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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.2 Housing Authority Appointment Commissioner CITY CLERK File # D[][][Q]-~QJ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 6, 2006 SUBJECT: Appointment of Ten ant Commissioners to the Dublin Housing Authonly Repurt Prepared by Fawn Holman, Ci(v Clerk r}.J ATTACHMENTS: I) Tenant COlnmlssioner Applications Received from. · Lauriannc Behrens · Shawn Costello . Ramona M. Frydendal . Antone Tucker Resolution Appointing Tenant Commissioners to the Duhlin Housing Authority to Two-Year Terms Expiring on May 31, 2008. 2) RECOMMENDATION:. /1 ."./Adopt Resolut.ion (;onfirming reappointment of Ramona Frydendal / ,j/V'- and appointment of Laurianne Behrens as Tenant Commissioners with terms ending on May 31, 2008. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: The Duhlin Housing Authority (DHA) was created by the City to oversee the operation ofthe Arroyo Vista housing project. In accordance with State La...., the DHA Board is comprised of the City Council and two Tenant CommiSSIOners. In addition, if a project has residents over the age of 62, State Law requires that one of the Tenant Commissioners must also be over the age of 62. Per the DHA bylaws, the terrn tor the tenant appointments is two years. Mayor Lockhart has recommended the reappointment of Ramona Frydendal and the appointment of Laurianne Behrens to terms expiring in May 200S. Ms. Frydcndal fulfills the legal requirement that one of the commissioners be over the age of 62. StatTreeommcnds that the City Coundl adopt the attached Resolution making the appointments effective immediately -----------------------------_._---~~~---------------------------p------------------------------------------- COpy TO: Applicants & DHA Page 1 of 1 ITEM NO. ~. ~ G:\CC-MTGS\20lJ6 Ct.: rnlgs\200n-qU'2\Ofi,.Junc\()1l-0fl-IH1\as-dha appl.doc " (' lOb'" /\ ;'i?"'-"!I_J_Ci ~1/ I:.' ,,- , ~> ..f J L t~ (_: . ') fr~~ 1 ! '/61 TENANT COMMISSIONER ApPLICA nON FORM NAMf'" ___ L AUK/I'i'N/vF_.BEH.R.EA/5 ADDRESS. /'700 Po,-";;/tt'ORTy 1<-D .. . :"//7 P{~ELlI'-'. C/l 7yf6 V _ ,., ...- PHONE: 7.25:"_>:-;1.9- 3;;U;'S _ How long have you been an Arroyo Vista ten<tnt'l ,Z;l . S y FIIJ7 .5 , . Ple<tse describe any job or community cxperienee (PTA, Church, etc.) thaI you are mvolved with currently or haw bcen involvcd with in the past that you believe qualifies you to be a tenant commissioner For the past 25 years I have been involved in many social and community programs. I'm currently serving on my union (CSEA) as a VP representative for the Classified employees for the San Ramon Valley Unified School District. I am also currently a member of the St. Raymond Pastoral Council. For the past year I have heen a motivational speaker for the Bariatric Surgery Department at the Fremont Kaiser facility. Between the years of 1997 and 2003, I served as the Secretary and as a Chair Committee Representative fur the Arroyo Vista Resident Council. My current employment is as a Oassified Paraeducator at California High School in San Ramon, for the SRVUSD, where I have been employed for the past 27 years. -I -- .~~.~".~' ~."_...,. .~,--,."-........""~~,.,~.~~.__.,,._~~-~ ,-".'~'."_... Please briefly describe why you would be interested in serving on the Housing Commission. I would like to serve on the Housing Commission, as a Resident Tenant Commissioner, becau-'le I am very concerned ahout the future of Arroyo Vista. I have lived here for 23 years and I would like to keep ahreast on the possihle plans of rehahilitation/redevelopment of our community. I care very deeply ahout the we1fure of my community and I would like the opportunity to serve on the commission. I feel that my many years of puhlic service will enahle me to serve the commission in a positive way. -,~~~--,~., .+'. ..._'.........._.~" U:dublin fonn!ltensnt emr vacancy 3..;t &-&-0<; ATfA(HMENT_J~ .. , 3~4 . .~ TENANT COMMISSIONER ApPLICATION FORM NAME: SHA WN COSTELLO ADDRESS: 67QO DOUGHERTY ROAD, #118 DUIlUN, CA 94568 PHONE: 925-551-8082 How long have vou been an Arroyo Vista tcnant? 22 years Please describe any job or community experience (PT A, Church, etc.) that you are involved with currently or have been involved with in the past that you believe qualifies you to be a tenant commissioner. -.i~q,v.!..lJyrved a.\' a Tenant Commissioner (or the past 4 year.s /Cir the Dublin Housint< Authority, . and an eleven-year term as the..?!it<inal Tenant Aide begilJ.nint< in 1985 Please briefly describe why you would be interested in serving on the Housing Commission. I enjoy helping.p-I:'ople and enjoy helping the tenants of Arroyo Vista with their living conditions. U:dublin forms/tenant crnr vacancy , . 4l1{)~ .... ., Other Information: \, Are you aged 62 or older? NO 2, Are you willing to attend night meetings? NO 3. Arc you a rcgistcrcd voter re.siding within Dublin City limits? YES Any other information or conunents? I want to ensure that the tenants of Arroyo Vista are comfortablc with their living conditjons. In addition, J am always aVllilable to help as a Tenant Commissioner Signature: N/A - Application taken bv phone Date: April 3, 2006 RETURN COMPU:TED FORM By APRIL 24, 2006 TO: Vicki Brown Dublin Housing Authority Administrativc Officc 22941 Atherton Street Hayward, CA 94541-6633 u:dubJil'l forms/tenant emr vacancy ~------ 5tt> '1 "'\, i -~,\"1 i~~-'- ~ , ~,WI~\\lt~ /I~\\ , 9 2006 .,\ ! TENANT COMMISSIONER ApPLICATION FORr\IJ NAME: -\ {<AMtJAlIJ /VI hUDKNUA/.. ADDRESS: j /ifS PHONE: &.';,-,;j .1;51. I..>i'fq How long have you been an Arroyo Vista tenant? qYR~. Please describe any job or community experience (PTA, Church, ete.) that you are involved with currently or have been involved with in the past that you believe qualifies you to be a tenant commissioner ~~'.LLI.... -J'"l.~)( ~\ ") ~.n.t..'i-...u..~~" ]'v ;( ,J -,"--l~ L<L- )~ta '-ll~"'/ ; -'1~ f . ) ." ...Je.. -J.. 'I__L""'~ t. ~ f 11-'~- ",.- 'ui4.L;...r).f '1L rl..;..v.. \.../ u:dublln formS/tenant emr vacancy 9 .. , .' It>q TENANT COMMISSIONER ApPLICATION FORM WcU ~6~~{ PHONE: q2~~ Cf--tl - S((!;(j f Z6 -33"9 - 57S~ CIf) How long have you been an Arroyo Visla .enant? 2...:<s '(yilJe9.. Please describe any job or community experien<;e (PT A, Church, etc.) that you are involved with currently or have been involved with in the past that you believe qualifies you to be a tenant c(}mlnissloner -- NAME: AUI)Kcss: _~ '\:r r&Ar~ t,<rJU.lktJ w~~ (Yuu H- ~l':> f.facl\.t.I:4--~ ~ ie~~'S - (/k;:ba f.-\tt-1~ dt;;:> M~ }(~ O:'IW\"'IH'Jm~~t2h-;CON.s ~~ waf2J(,g",) V rpt,/ Qlf.+..> Se-m:~ c~- ~ Please briefly describe why you would be interested in serving on the Housing Commission. ~ GJu." ---- ~.__->>{ t:<\uiJ,J(fL/ -frrJJn_-L~- / 1]) 6ee:-."I\ I (,0P~CNE:- (JJ~(\JCl r{.20\~ - ' ---- (,0 I ref' fJ L.., (Aif<-.. "10 L-b 1~vt5-~.~ ~-/ W!9::JL ( (0 ~~ (~WfI~~--'Vc--b. u:dublln forms.,tenant emf vacancy 16 (J.bb4C- TtJw0W-O Gc/1-(S IN ljlS(rA- ~(.DnMr U,vAK..tL 'f?(5T ~ -+- ('~ DmDL t:G y./" ~ . ... ,. Other Information: 1 Are you aged 62 or older? ~L~ L Are you willing to attend night meetings? 3 Are you a registered voter residing within DUD in City limits? Any other inl,mnation or commcnts" LiJMe; iYUt')IIlPr-r:1) 7'D --lt~yo ue Date: __... t{ ~S/"Ob RETURN COMrLI(TIW FORM By APRIL 24, 2U06 TO: Vicki Brown Dublin Housing Authority Admmistrativc Office 22941 Atherton Street Hayward, CA 94541-6633 u:dublin formsltanant cmr vacancy rc6Q ~ q~q RESOLUTION NO. xx. 06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ""*.*.*.". APPOINTING TENANT COMMISSIONERS TO THE DUBLIN HOUSING AUTHORITY TO TERMS EXPIRING MAY 31, 2008 WHEREAS; the Dublin Housing Authority is a separate entity created by the City Council pursuant to State law; and WHEREAS, the operation of a Housing Authority requires that two tenant representatives be on the Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS, the Law requires that if the housing project has residents over age 62 that at least one of the two required Tenant Commissioners be over age 62; and WHEREAS, the City Council must appoint Tenant Conunissioners to serve for a term of two years, which runs until May 31, 2008 NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby make the following appointments to the Dublin Housing Authority Board ofConunissioners: Ms. Ramona M. Frydendal'" and Ms. Laurianne Behrens "'Ms. Frydendal fulfills legal requirements to have a Tenant Commissioner over age 6]. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the term of office for these appointments sha1l be through May 31,2008. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of June, 2006, by the following vote: AYES: NOES ABSENT' ABSTAIN Mayor ATTEST City Clerk AT'I'A{;HMI~N'l' 2_