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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Draft 03-07-2006 CC Min .MINUTES OF THE cm COUNCIL OF THE cm OF DUBLIN ~EGULA~ MEETING - MA~CH 7, 2006 CWSED SESSION A closed session was held at 6:30 p.m., regarding: L CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Government Code section 54956.9, subdivision (a) Name of cases: Alameda County Superior Court Case Nos. City of Dublin v Wohlross Associates, et al- VG05238505 City of Dublin v Ralph Gil, et al- VG05241773 . A regular meetIng of the Dublin City Council was held on Tuesday, March 7,2006, in the Council Chambers of the Dublm Civic Center. The meetmg was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. . ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Hildenbrand, McCormick and Oravetz, and Mayor Lockhart. ABSENT: CouncIlmember Zika . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance to the flag was reCIted by the Council, Staff and those present. . DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 7, 2006 PAGE 74 Ci) REPORT ON CWSED SESSION ACTION Mayor Lockhart advIsed that no action was taken during Closed Session. . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Proclamation Declaring "Sunshine Week" 7:02 p.m. 3.1 (610-50) Mayor Lockhart read a proclamation declarmg March 12-18, 2006, as "Sunshme Week," supporting open government in the City of DublIn. Mary Beth Acuff, representing the League of Women Voters, accepted the proclamation and thanked the City Council for supportIng open government and the public's nght to be informed and heard. . Teen Website 7:03 p.m. 3.2 (950-80) Parks & Community Services Manager Paul McCreary presented the Staff Report and advised that the City, through the Youth AdVISOry CommIttee, would be launching a new website called on March 17th. The website would Improve access to programs, servIces, events and Information available for Dublin teens. The site would also proVIde links to important servIces geared toward teens. The SIte was created by Staff, the website deSIgner, Youth Advisory Committee and a subcommittee and would be operated by a team of teen volunteers and a paid webmaster. Vm. Oravetz asked if local businesses could advertise Jobs for teens on the website. Mr. McCreary advised yes. Vm. Oravetz suggested that Staff provide the Information to the Dublin Chamber of Commerce in case Chamber members were interested in postmg job announcements. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 7, 2006 PAGE 75 ~ Mr. McCreary concurred. The Council thanked Staff for an excellent presentation and agreed that the websIte would be an asset to the teens In the community. . Public Comments 7:26 p.m. 3.3 No comments were made by any member of the public at this tIme. . CONSENT CALENDAR 7:09 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.7 On motIon of Cm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Vm. Oravetz and by unanImous vote (Cm. Zika absent), the Council took the following actions: Approved (4.1) MInutes of Regular Meeting of February 21, 2006; Adopted (4.2 540-50) RESOLUTION NO. 21 - 06 DECLARING WEEDS AND COMBUSTIBLE REFUSE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF and directed Staff to notIfy the publIc, and schedule a Public Hearing for April 18, 2006, to hear and consider obJectIons to abatement order; Authorized (4.3 600-35) Staff to solicit bids for Contract No. 06-04, 2005-2006 Annual Street Overlay Program; DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 7, 2006 PAGE 76 ~ Adopted (4.4 1060-90) RESOLUTION NO. 22 - 06 AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM FUNDING FOR ANNUAL STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM, COMMITTING THE NECESSARY NON-FEDERAL MATCH FOR THE PROJECT, AND STATING THE ASSURANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT Adopted (4.5 600-35) RESOLUTION NO. 23 - 06 AWARDING CONTRACT NO. 05-14 FREEWAY UNDERPASS ARTWORK LIGHTING, PHASE 2 TO R.A.N. ELECTRIC, INC. Adopted (4.6 170-70) RESOLUTION NO. 24 - 06 RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 91-92 AND DESIGNATING EMPLOYEES AUTHORIZED TO APPEAR IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN Approved (4.7 300-40) the Warrant Register in the amount of $953,832.05. . WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None . PUBUC HEARINGS - None . DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 7, 2006 PAGE 77 ~ UNFINISHED BUSINESS Schematic Design for New Shannon Community Center 7:09 p.m. 7.1 (210-30) Parks & Facility Development Manager Herma LIchtensteIn presented the Staff Report and advised that, at Its January 3, 2006 meeting, the City Council determined its preferred Shannon Center Design OptIon and requested that two style options (Craftsman and Mission styles) be refined and brought back for reVIew. The Architect prepared refined building style alternatIves, as well as possible color and material choices for the Council's review and consideration. The Parks & CommunIty ServIces Commission recommended the Mission style optIon. The Council and Staff engaged in a brief question and answer session regarding the preferred deSIgn option and each of the style options provIded. The old Shannon Center was considered a hybrid Craftsman style. The Council discussed the dIfferences between the Craftsman and Mission styles and concurred that the MISSIon style would be appropriate for the location and would hIghlight another Important culture in DublIn'S history. On motion of Mayor Lockhart, seconded by Cm. McCormIck and by unanimous vote (Cm. Zika absent), the City Council accepted the floor plan as presented and opted for the Mission Style. . Public Art Master Plan 7:21 p.m. 7.2 (900-30) Parks & Commumty Services DIrector Diane Lowart presented the Staff Report and advised that, in response to a FY 2001-2002 high priority City Council goal, a draft PublIc Art Master Plan had been developed for Council conSIderation. The PublIc Art Master Plan provided a comprehensive plan to formally articulate the CIty'S goals and objectives and established guidelines for the operation of the Public Art Program. Additionally, the City Council would consider the adoptIon of a Resolution expreSSIng the City Council's Intent to adopt an OrdInance requirIng certaIn new development projects to provide publIc art or make a monetary contribution In lieu thereof. Staff recommended that the Council approve the draft Public Art Master Plan WIth the modIfications recommended by the Public Art Taskforce and Hentage & Cultural Arts DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 7, 2006 PAGE 78 ~ Commission or provide additional directIon to Staff. If approved, Staff recommended that the Council adopt the Resolution of Intent and direct Staff to proceed with development of a Public Art Ordinance. Mary Beth Acuff, Heritage & Cultural Arts Commissioner, advIsed that she fully supported the Master Plan and urged the Council to adopt it. She requested Staff to define "public art" and asked If it included architecture. Judy LussIe, PublIc Art Master Plan Taskforce and Heritage & Cultural Arts Commissioner, urged the Council to enact the plan to memorialIze it as adopted by the current Council. The gUIdelInes were much needed for consistency, and It should be a living document, subject to change as the tImes changed. Mayor Lockhart stated that it was a good plan, and expressed the need for Dublm Fine Arts Foundation (DFAF) to have a continued role in public art. The Council and Staff discussed DFAF's role m the Public Arts Master Plan. DFAF's role had been, and would contInue to be if they so desired, to pursue fine arts in the "Art In the Park" Program on City property. The Foundation puts forth project Ideas that it would like the Council to consIder. The balance of the Public Art Master Plan ImplementatIon would be completed by City Staff, as was current practice. The Master Plan mcluded a section on the relationship with non-profits; it was not solely exclusive to DFAF so as to allow for a vanety of art venues. Mayor Lockhart referred to Ms. Acuff's questIon regarding artwork in architecture and asked If the Plan addressed that Issue. City Manager Ambrose advised that the Master Plan stated that works which were architectural elements were Ineligible as public art, except if it was commissioned by a professional artist and was an integral part of the structure or SIte. Vm. Oravetz asked if Developers had been advised of the proposed Master Plan. Ms. Lowart advised that three Developers served on the Public Art Taskforce, and all Developers WIth projects in the pipelIne had been adVIsed. Staff had receIved emails from two Developers who questioned the amount of money they would have to contribute. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 7, 2006 PAGE 79 ~ The Council and Staff discussed the varIOUS art programs around the state and fundIng options. Staff envisioned that the Public Art Fund could be used for any public art in the City. The Fund could also be used for maIntenance. Cm. Hildenbrand stated that it was a great plan and commended everyone who worked on It. Vm. Oravetz agreed. Cm. McCormIck advised that she had been workIng toward this SInce she was elected. She served on the Taskforce and watched as the plan was developed. She was very pleased with the results. On motion of Cm. McCormick, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand and by unanImous vote (Cm. Zika absent), the City Council, with recommended modifications, and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 25 - 06 EXPRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENT TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING CERTAIN NEW DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS TO PROVIDE PUBLIC ART OR MAKE A MONETARY CONTRIBUTION IN LIEU THEREOF . NEW BUSINESS Area F Neighborhood Square Park- Landscape Architectural Services 7:50 p.m. 8.1 (600-30) Parks & Facilities Development CoordIllator Rosemary Alex presented the Staff Report and advised that, in January 2006, Staff solicited a Request for Proposal from ten landscape archItectural firms to complete the design and construction documents for the Area F Neighborhood Square park. As a result of the process, Keller Mitchell and Company demonstrated, in theIr proposal and interview, the necessary experience to complete the project. The 2-acre park would be located m eastern Dublin, northwest of Bray Commons. ConstructIon was estimated to begin III spring 2007. Mayor Lockhart asked how competitive the bids were. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 7, 2006 PAGE 80 ~ Ms. Alex advIsed that the bids received were all within a $5,000 range; however, Staff felt that Keller Mitchell's presentation qualIty and project understanding was the best. City Manager Ambrose advised that State law precluded soliCItIng a competitive bId and basing the selection on price. Tim Sbranti, Dublin resIdent, commended the Council for looking at the opportunity for neIghborhood parks and squares, and urged them to reVIew the prioritization of this and other neIghborhood squares, especially Area G, whIch was currently slated for 2009. In hIS opinion, Area G should actually be prioritized before Area F, or perhaps concurrently, because residents in Area G have been living III that area for several years. Area F was being planned for future residents. Cm. Hildenbrand agreed and suggested postponing the issue now and addressing it durIng the Goals & ObJectives/Budget Study SeSSIOn on March 22nd. PrioritIzatIon could be discussed at the time. Vm. Oravetz asked why the two parks could not be done concurrently. City Manager Ambrose adVIsed that adequate funding was available; however, 15 Staffmembers currently worked from a trailer situated on Area G and space would need to be found for them. It was a good Idea to dISCUSS the Issue durIng the Goals & ObjectIves/Budget Study Session, especially since Area G was not on this agenda. Mayor Lockhart stated that she was comfortable postponIng the approval of thIS agreement until after the discussion on March 22nd. On motion of Cm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Vm. Oravetz and by unanimous vote (Cm. Zika absent), the City Council postponed the decision on this item until after discussion at the March 22, 2006, Goals & ObjectIves/Budget Study Session. . Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Application to the State of California Department of Housinst and Community Development for a Workforce Housinst Program Grant 8:04 p.m. 8.2 (430-20) Housing SpecialIst Julia Abdala presented the Staff Report and advised that the City Council would consider authoriZIng the submittal of an application to the State of DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 7,2006 PAGE 81 ~ CalifornIa Department of HOUSIng and Community Development for a Workforce Housing Reward Program Grant. ThIS grant may provide up to $335,000 to the City of Dublin to be used for construction or acquisition of capital assets that benefit the community. Cm. Oravetz asked if the monies could be used toward other projects other than Shannon Community Center. Ms. Abdala advised that there were time commitments for appropriation and expenditure. Staff would inqUIre as to the use parameters. City Manager Ambrose advIsed that Staff proposed Shannon Community Center because the construction costs were anticipated to go up. On motIon of Cm. McCormIck, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand and by unanImous vote (Cm. Zika absent), the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 26 - 06 AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR WORKFORCE HOUSING REWARD GRANT and authorized the City Manager to execute the Application. . OTHER BUSINESS Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to meetings attended at City expense (AB 1234) 8:08 p.m. CIty Manager Ambrose advised that Dublin was hosting the Alameda County Mayors Conference on March 8th at the DublIn Senior Center, and Leadership Academy Graduation would be held on March 9th at 7:00 p.m. at the CIvic Center. CIty Manager Ambrose reviewed the various St. Patrick's Day events commencing on March 17th and through the holiday weekend and encouraged everyone to attend. Detailed information regarding the parade, festIval and other events could be found at Cm. McCormick advised that a delegation from Dublin's Sister City, Bray, Ireland, would be VISItIng during St. PatrIck's Day festivities. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 7, 2006 PAGE 82 ~ Cm. Hildenbrand commended Staff on a fabulous Volunteer RecognItIon Event held at the Dublin Senior Center on February 23rd. She also participated in the School District's Dublin Pride Integrity In Action Program. The character traIts had been established and now they needed to decide how to implement the program. Vm. Oravetz adVIsed that he had nothIng to report. Mayor Lockhart stated the Dublin Pride Integrity in ActIon Program would be very beneficIal and commended Tim SbrantI and the others involved for such a well-planned program. Mayor Lockhart adVIsed that she had VIsited the Federal Bureau of Prisons In Dublin today, and thanked the 55 employees who lIstened to her talk about the City of DublIn. The program theme was Women Builders of Community and Dreams. A number of the Prison employees commute from outSIde the area and were very excited about housing opportunitIes coming to Dublin. Mayor Lockhart thanked Staff for an excellent Volunteer Recognition Event and commended Staff, especIally Assistant to the City Manager Julie Carter. . ADJOURNMENT . 11.1 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meetIng was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING March 7, 2006 PAGE 83 ~