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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.2 Citizen of Year Nomination CITY CLERK File # D[G][[][()J-[51la AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 21,2006 SUBJECT: 2005 Citizen of the Year Nominations ,11../ Report Prepared by Fawn Holman, City Clerk\)"" A TT ACHMENTS: Nomination Forms Submitted RECOMMENDATION:,~Mresent Certificates of Recognition to Nominees FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: Each year, the City of Dublin recognizes a citizen who has made a significant contribution toward enhancing the quality of life for residents of Dublin during the past year. Councilmembers McCormick and Hildenbrand currently serve as the Citizen and Organization of the Year Committee. Immediately after close of the nomination period, the Committee arranges for the judging to be done by impartial individuals or organizations outside the City of Dublin. The winning citizen will be announced at the City's "Proud to be a Dublin Volunteer" event being held on Thursday, February 23,2006 at the Dublin Senior Center. In addition, the winner's name will be engraved on the perpetual plaque, which hangs just inside the Council Chambers. The citizens nominated this year include: Don Biddle, Carol Satterthwaite, and Karen Seals. The nominees were invited to attend this City Council meeting and invitations have been extended for them to attend the Volunteer Recognition event on February 23rd. Staff recommends that the Mayor present each nominee with a Certificate of Recognition for being nominated as Dublin's 2005 Citizen of the Year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COpy TO: Nominees ITEM NO. 3.~ Page 1 of 1 G:\CC-MTGS\2006 cc mtgs\2006-qtrl \02-Feb\02-21-06\as-citizen ofthe year. doc Q.., I .;7f 7 ~ ( ;" .\, ' , \ J ,'. "'-< III NOMINATION CITY ",jt NOMINEE MUST RESIDE IN DUBLIN J)orJ 'Biddle ADDRESS: l~i q~' I b () r.e E 1\ C+ "j) t.J L:I LL-x PHONE NUMBER: 'i J ~.. - "J'6 ,J. "7 NOMINATOR". n.,'. [')(1 (Ie;.' f}1 C(YU__lliDYl (("eM ~-\; "- \. ~-.; Ii l ". .I PHONE NUMBER: c{ rS -- 5.? Y- (:..' .- f7 Lflf-)...... DOES NOMINEE KNOW OF THIS NOMINA nON? ~ YES NOMINEE: qVrt~r ONO BASED ON THE ESTABLISHED CRITERIA (listed on reverse) AND DESCRIBE THE SPECIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS MADE BY THIS INDIVIDUAL AND WHY YOU FEEL THIS PERSON IS DESER VING OF THIS VERY SPECIAL RECOGNITION (Attach additional sheet ifnecessary) "PI('a:.t:~)"Ge. (1 .I-Ill Cl'l.; d I/CI{'2f_d 1{)ll Ci~,,) j ,,J ....r( tL1J::. j L/lt+-c'l.... I -IMPORTANT- IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED, THIS NOMINATION FORM MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE . CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER, 100 CIVIC PLAZA, DUBLIN NO LATER THAN 3:00 p.m., FEBRUARY 1, 2006. 3,,,( J21:2l/o~ APPLICATIONS WILL BE JUDGED ON THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: Achievement - The nomination must reflect the actual accomplishments achieved thmugh voluntary service during the past calendar year. Communitv Needs - The volunteer community service must address unmet human, educational, health, environmental, quality of life or public safety needs. Innovation - Activities should reflect innovative or unique approaches to identifying and solving problems in the community. Mobilization - Activities should include opportunities for mobilizing other groups or volunteers. Ongoing Involvement - The voluntary community service must be hands-on and ongoing rather than a one-time activity, with the exception of outstanding service for short-term crisis situations, or special projects providing ongoing service that may extend beyond the one year period. Leadership - The nomination should demonstrate inspiration and leadership in the pursuit of action within an organization or one who represents a positive image of volunteer service to the community. · Individual nominations are restricted to Dublin residents 18 years of age or older. · Nominated organizations must be based in Dublin and at least 50% of membership must be Dublin residents. · A winning organization cannot be nominated the following year. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Judging Guide for each nominee will be: Fair (1 - 3) Good (4- 7) Excellent (8 - 10) 1. Time and effort spent on project 2. Overall relevance and importance of activity to the community 3. Originality and uniqueness of effort 4. Overcoming a difficulty in accomplishing the proj ect 5. Resource utilization, i.e. volunteers, funds, public interest, etc. --' ;< of 7 CITIZEN OF THE YEAR - CITY OF DUBLIN Nomination Nominee: Address: Phone Number: Nominator: Don Biddle 6981 Doreen Court, Dublin 94568 925-828-2827 Donna McMillion, Executive Director, Dublin Partners In Education Phone Number: 925-846-7442 (cell); 828-2551 ext. 8024 (office) Does nominee know of this nomination: Yes Don Biddle is a "SUPER volunteer." A "SUPER volunteer" is a special category of volunteer who leads and inspires groups of volunteers to achieve their organization's missions. Don has demonstrated leadership in a variety of organizations for many years. He has a very impressive list of volunteer and leadership involvement which shows long term commitment. When Don joins an organization, he makes a difference. Don has had a tremendous impact on our Dublin schools. He was on the school board for Pleasanton (before unification) and Dublin Unified School Districts for twelve years while serving off and on as President of the Board. His Board terms were from 1977-1989. Most recently, he has Co-Chaired the Measure C Bond Measure for Dublin Unified School District's Capital Improvement. The Measure, under his leadership, passed in November of 2004. After the successful Bond election, he continued his commitment to helping Dublin schools achieve their capital improvement goals. He applied for and was selected by the School District to be the Vice Chair of the Oversight Committee for the Bond Measure. Don also strengthens Dublin schools through his leadership with Dublin Partners In Education, an organization whose mission is to foster mutually beneficial business education partnerships in order to maximize community resources for the students of Dublin Unified School District. Don joined DPIE three years ago and became the President of the Board of Directors from 2004 to today. Under his tenure, the organization has grown significantly and now offers more volunteer programs and funds more -~ 30+7 classroom and school projects than any other time in DPIE's history. The "return to student" ratio has increased tremendously under his management. His vision and management style is one which encourages others to join the organization. Don exemplifies the characteristics of what makes an effective leader: a competent person who mobilizes others by delegating, having good organizational skills, being patient, demonstrating flexibility, being good humored, respected, and one who knows how to coach others to reach their goals. Don is also committed to the City of Dublin. He is on the City's Planning Commission and has served as a Vice Chair since January 2005. Many other nonprofit organizations have benefited from Don' s leadership! Don has had a leadership role in the Tri- Valley American Cancer Society Council (Board) for five years. Edy Coleman, Community Services Director of the organization said, "Don is the ultimate volunteer and gives new meaning to the words 'make a difference.' He has served in many capacities over those years from installing bookcases, training other volunteers in diversity, working at the Dublin Relays and teaching cancer prevention and early detection to the different corporations and businesses in the Valley. He has served as President-elect, President, and is currently the immediate past President. He is the kind of volunteer that those of us in the non-profit world pray for! Don gives 100% to whatever he does. He does his homework, has a plan, and does a good job." Don has been a Board of Directors for the Tri Valley YMCA for four years. When interviewed, fellow YMCA Board member Dave Melander said, "In 2005, Don was the catalyst in helping the Executive Director and the "Y" establish mutually beneficial working relationships with Mayor Janet Lockhart and the City of Dublin, with Superintendent John Sugiyama and the Dublin Public Schools, and with Dublin's churches and business community. Don has also brought significant leadership to our YMCA Board, especially in our development of stronger fiscal and budgetary oversight." Don is involved in the leadership of his church. He has served as an elder and is a member of the John Knox Presbyterian Church Session, which Lfof 1 serves as the leadership role for the Dublin church. He is currently the Outreach Chairman. There is an amazing story which demonstrates that Don is truly a committed Super Volunteer. When he and his family moved from Dublin to Indiana in 1996, he was involved for two years with Habitat for Humanity. In Indiana, he served as the Site Selection Chairman and found appropriate building sites for home construction. Because of his successful work, the number of houses built for low-income families were doubled. When he moved back to Dublin in 1998 he still followed through on his commitment to the organization by flying back to Lafayette, Indiana -- 4,000 miles round trip every couple of months -- to continue to volunteer and be of service to the Indiana organization. This was done many times at his own expense! In summary, all the !llany organizations who have benefited from Dan's strong commitment and leadership all strongly agree that Don Biddle is a perfect example of a volunteer leader who deserves to be considered for the City of Dublin's "200,6'Citizen of the Year." 5;; f '7 c: tl 2005 CITIZEN OF THE YEAR I'~"~]r: NOMINATION NOMINEE MUST RESIDE IN DUBLIN NOMINEE (~f<=). .1Jr4l/<J . . ADDRESS: =/ 0 h t ~U~~J'-.J A/)k;'~ / PHONE NUMBEp ? 3:} - 04 ~ (/ NOMINATOR, . 'O/N';{~ "rl~,e/<-<: t4- PHONE NUMBE: "P ::j 3 - h 6 s 0 DOES NOMINEE KNOW OF THIS NOMINATION? 0 YES ~O BASED ON THE ESTABLISHED CRITERIA (listed on reverse) AND DESCRIBE THE SPECIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS MADE BY THIS INDIVIDUAL AND WHY YOU FEEL THIS PERSON IS DESERVING OF THIS VERY SPECIAL RECOGNITION (Attach additional eet ifnecessary) V? ". '.4. ' I :0' v / . . :J/l "/) "r:..t ' -, YJ..l.-J>&L 1.1:; <: - 7f,-, . CL . './:.. .. l -IMPORTANT-' IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED, THIS NOMINATION FORM MUST E RECEIVED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER, 100 CIVIC PLAZA, DUBLIN NO LATER THAN 3:00 p.m., FEBRUARY 1, 2006. r:Zt!/ ~V~~pt47J .>:f~-Y?\ ?L.V,- ,/l.~~oI aj-/I-1.~ ; ( i APPLICATIONS WILL BE JUDGED ON THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: Achievement - The nomination must reflect the actual accomplishments achieved through voluntary service during the past calendar year. Communitv Needs - The volunteer community service must address unmet human, educational, health, environmental, quality of life or public safety needs. Innovation - Activities should reflect innovative or unique approaches to identifying and solving problems in the community. Mobilization - Activities should include opportunities for mobilizing other groups or volunteers. Ongoing Involvement - The voluntary community service must be hands-on and ongoing rather than a one-time activity, with the exception of outstanding service for short-term crisis situations, or special projects providing ongoing service that may extend beyond the one year period. Leadership - The nomination should demonstrate inspiration and leadership in the pursuit of action within an organization or one who represents a positive image of volunteer service to the community. . Individual nominations are restricted to Dublin residents 18 years of age or older. . Nominated organizations must be based in Dublin and at least 50% of membership must be Dublin residents. . A winning organization cannot be nominated the following year. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Judging Guide for each nominee will be: Fair (1 - 3) Good (4 - 7) Excellent (8 - 10) 1. Time and effort spent on proj ect 2. Overall relevance and importance of activity to the community 3. Originality and uniqueness of effort 4. Overcoming a difficulty in accomplishing the proj ect 5. Resource utilization, i.e. volunteers, funds, public interest, etc. .,.. (; (J p r-; 2005 CITIZEN OF THE YEAR ~~,tl i NOMINATION NOMINEE MUST RESIDE IN DUBLIN NOMINEE: C A~o L 5'A 7-rER 1M tJA i IE ADDRESS: ::{-- 1: ~ I :Do t--.J A 14 U 5 1)1(. PHONE NUMBER: q ~ S- <C3 2- 9 . "3 Co 5 -:t- NOMINATOR: c: I ~u.DI'A: fv( e.. (\.,1<. Y\M r.k... PHONE NUMBER: C\ ~ 5. ~ 2..B. I fa T ~ DOES NOMINEE KNOW OF THIS NOMINATION? 0 YES ~NO BASED ON THE ESTABLISHED CRITERIA (listed on reverse) AND DESCRIBE THE SPECIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS MADE BY THIS INDIVIDUAL AND WHY YOU FEEL THIS PERSON IS DESERVING OF THIS VERY SPECIAL RECOGNITION (Attach additional sheet ifnecessary) (' PLe.PrSE: 0E""~ A IT AC.A-IE.-D -IMPORTANT- IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED, THIS NOMINATION FORM MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, DUBLIN CIVIC CENTER, 100 CIVIC PLAZA, DUBLIN NO LATER THAN 3:00 p.m., FEBRUARY 1,2006. " " . APPLICATIONS WILL BE JUDGED ON THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: Achievement - The nomination must reflect the actual accomplishments achieved through voluntary service during the past calendar year. Community Needs - The volunteer community service must address unmet human, educational, health, environmental, quality of life or public safety needs. Innovation - Activities should reflect innovative or unique approaches to identifying and solving problems in the community. Mobilization - Activities should include opportunities for mobilizing other groups or volunteers. Ongoing Involvement - The voluntary community service must be hands-on and ongoing rather than a one-time activity, with the exception of outstanding service for short-tenn crisis situations, or special projects providing ongoing service that may extend beyond the one year period. Leadership - The nomination should demonstrate inspiration and leadership in the pursuit of action within an organization or one who represents a positive image of volunteer service to the community. . Individual nominations are restricted to Dublin residents 18 years of age or older. . Nominated organizations must be based in Dublin and at least 50% of membership must be Dublin residents. . A winning organization cannot be nominated the following year. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Judging Guide for each nominee will be: Fair (1 - 3) Good (4 - 7) Excellent (8 - 10) 1. Time and effort spent on project 2. Overall relevance and importance of activity to the community 3. Originality and uniqueness of effort 4. Overcoming a difficulty in accomplishing the proj ect 5. Resource utilization, i.e. volunteers, funds, public interest, etc. 1 of { .r Carol Satterthwaite is a citizen of Dublin, a citizen of the world and deserves to be Dublin's Citizen of the Year. Carol has been the President, and the enthusiastic, untiring leader of the Dublin' Sister City Association for the past four years. As President, Carol has been the official host and Dublin's ambassador for every delegation from our sister city, Bray, Ireland for the past four years. She has ably demonstrated what Dublin, California hospitality is all about. From corned beef and cabbage dinners to valley wine tasting to midnight Irish coffees in her kitchen, Carol is the first one to welcome our Irish visitors and most of the time, the last one to bid them goodnight. During her tenure, Carol has consistently kept the lines of communication open with the Irish sister members. She has coordinated housing, transportation, sightseeing and ofticial receptions for their annual visits, and arranged for gifts (she handmade scarves for the women guests last year). With her excellent leadership skills, she keeps the various association committees informed and working smoothly, and all with a happy smile and a can-do attitude. In 2005, Carolled the coordinated effort between the two cities to purchase and install a peace pole in Bray Commons Park. A delegation from Bray, including the Bray city clerk was present at the dedication. Carol encourages members on both side of the AOantic in their vision of what we can achieve together and support what is good in each of our communities. It has been said that hospitality is the heart of any sister city program. Carol has certainly shown that a welcoming home and a generous heart can make connections that build bridges across countries and cultures, and provide opportunities to exchange ideas, create lasting friendships and goodwill. It is an honor to nominate Carol Satterthwaite for Dublin Citizen of the Year.