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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.06 Surplus Property DisposalG~~~ oF DU~~y ~ ~ ~9~~;~~82 STAFF REPORT C I T Y C L E R K ``~,,;U ~~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File # ^[~00-~~] DATE: December 21, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJEC . Disposal of Surplus Property Prepared By: Amy Cunningham, Budget Manager~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will be asked to declare certain items, including police vehicles, as surplus property. ~ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Minimal revenue will be generated from the auction of the vehicles. RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests that the City Council adopt the attached resolution "Declaring Certain Items as Surplus Property", and authorize the transfer of these items to a professional auction company for sale. ~ ~bmitted By Revie ~ed~By udget Manager Assistant City`Inlanager Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. ~°` ~-~ ~ DESCRIPTION: Staff has identified city owned surplus property items that would be appropriate to forward to an ~ auction firm for disposal. Consistent with past practice Staff proposes to transfer all items to a single professional auction firm. There are various surplus property items currently being stored at city facilities that can be disposed of at this time. The need for storage space requires the City to periodically dispose of stored and unused items. Surplus items currently being stored at City facilities include electronics, office machines, office furniture, miscellaneous equipment, and vehicles (including police patrol vehicles). The City's purchasing ordinance allows for auctioning of items declared surplus. Professional auction companies complete marketing and advertising for the auctions, and arrange for pickup and transportation of property and vehicles to the auction facilities for preparation for sale. In the past, auctioneers have successfully sold all surplus items. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Posting of Notice of Public Auction of Surplus Property in accordance with DMC §2.36 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution Declaring Certain Items as Surplus Property 2. Notice of Public.Auction of Surplus Property Page 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. -10 ~ ~- ~1 A.RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ******** DECLARING CERTAIN ITEMS AS SURPLUS PROPERTY WHEREAS, Staff have identified miscellaneous surplus property, including electronics, office machines, office furniture, miscellaneous equipment, and vehicles (including police patrol vehicles) which pursuant to the local purchasing ordinance may now be disposed of; and WHEREAS, the most effective method of disposing of such items is by professional auction; and WHEREAS, independent firms are available to publicly auction items to the highest bidder; and WHEREAS, consolidating the sale of all items is a cost-effective means to obtain auction services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that items including: electronics, office machines, office furniture and vehicles (listed below) are declared surplus property to be sold at auction. VIN YEAR MAKE MODEL MILEAGE UNIT CONDITION 1 HD1 FHW185Y622287 2005 Harley Police 39,743 M75 poor Davidson Road King 2FAFP71W26X105169 2006 Ford Crown 80,466 06-D09 poor Vic 2FAFP71W96X105167 2006 Ford Crown 61,097 06-D16 poor Vic (bent frame) 2FAHP71W17X111023 2007 Ford Crown 81,920 07-D05 poor - Vic - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager and/or her designee shall be authorized to arrange for the auction of surplus City property in accordance with state and local laws and regulations. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21St day of December, 2010. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor __ ATTEST: City Clerk ~~'~t~ ~~6 ~~~~~0-O ATTACHMENT 1 ~~ OF DU~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~1~ $ ~~ ~ ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY In accordance with Chapter 2.36 of the Dublin Municipal Code (DMC), the City Manager has determined that certain surplus property is currently held by the City. The Auction shall be held (date to be determinec~, at The Auction Park, Modesto, 824 Kiernan Ave., Modesto, California 95356, (209) 527-7399. The surplus property to be auctioned includes: electronics, office machines, office furniture, miscellaneous equipment, and vehicles (including police patrol vehicles). This Notice shall be posted for at least five days prior to the date of the Auction at the public notice hearing locations designated by the City of Dublin. December 21, 2010 Joni L. Pattillo, City Manager ATTACHMENT 2