Ambergate Place, Barnslcy Place, Cassate Place, Coquille Place, and Old Westbury Way), utilities and landscaping are private and will be maintained by the Rainsong at Tassajara Creek Homeowncr's Association, and the Riva at Tassajara Crcek Homeowner's Association. Landscaping in the public right-of-way and within the property owned by Alameda County Flood Control - Zone 7 will be maintained by the Tassajara Crcek Maintenance Association. DESCRIPTION: GHC Invcstments, LLC, recently completed the improvements associated with Tassajara Creek Phase 11 (Tract 7279), a subdivision located in eastern Dublin, west of Tassajara Road. The work was governed by a Tract Developer Agreement executed on October 16, 200 I, via City Council Resolution No. 178-01, as amended via City Council Resolution No. 43-03 on March 18, 2003, and as further amcnded via City Council Resolution No. 64-04 on April 20, 2004. - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - G:\DEVELüP\Grccnbriar@ras~ajarli Crt=ek \Agstß.cpt_7279.doc COPIES TO: Patrick Costanzo, Jr., GHC Investments \ COb<. ITEMNO.~ tI Since the improvements have bccn constructed pursuant to the Tract Developer Agreement and to the satisfaction of the Pub1ie Works Director, it is appropriate for the improvements to now be accepted by the City for permanent maintenance. The following regulatory traffie control devices will be accepted and approved as part of this projeet and added to the City of Dublin Traffie Code: A. "No Parking Anytime" restriction on the west side of Tassajara Road betwecn the northerly and southerly tract boundaries B. Stop control devices have been installed on the southerly approach of Creekview Drive at Somerset Lane C. Stop control devices have been installed on tile westerly approach of Roshill Place at Creekview Drive. At the time that the City and GHC Investments, LLC, executed the Tract Developer Agreement, the developer provided a Performance Bond in the amount of $1 ,045,190 and a Labor and Materials Bond in the amo\lnt of $1,045,190 to guarantee performance of the work. Now that thc work is complete, these bonds may be released in accordancc with the authority contained in §66499.7 of the Government Code, and replaced with a Maintenance Bond in the amount neeessary to g\larantee the work for a one-year period following acceptance. The developer has provided a Maintenance Bond in the amount of $261,298, which is s\lfficient to guarantee the improvements for a one-year period after acceptance. Staffrccommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution accepting the improvements for Tract 7279, Tassajara Creek Phase II - Greenbriar, and approving the reg\llatory traffic control devices. Page 2lJba.. Iqp RESOI,UTION NO. - 05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN .*.****** ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 7279 (TASSAJARA CREEK PHASE II BY GHC INVESTMENTS, LLC) AND APPROVING REGULATORY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES WHEREAS, the subdivider of Tract 7279, filed on December 10, 2001, in Book 263 of Maps at Pages 1 - 8, previously entered into a Tract Developer Agreement with tbe City of Dublin to improve said Tract in accordancc with plans and specifications on file with tbc Public Works Director, said Tract identified as follows: a) Developer: b) Tract Location: c) Tract Size: d) Resol\ltion Approving Agrecmcnt: e) City Streets Affected: GHC Investments, LLC West ofTassajara Road 46 Single-Family Lots No. 48-01, City ofD\lbIin City Council Creekview Drive, RoshiI1 Place, and Tassajara Road WHEREAS, the Tract Developcr Agrcement was previo\lsly amended via City Council Resolution No. 43-03 on March 18,2003, and via City Council Rcsolution No. 64-04 on April 20, 2004; and WHEREAS, the Improvements associated with Tract 7279 are complete in accordance with said plans and specifications, and any approved modi fications thcreto, to the satisfaction of the Pub lic Works Director; and WHEREAS, the developer has installed certain regulatory traffic control devices as a part of thc Tract improvements; and WHEREAS, the original Performancc Bond and Labor and Materials Bond that guaranteed the Street Improvemcnts can be released, in accordance with the authority contained in §66499.7 of the Government Code of the State of California, and replaccd with a Maintenance Bond to guarantec thc completed work for a one-year period foJlowing acceptancc; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: 1. The improvements comp1etcd within said Tract are hereby approved and accepted subject to a one-year guarantee period. 2. The traffic regulatory deviccs installed by the developer are hereby included in the City of Dublin Traffic Code, said regulatory devices to include the following: a) "No Parking Anytime" restriction on the wcst side of Tassajara Road between thc northerly and southerly tract boundaries. I 2 - ':5 -06 *, i.f ATTACHMENT I. ât>? b) Stop control devices installed on the southcrly approach of Creekview Drive at Somerset Lane. c) Stop control devices installed on the westerly approach of Roshill Place at Creekvicw Drive. 3. Thc original Performance Bond iss\led by Developers Surety and Indemnity Company (Bond No. 866836S) in the amount of$1,045,190 be released; and 4. Thc original Labor and Material Bond issued by Devc!opers Surety and Indemnity Company (Bond No. 866836S) in the amount of$l, 045,190 be released; and 5. The submittcd Maintenance Bond issued by Developer's Surety and Indemnity Company (Bond No. 866836S) in the amo\lnt of $261,298 be accepted as security for the aforesaid one-year maintenance period, said period to commence on this date and terminate on the 15th day of February, 2006. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of February, 2005, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk\ G:\DEVELOP\Oreenb ~at'@Tassajal'a Creck\rcsoacpt_ n79.ðoc 2 - I! .., .,! I!I II. ¡.", ill! 'J j;¡f. ¡.li¡I! III!f,¡hJI · ~f i~ if!. ; '~ ~ :r.~1 :11, !¡P~Hlbll!bh!I.· ~~!/Ì¡ ¡hjii ,-. _ ~i i!j ~1I#)I1 ~f I I I , ~ ~!.. ~ I . . . iPII~¡!: :! ¡ I . ·j"'¡""I- " ! II I ·11#1..1.. I !¡!! ..... . : + i ! ',I ' .. , i&~. T ! . ~h ¡~' I~·· !;¡- Ii !.~ . ~t¡~ ~; . ... ';'¿.(J,,J, .l..:T t"¥.L ATTACHMENT 1.