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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.4 Ethics Training~~ , f -~-~h 1 \~:~/ CITY CLERK File # ^~~~-Q~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 6, 2009 SUBJECT: Determine Date/Time of Assembly Bill (AB) 1234 Ethics Training for City Officials and Designated City Staff Report Prepared by: Caroline P. Soto, City Clerk ATTACHMENTS: Required Attendees RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and determine a date for the AB 1234 Ethics Training session for City officials and Staff or provide Staff with alternate direction. ~, FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: Under Assembly Bill (AB) 1234, "local agency officials" must receive ethics training at least once every two years if the City provides compensation, salary, stipend or reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses to a member of a legislative body. AB 1234 defines "local agency official": as 1) any member of a local legislative body or elected official; and 2) any employee designated by a local legislative body to receive the training. As such, all members of the City Council, Planning Commission, Parks & Community Services Commission, Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission, Senior Center Advisory Committee and Youth Advisory Committee are mandated to receive ethics training. Additionally, City Staff determined by the Council to receive mandatory ethics training include the City Manager, City Attorney, City Treasurer and those designated under the City's Conflict of Interest Code (DMC 2.24.020), excluding consultants. Ethics Training for the City's elected and appointed officials was last offered on February 12, 2007. Therefore, this training must be completed by February 11, 2009 to meet the two-year time period set by AB 1234. Newly elected and appointed officials and newly designated City Staff must complete training within one year of election, appointment, or employment. Therefore, the City will offer this mandatory Ethics Training session to all affected officials and Staff. The City's contract law firm of Meyers Nave will conduct the training. Possible dates and start times for the 2-hour Ethics Training session are: Monday, February 2, 2009, 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 6:00 p.m. Thursday, February 5, 2009, 6:00 p.m. COPY TO: Page 1 of 1 ITEM NO. /~ G:\CC-MTGS\2009 cc mtgs\2009 -qtr 1\O1-Jan\01-06-09\as-ethics trng dates.doc n Training will be held in the City Council Chambers and start time could be flexed to begin at 5:30 p.m., if needed. Those local agency officials or Staff members unable to attend the scheduled two hour training session may access Ethics training on-line and receive a certificate upon successful completion of the course, and within the specified time period set by AB 1234. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and determine a date for the AB 1234 Ethics Training session for City officials and Staff, or provide Staff with alternate direction. 2 of 2 REQUIRED ATTENDEES '~' All Members of: City Council Planning Commission Parks & Community Services Commission Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission Senior Center Advisory Committee Youth Advisory Committee City Staff: * * City Manager * * City Attorney **City Treasurer (Administrative Services Director) **Assistant City Manager **Assistant City Attorney *City Clerk **Building Official **City Engineer **Community Development Director Economic Development Director (Vacant) **Planning Manager **Public Works Director **Parks & Community Services Director *Finance Manager *Information Services Manager *Assistant Director of Parks & Community Services *Parks & Community Services Manager *Parks & Facilities Development Manager *Heritage and Cultural Arts Manager *Human Resources Director *Public Works Manager *Newly appointed Staff **City Staff that attended the October 7, 2008 Ethics Training or completed the training online, and has met the training requirement for this two year period. 2of2 ~_~,_p~ 3,`f /kTTA~N (~~~