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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.04 SidewalkSafetyRepair CITY CLERK File # nl6J~~..[gJ[6] e AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 1, 2005 SUBJECT: Award of Bid - Contract No. 05-01, 2004·2005 Annual Sidewalk Safety RepairProgram Report Prepared by: Melissa A. Morton, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) Resolution of Award Bid Results RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution awarding Contract No. 05-01,2004-2005 Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair Program, to Ransome Company l FINANCIAL STATEMENT: e Sidewalk Safety Repair Pro\!ram: Improvements (Remove & Replace) Rubberized Sidewalk Pilot Project' CONSTRUCTION TOTAL: FY 2004·2005 Budget $ 40,000 $ 15.137 ,$ 55137 Low Bid $ 36,710.55 $ 15.000.00 $5] 710.55 The Sidewalk Safety Repair Program is budgeted in the General .Fund (001). · The 2nd year of the Rubberized Sidewalk Pilot Project is funded through Recycled Product Preference funds from the Alameda County Waste Management Authority (ACWMA) and is for the purpose of replacing concrete sidewalks in areas where tree roots cause chronic buckling and damage. .In addition, this is a cost effective way for the City to test the durability and longevity of the product for potential widespread use. This 2nd-year pilot project is included with the Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair Program. DESCRIPTION: The Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair Program (Remove and Replace) repairs sidewalk offsets of 3/4·inch or more that may pose a tripping hazard. The repair process is used in locations where the offset is more significant or where tree roots are causing the offset. . -- - --- - ~----- - - - --- - ----- - --- - - - - - ---- - - - -- - -- --------- - ~---- -- COPIES TO: Bidders O,IMAINT PROJECTSISIDEW ALKIJ004--200SIAS award.DOC lDfj)- ITEM NO. if. '+ This procedure requires removal of the existing sidewalk, and in the case of root problems, removal of the tree roots, and then replacement of the concrete sidewalk. While the maintenance of sidewalks and other frontage improvements is legally the responsibility of the private property owner, the City Council has adopted a City-paid sidewalk repair program on a year-by- year basis since 1983. At the budget hearing for Fiscal Year 2004-2005, the City Council extended the City-paid repair program for an additional year. The 2nd-year Rubberized Sidewalk Pilot Project uses modular rubber paver tiles, which are made with recycled California tire rubber, are easily installed, and are instantly ready for pedestrian traffic. In addition, rubber sidewa1ks allow for long term, low-cost maintenance since root growth can be trimmed every several years without damage to either trees or sidewalk. In addition, this is a cost effective way for the City to test the durability and longevity of the product for potential widespread use, and allows Staff to utilize and test a Green Building measure at no risk to the City. This 2nd-year pilot proj ect will be tested once again at various locations along Village Parkway between Amador Valley Boulevard and Kimball Avenue. A total of five bids were received for the project (Attachment 2). The low bidder was Ransome Company, with a bid of$51,710.55. Staff has reviewed the bid results, checked with references, and recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution awarding Contract No. 05-01, 2004-2005 Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair Program, to. Ransome Company. Page 2 C5bôt · · · Itt>~ RESOLUTION NO. - 05 e A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* AWARDING CONTRACT NO. 05-01 2004-2005 ANNUAL SIDEWALK SAFETY REPAIR PROGRAM TO RANSOME COMPANY WHEREAS, the City of Dublin did on February 10, 2005, publicly open, examine, and declare all sealed bids for doing the work described in the approved Plans, Specifications, and Modifications for Contract No. 05-01, 2004-2005 Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair Program, authorized by the City Council on January 18, 2005, which Plans, Specifications, and ModificatioDs are hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and for all particulars relative to the proceedings under the request for bids; and WHEREAS, said bids were submitted to the Public Works Director/Assistant City Engineer, who has reviewed the bids to determine the lowest bid which was responsive to the requirements of the bid documents; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin docs hereby award Contract No. 05-01 to the lowest responsible bidder therefor, to wit, Ransome Company, at a bid of Fifty-One Thousand, Seven Hundred Ten Dollars and Fifty-Five Cents ($51,710.55), the e particulars of which bid are on file in the office of the Public Works Director. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of March, 2005. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk . OolMAINT PROJ ECTSlSlDEW ALKIJ004-200SIRESOA WRD.DOC , I 3-1-05 't,I-f ATTAUDT L ;;'~a. , 11.1 00°°1°1 g ~'8 ~ ° ° ° 10 115 U r-coooo q q ° I~ æ O~r;-.jNcìj N æ..: ... ¡¡j. '" ci '- a. om~ '" a.¡;:¡ ~ ex> 0 '''' t; C'i..-oq-C"I. ~ "1 '" N. ..J ~r:t'Jn"<t~~o:J" fi Z ..J . en to N cñ .... ~ <a> ::J N ~ 0 ~,'.., ~ .... ~ .,..,.!...i~... _. tJ 0 .". ~ 0 .". .". .". .,. .". f- ....iw- I Z 11.1 ~1~1~1~1~' ¡ ~l~l~ 88 <> 0 tJ ... ~ U æ .... NI~ "'I~ <ê £Ii:~OO a>'" a> ~ a. a. ~, "'~ ~ I 2 1 i-- ;:t t:: , ,.---]-"1--- z , i ::J ~*IWW:W; ::J .".,.". tp'j.;~ <It , I f- ~~ I 11.1 0'0.;1;";; ""0 0 0 ,'" U :¡;¡ 1l'.!1t'.! q ° ,''' I I " o tOlOIO 0 1 >- æ,.; "'~ ðJ § 10 æ cri r--.: ~iMiO 0 I z a.¡g g¡¡;:¡ ,~ Iii a. m O"IO!"I"""'O N : "'. I~- ..J o O,NiV'" 0 .... ..J - Ñ'If:t~ oñ Z ~ ri:c.()~i'; --~ ,..: <oo ~ g ::;¡ ~N ~ 0 ~ I . N (,0 I 0 0.". U I . U f- ."..". .". .". .". 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