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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.02 Pac Bell Utility Relocation CITY CLERK File # D~~[Q]-[!i]OJ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 2, 2006 SUB,JECT Approval of Utility Relocation Agreement with Pacific Bell Telephonc Company for the I-S80/Fallon Road lnterchange Improvement Project Report Prepared hy Melissa Morton, Public' Work\- Director ~ ATTACHMENTS. Resolution Approving Utility Relocation Agreement with Pacific Bcll Telephone, together with Exhibit "A," Utility Relocation Agreement ~ 11% Adopt the resolution approving the Utility Relocation Agreement t' with Pacitic Bell Telephonc Company for the I-S80/Fallon Road Interchange Improvement Projcct RECOMMENDATION FINANCIAL STATEMENT Under this agrcement, the City agrees to pay half of all direct and indirect costs incurred by Pacific Bcll Telephone Company in relocating its aerial utility The City's share is $9,0% and is ineluded in the cost of the project to bc paid by the developer These costs will be funded by Traffic Impact Fees. DESCRIPTION The 100% complete plans and specifications for the I-580/Fallon Road Interchangc Improvement Project have heen submitted to Caltrans for approval. Ineluded in the project is the construction of the wcstbound auxiliary lane approaching the Fallon Road interchange. It was determincd that thc proposed auxiliary lane will be in conflict with several utility pole anchor wires located along the north side of thc freeway The anchor wires will need to be relocated by the utility companies to clear the shoulder of the freeway One of thc owners of the utility poles is Pacific Bell Telcphone Company (no", doing husincss as AT&T). Since the utility work is within Caltrans right-of-way, the utility relocation is covered by the Master Agreement betwccn Caltrans and Pacific Bell. The agreement requires a 50/50 sharing of the relocation cost whcn frceway improvements are proposed. The City will pay for Caltrans' share of the utility work, and that share will be included in the cost of the project. These costs will be funded by Traffic Impact -----------~---------------------------------------------------_.--------------------------------_._~-------- COpy TO: Pacific Bell Page I 01'2 ITEM NO. J:t..L G;\MISCPROJ\J-180 Fu]]on Rd\lJtilities\agst Pacitic Bell Agreement 5-l-0fl.doc Fees. Under the proposed agrccmcnt with Pacific Bell, the City agrees to pay for half of all direct and indirect costs incurred by the utility company Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution approving the Utility Relocation Agrccment with Pacific Bell Tclcphonc Company for the 1-580/Fallon Road Interchange Improvement Project. Page 2 of 2 \ 9-,} L\ ~ RESOLUTION NO. - 06 A RESOLlITION 01<' TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 01<' DUBLIN ********* APPROVING UTILITY RELOCATION AGREEMENT WITH PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY FOR THE I-580/FALLON ROAD INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the CIty of Duhlin plans to improvc the 1-51l0/Fallon Road freeway mterehangc to mitigate the Dublin Ranch area development, and WHEREAS, thc City's Staff and consultant have heen workmg on thc dcsign and cnvironmental documcntation of the I-580/FaUon Road Interchange Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, the proposed construction of thc wcstbound auxiliary lane approachmg the Fallon Road Interchange wil.1 reqUIre the relocahon of several anchor wircs supporting utility poles along the north side of the freeway; and WHEREAS, it is ncccssary for the City to enter into a Utihty Relocation ^grccmcnt with Pacific Bell Telephone Company to providc reimbursement to the utIlity company for half of all its actual costs, hoth dircct and indirect; NOW, THRREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin approves the Utihty Relocation Agreement with Pacific Bell Telephone Company for the I-S80/Fallon Road Interchange Improvement Project. BE IT FURTIIER RESOI,VRD that the DIrector of Public Works is authorized to execute the agreement, attached hereto as ExhibIt "A." PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of May, 2006. AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN Mayor ATTEST City Clerk g:miscprtJ.i\1-5~()-l"all()n Road\keso Pacifit.; Dell Utility Relucatiull Agmt 4,2 5/z.jOt,p 324555 7- cn\ L\ AERIAL TO AERIAL RELOCATION AGREEMENT REVISED 12/14/2005 1-580/ FALLON ROAD INTERCHANGE PRO,JECT IN/ON/ALONG FALLON RD AND CROAK RD CITY OF DUBLIN and PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY dba SBC CALIFORNIA , . SBC ,Job No.: 5454351 PE-42 1 mIBIT A. To the Resolution 1. II. TABLE OF CONTENTS \ 3 Ltt-" PAGE NO. ..........1 DEFINITIONS RECITALS III. ..................................................................1 Term..... ......... ...... .... .......... ...". .... ............. ......... Payment by Aoolicant... ..........1 .... 1 A. SPECIFIC PROVISIONS ............................ B. C. D E. F G. .2 Licenses and Easements.... ...................................................2 Performance bv Sbc .2 Tax Liability ..............................................2 Hazardous Material............................. ............ ..........2 ...3 Indemnity; Limitation of Liabilitv Assig[Uflent .................. .3 3 N GENERAL PROVISIONS ......................... A. B Waiver and Amendment ...................................... ....................................4 C D. Exhibit A Exhibit 13 Exhibit C 4 Force Majeure Termination..... .......... ............... 4 E. F. Attornevs' Fees................ 4 5 Jurisdiction.. G. 5 Entire Agreement H. I. Binding Effect................................ ........5 Noticcs 5 Executive Orders and Associated Regulations Costing Worksheets Site Drawing YGbI.Y AERIAL TO AERIAL RELOCATION AGREEMENT This Agreement ("Agreement") is between the CITY OF DUBLIN, a municipal corporation ("Applicant"), and PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, a California corporation dba SBC California ("SBC"), (collectively, the "Parties"). I. DEFINITIONS. As used in this Agreement, the following terms apply' A. The term "aerial facilities" ineludes, but is not limited to, poles, anchors, guys, strand, cable, terminals and related equipment. B. The term "Project" means all of the work required to relocate existing aerial facilities within the District as requested by Applicant, including plan designs and work to be performed on behalf of other utilities or CATV company, if applicable. C The term "Hazardous Substance" rcfers to any substance, material or chemical that is or hecomcs regulated under applicable local, state, or federal law, rcgulation, or ordinance. D The tenn "District" refers to the area in/on/along Fallon Road and Croak Road in Dublin where the relocation of the aerial facilities is to take place. II. RECITALS, A. Applicant has asked SBC to relocate its existing aerial facilities within the District as shown on Exhibit C attached hereto B. SBC is willing to relocate its existing aenal facilities within the District as requested by Applicant, subject to the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement. In consideration of the above Recitals, the Parties agree as follows: III, SPECIFIC PROVISIONS. A, Term. Tins Agreement is effective upon execution and shall continue in effect until terminated or canceled as provided by law or this Agreement. 324555 1 324555 a Gb14 B Pavll1ent hv Applicant. Applicant shall pay to SBC the nonrefundable sum of$9,OS9.91, which represents fifty-percent of the estimated total cost of the work within thirty (30) days after execution of this Agreement. If applicable, Applicant shall also pay the sum of NOT APPLICABLE, which represents a tax component collected for State and Federal Income Tax purposes. C. Licenses and Easemcnts. Prior to construction of the Project, Applicant shall furnish SBC with any and all licenses and grants of easements that are ncccssary for the Projcct, ineluding the relocation, construction, and maintenance of SBC's facilities. D. Performance bv SBC. Upon receipt of the advance payment refcrred to in Section III.B and the licenses and easements referred to in Section IILC, SBC shall proceed with the Project. SBC shall complete all work within six (6) months atler notification has been recei ved. E. Tax LiabiJitv. Applicant shall pay, and hold SBC harmless from, and against all penalties, interest, taxes (If other charges related to the Project that are levied or assessed against Applicant. F. Hazardous Material. If, during the Project, SBC employees, subcontractors, or agents encounter Hazardous Substance(s) that may be disturbed by SBC's activities: I SBC shall give prompt written noticc of the discovery ofthe Hazardous Substance(s) to Applicant; 2. SBC shall suspend performance under this Agreement until (I) containment and removal of the Ha;>;ardous Substanee(s) have been completed and approved by the appropriatc governmental agency(ies) if such approval is required or approved by SBC, if governmental agency(ies) approval is not required, or (2) Applicant reasonably demonstrates that the Hazardous Substanec will not be disturbed by SBC's activities; 3 SBC's pcrformance of its obligations under this Agreement is extended for the amount of time that it takes to complete containment/removal of the Hazardous S ubstalll:e( s); and, 4 If Applicant elects not to remove/contain the Hazardous Substance(s), SBC may terminate this Agreemcnt without further 2 lo Q ,::)~ liability by giving advance notice to Applicant no later than ten (10) days after the date the Applicant notifies SBC of its decision not to remove/contain the Hazardous Substanee(s). If SBC terminates this Agreement in accordance with this paragraph, Applicant shall reimburse SBC for the costs SBC incurred prior to the effective date of termination. G. Indemnity; Limitation of Liabilitv. I Applicant shall indemnify, defend at SBC's rcquest, and hold hunnless SBC and its officers, agents and employees, as well as its associated and aftlliated companies and their respective officers, agents, and employces ("Indemnitees"), from and against any and all losses, damages, expenses, costs, penalties, fines, fees (including reasonable attomey's and consultant's fees), or liabilities (collectively "Liahilities"), incurred as a result of the condition ofthe Project's property, including environmental contamination, except where such Liabilities are caused by the solcncgligence or willful misconduct ofIndemnitces. 2. SBC shall notify Applicant within a reasonable time of any written elaims or demand against SBC for which Applicant is responsible under this section. Applicant shall also (a) keep SBC flllly informed as to the progress of such defense, and (b) give SBC, at its own expense, an opportunity to participate with Applicant in the defense or settlement of such claims, demand, lawsuits or other legal proceedings. 3 These indemnities shall survive the termination or cancellation of this Agrcement or any provision to the contrary hcrcin. 4 IN NO EVENT WILL SBC BE LIABLE TO APPLICANT FOR INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER BY TORT OR CONTRACT, INCLUDING LOST REVENUES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR OTHER COMMERCIAL OR ECONOMIC LOSS ARISING OUT OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS CONTRACT, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, NEGLIGENT PERFORMANCE OR FAILURE TO PERFORM, OR A DEFECT OR FAILURE TO PERFORM OR DEFECT OF CABLE OR WIRING, REGARDLESS OF THE FORESEEABILITY THEREOF. IV. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Assignment. Applicant shall not wholly or partially assign this Agreement without the prior wntten consent of SBC This Agreement ~hall be for the henefit of ;:1;24555 3 3Z4055 \ 1 CO \ '--'( and is binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the Parties hereto. B. Waiver and Amendment. The provisions of this Agreement shall not be waived, altered, or amended by any representations or promises of any party unless consented to in writing by SSe. c. Force Maieure. Except for the payment of monies due under this Agreement, no party shall be deemed in dcfault of this Agreement to the cxtent that any delay or failure in the performance of its obligations results from any cause beyund its reasonablc control and without its fault or negligence, such as acts of God, acts of civil or military authority, embargoes, epidemics, war, riots, unusually severe weather conditions, or strikes. In the cvent of any such excused delay, the time for perfonnance shall be extended for a period equal to the time lost by reason of the delay If any excused delay occurs, the party unable to perfonn shall give immediate notice to the other party, while simultaneous seeking, in good faith, to utilizc alternative means for accomplishing the purposes of this Agreement and preventing delay D Termination. This Agreement automatically terminates upon completion ofProjcet. In the event of any material default or brcaeh ofthis Agreement by Applicant, in addition to all other rights and remedies which SBC may have at law or in equity, SBC shall have the immediate right to temlinate this Agreement by giving ten (10) days prior written notice of termination. The notice shall specifY the cause of the termination and shall give Applicant a reasonahle opportunity to cure and correct any such cause. In thc event this Agreement is terminated or suspended as provided herein, SBC shall not be liable to Applicant or any other person or entity tor any losses, damages or elaims which may arise as a result of termination. Applicant shaH pay to SBC any costs or expenses incurred by SBC prior to the termination of this Agreement. Any termination of this Agreement in wholc or in part shall not release Applicant from any liability or obligation under this Agreemcnt, whether of indemnity or otherwisc, which may have accrued or which may he accruing or which arises out of any claim that may have accrued or may be accruing at the time of termination. E. Attorneys' Fees. If any action is hrought to adjudicate the rights granted in this Agreement or to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award (,f reasonable attorneys' fecs in an amount to be determined by a court or a tribunal of competent jurisdiction. 4 F Jurisdiction. Sq}~ This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Stale of California and is subject 10 the applicable rules, regulations and tariffs on file with the California Public Ulilities Commission. G. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the attached Exhibits that are incorporated herein by this reference constitute the entire Agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all prior agreements, representations, statements, negotiations and understandings are superseded. II. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be for the benefit of and is binding upon lhe respective successors and assigns of the Parties. I. Notiecs. All nolices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing, addresscd as follows, and deemed given when delivered in person, delivered to an agent such as an overnight or similar delivery service, or three days after deposited in the United Stales mail, postage prepaid. APPLICANT 100 CIVIC PLAZA, DUBLIN, CA 9456H Attn. F Del Rosario SBC 2600 Camino Ramon 2N450K San Ramon, CA 94583 Attn: M. Tabayoyon The duly authorized representatives of Applicant and SBC have executed this Agreement by affixing their signatures on lhe dates indicated below CITY OF DUBLIN A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION By' Melissa Morton Title: Dircctor of Public Works Date Signed: ____......__ By' Jim Lee Title: Area Manager -. Engineering Date Signed: 324555 5 q - .. \ 'J0.- Exhibit A Executive Orders and Associated Regulations SaC Califom:i~ and SBe Nevada, as COllll1lClJ\ carr:i~r.i; elf l#ter.:ommll11.icil-t1ons services, engage in work 8S cautyacta~ f(jf varinus dcpartI:nents and agencic~ of the United States (l(]~mrnen(. Also, cert.flin /i1cilitie!l may be CDJL'i:lrucll!4 rl<ThI.l<~l1t to federally assisted construction program~. Becall.~i:! c)f~ foregoing, work wldcr tills ",onlta.d m;IY be Sll1:licct to the provisions of certain Executive Order!!, fedetallilws and associated regulatiolls. To the extent tllat sue'lI 8.;.;ec;ll!1\f'i!; Orders, federal laws and a.sSOL;ja~J re!!\J10l-tiOIL!i apply to tl;Le work under this contract, and only to tllat extBllt, r:nn.WoLClm ilgTCCS to comply with the ]lJ'ovi:iillTl$ ofll.ll ~"ut11 ,6...e~lltlvc Oroo::rs, fi:dcr<11 laws imd associated regulatioll~ a$ nCl in filTCC or as may be amended in the future, including. but not limited tJ:1 Un!: (hlll.lwmij:; 1. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT Orl'OR.TUNITY PROVISIONS. lit ar.:cCltdam;~ with EJo:~I;UtiV~ Order 11246, dated ~e:rte:niler 24, 1965, ~\1d 411".f.R. fi tiO-I.4, the pnrties incorporate Ml'EIUI hy this ~'~re.nce the regulations and contract clall5cs requi.l'ed by thCl.~l! TlTClVlsl{ll'lS W be made a part of noncxempt !,:11\11r,l~~~ and ~1lbC(lT1triK:tS. 2. CER'fIFlCA'I'I()N OF NONSEGREGATEO }lACILITJE~. In accordanc(: with Executive Ur(l~ IlZ46, dated September 24, !965, and 41 C.F.R. @ 60-1.8. c..:I1I1tr.l.CttJr \.~rti.fies that it does not and will not rrclln.w:in Or for its emplo)'~s !lny facilities segregated all the hil.$is ufr*ce, color, religion. sex, or lJational ol'igin at allY of its estahli.~llrllejlt~, and that it does not and Willll(J[ pl;mr"1it i~~ ~mployees to perfonn!heir services at any location uml~r it<; ~;nntrol, where such segregatcd facilities: are TIlait1l..;'!iTll~d. 'rhe t~nn ''f;.l.cilit:ies'' us used herein means waiting !,()OTl'\~, work llreas, restaurants and other cating arcas, timc clocks, n:stmmns, wnsh rooms. locker rooms and otlle:r $101UJ:!:~ nr d~~~in.y. iI~IlS, pilrking lots, drinking foul1tauJ.S., t'(;t;!'eaLilln or ~T)~rt;rinJJ.1.eDt oreas, transportation, and hOUSUlg' facilities pl\wided for t:mploy~~s, provided that separate 01' !Iijlgle-LL~er tlll1t:~ ;Lnd nt:l.'e:';Sill')' c;hLl.n!odng facilities shnll be provided tCJ a!l.~ure pnv.;l.!,:y ht:tween the S(:xes. Contractor will obtaill sunilar certif!cati(JII.~ frulll propt1sed subcontractora prior to the a.watd nf allY :nOlJeX,empt S11bcontract, 3. CltRT1FICATION OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTiON PROGRAM, Contractor certified t1&l.t it h.;l.~ developed IIml is an Affumativc Action Pla.n H requir~d h41 c.F,R, ~ 6O-t,40. 4. CER'l'l'lrICATION ()F FIL~'G, Contraetor certifies that it will me anmiOl.lly, (Ill or before the 3IIt of March, complete and accurate n;!p1li1S 1111 Standard Form 100 (EEO-l) or such fCrTtLS as fila)! hI! pTIl1llul*,t.ed in it~ plllce as requircd by4l C.I~,J{. fi 60-1.7, 5. AFFIRMA TlVE Ac'rroN I1'OR DISABLED VETERANS AND VETERANS OF THE VIETNAM ERA. In accorda...lce willi Hx~t;Lillve Order 11701, diltedJamwy 24,1973, and 41 C.F.R. 60-25n.20, the p...rti~s incorpora'le herein b}' this refcrence tlle regulallml:S ~rl(:,1 l.:-OnlTa!,:t dllll/~S ~q\lireJ h)' those provisiolls ro he a partllfUnvemment contracts and subcontrac1:!l. n, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION 110n. HANI)JCA.PPEP l"E~SONS, hI accul'Iimee with E;w;~tlltive Order 11758, dated Jam.J.8.f)' 15, lY74, alld r11 C.f'.R. ~ 6O.741.2(]: the partics incorporate !Jt;rein hy llli~ rtder~n~c the regulations IInd contract clauses r~quircd by Lhll.~~ pTClvh1o[ls ro be mElde II part of GovemmCJlt CO!ltr::Lct~ ::Llld. !'It1bccllt1'"" 7. LTTILIZA'rION Uf!' SMAI.l, nUSINESS CONCERNS AND SMALL DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS CONCEUNS. 48 C.F.R., ell. I, ~ 197<10(4) am! ]9 7051lll r~q1.lire that the following clause is includcd: (Jt;.UzaliOll ofSm{ COllce"l1S and Small D&tJ.dvcJnltlgl:!d HI./~lnl:!.~:!i r.'(!fI{;~rn.~ (.)linl:! /985) (u) It is the policy of the United Statcs. that ~l!l;l.ll bu.~;rless (;(lTICeTlIS imJ 5Jf1a(j h\l~in~ss ccmCCtllS \Iwt\ed a.lld wntrClll~d by soo;;iolly and ~.conomically disadvantagcd individuals shall have the mnximlUn practicable opportwlity to participate hi pl:!rrtlrTllirljil ~llTllr..tCL:- \~t hy ami "t:"I~r;l.1 agell.l.<Y, indudiTig t;cmlr.JLt:s .IjInd sllbcontr~cts for subsystem!!. I13semblies, cOIqloncnts., and related s~rvices for major syatem.s. It is fu:rtbe;r the policy (lrtJll:! tJlIlle:d Sl..alel~ I1lal ft.~ pnTn~ \:Ol1tr".l.r.t:rrTs establish l\rcr.:edUnl~ [(1 enSure lh~ tirrl~ly payment of anlOtmts due pursuant to the terms of thcir subcontracts with!lInB.ll business COllCenlS and .~maJl hLl.~itl~SS eml!,:enrS IlWT1~d II.TIlI {:oJJtroll~d by s'(Jcially aTld economit:lillly disudvantaged individuals. ib) TIle ContTactOt hl::rC!hv .;l.~~~ tJ.l carty /IUt this policy in the awarding ofsubcontracts to the rllrl~~1 ~1t.tent tonsLstellt with efficient contract pe.Jiom13llce. The L(JtltJ'acror fwtller asree~ tfl cooperate if! allY .~tudie~ fir Sutllt:ys liS 1mY h~ ~onducted by the United States Small Busincss AJmi.nistriltion or the awarding 8{lcncy OftllC Ulljt~4 ~[3.les a.~ m:l.y he: n~(:~:;Sary ~ l.h:tt:rrnin~ th.~ cxtelH of the C:lm(r.,l(:I(1r'SQnn:rpli<mce with this clause, lcl As wed in this contt'act, [he: term sl\")all ..(1nr.:t::m" ~bll.L1 mean a smllll business as ddilled punmnnt to section 3 ofthe Small Bl1Sinc..~s 4,ct and relevant regu.latjcll.~ ~t'(JmLllgated PW'SU3.lIt tlle:l'E:tO. Tile tenll "stl1~ll b\lSin~:-s r;oncern owned and controlled by aocially and er;ouomically disadvantaged individuals." s.hall mean a snJall bu.~ill~l;~ Cllncem: (1) which i.~ alle;!st 51 p~rtt:nt nwned by one or more socially and economically dis:j\dvantaged individuaLs; or, ill the case of an)' publicl}' o'\.'l1led bill.inB$ses, at leas.t 11 pe:rt;tlnt of thE stock or which is IIW1'1l:l,! hy tllle or mo~ slJtj~lly and economically disadvantaged individualsi .00 (2) Whose Inc1nagement and daily business operatioD.!l are controllcd by one or morc of such individuals. The CUlltracklr ;ball pre$um~ that ~nd;111y ;IDn C:CIl'llOJ1'1killly disill:ivnntllged individ1.I<1ls include Bl.ilck Americans, Hispanic .A.111Bricalls, Native AnlE!rical'I~, .l."sian-l'acific A1'IIr::ricar"1s, A!liall~llldi.;l.TI 06,U1~rir;<l1J:; and othl:-r minoriti.e.s, or any other individual found to be disadvanta~ed by the Admillistratiotl pur~u.a.I\t tl\ sectlml R(,I\ orlh~ Sll'1all BlI:siDe~s 1\1=1. (d\ Contractors acting in good faith may rdy on written repfese:tltatiollS hy tl\(;lr' SUbr.:l)lllT.l.r,;(~ regaTdi,JJK tl:1~i.r SI<llll~ as either ~ business concern or a sIrulll busin~ss concern owned and controlled by socially and ecollllmically di.~advantag~d individuals. :im(lU Busincss lllld Small Disadvantaged BU3irl6ss Subcolltracting Plarl, Contractor, uult:ss i, j.~;'! .~r"1nll bu.~in~~.~ l.<llllr.:enl, as rl~rhled ill ~~Cli(lh] Ilflh~ ~T1'.al1l:1.\l~ill~~.~ Act, 341918 1245:'i5 agrees to adopt and cOIqJly with a small busincss. and small disadvantaged business subcontracting pl;m, which sl1t1U hi: ine1lJdc:cl in nod made a pRrt oftllls contrnc.t, The p:j\m~s in~orp01<1\~ h~reil1 by this rafcl'cllelll thc regU1ations. aild el:mtrar:.t daU$~S req\l.irl!!d hy 4M r.:.f.R., ell. 1, fi~ ] Y.iU4(4) ~T14 19, 708(bJ to be made a part ofGovernmcnt contract!! and subcontracts. 5, WOMEN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESSES. 4,s prescribed ill o1S C.F.R., Ch. 1, ~ 19.902, the f(llIowillg clau..~e is included ill. solicitatiOils al1d contracts whm the contrBct amoUllt is expected to be over the sTIlBll purcl:iase thrc!ihold, unless (a) tilC c01ltract is. to bl!: ~erful'ttll!:d ent.lrely oill~ir..l~ th~ Ilf\lted Slalfl.!.:, it!'l t'Jossessions, Pucrto .Rico, ;:I.lld tb~ Trust Trnitory ofthc Pncific IslandB, or (b) a prnona1 services cont\";u;;t i:s cont~mplat~: (a) "Woman-o'WJIcd SHull bus.lllC.!lSCS," a.~ ll.~ed in thi~ clausa, l:ncans businessea that are at leilst :i I pt:n.:ent own~d hy women who are United States citizc:ns and whn ;I1~n.C;:O[ltr(ll ;md operatcthebuslllcsS. "Control," is used in this clause, means exercising the power to mob polky ded~ions, "O~eI'ate," as used i111hi~ l,:lause, !1'1i:an$ b~ing \I!,:ti...~ly h1V(llv~d ill the rnanagem::ntofthebusiness. (h) PlIJi"y, It i~ tbli: polity ofth~ Government to award r:ontrilds. 1:11 t;ClnCml~ dial .;l.gtel! to perform !Iubstantially ill labor s.11fJ'11~ area.~ (LSA'S) when tlli~ can bc done consistent v;ith the eflicient pmonnance of the contract and at pricea no higher than are obtllinilbl~ ~lsewhere, The l.miLraCtcrr atre~~ tnl.J.Se it.!; h~:-( ~ff{lrls to pla.<:e Sllhl:Orltril(;;t:- in ,al:<l;lInla.llce with thi;: policy. (c) Ordcr ofPre!erence. In eomplyills, with paragraph (b) above and withpllJ"agraph (C) of ~ile r;t.ll,lS:~ lIftld.'( !:lm!T.I(.:t t:nti~l~l;'l1)tiliZlltiQIl of Small Business t:nnc~/'T1S ~l'Jd 81lla.1J Disadvantaged Business Collcerns, the Contractor shall observe the following order of preference in '4waTl1ill)l; S\Jhi,:l1ntr4(:l:-: (l) sIDilIl hIISin~SS concerns th!11. i1~ [.':lA t:mICem~, (2) (Jther ~11U1I bll8illCS.!l conccrns, and (3) other LSA COJlcenlS. (d)'ions, "Labor sllrplua area," ns used in this clause, melln~ a )I;~oST~p111!':;~1 a~~ identificd hytlle Department of Labor ill aecl,'lrdanr.:e with 20 C.F.R. @ 654, Subpart A, as an arca of concentra'led unemployment or underernplovment or an area of labor slIrplua, 'Lahor .~1ltplus area el\1ll.<l!m," a~ us~r.1. 'III this ;>t:, 1'11~;l.I1S a Cmll.<!!l'Tl that together with iL~ first-tier subcontrBctoI'B will perform substantially in labor swplw areas. Perfurmance is S\lbs1.i1nl~",1ly jT] lahUT ~\lTPlus :jI~iI if the costs intumd lUldl:J" the I;:{)nt:r;~!;t on a~~llunt (If ma..nufucniring, produc.tiOIl, or perfolffiatlCe of al)II1'()pT'iaro Sl:ll'vj~s illlabo! surplus areas exceed 'i0 percent of the contract price, Labof SUfplu~ Area Subecmtro.t:/ f'rogTClm. (a) See the Utilizatiou of labor Surplus <\rea Concerns clause oftJUs cIlJJ.1<<Id tOr .:lNllicablede;f!nitiolls. (b I The Contractor agrees to establiah and conduct a progrnm to enC;:O{IT'",J.~~ lahnr $\:rrph,~ ale;'! (LSA) OOlleenl..~ to compete f(Jt ~uheoll!fact~ withill tlleir capabilities. at prices no highcr than obta:inobl~ elsewhere, The contrnctor shaU- (1) Designate a liaison Clfficer .....ho will (i) maiIltaillliaison with authorized representatives of1fu: Government on LSA matters. (ii) supervise compliance wilh the Uti1Jziltion lll"I....hclr SU1Jl1u.~ Area (;tml'ern.~ l:<1;lll$e, ;s.nd (ill) allrniTli:-t~r th~ (:(lTl1:ractojl~ labor s.\iI'!Jll1.!l a:rea subcoDtracting program.: (2\ I'mvidiJ adequa~ a.nd limely r.;.oll$ide:~Liml (If tilt; pO'OOlltialities ofLSA conccms in all make-or-buy decisioDSi (3) Et'l.~UJl! that L$) CClti~rtl$ ha.v~ an ~qr.Ul.;\.hl~ oPlmrtLiJlity ro l.<Clmpcte for subcontract'l, particl.ll.arly by aJTan~g aolicitatioIlll. time for the preparation of o:lkrs. quantities, specifications, ilDd do::1iv~ry ~chedulc:a so as to tilcilitate the partidp<ltiol1 nr, .~A l.<lltl!,:eTlI.~; (4) includo the UtilizaticlI ofLa.bof Sutplw ~ca Cellccnl.!l clause in subcontracts that oft~r sllbstmtilll LSA S\1btOD\.r.lCtina: opportunities; imd (5) Mailltain records. showing. (i) tltc procedures adoptcd and (ii) thc Contr~ctor's perform<ll'u;o::, to l:Cl171ply ....;th thi~ tl<l11S~, The r~rTI'\!s will bt: k~pt availahle fot review by tile GovcnUl1ent until the expiration of I year after the award of this contract. or for such longer period as rnayb~ reqmIo::d by iUl)' otb~r c!nuse of this contrlltt, or by ~Pl?lir.;;l:hl~ la.w Or l'f::gll.lation.~. Ic} The I.olltl'.aelor further agree:s to inscl't in allY relatcd subcontract that may (:xce~d $500,000 and that contains the Utilization of Labor Surplus Area Concerns ~JmlSt:, \I::rro,~ tllat !,:!mlbrn\ Slll;lS;lalltially 1(1 th~ langUage l)flhj~ dall.~~, iTlcludillg l.hi~ pal'agra'ph (CI, and to notify the Contracting Officer ofthl: names of suboontractorn. 6 10 r)tt-t EXHIBIT B ESTIMATED COST 02/08/2005 SBC Job No.. 5454351 1-580/ Fallon Road Interchange Project ~~~~~-----~~~----------------~~~~------------------- -------~~~_._--------------------~~-~-~------~------- Materials $1,139.64 Engineering 4,5420.00 ConstructIOn 12,471 74 Salvage (11.57) Total $18,119 81 50% of <.:Ost $9,095.91 3245')5 7 \"">, ""I I~ l\j \ (;, '", {'l) -' rJ ,,, >- \. '~ \R N I (~ ::t, ,t'jL ~ V1 I,.! ,JlJ ,i . ~ ~ I'i: 0- -<J <t u:: /f 11':. IL \ o ." (J . . () ~ CJ:: Il: lJJ Out, ~~. ~ ~ I~ W 1- :;-. . 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