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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 DraftPL/CCMtg11-24-2003A Special Joint Study Session meeting of the Dublin City Council and the Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, November 24, 2003, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Mayor Lockhart. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Planning Commissioners Fasulkey, King, Jennings, Machtmes; and Councilmembers McCormick, Oravetz, Sbranti, Zika and Mayor Lockhart; ABSENT: Commissioner Nassar PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited by the Council, Commission, Staff and those present. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Lockhart explained that under normal situations this would be the time for anyone to address the Council on items not on the agenda. This Planning Commission/City Council workshop is to discuss one particular project, the East County Courthouse. Presentations will be made by the Dublin Staff, and Alameda County representatives, during which time the Council and Commission ask questions. She stated public comments would be allowed at the end of the period instead of the beginning. The meeting was intended to provide a better understanding of what is proposed to be buiR in Dublin and to consider those ideas. She explained that the Council and Commission would not deliberate or come to any conclusions. The Site Development Review application would then go through the regular public hearing process with the Planning Commission and then to the City Council. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 22 SPECIAL MEETING (STUDY SESSION) November 24, 2003 PAGE 674 STUDY SESSION - PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR THE EAST COUNTY HALL OF JUSTICE 7:10 p.m. 8.1 (410~$0) Kristi Bascom, Associate Planner presented the Staff Report. This study session was scheduled to review the design of the East County Hall of Justice, commonly known as the County Courthouse. Normally, the City would not have discretionary approval or review over a county building proposed on County land; however in 1993 the City of Dublin and Alameda County entered into an annexation agreement which gave the City site development review authority over any new project that was proposed for this piece of property. In July 2003, Alameda County submitted an application to the City of Dublin for Site Development Review for the proposed East County Hall of Justice (County Courthouse). The proposed facility would be a 208,408 square foot building comprised of courtrooms, offices, and associated facilities. The project area is 21.77 acres and is located on the north side of Gleason Drive between Madigan Road and Arnold Road. This item is being reviewed at a joint City Council and Planning Commission Study Session so that the City Council and Planning Commission can provide individual feedback to the Applicant and Staff on the proposed building and site. Donna Linton, Alameda County Assistant County Administrator, began the County's presentation by stating that she has been part of a very large group of County actors who have been working for several years to plan and develop the East County Courthouse. Ms. Linton introduced the various members present including Judge Sheppard, Presiding Judge of the Superior Court; Judson Scott, a local attorney; and James Sorenson, Alameda County Community Development Director. Harry Sheppard, Presiding Judge of Alameda County Superior Court, explained that the current facilities were full with no room to expand, The East CoUnty is where the new population will come from and the County needed to plan now to have a courthouse to accommodate these people. Some existing courthouses are antiquated and some will be closed because the buildings have expensive leases. Thirty~one new courtrooms are needed over the next 20 years. The County wants to place 13 of the courtrooms in the Government Center on Hacienda Drive. Services will include criminal trials and preliminary hearings. Judge Sheppard explained the number and various cases heard last year and adviSed this was the Count?s chance to discuss this courthouse in Dublin because th.e State, of CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 22 SPECIAL MEETING (STUDY SESSION) November 24, 2003 PAGE 675 California, as a result of a new legislation, will be taking over all the courthouses that are owned by the County but °nly if they measure up to the quality that the State will accept. The State will not accept leased or inadequate buildings. Alameda County is willing to float a bond issue for $ 60 million that will be amortized over a period of years and will be funded by the Trial Court Funding Fee which is a filing fee attached to each document filed. The County will maintain the management and ownership on buildings that are not accepted by the State. The new legislation will come into effect on January 1, 2004, and before the County can pledge the use of courthouse construction ~ds, approval will need to come from the offices of the Court. There is concern that these fund~wil! becp~e part of a statewide pool and the State will decide h°wto committed' they will stay in the County and are put at risk by not moving forward. James $orenson, Alameda County Community Director, discussed the history of the annexation agreement between the City, Alameda County, and the Surplus Property Authority of the County. He also reviewed the environmental analysis that has been done for the project. The County's Project Architect made a Powerpoint presentation showing the building design, different courtrooms to accommodate the various types of cases, public circulation, elevator placement, and public spaces. Various changes have been incorporated into the site plan and building elevations as a result of discussions with City Staff. These modifications included moving the eastern driveway to the east end of the parking lot; reducing the diameter of the drop~off circle, and moving the disabled parking closer to the courthouse. The City Council, Planning Commission and County representatives discussed the proposed height of the courthouse and concluded that it all depends on where it is being measured because of the different elevations. If the building height is to be reduced, the building will need to be spread out horizontally. The Building Architect advised that if the height was to be reduced by one story it would mean a complete redesign of the entire building. The entire office space depends on having a footprint that fits, and certain things are required to be on the first floor. A re~ design would be an extremely expensive project for the County. Donna Linton summarized by stating that the County has been working on this project for many years; it's a very complicated and complex project. She indicated that they believe that they have attempted to addressed the concerns brought to their attention CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 22 SPECIAL MEETING (STUDY SESSION) November 242 2003 PAGE 676 after meeting with Councilmembers and City Staff. The County will look at the additional issues presented to them by City Staff and will spend the time to examine those issues without delaying, redesigning the project, or increase the cost. She thanked the City Council for reviewing the project. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Meeting minutes taken and prepared by Gloria McCafferty, Senior Office Assistant. ATIEST: City Clerk Mayor CITY CO~CiL ~NUTES VOLUME 22 SPECIAL MEETING (STUDY SESSION) November 24, 2003 PAGE 677