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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.03 Accept Work #06-01 2005-06 SidewlkRepair&CurbRamp CITY CLERK File # D~[llJ[l2]-~15J AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 1, 2006 SUBJECT. Acceptance of Work Contract No 06~01, 2005-2006 Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair Program and Curb Ramp Installation Report Prepared bv' Melissa A. Morlun, Public Works Di~ None ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATlON:~ I) 'l Accept improvements under Contract No. 06-01,2005-2006 Annual SIdewalk Safety Repair Program and Curb Ramp Installation, and authorize the release of retentIon after 35 days if there are no subcontractor clallns, FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Sidewalk Safety Repair Program: FY 2005-2006 Budge( Estimated Actual Design, Inspeeholl & Miscellaneous: $ 16,20000 $ 7,308.87 Constmetion: S,dewalk Improvements (Remove & replace): Pedestrian curb ranlps: $ 59,277 71 $ 9,765.00 $ 56,499.60 $ 10.500.00 Total. $ 85,242.71 $ 74,30S.47 The Sidewalk Safety Repair Program is budgeted in the General Fund (Fund 001). The pedestrian curb ramps are funded through a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in the amount of $9,765 ---------------------------------------------------------~-~--------------~~~-------------------------------- COpy TO: Sposeto Engineering Alma Balanza, Alameda County HCD Page I of2 lTEMNO.!I.3 U:\MAINT PR(l,IECTSI.S1DEWAIX\2005-2()()(I\AS acccpt.ancc.I}(){.' DESCRIPTION: On May 16, 2006 tbe City Council awarded Contract No. 06-01,2005-2006 Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair Program and Curb Ramp Installation to Sposeto Engineering. The Annual Sidewalk Safety Repair Program (Remove and Replace) repairs sidewalk offsets of 314-ineh or more that may pose a tripping hazard. The Remove and Replace process is used in locations where the offset is more significant or where tree roots are causing the offset. ThIs procedure requires removal of the existing sidewalk, and in the case of root problems, removal of the tree roots, and then replacement of the concrete sidewalk. While maintenance of sidewalks and other frontage improvements is legally the responsibility of the private property owner, the City Council has adopted a City-pmd sidewalk rcpair program on a year-by- year basis smee 1983 At the budget hearing for Fiscal Year 2005-2006, the City Council extended the funding of the repair program for an addItional year. This year, the sidewalk safety repair program included eonstmetion of approximately five (5) pedestrian curb ramps that arc funded through a Commumty Development Block Grant. Staff has reviewed the work performed under this contract alld has determined that the work is complete. Staffrecommends that the City Council accept the improvements under Contract No. 06-01,2005-2006 Ammal Sidewalk Safety Repair Program and Curb Ramp Installation, and authorize the release of' retentIOn after 35 days if there are no subcontractor claims. Page 2 of2