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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.1 Gifts St Pat SponsorsCITY CLERK # 0150-70 AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 18, 2000 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Gifts to City from 2000 St. Patrick's Day Sponsors Report by: Paul McCreary, Recreation Supervisor EXHIBITS ATTACHED: None RECOMMENDATION: /~.~ormally Recognize Donors for Their Contributions and Accept ' \" Gifts FINANCIAL STATEMENT:~ $18,850 in monetary sponsorships was received for the Festival and $8,750 for the Fun Run DESCRIPTION: The 17th Annual St. Patrick's Day Festival was held the weekend of March 18 and 19, 2000. The festival was attended by over 50,000 people and was well supported by local businesses. The Fun Run had over 850 registered runners and was also supported by local organizations and businesses. Festival Sponsors The City received $18,850 in sponsorships this year for the St. Patrick's Day Festival; a list of the sponsors is shown below. Alameda County Surplus prOperty Authority $1,000 Black Mountain Water . $1,350 Burke Beverage $2,000 DeSilva Group $1,000 Goal Line Productions $1,000 Jones, Lang, La Salle $2,000 Koll Development $2,000 Millstone Coffee $2,000 Mission Peak Homes $2,000 Pacific Monarch Resorts $1,000 Peapod $500 Shea Homes $1,000 Trendwest Resorts $1,000 Waste Management $1,000 TOTAL $18,850 COPIES TO: Donors ITEM NO. G:\COLrNCIL~4t 8stpatssponsors.DOC In addition to the monetary sponsorships, the following in-kind donations were received for the festival: Shamrock Village Shopping Center Bay Cable TV Best Western Monarch Hotel Diablo Magazine E1 Monte RV KFRC FM 99.7 KKIQ FM 101.7 KYCY FM 93.3 Z95.7 Tri-Valley Herald (ANG Newspapers) Waste Management Wheels Use of Property Television Advertising Accommodations for Festival Staff Advertising Vehicles for Festival Radio Commercials Radio Commercials Radio Commercials Radio Commercials Tab Section/Advertising Trash Cans Shuttle Service (Bart to Festival) Fun Run Sponsors The City received $8,750 in sponsorships this year for the Shamrock 5K Fun Run sponsors is shown below. Baskin Robbins Carl's Junior Restaurant Chevron Enea Plaza Green Briar Homes Kelley Moore Paint Company Pacific Care Secure Horizons Rigatoni's Restaurant Shea Properties (Park Sierra Apartments) Tri-Valley Buick Pontiac World of Shoes $250 $250 $1,000 $1,000 $250 $250 $2,500 $250 $250 $250 $2,500 TOTAL $8,750 and Walk; a list of the In addition to the monetary sponsorships, the following in-kind donations were received for the Fun Run: Alameda County Fire - Local 55 ANG Newspapers Balance Bar Baskin Robbins Bed Bath & Beyond Brooks Shoes Burger King BYOG Candlewood Hotel Courtyard by Marriott Enterprise Rent-A-Car Fitness 2000 Jamba Juice Jazzercise Kelly Moore Paint KKIQ FM 101.7 Millstone Coffee Outback Steakhouse Pleasanton Fairways Driving Range Ralph's Runners World Seven-Eleven of Dublin Taco Bell Tri-Valley Classical Philharmonic World of Shoes $600 in Cash Prizes / Volunteers Advertising Goody Bag Items Goody Bag Items Prizes Printing of Runner Bib Numbers Goody Bag Items T-Shirts and Novelty Items at Cost Prizes Prizes Prizes Goody Bag Items Onsite Product Distribution / Goody Bag Items Onsite Warmup / Goody Bag Items Prizes Advertising / Emcee Onsite Product Distribution Prizes Goody Bag Items Gift Certificate for Supplies Prizes Goody Bag Items Goody Bag Items Prizes Printing of Goody Bags In recognition of their contributions, these sponsors will be presented with certificates of appreciation and event shirts for their support of Dublin's St. Patrick's Day activities. Per Government Code Section 37354, it is recommended that all gifts and contributions be formally accepted by the City Council. ~X;c I lcz'ch,.' I:.x/,'c.s.s (hn' .Sim'cz'c ,41q~rcci~l i~,z 'Taco (1' .k Tri-ValI-e.y Philharmonic .k -' '..- :"*" 6/,,, / .:.:.,-...,., ._ -.;.~-. , .-- .' .... · ?.',i::':~ , I ),'~1~' '~! ~/ ....... :..~ ': ',' h'..::.::= "-%,',, . ,, II · ({......~,-..-.,. ~ ,." ._.. ...., 'Z'".:~- ~.-.-~-- ,~-,-.r - '~ /.,,- .- -" ,~. -;-=.;~ ~' ; ..'"'~ '°~'a~ .' 't ~' . .' .... "* ..... ~ ' '.1':"?..~ ~ ..'~,?~'.'.& .:.'...'...l,t'. ,~'i."::, ' ,--..i,,-~ ,~,,~:'.'.= .:.-2~q. ~,,~-::- :'. -',.- ;-: ' ,,,..:~ . ~.:~... ..... t'/l~.'t... ..~'.. ",:.'Ii~.~V.:< ..-~: .,'e..~:;:~\x'.'.-,~ 4;: "'/,?','C,-'.:" ,,,- ' ! ~ :: :g.,,_7,,~:,:~i.. ..... ::,, i';:,,'~ ..... .',,?;1%.:',i .... "-.. -'..;: ~; ;~;-; .... ', ;,',i:~,'. · "::',0.'--':" - :~ '. .":',....~. ::" ,' % .": -..'..?.':.', · .~ · '- '::'- '"-: - = · . 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Kelly ~.oore Paint Company .i :. t (.Z!_ZR 1 IFI(_.'~'A TE OF A 1~1~R. EC1A TION' KolIDevelo._pment '-i CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION We Hereby Express Our Sincere Appreciation To: Alameda County Surplus Prop__e_~ Authority In recognition of your support of the City of Dublin's recreation programs. Mayor Guy S. Houston Dated :April 3, 2000 CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION We Hereby Express Our Sincere Appreciation To: DeSilva Groul~ In recognition of your support of the City of Dublin's recreation programs. Mayor Guy S. Houston Dated :April 3, 2000 CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION Hereby Express Our Sincere Appreciation To: ones.[_~_~~~__~__~LaSalle In recognition of your support of the City of Dublin's recreation programs. Mayor Guy S. Houston Dated :April 3, 2000 CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION We Herebld Express Our Sincere Appreciation To: Livermore Dublin Disposal In recognition of your Support of the City of Dublin's recreation programS. Mayor Guy S. Houston Dated :April 3, 2000 .ICA TE OF .A.t-'t:'t,~ECIi.~I TION g~'is'sion Peak g-£omes .p CER '.'I-lt;'I. CA 5El:-; OF A .... t.R.£'(..'~'I/.I. ~I"!'(')N ,Orc harct 'Su.. p 3£ardw are ].' CER .7'"IFICA .TE OF APt'-'t~E'CI'A r i I Outback Steakho'u~'e, ~.~, , I I I,~.,,' · ,...j~ili(,~,,' ,'/ . ' "~'" '~'1'!','"~ ,'1 ~1,,. ; .... ~ ~ ' t ' ~:':1 ~ ~' i;'~r;- t- ,..'~::,', ,t: ~;.:~'~. .. - ':'~l: l l, :~,~1~' . , ~'~:V,: '~,' ';;'.:: .. , ' :'~;3:.:.?::"- .. ' "'~:~'~..'.~'" ' '.- ' "?,'.'-~'::" ' ~ ~ ""~ .' '.'/".' ' ~ "'-3'.'~:~'' · .... . - . . - ~. . ... ...... .'... . . .. - .. /. -~.../-' ~.~ CER .l II"JCA. T.I-_70I--7 A. PPR l:i;( 7!A ~' .-*ION' :Pac_. c Ca're Secu're .~t4'or'tzons .., ...-?...: .i I ~:~t,.',l .'. ~!,:'~1 ,. ?~ ,, ...'-":, - -~. 4'?"./i ' [-5.'.:', ~.. ~'~Og?."'. 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