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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.03 Evidence CabinetCITY CLERK #350-20 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 7, 2000 SUBJECT: Award of Bid for Forensic Evidence Safety Cabinet Report Prepared by Amy Cunningham, Administrative Assistant ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution of Award 2) Bid from Misor~ix Incorporated RECOMMENDATION: ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: 1) Adopt Resolution awarding bid to Misonix Incorporated A total of $17,665 is budgeted in the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Capital Improvement Budget for purchase of the cabinet. Bids Received: (1) Sirchie Fingerprint Labs $11,032.00' (2) Misonix, Inc. $12,931.00 (3) Evidence Collection & Protection, Inc $13,991.50 (4) Lightning Powder Co. $16,939.00 * Did not meet bid specifications DESCRIPTION: At the meeting of February 1, 2000, the City Council authorized Staff to solicit bids for the purchase of a Forensic Evidence Safety Cabinet. The cabinet will protect police personnel from potential exposure to airborne particulate, including harmful bacteria, viruses, and putrid odors of decomposition. The cabinet provides the additional benefit of protecting evidence from potential cross- contamination, which could negatively affect the prosecution of a case by the District Attorney. BID RESULTS: Of the five vendors that were mailed the Request for Bids, four were received prior to the deadline. Sirchie Fingerprint Labs submitted the. lowest bid; hoWever, their bid did not meet the specifications as outlined in the bid document. Staff is recommending that the Sirchie Fingerprint Labs bid be rejected for'this reason and that the bid be awarded to the second lowest bidder, Misonix, Inc. CONCLUSION: Staffhas revieWed the bid results, checked with references and recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution (Attachment 1) awarding the bid to Misonix, Inc. and authorize staff to proceed with the purchase of the forensic evidence safety cabinet. COPIES TO: ITEM NO. RESOLUTION NO. - 2000 s A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN AWARDING BID FOR FORENSIC EVIDENCE SAFETY CABINET TO MISONIX, INC. AND REJECTING THE BID SUMITTED BY SIRCHIE FINGERPRINT LABS WHEREAS, the City of Dublin obtained sealed bids for the purchase and installation of a forensic evidence safety cabinet; and , WHEREAS, the 1999-2000 Capital Improvement Budget includes funding for a forensic evidence safety cabinet; and WHEREAS, the City sent out a Request for Bids to five companies and received four bids in response; and WHEREAS, Sirchie Fingerprint Labs submitted the lowest bid, but the bid did not meet the required specifications; and WHEREAS, Misonix, Inc. prepared the second lowest bid estimate which did meet the required specifications; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby approves the of the purchase through Misonix, Inc. for a forensic evidence safety cabinet. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of ,2000. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk H: I CC-FORMSIFORM-reso. doc ATTACHMENT 1 Misonix lnc 1938 New ltighway Farmingdale NY 11735 5 ! 6- 694-9555 Fax: 516694-9412 City of Dublin Ms Amy Cunningham Dear Ms Cunningham Thank you very much for the opportunity to provide pricing on the Forensic Evidence Drying Cabinet. Following will be a quotation detailing the Misonix Cabinet specifications. The Forensic Evidence J)rying Cabinet is a piece of safety equipment manufactured to protect laboratory personnel from exposure to hazardous contaminants as well as insuring that the evidence in the cabinet is not contaminated by outside contaminants, it's design is critical to the safety of all lab personnel. The lqisonix Forensic Evidence Cabinet meets the specific criteria recommended by the CDC and the FBI when dealing with evidence, it's use in court and the safety to lab personnel who are handling it. PleaSe review the following items to make sure that the cabinet you are going to purchase meets the following safety requirements: 1. The interior liner of the cabinet is manufactured from chemically resistant fiberglass with molded round corners without any welds, seams or creases. This is critical because the interior of the cabinet needs to be disinfected between cases and since fiberglass is a very hard and durable material it is easy cleaned and since it has rounded corners · hazardous germs and bacteria will not get .trapped in the corners or crevices. This design eliminates the chance of cross contam~nation. 2. Polyureti~ane coated Aluminum frame and head assembly. This design provides strong but light weight construction for years of dependability. 3. Four layers of filtration including door and, h~terior pre filter for the removal of particulates do. wn to .5 microns. Hepa filter.for the removal of very small particulates down to .3 microns, and a large specially designed cke,)isorptive carbon filter for the removal odors and is located in a leak-proof I~ousing. Fmall,~ an integ~'ated after filter for an extra layer of protection. 4. Visual alarms to indicate system OK, c~oc~r filter needs r{ep~.~cing, Hepa filter need replacing and after filter need replaci,g. 5. The FR-6000 includes 2 motor blowers prov/di~g stro~.r=~, eve, airflow throughout cabinet. The Hisonix unit also includes a 2 year ~arranty and ~nclud~s ~et up and ~raining by a Misonix representive at no additional cost to you. Misonix has sold many of these cab.~neu m police depamnen~s throughout the country inclUding New Orleans Polke Dept, Hew York Police Dept and Florida Police Depts just to name a few. I~ you would like to speak to someone at these dept or another dept please let me know. AJ!ter reviewing please feel free to call me to discuss the i4isonix cabinet or answer any qu,', .stions you might have.. ATTACHMENT 2 MISONIX INCORPORATED · 1~°3i~ New Highway, Ferrningdale, N.Y 11735 · Telephone 51~-~E)4-E)555 · FAX 51~-6~4-E)412 Bid Summary Form City of DUblin - Forensic Evidence Safety Cabinet I have received the documents relative to the City of Dublin Forensic Evidence Safety Cabinet. The bid package includes Notice and Instruction to Bidders and Specifications detailing the desired cabinet. The following costs relate to the total cost of the project as defined in the specifications including all applicable delivery charges, taxes, and fees. A. Cost Summary Category , Total Equipment $ 1~, q ~l~ Warranty $ Labor ,~J Shippin~Delivery Charges. Grand Total B. References Please list three references for which you have provided similar equipment. C. Addendum's Included This proposal includes all modifications contained in the following addendhm's or clarification s. Addendum # Date Issued D, Submitted by Ad,ess: iq 15.%~ (j giln ure Iiq%5 Firm Name: ~'~l 50n I'/ ~'?~,c- Phone: 516 og¥-qs_vw ~,///. Date F:XAgendaStmtsXforensic cabinet RFP.doc Page 6 of 7 Equipment Cost Detail Equipment Manufacturer Unit Price Estimated Total Type , [Model #] Description Quantity Price Forensic Evidence Misonix [FR-6000]; 60"W x 24"D x 1 Cabinet 84"H; 115V/60Hz; 2 amps; 700 lbs; with motor including 2 brushless, sparkless motor blowers. Features: chemically resistant fiberglass liner; polyurethane coated aluminum frame and head assembly; lower aluminum base support; clear leXan door; stainless steel coat rack; built-in drain; lower interior support and door lock. Alarms: indicate when, filters are operating. properly; indicate when pre-door filters and after filters shall be replaced. Filters: 4 pre-filters (2 door/2 interior); 2 HEPA filters; 2 carbon filters; and 2 after filters. Stainless steel I Misonix [FR-230]; 12"x 18"; pkg. of 3 1 removable shelves Plumbing[[ MisoniXand manual[FR-260];water pumpWater spray hose 1 Clothing separator Misonix [FR-280]; white PVC 1 Sterilizing unit [ Misonix [FR-290]; formalin 1 $550 O Total I ~/I ~,q'~] Labor Cost Detail , Labor Installation of Forensic Evidence Cabinet Employee Training Total Hourly Rate Estimated Hours to complete Subcontractor (if applicable) FSAgendaStmts~forensic cabinet RFP.doc Page 7 of 7 PRICE QUOTATION MISONIX INCORPORATED 1938 NEW HIGItWt~y · ~=ARMINGDALE. NEW YORK 11735 · f516~ 694-9555 DATE QUOTE# CITY OF DUBLIN ~,_I:~/_Q,,0: .EJ.S..._03021400-4 -- _'LO0 Civic PLAZA. 1ST FLOOR 2/14/00 NET ;30 DAYS PHONE NUMBER SHIPPED VIA DUBLIN. CA 94568 925-833-6655 TRUCK AX NUMBER, F.O.B. AMY CUNNINGHAM DESTINATION 'HERE IS OUR QUOTATION ON THE GOODS NAMED, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS NOTED: 7,;;,";:~; 7..';~ '" . .' '. ...... . ....... . ...... . .... .',' .' .' · .:' '.' ~eroal changes or other agreements unless approved in writing by Misonix Incorporated. All .."" ' ' ' . "' ' '" . .... "' ' .. ' ..... : "'~ ::.,' . · .. ·. '. 'control. Prices are based on costs and conditions existing on date of quotation and are . . .'' ' ' '. · .': ". '. .... .:: ' ' :. '::"'.' . ' .." .' accept either overage or shortage not ~n excess of ten percent to be charged for pro-rat '. '. '.' ' infringement whe, n go,,ds are made to Pu, rcn,a, ser's speot~cat~ons. Conditions not specifically stated herein shall be governed by established trade customs. Terms inconsistent with those' stated'herein which may ~lSp~ar on Purchaser's formal order will not be binding on the Seller. . - QTY PART # DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 'FR-6000 MISONlX FORENSIC EVIDENCE CABINET , $11,817 Forensic Evidence Cabinet designed to protect personnel from the odors and particulates generated with the drying and decay of organic matter. Specifications: · Dimensions: 60"W x 24"D x 84"H · Voltage: 115V/60Hz · Current: 2 Amps · Weight: 700 lbs. w/o filters · Motor: 2 Brushless, sparkless motor blowers Construction and features: · White chemically resistant fiberglass liner · Polyurethane coated aluminum frame and head assembly · Lower aluminum base support · Clear lexan door · Stainless Steel coat rack · Built-in drain · Lower interior support · Door lock Price quoted includes filters Filters: (removal of filters is simple and does not require any tools) · Four particulate pre-filters; two for the lower door grill; the others for the main filter inlet - access panel is located outside cabinet thus allowing them to be changed without removing evidence · Two HEPA filters - remove fine particles down to 0.3 microns. It is easY to change and has a s~mple door and latch mechanism. ' · Two combination chemisorptive carbon filters (AMN, ACl, FOR) remove fumes, vapors, and odors and is conveniently located in its own leak-proof housing (FE-1018). · Two integrated after filters, for maximum protection Automatic Integrated Visual Alarms · System o.k. (green) - indicates filter is operating effectively · Replace door pre-filter (red) - indicates pre-filter is clogged with dirt or dust · Replace main HEPA filter (red) - red light and pressure gauge indicate when saturated · Replace after filter (red)- red light indicates filter is.clogged. ' Two-year in-house factory warranty Easy installation with no additional costs. Made in USA - All units are manufactured and individually tested in our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in New York, making it easy for delivery of supplies from Misonix. Set-up and training by a factory employee is free of charge. Misonix will conduct a full training seminar on the safe use of the Forensic Evidence Cabinet. The seminar will include training on all alarm functions, changing filters and safe washing techniques. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 1 FR-230 Three stainless steel removable shelves (12" x 18") 1 FR-260 Plumbing, water spray hose and manual water pump 1 FR-280 White PVC clothing separator 1 FR-290 Formalin sterilizing unit $ 29O $249 $ 75 $ 5oo *MISONIX MODEL QUOTED MEETS YOUR EXACT BID SPECIFICATIONS Made in USA Includes two year warranty on parts and labor (excluding filters and lights) \ QUOTE VALID for 90 days. BY /! ~l ~., I Jon Wein \/