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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.05 Conflict of InterestG~~~ OF DU~~~2 ~ ~9~~;~~~ STAFF REPORT C I T Y C L E R K ~~,,,;~~ ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL File #^~ 4~^ a^-00 DATE: September 21, 2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager SUBJE : Notice of Planned Amendment to Conflict of Interest Code Prepared By: Stephen Muzio, Associate Attorney EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The report serves as notice that amendments to City's Conflict of Interest Code are necessary in order to accurately reflect all of the designated positions within the City which are required by State law to disclose financial interests. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Direct Staff to revise the City's Conflict of Interest Code. / `~ `) _ ~, ~' ~ ~..X:'~~.'Z 1 .~ ~ ~ Submitted By City Clerk Review By Assistant City Manager Page 1 of 2 ITEM NO. • J~ DESCRIPTION: The Political Reform Act requires every local government agency to review its Conflict of Interest Code biennially to determine whether amendments to the Code are required. (See Cal. Gov't Code § 87306.5). The City's Conflict of Interest Code is located in Chapter 2.24 of the Municipal Code. The last amendments to the City's Code were approved on December 16, 2008. The City Council is the code reviewing body for City agencies. Pursuant to Government Code Section 87306.5, City agencies must determine whether amendments to the Code are necessary and notify the City Council by October 1, 2010 whether or not such amendments are required. (See Cal. Gov't Code § 87306.5). This Staff Report serves as notice to the City Council that amendments to the City's Conflict of Interest Code are necessary in order to accurately reflect all of the designated positions within the City which are required by state law to disclose financial interests, and to ensure that those positions are given the appropriate disclosure category. Upon the City Council's direction, Staff will revise the City's existing Conflict of Interest Code to include the changes described above. After the revisions are complete, Staff will bring the revised Conflict of Interest Code to the City Council for review and approval within ninety (90) days of today's date. The City's amended code will not be effective until it has been adopted by the City Council. (See Cal. Gov't Code § 87303). Staff recommends that the City Council direct Staff to revise the City's Conflict of Interest Code in accordance with the changes provided above, and further directs Staff to bring the revised Code back to the City Council for review and approval within ninety (90) days of today's date. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None required. ATTACHMENTS: None. 1510496.1 Page 2 of 2