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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.6 Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Appointment CITY CLERK File # D:Lf '.OJ-[3O] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 21,2006 SUBJECT Request for Council Member to be appointed to the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center Board of Directors Report Prepared By" Julia Abdala/Housing Specialist ATTACHMENTS' Letter from Chair of Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center Advisory Board RECOMMENDATI~ ~ Confirm appointment of Mayor Lockhart as the government representative from the City of Dublin to the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center Board of Directors. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: No financial impact. DESCRIPTION On September 23, 2002 the City Council approved the concept of a regional clearinghouse for housing programs and information in the Tri-Valley This center was to be founded by the five Tri-Valley cities (Danville, San Ramon, Pleasanton, Livermore and Dublin) and would be a central source for distributing housing information and providing housing programs to residents regionwide. In 2005 the Clearinghouse was created and named the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center The Center is located at 20 South L Street in Livermore and has an Interim Director and a full time Housing Coordinator. To date, 6 orientation sessions and 85 one-on-one counseling sessions have been provided. In addition, one first time homebuyer education class has been conducted. A graduate from the homebuyer education class was successful in purchasing a home in Dublin. The next step for the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center is to become a legal non-profit organization by applying for 50 I (c)3 status from the State of California. One step in this process is to form a Board of Directors. This Board would take on the governing responsibilities for the Center from the current Advisory Board. A member of the Board would include one City Councilmember from one of the participating jurisdictions. It has been proposed by the current Advisory Board that the City Councilmember on the Board would be from the jurisdiction that is currently hosting the rotating Tri- Valley Affordable Housing Committee. The COPIES TO: In-House Distribution Page I of2 G:\CC -MTGS\2006 cc mtgs\2006-qtrJ \03-Mar\03.21-06\as-hsg op appt.doc ITEMNO.~ City of Dublin is currently hosting these meetings (held every-other month) and will be transferring this responsibility to San Ramon around August of this year. The governmental appointee from the City of Dublin would remain on the Board as long as Dublin is the host for the rotating Tri- Valley Affordable Housing Committee. The inaugural Board of Directors will be sworn in on April 6, 2006 during a ceremony at the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center, 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Because this is a new board, the meeting dates or frequency of meetings will be determined by the members and incorporated into the by-laws. At this time it appears that a weekday afternoon, after 2:00 p.m. is the time and dates most convenient to all the Board members. It is anticipated that once the more pressing issues oflegal non-profit status are completed the Board may meet every other month, however at this time it is anticipated that more frequent meetings will be necessary This frequency may range from every other week to once monthly The composition of the Board of Directors includes seven voting members, a governmental representative and an alternate member as follows: Chair of the Board: Bill Abournrad - Bay East Association of Realtors James Paxton, - Chair, Hacienda Business Park Association Tim Sbranti - Dublin Resident May Lee - San Ramon resident and Manager of Housing Division for City of Fremont Robert Storer - Developer, Town ofDanville Rick Anixter - V.P. Mortgage Account Executive, Bank of America, Danville Laura Olson, UNCLE Credit Union and Pleasanton resident Potential Alternate (to be appointed): Kevin Martin, Real Estate Attorney, McNichol Law Firm, Pleasanton Governmental appointee: City of Dublin Councilmember RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Council Confirm appointment of Mayor Lockhart as the government representative from the City of Dublin to the Tri- Valley Housing Opportunity Center Board of Directors. Page 2 of2 I o{ I T Ii-Valle!j Housing Opportunit!j Center 20 South L St, livermore, CA 9+550 925371.39W March 10,2006 Mayor Janet Lockhart City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Drive Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Mayor Lockhart, The Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center is in the process of forming its inaugural Board of Directors. In discussing potential candidates the Advisory Board, comprised of staff level representatives from the five cities, agreed that it would be integral to have a Councilmember from the Tri-Valley Affordable Housing Committee as a Board member for the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center In looking for a mechanism to accomplish this goal, the Advisory Board believes that the best way to include a city council member from the Tri-Valley Affordable Housing Committee would be to designate the TVHOC Board position as a rotating position tied to the city that was hosting the Tri-Valley Affordable Housing Committee meetings for that year As the City of Dublin is currently the host city, I would like to offer Dublin the opportunity to seat a councilmember on the inaugural Board of Directors for the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center This seat would be available through August 2006 when San Ramon becomes the host of the Tri-Valley Affordable Housing Committee for the next year The Advisory Board for the TVHOC believes that having a council member on the Board of Directors will bring valuable skills and insights to the Advisory Board and would provide guidance and direction to the Center's Executive Director and staff as well as long range direction for the continued viable operation of the Center On behalf of the Advisory Board for the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center, I would like to request the City of Dublin send a Council representative to serve as a Board member with the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center The role of the Board is to set the Center's strategic plan; ensure that the necessary financial and human resources are in place for the Center to meet its objectives; review management performance; and, set the Center's values and standards to ensure the Center's mission is understood and met. Overall, we anticipate a time commitment of attendance at monthly meetings to further the mission of the Center. The Board of Directors will start with seven voting members and two non-voting members. This Board position would be a non-voting position with a term of one year to be rotated among the five cities. I am available to discuss this request at your convenience. I may be reached at 925-960-4583. Sincerely ~ Milly Seibel Chair, Advisory Board Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center ATT~CHMENT I ~~h