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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.4 Citizen of YearCITY CLERK File # ^~~~'~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 7, 2000 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION FINANCIAL STATEMENT: 1999 Citizen of the Year Report Prepared by Kay Keck, City Clerk Nomination Forms Submitted Announce winner of 1999 Citizen of the Year and present proclamation None DESCRIPTION: Each year, the City of Dublin recognizes a citizen who has made a significant contribution during the year to the quality of life in Dublin. Mayor Houston and Cm. Howard serve as the Citizen & Organization of the Year Committee. Once nominations have been made, the Mayor arranges for the judging to be done by members outside the City of Dublin. The judges were Bob Philcox, Mark Sweeney and Brad Hirst. The winning citizen is announced/recognized at a City Council meeting with a proclamation and by having their name placed on a perpetual plaque. They are invited to participate in the St. Patrick's Day parade and festival and are the City's guest at the Chamber of Commerce's annual St. Patrick's Day luncheon where they are presented with a plaque by the Mayor. The citizens nominated this year include: Eric Dettenrieder, Sue Farr, Denis King, Cindy Leung, Ron Perazzo, Tim Sbranti, Cindy Young and Ken Young. Letters have been sent to all nominees advising them of their nomination. Staff recommends that the Mayor announce the winner of the 1999 Citizen of the Year and present the proclamation. C~PIES T0: J C l ITEM NO. ~ w ~ FEB-17 00 16:25 FRLJM:DUBLIN CITY MGR OFFC 9~5-833-6651 T0:925 826 i195 PAGE:01 , . ~ . . i • ~ ` l~lfl ~ 1999 ~ - ~ ~ CITY OF L~UBLIN . ~ CITIZEN ~F 1'HE YEAR ~ NaMfNATION ~ ~ NQMIN~E MUST f~ESlD~ IN L3U6LIN ANp MUST HA1lE MAqE A SIC'aNIFICANT G4NTRtBUTION DURING 1999 TO TH~ QUALITY OF LIFE IN DUBLIN, NONI~N~E~ a'4 Y1 ~-S ~,,~ c~ a~an~SS: '~ ~f dll dr~ P.HOI~ Ni~iviBER: ~ - NONI~NATOR: ~~ ~ ~ Jd J~0 N PHONE NUMB~R: 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ noES No~~ ~avO,uV ~~ r~s rra~r.~~ION2 ^~s ~] NO ' IF "NQ", DQ XOU WISH THE NQMIN'A,~ON TO REMAA~I A"SLTRP~ISE" TO NOMINEE7 ~J Y~S ~ NO ~ PL,~~QS,E ,DESCRIBE ~"HE ~QNT,RI,$ UTI~NS ~,DE BY T~YIS lNDIVID UAL DU'RING .~ 999 AND WHY X~l U~'~L Z',1YIS XIVDIYIDU.4L ,tS DESl•.!~ v,~1YG OF TX1"S ,RECQC'x11~1?'74N.• C~ c vi.n: t~ ~'~"~tl~ s a ~s rd~t ~ C~G[e,-, ~ c~~ , ~? C~~Q~~e, ~~ ~ t~ ~ ~~ qrd- ~ c~CM c1~ ~511 -- - - - ~.. ..-Q-t~~~ c~r~~~~ s a~n C~' t~Q ~ j -~.. o c o.~e '~'~ ~n~t z A, St (' Qt~ C ~c . ~ c~~nc~J1.S ~~•t~- '~'c.c.ti+~~~ 4~~~, _ THIS FQkLM MUST BE ~iEC~NED TN ?I~ OFFIC~ QF T~ CYTY MA,NAGEI~ DLJBLIN CY'VIC CENT~R, 100 CIVlC PLAZA, AY ~:00 P,X1+I., F~gRUAR`Y I7, 2000. 3~`~' 5-~ -doe~ S0i~0 ' d S6ti Z 8~8 S~6 ~dl I dd~ J,3~~dfl bS : 9Z 000Z-Lti-H~~ 1999 2~ CITY OF DUBLIN ~-},C~~;~~~;`_,~ CITIZEN OF THE YEAR F~a ~~ 2a~o NOMINATION ~8~ C~(~ U~L~L~UG~ NOMINEE MUST RESIDE IN DUBLIN AND MUST HAVE MADE A SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION DURING 1999 TO THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN DUBLIN. NOMINEE: Mr . Denis King ADDRESS: 6988 Allegheny Drive, Dublin PHONE NUMBER: $29-9144 NOMINATOR: Frederiksen School, Diane Griffiths - Princi al 828-1037, ext. 5201 PHONE NUMBER: DOES NOMINEE KNOW OF THIS NOMINATION? Ox 1'ES ^ NO IF "NO", DO YOU WISH THE NOMINATION TO REMAIN A"SURI'RISE" TO NOMINEE? ~ ^ YES ^ NO PLEASE DESCRIB~ THE C,,ONTRIB U770NS MADE BY 1 HIS INDII~ID UAL D UIZING 1999 AND WHY YOUFEEL THIS INDIVIDUAL IS DESER~ING OF THIS I~COGNI'lION: Denis Kin i hours he cheerfull a . Club President at Frederikse by this position. He has used this o'' and it's staff with both time and mone . Technology Committee and was instrumental in helnina FrPriPri~ an h~~~A +hA fire+ f~,~~_ lab of IBM compatible computers. However he does school He serves the entire educational communitv bv servina on thP Distric-t R~ ~r~nPt Committee This committee studies ways to ensure that District funds nr~~~~~P thP maximum possible for the students. Denis King is a truly outstanding citizen of Dublin! THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER, DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER, 100 CIVIC PLAZA, BY 3:00 P.M., F~BRUARY 17, 2000. ~ FE8-1~ ~0 ~6:25 FR~~:4U8~zN CITY MGR OFFC 925-83~-~6Si f~:92~ 9z~ ily~ rH~t:~l , . ~ ~.._ _ ~-- ~~ .., ~ 3 ~ ~~ : 1999 ~ c~~ oF ~u~~~N . CITIZEN OF THE Y~A~t N~MINATION NOMIN~F MUST R~SID~ IN DUBLIN ANp MUST HAVE MADE A SIGNIFtCANT CONTRfB~1TIQN DUF~IN~ 1999 TO TF~~ QUALITY O~ LIFE IN DUBLiN, No~~: ~c ~cr ~e~s ;c d t ~ ADDRESS: ~ ~2.3 ~~, ~'~,~jo„~~ ~d a~ pHOI~i~ NLTMBER: ~ ~ ~ ~ , ! ~7 ~ N~A~INATOR ~J~~ t f a Js~'d ~1 --~ PHOIV~ NLrMB~R: ~ 2_~ " ~ ~ ~ ^j . DQ~S NOI~IINEE I~OW qF THT5 I~ONMINA~'I4N? ^'~S ~ NQ IF "NO", DO YOU' WIS~I THE NOMIN'ATYON TO REMAIN A"SURPRYS~" TO NQM~N~E7 [~'Y~S ^ NQ pr„~ASE DESCRrB~ ~x~ COrrr~rBUTronrs MADE Bx z'xls rN~nrl~U~ ~~lxrNG~ Y~~~ AND WHY YQUFEEL THISINUIVIDU~ XS DES~YINCr pF' THfS RECOGMTICaN.• , ~ PL~~~,drn~' d-~ ~v~~,~. ~~-~' ~ ~t~~Sv~ -- - ,~~ -~a o ~' a.~, 'THIS ~ORM IvZIJST BE R~CT~IVED I'N TH~ OFFIC~ O~ T~iE CITY NIANAG~ DUBLIN CZ'VIC CEIVT~R, ~00 CIVIC ~'I..AZt~ BY' 3:00 p.M., ~'EBRUA~Y Y7, ZOOQ. S0ib0 ' d S6 T Z 8Z8 SZ6 ' ~dl I dd~ Jl3~~tif1 SS : 9 ti ~00Z-L Z-H3~ 1 9 9 9 ~~~~o~~~ `~ CITY OF DUBLIN F~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ CITIZEN OF THE YEAR ~o~ ~~ ~~~o~~~- NOMINATION NOMINEE MUST RESIDE IN DUBLIN AND MUST HAVE MADE A SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION DURING 1999 TO THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN DUBLIN. NONIINEE: Sue Farr- 762 Crossridge Road, Dublin ADDRESS: PHONE Ni1MB~R: 829-3203 ` NOMINATOR: Frederiksen School, Diane Griffiths - Principal PHONENUMBER: 828-1037 ext. 5201 DOES NOMINEE KNOW OF THIS NOMINATION? x0 YES ^ NO IF "NO", DO YOU WIS~-I THE NOMINATION TO REMAIN A"SURI'RISE" TO NOMTNLE? ' ^ YES ^ NO PLEASL D~SCRIBE THE CONI7ZIBU'I'IONS MADE BY I HIS INDIIjIDUAL DUIZING 1999 AND WHY YOUFEEL THIS INDIVIDUAL IS DLSER~ING OF THIS f~COGNI'lION: Sue Farr is deserving of the citizen of the year award for 1999 because of the many hours she cheerfully devotes to Frederiksen school. Sue is the Second Vice President of the Parent Faculty Club at Frederiksen Elementary School, and is therefore responsible for the fundraising project of selling SCRIP (gift certificates). This is the main fundraiser for the school and makes her responsible for thousands of dollars. She supervises a team of parents who work in this area, but Sue makes herself available many more hours than is expected. In addition she is in charge of ice cream sales. She oes a the ordering, and can also be found selling ice cream to the children. She also e ps eac ers with art projects. She is a wonderful addition to Frederiksen School and is an ou s an ing citizen of Dublin! THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED IN TI~ OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER, DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER, 100 CIVIC PLAZA, IIY 3:00 P.M., F~BRUARY 17, 2000. ~ ,~ ~~~~~~ 1 9 9 9 ~~~~o~~~ CITY 4F DUBLIN CITIZEN OF THE YEAR ~~~~ ~~ zooo ~B`1T~Y ~~ ~~~3~..0~ NOMINATION NOMINEE MUST RESIDE IN DUBLIN AND MUST HAVE MADE A SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION DURING 1999 TO THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN DUBLIN. NOMINEE: Cindy Leung ADDRESS: 7904 Jade Circle, Dublin PHONE NLTIVIBER: 833-2536 - NONIINATOR: Frederiksen School, Diane Giffiths - Principal PHONE NUMBER: 828-1037 , ext . 5201 DOES NOMINEE KNOW OF THIS NONIINATION? ~ YES ^ NO IF "NO", DO YOU WISH THE NONIlNATION TO REMAIN A"SURPRISE" TO NONllNEE? ^ YES ^ NO PLEASE DESCRIBE THE CONTRIBUTIONS M~4DE BY THIS INDIVIDUAL DURING 1999 AND WHY YOU FEEL THIS INDIVIDUAL IS DESERVING OF THIS RECOGNITION.• Cindy Leung is deserving of the citizen of the year award for 1999 because of the many hours she devotes to Frederiksen school. Although Cindy does not serve on the Parent Faculty Club Board, she accepts responsibilty for several projects that make Frederif<s~n ~ much more excifiing place. In the spring of 1999 she was responsible for the first elementary school yearbook ever for Frederiksen. In the fall of 1999 she arranged for the first ever picture of all 700 school members for the this year's yearbook. In addition she makes the halls beautiful with displays of work honoring various groups, both staff and students. She also works hard for the Dublin Partners in uca ion y organizing supp ies and getting judges for the art to be submitted to Art uc ion or e annua ig uc s inner. in y is a so a great asset at Wells where she e main un raisers: e ra ee , an e i en uc ion. ~ izen o u in. THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED 1N THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER, DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER, 100 CIVIC PLAZA, BY 3:00 P.M., FEBRUARY 17, 2000. ~„ ~~~~~Q~~~ ~d~ ~C ~Oo ~ February 17, 2000 ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~4G~q To Whom It May Concern: It is my privilege to nominate Cindy Leung for the Citizen of the Year Award for 1999. She has been a lead parent in the Dublin community beginning with Frederiksen Elementary School and adding Wells Middle School this year. Her accomplishments are legendary and too numerous to name in full. Cindy contributes both her time and extraordinary talents generously through her many fund raising and service projects. Cindy's ability to reach out to community businesses for support of the public schools has resulted in enhanced educational programs and a closer relationship between school and community. Cindy Leung is an exemplary citizen and is deserving of this award. Sincerely yours, C~~ (~-~ ~ ~~- Christy VanSlyke Assistant Principal - Frederiksen Elementary School FE6-17 00 15:25 FROM:DUBL~~ CITY MGR OFFG ~25-833-6651 T0.92~ ~2~ iiy~ rH~t:el , - ~r~ . . . . . L~ ~-~ ct~ : 1 99~ ~ . ~ CITY aF DUBLIN , , . GlTiZ~N ~F THE YEAR NOMINATION ~ . NpMIN~~ MUST RESlDE !N DUBLIN ANI~ MUST NAVE MADE A SIGNIFICANT C~NT'RIBIJTI~N DU1~tNG 1999 TQ TH~ QUALITY OF LIFE IN DUBI.iN. NONLIN~E: ~.o Z Qfi ~ o~ ~,~ p ~ .41DI71ZES5: ~~i~ ~~'r ~~ ~~" ~ti,b~_,r, PHONF NUI~~I.t: ~ Z-~ ~ ~S ~ ~ ~ NoNnrr~.~roR ~v y ~'~ ~`~'d ~J ~ PHONE NUMBER: . ~ DOES N0 KNOW OF IHIS 1~OMINATION? ^ YES ,~ NO IF "NO", DO Y~U WIS~! THE NO'MINNATI~N TO REMAIN A. "SYl'RPRISE" TO ~l'OMYNE~? ~] ~s [] xo ~ ~ Al,FASE DESCRI~4.~ Tf~'.~ CQN'1RIBU~'1'ONS MA~E BY THZS INDIV,LpU,QL AURING .~ 999 ~4ND WHY YQ U FF~L THIS INDIVXAUAL rs p~,Sr~ ~.rNG OF 3'~'rs 1eECOr~rr0lv.• ~ eS es~ d P~, ~~ j~, or ~~~~z,~tl~ ~ ~ 1e~- ~-~+ ~ a~ S~ ~}~~'Y~~. ~ ~P~a~,1 Q~ 1 ~. ~-CS~1tt1~G~ '~c,r, ~Gw,f~ ~ C~U'J . S-l1c~ ~Qf ~e C~r^.~~C. Q{P_S,c~-t'q~, -. T~5 FO~tM MUST B~ REC~IV,~D IN TT~ Ok~'ICE Q~' T~ GT'CY MANr~GEl~ bUBLYN ~IVIC C~NTER, 100 CIVIC PLAZ~ BY 3=40 P.1M., F~~~tLTARY 17, 2000. S~izO'd S6ZZ 8Z8 S~6 ~dlIdti~ J,3~~t1fl bS:9Z 000Z-LZ-H~~ S0 ' d ~d101 1 L.U i 1 V4 +u.~..i ~ ~~~~ ~. /rv~w~ . ...~ . . ~ ~..~. ..~ i ~ ~..r ___ ___ _ . . ' ~ • ~ a~ V"~ : 1999 . . ~ ~ c~-rY aF a~B~~N . . ~!TlZEN ~F THE YEAR N~MINATION ~ ~ NQMINE~ MUST RESID~ fN aUBLIN ANp MUST HAV~ MADE A SIGNIF[CANT CONTRlBUTlON DURING 1999 TQ THE QUALI7Y OF LtFE IN DUBLIN, ~ ~ ~~~~(r~~l . . _ „~_ NOM~'N~: AI~A~S 5: '~'c~ --~o ~~ c a~ FH4I~ NL)ME3ER: ~ N4MINAT4R ~i ~~ ~ch~'Cl ~l __-.__T _~, .~ . .~ ~_._._ PHON~ N~TIVID~R: ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ UQ~S N'Oh~N~L KNOW OF THTS NO1vIINATION? [~ ~S ~] NO ~ !F `~i~", DO YOU WISH THE NOMII~TATTON' TO REMAIN A"SYJ'R,PRISE" TO NOMIN£E? ~ 'Y~S ^ N'd ~ A,C,~ASE DESG.RI,$~ T'f~'~ CON'~'.1t1'.B U~'~UNS MA1~E BY ~`.I~1'S IN13I vf~7 U~4.~ 17U'RING 1999 AN'D ~H~' YOCI F,~L THIS.~~VIDUAL IS DES,~RYlNG OF Th~IS RECQGNITIp,N.• _''~~qc1~°f c.~ fJ ~~',~1 l I+ ~ `~'4~1h~,1 '~ C~ 1~~n, G~P C -- - - ~Nt 1'~c C~C! 'v.~,~~ ~ r^ p S r~e~-.b~r ~~ l ~"- Coa~-1^ ~ct ~lUU~1r~ ~PAr~A., . ., .~. - - - . ~~II5 FORM MUST BE ~C~X~D IN T~ OFFICE p~' THE CI7Y MANAG~It, bUBLTN CIVIC CENTER, I00 CIVIC FLAZA, BY ~:Ud ~,1V~., FEBRUA,~2X 17, 20Q0. ~ S0iS0 ' d S6Z T 8~8 S~6 ~til I dti~ J,~~~tifl SS :9T 000~-Lti-H3~ ~,~~-(o 1999 CITY OF DUBLIN ~~~~~~r~~ CITIZEN OF THE YEAR ~~~ 1~ 2000 ~o~ ~~ ~~~~o~ NOMINATI4N NOMINEE MUST RESIDE IN DUBLIN AND MUST HAVE MADE A SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION DURING 1999 TO THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN DUBLIN. N~N~EE: Cixidy Young ADDRESS: 7420 Tamarack Dr ., Dublin PI-IONE NUMBER: 82s-1127 NOMINATOR: Frederiksen School, Diane Griffiths - princ~r^~ PHONENUMBER: 828-1037, ext. 5201 DOES NOMINEE KNOW OF THIS NOMINATION? ~ YES ^ NO IF "I~iO", DO YOU WISH THE NOMINATION TO REMAIN A"SURPRISE" TO NOIv1INLE? ^ Y~S ^ NO PLEASE DESCRIBL' THE C,,ONTRIB U"L'IONS II~IADL BY '1'HIS INDI T~ID UAL D URING 1999 AND WHY YOU FEEL THIS INDIVIDUAL IS DESEIZ ~ING OF ~HIS RL'COGNITION.~ Cindy Young is deserving of the citizen of the year award for 1999 because of the many hours she cheerfully devotes to Frederiksen School. Cindy is the quiet worker behind the scenes who makes things happen. She is in charge of the Annual Spellathon that in rought in more than $17,000 dollars! She also regularly sells ice cream to the s u ents after school. THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED IN TIIE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER, DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER, 100 CIVIC PLAZA, BY 3:00 P.M., I'~BRUARY 17, 2000. ~ ~~~ 1999 ~, ~- CITY OF DUBLIN ~~`~ ~;~'"%'~=~~°,, CITIZEN OF THE YEAR F:.~ ~~ 2oGo _ NOMINATION ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ NOMINEE MUST RESIDE IN DUBLIN AND MUST HAVE MADE A SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION DURING 1999 TO THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN DUBLIN. NOMINEE: Ken Young ADDRESS: 7420 Tamarack Dr., Dublin PHONE NUMBER: 82s-1127 NOMINATOR: Frederiksen School Diane G' - . PHONENiJMBER: 828-1037, eXt. 5201 - DOES NOMINEE KNOW OF THIS NOMINATION? ~ YES ^ NO IF "NO", DO YOU WISH THE NOMINATION TO REMAIN A"SURPRISE" TO NOMINEE? _ ^ YES ^ NO PLEASE DESCRIB~ THE CON'IIZIBUTIONS MADE BY 'I'HIS INDII~IDUAL DURING 1999 AND WHY YOU FEEL THIS INDIVIDUAL IS DESER ~ING OF 'IHIS RECOGNITION.~ Ken Young is deserving of the citizen of the year award for 1999 because of the manv hours he devotes to the schools. Ken is the Parent Faculty Club Treasurer at Frederiksen Elementary School, and puts in many hours as required by this position. He has students at Wells and Dublin High School as well, and can also be found there supporting those schools. Besides giving time to be the Treasurer, Ken attends all functions, not just as participant, but as a worker. He is always looking for ways to hel out. He is truly an outstanding citizen of Dublin. THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED IN TI~ OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER, DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER, 100 CIVIC PLAZA, BY 3:00 P.M., F~BRUARY 17, Z000. ~. I~l~~l~O~L~ ~D FEB X 7 Z00~ 'To Whom It May Concern: ~~~1°~" ~6~ ~~f~~.06~ Feb. 14, 2000 co~~a I would like i~o nominate Ken and Cindy Young as Citizens of the Year for the city of Dublin. They have lived in this cify for more than 10 years. They have four children in the public schoo,is. They have one son at Dublin High School, a son and daughter at Welis Junior High, and n son at Frederiksen Elemenfary school. Together they are very supportive ot numerous activities at the schools their children uttend. They have spent countless hours volunteering and supporting the programs and nctivities to make them enjoyable for the children. They have helped with the Dublin H~igh School Marching band reviews. They huve helped with the Wells Junior High School b~and reviews and trips to Disneyland. Ken is und has been the Frederiksen P.F.C. treasurer. Ken and Cindy have chaired the big money Spell-A-Thon fundraiser for Frederiksen for many years. Each year we have made more money than the previous year. They collect, count, and record thousands of dollars that the P.F.C. depends on to fund their various programs. They have counted and recorded money for fihe Fourth grade candy sale for camp when they don't even hnve a child in thnt grade level. The have helped with Ice Cream Socials, Spaghetti dinners, School registrntion, and just nbout every other activity sponsored by the school. `They hnve served on district comm+ttees such as the year around schools, and the school boundary udvisory committee. They are conscientious, dependable, and trustworthy parents who devote endless amounts of volunteer hours to the public schools to ensure the ~uccess for all chi (dren. ~ Sincerely, . l Carla Huntzin er ~ 9