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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.04 Maintenance of State Highways CITY CLERK File # DI0[Q][Q]-15l1aJ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 21.2006 SUBJECT Approval of Amendment Numher 1 to the Agreement for Maintenanc.:e of State Highways in the City of Dublin Repurt Prepared by' Melissa Morton, Puh/ic Wurks Director -v1 - //17 ,'- I ) Resolution approving Amendment Number 1 2) Amendment Number I to Agreement 3) April 24, 19S9 Freeway Maintenance Agreement 4) March 4, 2003 Freeway Maintenance Agreement A TT ACHMENTS. RECOMMENDATION ,/ 1Jv(/ Adopt the resolution approving Amendment Number I to the \ Agreement for Maintenance of the State Highway in the City of Dublin l FINANCIAL STATEMENT: This Amendment will allow Dublin to receive filir share compensation from Caltrans for the State's c.:osts for traffic signal maintenance at the intersections of San Ramon Road with I~ 580 and Dublin Blvd. DESCRIPTION In March 2003, the maintenance of the new traftk sIgnal at the westbound oftfamp ofI-580 lUld San Ramon Road wa~ added to the existing City/Caltrans agreement. The agreement already included the shared maintenance of the San Ramon Road/Dublin Blvd. traffic signal. The additional signal, together with the rising cost of maintenance, has increased Caltran's share of the annual maintenance cost above the amount stipulated in the agreement. This amendment to the April 24,1989 Agreement increases Caltrans' maximum arumal responsihility for maintenance from $1,500.00 to $2,50ll.00 Staff recommends that tho City Council adopt the resolutIOn approving this Amendment Number 1 to the Agreement for Mamtenance of the State Highways in the City of Dublin, ---------------------------------------~--~--------------------------------~-----------------------~--~------ COPIES TO: ITEM NO. 4:l\- ~-- I;P c.- Page 1 of 1 G:\MAINT PROJECTS\C"It"",, Amendment No, I.DOC ItJf;'! RESOLUTION NO. - 06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* APPROVING AMENDMENT NUMBER 1 TO THE AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF DUBLIN WHEREAS, the City of Dublin entered mto an agreement with the State ofCahfornia (State) on April 24, 1989 for the cost sharing ofmaintcnance oflrnprovements along the north side ofInterstate 580 and along both sidcs ofInterstate oRO all through thc City of Dublin corporate limits; and WHEREAS, this agreement limited the annual expenditure by thc State to $1,500 00 for 1-580 and $1,500 00 for 1-680; and WHEREAS, on March 4, 2003 thc City entered into an additional Freeway Maintenance Agreement with thc State adding the City's maintenancc oflandscapmg within the State's 1-580 right-of- way together with the shared maintcnance of the traffic signal at thc wcstbound 1-580 off-ramp with San Ramon Road; and WHEREAS, the addil1(lll ofthe traffic signal and the increased cost ofmaintenancc has escalated thc State's share of the maintenance past the maximum annual cap of$1,500.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council ofthe City of Dublin does hereby approve Amendment Number 1 to thc Agreement for Maintenance of State Highways in the City of Dublin (April 24, 1989) increasing the State's maximum annual expenditure from $1,500.00 to $2,50000 and the Mayor is hereby authonzed to sign the Amendment on behalf ofthe City of Dublin. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21 st day of February, 1006. AYES' NOES, ABSENT ABSTAIN Mayor ATTEST City Clerk G.-1MAINT PHo./HCTS\CaJtrons Amend. No. J Hf;SO poJicV,DOC 1- <4 ;J /~ I /0 f, ATTACHMENT I. AMENDMENT NUMBER 1 AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF DUBLIN A of JI This Amendment No, 1 to the Agreement for Maintenance of State Highways in the City of Dublin is made and entered into by and between the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "STATE", and the City of Dublin, hcreinaftcr referred to as "CITY" WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, an Agreement for Maintenance of State Highways in the City of Dublin, hcrcinafter referred to as "AGREEMENT", as provided for in Scction 130 of the Streets and Highways Code, was executed by CITY on Apri11O, 1989, and hy STATE on April 24, 1989; and WHEREAS, AGREEMENT by its terms provides that it may be modified or anlended at any lime upon mutual consent of the partics; and WHEREAS, under STATE Cooperate Agreement No, 1834-C, traffic signal and safety lighting were installed at San Ramon Road and Routc 580; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto now desire that AGREEMENT be amended, NOW, THEREFORE, the patties agree to amend AGREEMENT as follows. 1 The attached page dated January 1, 2006, and numbered 6 shall be substituted for like numbered page in AGREEMENT, and shall cancel and supersede such like numhered page, becoming a part of AGREEMENT for all purposes, 2, Thc attached shcct dated January 1,2006, and laheled Exhibit "A" shall be substituted for Iikc labeled sheet in AGREEMENT, and shall cancel and supersede such like lahclcd sheet, becoming a part of AGREEMENT for all purposes, 3. This Amendment No. I to AGREEMENT shall become effective on January 1, 2006 and shall remain in full force until amended or terminated as provided for in Section J of AGREEMENT In all other rcspects, AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and cffect. CITY OF DUBLIN STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATON Mayor WILL KEMPTON Director of Transportation Attest By City Clerk Y ADER A. BERMUDEZ Date Dcputy District Director Maintenance Approved as to form_ City Attorney ATTAUIDIENT z. City of Dublin 3d-JLf Amendment No.1 Effective January 1, 2006 H. DELEGATlON OF MAINTENANCE The specific maintenance function indicted below (and on "EXHIBIT A") is hereby delegated to the CITY This delegation of maintenance function set forth herein does not include the control and maintenance areas and functions which rest with the CITY under the terms of executed Freeway Agreements and/or Freeway Maintenance Agreements, Route No, Length Miles Description of Routing Program Delegated Maximum Annual Authorized Expcnditure 580 o In the City of Plcasanton, along the Dublin south city limits. HM4K $2,500.00 Authorized Expenditure Route 580 $2,500 00 680 170 From the south city limits near Route 580 to the north city limits at Alcosta Boulevard, a length of 1.70 miles, None -0- Total Authorized Expenditure $2,500 00 -6- City of Duhlin Route & PM 580 21 4 580 21.2 EXHIBIT "A" Amendment No 1 Effective: January 1, 2006 4 of pI Maintenance and Operation of Traffic Signals and Intersection Lighting by CITY for STATE in Accordan"e with the Agreement for Maintenance of State Highway~ in the City of Dublin Lo"ationlIntersection Description Maintenance Cost Distribution State Citv Type of Facility San Ramon Roadf Dublin Boulevard Signals 25,00% & Safety Lighting (4 each) 75.00% San Ramon Road! Foothill Road Signals 50 00% & Safety Lighting (3 each) 50.00% ') IJ -(;; I AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF DUBLIN This AGREEMENT, made and executed in duplicate this 24th day of Apr i 1 , 19 89 , by and between the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "STATE" and the City of Dublin hereinafter referred to as "CITY". WIT N E SSE T H: A. RECITALS: The parties desire to provide for the CITY to perform particular maintenance functions on the state highway{s) within the CITY as provided in section 130 of the Streets and Highways Code. B. AGREEMENT: This Agreement shall supersede any previous AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF DUBLIN and/or Amendments thereto with the CITY. In consideration of mutual covenants and promises herein contained, it is agreed: The CITY will perform such maintenance work as is specifically delegated to it, on State highway routes or portions thereof, all as hereinafter described under Section H hereof or as said section may be subsequently modified with the consent of the parties hereto acting by and through their authorized representatives. C. MAINTENANCE DEFINED: Maintenance is defined in Section 27 of the Streets and Highways Code as follows: Sec. 27. "(a) The preservation and keeping of rightS-Of-way, and each type of roadway, structure, safety convenience or device, planting, illumination equipment and other facility, in the safe and usable condition to which it has been improved or constructed, but does not include reconstruction or other improvement. ATTAClDlENT ~. bofJ ( (b) Operation of special safety conveniences and devices, and illuminating equipment. (c) The special or emergency maintenance or repair necessitated by accidents or by storms or other weather conditions, slides, settlements, or other unusual or unexpected damage to a roadway, structure or facility." D. DEGREE OF MAINTENANCE: The degree or extent of maintenance work to be performed and the standards therefor shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 27 of the Streets and Highways Code as set forth in the current edition of the State Maintenance Manual (a copy of which has been provided to the CITY), or as may be prescribed from time to time by the District Director. "District Director", as used herein, means the District Director of the Department of Transportation assigned to the territory in which the CITY is located, or his authorized representative. The STATE reserves the option to check at random all areas of State highways maintained by the CITY to assure conformance to maintenance levels. Failure of the CITY to comply with the maintenance levels would be reason to terminate this Agreement as specified under Section J "Term of Agreement". However, this random cheek does not preempt the CITY's maintenance responsibilities as spelled out in the Agreement. An Encroachment Permit will be required for third parties when maintenance work is redelegated. Such redelegated work shall be performed to the same levels of service as spelled out herein and will be subject to the same random cheeks as provided for work performed directly by CITY forces. The level of service of maintenance in each of the programs delegated to the CITY has been considered in setting authorized total and route dollar amounts. The CITY may perform additional work if desired but the STATE will not reimburse the CITY for any work in excess of authorized dollars. The District Director may authorize adjustments needed because of inflation or changes in program emphasis. -2- 7'} f .7-1 E. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Nothing in the provisions of this Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties not parties to this contract or affect the legal liability of either party to the contract by imposing any standard of care respecting the maintenance of State highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. It is understood and agreed that neither the STATE nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of any'thing done or omitted to be done by the CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the CITY under this Agreement for Maintenance. It is also understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, the CITY shall fully indemnify and hold the STATE harmless from any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the CITY under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that neither CITY, nor any officer or employee thereof, is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the STATE under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction not delegated to the CITY under this Agreement. It is also understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, STATE shall fully indemnify and hold CITY harmless from any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the STATE under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction not delegated to CITY under this Agreement. F. MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS: The CITY shall perform only those maintenance functions delegated, as identified, in Section H (DELEGATION OF MAINTENANCE) of this Agreement. A brief description of those maintenance functions delegated to the CITY are included in this section. The functions are identified by the Caltrans HM Families (program) Codes. -3- HM4K <6l!>f:L/ ELECTRICAL This includes maintenance wo~k performed on highway elect~ical facilities including flashing beacons, traffic signals, t~affic-signal systems, safety lighting and sign lighting. It also includes the electrical energy for these items. Maintenance of the "designed" timing is the responsibility of the CITY. Timing records shall be kept in both CITY Maintenance and Traffic Branches. EMERGENCY OPERATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS Flashing ope~ation shall be conside~ed as the "prima~y emergency mode of operation at all intersections". Red/ yellow or all red may be used, as dete~mined by State Traffic Engineering. Every effort shall be made to restore the intersection to normal operation as soon as possible. -4- QtJr.21 G. EXPENDITORE AUTHORIZATION; The STATE will reimburse the CITY for actual cost of all routine maintenance work performed by the CITY as delegated under Section H of this Agreement, but it is agreed that during any fiscal year, the maximum expenditure on any route shall not exceed the amount as shown on Section H of this Agreement, unless such expenditure is revised by an amended Agreement or otherwise adjusted or modified as hereinafter provided for. A new "DELEGATION OF MAINTENANCE" sheet (Section H) will be provided annually by the STATE for review and concur ranee by the CITY for the ensuing fiscal year, if necessary, to insure equitable annual cost. The expenditure per route for routine maintenance work as referred to above may be increased or decreased, redistributed between routes, or additional expenditures for specific projects costing $5,000 or less may be made when such adjustment of expenditures for routine maintenance or such specific work is authorized in writing by the District Director or his authorized representative. Expenditures for specific projects costing in excess of $5,000 may be made when such specific work is authorized in writing by the District Director with prior approval from the Chief, Division of Highway Maintenance at Headquarters. Additional expenditures or adjustment of expenditures thus authorized shall apply during the fiscal year designated therein and shall not be deemed to permanently modify or change the basic maximum expenditure per route as hereinafter specified. An adjustment of the said maximum expenditure, either increase or decrease, shall not affect other terms of the Agreement. -5- 1001;21 H. DELEGATION OF MAINTENANCE; The specific maintenance function indicated below (~d on__ "':&~,!!;!;,lll.'J:_F') is hereby delegated to the CITY. This delegat10n of 'maintenance function set forth herein does not include areas and functions of which the control and maintenance rest with the local authority under the terms of Freeway Agreements and/or Freeway Maintenance Agreements. ROUTE NO. LENGTH MILES DESCRIPTION OF ROUTING PROGRAM DELEGATED MAXIMUM ANNUAL AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE 580 -0- In the City of Pleasanton, along the Dublin south city limits. HM4K $1,500.00 Authorized Expenditure Route 580 $1,500.00 680 1.70 From the south city limits near Route 580 to the north city limits at Alcosta Boulevard, a length of 1.70 miles. None -0- Total Authorized Expenditure $1,500.00 -6- J I 0 I ,}.{ I. SUBMISSION OF BILLS: The CITY will submit bills in a consistent periodic sequence (monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually). Bills for less than $500 shall not be submitted more than once each quarter. Bills must be submitted promptly following close of corresponding billing period and should be coded according to the Caltrans HM Families Code as outlined in this Agreement. Bills submitted for periods prior to the last fiscal year will be deemed waived and not be honored. Equipment shall be charged at mutually acceptable rental rates and labor and material at actual cost. The CITY will be allowed to recover overhead and administrative costs only to the extent that such charges include applicable expenses incurred by the CITY in the execution of the work. Said factors and method shall be subject to approval by the STATE. Maintenance services provided by contract or on a unit-rate basis with overhead costs included shall not have these above-mentioned charges added again. An actual handling charge for processing this type of bill will be allowed the CITY. Emergency and storm repairs performed by the CITY will be paid for only with prior approval of the STATE's Highway Maintenance Superintendent of that specific area. In addition, the CITY should notify the STATE's Highway Maintenance Superintendent for the area of any storm damage or other emergency condition affecting the STATE highway. Repair of equipment damaged in vehicular accidents shall be considered routine maintenance. The CITY shall maintain, on a generally accepted accounting basis, complete and accurate records that support all billings. These records shall be made available to STATE representatives for review during normal business hours for a period of three (3) years after payment of such billings. J. TERM OF AGREEMENT: This Agreement shall become effective July 1, 1987 and shall remain in full force and effect until amended or terminated. This Agreement may be amended or terminated at any time upon mutual consent of the parties thereto. This Agreement may also be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. -7- - /Jot:!) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Cl. CITY OF DUBLIN By M~ (J I' 1>>#%11 ~c iLl~", ,. . ~, , By . " , '-' 1.., ! -': "' .. " .. "t ~ ;1 ~, ~~ ~ ~,"l. " , . , , STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROBERT 11:. BEST Director of Transportation Byl?~, ~ Dep y ~strl.ct Director 4/1-4/3'1 DATE -8- ~" , -~ 13tJI.J{ STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EXHIBIT A MARCH 3, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND INTERSECTION LIGHTING BY THE CITY OF DUBLIN FOR CALTRANS IN ACCORDANCE WITH MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE JULY 1,1987 RTE PM INTERSECTION RATE EQUIPMENT INT OR POLE NO UNIT 580 21.42 SAN RAMON ROADI DUBLIN BOULEVARD 2A 200W HP-SOOIUM SIGNALS-TA 4.00 o PAGE 1 EQUIPMENT EQUIV UNI'fS 0.0000 700W MV LIGlITS SUMMARY CITY OF DUBI,IN EQUIPMENT 200W liP-SODIUM ,.. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ON THIS EXHIBIT PLEASE CALL DAVID LEE, (415)557-3266 r- UNNUMBERED PAGE /4o.f2/ EQUIV U 1. 0000 Ala-580-R21.21R22,O /5-o{2 f FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 4-.ffiS AGREEMENT, made and ente. .red into in duplicate, effective this __ !!- , day of .f'2...!1.gcJJ_ ,20m, is by and between the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "STATE," and the City of Dublin, hereinafter referred to as "CITY". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, under STATE Cooperative Agreement No. 1834-C between STATE and CITY, CITY will construct improvements to State Highway Route 580, a frecway within the limits ofClTY, at the San Ramon Road/Foothill Road Interchange, and WHEREAS, portions of improvements under said Cooperative Agreement arc within the corporate limits of the City of Pleasanton, hereinafter PLEASANTON, and WHEREAS, the parties hereto nrutually desire to clarify the division of maintenance responsibility, upon completion of improvements and acceptance by STArE, under said Cooperative Agreement, as to separation structures, and local CITY streets and roads, or portions thereof, and landscaped areas lying within or outside the freeway limits. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: 1 When a planned future improvement has been constructed and/or a minor revision has been effected within the limits ofthe freeway herein described, which affects the parties division of maintenance responsibility as described herein, STATE will provide a new dated and revised Exhibit "A" which will be made a part hereof by an amendment to this Agreement when executed by both parties, which will thereafter superscde the attached original Exhibit "A" and which will then become part ofthis Agreement. 2, LANDSCAPED AREAS ADJACENT TO CROSSING STRUCTURES Any plantings or other types nfroadside development lying outside of the area reserved for exelusive freeway use shall be maintained by CITY at CITY expense. CITY shall also maintain, at CITY expense, landscaping within and outside the arca reserved for exclusive freeway use as shown in Exhibit "A." CITY shall only access to and from said area shown in Exhibit "A" from the local road and not the freeway ramp unless a separate authorization in the form of an encroachment permit is obtained from STATE. ATTAUBMENT ~ Ala-580-R2L2fR22.0 / ~, cd .:zl 3. INTERCHANGE OPERATION It is STATE's responsibility to provide efficient operation of freeway interchangcs, including ramp connections to local strcets and road. The maintenance and cnerb'Y costs of safety lighting, traffic signals or other ncccssary electrically operated traffic control devices placed at ramp connections to CITY streets and roads shall he shared between ST ATE and CITY. Timing sequence of traffic signals shall be determined after consultation with CITY; however, the decision of STATE shall be final. 4. FACILITIES WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF PLEASANTON CITY shall procure and maintain in force a separate authorization from PLEASANTON to perform CITY's responsibilities assumed under this Agreement which arc located within the corporate limits of PLEASANT ON. Should CITY fail to maintain said authorization from PLEASANTON in force, CITY, at CITY expense, shall remove the landscaping within the corporate limits of PLEASANTON su~cct to maintenance under this Agreement to the satisfaction of ST A 'fE. Thereafter CITY shall no longer perform the work, including traffic signal system and lighting maintcnance, if any, within the corporatc limits of PLEASANTON subjcct to this Agreement. 5. LEGAL RbLATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: A. Nothing in the provisions oHhis Agreement is intended to create dutics or obligations to o! rights in third parties not parties to this contrdct or affect the legal liability of either party to the contract by imposing any standard of care with respect to the maintenance of STATE highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. B. It is understood and agreed that neither STATE nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by CITY unde! or in connection with any work authority or juri~diction delegated to CITY under this Agreement. It is LUlderstood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code section 895.4 , CITY shall dcfcnd, indenmity and save harmlcss STATE and all of its officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought fo! or on account of injuries to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from anything done o! omitted to be done by CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to CITY under this Agreement. 2 !7of2{ A la-5 80-R21.2fR22 ,0 C. It i~ understood and agrccd that neither CITY nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible fur any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by STATE under or in cOIUlcction with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to STATE under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code section 895.4, STATE ~hall defend, indemnifY and savc hannless CITY and all of its officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought for or on account of injuries to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from anything done or omitted to be done by ST ATE under or in cOIUlection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to 8T ATE under this Agreement. 6. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreemcnt shall be efft:ctive upon the date appearing on its face, it being understood and agreed, however, that the execution ofthis Freeway Maintenance Agreement shall not affect any pre-existing obligations of CITY to maintain designated areas pursuant to prior written nntice from STATE that work in such areas, which CITY has agreed to maintain pursuant to the terms of the Freeway Agreemcnt, has been completed. 3 (16'0+;1 Ala-580-R21.2JR22,O IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. CITY of DUBLIN STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~~~~0' 1jr Attest: JEFF MORALES Director of Transportation Approved as to fonn: }/S~ Cit Attorney 4 ;Qcf.2/ ",.....~ - ~~\'tl '.",... FREEWAY MAINTENANACE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF DUBLIN \.1". ; ~ \\.,.\'" i\ ~\, .;, i', ~\ ' ' r ", \\ " . -< 'L, ',l rj\'.1'~\\ )~)\' \..\ '. ";'.,r. :,- "'''.' ." . 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'i~ , PLEASANTON C lTY Ll M ITS \; , "^~~, '- - ~2ua .;,:. ......."................. .",)- ., il. n '\\ _,...,~.".. . .,n .~.~:~~~:,~.,...".:"~.':-:.7-:-_Air1~~ ~ ~d' ~ ",,:.'!C ci 0 & ( tll V~~ Maintained Note: city shall obtc authorization f Pte9santon for limits of the ( DUBLI RETAINING WALL : i ~, .- ".~.. .~. ~, .~~~.,.h '''0 ,,:, .il \\ \"\ ~i, \1, II \ I,..d\ :1' ~ . ~~'." .r;:., '.1,. :>.::~,'- .... ",' '-.", '.' .-"';..~.,:,:"~,':[.:"~6~\~..~i;~. ":,\'~ "'!,a'~': ,,,.,,'"'' ~~)c~"..""" ''':.1~:,.,- ;~<,:~:::::'" '~\:.::::::~'''' ".: , ., ........".r"..... .._.1~..... ~ ~..""",,'" ':\ ~~. ,l;, .,..,.".,-- ~ .......-:::~ '''. ,-,I Dc, I' 11?~~\~\~ '~~~~, ,~'\' ',1!.IrO"'-"'Y CITY OF DUBLIN 1 00 Civic Pla7.u, Dl~t)lin. California 94568 Webslte: httc::/ ; !,p!-;tl ***********************************w****************** I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the attached Resolution No. 40 - 03, adopted by the City Council on March 4, 2003, is a true and accurate copy of said document taken from the official files of the City of Dublin. By: Area Code (925) . City Manager 833-6F..50 . City Council 833-6650 Per5nr"rleI8:~~-6605 ECQnornir.; Davelopmtmt 833-66!"iO ~innnca 833-6640 . Public Worl<s/Enoinp.p.r'ing A33-5S:jO . Parks & Community Service:;; 833-6645 Poli(:~ 833-8570 PIi':ifHling/Cude enforcement 833-6n10 . Bl,Iilding lrl~pectiun 03j,6620 Fire PrevenlicJr] Buraau 833-660fi Pnnted :)n Rec:yc;led pap~f