HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.2 Energy Services Agreement Amendment with Willdan Energy Solutions for Efficiency and Infrastructure Improvement Projects and Consideration of a Financing Plan (2)STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL Page 1 of 8 Agenda Item 6.2 DATE:July 20, 2021 TO:Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM:Linda Smith, City Manager SUBJECT:Energy Services Agreement Amendment with Willdan Energy Solutions for Efficiency and Infrastructure Improvement Projects and Consideration of a Financing PlanPrepared by:Colleen Tribby, Assistant City Manager and Laurie Sucgang,City Engineer EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:The City Council will consider the implementation of energy efficiency and related infrastructure improvement projectsby approving an amendment to the design-build energy savings performance contract with Willdan Energy Solutions. The City Council will also considerapproval ofthe issuance of tax-exempt bonds to fund the projects and the adoption of a resolution allowing the City to be reimbursed for expenditures on the projects prior to the issuance of bonds. STAFF RECOMMENDATION:Take the following action: 1) Conduct a Public Hearing and Adopt the Resolution Making Findings Required Under Government Code Sections 4217.10-18 and Approving an Amendment to the Design-Build Energy Savings Performance Contract with Willdan Energy Solutions for Energy Reduction, Core Facility Infrastructure, and Resiliency Upgrades Projects; 2) Receive a report on the proposed financing plan and provide direction to Staff to return with the financing documents at a future meeting; and 3) Adopt the Resolution Declaring Intention to Reimburse Expenditures from the Proceeds of Certain Tax-exempt Obligations and Directing Certain Actions. FINANCIAL IMPACT:The total cost of the projects proposed through the Investment Grade Audit process is $21,428,950. The Five-Year Capital Improvement Program currently has $2,445,000 ($1,638,665from the General Fund and $806,335 from the East Dublin Street Light District 1999-1 Fund) budgeted in several projects that could be applied to the projects. Funding of all recommended projects would require the City to either utilize $18,983,950 in General Fund Undesignated Reserves in combination with the available CIP funds, or finance the improvements with or without the use of the available CIP funds. Should the City Council desire to finance the projects 310 Page 2 of 8 via bond issuance, all related costs, including bond and disclosure counsel services, would be covered by bond proceeds, and debt service payments would be paid for solely by the General Fund. These options are discussed under the Financing Plan section of this Staff Report.If all recommended projects are implemented, there is a potential annual savings of $694,000 and a lifetime savings (25 years) of approximately $28,600,000. In addition, there would be no cost for the IGA. If the City Council opts to forgo any of the construction projects, the City will be subject to pay $125,000 for the engineering and design services completed during the IGA phase, or a prorated amount based on the projects that are not implemented. DESCRIPTION:BackgroundIn the last several years, the City has taken steps toward increasing resiliency to become better prepared for emergency events such as Pacific Gas & Electric Company’s Public Safety Power Shutoff events in October of 2019 and 2020. More recently, the City has taken steps towardmeeting its Climate Action Plan goals and addressing core infrastructure needs. Specifically, the City has taken the following actions: On June 9, 2020, the City Council adopted the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (Resolution No. 54-20) which included funding of the Resiliency and Disaster Preparedness Improvements project, Citywide Energy Improvements project, and the Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at The Wave project. On September 15, 2020, the City Council adopted the Climate Action Plan 2030 and Beyond(CAP 2030), which identified Dublin’s plan to significantly reduce carbon emissions by 2030 and includes the goal of reaching carbon neutrality by 2045. In response to the State law transitioning California’s transportation sector to zero carbon emissions by 2035 (Executive Order N-79-20 of September 2020), Staff has been developing a plan to transition the City’s fleet of internal combustion engine vehicles to battery-electric vehicles and is looking for opportunities to install infrastructure for electric vehicle charging for the fleet vehicles. On November 17, 2020, the City Council approved a design-build energy savings performance contract with Willdan Energy Solutions, to prepare an Investment Grade Audit (Resolution No. 115-20). On June 1, 2021, the City Council received a report on the recommended projects from the Investment Grade Audit, discussed financing options, and provided direction to Staff.Energy Services ContractWilldan has now completed Phase 1 of the performance contract, resulting in the Investment Grade Audit Report (IGA). An IGA includes an in-depth analysis of the financial aspects of energy savings and the return on investment from potential changes or upgrades to City facilities that are in alignment with resiliency goals, getting the City closer to meeting its Climate Action Plan goals, and addressing core infrastructure needs, while considering how each project may improve the facility’s service and role in the City’s Emergency Operations Plan and the Tri-Valley Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. 311 Page 3 of 8 The recommended projects resulting from the IGA were presented to the City Council on June 1, 2021 and are now fully designed and engineered. The scopes of work of the projects generally include replacement of aged and maintenance-intensive heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, upgrading of facilities to web-based and wireless controls, converting facility, landscape and park lighting to light-emitting diode (LED) systems with controls, installation andreplacement of back-up generators, installation or upgrade of back-up power systems at 22 traffic signal intersections, installation of one megawatt of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems at multiple sites, and installation of power resiliency systems with batteries and generators. A summary of the projects was provided in the June 1, 2021 Staff Report (Attachment 4) and detailed in the IGA (Attachment 5). The list of projects was narrowed down from a larger initial list, and only the most economical, critical, and beneficial scopes of work and projects were proposed by Willdan in consultation with Staff.Phase 2 is project implementation. Approval of the amendment to the performance contract will allow Staff to work with Willdan to implement improvements totaling $21,428,950, resulting in long-term savings to the City of approximately $28,600,000. Project prioritization is based on: (1) resiliency and disaster preparedness (for things like PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff events), (2) replacement of aged and maintenance-intensive equipment, (3) utility bill savings, and (4) energy savings and carbon reduction in alignment with the CAP 2030.The proposed amendment to the performance contract provides for the guaranteed savings for three years. Willdan will pay for any annual shortfall as indicated in the amendment. Within the IGA Baseline Utility Analysis, Willdan has established a detailed utility baseline for how each facility and park operates. This shows existing conditions and allowed Willdan to create energy models to achieve realistic utility savings that will be seen after the projects are completed, which Willdan will stand behind for the guaranteed savings performance period.Cost savings are based on reduced utility bills from less energy usage and the reduced cost to operate and maintain the equipment. In instances where the equipment is new, the savings is net of the added cost to operate and maintain the new equipment. No added operations and maintenance costs were included for existing equipment being replaced, as the City has already budgeted for these. The energy savings, maintenance savings, and total annual savings for each category of projects is summarized in the table below. RECOMMENDED TURNKEY SCOPES OF WORK Turnkey Cost Rebates & Incentives Energy Savings Maint. Savings Total Annual SavingsMECHANICAL HVAC & CONTROLS UPGRADESDublin Library $1,845,844 $ 8,000 $ 31,062 $ 5,285 $ 36,347 Senior Center $ 6,275 $ 4,585 $ 4,077 $ 8,662 Shannon Community Center (Recommissioning of Existing Systems $ - $ 500 $ 200 $ 700 312 Page 4 of 8 Fire Station 16 (Web-Based Controls Upgrades)$ - $ 1,442 $ - $ 1,442 Fire Station 17 $ - $ 1,512 $ 2,847 $ 4,359 Fire Station 18 $ - $ 648 $ 1,604 $ 2,252 Heritage Park & Museum $ - $ 1,143 $ 1,288 $ 2,431 The Wave (Pool Control System Firmware Upgrade)$ - $ - $ - $ - Total HVAC $ 1,845,844 $ 14,275 $ 40,892 $ 15,301 $ 56,193 LIGHTING & CONTROLS UPGRADESDublin Sports Grounds Park & Ballfield Lighting $4,697,972 $ - $ 2,822 $ 6,104 $ 8,926 Emerald Glen Park Ballfield Lighting $ - $ 1,894 $ 4,578 $ 6,472 Fallon Sports Park & Ballfield Lighting $ - $ 7,411 $ 12,208 $ 19,619 Kolb Park Park & Ballfield Lighting $ - $ 875 $ 1,526 $ 2,401 Interior Building Lighting Upgrades $ 17,885 $ 37,504 $ 5,699 $ 43,203 Exterior, Grounds &Park Lighting Upgrades & Improvements (Mape Memorial Park, Alamo Creek Park, Ted Fairfield Park)$ 638,928 $ 22,590 $ 36,522 $ 4,897 $ 41,419 Streetlight Special District LED Upgrade (Dublin Ranch)$ 1,328,211 $ - $ 58,026 $ 73,700 $ 131,726 Total Lighting $ 6,665,111 $ 40,475 $ 145,054 $ 108,712 $ 253,766 RENEWABLE, RESILIENCY & DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PROJECTSInstall New Generator at Shannon Community Center $1,603,436 $ - $ - $ - $ - Replace Generator at Fire Station 16 $ - $ - $ - $ - Replace Generator at Fire Station 17 $ - $ - $ - $ - Replace Generator at Fire Station 18 $ - $ - $ - $ - Install New Generator at Dublin Library $ - $ - $ - $ - Traffic Signal Resiliency $ 1,086,935 $ - $ - $ - $ - Dublin Sports Grounds EV Charging and Solar PV $3,284,500 $ - $ 41,000 $ - $ 41,000 Dublin PSC EV Charging and Solar PV $ - $ 27,000 $ - $ 27,000 Dublin Library Roof Patching (Only if Solar Project is Done)$6,740,523 $ - $ - $ - $ - 313 Page 5 of 8 Solar PV w/ Battery Storage:: Civic Center, The Wave, Corp Yard, Senior CenterSolar PV:: Library, Fire Station 17 & 18, Fallon $ 383,203 $ 316,109 $ - $ 316,109 Total DER $ 12,715,394 $ 383,203 $ 384,109 $ - $ 384,109 Sub-total $ 21,226,349 $ 437,953 $ 570,055 $ 124,013 $ 694,068 ALLOWANCE & PERFORMANCE GUARANTEEPerformance Guarantee(Years 2 & 3)$ 102,601 $ - $ - $ - $ - Allowance for Solar PV & Battery Energy Storage System(Tree Removal, Transformers, Roof Safety Tie-Offs, Additional PG&E Interconnection Fees) $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL $ 21,428,950 $ 437,953 $ 570,055 $ 124,013 $ 694,068 To guarantee the energy savings and investment in the various energy reductions, core facility infrastructure and resiliency upgrades, Staff recommends a measurement and verification term of three years, in contrast to the standard one-year term. Details of the measurement and verification plan are provided in Appendix E of the IGA (Attachment 5).Once complete, the projects will result in an estimated 3% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG)emissions for the City, which aligns with the CAP 2030 goals. Although the impact of the projects on total GHG emissions is relatively small, these investments would provide guidance to the community on how energy efficiency and resiliency projects can be incorporated into existing buildings and infrastructure. Achieving the deep GHG emissions reductions required to reach the goal of carbon neutrality by 2045 described in the CAP 2030 will require action and participation by the entire community. Implementation of these projects would demonstrate the City’s commitment to reaching the CAP 2030 goals in conjunction with asking residents to implement their own projects or make lifestyle adjustments to help achieve greater GHG emissions reductions. If approved, it is anticipated that the total construction project will take approximately 12 months for substantial completion of all projects. There may be an additional three-to-six months for the solar photovoltaic systems to go live due to coordination with PG&E for interconnection to the electric grid. Financing PlanThe total cost of $21,428,950 is the “turnkey” cost, which includes design and engineering, subcontracts, utility program and grant management as applicable, permits and fees, construction management and field supervision, operations and maintenance support, measurement and verification, and guaranteed savings for the selected term. 314 Page 6 of 8 The City Council has three options available to fund the projects:1) Capital Improvement Program and General Fund Reserves. The existing CIP includes $2,445,000 allocated to various energy efficiency projects, funded by the General Fund and the East Dublin Street Light District 1999-1 Fund. To fund all the projects identified in the IGA, an additional $18,983,950 would need to be allocated from General Fund Reserves. This would result in an estimated ending balance of $43,069,079 in the General Fund Unassigned Cash Flow Reserve, which equates to six months of the adopted Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget. Based on the existing levels of reserves, uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and future capital project funding needs or other potential fundingcommitments, this option is not recommended.2) Tax-Exempt Bond Issuance (Public Placement). The City could issue tax-exempt Lease Revenue Bonds to fund all the projects identified in the IGA. The City would secure an underlying credit rating (assume an AA rating from Standard and Poor’s) and issue bonds in the public market at a time when interest rates are at historically low levels. The bondswould be an obligation of the City’s General Fund and could be repaid over a 25-year term(as an example). Annual debt service for a bond issuance of the total project amount is estimated at roughly $1,124,000, totaling $28,100,000 over the 25-year period.Advantages of bond issuance include lower interest rates, longer maturities than a private placement (up to 30 years), and the fact that it is the most common form of debt issuance.Some drawbacks to bond issuance include the higher cost of issuance, a longer time needed to complete the transaction, staff time needed to prepare the required documentation, the need to provide annual disclosures, the requirement of a credit rating, and less flexible call provisions.3) Tax-Exempt Lease Purchase Agreement (Private Placement). The City could enter into a tax-exempt Lease Purchase Agreement (LPA) to fund all the Projects identified in the IGA. The City could repay the LPA over a 15-year term with a bank as a Private Placement.Annual debt service for the total project amount is estimated at roughly $1,700,000, totaling $25,500,000 over the 15-year period.Advantages of the Private Placement include low cost of issuance, no initial or annual continuing disclosure, no credit rating necessary, a relatively quick process, and more flexible call features. Drawbacks to a Private Placement include higher interest rates, the potential for onerous negotiations, the requirement of formal credit approval from the bank before the rate is locked, the fact that such arrangements are not always available, and the short-term nature of the placement (typically 10 to 15 years)Based upon the review of the advantages and drawbacks of both financing mechanisms, and particularly the lower annual debt service costs for tax-exempt bonds, Staff is recommending that the City Council authorize proceeding with a bond issuance in the public market. Regarding the potential use of the budgeted CIP funds ($2,445,000), Staff recommends that theGeneral Fund portions of those projects ($1,638,665) be freed up and replaced with bond 315 Page 7 of 8 proceeds. The portion of the projects funded by the East Dublin Street Light District 1999-1 Fund($806,335) would remain allocated to the projects, as this is a non-General Fund source that was collected for the purpose of such improvements. This would result in a total bond issuance of $20,622,615. Note that the debt service amounts in this Staff Report were prepared with the slightly higher bond issuance amount. This final bond documents (anticipated in September) will reflect the actual bonds total.City Council Actions NeededShould the City Council direct Staff to pursue issuance of tax-exempt bonds, the first step is approval of a resolution (Attachment 6) that will enable the City to be reimbursed from bond proceeds for any expenditures related to the projects prior to the issuance of the bonds. A reimbursement resolution is the required expression of intent to issue bonds and is needed forthe City to reimburse itself subject to certain limitations. Note that the resolution is not required for reimbursement of soft costs, however it is good practice to adopt the resolution well in advance of the expenditure of hard costs. Future ActionsAfter tonight’s approval, the Staff anticipates undertaking the following steps to issue the bonds: Prepare required legal documents and identify the asset(s) to be pledged to secure thebonds in August Prepare required financing documents including the Preliminary Official Statement and Continuing Disclosure Certificate in August Secure an underlying credit presentation from Standard & Poor’s in September Return to the City Council in September for approval of all required documents Price and close bonds in OctoberCalifornia Environmental Quality Act AnalysisStaff has reviewed the proposed action and recommends the City Council determine that the Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Sections 21000, et seq. of the California Public Resources Code) as follows: (i) Categorical Exemption Class I (CEQA Guidelines Section 15301) applies to the minor alteration of existing public facilities, including operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency’s determination; (ii) Class 3 (CEQA Guidelines Section 15303) consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures; installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures; and the conversion of existing small structures from one use to another where only minor modifications are made in the exterior of the structure; and (iii) none of the exceptions in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 are applicable. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE:None. 316 Page 8 of 8 NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH:Pursuant to Government Code sections 4217.10 through 4217.18, this public hearing was noticed at least two weeks in advance of the scheduled meeting and advertised in the East Bay Times and the City Council Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS:1) Resolution Making Findings Required Under Government Code Sections 4217.10-18 and Approving an Amendment to the Design-Build Energy Savings Performance Contract with Willdan Energy Solutions for Energy Reduction, Core Facility Infrastructure, and Resiliency Upgrades Projects2) Exhibit A to Resolution – Performance Contract Amendment 3) Design-Build Energy Savings Performance Contract with Willdan Energy Solutions4) June 1, 2021 and November 17, 2020 City Council Staff Reports (without attachments)5) Investment Grade Audit Report6) Resolution Declaring Intention to Reimburse Expenditures from the Proceeds of Certain Tax-exempt Obligations and Directing Certain Actions 317 Attachment 1 Reso. No. XX-21, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/21 Page 1 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. XX – 21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN MAKING FINDINGS REQUIRED UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 4217.10-18 AND APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE DESIGN-BUILD ENERGY SAVINGS PERFORMANCE CONTRACT WITH WILLDAN ENERGY SOLUTIONS FOR ENERGY REDUCTION, CORE FACILITY INFRASTRUCTURE, AND RESILIENCY UPGRADES PROJECTS WHEREAS,on November 17, 2020, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 115-20 approving a design-build energy savings performance contract with Willdan Energy Solutions (Willdan) to proceed with the development of an Investment Grade Audit (IGA); and WHEREAS,Willdan completed the IGA and first phase, project development, which assessed the feasibility of various potential energy conservation measures to reduce the City’s energy consumption and expense and recommended specific energy conservation measures based thereon (Analysis), and Staff presented the proposed energy efficiency and infrastructure improvements projects to the City Council on June 1, 2021; and WHEREAS, the Analysis demonstrates that the cost for energy conservation services is less than the anticipated marginal cost to the City of thermal, electrical, or other energy that would have been consumed by the City in the absence of energy conservation measures (Savings); and WHEREAS, the Analysis indicates that funds for the repayment of a portion of the project costs are anticipated to be available from the Savings, representing funds that otherwise would have been used for purchase of electrical, thermal, or other energy required by the City in the absence of the energy conservation measures provided by Willdan; and WHEREAS,the City Council now desires to proceed to the second phase, project implementation, and construct the energy reduction, core facility infrastructure, and resiliency upgrades projects (Project); and WHEREAS,the City Council desires to approve a Performance Contract Amendment for the Project (Amendment), attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Dublin finds it to be in the best interest of the City to implement the Project to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy to achieve utility budget cost reductions, energy savings and greenhouse gas emissions reduction; and WHEREAS,Government Code sections 4217.10 through 4217.18 authorize the City to enter into one or more energy service contracts with any person or entity if the anticipated cost to the City for thermal or electrical energy or conservation services provided under the contract is less than the anticipated marginal cost to the City of thermal, electrical, or other energy that would have been consumed by the City in the absence of those energy service contracts; and 318 Reso. No. XX-21, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/21 Page 2 of 3 WHEREAS, Government Code sections 4217.10 through 4217.18 require that a public hearing be held, and public comment be taken, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council, at which meeting the City Council may consider and adopt the findings described herein and approve an energy services contract, and that notice thereof must be given at least two weeks prior to the meeting; and WHEREAS, the City gave notice of its intent to conduct a public hearing and take public comment upon the subject matter of this Resolution two weeks prior to the regularly scheduled public meeting of the City Council at which the City Council has held a public hearing and taken public comment and has now considered this resolution, all as required under Government Code sections 4217.10 through 4217.18; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on July 20, 2021, to consider approving of the above-referenced contract;and WHEREAS, the City Council determines that the Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Sections 21000, et seq. of the California Public Resources Code) as follows: (i) Categorical Exemption Class I (CEQA Guidelines Section 15301) applies to the minor alteration of existing public facilities, including operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency’s determination; (ii) Class 3 (CEQA Guidelines Section 15303) consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures; installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures; and the conversion of existing small structures from one use to another where only minor modifications are made in the exterior of the structure; and (iii) none of the exceptions in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 are applicable. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DOES HEREBY FIND, RESOLVE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER ASFOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. All of the recitals herein contained are true and correct and incorporated by reference. Section 2. CEQA. The Project is exempt under Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines as it involves minor alterations of existing public structures and facilities involving negligible expansion of existing use and Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines including installation and construction of new equipment and facilities in small structures. Additionally, none of the exceptions in Section 15300.2 of the Guidelines are applicable. (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter3) Section 3. Findings. Based upon the written and verbal reports of Staff, the presentation of Willdan Energy Solutions, the Investment Grade Audit, and input from members of the public, the City Council finds that the cost of the Amendment to the City for the energy conservation measures provided thereunder is less than the anticipated marginal cost to the City of thermal, electrical, or other energy that would have been consumed by the City in the absence of the Project and that it is in the best interest of the City to approve and enter into the Amendment. 319 Reso. No. XX-21, Item X.X, Adopted XX/XX/21 Page 3 of 3 Section 4. Approval of Amendment. The City Council hereby approves the Performance Contract Amendment to the Design-Build Energy Savings Performance Contract, attached hereto as Exhibit A, with Willdan Energy Solutions. Section 5. City Manager is authorized to execute the Amendment and make any necessary, non-substantive changes to carry out the intent of this Resolution. Section 6.Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect uponadoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of July 2021, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ______________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ City Clerk 320 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 1 EXHIBIT 1. PERFORMANCE CONTRACT AMENDMENT This Amendment is incorporated into the accompanying Energy Savings Performance Contract dated the 20th day of November, 2020 (the “Agreement”) for the following: PROJECT: City of Dublin Energy Reduction, Core Facility Infrastructure & Resiliency Upgrades THE CUSTOMER: City of Dublin THE PERFORMANCE CONTRACTOR: Willdan Energy Solutions, Inc. The Customer and Performance Contractor hereby amend the Agreement as follows. TABLE OF ARTICLES 1.CONTRACT SUM 2.CONTRACT TIME 3.CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 4.INFORMATION UPON WHICH AMENDMENT IS BASED 5.PERFORMANCE CONTRACTOR’S PERSONNEL, CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS 6.COST OF THE WORK 1.CONSTRUCTION-PHASE CONTRACT SUM a)Stipulated Sum based on predetermined, not-to-exceed fees: (1)The Stipulated Sum shall be ($21,428,950.00), subject to authorized adjustments as provided in the Design-Build Documents. (2)The Stipulated Sum is based on the Cost of Work and Performance Contractor’s Fees as detailed in ARTICLE 5 (SCHEDULE OF VALUES) below. 2.CHANGES IN THE CONSTRUCTION-PHASE CONTRACT SUM: a)Any overage in the cost of the Scope of Work in SCHEDULE A (SCOPE OF WORK) shall be the responsibility of WES. b)Changes to the contract sum are warranted for, but are not limited to: Hazardous materials, additions or modifications to the Scope of Work, and Differing Site Conditions as defined in EXHIBIT 8 - Differing Site Conditions. All additional costs associated with these items shall be the responsibility of Customer. 3.GUARANTEE-PHASE CONTRACT SUM a)Customer shall pay WES annual payments for Guarantee-Phase Services the amounts listed below, subject to the Services Agreement set forth in SCHEDULE B and any other applicable terms of this agreement: (1)Year One:$0.00 (included in Construction-Phase Contract Sum) (2)Year Two:$34,502 for M&V Option B projects and $14,568 for Option A & C projects at client’s request. Only one year of Guarantee-Phase Services have been included. (3)Beyond Year Two:Cost for year three and beyond will be based on costs for year two and will be escalated by 3% for each year thereafter. b)Customer may cancel the Guarantee-Phase Services on any anniversary date or at the end of Customer’s fiscal year. If Customer cancels these services, WES reserves the right to cancel the Energy Savings Guarantee as outlined in the Investment Grade Audit Report, Appendix E, Measurement & Verification Plan. 4.CONTRACT TIME Attachment 2 321 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 2 a) Date of commencement of construction will be based on the execution of this document or an issued Notice to Proceed, whichever is the latter. b) The estimated contract duration is 367 calendar days from the date of commencement of construction. c) Weather disruptions, availability of necessary equipment, remediation of hazardous materials, and other delays beyond the control of WES shall not count toward the construction timeframe in SECTION 5 (COMMENCEMENT DATE AND TERMS). d) Guarantee Commencement Date shall start on the date of the Certificate of Project Completion. 5. SCHEDULE OF VALUES a) WES will prepare and submit a complete schedule of values along with initial Application for Payment at the end of the first month after the execution of this Amendment. Progress payments will be per Section 7 of the Energy Savings Performance Contract following the initial payment, which will be due 60 days after contract execution. Projects listed as line items in the Schedule of Values will be treated as individual projects for the purposes of Progress Payments, Substantial Completion, Project Completion, and withholding of retention amounts. 6. PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE (SCHEDULE IS SHOWN IN BUSINESS DAYS) 322 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 3 7. INFORMATION UPON WHICH AMENDMENT IS BASED The Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in the Amendment are based on the following: a) Scope of Work: The finalized scope of work to be performed under the original Agreement is revised and clarified as set forth in this Amendment as follows: (1) MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING (MEP) UPGRADES & REPLACEMENTS (a) DUBLIN LIBRARY: 323 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 4 (i) General Scope and Intent: Replace (5) rooftop packaged units and one gas-fired boiler (ii) Demolition: Remove and dispose of the existing equipment, piping, and electrical not to be used with the new HVAC systems. (a) Remove and dispose of (5) existing package units. (b) Remove and dispose of (1) Heating Hot Water Boiler. (c) Remove and dispose of existing VAV air-flow sensors (typ. 21) (d) Remove and dispose of existing VAV zone temperature sensors (iii) New Work: (a) Install (5) new package units. Provide curb adaptors as needed. New HVAC units shall be York or Willdan approved equivalent. (b) Reconnect existing power to (5) new package units. (c) Install new air-flow sensors at VAV terminals (typ. 21). (d) Install (1) new gas-fired HHW Condensing Boiler w/ new expansion tank, circulation pipe, local sensors, gauges and instrumentation as needed. Provide power to new equipment as needed. (e) Install new Pelican Wireless system to control VAV damper actuators, package units, and heating hot water loop temperature setpoints. Equipment includes: (i) (1) Z24 Zone Controller for ACU-1 (ii) (4) Z8 Zone Controller for ACU-2,3,4,5 (iii) (1) GW400 Gateway (iv) (3) WR400 Repeaters (v) (21) TS250 CO2 Thermostats (vi) (22) TA-1 Sensor Adapters (one for flow confirmation) (vii) (21) Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensors (viii)(2) Probe T-3 Pipe Sensors (water loop temp display) (ix) (1) TS200 Thermostat (water loop temp display) (x) (1) Pearl (water loop temp display) (xi) (1) PM-5 Power Control Module (enables boiler and pump) (xii) (1) BUN PTAC-3 Line Voltage Thermostat (EF-3) (f) Additional Non-Pelican Equipment: (i) Install new Belimo zone damper actuators as needed. (If existing zone damper actuators can operate as 24VAC floating/open/close, they may be reused). (ii) (21) Belimo retrofit water valve actuators (if existing water valve actuators can operate as 24VAC power open/power close or power open/spring closed, they may be reused). (g) Test, Adjustment, and Balancing: Test, adjustment and balance shall be performed on newly installed equipment to ensure it is delivering air/water flow per design including: (i) Outside air flows of (5) AHUs shall be balanced to meet ventilation requirements per design. (ii) (21) VAV airflow sensors to be calibrated to ensure correct airflow is delivered from VAV box. (iii) Water balancing of heating hot water system shall be performed. (h) Commissioning: Willdan shall develop the commissioning plan, review construction documents, develop functional test procedures, coordinate commissioning activities, verify startup tests, and perform functional performance tests, and generate final commissioning report. (i) Provide facility training and turnover. (b) SENIOR CENTER: (i) General Scope and Intent: Scope includes replacing (11) rooftop packaged units and installing a new controls system. (ii) Demolition: Remove and dispose of existing equipment and piping not to be re-used with the new system. (a) Remove and dispose of (11) existing packaged gas/electric rooftop units (b) Remove and dispose of existing wall-mounted thermostats (typ. 12). (iii) New Work: (a) Install (11) new packaged gas/electric rooftop units. New HVAC units shall be York or Willdan approved equivalent. (b) Install new Pelican Wireless system to control the new and existing HVAC equipment. Equipment includes: (i) (1) GW400 Gateway (ii) (2) WR400 Repeaters (iii) (12) TS250 CO2 Thermostats (iv) (1) Pearl Economizer Controller (v) (1) PM-5 Power Control Module (c) Test, Adjustment, and Balancing: Test, adjustment and balance shall be performed on newly installed equipment to ensure it is delivering airflow per design including: 324 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 5 (i) Outside air flows of (11) RTUs shall be balanced to meet ventilation requirements per design. (d) Commissioning: Willdan shall develop the commissioning plan, review construction documents, develop functional test procedures, coordinate commissioning activities, verify startup tests, and perform functional performance tests, and generate final commissioning report. (e) Provide facility training and turnover. (c) SHANNON COMMUNITY CENTER (i) Retro Commissioning: Scope includes modifications to the operating parameters of (15) Split-DX systems. (a) Equipment operating schedules to be reviewed and modified to capture unoccupied savings without adversely affecting occupied conditions. (b) Setpoints for occupied and unoccupied operation to be adjusted for optimal building performance and energy efficiency. (c) Outside air damper operation optimized for energy efficiency and building ventilation requirements. (d) Exclusions: Repairs, replacements or modifications to existing equipment and associated fans and control wiring. (d) FIRE STATION 16 (i) New Work: Install new Pelican Wireless system to control the new and existing HVAC equipment. Equipment Includes: (a) (1) GW400 Gateway (b) (2) WR400 Repeaters (c) (7) TS250 or TS200 Thermostats (d) (7) TA-1 Sensor Adapters (for supply air temperature display) (e) (7) Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensors (for supply air temperature display) (f) Commissioning: Willdan shall develop the commissioning plan, review construction documents, develop functional test procedures, coordinate commissioning activities, verify startup tests, and perform functional performance tests, and generate final commissioning report. (g) Provide facility training and turnover. (e) FIRE STATION 17: (i) General Scope and Intent: Replace (4) split-systems that supply heating and cooling to the occupied areas of the station. (ii) Demolition: Remove and dispose of existing equipment and piping not to be re-used with the new system. (a) Remove and dispose of (4) existing split systems (b) Remove and dispose of existing wall-mounted thermostats (typ. 5). (iii) New Work: (a) Installation of (4) new split systems. New HVAC units shall be York or Willdan approved equivalent. (b) Install new Pelican Wireless system to control the new and existing HVAC equipment. Equipment Includes: (i) (1) GW400 Gateway (ii) (2) WR400 Repeaters (iii) (16) TS250 CO2 Thermostats (2 for Truck Bay unit heaters) (iv) (1) TS200 (mini-split) (v) (2) Pearls (vi) (3) Z8 Zone Controllers (vii) (17) TA-1 Sensor Adapters (supply air sensing) (viii)(17) Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensors (supply air sensing) (c) Provide facility training and turnover. (d) Commissioning: Willdan shall develop the commissioning plan, review construction documents, develop functional test procedures, coordinate commissioning activities, verify startup tests, and perform functional performance tests, and generate final commissioning report. (f) FIRE STATION 18: (i) General Scope and Intent: Replace (2) split-systems that supply heating and cooling to the occupied areas of the fire station. (ii) Demolition: Remove and dispose of existing equipment and piping not to be re-used with the new system: 325 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 6 (a) Remove and dispose of (2) existing split systems (b) Remove and dispose of existing wall-mounted thermostats (typ. 4). (iii) New Work: (a) Installation of (2) new split systems. New HVAC units shall be York or Willdan approved equivalent. (b) Install new Pelican Wireless system to control the new and existing HVAC equipment. Equipment includes: (i) (1) GW400 Gateway (ii) (2) WR400 Repeaters (iii) (10) TS250 CO2 Thermostats (2 for unit heaters) (iv) (1) TS200 (mini-split) (v) (2) Pearls (vi) (2) Z8 Zone Controllers (vii) (10) TA-1 Sensor Adapters (supply air sensing) (viii)(10) Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensors (supply air sensing) (c) Provide facility training and turnover. (d) Commissioning: Willdan shall develop the commissioning plan, review construction documents, develop functional test procedures, coordinate commissioning activities, verify startup tests, and perform functional performance tests, and generate final commissioning report. (g) HERITAGE PARK & MUSEUM: (i) General Scope and Intent: Replace (1) packaged unit located at the Museum. (ii) Demolition: Remove and dispose of existing equipment and piping not to be re-used with the new system. (a) Remove and dispose of (1) existing floor-mounted gas/electric packaged unit at the Museum only. (b) Remove and dispose of existing wall-mounted thermostats at Heritage Park and Museum (iii) New Work: (a) HVAC Upgrades (Museum Only) (b) Install one new floor-mounted packaged unit and reconnect to existing ductwork. New HVAC unit shall be York or Willdan approved equivalent. (c) Reconnect power to new equipment. (d) Control Upgrades: Install new Pelican Wireless system to control the new and existing HVAC equipment. Pelican Wireless equipment at each facility includes: (e) Kolb house: (i) (3) TS250 Thermostats (ii) (3) TA-1 Sensor Adapters (iii) (3) Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensors (iv) (2) Mini-split conventional Thermostat Interface (CTI) Boards (v) (2) 24VAC transformers for CTIs (f) Sunday School Barn: (i) (1) TS250 Thermostat (ii) (1) TA-1 Sensor Adapter (iii) (1) Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensor (g) Church: (i) (1) TS250 Thermostat (ii) (1) TA-1 Sensor Adapter (iii) (1) Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensor (h) Museum: (i) (2) TS250 Thermostats (ii) (2) TA-1 Sensor Adapter (iii) (2) Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensor (i) Commissioning: Willdan shall develop the commissioning plan, review construction documents, develop functional test procedures, coordinate commissioning activities, verify startup tests, and perform functional performance tests, and generate final commissioning report. (j) Provide facility training and turnover. (h) MEP Exclusions: Overtime, temporary heating and cooling, fire/smoke dampers, duct-mounted smoke detectors, access doors, structural work and structural engineering, asbestos testing and abatement, new duct work except as needed to accommodate installation of new units, duct cleaning, and fireproofing or caulking of existing penetrations. TAB on existing equipment to remain, distribution ductwork, distribution piping, and associated dampers, diffusers, and valves, other than what is specifically stated within this section to accommodate the installation of new equipment. Salvage of equipment scheduled for removal. View-limiting screening of new or 326 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 7 existing equipment. Work required to bring existing systems up to code that are not a part of this scope, including but not limited to ADA and Fire Life Safety. (2) DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCE & RESILIENCY UPGRADES (a) Turnkey installation and user training of Solar PV and battery energy storage systems at the following locations. This scope of work includes an allowance to be used toward mandated items from authorities having jurisdiction such as, but not limited to: tree removal, transformers, roof safety tie-offs, and increased utility interconnection fees. The allowance for this scope of work, including all labor, equipment, and materials is $100,000. The allowance value will be reconciled after the scopes of work are completed. (i) Civic Center (a) Install 232 kW solar PV on new painted carport structure with under canopy lighting (i) The clear height for all arrays will be 10’ from grade. (ii) String inverters will be column mounted. (iii) New LED canopy lighting fixtures will be tied into existing parking lot lighting power circuit. (b) Install 32 kW/ 64 kWh battery energy storage system with programming to operate for economic benefit - peak shaving/ rate arbitrage (c) Tree removal as required for new carport (out of owner directed allowance) (ii) Dublin Library (a) Install 128 kW solar PV on rooftop. (iii) Corporation Yard (a) Install 47 kW roof mount solar PV system. (b) Install 100 kW/ 165 kWh battery storage system with microgrid controller and programming (iv) The Wave (a) Install swimming pool control system firmware upgrade (b) Install 525 kW solar PV on new painted carport structure with under canopy lighting (i) The clear height for all arrays will be 10’ from grade. (ii) String inverters will be column mounted. (iii) New LED canopy lighting fixtures will be tied into existing parking lot lighting power circuit. (c) Install 500 kW / 1100 kWh battery storage system, microgrid controller and programming (d) Light pole and tree removal as needed (out of owner directed allowance) (e) Parking stall re-striping under footprint of solar array (v) Senior Center (a) Install 38 kW roof mounted solar PV system (b) Install 100 kW/ 165 kWh battery storage system with microgrid controller and programming (vi) Fire Station 17 (a) Install 23 kW roof mounted solar PV system (vii) Fire Station 18 (a) Install 13 kW roof mounted solar PV system (viii) Fallon Sports Park (a) Install 59 kW solar PV on new carport structure with under canopy lighting (i) The clear height for all arrays will be 10’ from grade. (ii) String inverters will be column mounted. (iii) New LED canopy lighting fixtures will be tied into existing parking lot lighting power circuit. (b) Light pole removal as needed for new carport, including grind down and asphalt patch if needed (out of owner directed allowance). (c) Tree removal as needed (out of owner directed allowance). (d) Parking stall re-striping under footprint of solar array (b) Allowance for Public Safety Complex and Dublin Sports Grounds solar PV and EV charging installations. The allowance for this scope of work, including all labor, equipment, and materials is $3,284,500. The allowance value will be reconciled after the scopes of work are completed. The schedule for these scopes of work will be defined at the completion of the design and will be incorporated into the contract through an amendment to the contract. (i) Public Safety Complex (a) Install 136 kW roof mounted and carport solar PV system to offset future EV charging loads (b) Install three (3) dual-port Level 2 EV Charging Stations in parking lot, adding six (6) new EV charging spaces to the site (c) Install one (1) 220V Motorcycle charging outlet 327 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 8 (d) Install electric infrastructure to create nine (9) new EV Capable Spaces in parking lot (no charging station to be installed) (ii) Dublin Sports Grounds (a) Install 200 kW carport solar PV system to offset future EV charging loads (b) Install (14) dual-port Level 2 EV Charging Stations in parking lot, adding twenty-eight (28) new EV charging spaces to the site (c) Install two (2) 60 kW DC Fast Chargers (DCFC) (d) Install electric infrastructure to create forty-two (42) new EV Capable Spaces in parking lot (no charging station to be installed) (c) Exclusions: Transformer upgrades, EV charging stations (except where specified), interconnection fees above $800, parking lot reconfiguration at Civic Center, parking lot ADA upgrades, striping unless noted otherwise, grading, curb and gutter, site work, galvanizing metal carports, landscape and irrigation modifications, and tree removal unless noted otherwise. Replanting of any removed trees. (3) INTERIOR & EXTERIOR LIGHTING RETROFITS (a) Turnkey installation of LED lighting retrofits and replacements for the following locations: Dublin Library, Senior Center, Shannon Community Center, The Wave, Corporation & Maintenance Yard, Heritage Park & Museums, and Fire Stations 16, 17, & 18. (b) Retrofit strategies include the following: (i) Replace linear fluorescent T-8 lamps and ballasts with LED lamps and drivers in existing fixtures (ii) Retrofit incandescent and CFL screw-in lamps with new screw-in LEDs (iii) Replace or retrofit recessed can fixtures with LEDs (iv) Replace compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) plug-in lamps with LED plug-in lamps (v) Where not currently in place but where appropriate, install wireless vacancy sensors with option to shut off interior lighting when rooms are unoccupied (vi) Replace CFL and HPS wall packs at exterior areas with new LED wall packs (vii) Replace metal halide (MH) and high pressure sodium (HPS) flood lamps with new LED fixtures (viii)Replace MH & HPS pole light heads with new LED area lights (ix) Replace existing CFL and HPS, surface and canopy-mounted fixtures, with new LED fixtures (x) Where applicable, new LED fixtures will come equipped with occupancy sensors (xi) Existing structural attachments will be reused. (xii) Disposal of removed lamps and ballasts with disposal manifests will be performed per EPA, or other state and local regulations. (c) Exclusions: Controls integration into building automation system; new electrical work; new conduit, new circuits, breakers, switchgear and upgrades to existing equipment; grounding existing luminaries which are not grounded and being retrofit; retrofitting or replacing task lighting, furniture, decorative or stage light fixtures; and performing any work on exterior light fixtures located on the same pole or within ten feet of utility lines. Work related to existing fixtures receiving a voltage greater than 240V. Repair or replacement of existing poles and pole bases. (4) CITY PARK LIGHTING (a) Turnkey installation (interior and exterior) of LED lighting retrofits and replacements for the following locations: Alamo Creek Park, Emerald Glen Park, Fallon Sports Park, Shannon Park, Ted Fairfield Park, (b) Turnkey installation (exterior only) of LED lighting retrofits and replacements for the following locations: Bray Commons, Dolan Park, and Mape Memorial Park. (c) Improved lighting coverage at the following locations: (i) Mape Memorial Park (a) Install new light pole at the south end of the pedestrian bridge (b) Add 2 new light poles along walkway between north park entrance and pedestrian bridge (ii) Ted Fairfield Park (a) Add new light pole by bridge entrance (b) Add wall pack lighting on restroom building (iii) Alamo Creek Park. (a) Install 2 light poles on northwest edge of parking lot (b) Install 1 new light pole at bridge entrance (c) Install new light fixtures on existing poles in playground area. 328 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 9 (d) Exclusions: Controls integration into building automation system, retrofitting or replacing task lighting, furniture, decorative or stage light fixtures; and performing any work on exterior light fixtures located on the same pole or within ten feet of utility lines. Work related to existing fixtures receiving a voltage greater than 240V; Applicable to existing light fixtures receiving retrofit or replacement: new electrical work; new conduit, new circuits, breakers, switchgear and upgrades to existing equipment; grounding existing luminaries which are not grounded and being retrofit Repair or replacement of existing poles and pole bases. (5) STREET LIGHTING (a) LED retrofit of 1,574 existing streetlights at Dublin Ranch Special District. (b) Exclusions: Lighting controls or controls integration; new electrical work; new conduit, new circuits, breakers, switchgear and upgrades to existing equipment; grounding existing luminaries which are not grounded and being retrofit; performing any work on exterior light fixtures located on the same pole or within ten feet of utility lines. Work related to existing fixtures receiving a voltage greater than 240V. Repair or replacement of existing poles and pole bases. Painting of existing poles and fixtures. (6) ELECTRICAL & GENERATOR UPGRADES (a) Furnish and install new motor generator at Shannon Community Center (i) New generated shall be rated for 150 kW (ii) Generator shall be provided with a weatherproof enclosure (iii) New fuel tank shall be sized to provide 72 hours of continuous generator run-time (iv) New structural pad shall be installed (v) New power, control, and communications shall be installed (b) Replace motor generator at Fire Station #16 (i) New generator rated for a minimum of 50 kW (ii) New generator shall be installed in the same location as existing (iii) Existing structural pad to be reused and modified as necessary (iv) Existing fuel tank to be reused and replumbed as necessary to new generator (v) Existing electrical to be reused (c) Replace motor generator at Fire Station #17 (i) New generator rated for a minimum of 50 kW (ii) New generator shall be installed in the same location as existing (iii) Existing structural pad to be reused and modified as necessary (iv) Existing fuel tank to be reused and replumbed as necessary to new generator (v) Existing electrical to be reused (d) Replace motor generator at Fire Station #18 (i) New generator rated for a minimum of 50 kW (ii) New generator shall be installed in the same location as existing (iii) Existing structural pad to be reused and modified as necessary (iv) Existing fuel tank to be reused and replumbed as necessary to new generator (v) Existing electrical to be reused (e) Furnish and install new motor generator at Dublin Library (i) New generated shall be rated for 300 kW (ii) Generator shall be provided with a weatherproof enclosure (iii) New fuel tank shall be sized to provide 72 hours of continuous generator run-time (iv) New structural pad shall be installed (v) New power, control, and communications shall be installed (vi) New automatic transfer switch shall be installed (f) Exclusions: Replacement of existing switchboards, transformers, conduit, conductors, other electrical, or fuel tanks; installation of a new automatic transfer switch or replacement of existing unless otherwise specified. (7) SPORTS LIGHTING: 329 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 10 (a) Replace existing metal halide sports lights with Musco LED lighting system. Scope includes retrofits, relights, new lighting system installation, training and pre-demolition and post-install measurements for the following Projects: (i) Dublin Sports Grounds: (a) Install new lighting at Baseball and Soccer fields (ii) Emerald Glen Park: (a) Install new lighting for (2) tennis courts, (2) basketball courts and Skate Park (iii) Fallon Sports Park: (a) Install new lighting for Soccer Fields 2 & 4, (1) baseball field, (2) softball fields, (4) tennis courts, (4) basketball courts, (iv) Kolb Park: (a) Install new lighting for (2) tennis courts (b) Provide remote lighting controls for the following projects: (i) Dublin Sports Grounds: (a) Baseball and Soccer fields (ii) Fallon Sports Park: (a) Soccer Fields 2 & 4, (1) baseball field, (2) softball fields (c) Exclusions: Replacement of existing switchboards, switchgear, transformers, conduit, conductors, other electrical. New electrical work; new conduit, new circuits, breakers, switchboards; grounding existing luminaries which are not grounded and being retrofit. Repair or replacement of existing poles and pole bases. (8) TRAFFIC SIGNAL RESILIENCY UPGRADES (a) Remove the existing battery backup system and install a hydrogen fuel cell system for the following (11) intersections: Intersection Name Backup Power System Type Dublin Blvd at Dougherty Rd Fuel Cell Dublin Blvd at Hacienda Dr Fuel Cell Hacienda Dr at Martinelli Way Fuel Cell Dublin Blvd at Tassajara Rd Fuel Cell Dublin Blvd at Fallon Rd Fuel Cell Fallon Rd at Fallon Gateway Fuel Cell Dublin Blvd at Village Pkwy Fuel Cell Dublin Blvd at San Ramon Rd Fuel Cell Tassajara Rd at Fallon Rd Fuel Cell Gleason Dr at Tassajara Rd Fuel Cell Dublin Blvd at Arnold Rd Fuel Cell (i) Vegetation removal, irrigation modifications, concrete pads, new raceways, and relocation of existing service pedestal and/or other utility cabinets are included for each location in subparagraph (a). (ii) Salvage of existing Alpha or Myers Battery Backup Systems complete is included for each location in subparagraph (a). (iii) The following equipment, or equivalent as approved by Willdan, is included for each location in subparagraph (a): (a) (1) Altergy Freedom TSP Fuel Cell System (b) (6) Type “K” Hydrogen cylinders, fully filled (c) (1) Altergy Hydrogen fuel enclosure (b) Remove and replace existing battery backups at the following (6) intersections: 330 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 11 Intersection Name Backup Power System Type Dougherty Rd at Amador Valley Blvd Battery Backup San Ramon Rd at Amador Valley Blvd Battery Backup Village Pkwy at Amador Valley Blvd Battery Backup Hacienda Dr at Gleason Dr Battery Backup Gleason Dr at Fallon Rd Battery Backup Horizon Pkwy at Arnold Rd Battery Backup (i) Salvage of existing Alpha or Myers Battery Backup Systems complete is included for each location in subparagraph (b). (ii) The following equipment, or equivalent as approved by Willdan, is included for each location in subparagraph (b): (a) (1) SP1250LX-N-48VDC UPS System (b) (1) SP-09A2 Internal SNMP Card (c) (1) SPD-302C Bypass Switch with GFI/Duplex, Generator Cable and Connector (d) (1) SPLX-48 Internal Fast Battery Charger 48 VDC (e) (1) SP-24B Dual Battery Cable (f) (1) OP96D Set of 8 Outpost 51 AMP HR Batteries (g) (1) CBS-127 UPS System Cabinet with thermal options and Corbin lock. Natural Aluminum Finish (c) Furnish and install new Clary SP1250LX battery backup system complete, or equivalent as approved by Willdan, at the following four (4) intersections that do not have an existing backup system: Intersection Name Backup Power System Type Dublin Blvd at Amador Plaza Rd Battery Backup Dublin Blvd at Scarlett Dr Battery Backup Dougherty Rd at Scarlett Dr Battery Backup Amador Valley Blvd at Amador Plaza Rd Battery Backup (i) All equipment identified in subparagraph (b)(ii) is included for each location in subparagraph (c) (ii) No demolition is anticipated for this scope. (d) Furnish (1) additional Clary SP1250LX battery backup system complete, or equivalent as approved by Willdan, including equipment identified in (b)(ii) for the future traffic signal at Horizon Pkwy. & Scarlett Dr. Installation is excluded from this scope. (e) Exclusions: Refilling and topping off of hydrogen cylinders and performing annual maintenance on hydrogen fuel cell systems and battery backup systems. b) Drawings (1) Scope of Work defined in 7(a) supersedes any scope defined in the Drawings and Specifications. The Drawings and Specifications are provided to provide layout, quantities and general quality of equipment and materials to be incorporated in the project. Sheet Title Drawing Set Date T000 Title Sheet Shannon Community Center Electrical Renovations 3/5/2021 G001 Legends & General Notes Shannon Community Center Electrical Renovations 3/5/2021 G002 Legends & Abbreviations PG2 Shannon Community Center Electrical Renovations 3/5/2021 E100 Electrical Site Plan Shannon Community Center Electrical Renovations 3/5/2021 E700 One-Line Diagram Shannon Community Center Electrical Renovations 3/5/2021 T000 Title Sheet City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 G001 Legends & General Notes City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 G002 Legends & Abbreviations PG2 City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 G003 General Notes City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 331 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 12 G004 General Notes PG2 City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 MD101 HVAC Floor Plan – Demo City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 MD102 HVAC Roof Plan - Demo City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 M101 HVAC Floor Plan – New Work City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 M102 HVAC Roof Plan – New Work City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 M500 HVAC Details City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 M600 HVAC Schedules City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 M601 Title-24 Compliance Forma City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 E100 Electrical Site Plan City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 E101 Electrical Power Plan – Main Level City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 E102 Electrical Power Plan – Roof City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 E500 Electrical Details City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 E600 Electrical Schedules City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 E700 One-Line Diagram City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 L201 Lighting Plan – Main Level City of Dublin Library Renovation 3/5/2021 c) Specifications (1) Scope of Work defined in 7(a) supersedes any scope defined in the Drawings and Specifications. The Drawings and Specifications are provided to provide layout, quantities and general quality of equipment and materials to be incorporated in the project. Spec Section Title 010000 General Requirements 230100 General Mechanical Requirements 230500 Common Work Results for HVAC 230513 Common Motor Requirements for HVAC Equipment 230519 Meters and Gages for HVAC Piping 230553 Identification for HVAC Systems 230593 TAB for HVAC 230700 HVAC Insulation 230800 Commissioning for HVAC 230900 Building Automation Controls 230983 Control System Validation & Commissioning 232113 HVAC Piping, Valves & Fittings 232123 Hydronic Pumps 232300 Refrigerant Piping & Fittings 232500 HVAC Water Treatment 235215 Condensing Boilers 237413 Packaged Rooftop Units 238119 Self-contained Air Conditioners & Heaters 260010 General Electrical Requirements 260500 Common Work Results for Electrical 260519 Electrical Power Conductors & Cables 260526 Grounding & Bonding of Electrical Systems 332 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 13 260533 Raceways & Boxes for Electrical Systems 260553 Identification for Electrical Systems 263213 Diesel Engine Generators 263600 Transfer Switches 265100 Interior Lighting 265600 Exterior Lighting d) Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract (1) Investment Grade Audit Report dated 07/05/21, including the following Appendices: Appendix Title A HVAC & Controls Upgrades B LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade C Traffic Signal Resiliency D Emergency Generators E M&V Plan F Additional Information (a) e) Deviations from the Performance Contract Program Requirements as identified in SCHEDULE A.6: (1) none 8. PERFORMANCE CONTRACTOR’S PERSONNEL, CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS a) The Performance Contractor’s key personnel are identified below: Name Title Email Mobile Tom Black Director of Construction tblack@willdan.com 303-928-0913 Garth McCann Vice President of Operations gmccann@Willdan.com 970-566-2022 Jeff Lorentz Construction Manager jlorentz@willdan.com 503-949-7843 Joshua Slocum Commissioning Engineer jslocum@willdan.com 913-579-8124 333 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 14 This Amendment to the Agreement entered into as of the day and the year first written above. WES CUSTOMER Signed Signed Name Name Date Date 334 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 15 EXHIBIT 2. CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTATIAL COMPLETION (template to be completed at a later date upon each substantially completed scope) Project Project Number: From: WES To (Customer): [CUSTOMER NAME] [WES Address] [Customer Address] [WES Address] [Customer Address] PROJECT OR PORTION OF THE PROJECT DESIGNATED FOR PARTIAL OCCUPANCY FOR USE SHALL INCLUDE: Scope of Work A {Identify the Work, or portion thereof per the schedule of values, that is substantially complete} The Work performed under this Performance Contract has been reviewed and found, to the best of the Customer’s knowledge, information, and belief, to be substantially complete. Substantial Completion is the stage in the progress of the Work when the Work or designated portion is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Performance Contract Documents so that the Customer can occupy or utilize the work for its intended use. The date of Substantial Completion of the Project or portion designated above is the date of issuance established by this Certificate, which is also the date of commencement of applicable warranties required by the ESPC Documents, except as stated below: {Identify warranties that do not commence on the date of Substantial Completion, if any, and indicate their date of commencement} Warranty Date of Commencement Equipment A, OWNER’S REPRESENTATIVE BY (Signature) DATE OF ISSUANCE A list of items to be completed or corrected is attached hereto. The failure to include any items on such a list does not alter the responsibility of WES to complete all Work in accordance with the Performance Contract Documents. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the date of commencement of warranties for items on the attached list will be the date of issuance of the final Certificate of Payment or the date of final payment. The estimated cost of work that is incomplete or defective: $ 0.00 WES will complete or correct the Work on the list of items attached hereto within [___] days from the above date of Substantial Completion: PERFORMANCE CONTRACTOR BY (Signature) DATE The Customer accepts the Work or designated portion as substantially complete and will assume full possession thereof on the above date of Substantial Completion: CUSTOMER BY (Signature) DATE The responsibilities of the Customer and WES for security, maintenance, heat, utilities, damage to the Work and insurance shall be as follows (e.g., Security, Maintenance, Heat, Utilities, Damage to the Work, Insurance): 335 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 16 EXHIBIT 3. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE – PROJECT FINAL COMPLETION (template to be completed at a later date upon final completion) This is to certify that a final inspection of the Project has been conducted jointly by WES and City of Dublin, and that the parties have determined that the Project has been fully completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. All guarantees and warranties that have not commenced previously shall commence as of the date of completion below. Customer accepts the Project as being fully completed and assumes responsibility for maintenance, custodial care, and utiliti es for the premises. WES remains responsible for correcting errors and omissions discovered subsequent to the execution of this document and to respond to claims made under applicable warranties. WES CUSTOMER Signed Signed Name Name Date Date 336 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 1 DESIGN-BUILD ENERGY SAVINGS PERFORMANCE CONTRACT This Design-Build Energy Savings Performance Contract (the “Contract”) is made and entered into as of this day of , 202 , between the Performance Contractor: Willdan Energy Solutions, a California corporation (“WES”), and City of Dublin, a California municipal corporation (“Customer”), for the purpose of installing certain energy, water or other operating cost saving equipment described in SCHEDULE A (SCOPE OF WORK), and providing other services designed to save energy, water or other operating costs for the Customer’s property and buildings (the “Premises”). RECITALS WHEREAS, Customer owns and operates the Premises, and is in need of energy saving equipment and service designed to save costs at said Premises; WHEREAS, WES has made an assessment of the energy consumption characteristics of the Premises and existing equipment; WHEREAS, Customer desires to retain WES to purchase, install and service certain equipment of the type or class described in SCHEDULE A (SCOPE OF WORK), attached hereto and made a part hereof and to provide other services for the purpose of achieving cost reductions within Premises, as more fully set forth herein; and WHEREAS, Customer is authorized under the Constitution and the laws of the State of California to enter into this Contract for the purposes set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, and intending to be legally bound hereby, customer and WES hereto covenant and agree as follows: energy savings performance contract documents SECTION 1 PERFORMANCE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Section 1.1 The Performance Contract Documents (hereinafter, “ESPC Documents”) consist of this Agreement between Customer and WES and its attached Schedules and Exhibits (hereinafter, the "Contract"); other documents listed in this Agreement; and Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement. A Modification is (1) a written amendment to the Contract signed by both parties, including the Performance Contract Amendment, (2) a Change Order, or (3) a Change Directive. Section 1.2 The ESPC Documents form the Contract. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties and supersedes prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. The Contract may be amended or modified only by a Modification. The ESPC Documents shall not be construed to create a contractual relationship of any kind between any persons or entities other than the Customer and WES. Section 1.3 Attachments, Schedules, Exhibits, and Appendices: WES has prepared and Customer has approved and accepted the Schedules as set forth below, copies of which are attached hereto and made part of this Contract by reference. Note: Some Schedules, Exhibits and Appendices will be supplied in a later project Phase. Schedules SCHEDULE A. SCOPE OF WORK SCHEDULE B. COMPENSATION TO WES (Broken out by phase) SCHEDULE D. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS SCHEDULE E. ENERGY SAVINGS GUARANTEE (Completed with EXHIBIT 1.) SCHEDULE F. BASELINE ENERGY CONSUMPTION (Completed with EXHIBIT 1.) SCHEDULE G. SAVINGS MEASUREMENT & CALCULATION FORMULAE; METHODOLOGY TO ADJUST BASELINE (Completed with EXHIBIT 1.) Exhibits EXHIBIT 1. PERFORMANCE CONTRACT AMENDMENT (Proposed at the conclusion of the IGA Phase) EXHIBIT 2. CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTATIAL COMPLETION EXHIBIT 3. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE – PROJECT FINAL COMPLETION 20th November 0 Attachment 3 337 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 2 SECTION 2 THE WORK OF THE ENERGY SAVINGS PERFORMANCE CONTRACT Section 2.1 The term "Work" means the design, engineering, construction and related services required to fulfill WES’s obligations under the ESPC Documents, whether completed or partially completed, and includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services provided or to be provided by WES. Section 2.2 WES shall fully execute the Work described in the ESPC Documents, except to the extent specifically indicated in the ESPC Documents to be the responsibility of others. Section 2.3 WES shall perform all Work through Contractors or through the WES’s own forces. Section 2.4 WES shall perform the Work in compliance with applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations, or lawful orders of public authorities in effect at the time of Contract or Amendment execution as applicable. If WES performs Work contrary to applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations, and lawful orders of public authorities, WES shall assume responsibility for such Work and shall bear the costs attributable to correction. SECTION 3 PHASES OF THE WORK Section 3.1 Work shall be performed in three phases: x The Investment Grade Audit (“IGA”) Phase x The Construction Phase x The Performance Guarantee Phase outlined in SCHEDULE A (SCOPE OF WORK). WES will commence work for the IGA Phase upon execution of this ESPC Agreement. The Construction and Guarantee Phases will commence at the conclusion of the IGA Phase upon the execution of EXHIBIT 1 (PERFORMANCE CONTRACT AMENDMENT). Section 3.2 The Scope of Work and Fee for each phase is defined in SCHEDULE A (SCOPE OF WORK) and SCHEDULE B (COMPENSATION TO WES) respectively. SECTION 4 ENERGY USAGE RECORDS AND DATA Section 4.1 Customer has furnished or shall furnish (or cause its energy suppliers to furnish) to WES, upon its request, all of its records and complete data concerning energy usage and energy-related maintenance for the Premises, including the following data for the most current twenty-six (26) month period; utility records; occupancy information; descriptions of any changes in the building structure or its heating, cooling, lighting or other systems or energy requirements; descriptions of all energy consuming or saving equipment used in the Premises; bills and records relating to maintenance of energy-related equipment, and a description of energy management procedures presently utilized. If requested, Customer shall also provide any prior energy audits of the Premises, and copies of Customer’s financial statements and records related to energy usage and operations for said 26-month period at said Premises, and shall make agents and employees familiar with such records available for consultations and discussions with WES. SECTION 5 COMMENCEMENT DATE AND TERMS Section 5.1 Commencement Date: The effective date of this agreement is the date of the agreement’s last signature. Section 5.2 Construction Phase: The Construction Phase will be a term set forth in EXHIBIT 1. (PERFORMANCE CONTRACT AMENDMENT). Section 5.3 Warrantee Commencement: Warrantees commence on the date of Substantial Completion, as defined in SCHEDULE B (COMPENSATION TO WES), of the portion of the Project as established by the issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion. Section 5.4 Guarantee Phase: The Guarantee Phase will begin upon submission of the Certificate of Acceptance – Project Completion and end in accordance with EXHIBIT 1. (PERFORMANCE CONTRACT AMENDMENT). Section 5.5 Weather disruptions, availability of necessary equipment, remediation of hazardous materials, and other delays beyond the control of WES shall not count toward the Construction Period. The completion dates will be modified by change order for these events. SECTION 6 CONTRACT SUM 338 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 3 Section 6.1 The Contract Sum is the amount to be paid to WES for the performance of the Work. This amount includes: x Stipulated Sum amount for the IGA Phase services as identified in SCHEDULE B (COMPENSATION TO WES), and x Stipulated Sum equaling the Cost of the Work plus Performance Contractor’s Fee for the Construction Phase and Guarantee Phase as identified in SCHEDULE B (COMPENSATION TO WES), and x Cost for the first year of the Guarantee Phase are included in the Construction Phase Contract Sum. Beginning in year two of the Guarantee Phase, Customer will have the option to pay WES a Stipulated Sum annually for each subsequent year of the Guarantee Phase if they wish to continue the Guarantee Phase services as identified in SCHEDULE B (COMPENSATION TO WES). SECTION 7 PAYMENTS TO WES Section 7.1 WES Compensation and Fees: WES’s fees and compensation are set forth in SCHEDULE B (COMPENSATION TO WES). Section 7.2 Billing Information Procedure: Payments due to WES shall be calculated each month and paid in accordance with SCHEDULE B (COMPENSATION TO WES). Section 7.3 Payment: Customer shall pay WES within 30 days of receipt of WES’s application for payment. Amounts unpaid thirty (30) days after the invoice date shall bear interest at 1.5% per month. Section 7.4 Effective Date of Payment Obligation: See SCHEDULE B (COMPENSATION TO WES). SECTION 8 FISCAL FUNDING Section 8.1 Non-appropriation of Funds: In the event no Customer or other funds or insufficient Customer or other funds are appropriated and budgeted, and funds are otherwise unavailable by any means whatsoever in any fiscal period for which payments are due WES under this Contract, then the Customer will, not less than 30 days prior to the end of such applicable fiscal period, in writing, notify WES of such occurrence and this Contract shall terminate on the last day of the fiscal period for which appropriations were made without penalty or expense to the Customer of any kind whatsoever, except as to the portions of payments herein agreed upon for which Customer and/or other funds shall have been appropriated and budgeted or are otherwise available. SECTION 9 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION; APPROVAL Section 9.1 Construction Schedule: Construction and equipment installation shall proceed in accordance with the construction period in SECTION 5 (COMMENCEMENT DATE AND TERMS). A detailed schedule of construction will be submitted to Customer following Commencement of the Performance Contract Amendment. This schedule will be updated throughout construction to reflect ongoing progress on the Project. Section 9.2 Systems Startup and Equipment Commissioning: WES shall conduct a thorough and systematic performance test of each element and total system of the installed equipment in accordance with the procedures specified in SCHEDULE G.1 (System Start-up & Commissioning), provided as part of the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1), and prior to acceptance of the project by Customer. WES shall provide notice to the Customer of the scheduled test(s) and the Customer and/or its designees shall have the right to be present at any or all such tests conducted by WES and/or manufacturers of the equipment. WES shall be responsible for correcting and/or adjusting all deficiencies in systems and equipment operations that may be observed during system commissioning procedures. SECTION 10 EQUIPMENT WARRANTIES Section 10.1 WES covenants and agrees that all equipment installed as part of this Contract is new, in good and proper working condition and protected by appropriate written warranties covering all parts and equipment performance. WES further agrees to deliver to Customer for inspection and approval; to pursue rights and remedies against manufacturer and supplier of the equipment under the warranties in the event of equipment malfunction or improper or defective function, and defects in parts, workmanship and performance, to notify the Customer whenever defects in equipment parts or performance occur which give rise to such rights and remedies and those rights and remedies are exercised by WES. The cost of any risk of damage or damage to the equipment and its performance, including damage to property and equipment of the Customer or the Premises, due to WES’s failure to exercise its warranty rights shall be borne solely by WES. Section 10.2 All warranties shall be transferable and extend to the Customer. The warranties shall specify that only new, and not reconditioned, parts may be used and installed when repair is necessitated by malfunction. 339 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 4 Section 10.3 All warranties required hereunder shall be in force for a minimum of one year from the Substantial Completion date as defined in Section 5.3 hereof. Section 10.4 Notwithstanding the above, nothing in this Section shall be construed to alleviate/relieve WES from complying with its obligations to perform under all terms and conditions of this Contract and as set forth in all attached Schedules. SECTION 11 TRAINING BY WES Section 11.1 WES shall conduct the training program described in SCHEDULE G.9 (Training Requirements), provided as part of the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1). The training specified in SCHEDULE G.9 (Training Requirements) must be completed prior to acceptance of the equipment installation. WES shall provide ongoing training whenever requested by Customer with respect to updated or altered equipment, including upgraded software. Such training shall be provided at no charge to the Customer. SECTION 12 PERMITS AND APPROVALS; COORDINATION Section 12.1 Permits and Approvals: Customer shall use its best efforts to assist WES in obtaining all necessary permits and approvals for installation of the Equipment. In no event shall Customer, however, be responsible for payment of any permit fees. The equipment and the operation of the equipment by WES shall at all times conform to all federal, state and local code requirements. WES shall furnish copies of each permit or license which is required to perform the work to the Customer before WES commences the portion of the work requiring such permit or license. Section 12.2 Coordination During Installation: The Customer and WES shall coordinate the activities of WES’s equipment installers with those of the Customer, its employees, and agents. WES shall not commit or permit any act which will interfere with the performance of business activities conducted by the Customer or its employees without prior written approval of the Customer. SECTION 13 PERFORMANCE BY WES Section 13.1 WES shall perform all tasks/phases under the Contract, including construction, and install the Equipment in such a manner so as not to harm the structural integrity of the buildings or their operating systems. WES shall repair and restore to its original condition any area of damage caused by WES’s performance under this Contract. The Customer reserves the right to review the work performed by WES and to direct WES to take certain corrective action if, in the opinion of the Customer, the structural integrity of the Premises or its operating system is or will be harmed. All costs associated with such corrective action to damage caused by WES’s performance of the work shall be borne by WES. Section 13.2 WES shall remain responsible for the professional and technical accuracy of all services performed, whether by WES or its subcontractors or others on its behalf, throughout the term of this Contract. SECTION 14 OWNERSHIP Section 14.1 Ownership of Certain Proprietary Property Rights: Customer shall not, by virtue of this Contract, acquire any interest in any formulas, patterns, devices, secret inventions or processes, copyrights, patents, other intellectual or proprietary rights, or similar items of property which are or may be used in connection with the Equipment. WES shall grant to the Customer a perpetual, irrevocable royalty-free license for any and all software or other intellectual property rights necessary for the Customer to continue to operate, maintain, and repair the Equipment in a manner that will yield maximal energy consumption reductions. Section 14.2 Ownership of Existing Equipment: Ownership of the equipment and materials presently existing at the Premises at the time of execution of this Contract shall remain the property of the Customer even if it is replaced or its operation made unnecessary by work performed by WES pursuant to this Contract. If applicable, WES shall advise the Customer in writing of all equipment and materials to be replaced at the Premises and the Customer shall within 30 days designate in writing to WES which equipment and materials that should not be disposed of off-site by WES. It is understood and agreed to by both Parties that the Customer shall be responsible for and designate the location and storage for any equipment and materials that should not be disposed of off-site. WES shall be responsible for the disposal of all equipment and materials designated by the Customer as disposable off-site in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations regarding such disposal. Section 14.3 New Equipment: All new equipment or materials supplied to the Customer shall become the property of the Customer. SECTION 15 LOCATION AND ACCESS Section 15.1 Customer shall provide sufficient space on the Premises for the installation and operation of the Equipment and shall take reasonable steps to protect such Equipment from harm, theft and misuse. Customer shall provide access to the 340 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 5 Premises for WES to perform any function related to this Contract during regular business hours, or such other reasonable hours as may be requested by WES and acceptable to the Customer. WES’s access to Premises to make emergency repairs or corrections as it may determine are needed shall not be unreasonably restricted by the Customer. SECTION 16 EQUIPMENT SERVICE Section 16.1 Actions by WES: WES shall provide all service, repairs, and adjustments to the Equipment Installed under terms of this Contract pursuant to SCHEDULE G.4 (WES Maintenance Responsibilities), provided as part the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1). Customer shall incur no cost for Equipment service, repairs, and adjustments, except as set forth in SCHEDULE B (COMPENSATION TO WES), provided, however, that when the need for maintenance or repairs principally arises due to the negligence or willful misconduct of the Customer or any employee or other agent of Customer, and WES can so demonstrate such causal connection, WES may charge Customer for the actual cost of the maintenance or repair insofar as such cost is not covered by any warranty or insurance proceeds. Section 16.2 Malfunctions and Emergencies: Customer shall use its best efforts to notify WES or its designee(s) within 24 hours after the Customer’s actual knowledge and occurrence of: (i) any malfunction in the operation of the Equipment or any preexisting energy related equipment that might materially impact upon the guaranteed energy savings, (ii) any interruption or alteration to the energy supply to the Premises, or (iii) any alteration or modification in any energy- related equipment or its operation. Section 16.3 Where Customer exercises due diligence in attempting to assess the existence of a malfunction, interruption, or alteration it shall be deemed not at fault in failing to correctly identify such conditions as having a material impact upon the guaranteed energy savings. Customer shall notify WES within twenty-four (24) hours upon its having actual knowledge of any emergency condition affecting the Equipment. WES shall respond or its designee(s) shall respond within twenty-four (24) hours to promptly proceed with corrective measures. Any telephonic notice of such conditions by Customer shall be followed within three business days by written notice to WES from Customer. If Customer unreasonably delays in so notifying WES of a malfunction or emergency, and the malfunction or emergency is not otherwise corrected or remedied, such conditions will be treated as a Material Change and the applicable provisions of SECTION 19 (MATERIAL CHANGES) shall be applied. Section 16.4 Actions by Customer: Customer shall not move, remove, modify, alter, or change in any way the Equipment or any part thereof without the prior written approval of WES except as set forth in SCHEDULE G.5 (Customer Maintenance Responsibilities), provided as part the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1). Notwithstanding the foregoing, Customer may take reasonable steps to protect the Equipment if, due to an emergency, it is not possible or reasonable to notify WES before taking any such actions. In the event of such an emergency, Customer shall take reasonable steps to protect the Equipment from damage or injury and shall follow instructions for emergency action provided in advance by WES. Customer agrees to maintain the Premises in good repair and to protect and preserve all portions thereof, which may in any way affect the operation or maintenance of the Equipment. SECTION 17 UPGRADING OR ALTERING THE EQUIPMENT Section 17.1 WES shall at all times have the right, subject to Customer’s prior written approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, to change the Equipment, revise any procedures for the operation of the equipment or implement other energy saving actions in the Premises, provided that: x WES complies with the standards of comfort and services set forth in SCHEDULE G.3 (Standards of Comfort) , provided as part the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1); x such modifications or additions to, or replacement of the Equipment, and any operational changes, or new procedures are necessary to enable WES to achieve the energy savings at the Premises and; x any cost incurred relative to such modifications, additions or replacement of the Equipment, or operational changes or new procedures shall be the responsibility of WES. Section 17.2 All modifications, additions or replacements of the Equipment or revisions to operating or other procedures shall be described in a supplemental Schedule(s) to be provided to the Customer for approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, provided that any replacement of the Equipment shall be new and have equal or better potential to reduce energy consumption at the Premises than the Equipment being replaced. WES shall update any and all software to be used in connection with the Equipment in accordance with the provisions of Section 14.1 (Ownership of Certain Proprietary Rights). All replacements of and alterations or additions to the Equipment shall become part of the 341 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 6 Equipment described in SCHEDULE A (SCOPE OF WORK) and shall be covered by the provisions and terms of SECTION 9 (CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION; APPROVAL). SECTION 18 STANDARDS OF COMFORT Section 18.1 WES will maintain and operate the Equipment in a manner that will provide the standards of heating, cooling, hot water, and lighting, as described in SCHEDULE G.3 (Standards of Comfort) , provided as part the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1). SECTION 19 MATERIAL CHANGES Section 19.1 Material Changes Defined: A Material Change shall include any change in or to the Premises, whether structural, operational or otherwise in nature which reasonably could be expected, in the judgment of the Customer, to increase or decrease annual energy consumption in accordance with the provisions and procedures set forth in SCHEDULE E (BASELINE ENERGY CONSUMPTION) and SCHEDULE F (SAVINGS MEASUREMENT & CALCULATION FORMULAE; METHODOLOGY TO ADJUST BASELINE) , provided as part the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1), by at least 0.5% after adjustments for climatic variations. Actions by the Customer which may result in Material Change include but are not limited to the following: x manner of use of Premises by the Customer; or x hours of operation for the Premises or for any equipment or energy using systems operating at the Premises; or x permanent changes in the comfort and service parameters set forth in SCHEDULE G.3 (Standards of Comfort) , provided as part the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1); or x occupancy of the Premises; or x structure of the Premises; or x types and quantity of equipment used at the Premises; or x modification, renovation or construction at the Premises; or x the Customer’s failure to provide maintenance of or repairs to the Equipment in accordance with SCHEDULE G.5 (Customer Maintenance Responsibilities) , provided as part the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1); or x any other conditions other than climate affecting energy use at the Premises. Section 19.2 Reported Material Changes: Notice by Customer: The Customer shall use its best efforts to deliver to WES a written notice describing all actual or proposed Material Changes in the Premises or in the operation of the Premises at least 30 days before any actual or proposed Material Changes is implemented or as soon as is practicable after an emergency or unplanned event. Notice to WES of Material Changes which result because of a Bona Fide emergency or other situation which precludes advanced notification shall be deemed sufficient if given by the Customer within 48 hours after having actual knowledge that the event constituting the Material Change occurred or was discovered by the Customer to have occurred. Section 19.3 Unreported Material Change: In the absence of any Material Changes in the Premises or in their operations, the baseline energy consumption as set forth in SCHEDULE E (BASELINE ENERGY CONSUMPTION) , provided as part the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1), should not change more than 2% during any month from the projected energy use for that month, after adjustments for changes in climate conditions. Therefore, if energy consumption for any month as set forth in SCHEDULE E (BASELINE ENERGY CONSUMPTION) deviates by more than 2% from the energy consumption of the same month of the preceding contract year after adjustments for changes to climatic conditions, then such deviation shall be timely reviewed by WES to ascertain the cause of deviation. WES shall report its findings to the Customer in a timely manner and WES shall determine what, if any, adjustments to the baseline will be made in accordance with the provisions set forth in SCHEDULE F (SAVINGS MEASUREMENT & CALCULATION FORMULAE; METHODOLOGY TO ADJUST BASELINE) and SCHEDULE E (BASELINE ENERGY CONSUMPTION) , provided as part the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1). SECTION 20 INDEMNIFICATION Section 20.1 WES shall indemnify, defend with counsel acceptable to Customer, and hold harmless Customer and its officers, elected officials, employees, agents and volunteers from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, claims, 342 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 7 expenses, and costs (including without limitation, attorney’s fees and costs and fees of litigation) (collectively, “Liability”) of every nature arising out of or in connection with WES’s performance of the services called for or its failure to comply with any of its obligations contained in this Agreement, except such Liability caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Customer. Section 20.2 Notwithstanding the forgoing, to the extent this Agreement is a “construction contract” as defined by California Civil Code Section 2782, as may be amended from time to time, such duties of WES to indemnify shall not apply when to do so would be prohibited by California Civil Code Section 2782. Section 20.3 WES’s obligation to defend and indemnify shall not be excused because of WES’s inability to evaluate Liability or because WES evaluates Liability and determines that WES is not liable to the claimant. WES must respond within thirty (30) days to the tender of any claim for defense and indemnity by Customer. If WES fails to accept or reject a tender of defense and indemnity within thirty (30) days, in addition to any other remedy authorized by law, so much of the money due WES under and by virtue of this Agreement as shall reasonably be considered necessary by Customer, may be retained by Customer until disposition has been made of the claim or suit for damages, or until WES accepts or rejects the tender of defense, whichever occurs first. SECTION 21 CONDITIONS BEYOND CONTROL OF THE PARTIES Section 21.1 If a party (“performing party”) shall be unable to reasonably perform any of its obligations under this Contract due to acts of Nature, insurrections or riots, or similar events, this Contract shall at the other party’s option (i) remain in effect but said performing party’s obligations shall be suspended until the said events shall have ended; or, (ii) be terminated upon ten (10) days’ notice to the performing party, in which event neither party shall have any further liability to the other. SECTION 22 EVENTS OF DEFAULT Section 22.1 Events of Default by Customer: Each of the following events or conditions shall constitute an “Event of Default” by Customer: x any failure by Customer to pay WES any sum due for a service and maintenance period of more than 30 days after written notification by WES that Customer is delinquent in making payment and provided that WES is not in default in its performance under the terms of this Contract; or x any other material failure by Customer to perform or comply with the terms and conditions of this Contract, including breach of any covenant contained herein, provided that such failure continues for 30 days after notice to Customer demanding that such failures to perform be cured or if such cure cannot be effected in thirty days, Customer shall be deemed to have cured default upon the commencement of a cure within thirty days and diligent subsequent completion thereof; x any representation or warranty furnished by Customer in this Contract which was false or misleading in any material respect when made. Section 22.2 Events of Default by WES: Each of the following events or conditions shall constitute an “Event of Default” by WES: x the standards of comfort and service set forth in SCHEDULE G.3 (Standards of Comfort) , provided as part the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1), are not provided due to failure of WES to properly design, install, maintain, repair or adjust the Equipment except that such failure, if corrected or cured within 30 days after written notice by Customer to WES demanding that such failure be cured, shall be deemed cured for the purpose of this Contract. (ii) any representation or warranty furnished by WES in this Contract is false or misleading in any material respect when made; x failure to furnish and install the Equipment and make it ready for use within the time specified by this Contract as set forth in SCHEDULE A (SCOPE OF WORK) and SECTION 5 (COMMENCEMENT DATE AND TERMS); x any failure by WES to perform or comply with the terms and conditions of this Contract, including breach of any covenant contained herein except that such failure, if corrected or cured within 30 days after written notice by the Customer to WES demanding that such failure to perform be cured, shall be deemed cured for purposes of this Contract; x any lien or encumbrance upon the equipment by any subcontractor, laborer or material man of WES; 343 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 8 x the filing of a bankruptcy petition whether by WES or its creditors against WES which proceeding shall not have been dismissed within 30 days of its filing, or an involuntary assignment for the benefit of all creditors or the liquidation of WES; x Failure by WES to pay any amount due the Customer or perform any obligation under the terms of this Contract or the Energy Savings Guarantee as set forth in SCHEDULE D (ENERGY SAVINGS GUARANTEE) , provided as part the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1). SECTION 23 REMEDIES UPON DEFAULT Section 23.1 Remedies upon Default: All disputes shall be submitted to the individuals listed in SECTION 35 (NOTICE) for resolution. In the event that a remedy acceptable to both Customer and WES cannot be found, either party may seek remedy as outlined in SECTION 24 (MEDIATION). SECTION 24 MEDIATION Section 24.1 Any Claim arising out of or related to the Contract shall be subject to mediation as a condition precedent to arbitration or the institution of legal or equitable proceedings by either party. Section 24.2 The parties shall endeavor to resolve their Claims by mediation which, unless the parties mutually agree otherwise, shall be in accordance with the Construction Industry Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association currently in effect. Request for mediation shall be filed in writing with the other party to the Contract and with the American Arbitration Association. The request may be made concurrently with the filing of a demand for arbitration but, in such event, mediation shall proceed in advance of arbitration or legal or equitable proceedings, which shall be stayed pending mediation for a period of 60 days from the date of filing, unless stayed for a longer period by agreement of the parties or court order. Section 24.3 The parties shall share the mediator's fee and any filing fees equally. Section 24.4 The mediation shall be held in the place where the Project is located, unless another location is mutually agreed upon. Section 24.5 Agreements reached in mediation shall be enforceable as settlement agreements in any court having jurisdiction thereof. SECTION 25 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Section 25.1 Each party warrants and represents to the other that: x it has all requisite power, authority, licenses, permits, and franchises, corporate or otherwise, to execute and deliver this Contract and perform its obligations hereunder; x its execution, delivery, and performance of this Contract have been duly authorized by, or are in accordance with, its organic instruments, and this Contract has been duly executed and delivered for it by the signatories so authorized, and it constitutes its legal, valid, and binding obligation; x its execution, delivery, and performance of this Contract will not breach or violate, or constitute a default under any Contract, lease or instrument to which it is a party or by which it or its properties may be bound or affected; or x it has not received any notice, nor to the best of its knowledge, is there pending or threatened any notice, of any violation of any applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, rules, decrees, awards, permits or orders which would materially and adversely affect its ability to perform hereunder. SECTION 26 ADDITIONAL REPRESENTATIONS OF THE PARTIES Section 26.1 Customer hereby warrants, represents and promises that it has provided or shall provide timely to WES, all records relating to energy usage and energy-related maintenance of Premises requested by WES and the information set forth therein is, and all information in other records to be subsequently provided pursuant to this Contract will be true and accurate in all material respects. WES hereby warrants, represents and promises that: x before commencing performance of this Contract, it shall have become licensed or otherwise permitted to do business in the State of California; x it shall make available, upon reasonable request, all documents relating to its performance under this Contract, including all contracts and subcontracts entered into; 344 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 9 x it shall use qualified subcontractors and delegates, licensed and bonded in this state to perform the work so subcontracted or delegated pursuant to the terms hereof; x that it is financially solvent, able to pay its debts as they mature and possessed of sufficient working capital to complete the Work and perform its obligations under this Contract. SECTION 27 WAIVER OF LIENS Section 27.1 All property of the Customer is exempt from attachment and levy. SECTION 28 COMPLIANCE WITH LAW AND STANDARD PRACTICES Section 28.1 WES shall perform its obligations hereunder in compliance with any and all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations, in accordance with sound engineering and safety practices, and in compliance with any and all reasonable rules of Customer relative to the Premises. WES shall be responsible for obtaining all governmental permits, consents, and authorizations as may be required to perform its obligations hereunder. SECTION 29 INDEPENDENT CAPACITY OF THE CONTRACTOR Section 29.1 The parties hereto agree that WES, and any agents and employees of WES, in the performance of this Contract, shall act in an independent capacity and not as officers, employees, or agents of the Customer. SECTION 30 NO WAIVER Section 30.1 The failure of WES or Customer to insist upon the strict performance of the terms and conditions hereof shall not constitute or be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of either party’s right to thereafter enforce the same in accordance with this Contract in the event of a continuing or subsequent default on the part of WES or Customer. SECTION 31 SEVERABILITY Section 31.1 In the event that any clause or provision of this Contract or any part thereof shall be declared invalid, void, or unenforceable by any court having jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of this Contract unless the result would be manifestly inequitable or unconscionable. SECTION 32 COMPLETE CONTRACT Section 32.1 This Contract, when executed, together with all Schedules attached hereto or to be attached hereto, as provided for by this Contract shall constitute the entire Contract between both parties and this Contract may not be amended, modified, or terminated except by a written Contract signed by the parties hereto. SECTION 33 FURTHER DOCUMENTS Section 33.1 The parties shall execute and deliver all documents and perform all further acts that may be reasonably necessary to effectuate the provisions of this Contract. SECTION 34 APPLICABLE LAW Section 34.1 This Contract and the construction and enforceability thereof shall be interpreted under the laws of the State of California SECTION 35 NOTICE Section 35.1 Any notice required or permitted hereunder shall be deemed sufficient if given in writing and delivered personally or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or delivered to a nationally recognized express mail service, charges prepaid, receipt obtained, to the address shown below or to such other persons or addresses as are specified by similar notice. TO WES: TO CUSTOMER: Willdan Energy Solutions City of Dublin Attention: Scott McVey Attention: City Manager 2401 East Katella Ave #300 100 Civic Plaza Anaheim, CA 92806 Dublin, CA 94568 SECTION 36 CUSTOMER’S COMPLIANCE WITH FACILITIES MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST 345 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 10 Section 36.1 The parties acknowledge and agree that WES has entered into this Contract in reliance upon the prospect of earning compensation based on guaranteed energy savings in energy used at Premises, as set forth on SCHEDULE D (ENERGY SAVINGS GUARANTEE) and SCHEDULE B (COMPENSATION TO WES), provided as part the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1). Section 36.2 The parties further acknowledge and agree that the said guaranteed energy savings would not likely be obtained unless certain procedures and methods of operation designed for energy conservation shall be implemented and followed by Customer on a regular and continuous basis. Section 36.3 Customer agrees that it shall adhere to, follow and implement the energy conservation procedures and methods of operation to be set forth on SCHEDULE G.5 (Customer Maintenance Responsibilities), provided as part the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1)and made a part thereof after Customer’s approval. Section 36.4 Customer agrees that WES shall have the right once a month, with prior notice, to inspect Premises to determine if Customer is complying, and shall have complied with its obligations as set forth above in Section 36.3 For the purpose of determining Customer’s said compliance, the checklist to be set forth at SCHEDULE G.6 (Facility Maintenance Checklist), provided as part the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1), as completed and recorded by WES during its monthly inspections, shall be used to measure and record Customer’s said compliance. Customer shall make the Premises available to WES for and during each monthly inspection and shall have the right to witness each inspection and the recordations on the checklist. SECTION 37 HEADINGS Section 37.1 Headings and subtitles used throughout this Contract are for the purpose of convenience only, and no heading or subtitle shall modify or be used to interpret the text of any section. SECTION 38 BONDS Section 38.1 Any and all bonds obtained by WES for this project shall specifically exclude coverage for those portions of the Contract or the Work pertaining to design services and any other part of this Contract and the Contract Documents which do not relate specifically to construction management and supervision of Work for purchasing and installing of Equipment, or for work to be accomplished by the Customer. SECTION 39 INSURANCE Section 39.1 WES shall procure and maintain in effect insurance coverage as set forth in EXHIBIT C (Insurance Requirements), attached hereto and incorporated herein. SECTION 40 EPACT 179D Section 40.1 To encourage the implementation of a more energy-efficient system, Section 179D of the Internal Revenue Code provides for the allocation of a tax deduction based on the efficiency of the design. Since a public entity is exempt from paying taxes, the Code permits this allocation to be passed along to the designer of the system as an additional incentive to incorporate the most efficient system affordable. Accordingly, once the building/system is placed into service, it is understood and agreed that the tax deduction granted pursuant to Section 179D of the Internal Revenue Code will be allocated to Willdan, in consideration of which Willdan will use its best efforts to maximize the energy efficiency of the design being contracted. 346         347 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 13 SCHEDULE A. SCOPE OF WORK 1. The purpose of this proposal is to provide Investment Grade Audit (“IGA”) Phase services for Premises [see preliminary project table on the follow page] needed to develop a Performance Contract proposal - Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1). 2. GENERAL a) Work shall be performed in three phases: The IGA Phase, Construction Phase, and Guarantee Phase as outlined in this Schedule, SCHEDULE A (SCOPE OF WORK). Willdan Energy Solutions (WES) will commence work for the IGA Phase upon execution of this Energy Savings Performance Contract. The Construction Phase and Guarantee Phase will commence at the conclusion of the IGA Phase upon the execution of EXHIBIT 1. (PERFORMANCE CONTRACT AMENDMENT). b) The Scope of Work and Fee for each phase is defined in SCHEDULE A (SCOPE OF WORK) and SCHEDULE B (COMPENSATION TO WES) respectively. 3. INVESTMENT GRADE AUDIT PHASE SERVICES: a) General: (1) WES shall advise the Customer on all proposed projects, selection of materials, building systems and equipment, financing options, and utility incentives. WES shall also provide the Customer with recommendations, consistent with the Customer’s Criteria, on constructability; availability of materials and labor; time requirements for procurement, installation and construction; and factors related to construction cost including, but not limited to, costs of alternative designs or materials, preliminary budgets, life-cycle data, and possible cost reductions. b) Engineering and Design: During the IGA Phase, WES shall perform: (1) Design required to develop the scope and project solution that meets Performance Contract Program Requirements as identified in SCHEDULE A.5. (2) Develop design in enough detail to procure subcontractors and materials and develop the Contract Sum included in the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1). (a) Perform a survey of the spaces and existing systems throughout the Premises to document existing conditions. (b) Work with the Customer to establish project goals and criteria. (c) Prepare design documents and/or criteria for subcontractor pricing procurement to install modifications to HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems. c) Pre-Construction Services: During the IGA Phase, WES shall perform: (1) WES shall assemble all design documents necessary for pricing procurement. (2) WES shall engage subcontractors; familiarize them with the project, site and bidding information; and procure pricing for the purposes of establishing WES’s fixed cost proposal in the Performance Contract Amendment. (3) WES shall coordinate with the Customer, subconsultants, financiers, utilities and other stakeholders throughout the IGA Phase. d) Energy-Related Services: (1) Walk through facility to become familiar with existing systems and the building’s operations. This will also include gathering as-built plans and O&M data on existing HVAC systems. (2) Energy savings for each recommend project will be quantified through a calibrated computer energy model or other industry standard energy calculation procedure. (3) Energy Performance Contract Project economics will be quantified and summarized throughout each phase of design, including: (a) Fixed project costs 348 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 14 (b) Guaranteed energy savings (c) Maintenance and other costs savings (d) Utility incentives & grants (e) Project financing terms and debt service payment options e) Preparation of the Performance Contract Amendment: (1) When the Drawings and Specifications are sufficiently complete, WES shall prepare a Performance Contract Addendum as outlined in EXHIBIT 1. (PERFORMANCE CONTRACT AMENDMENT). This Addendum shall include: (a) Contract Sum (b) Contract Time (c) Construction Schedule (d) Energy and other cost savings (e) Grants, financing, and incentive opportunities (f) Project Cashflow (g) Information Upon Which Amendment if Based, including: (i) Scope of Work (ii) Drawings (iii) Specifications (iv) Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract (v) Deviations from the Performance Contract Program Requirements as identified in SCHEDULE A.3. (h) WES’s Personnel, Contractors and Suppliers 4. CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES: a) Construction Documents: (1) As the Drawings and Specifications may not be finished at the time the Performance Contract Amendment is prepared, the WES shall provide in this amendment for further development of the Drawings and Specifications for construction. Such further development does not include such things as changes in scope, systems, kinds, and quality of materials, finishes or equipment, all of which, if required, shall be incorporated by Change Order. b) Performance Contractor’s Construction-Phase Responsibility: (1) WES shall supervise and direct the Work, using the WES’s best skill and attention. WES shall be solely responsible for, and have control over, construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures, and for coordinating all portions of the Work under the Contract, unless the ESPC Documents give other specific instructions concerning these matters. (2) WES shall schedule Work and coordinate Subcontractors and any other persons on the site of the Project. (3) WES will inspect the Work of each subcontractor for defective work, manage resolution of the defective work, and notify applicable subcontractor(s) to correct such defective work in a manner approved by the design team and Owner. (4) WES shall record the progress of the Project and provide reports to the Owner. Such reports shall include, without limitation, information about variations between actual and budgeted or estimated costs and information on each subcontractor’s work, as well as completion status on the entire project, showing percentages of completion . (5) With the cooperation of the Subcontractors, WES will prepare and maintain the Construction Schedule. 349 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 15 (6)WES shall schedule and conduct in preconstruction, progress, quality control and special meetings with the Owner, designers, the subcontractors and any other parties involved in the project to discuss such matters as procedures, progress, problems and scheduling. (7)WES shall receive, review for completeness and responsiveness the subcontractors’ submittals such as shop drawings, product data and samples and delivering them to the designers and Owner for review and approval. (8)WES shall manage the punch list, coordinating final inspections, and preparing the certificate of contract completion. Upon contract completion, WES will receive, review for conformity with the requirements of the Contract Documents and transmit to the Owner any affidavits and turn over to the Owner any manuals and the originals of any guarantees, warranties, releases, bonds and waivers. c)Enhanced Commissioning (1)WES shall develop the commissioning plan, review construction documents, develop functional test procedures, coordinate commissioning activities, verify startup tests, and perform functional performance tests, and generate final commissioning report. d)Labor and Materials (1)Unless otherwise provided in the Performance Contract Documents, WES shall provide and pay for labor, materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, water, heat, utilities, transportation, and other facilities and services, necessary for proper execution and completion of the Work, whether temporary or permanent, and whether or not incorporated or to be incorporated in the Work. (2)WES shall enforce strict discipline and good order among WES’s employees, Subcontractors, and other persons carrying out the Work. WES shall not permit employment of unfit persons or persons not properly skilled in tasks assigned to them. 5.GUARANTEE PHASE SERVICES: a)Facility Personnel Assistance: (1)WES’s Commissioning group will assist facility personnel in achieving the most efficient operation of Customer’s facility. The Commissioning group will remotely monitor the facility and will help identify potential problems with the HVAC as well as work with the facility staff to enhance and implement energy conservation programs. (2)Customer will be responsible for the maintenance of all energy systems, including lighting, mechanical, electrical, and building automation control systems per SCHEDULE G.5, provided as part the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1). b)Savings Tracking and Reporting: (1)WES will be responsible for the monthly tracking and monitoring of the project and will provide ongoing assistance to Customer’s staff. (2)WES will provide a quarterly savings report. This report will detail current monthly savings, year to date savings, and guaranteed savings. This report will also show the actual savings in units of energy. c)Utility Rate Negotiation: (1)If, during the term of this contract, deregulation of the electric and gas utilities should occur, WES shall have the right to negotiate on behalf of the Customer, in total or in portion, other utility services beyond the current providers of those services. WES will represent the customer as long as the services being negotiated are cost competitive for the Customer. WES will seek the most cost competitive providers of those services who can provide equal or better- quality service. In the event that the Customer is able to locate a more cost competitive provider, with equal quality, WES would be compelled to use that provider. The purpose of this paragraph is to minimize utility costs for the Customer. d)Cancellation: 350 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 16 (1) Customer may cancel the Guarantee-Phase Services on any anniversary date or at the end of Customer’s fiscal year. If Customer cancels these services, WES reserves the right to cancel the Energy Savings Guarantee as outlined in SCHEDULE D. ENERGY SAVINGS GUARANTEE. 6. PERFORMANCE CONTRACT PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: a) Financial Criteria: (1) Customer desires to fund as much of the project scope as possibly through annual utility cost savings, meaning a Project that results in a close-to-neutral cash flow where the cumulative energy, maintenance, and capital cost avoidance over the life of the installed equipment exceeds the Project’s cumulative financing cost if it were financed. b) General Scope and Intent: (1) The Project will include energy efficiency measures, resiliency improvements and capital improvements. The projects may include, but no be limited to, the following: (a) Library :: Replace Aging Packaged VAV AHUs, Update BAS (b) Library :: Upgrade Remaining Fluorescent Lighting to LED, Daylighting Control in Lobby (c) Library :: Expand Existing Solar PV System w/ Carport in Sports Grounds Parking Lot (d) Library :: Install Battery Storage System for Resiliency (e) Corporation Yard :: Upgrade Shop Area Lighting to LED (f) Corporation Yard :: Install Roof Mounted & Covered Parking Solar PV Systems (g) Corporation Yard :: Install Battery Storage System for Resiliency (h) The Wave :: Optimize Facility Operation & HVAC Pool Turnover Rates & VAV Control, Reduce Exhaust Recirculation (i) The Wave :: Install Solar PV System w/ New Carport (j) The Wave :: Install Battery Storage System for Resiliency & Load Shedding (k) Senior Center :: Replace End-of-Life Packaged RTUs w/ High Efficiency Equivalent Units (l) Senior Center :: Upgrade Remaining Fluorescent Lighting to LED (m) Senior Center :: Install Solar PV System w/ New Carport (n) Senior Center :: Install Battery Storage System for Resiliency (o) Shannon Com. Center :: Upgrade Remaining Fluorescent Lighting to LED (p) Shannon Com. Center :: Replace End-of-Life Split Systems w/ High Efficiency Equivalent Units (q) Shannon Com. Center :: Install Generator to Improve Resiliency (r) Fire Station 16 :: Replace End-of-Life Packaged RTUs w/ High Efficiency Equivalent Units (s) Fire Station 16 :: Upgrade Remaining Fluorescent Lighting to LED (t) Fire Station 16 :: Install Battery Storage System for Resiliency (u) Fire Station 17 :: Replace End-of-Life Split Systems w/ High Efficiency Equivalent Units (v) Fire Station 17 :: Upgrade Remaining Fluorescent Lighting to LED (w) Fire Station 17 :: Install Solar PV System w/ New Carport (x) Fire Station 17 :: Install Battery Storage System for Resiliency (y) Fire Station 18 :: Replace End-of-Life Split Systems w/ High Efficiency Equivalent Units (z) Fire Station 18 :: Upgrade Remaining Fluorescent Lighting to LED 351 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 17 (aa) Fire Station 18 :: Install Solar PV System w/ New Carport (bb) Fire Station 18 :: Install Battery Storage System for Resiliency (cc) City Parks :: Convert All Park & Ball Field Lighting to LED (dd) Intersections :: Traffic Signal Conversion to Microgrid (ee) Heritage Park & Museum :: HVAC & Lighting PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION SCOPE OF WORK: c) Final, more detailed scope of work will be included in the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1). 7. TIME: a) WES and Customer will work together to develop construction schedules that minimize disruption to Customer operations while allowing for completion of Scope of Work in a timely fashion. All construction will be completed in accordance with SECTION 5 (COMMENCEMENT DATE AND TERMS). 352 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 19 SCHEDULE B. COMPENSATION TO WES The Customer shall compensate and make payments to WES for the Investment Grade Audit (“IGA”) Phase services, Construction Phase Services, and the Guarantee Phase Services as follows: 1. INVESTMENT GRADE AUDIT PHASE SERVICES. The Customer shall compensate and make payments to WES for the IGA Phase services as follows: a) If the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1) is executed within 60 days of its proposal, the fee for IGA services set forth in subdivision (b) of this section will be waived and will NOT be due to WES under this agreement, otherwise, b) Except as provided in subdivision (a) of this section, Customer shall pay WES the Stipulated Sum of $125,000. ($90,000 Base Scopes + $35,000 Solar & Battery Scopes) 2. CONSTRUCTION PHASE. For the WES’s performance of the Construction, the Customer shall pay WES a Stipulated Sum in current funds for WES’s performance of the Contract after the execution of the Performance Contract Amendment equal to Cost of the Work plus the Performance Contractor’s Fee at the time of the proposal of the Performance Contract Amendment. The Construction-Phase Contract Sum with itemization of the Cost of Work and Performance Contractor’s Fee shall be identified in the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1). The Performance Contractor’s Fee and the Cost of the Work plus will be determined as follows: a) Performance Contractor’s Fee: (1) Project Development Services (includes IGA Services): Time & Materials (see Hourly Rate Schedule) (2) Construction Management: Time & Materials (see Hourly Rate Schedule) (3) Enhanced Commissioning: Time & Materials (see Hourly Rate Schedule) (4) Performance Contractor’s Overhead and Profit: Not to exceed 18% of the Cost of the Work b) The Cost of the Work (COW) is as defined as: (1) Subcontract Costs. Payments made by WES to its Subcontractor to carry out the work. (2) Construction Contingency available to WES exclusive use to cover costs for unanticipated items of the Work. (3) Allowance held by the Customer for additional Work to be incorporated in the project. (4) Costs, including transportation, of materials and equipment incorporated in the completed construction. (5) Costs of other materials and equipment, temporary facilities and related items. (6) That portion directly attributable to this Contract of premiums for insurance and bonds. (7) Fees of testing laboratories for tests required by the Contract Documents, except those related to nonconforming Work. (8) Data processing costs related to the Work. (9) Legal costs, other than those arising from disputes between the Customer and WES, reasonably incurred by WES in the performance of the Work and with the Customer’s written permission, which permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. (10) Other costs incurred in the performance of the Work if and to the extent approved in advance in writing by the Customer. (11) Emergencies and Repairs to Damaged or Nonconforming Work (12) The Cost of Work shall also include costs which are incurred WES in taking action to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss in case of emergency affecting the safety of persons and property. (13) The Cost of Work shall also include costs which are incurred WES in repairing or correcting damaged or nonconforming Work executed by WES or WES’s Subcontractors or suppliers, provided that such damaged or nonconforming Work was not caused by the negligence or failure to fulfill a specific responsibility to the Customer 353 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 20 set forth in this Contract of WES or WES’s personnel to supervise adequately the Work of the Subcontracto r or suppliers, and only to the extent that the cost of the repair or correction is not recoverable by WES from insurance, Subcontractors or suppliers. c)Hourly Rate Schedule used in determining professional services costs: Rate Category Rate ($/hr) Project Development and Engineering Services 1 Technical Drafter $90.00 2 Designer $90.00 3 Senior Designer $115.00 9 Engineer I $115.00 10 Engineer II $155.00 11 Senior Engineer $180.00 12 Principal Engineer $285.00 Energy Modeling 13 Energy Engineer $115.00 14 Senior Energy Engineer $155.00 Commissioning 15 Commissioning Engineer $115.00 16 Senior Commissioning Engineer $155.00 Project and Construction Management 17 Account Executive $160.00 18 Project Manager $180.00 19 Construction Manager $180.00 20 Site Superintendent $180.00 21 Field Engineer $115.00 22 Cost Estimator $145.00 3.GUARANTEE PHASE. For WES’s performance of the Guarantee, the Customer shall pay WES in current funds for WES’s performance of the Guarantee Phase services following Substantial Completion of the entire project, which is determined by the delivery of “Notice of Substantial Completion” as defined in SCHEDULE B.5, the Savings Guarantee Commencement Date. The Guarantee-Phase Contract Sum shall be identified in the Performance Contract Amendment (EXHIBIT 1). 4.PAYMENT PROCEDURES a)Investment Grade Audit Phase Payments: (1)WES shall provide an Application for Payment to Customer for IGA Phase services completed in accordance with SCHEDULE B.1 Investment Grade Audit Phase Services above. The Customer shall make payment in the manner and within the time provided in Section 7.3. b)Construction Phase Payments: (1)Project Mobilization: The initial Application for Payment shall include all remaining pre-construction-phase services amounts as well as 10 percent of the remaining total compensation to allow for mobilization of WES and subcontractors. (2)Progress Payments: WES shall provide a monthly Application for Payment to Customer for work completed during the previous month. The Customer shall make payment in the manner and within the time provided in Section 6.3. Until the Project is complete, as identified as a line item in the Schedule of Values, Customer will pay one hundred percent (100%) of the amount due to WES on account of progress payments. WES shall provide a Retainage Bond that represents 10% of the total contract value. 354 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 21 (3) Progress Payments: WES shall provide a monthly Application for Payment to Customer for work completed during the previous month. The Customer shall make payment in the manner and within the time provided in Section 6.3. Until the Project is complete, as identified as a line item in the Schedule of Values, Customer will pay ninety-five percent (95%) of the amount due to WES on account of progress payments for each line item. This 5% retention shall be reduced, if appropriate, in conjunction with Substantial Completion to reflect incomplete work for each line item. Complete payment of retention shall be in conjunction with Acceptance of Project Completion for each Project identified in the Schedule of Values, which shall not be unduly withheld. (4) Schedule of Values: WES will prepare and submit a complete schedule of values along with initial Application for Payment. Projects listed as line items in the Schedule of Values will be treated as individual projects for the purposes of Progress Payments, Substantial Completion, Final Completion, and withholding of retention amounts. (5) Substantial Completion: Substantial Completion is the stage in the progress of the Project when the Project or designated portion thereof is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents so that the Customer can utilize the Work for its beneficial use. When WES considers that an individual Project is substantially complete, WES shall prepare and submit to the Customer a comprehensive list of items to be completed or corrected prior to final payment. Upon receipt of WES's list, the Customer shall, within seven days, inspect the Work to formulate the Customer’s Punch List and to determine whether the Work or designated portion thereof is substantially complete. If the Customer’s inspection discloses any item, whether or not included on WES's list, which is not sufficiently complete in accordance with the Performance Contract Documents so that the Customer can utilize the Project or designated portion thereof for its intended use, WES shall, before issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion, complete or correct such item upon notification by the Customer. In such case, WES shall then submit a request for another inspection by the Customer to determine Substantial Completion. When the Work or designated portion thereof is substantially complete, WES will prepare a Certificate of Substantial Completion which shall establish the date of Substantial Completion, shall establish responsibilities of the Customer and WES for security, maintenance, heat, utilities, damage to the Project and insurance, and shall fix the time within which WES shall finish all items on the list accompanying the Certificate. Warranties required by the Contract Documents shall commence on the date of Substantial Completion of the Project or designated portion thereof unless otherwise provided in the Certificate of Substantial Completion. The Certificate of Substantial Completion shall be submitted to the Customer for their written acceptance of responsibilities assigned to them in such Certificate. (6) Substantial Completion Payment: Upon Substantial Completion acceptance, the Customer shall make payment of retainage applying to such Work or designated portion thereof within the time provided in Section 7.3. Such payment shall be reasonably adjusted to reflect the dollar value of Work that is incomplete or not in accordance with the requirements of the ESPC Documents. (7) Project Completion and Payment: After WES’s completion of all punch list items, project closeout requirements, and upon receipt of written notice that the Project is ready for final inspection and acceptance and upon receipt of a Final Application for Payment, the Customer will make such inspection within seven days and, when the Customer finds the Project acceptable under the Contract Documents and the Contract fully performed, the Customer will execute and issue the Certificate of Acceptance within two days from the final inspection and pay the entire balance found to be due to WES as stated in the Final Application for Payment within the time provided in Section 7.3. c) Guarantee Phase Payments: (1) WES shall provide annual Applications for Payment to Customer for guarantee-phase services to be completed in the subsequent year. The Customer shall make payment in the manner and within the time provided in Section 7.3. d) Failure of Payment: If the Customer does not pay WES within seven days after the date established in Section 7.3, then WES may, upon written notice to the Customer, stop the Work until payment of the amount owing has been received. The Contract Time shall be extended appropriately, and the Contract Sum shall be increased by the amount of the WES's reasonable costs of shut-down, delay and start-up, plus interest. 355 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 23 SCHEDULE C. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Before fully executing this Agreement, WES, at its own cost and expense, unless otherwise specified below, shall procure the types and amounts of insurance listed below against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property that may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the WES and its agents, representatives, employees, and subcontractors. Consistent with the following provisions, WES shall provide proof satisfactory to Customer of such insurance that meets the requirements of this section and under forms of insurance satisfactory in all respects, and that such insurance is in effect prior to beginning work. WES shall maintain the insurance policies required by this section throughout the term of this Agreement. The cost of such insurance shall be included in the WES's bid or proposal. WES shall not allow any subcontractor to commence work on any subcontract until WES has obtained all insurance required herein for the subcontractor(s) and provided evidence to Customer that such insurance is in effect. VERIFICATION OF THE REQUIRED INSURANCE SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND MADE PART OF THIS AGREEMENT PRIOR TO EXECUTION. WES shall maintain all required insurance listed herein for the duration of this Agreement. 5. Workers’ Compensation. a) General Requirements. WES shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain Statutory Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance for any and all persons employed directly or indirectly by WES. The Statutory Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance shall be provided with limits of not less than $1,000 ,000 per accident. In the alternative, WES may rely on a self-insurance program to meet these requirements, but only if the program of self-insurance complies fully with the provisions of the California Labor Code. Determination of whether a self- insurance program meets the standards of the California Labor Code shall be solely in the discretion of the Contract Administrator. The Workers’ Compensation policy shall be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation in favor of the entity for all work performed by the WES, its employees, agents, and subcontractors. b) Submittal Requirements. To comply with Section 1, WES shall submit the following: (1) Certificate of Liability Insurance in the amounts specified in the section; and (2) Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement as required by the section. 6. Commercial General and Automobile Liability Insurance. a) General Requirements. WES, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain commercial general liability insurance for the term of this Agreement in an amount not less than $1,000,000 and automobile liability insurance for the term of this Agreement in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, combined single limit coverage for risks associated with the work contemplated by this Agreement. If a Commercial General Liability Insurance or an Automobile Liability form or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the work to be performed under this Agreement or the general aggregate limit shall be at least twice the required occurrence limit. Such coverage shall include but shall not be limited to, protection against claims arising from bodily and personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and damage to property resulting from activities contemplated under this Agreement, including the use of owned and non-owned automobiles. b) Minimum Scope of Coverage. Commercial general coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability occurrence form CG 0001 (most recent edition) covering comprehensive General Liability on an “occurrence” basis. Automobile coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Automobile Liability form CA 0001, Code 1 (any auto). No endorsement shall be attached limiting the coverage. c) Additional Requirements. Each of the following shall be included in the insurance coverage or added as a certified endorsement to the policy: (1) The Insurance shall cover on an occurrence or an accident basis, and not on a claims-made basis. (2) Customer, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds as respects: liability arising out of work or operations performed by or on behalf of the WES; or automobiles owned, leased, hired, or borrowed by the WES. 356 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 24 (3)WES hereby agrees to waive subrogation which any insurer or contractor may require from vendor by virtue of the payment of any loss. WES agrees to obtain any endorsements that may be necessary to effect this waiver of subrogation. (4)For any claims related to this Agreement or the work hereunder, the WES’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the Customer, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the Customer, its officers, officials, employees, or volunteers shall be excess of the WES’s insurance and shall not contribute with it. d)Submittal Requirements. To comply with Section 2, WES shall submit the following: (1)Certificate of Liability Insurance in the amounts specified in the section; (2)Additional Insured Endorsement as required by the section; (3)Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement as required by the section; and (4)Primary Insurance Endorsement as required by the section. 7.Professional Liability Insurance. a)General Requirements. WES, at its own cost and expense, shall maintain for the period covered by this Agreement professional liability insurance for licensed professionals performing work pursuant to this Agreement in an amount not less than $2,000,000 covering the licensed professionals’ errors and omissions. Any deductible or self-insured retention shall not exceed $150,000 per claim. (1)Claims-Made Limitations. The following provisions shall apply if the professional liability coverage is written on a claims-made form: (a)The retroactive date of the policy must be shown and must be before the date of the Agreement. (b)Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must be provided for at least 5 years after completion of the Agreement or the work, so long as commercially available at reasonable rates. (c)If coverage is canceled or not renewed and it is not replaced with another claims-made policy form with a retroactive date that precedes the date of this Agreement, WES shall purchase an extended period coverage for a minimum of 5 years after completion of work under this Agreement. (d)A copy of the claim reporting requirements must be submitted to the Customer for review prior to the commencement of any work under this Agreement. (2)Additional Requirements. A certified endorsement to include contractual liability shall be included in the policy. (3)Submittal Requirements. To comply with Section 3, WES shall submit the Certificate of Liability Insurance in the amounts specified in the section. 8.All Policies Requirements. a)Acceptability of Insurers. All insurance required by this section is to be placed with insurers with a Bests' rating of no less than A:VII. b)Verification of Coverage. Prior to beginning any work under this Agreement, WES shall furnish Customer with complete copies of all Certificates of Liability Insurance delivered to WES by the insurer, including complete copies of all endorsements attached to the policies. All copies of Certificates of Liability Insurance and certified endorsements shall show the signature of a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. If the Customer does not receive the required insurance documents prior to the WES beginning work, it shall not waive the WES’s obligation to provide them. The Customer reserves the right to require complete copies of all required insurance policies at any time. c)Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. WES shall disclose to and obtain the written approval of Customer for the self- insured retentions and deductibles before beginning any of the services or work called for by any term of this Agreement. At the option of the Customer, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the Customer, its officers, employees, and volunteers; or the WES shall provide a financial guarantee satisfactory to the Customer guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. 357 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 25 d) Wasting Policies. No policy required by this Section 4 shall include a “wasting” policy limit (i.e. limit that is eroded by the cost of defense). e) Endorsement Requirements. Each insurance policy required by Section 4 shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be canceled by either party, except after 30 days’ prior written notice has been provided to t he Customer. f) Subcontractors. WES shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and certified endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. 9. Remedies. In addition to any other remedies Customer may have if WES fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, Customer may, at its sole option exercise any of the following remedies, which are alternatives to other remedies Customer may have and are not the exclusive remedy for WES’s breach: a) Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due under the Agreement; b) Order WES to stop work under this Agreement or withhold any payment that becomes due to WES hereunder, or both stop work and withhold any payment, until WES demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof; and/o c) Terminate this Agreement. 358 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 27 EXHIBIT 1. PERFORMANCE CONTRACT AMENDMENT (DRAFT – completed at conclusion of IGA Phase) This Amendment is incorporated into the accompanying Energy Savings Performance Contract dated the [XX] day of [XX] in the [2021] year (the “Agreement”) for the following PROJECT: To be Determined in the IGA Phase THE CUSTOMER: City of Dublin THE PERFORMANCE CONTRACTOR: Willdan Energy Solutions, Inc. The Customer and Performance Contractor hereby amend the Agreement as follows. TABLE OF ARTICLES 1. CONTRACT SUM 2. CONTRACT TIME 3. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 4. INFORMATION UPON WHICH AMENDMENT IS BASED 5. PERFORMANCE CONTRACTOR’S PERSONNEL, CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS 6. COST OF THE WORK TABLE OF SCHEDULES (the following Schedules are added by this amendment) SCHEDULE E. ENERGY SAVINGS GUARANTEE (Completed with EXHIBIT 1.) SCHEDULE F. BASELINE ENERGY CONSUMPTION (Completed with EXHIBIT 1.) SCHEDULE G. SAVINGS MEASUREMENT & CALCULATION FORMULAE; METHODOLOGY TO ADJUST BASELINE (Completed with EXHIBIT 1.) 1. CONSTRUCTION-PHASE CONTRACT SUM a) Stipulated Sum based on predetermined, not-to-exceed fees: (1) The Stipulated Sum shall be ($_), subject to authorized adjustments as provided in the Design-Build Documents. (2) The Stipulated Sum is based on the Cost of Work and Performance Contractor’s Fees as detailed in ARTICLE 5 (SCHEDULE OF VALUES) below. 2. CHANGES IN THE CONSTRUCTION-PHASE CONTRACT SUM: a) Any overage in the cost of the Scope of Work in SCHEDULE A (SCOPE OF WORK) shall be the responsibility of WES. b) Changes to the contract sum are warranted for, but are not limited to: Hazardous materials, additions or modifications to the Scope of Work, and Differing Site Conditions as defined in EXHIBIT 8 - Differing Site Conditions. All additional costs associated with these items shall be the responsibility of Customer. 3. GUARANTEE-PHASE CONTRACT SUM a) Customer shall pay WES annual payments for Guarantee-Phase Services the amounts listed below, subject to the Services Agreement set forth in SCHEDULE B and any other applicable terms of this agreement: (1) Year One: $0.00 (included in Construction-Phase Contract Sum) (2) Year Two: $TBD 359 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 28 (3)Year Three:Year two price modified by the change, up or down, in CPI since the beginning of the year two agreement. (4)Year Four and Beyond:Prior year modified by the last 12 months change, up or down, in CPI. b)Customer may cancel the Guarantee-Phase Services on any anniversary date or at the end of Customer’s fiscal year. If Customer cancels these services, WES reserves the right to cancel the Energy Savings Guarantee as outlined in SCHEDULE E. ENERGY SAVINGS GUARANTEE. 4.CONTRACT TIME a)The date of Substantial Completion upon which this proposal is based is [DATE]. b)The date of Final Completion is [DATE]. c)Weather disruptions, availability of necessary equipment, remediation of hazardous materials, and other delays beyond the control of WES shall not count toward the construction timeframe in SECTION 5 (COMMENCEMENT DATE AND TERMS). d)Guarantee Commencement Date is [DATE]. 5.SCHEDULE OF VALUES a)WES will prepare and submit a complete schedule of values along with initial Application for Payment. Projects listed as line items in the Schedule of Values will be treated as individual projects for the purposes of Progress Payments, Substantial Completion, Project Completion, and withholding of retention amounts. 6.CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE {Insert Construction Schedule} 7.INFORMATION UPON WHICH AMENDMENT IS BASED The Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in the Amendment are based on the following: a)Scope of Work: The finalized scope of work to be performed under the original Agreement is revised and clarified as set forth in this Amendment as follows: (1)INSERT DETAILED CONSTRUCTION SCOPE HERE b)Drawings (1)Scope of Work defined in 7.b supersedes any scope defined in the Drawings and Specifications. The Drawings and Specifications are provided to provide layout, quantities and general quality of equipment and materials to be incorporated in the project. Number Title Date 01 c)Specifications (1)Scope of Work defined in 7.b supersedes any scope defined in the Drawings and Specifications. The Drawings and Specifications are provided to provide layout, quantities and general quality of equipment and materials to be incorporated in the project. Number Title Date 01 360 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 29 d) Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract (1) {list, if applicable} e) Deviations from the Performance Contract Program Requirements as identified in SCHEDULE A.6: (1) {insert scope of work deviations from program requirements} 8. PERFORMANCE CONTRACTOR’S PERSONNEL, CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS a) The Performance Contractor’s key personnel are identified below: (1) {insert list of project team, personnel, contractors and suppliers} This Amendment to the Agreement entered into as of the day and the year first written above. WES CUSTOMER Signed Signed Name Name Date Date 361 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 30 EXHIBIT 2. CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTATIAL COMPLETION Project Project Number: From: WES To (Customer): [CUSTOMER NAME] [WES Address] [Customer Address] [WES Address] [Customer Address] PROJECT OR PORTION OF THE PROJECT DESIGNATED FOR PARTIAL OCCUPANCY FOR USE SHALL INCLUDE: Scope of Work A {Identify the Work, or portion thereof per the schedule of values, that is substantially complete} The Work performed under this Performance Contract has been reviewed and found, to the best of the Customer’s knowledge, information, and belief, to be substantially complete. Substantial Completion is the stage in the progress of the Work when the Work or designated portion is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Performance Contract Documents so that the Customer can occupy or utilize the work for its intended use. The date of Substantial Completion of the Project or portion designated above is the date of issuance established by this Certificate, which is also the date of commencement of applicable warranties required by the ESPC Documents, except as stated below: {Identify warranties that do not commence on the date of Substantial Completion, if any, and indicate their date of commencement} Warranty Date of Commencement Equipment A, OWNER’S REPRESENTATIVE BY (Signature) DATE OF ISSUANCE A list of items to be completed or corrected is attached hereto. The failure to include any items on such a list does not alter the responsibility of WES to complete all Work in accordance with the Performance Contract Documents. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the date of commencement of warranties for items on the attached list will be the date of issuance of the final Certificate of Payment or the date of final payment. The estimated cost of work that is incomplete or defective: $ 0.00 WES will complete or correct the Work on the list of items attached hereto within [___] days from the above date of Substantial Completion: PERFORMANCE CONTRACTOR BY (Signature) DATE The Customer accepts the Work or designated portion as substantially complete and will assume full possession thereof on the above date of Substantial Completion: CUSTOMER BY (Signature) DATE The responsibilities of the Customer and WES for security, maintenance, heat, utilities, damage to the Work and insurance shall be as follows (e.g., Security, Maintenance, Heat, Utilities, Damage to the Work, Insurance): 362 City of Dublin : Energy Savings Performance Contract | Page 31 EXHIBIT 3. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE – PROJECT FINAL COMPLETION This is to certify that a final inspection of the Project has been conducted jointly by WES and City of Dublin, and that the parties have determined that the Project has been fully completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. All guarantees and warranties that have not commenced previously shall commence as of the date of completion below. Customer accepts the Project as being fully completed and assumes responsibility for maintenance, custodial care, and utilities for the premises. WES remains responsible for correcting errors and omissions discovered subsequent to the execution of this document and to respond to claims made under applicable warranties. WES CUSTOMER Signed Signed Name Name Date Date 3615541.1 363 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL Page 1 of 6 Agenda Item 8.1 DATE:June 1, 2021 TO:Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM:Linda Smith, City Manager SUBJECT:Energy Efficiency and Infrastructure Improvement Projects Prepared by: Laurie Sucgang, City Engineer EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider the implementation of energy efficiency and related infrastructure improvement projects. The City Council will also consider authorizing Staff to explore funding for the projects, which may include bond issuance or other financing, which would be brought back to the City Council for final approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive a report summarizing the recommended Energy Efficiency and Infrastructure Improvement Projects resulting from the Investment Grade Audit conducted by Willdan Energy Solutions and provide direction to Staff on project implementation and the exploration of project funding. FINANCIAL IMPACT: As approved in the 2020-2025 Capital Improvement Program (CIP), there is approximately $2,445,000 allocated towards various projects that include all or portions of the energy efficiency projects presented in this report: Citywide Energy Improvements Project (CIP No. GI0121), Resiliency and Disaster Preparedness Improvements Project (CIP No. GI0221), Dublin Ranch Street Light Improvements Project (CIP No. ST0417), Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at The Wave (CIP No. GI0321), and the Library Tenant Improvements Project (CIP No. GI0002). On November 17, 2020, the City Council approved a design-build energy savings contract with Willdan Energy Solutions, to prepare an Investment Grade Audit (IGA) that includes proposed construction projects that will achieve energy savings and facility improvements. If the City Council chooses to proceed with construction of any of the energy efficiency projects, there is no cost for the IGA. If the City Council opts to forgo any of the construction projects, the City will be subject to pay $125,000 for the engineering and design services completed during the IGA phase. The total cost of the projects proposed through the IGA process is approximately $21,226,500. If 1415 Attachment 4 364 Page 2 of 6 all projects are constructed, there is a potential annual savings of $693,900 and a lifetime savings (25 years) of $25,900,000. Taking into account the $2,445,000 of funding within the CIP, approximately $18,800,000 of additional funding is necessary to construct all the projects. Options for funding the projects are presented in the Funding and Financing Options section near the end of the Staff Report. DESCRIPTION: Background In the last several years, the City has taken steps toward increasing resiliency to become better prepared for emergency events (such as PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoff events in October of 2019 and 2020), and more recently, to meeting its Climate Action Plan goals and addressing core infrastructure needs. Specifically, the City has taken the following actions: On June 9, 2020 the City Council adopted the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (Resolution No. 54-20) which included the Resiliency and Disaster Preparedness Improvements project, Citywide Energy Improvements project, and the Solar Photovoltaic Canopies at The Wave project. On September 15, 2020 the City Council adopted the Climate Action Plan 2030 and Beyond (Climate Action Plan), which identified Dublin’s plan to significantly reduce carbon emissions by 2030 and the goal of reaching carbon neutrality by 2045. In response to the State law transitioning California’s transportation sector to zero emissions by 2035 (Executive Order N-79-20 of September 2020), Staff has been developing a plan to transition the City’s fleet of internal combustion engine vehicles to battery-electric vehicles and looking for opportunities to install infrastructure for electric vehicle charging for the fleet vehicles. On November 17, 2020 the City Council approved a design-build energy savings contract with Willdan Energy Solutions, to prepare an Investment Grade Audit (Staff Report included as Attachment 1). Investment Grade Audit The Investment Grade Audit (IGA) prepared by Willdan provides an in-depth analysis of the financial aspects of energy savings and the return on investment from potential changes or upgrades to City facilities that are in alignment with resiliency goals, as well as getting the City closer to meeting its Climate Action Plan goals and addressing core infrastructure needs. The project is separated into two main phases: Phase 1 is project development, which is substantially complete, and Phase 2 is implementation of selected projects. This Staff Report presents the results of Phase 1, the identification of projects recommended for the implementation phase, Phase 2, and asks the City Council to provide direction on next steps. In addition to energy savings and cost savings, many of the proposed projects Staff and Willdan also considered how each project may improve the facility’s service and role in the City’s Emergency Operations Plan and the Tri-Valley Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. 1416365 Page 3 of 6 Results of Phase 1 – Identified Projects The scopes of work of the identified projects generally include replacement of aged and maintenance-intensive heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, upgrading of facilities to web-based and wireless controls, converting facility and park lighting to light-emitting diode (LED) systems, installation or replacement of back-up generators, installation or upgrade of back-up systems at 23 traffic signal intersections, installation of one megawatt of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems at multiple sites, and installation of resiliency systems with batteries and generators. The summary below separates projects into three general categories and indicates if they are a (1) planned Capital Improvement Project (CIP), (2) replacement of equipment at the End of its Useful Life (EUL), (3) Energy Efficiency and Resiliency project (EE), and/or (4) an improvement or goal identified in the Climate Action Plan (CAP). The total cost in each category is the “turnkey” cost, which includes design and engineering, subcontracts, utility program and grant management as applicable, permits and fees, financing support as needed, construction management and field supervision, operations and maintenance support, measurement and verification, and guaranteed savings for the selected term. Renewable, Resiliency, and Disaster Preparedness Projects The total cost of projects in this category is approximately $12,715,500. These costs are based on actual bids from contractors solicited in February and March 2021. 1.Generator at Dublin Library – install a new generator; CIP 2.Generator at Shannon Community Center – install a new generator; CIP 3.Generator at Fire Station 16 – replace the existing generator; CIP, EUL 4.Generator at Fire Station 17 – replace existing generator; CIP, EUL 5.Generator at Fire Station 18 – replace existing generator; CIP, EUL 6.Traffic Signal Resiliency – at 23 intersections throughout the City, install new or upgrade existing battery backup units or install hydrogen fuel cell backup at major intersections; CIP, EE 7.EV Charging and Solar PV at Dublin Sports Grounds – install electric vehicle charging stations and solar photovoltaic canopies in the parking lot of the Dublin Sports Grounds for public use; EE, CAP 8.EV Charging and Solar PV at Public Safety Complex – install additional electric vehicle charging stations and solar photovoltaic canopies in the parking lot for fleet vehicle use; EE, CAP 9.Solar PV with Battery Energy Storage at Civic Center – install additional solar photovoltaic canopies in the parking lot with new battery energy storage units; EE, CAP 10.Solar PV with Battery Energy Storage at The Wave – install solar photovoltaic canopies in the parking lot with battery energy storage units; CIP, EE, CAP 1417366 Page 4 of 6 11.Solar PV with Battery Energy Storage at the Corp Yard – install solar photovoltaic systems on the roof with battery energy storage units; EE, CAP 12.Solar PV with Battery Energy Storage at the Senior Center – install additional solar photovoltaic systems on the roof with new battery energy storage units; EE, CAP 13.Solar PV at Dublin Library – install solar photovoltaic systems on the roof of the Library and associated roof patching/repair to support the new solar; CIP, EE, CAP 14.Solar PV at Fire Station 17 – install solar photovoltaic systems on the roof; EE, CAP 15.Solar PV at Fire Station 18 – install solar photovoltaic systems on the roof; EE, CAP 16.Solar PV at Fallon Sports Park – install solar photovoltaic canopies in the parking lot; EE, CAP Note: Solar PV systems are sized based on the load at the facility and the smaller sites were bundled into a large project to provide an economy of scale. Otherwise, the smaller sites are too small to be economical as standalone projects. Lighting and Controls Upgrades Projects The total cost of projects in this category is approximately $6,665,000. These costs are based on actual bids from contractors solicited in February and March 2021. 17.Dublin Sports Grounds Park and Ballfield Lighting – replace inefficient metal halide lamps with modern LED solutions in the baseball fields, soccer fields, and within the sports grounds; EE 18.Emerald Glen Park Sports Court Lighting – replace inefficient metal halide lamps with modern LED solutions at the skate park, tennis courts, and basketball courts; CIP, EE 19.Fallon Sports Park Ballfield and Sports Court Lighting – replace inefficient metal halide lamps with modern LED solutions in the baseball fields, softball fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, and basketball courts; CIP, EE 20.Kolb Park and Sports Court Lighting – replace inefficient metal halide lamps with modern LED in the tennis courts and within the park; EE 21.Mape Memorial Park Lighting – improve lighting in areas near the pedestrian bridge, walkways, and within the park; CIP, EE 22.Ted Fairfield Park Lighting – improve lighting in areas near the pedestrian bridge and restroom building, and replace existing damaged light pole bases and hardware; CIP, EE 23.Alamo Creek Park Lighting – improve lighting in areas near the pedestrian bridge, parking lot, and within the park; CIP, EE 24.Interior and Exterior Building/Facility Lighting –replace inefficient lighting with modern LED at various facilities: Dublin Library, Corp Yard, Heritage Park and Museums, Shannon Community Center, Fire Station 16, Fire Station 17, Fire Station 18, and at The Wave;CIP, EUL, EE 25.Dublin Ranch District Streetlights Upgrade – replace or retrofit existing metal halide and high-pressure sodium vapor streetlights with LED technologies to reduce the total 1418367 Page 5 of 6 energy costs; CIP, EE Mechanical, HVAC and Controls Upgrades Projects The total cost of projects in this category is approximately $1,846,000. These costs are based on actual bids from contractors solicited in February and March 2021. 26.Dublin Library HVAC and Controls – replace existing roof-mounted gas boiler with a new high efficiency condensing boiler, expansion tank, circulation pump, local temperature sensors, pressure gauges, valves, insulation, any necessary piping, replace all five of the existing roof-top units with new high efficiency packaged units, and wireless controls system; CIP, EUL, EE 27.Senior Center HVAC and Controls – replace eleven of the twelve existing roof-top units with new high efficiency packaged units along with modifications to the ductwork, electrical, and condensate systems, as needed, and wireless controls system; EUL, EE 28.Shannon Community Center Retro-commissioning HVAC – since the fifteen units are not yet at the end of their useful life, retro-commissioning is recommended on equipment every few years to ensure systems continue to operate optimally; EE 29.Heritage Park and Museums HVAC and Wireless Controls – replace unit at the Museum building with a high efficiency unit, corresponding thermostats, along with modifications to the ductwork, electrical, and condensate systems, as needed, and wireless controls systems at Kolb House, Sunday School Barn, Old Raymond’s Church, and the Museum; EUL, EE 30.The Wave Pool Control System Firmware Upgrade – update the firmware of the pump controller software for the chemical circulation and filtration pumps for the four bodies of water; EUL 31.Fire Station 16 Wireless Controls – since the four units are not yet at the end of their useful life and are functioning in a decent condition, the replacement can be deferred, however, installation of a wireless controls system is recommended to reduce energy consumption and costs; EE 32.Fire Station 17 HVAC and Wireless Controls – replace four units with new high efficiency units along with modifications to the ductwork, electrical, and condensate systems, as needed, and wireless controls system; EUL, EE 33.Fire Station 18 HVAC and Wireless Controls – replace two of the three units with new high efficiency units along with modifications to the ductwork, electrical, and condensate systems, as needed, and wireless controls system; EUL, EE Funding and Financing Options There are multiple options to fund public projects; three of the most common are provided below. Staff recommends doing projects in a comprehensive manner rather than piecemeal to take advantage of economies of scale, to benefit from energy and cost savings immediately, to lock in the competitive bid prices received earlier this year in anticipation of increases in construction costs, and to take advantage of low interest rates. 1419368 Page 6 of 6 1.Capital Outlay - As approved in the 2020-2025 CIP, there is approximately $2,445,000 allocated towards various projects that include all or portions of certain energy efficiency projects. The total cost of the projects is approximately $21,226,500. For the City to fully fund the projects, an additional $18,871,500 would need to be allocated from the City’s General Fund Reserves. 2.Bond Issuance – The City may explore the use of a revenue bond to finance all or some of the projects. Current interest rates for a 25-year term lease-revenue bond are between 2% and 3%. Factors for consideration include the City’s credit rating, the value of holding on to cash now, and the ability for the City to make annual debt service payments. 3.Tax Exempt Lease-Purchase Agreement –Leasing energy-related improvements, especially the use of tax exempt lease-purchase agreements for energy efficient-equipment, is a common and cost-effective way for state and local governments to finance upgrades and then use the energy savings to pay for the financing cost. Leases often have slightly higher rates than bond financing but can be a faster and more flexible option. Dublin has some experience with lease financing. In 2012, the City entered into an Energy Services Contract with Chevron Energy Solutions for various energy related improvements and utilized the lease financing option, in addition to the contribution of Internal Service Fund reserves. The lease amount was $6,928,772 and the projected interest was $1,381,055. In 2018, the City opted to pay off the lease early. If the City Council chooses to proceed with construction, Staff recommends that the City Council direct Staff to further evaluate the funding options listed above and bring forward a recommendation on the best way to proceed. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: The City Council Agenda was posted. ATTACHMENTS: 1) November 17, 2020 City Council Staff Report (without attachments) 1420369 Page 1 of 3 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: November 17, 2020 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager SUBJECT: Contract with Willdan Energy Solutions for an Investment Grade Audit Prepared by: Laurie Sucgang, City Engineer EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will consider approving a contract with Willdan Energy Solutions to proceed with an Investment Grade Audit to develop energy efficiency and infrastructure improvement projects. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution Approving a Design-Build Energy Savings Performance Contract with Willdan Energy Solutions. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact associated with the agreement at this time. Fiscal impacts related to specific energy efficiency measures or infrastructure improvement projects may be brought forward to the City Council for consideration upon completion of the Investment Grade Audit (IGA). If the City does not move any projects into construction, the City will be subject to pay $125,000 for the engineering and design services completed during the IGA phase. Should the City move any projects into construction, the City will not pay for the IGA phase. All proposed projects will be evaluated to maximize savings of utility and operational costs. If applicable, the cost of these services will be paid for in accordance with the adopted annual budgets in the 2020-2025 Capital Improvement Program for the Citywide Energy Improvements Project (CIP No. GI0121) and the Resiliency and Disaster Preparedness Improvements Project (CIP No. GI0221). DESCRIPTION: The Public Works Department utilizes consultants on Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects. Services provided assist Staff in specific areas of technical and professional expertise. Consultants are solicited through an open and competitive 370 Page 2 of 3 request for qualifications (RFQ) or request for proposals (RFP) process. The RFQ/RFP processes are used to identify consulting firms and contractors with the necessary background and experience to provide services and to ensure that the cost for services is competitive. The RFQ/RFPs specify that selection would be based on quality and completeness of submissions as well as a firm's experience with engagements of similar scope and complexity. RFQ/RFPs were sent to firms and vendors previously under contract with the City and to those that had expressed interest in receiving RFQ/RFPs. The RFQ/RFPs were also posted on the City's website. On September 23, 2019, the City issued an RFP for Citywide Energy Upgrades, which included the development and implementation of approved projects coming from an Investment Grade Audit (IGA). Nine proposals were received from the following firms: 1. NV5/Celtic 2. Schneider Electric 3. Partner Energy 4. SYSERCO 5. Willdan Energy Solutions 6. Information & Energy Solutions 7. EMG 8. ENGIE 9. OPTONY After review of the proposals, Staff invited ENGIE, SYSERCO, Schneider Electric, and Willdan Energy Solutions to interview and present their capabilities. Willdan Energy Solutions was selected based upon its performance at the interview, its experience and qualifications, and the qualifications of the individuals on their project team. The IGA will contain a series of Energy Savings Measures (ESMs) and Facility Improvement Measures (FIMs). The program is separated into two phases, each with several distinct elements. The first phase is project development and the second phase is implementation of the identified projects. The components of the project development phase are incorporated into the design- build energy savings performance contract and involve several stages of review of the City’s assets. The IGA will provide an in-depth analysis of City property and facilities and will be conducted to an industry standard level of detail to get competitive pricing on subcontracted work. The audits are used to identify ESMs at an investment grade level, meaning the degree of certainty in the savings associated with projects is high at the completion of this stage. The completion of the IGA will result in one or more groupings or packages/phases of ESMs and FIMs that are feasible for the City to implement. The components of the project implementation phase will be incorporated into one or more Energy Services Contracts. Staff will return to the City Council at a subsequent date to request approval of any Energy Services Contracts. 371 Page 3 of 3 California Environmental Quality Act The action being considered does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(a) as it has no potential for resulting in either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: None. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution Approving a Design-Build Energy Savings Performance Contract with Willdan Energy Solutions 2. Exihibt A to the Resolution - Design-Build Contract Willdan Energy Solutions 3. Request For Proposals for Citywide Energy Efficiency Projects 4. CIP No. GI0121 and No. GI0221 372 City of Dublin ATTN: Laurie Sucgang, P.E. 100 Civic Plaza - Dublin, CA 94568 July 5, 2021 Investment Grade Audit Report Energy Reduction, Core Facility Infrastructure, & Resiliency Upgrades Attachment 5 373 This page is intentionally blank 374 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 3 Table of Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................... 6 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................... 7 Facilities in Scope .............................................................................................. 9 Existing Facility Conditions .............................................................................. 10 Civic Center .............................................................................................................................. 10 Dublin Library ............................................................................................................................ 12 Corporation Yard & Maintenance Facility ............................................................................. 14 Senior Center ............................................................................................................................ 15 Heritage Park & Museums ........................................................................................................ 17 Shannon Community Center ................................................................................................... 19 Fire Station #16 .......................................................................................................................... 21 Fire Station #17 .......................................................................................................................... 23 Fire Station #18 .......................................................................................................................... 25 The Wave at Emerald Glen Park ............................................................................................. 27 Parks & Sports Field Lighting .................................................................................................... 29 Traffic Signals ............................................................................................................................. 30 Streetlights ................................................................................................................................. 31 Technical Approach ....................................................................................... 32 Project Contribution Toward CAP 2030 ................................................................................... 44 Facility Resiliency and CAP Goals .......................................................................................... 46 Electrification Evaluation of Facility HVAC Systems .............................................................. 47 Baseline Utility Analysis ................................................................................... 49 Recommended Scopes of Work .................................................................... 53 Civic Center .............................................................................................................................. 54 Dublin Library ............................................................................................................................ 55 Corporation Yard & Maintenance Facility ............................................................................. 59 Senior Center ............................................................................................................................ 60 Heritage Park & Museums ........................................................................................................ 63 Shannon Community Center ................................................................................................... 65 Fire Station #16 .......................................................................................................................... 67 Fire Station #17 .......................................................................................................................... 69 Fire Station #18 .......................................................................................................................... 72 The Wave at Emerald Glen Park ............................................................................................. 75 Parks & Sports Fields ................................................................................................................. 77 Traffic Signal Resiliency ............................................................................................................ 83 375 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 4 Streetlights ................................................................................................................................. 87 EV Charging & Infrastructure ................................................................................................... 88 Rebates & Incentives ....................................................................................... 90 Appendices ..................................................................................................... 92 376 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 5 This page is intentionally blank 377 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 6 Executive Summary The Investment Grade Audit conducted by Willdan has focused in on several opportunities for the City of Dublin to improve its energy efficiency, resiliency, and facility performance through the implementation of a comprehensive turnkey improvement project. With the assistance from the City staff, we have worked together to fully engineer and develop these scopes of work which also align with your long-term goals and Climate Action Plan (CAP.) In the following report & attached Appendices you will find a summary of existing conditions and proposed scopes of work for each site with a financial overview. Dozens of opportunities were identified by Willdan’s Professional Engineers and Certified Energy Managers as they conducted this detailed study for the City. This information is intended to provide accurate projections of energy savings potential, detailed data regarding potential upgrades to building systems, and the resources to aid the City of Dublin in implementing building improvements that represent ideal long-term solutions. The engineering drawings and detailed scopes are completed and have also been competitively bid locally in collaboration with the City. The next step is to perform the installation of the scopes of work identified after permits are issued. During the construction phase of the project, Willdan’s team will work diligently to ensure that the project is installed as designed, maximizing performance for long-term operation. This commitment includes the following:  Continued oversight and involvement of licensed Professional Engineers to ensure that the project is installed per their design details and intent.  On-site construction management to oversee project installation by selected contractors, coordinate scheduling and minimize disruptions to occupied spaces & other activities.  Effective commissioning of all functional systems, verifying correct installation and performance.  Ongoing performance maximization to continuously commission all systems and ensure efficiency.  Willdan will continue to work on evaluating other scopes of work for future phases, such as fleet electrification & tenant improvements. Willdan feels strongly that our industry experience, engineering and energy conservation expertise, and superior value will make us the clear choice for your energy conservation and facility improvement projects. We hope to continue to serve you as you move forward to address your energy and facility needs. Sincerely, David Daniel - Vice President 619-980-2504 ddaniel@willdan.com 378 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 7 Abbreviations Some terms in this report are abbreviations of longer phrases. This table can be used as a guide for understanding what each abbreviation refers to throughout the report. Abbreviation Meaning AC Alternating Current AFUE Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency AHJ Authority Having Jurisdiction AHU Air Handling Unit AP Activity Pool ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers BAS Building Automation System BBS Battery Backup System BESS Battery Energy Storage System BTU British Thermal Unit - Imperial System Unit for Heat CAP Climate Action Plan CAV Constant Air Volume CEC California Energy Commission CF-1 Climate Action Plan: Opt-Up to 100% Renewable and Carbon-Free Electricity CF-2 Climate Action Plan: Develop a Renewable Resource Buildout Plan CFL Compact Fluorescent Lamp CMU Concrete Masonry Unit CO2 Carbon Dioxide DC Direct Current DDC Direct Digital Control DERs Distributed Energy Resources DHW Domestic Hot Water DLC Design Light Consortium DOE2 US Department of Energy DOT Department of Transportation DX Direct Expansion EBCE East Bay Community Energy ECM Energy Conservation Measure EER Energy Efficiency Ratio EMCS Energy Management Control System EOP Emergency Operations Plan ESS Energy Storage Systems EUL Effective Useful Life EV Electric Vehicle GHG Greenhouse Gas GUI Graphical User Interface HID High Intensity Discharge H-O-A Hand=On, Off=Off, Auto=Control System state 379 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 8 HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning IDEC Indirect Evaporative Cooler IEER Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio IES Illuminating Engineering Society of North America ISP Indoor Swimming Pool ITC Investment Tax Credit MBH kBTUh - Thousand BTUs Per Hour, Unit of Power kW Kilowatt (1,000 Watts, Unit of Power) kWh Kilowatt-Hour (1,000 Watts Used for an Hour, Unit of Energy) LAN Local Area Network LCFS Low Carbon Fuel Standard LED Light Emitting Diode LoNOx Low Nitrous Oxide LPW Lumens Per Watt lsc Short Circuit Current MEP Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing MSB Main Switchboard MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets NEM-A Net Energy Metering Aggregation O&M Operations and Maintenance OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer OSP Outdoor Swimming Pool PBCs Polychlorinated Biphenyls PBI Performance-Based Incentive PCC Point of Common Coupling PG&E Pacific Gas & Electric Pp Peak Power PSD Pressure Safety Device PSPS Public Safety Power Shutoff PV Photovoltaic RTU Rooftop Unit SEER Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating SGIP Self-Generation Incentive Program SL Slide SM-2 Climate Action Plan: Develop an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan SPCS Smart Pump Control System (?) TAB Test and Balance TMY3 Typical Meteorological Year, Version 3 VAV Variable Air Volume VFD Variable Frequency Drive Voc Open Circuit Voltage VRV Variable Refrigerant Volume 380 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 9 Facilities in Scope The facilities in the table below have one or multiple improvement opportunities described in this report. This table can be used as a reference for the number and variety of facilities included. T ABLE 1. F ACILITIES & S ITES A DDRESSED Facility Address Sq. Ft. EOP Purpose Served 1 Civic Center 100 Civic Plaza 52,687 Primary Seat of Government 2 Dublin Library 200 Civic Plaza 38,898 Staff & Family Shelter 3 Corporation Yard & Maintenance Facility 5709 Scarlett Ct 21,859 Field Communications Center (FCC) 4 Senior Center 7600 Amador Valley Blvd 15,207 EOP Shelter 5 Heritage Park & Museums 6600 Donlon Way 6,754 - 6 Shannon Community Center 11600 Shannon Ave 17,286 EOP Shelter 7 Fire Station #16 7494 Donohue Dr 8,815 Community Response 8 Fire Station #17 6200 Madigan Rd 12,727 Alternative EOC Location 9 Fire Station #18 4800 Fallon Rd 8,624 Community Response 10 The Wave at Emerald Glen Park 4201 Central Pkwy 32,423 Staff & Family Shelter / Showers 11 Dublin Sports Grounds – Baseball/Soccer, Sports Grounds 6700 Dublin Blvd Exterior Point of Distribution (POD) 12 Emerald Glen Park – Tennis, Basketball, Skate park Central Pkwy, Glynnis Rose Dr Exterior Point of Distribution (POD) 13 Fallon Sports Park – Softball, Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Baseball 4605 Lockhart St Exterior Animal Shelter 14 Kolb Park – Tennis 8020 Bristol Rd Exterior - 15 Alamo Creek Park 7601 Shady Creek Rd Exterior - 16 Bray Commons 3300 Finnian Way Exterior - 17 Dolan Park 11651 Padre Way Exterior - 18 Mape Memorial Park 11711 Mape Way Exterior - 19 Shannon Park 11600 Shannon Ave Exterior - 20 Ted Fairfield Park 3400 Antone Way Exterior - 21 Public Safety Complex 6361 Clark Ave 38,000 - 381 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 10 Existing Facility Conditions Willdan’s licensed professional engineers, architects and construction managers carefully examined the facility systems and condition at each property in the list shown in the previous section. The information gathered was used to make improvement recommendations. This section is the written result of that analysis. Civic Center General Overview The Civic Center Admin and former Police Services buildings were constructed in 1989 and underwent remodeling in 2002. The facility is composed of two semi-circular buildings that serve administration on one side and a soon to be remodeled Cultural Arts Center on the other side. The Cultural Arts Center side used to serve Dublin’s police force, however with the opening of a separate Police/Public Safety Complex facility in the city, the police staff, and all subsequent vehicles and equipment have been relocated. The administration building is a two-story, 32,633 square foot structure that contains the City’s administrative offices, City Hall, City Council Chambers, and the Regional Meeting Room. Currently, the administration building is open Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm. With the Cultural Arts Center remodel, the adjacent parking lot will be reconfigured to accommodate Dublin city vehicle fleet parking and EV charging. Building Envelope The structure’s construction features masonry-bearing walls with metal decks. No deficiencies were discovered or need to be addressed. Electrical Systems There is a 370-kW solar photovoltaic (PV) system in the Civic Center and Library parking lot installed in 2012 that offsets approximately 48% of the site’s annual electrical consumption. A 450kW diesel generator was installed in 2012 and serves the Civic Center building. The generator was sized and installed to also serve the Library’s electrical loads in an emergency, but the underground electrical connection to the Library electrical room was not completed at the time of installation. Willdan has collaborated with the City to identify other factors in the development of the Civic Center. The City intends to reconfigure the secure parking lot that formerly served the Police Services wing of the Civic Center building. The City estimates that the construction will occur in late 2021, and the lot may likely be joined with the rest of the Civic Center Parking area. Future load growth due to the Cultural Arts Center and future electric vehicle (EV) fleet charging will occur in the coming years. Civic Center Entrance Typical RTU Reliable Control Screen Capture Fluorescent T8 Fixtures Solar PV Arrays 382 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 11 Lighting Systems The electricity in the buildings is supplied to a main switchboard (MSB) and distributed to sub-panels for electrical plug lights, HVAC and lighting circuits. The building’s lighting system consists of a combination of fluorescent T5 lamps, light emitting diode (LED) fixtures, and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). With the current HVAC and roof replacement project, there are also lighting upgrades. The Civic Center does not currently have occupancy-based lighting controls, which indicates that lights may stay on even if the space is unoccupied. Mechanical & HVAC Systems The primary source of heating and cooling for the two buildings are packaged DX Carrier variable air volume (VAV) rooftop units (RTU) with gas reheat that are approximately 19 years of age and have an expected life of 15 years. This type of system varies the airflow at a constant temperature, which allows for better temperature control in the building’s individual zones. Supplementing the packaged units are ductless split-systems and wall-mounted heat pumps. Domestic hot water (DHW) for the administration building and former Police Services side of the Civic Center is produced by an aging, roof mounted, 80% efficient atmospheric gas boiler and stored in a nearby insulated tank. This is the current system before the HVAC renovation that is currently underway. Energy Management Systems The existing building automation system (BAS) is by Reliable Controls. The system shows the buildings split into the zones each RTU serves, with the ability to schedule their hours of operation. The graphical user interface shows individual zone temperatures and system schematics. With the current renovation the building is undergoing, the City plans on installing a more modern version of the same Reliable Control system to provide temperature and comfort control of the new mechanical systems. Willdan recommends that all building’s control systems eventually be phased to a single platform for consistency and ease of maintenance. 383 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 12 Dublin Library General Overview The Dublin Library is located at 200 Civic Plaza and was constructed in 2001, with a 38,898 square foot footprint. This facility is part of the Alameda County Library system and provides services to the Dublin community for all ages. The facility is open Monday through Thursday 10:00am to 8:00pm, Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm, and Sunday 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Building Envelope The single-story structure is composed of a steel frame with concrete-topped metal decks. The roofs are composed of white modified bitumen material that help reflect, rather than absorb, solar heat gain. Due to the building’s age, the roof should be either replaced or patched and upgraded to support any future installations, such as an array of solar PV, to serve as an expansion to the existing parking lot systems. Electrical Systems The main switchboard (MSB) that supplies electricity to the building is a 480Y/277V, 3- phase, 4-wire board with a 1,200-amp service. The generator at the Civic Center was sized and installed to also serve the Library’s electrical loads in an emergency, but the underground electrical connection to the Library electrical room was not made at the time of installation. This means that the Library does not have emergency backup power available to energize critical equipment such as lighting and HVAC during a power outage. The Library has a 132-kW solar PV carport array that offsets approximately 36% of the site’s electrical consumption. With the PV installed in the Library parking lot serving both the Library and Civic Center, there is no remaining carport space available to add additional PV in the parking lots. Any additional PV would need to be roof mounted, as described in the Dublin Library’s Energy Conservation Measures section. Lighting Systems The building’s interior lighting consists of various lighting technologies, such as fluorescent T5s and T8s lamps, CFLs, Metal Halide, and LEDs. The non-LED lamps are an outdated technology that are less energy efficient and have a shorter life than LEDs. Mechanical & HVAC Systems The Library has five Trane packaged rooftop units that supply conditioned air to 21 VAV boxes located downstream. The VAV boxes modulate their dampers to maintain their respective space temperature setpoints. The RTUs range in capacity from 17.5 to 25 tons and are 19 years of age (vintage 2002). The RTUs currently meet the demands of the system; however, the units are past their expected useful life (EUL) of 15 years as defined by ASHRAE and are prone to fail in the near future. The RTUs are not equipped with economizers which would otherwise provide free cooling opportunities when ambient air conditions permit. Library Entrance Existing Rooftop Unit Mighty Therm Heating Hot Water Boiler Wall-Mounted Siemens Thermostat Parking lot PV Structure 384 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 13 A roof-mounted 82% efficient atmospheric boiler generates heating hot water and circulates it to the reheat coils located at the VAV boxes. While the existing boiler was rated to have an efficiency of 82% when manufactured, due to wear and its exposure to the elements, its operating efficiency is now well below 80%. Willdan’s investigation of the existing Reliable Controls BAS and the VAV box airflows showed that while the actuators appear to be in good working condition, most of the air flow sensors at the VAV boxes are reporting airflow values well below the actual amount being provided. Due to the incorrect airflow readings being reported by the VAV air flow sensors to the BAS, the VAV boxes are providing more airflow than the systems need and the corresponding VAV RTUs are operating their supply fans at speeds higher than they should be. The tables below provide the existing equipment information: T ABLE 2. E XISTING RTU S AT D UBLIN LIBRARY Tag Make Model Capacity (Tons) Rated Eff. EER Age (years) Expected Useful Life ACU-1 Trane TCD301C 25 10.4 19 2017 ACU-2 Trane TCD211C 17.5 11.0 19 2017 ACU-3 Trane TCD301C 25 10.4 19 2017 ACU-4 Trane TCD301C 25 10.4 19 2017 ACU-5 Trane TCD211C 17.5 11.0 19 2017 T ABLE 3. E XISTING G AS B OILER AT D UBLIN L IBRARY Tag Make Model Input (MBH) Output (MBH) Thermal Eff. % Age (years) Expected Useful Life B-1 Teledyne Laars H1010 1,010 828 82% 19 2027 Energy Management Systems The existing BAS is by Reliable Controls. The BAS shows graphical floor plans with zone temperatures, HVAC equipment schematics, and provides the ability to schedule equipment hours of operation, most of which is currently scheduled to operate from 5:00am to 10:00 pm. The BAS does not have any major functionality issues and operates the system with a moderate degree of efficiency. There is room for some improvement on sequences; however, the current system may limit the degree to which those improvements can be implemented. There are some graphical issues related to Adobe Flash player not being supported by web browsers, but this does not affect the operation of the equipment. 385 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 14 Corporation Yard & Maintenance Facility General The Corporation Yard is a single-story building located at 5709 Scarlett Court. The pre- engineered metal building was constructed in 2015 and spans 21,859 square feet. The City uses the space as maintenance grounds for its fleet of vehicles. The facility is open weekdays 8:00am to 5:00pm. Building Envelope The building has an exterior construction of steel frame with metal siding, aluminum- framed windows, and a gabled roof with metal finish. The material storage bins on the South East end of the property have signs of wear and oxidation on their surfaces from when it rains. However, it is unclear at this time if water is actually penetrating through the material storage bins. Electrical Systems The main electrical service consists of a 208/120V, 3 phase, 4-wire MSB with a 1,200-amp main bus, which is adequate for the facility. The Facility does not have any solar PV installed to generate clean energy to offset building electricity use. Lighting Systems Lighting at the Corporation Yard consists of a mix of LED and fluorescent light fixtures. The exterior of the building is all LED fixtures while the interior fixtures are a mix of LED (57), linear fluorescent T8 (104), and CFL (4) fixtures. There are no occupancy-based lighting controls to shut off lights when spaces are not in use. Mechanical & HVAC Systems The building has a variable refrigerant volume (VRV) system to supply conditioned air to the spaces. The VRV system consists of ten Mitsubishi indoor fan coil units that are tied to two Mitsubishi outdoor heat pump condensing units. VRV systems are very efficient as they can provide simultaneous heating and cooling to different zones. There are supplemental mini-split heat pump units serving electrical and server rooms. There are eight exhaust fans operating for the shop and restrooms. Domestic hot water is generated and supplied to the facility through an instantaneous electric water heater. Energy Management Systems The VRV systems are controlled by Mitsubishi thermostats that are designed to work with the highly efficient indoor and outdoor VRV units to maintain indoor space comfort. While the system is inherently efficient, there is no centralized BAS to provide remote control resulting in extra steps for the maintenance team to adjust or review the system. Connecting the VRV system to a BAS would allow remote space temperature setpoint adjustments, scheduling, setback of the system, and review of system status. Corporation Yard Entrance VRV Outdoor Condensers Electric Water Heater High Bay LED Lighting VRV Wall-mounted Thermostat 386 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 15 Senior Center General The Senior Center is located at 7600 Amador Valley Blvd. The 15,207 square foot single- story building was constructed in 2005 and has not had any major renovations since the original date of construction. The facility offers a variety of classes and programs for the community, along with a 248-person capacity ballroom and catering kitchen. When not in use for City programs, the community can rent out the building. The facility is open Monday through Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm and Saturday 8:30am to 12:00pm. Building Envelope The Senior Center has a conventional wood-framed structure on a concrete slab on grade. The exterior walls have stucco finishes and aluminum framed windows. Most of the roof has a gabled-type construction, while the equipment well has a flat construction with a bituminous finish. Due to the building’s age, the roof should be either replaced or patched and upgraded to support any future installations, such as an installation of solar PV system array. Electrical Systems The main electrical service that powers all of the interior plug loads, lighting and HVAC equipment consists of a 120/208V, 3 phase, 4-wire MSB with a 1,200-amp main bus and is in the electrical closet, accessible through the exterior parking lot. An existing 32-kW roof-mounted solar PV array offsets approximately 26% of the overall site electrical usage. There is currently no BESS at the site to provide resiliency or economic savings via peak shaving or energy arbitrage. Lighting Systems The Senior Center has a few LED light fixtures; however they are few and far between as most of the facility contains a variety of older technology. The existing lights include a combination of CFLs, metal halide lamps and linear fluorescent T8 tubes. Many areas do not currently have occupancy sensors, which detect when the illuminated space is occupied, and subsequently turn lights off when the space is not in use. Mechanical & HVAC Systems The Senior Center is conditioned by 12 individual packaged gas/electric RTUs. The units are all 17 years of age (vintage 2004) except for one unit which was replaced 3 years ago. The RTUs range in capacity from 2.5-tons to 7.5-tons of cooling. The 17-year-old units are due for replacement as they are past their EUL as defined by ASHRAE. There are also several Champion evaporative coolers located on the roof that supply cooled make-up air to the kitchen. Domestic hot water is provided through a 116-gallon, 120MBH natural- gas storage water heater. Senior Center Entrance Existing HVAC Equipment Niagara Field Controller Evaporative Cooler Existing Solar PV Array 387 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 16 The table below provides the existing equipment information: T ABLE 4. E XISTING RTU S AT S ENIOR C ENTER Tag Make Model Capacity (Tons) Rated Eff. EER Age (years) Expected EUL AC-1 Carrier 48HJD008 7.5 11.0 17 2019 AC-2 Carrier 48GPN036060 3 12 17 2019 AC-3 Rheem/Ruud RGEDZS090 7.5 11.0 3 2032 AC-4 Carrier 48GPN036060 3 12 17 2019 AC-5 Carrier 48GPN030040 2.5 12 17 2019 AC-6 Carrier 48GPN04809 4 12 17 2019 AC-7 Carrier 48GP036 2 12 17 2019 AC-8 Carrier 48GPN048 4 12 17 2019 AC-9 Carrier 48GPN036060 3 12 17 2019 AC-10 Carrier 48GPN03004 2.5 12 17 2019 AC-11 Carrier 48GPN030040 2.5 12 17 2019 AC-12 Carrier 48GPN036060 3 12 17 2019 Energy Management Systems The rooftop HVAC equipment is controlled by occupancy-based Honeywell thermostats, all of which were noted to be installed within lockboxes to prevent general access to the settings. Unfortunately, the lockboxes interfere with the occupancy sensors, which renders them ineffectual, leaving the thermostats to rely solely on scheduled programming for operation. The thermostats are not tied to a BAS to provide remote-control of the equipment. 388 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 17 Heritage Park & Museums General The Heritage Park & Museums site is a ten-acre park located at 6600 Donlon Way, and is made up of the following buildings:  Murray Schoolhouse Museum (1856)  Old St. Raymond Church (1859)  Sunday School Barn (1870)  Hay Barn (1900)  Kolb Old House (1904)  Kolb House (1910) The newest addition, Kolb House, is a 2,304 square foot, two-story facility. It is over a century old (vintage 1910) and had MEP remodeling performed in 2010. The Museum is open Monday through Thursday 3:00pm to 5:00pm. Building Envelope The various buildings are traditional wood-frame structures with wood framed windows, siding, and minimal insulation. Electrical Systems Each of the buildings at the Heritage Park are individually metered, and have their own 240V, 3-wire service that energizes the interior lighting, plug loads and HVAC equipment. There are currently no solar PV systems used to offset electrical consumption nor is there a BESS for resiliency or peak demand shaving. The Heritage Park & Museums facility does not have an emergency backup generator to provide power in the event of a power outage. Lighting Systems Lighting at the Heritage Park & Museums is a mix of metal halide (2), CFLs (48), fluorescent T8 (11) fluorescent T5 (1), incandescent (2), and LED (49) fixtures. The buildings do not contain occupancy sensors to reduce lighting levels when spaces are vacant. Mechanical & HVAC Systems There is a mixture of old packaged gas/electric units, split heat pump units, and ductless split systems found throughout the various buildings that are used to provide heating and cooling. Standalone thermostats are used to control the HVAC equipment to maintain temperature setpoints. The individual buildings have independent HVAC infrastructure as follows:  Kolb House: two indoor Mitsubishi split system heat pump units (0.75 tons, 12 years of age) and two outdoor condenser units (1.5 and 5 tons, 12 years of age) Building Entrance Existing Gas/Electric Air Conditioner Exterior HPS Lamp at Museum Older Wall-Mounted Thermostat Modern Wall-Mounted Honeywell Thermostat 389 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 18  Sunday School Barn: one split system heat pump (3.5 tons, 7 years of age) and one heat pump air handling unit (3.5 tons, 12 years of age)  Murray Schoolhouse Museum: two outdoor packaged AC units (5 tons, 11 years old and 3 tons, 22 years of age)  Old St. Raymond Church: one furnace (81,000 Btu-h, 6 years of age) Additionally, there are ductless split systems found in several buildings. All of the HVAC equipment are controlled by standalone thermostats which maintain temperature setpoints. T ABLE 5. E XISTING P ACKAGED G AS /E LECTRIC A IR C ONDITIONERS AT THE M USEUM Tag Make Model Capacity (Tons) Rated Eff. EER Age (years) Expected EUL AC-1 Payne PY3GNAA60090 5 11.0 11 2025 AC-2 Carrier 48GS-036060301-- 3 12 22 2014 T ABLE 6. E XISTING S PLIT S YSTEMS AT K OLB H OUSE (FOR REFERENCE ONLY ) Tag Make Model Capacity (Tons) Rated Eff. SEER Age (years) Expected EUL FC-1 Mitsubishi MSZ-A09NA 0.75 - 11 2025 FC-2 Mitsubishi MSZ-A09NA 0.75 - 12 2024 CU-1 Mitsubishi MXZ-2B20NA 1.5 - 12 2024 CU-2/AH-1 Carrier 38QRR050 5 - 12 2024 T ABLE 7. E XISTING S PLIT S YSTEM AT S UNDAY S CHOOL B ARN (FOR REFERENCE ONLY ) Tag Make Model Capacity (Tons) Rated Eff. SEER Age (years) Expected EUL CU-1 American Standard 4A6H4042D1000AA 3.5 - 7 2029 AH-1 Trane 4TEC3F42C 3.5 - 12 2033 T ABLE 8. E XISTING F URNACE AT OLD S T . R AYMOND ’S C HURCH (FOR REFERENCE ONLY ) Tag Make Model Capacity (MBH) Thermal Eff. % Age (years) Expected EUL F-1 Ruud R801TA 81 80% 6 2030 Energy Management Systems The existing HVAC and lighting systems are stand-alone and not tied to a centralized BAS. 390 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 19 Shannon Community Center General The Shannon Community Center is located at 11600 Shannon Ave, and was constructed in 2007. The facility is a two-story building spanning 17,286 square feet and has had no major additions or renovations since the original construction. The facility is used as a premier rental space for weddings, parties, and other events. The Ambrose Hall, which is 6,000 square feet has the capacity to comfortably seat 300 guests. The facility is open Monday through Wednesday 8:00am to 5:00pm, Thursday 8:00am to 7:00pm, Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm, and Saturday 9:00am to 12:00pm. Building Envelope The exterior walls at Shannon Community Center are constructed of 2x6 studs, sheathed with ½” plywood and has a stucco finish. The roof is a gable-type construction with a concrete roof tile finish. The roof has R-30 insulation, the walls have R-13 or R-19 insulation, and the windows are dual-pane. Electrical Systems The main electrical service consists of a 208/120V, 3 phase, 4-wire MSB with a 1,200- amp main bus. There is a 116-kW-solar PV array located at Shannon Park that is interconnected to the main electrical distribution panel. The system offsets approximately 89% of the site’s electrical consumption. Given the high percentage of solar PV offset, this site is not recommended to install more solar. The site was originally partially configured for a back-up diesel generator, but it was never installed. The facility currently does not have a BESS to store solar energy. Willdan evaluated a potential BESS for both economic return and resiliency at the facility, and does not recommend energy storage at this time, as the economic return is not a high enough value enough to offset the cost of the system over its lifetime. Extended emergency backup power is more cost effective via a diesel generator replacement, so no BESS is recommended for resiliency. Lighting Systems Lighting at Shannon Community Center consists of a mix of fixtures of LEDs (25), fluorescent T8s (286), CFLs (236), and halogens (10). Most of the lights are controlled by a Watt-stopper lighting control panel. Mechanical & HVAC Systems Heating and cooling to the entire building is provided by 15 Carrier split heat pump units. The outdoor condensing units are floor-mounted along the northern perimeter of the community center. The cooling capacities for these units range from three to five tons and have a 15 SEER rating. The indoor furnace units have a gas-fired heating section, evaporator cooling coil and blower motor to circulate the air to the spaces. The split systems are all controlled by stand-alone thermostats and operate to maintain their temperature setpoints. There are two kitchen exhaust fans Shannon Community Center Entrance Carrier Heat Pump Units (2008) Existing Condensing Boiler PV Array at Shannon Park Watt-Stopper Lighting Control Panel 391 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 20 and one make-up air unit that are interlocked with the kitchen range hood to provide ventilation and maintain space pressurization. All fans are constant volume. Domestic hot water is generated by a gas-fired, condensing storage water heater. The table below show the existing equipment information: T ABLE 9. E XISTING S PLIT S YSTEMS AT S HANNON C OMMUNITY C ENTER Indoor Tag Outdoor Tag Make Outdoor Model Capacity (Tons) Rated Eff. SEER Age (years) Expected EUL F-1A CU-1A Carrier 58MXB060 4 15 13 2023 F-1B CU-1B Carrier 58MXB060 4 15 13 2023 F-2 CU-2 Carrier 58MVB080 5 15 13 2023 F-3 CU-3 Carrier 58MVB080 5 15 13 2023 F-4 CU-4 Carrier 58MVB080 4 15 13 2023 F-5 CU-5 Carrier 58MVB080 5 15 13 2023 F-6A CU-6A Carrier 58MXB060 4 15 13 2023 F-6B CU-6B Carrier 58MXB060 4 15 13 2023 F-7 CU-7 Carrier 58MVB040 3 15 13 2023 F-8A CU-8A Carrier 58MVB080 5 15 13 2023 F-8B CU-8B Carrier 58MVB080 5 15 13 2023 F-9A CU-9A Carrier 58MVB080 5 15 13 2023 F-9B CU-9B Carrier 58MVB080 5 15 13 2023 F-11A CU-11A Carrier 58MVB080 5 15 13 2023 F-11B CU-11B Carrier 58MVB080 5 15 13 2023 Energy Management Systems The Shannon Community Center has stand-alone thermostat controls to control the HVAC equipment. The thermostats are tied to a Niagara framework DDC based Alerton control system to provide remote-control of the equipment. The existing BAS was designed to be able to work in tandem with the proposed PV systems to provide resiliency during emergency scenarios with minimal load shedding. 392 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 21 Fire Station #16 General Fire Station #16 is located at 7494 Donohue Dr. and was constructed in 1992. The facility is a two-story building spanning 8,815 square feet and had a minor remodel in 2006. The building is open 24/7, year-round. Building Envelope The structure is composed of masonry bearing walls with wood framed, built-up roofs. Due to the age of the building, re-roofing may be necessary before installing additional solar panels. Electrical Systems The main electrical service consists of a 208/120V, 3 phase, 4-wire MSB with a 600- amp main bus. There is a 12-kW-solar PV array that was installed in 2012 located on the roof that is interconnected to the MSB and offsets approximately 24% of the site’s electrical consumption. While additional utility bill offset from solar PV would be ideal at this facility, significant constraints on available roof and parking lot space leads Willdan to not recommend installing supplemental rooftop solar PV or carport mounted systems at this time. When the existing solar PV reaches the end of its useful life around 2032 or in the event that system performance degrades significantly, the system should be updated to current technology which will offset a greater percentage of the facility load. The facility currently does not have a BESS, only an aging 80kW diesel generator located outdoors, original to the facility’s construction, exists to provide back-up power during power outages. Willdan evaluated a potential BESS for both economic return and resiliency at the facility and does not recommend energy storage at this time, as the economic return is not a high enough value to offset the cost of the system over its lifetime. Extended emergency backup power is more cost effective via a diesel generator replacement, so no BESS is recommended for resiliency. Lighting Systems Lighting at the Fire Station #16 primarily consists of fixtures of CFLs (42) and T8 fluorescents (83). Interior LEDs fixtures (33) were found primarily on the wall sconce fixtures and exterior pole fixtures. There are also high-pressure sodium (4), mercury vapor (5) and metal halide (2) fixtures. Many areas do not have existing lighting controls. Mechanical & HVAC Systems Heating and cooling to the fire station is provided by four packaged Carrier rooftop gas/electric units and one heat pump that are controlled by stand-alone thermostats and range in size from 2 to 6 tons. All of the units are 15 years of age. The fire truck apparatus bay has several natural gas-fired unit heaters and two apparatus exhaust fans serving the north and south areas. Domestic hot water is Fire Station #16 Façade Carrier RTUs (AC-2,3,4, 2006 vintage) Gas-Fired Unit Heater Existing Diesel Generator Existing PV Array 393 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 22 generated by an 81-gallon, 154 MBH gas-fired, storage water heater installed in 2019. The table below provides information on all the HVAC systems throughout Fire Station #16. T ABLE 10. EXISTING RTU S AT FIRE S TATION #16 Tag Make Model Capacity (Tons) Rated Eff. SEER Age (years) Expected EUL AC-1 Carrier 48HJE007 6 - 15 2021 AC-2 Carrier 48SDN024 2 - 15 2021 AC-3 Carrier N/A 5 - 15 2021 AC-4 Carrier 48HJE004 3 - 15 2021 T ABLE 11. E XISTING S PLIT S YSTEM (FOR REFERENCE ONLY ) Tag Make Model Capacity (Tons) Rated Eff. SEER Age (years) Expected EUL HP-1 Payne 693A036 3 10 15 2021 FC-1 Payne 617ANX036 3 - 15 2021 Energy Management Systems The individual packaged RTUs are not tied to a centralized BAS. The facility could benefit by integrating them to a BAS to provide remote access when adjusting schedules, setpoints and diagnosing faults and alarms. Currently, local wall-mounted thermostats are used as stand-alone controls. The thermostats are antiquated and provide a limited amount of control (ON/OFF and temperature adjustment only). 394 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 23 Fire Station #17 General Fire Station #17 is located at 6200 Madigan Rd. and was constructed in 2002. The facility is a single-story building spanning 12,727 square feet and has had no major renovations. The building is open 24/7. Building Envelope The structure is composed of a steel framed structure, with exterior CMU walls and interior gypsum board. The roof has a hip-style framing with a metal finish. Due to the age of the building re-roofing the building may be necessary before installing additional solar panels. Electrical Systems The main electrical service consists of a 208/120V, 3 phase, 4-wire main switchboard distribution system to sub-panels. There is an existing 38-kW solar PV carport array that was installed in 2012 located in the parking lot that is interconnected to the MSB. The system offsets approximately 56% of the site’s electrical consumption and there is an aging 150kW diesel generator, original to the facility’s construction, located outdoors to provide back-up power during power outages. Lighting Systems Lighting at the Fire Station #17 consists primarily of CFLs (42) and T8 fluorescents (161) fixtures. Interior LED fixtures (23) were found primarily on the wall sconce fixtures and exterior pole fixtures. There are also incandescent (9) and metal halide (2) fixtures. Many areas do not have existing lighting occupancy-based controls. Mechanical & HVAC Systems There are four split-system, forced-air furnaces housed within the mechanical room that supply heating and cooling to the occupied areas of the fire station. The outdoor condensers indicate the units are 17 years of age (vintage 2003). There is an exhaust fan with a variable frequency drive in the same mechanical room that is used to extract the fumes out of the fire truck apparatus bay to the outdoors. The apparatus bay has several natural gas-fired unit heaters. There is a two-ton, wall- mounted split-system heat pump unit serving an IT closet. There are two 50-gallon, gas-fired, storage water heaters installed in 2019 that generate potable, domestic hot water. Fire Station #17 Entrance Existing Split System Condensing Units Existing DHW Heaters Existing Reznor Unit Heater Existing PV Array 395 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 24 The table below provides information on the existing HVAC systems. T ABLE 12. EXISTING S PLIT S YSTEMS AT F IRE S TATION #17 Indoor Tag Outdoor Tag Make Outdoor Model Capacity (Tons) Rated Eff. SEER Age (years) Expected EUL F-1 CU-1 Carrier 38TDB048300 4 14 18 2018 F-2 CU-2 Carrier 38TDB048300 4 14 18 2018 F-3 CU-3 Carrier 38TDB036 3 14 18 2018 F-4 CU-4 Carrier 38TDB036 3 14 18 2018 - DSS-OU Mitsubishi PUY-A24NHA4 2 - 8 2028 Energy Management Systems The individual split system units are not tied to a centralized BAS. The facility could benefit by integrating them to a BAS to provide remote access when adjusting schedules, setpoints and diagnosing faults and alarms. Currently, local wall-mounted thermostats are used as stand-alone controls. The thermostats are antiquated and provide a limited amount of controls (ON/OFF and temperature adjustment only). 396 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 25 Fire Station #18 General Fire Station #18 is located at 4800 Fallon Rd. and was constructed in 2003. The facility is a single-story building spanning 8,624 square feet and has had no major renovations. The building is open 24/7. Building Envelope The building is composed of a steel framed structure, with a mixture of exterior CMU walls and stucco finishing. The interior finishes consist of CMU in the apparatus bay area, and gypsum board in all other occupiable areas. The roof has a hip-style framing with a metal finish. Electrical Systems The main electrical service consists of a 208/120V, 3 phase, 4-wire main switchboard distribution system to sub-panels. There is a 26-kW solar PV carport array located in the south-western parking lot that is interconnected to the MSB. The system offsets approximately 61% of the sites electrical consumption. There is a 123.5kW diesel engine generator that is used as back-up during power outages. Lighting Systems Lighting at the Fire Station #18 consists primarily of CFL (34) and T8 fluorescent (119) fixtures. There are also incandescent (5), LED (11), and metal halide (12) fixtures. Many areas do not have existing lighting occupancy-based controls. Mechanical & HVAC Systems There are several split-system, forced-air furnaces housed within the mechanical room that supply heating and cooling to the occupied areas of the fire station. The outdoor condensers indicate the units are 20 years of age (vintage 2001). There is an exhaust fan with a variable frequency drive in the same mechanical room that is used to extract the fumes out of the fire truck apparatus bay to the outdoors. The apparatus bay has several natural gas-fired unit heaters. There is a two-ton Mitsubishi split-system heat pump unit serving an IT closet. There is a 50-gallon, gas-fired, storage water heater installed in 2018 that generates potable, domestic hot water. Fire Station #18 Entrance Indoor Evaporator, Forced Air Furnace Antiquated Carrier Thermostat Diesel Generator and Fuel Tank 397 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 26 The table below provides information on the existing HVAC systems. T ABLE 13. E XISTING S PLIT S YSTEMS AT F IRE S TATION #18 Indoor Tag Outdoor Tag Make Outdoor Model Capacity (Tons) Rated Eff. SEER Age (years) Expected EUL F-1 CU-1 Carrier 38TDB037 3 15 17 2019 F-2 CU-2 Carrier 24ACB736A 3 15 5 2031 F-3 CU-3 Carrier 38TDB037 3 15 17 2019 - DSS-OU Mitsubishi PU24EK 2 - 10 2026 Energy Management Systems The individual split system units are not tied to a centralized BAS. The facility could benefit by integrating them to a BAS to provide remote access when adjusting schedules, setpoints and diagnosing faults and alarms. Currently, local wall-mounted thermostats are used as stand-alone controls. The thermostats are antiquated and provide a limited amount of controls (ON/OFF and temperature adjustment only). 398 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 27 The Wave at Emerald Glen Park General The Wave Aquatic Center is located at 4201 Central Pkwy and was constructed in 2017. The facility consists of a Natatorium, Waterpark and Community Room. The Natatorium houses the indoor pool for a year-round swim school, lap swimming and water fitness programs. The Waterpark features multiple water slides and the Splash Zone for children. There is an 11-lane outdoor sports pool that can host competition swim meets and related events. The Community room has an auditorium that can seat upwards of 215 people and is used for a variety of meetings and special events. Electrical Systems The main electrical service consists of a 277/480V, 3 phase, 4-wire MSB with a 2,000- amp service. There is not currently a solar PV system installed nor battery energy storage system at the site to provide on-site generation, resiliency or economic savings via peak shaving or energy arbitrage. There is a small battery backup to support emergency lighting in case of a power outage. However, these battery systems have a relatively short life, and they are prone to failure if not maintained and tested regularly. Lighting Systems Much of the Interior and exterior lighting at the Wave Aquatic Center is LED and controlled by a Watt-stopper lighting control system. However, some 28W fluorescent tubes are installed in the building interior, CFLs illuminate the restrooms, and halogen luminaires are installed in the natatorium. While this is a relatively new building, fluorescent fixtures are still often used in new construction. Mechanical & HVAC Systems There is a 42-ton variable air volume air-conditioning unit that supplies conditioned air to the main building via VAV terminal units with reheat coils for zone temperature control. There is a VAV indirect evaporative cooler (IDEC) with heat recovery serving the Natatorium that is used for dehumidification. Two heating hot water centralized boilers are piped in parallel through a common header and are used to supply heating hot water to the VAV reheat coils and the indirect evaporative cooler. The pool equipment room houses two 130-gallon, gas-fired, condensing, storage water heaters and one 120-gallon, electric, storage water heater that generate domestic hot water and circulate it via three hot water pumps. There are four gas- fired Lochinvar Aquas packaged water heaters: (1) indoor swimming pool (ISP) heater, (1) outdoor swimming pool (OSP) heater, (1) Activity Pool (AP) Heater, (1) Slide (SL) Pool heater. All pools have their set of circulation pumps and filter units. Only the OSP and AP have a set of booster pumps. The ISP, OSP and AP circulation pumps have VFD controls. The ISP also has multiple thermal solar collector arrays mounted on the building roof to assist in heating the AP. Indoor Swimming Pool @ The Wave Existing Lochinvar Pool Heaters Existing Munters IDEC ALC Control System Graphics Existing Solar Thermal Collectors 399 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 28 Energy Management Systems An Automated Logic system is used to control the HVAC and mechanical equipment at the Wave Aquatic Center. The front end provides the facility staff a graphical interface to view, modify and edit equipment setpoints on the mechanical HVAC and pool heater equipment. 400 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 29 Parks & Sports Field Lighting Dublin Sports Grounds The Dublin Sports Grounds consists of Baseball, Soccer, and Sports Grounds Fields. The fields are lit by one- hundred-fifty-eight 1500W fixtures. Dublin Sports Grounds is located adjacent to the Civic Center which has an existing solar PV system, so their electrical services are candidates for benefitting meters in a Net Energy Metering Aggregation scenario, where bill credit is transferred from the adjacent site’s solar generation to the park’s electrical meter. It has been noted that there are some branch circuit shorts related to some of the lighting and has been accounted for in our recommendations. Emerald Glen Park Emerald Glen Park has a skate park, tennis courts, and basketball courts which are lit by forty-two 1000W fixtures. Emerald Glen Park is located adjacent to The Wave which may feature a solar PV system in the future, so their electrical services are candidates for benefitting meters in a Net Energy Metering Aggregation scenario, where bill credit is transferred from the adjacent site’s solar generation to the park’s electrical meter. Fallon Sports Park Fallon Sports Park has softball, soccer, and baseball fields, as well as tennis and basketball courts. The fields and courts are lit by two-hundred and fifty-nine 1500W fixtures. Fallon Sports Park has a large enough annual electrical load and space for its own net-metered solar PV system. See the Improvement Measures section of this report for more specific information on recommendations. Kolb Park Kolb Park has tennis courts which are lit by sixteen 1000W fixtures. 401 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 30 Traffic Signals The City primarily has Alpha battery backup systems (BBS) at the intersections with the exception of only a few Myers and Tesco systems. However, it is important to note that many of the existing systems are of a line-interactive BBS type which do not have the same advantages as more advanced online double conversion BBS types. Additionally, four of the City’s key intersections do not yet have a battery backup system in place. Willdan performed site visits to the 22 existing signalized intersections on January 11 and 12, 2021, to conduct field inventories of existing traffic signal equipment and controller cabinets. The traffic signal at Horizon Parkway and Scarlett Drive has not been constructed, so no field inventory was performed for this location. Willdan noted whether an existing battery backup system was present and measured the maximum electrical current draw at each controller cabinet to determine the existing power demands for the traffic signal system. The measurements were done by observing what the highest current draw for the signal system during a complete cycle of the signal phasing. The table below shows the results of the electrical current measurements and whether the existing controller cabinet had a battery backup system. T ABLE 14. EXISTING T RAFFIC S IGNAL S YSTEM S UMMARY No. Intersection Name Maximum Power Load Existing Battery Backup System 1 Dublin Blvd & Dougherty Rd 5.60 Amps (675 Watts) Alpha 2 Dougherty Rd & Amador Valley Blvd 2.67 Amps (320 Watts) Alpha 3 Dublin Blvd & Hacienda Dr 3.77 Amps (455 Watts) Alpha 4 Martinelli Way & Hacienda Dr 4.01 Amps (485 Watts) Alpha 5 Tassajara Rd & Dublin Blvd 5.12 Amps (615 Watts) Alpha 6 Dublin Blvd & Fallon Rd 4.43 Amps (535 Watts) Alpha 7 Fallon Rd & Fallon Gateway 2.45 Amps (295 Watts) Alpha 8 Dublin Blvd & Village Pkwy 4.02 Amps (485 Watts) Myers 9 Dublin Blvd & Amador Plaza Rd 4.21 Amps (505 Watts) N/A 10 Dublin Blvd & San Ramon Rd 4.99 Amps (600 Watts) Alpha 11 Amador Valley Blvd & San Ramon Rd 3.71 Amps (445 Watts) Alpha 12 Village Pkwy & Amador Valley Blvd 3.91 Amps (470 Watts) Alpha 13 Tassajara Rd & Fallon Rd 6.14 Amps (740 Watts) Myers 14 Dublin Blvd & Scarlett Dr 4.46 Amps (535 Watts) N/A 15 Dougherty Rd & Scarlett Dr 4.97 Amps (600 Watts) N/A 16 Hacienda Dr & Gleason Dr 3.42 Amps (410 Watts) Alpha 17 Fallon Rd & Gleason Dr 3.58 Amps (430 Watts) Alpha 18 Tassajara Rd & Gleason Dr 3.47 Amps (420 Watts) Myers 19 Amador Valley Blvd & Amador Plaza Rd 2.33 Amps (280 Watts) N/A 20 Dublin Blvd & Arnold Rd 5.19 Amps (625 Watts) Alpha 21 Arnold Pkwy & Horizon Pkwy 2.06 Amps (250 Watts) Alpha 22 Kerry Ct/Horizon & Scarlett Dr Traffic Signal Not Built 402 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 31 Streetlights Many of the City’s streetlights have already been converted to LED with the exception of a few clusters and Dublin’s Special District referred to as Dublin Ranch, located on the east side of the City. Although some LED streetlights exist on the main streets within Dublin Ranch, many neighborhoods still feature decorative type fixtures featuring metal halide and sodium vapor lamps. These lamps range from 36Watts to 131Watts each and do not feature any controls. The following figure, although not inclusive of the entire Dublin Ranch District, provides a visual representation of the existing streetlights within the area and their lamp types. The streetlights within Dublin Ranch District are on PG&E’s LS-2A tariff. Under this tariff, the streetlights are owned and maintained by the City while PG&E supplies energy and service only. As these streetlights are not metered, PG&E bills for their use of electricity at a fixed monthly cost based on the existing lamp type and rated wattage, regardless of how much electricity the fixtures may actually be using. Due to this tariff’s arrangement, if streetlights are upgraded to a lower wattage lamp such as LED but are not reported back to PG&E for updates to their billing, customers will continue to be billed at the same rate even if less electricity is now being used after the fixture upgrades. It is unclear whether this may be occurring for billing of the Dublin Ranch District streetlights at this time, however, discrepancies appear to exist between PG&Es city-wide lighting inventory and the City of Dublin’s. 403 Technical Approach section removed for the July 20, 2021 City Council Meeting 404 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 43 Energy Savings Analysis Methodology In order to evaluate how the City of Dublin facilities use energy, formulate specific opportunities for energy conservation and accurately calculate energy savings, Willdan’s engineers performed a detailed analysis process that encompasses:  Investigating facilities to gain a deep understanding of the energy consuming systems’ operation and efficiency.  Utilizing a combination of mathematically accurate bin calculations and detailed lighting and water consumption analysis to calculate energy savings in terms of kilowatt hours (kWh), kilowatts (kW), and Therms (Th).  Building a detailed simulation of each facility’s utility tariff to obtain an accurate annual dollar savings  Performing a comprehensive financial analysis of each conservation measure being considered to provide owner/decision makers with the data needed to make informed decisions. Savings During Construction One or more ECMs in this project are expected to be operational and delivering savings long before the end of the implementation period. Capturing the savings that accumulate during the construction phase will have a positive impact on the overall project economics by possibly reducing the amount to be financed and the associated interest expense. Bin Calculation and Savings Prediction Utility tariff simulation Financial analysis Utility Analysis Energy A nalysis process 405 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 44 Project Contribution Toward CAP 2030 Willdan's proposed wholistic approach to DERs at the City of Dublin addresses numerous measures laid out in the City's CAP 2030. Projects in this comprehensive package will help pave the way for future renewable and resiliency goals at the City and within the Dublin community at large. This project’s contribution toward the City’s CAP 2030 are discussed below.  ML-1: All of the different aspects of Willdan's comprehensive DER project are supportive of CAP Measure ML-1. In the six listed actions for ML-1, the first is already complete with the City's successful transition to EBCE's 100% Renewable electricity rates as part of CAP Measure CF-1. Actions 2-6 are all addressed by the comprehensive DER project, including staff engagement at critical facilities to evaluate DERs for resiliency, a pilot program for solar & battery storage at multiple locations, policy to identify parameters for installation of solar & storage, education and training on battery storage to relevant City staff, and annual reviews of solar production and cost savings from DERs. The CAP identifies the GHG reduction potential for this measure as 205 MT CO2e (metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent) by 2025 and 156 MT CO2e by 2030.  CF-2: As part of the CAP's Strategy 1, measure CF-2 sets goals to develop a Renewable Resource Buildout Plan, in which the City will develop local solar PV resources and identify opportunities for and implementation of microgrids that will increase the resilience of facilities that provide shelter and value to the community. Willdan's project addresses this directly, with new solar PV installations at 8 City facilities, battery storage at four sites, and a resilient microgrid at The Wave waterpark. While the CAP deems that there are no direct GHG emissions from this measure due to the City's successful transition to EBCE's 100% Renewable electricity rates in CAP Measure CF-1, these measures demonstrate an alternative pathway which Dublin can pursue to remain on 100% renewable electricity while generating additional cost savings to the City, promote renewable resource adoption in the community, and pave the way for future renewable installation and resiliency efforts in the local community.  EE-3: Installing multiple BESS as part of the comprehensive project will support the CAP Measure EE-3, which lays out goals to streamline the battery storage permit process within the City and to provide education and outreach to the community on the benefits of battery storage and availability of renewable power. The facilities which will receive BESS can function as a living laboratory for both City staff and community members.  SM-1: Willdan's proposed project scope at the Dublin Sports Grounds (DSG)/Civic Center/Library complex is supportive of CAP Measure SM-1, which lays out the goal to adopt an electric vehicle charging station ordinance to increase access to charging stations and promote the use of electric vehicles. Key ordinance metrics outlined in the measure require 25% of parking spaces at commercial buildings to be "EV Ready" (conduit and electric panel capacity installed), with 3% of parking required to have installed and operable Level 2 charging stations. The proposed Solar PV + EV Charger scope located in the DSG parking lot and serving the entire Civic Center/Library complex achieves those target ordinance metrics.  ML-3: CAP Measure ML-3 states that the City's municipal government will electrify at least 33% of its municipal vehicle fleet and maintenance equipment by 2030. Proposed measures for EV charging stations and "EV Ready" infrastructure at the Public Safety Complex and Dublin Sports Grounds/Civic Center complex support this measure by providing the critical planning and electrical infrastructure to serve the vehicle fleet as it heads towards the 2030 goal. 406 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 45  EV Charger GHG Emissions: EV Chargers installed as part of this project for Dublin’s light duty fleet will enable the full transition of Dublin’s fleet to EVs by 2030. GHG emission reductions attributed to this conversion from EBCE’s Municipal Fleet Electrification, Charging Infrastructure, and DER Assessment is roughly 49 MT of CO2 from 2020 baseline.  EV Chargers installed at the Dublin Sports Grounds will strongly promote EV adoption throughout Dublin. Willdan, with input from the EBCE report, estimated that the 30 initial EV chargers at DSG will dispense roughly 321,000 kWh/year in electricity. Assuming electric vehicles have an average efficiency of 40kWh/100 miles driven, this equates to a yearly reduction of 321 MT of CO2e. Additional GHG reductions are also possible through the influence and convenience of a public charging station in Dublin. Residents who switch from an internal combustion engine vehicle to an electric vehicle will reduce further CO2e for every mile they drive. For every 100 vehicles purchased that drive an average of 15,000 mi/year, this will equate to another reduction of 600 MT of CO2e. 407 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 46 Facility Resiliency and CAP Goals  As Dublin looks to reach carbon neutrality by 2045, in alignment with its Climate Action Plan, Willdan's recommendation to install new diesel generators may seem at odds with meeting this goal. In our analysis of different resiliency options, dictated by Dublin's Emergency Operations Plan and in response to increasing Public Safety Power Shutoffs, Willdan considered the installation of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) to provide sustained facility operation during a grid outage. However, given current Solar PV, BESS and Microgrid pricing, a zero-emission resiliency solution proved to be prohibitively expensive at this time. To meet the urgent need for multi-day PSPS resiliency, Willdan still recommends diesel generators for extended facility backup.  The installation of new diesel generators at this point, however, do not preclude Dublin from reaching its carbon neutrality goals. First off, diesel generators are only run during power outages (and a minor amount of regular testing) and therefore contribute very little to the overall emissions of the City. Next, the life of a diesel generator is typically 20-25 years, and even generators installed in 2021 will be up for replacement between 2041-2046, so they will be due for replacement again just in time for the 2045 carbon neutrality goals. At that time, battery technology and pricing will be better suited and more economically feasible to provide the extended backup required by PSPS.  Lastly, in parallel to the further refinement of battery technology, carbon intensity of diesel fuel continues to improve. Biodiesel, a liquid fuel produced from renewable sources, such as new and used vegetable oils and animal fats has been around for quite a while and provides a cleaner-burning diesel than petroleum-based diesel fuel. Due to its chemical properties, it is meant to be blended with petroleum-based diesel increasing its carbon intensity. However, straight use of B100 (100% biodiesel) can be harmful to long term engine operation. Consequently, many internal combustion engine manufacturers do not warranty their products if a concentration biodiesel above a certain threshold (typically >10%) is burned. For this reason, biodiesel is not recommended for use in the generators.  A newer "non-petroleum" diesel alternative is renewable diesel, which is a biomass derived transportation fuel. Chemically similar to standard petroleum-based diesel fuel, this fuel shows significant potential to decarbonize sources that will continue to rely on diesel well into the future. The problem with renewable diesel in 2021 is supply. As of 2018, there were only four plants in the US that produce this fuel, and a large majority of it is consumed in California by large transportation logistics carriers because Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) Credits make it affordable and they can buy in significant bulk. While this may not be a viable option for the City of Dublin today, the fuel is on the cusp of becoming more widely available, and Dublin should continue to track its availability in the coming years. 408 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 47 Electrification Evaluation of Facility HVAC Systems As part of the IGA, Willdan evaluated the option to electrify HVAC systems along with the option to replace existing gas/electric units with new more efficient gas/electric units (like in kind) in support of the City of Dublin’s CAP. Upon analysis, electrification of the existing HVAC systems poses a number of challenges. These challenges are described in the following paragraphs and ultimately result in Willdan’s recommendation to replace existing gas/electric HVAC units with more efficient like in kind units at this time. As HVAC systems typically have an EUL of 15 – 20 years, there will be another opportunity in the future to revisit electrification of HVAC systems to support the City’s 2045 carbon neutrality goals. At that time, Willdan recommends that the HVAC systems for each facility be evaluated for a comprehensive re-design to take advantage of newer technologies such as variable- refrigerant-flow (VRF), rather than be evaluated for electrification on a unitary basis. HVAC technology and pricing is expected to be better suited and more economically feasible in the coming years. For evaluating the electrification option of HVAC systems, Willdan used the following information as the basis of design: The City of Dublin is located in CA Climate Zone 12. ASHRAE Fundamentals 2017 Handbook specifies Livermore as being the closest location to the City of Dublin with a dataset available for HVAC design conditions. The design criteria provide the following:  Heating dry-bulb temperature of 30.2 F (99.6%)  Cooling design of 99 F dry-bulb and 67.8 F wet-bulb.  2,773 Heating Degree Days  796 Cooling Degree Days  Record low temperature within the area of 18 F and record high of 115F One option for electrification of unitary HVAC systems is to install heat pumps. However, the main issue that arises when evaluating this option is that due to the heating loads for the facilities in the City of Dublin, the heat pumps will need to be sized for the heat load as opposed to the cooling load as traditionally performed. As heat pumps share the same compressor(s) and internal components for both heating and cooling purposes, this causes the units to be sized larger than the existing gas/electric units by as much as 30% in terms of their available cooling capacity or tons of cooling. For example. an existing 5 ton gas/electric packaged unit may need to be replaced with a 7.5 ton gas/electric package unit. The increase in unit size brings about challenges such as increased M&L cost to install due to the following:  Packaged rooftop units will likely require a roof curb-adapter  Increased electrical service  Code required economizer and controls upgrade needed  Clearance issues around existing location  Resizing and or rebalancing of ductwork  Structural evaluation due to increased weight Oversizing of the units brings about concerns when cooling loads are relatively low as this will lead to the conditioned spaces reaching their space temperature set point more quickly, causing the unit’s compressors to cycle on and off more frequently. This causes additional wear on the compressor which may result in accelerated compressor failures that can prove costly. The increased use of the compressor for heating will also warrant for routine maintenance to be performed more regularly contributing to increased O&M costs. Additionally, the 409 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 48 energy efficiency performance of the units is also impacted. These concerns however, may be alleviated by selecting advanced HVAC units featuring multiple compressors or variable speed compressors. Heating from a heat pump suffers from loss of heating capacity and poorer performance as outdoor air temperatures drop below 40 F. This condition is due to the heat pump becoming limited to the amount of usable heat that it is able to extract from the outdoor air. The very low heating supply air temperature which results from this raises concerns about the unit’s ability to have a timely impact on the changing heating load in the building and has a negative impact on the unit’s energy efficiency. To overcome this loss of heating functionality at lower temperatures, manufacturers employ an electric resistance heating coil to preheat the incoming outdoor air or cold return air from the building to a point where the heat pump can effectively provide heating. An item to note for future electrification considerations is that electrification of HVAC systems may not necessarily result in significant increases to annual utility costs. Heating occurs primarily during winter months and during mornings when utility rates are typically off-peak and therefore at their lowest. Furthermore, Solar PV may be used to further drive down the additional costs associated with using electricity for heating. 410 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 49 Baseline Utility Analysis The table below shows the baseline data calculated for each building. This data was used to calculate expected savings of the included recommendations. The baseline data calculation methodology is described below. T ABLE 15. B ASELINE U TILITY A NALYSIS * Natural gas consumption data was not available during the period this analysis was performed. The baseline energy consumption evaluation was developed with a building-specific utility analysis. This analysis used actual reported utility consumption as defined by monthly utility bills. The utility bills used for this analysis were from January of 2018 to January of 2020. The data from the utility bills was normalized to typical local weather conditions using TMY3 (Typical Meteorological Year, version 3) data. TMY3 contains a full year of hourly weather data (8,760 hours), where each hour is chosen as an average over 15 years, in order to represent the most median conditions for the local area. A linear regression analysis was performed to generate the relationship between energy use and actual degree-days. A typical year’s degree-days are then applied into this correlation to obtain a 12-month utility baseline. In the case of natural gas, only heating degree-days were used because it assumed that temperature-dependent consumption of gas only applies to the heating months. Cooling degree-days were used to correlate electrical demand (kW) and consumption (kWh) for space cooling. The baseline data is used for both bin analyses and to calibrate computer simulation building models. This analysis is conservative in that it establishes median conditions based on historical data and therefore does not attempt to account for future weather conditions. The baseline for all lighting consumption and demand was generated through a comprehensive lighting audit performed to document all fixtures, lighting controls, circuiting, and operation. Each fixture in every building was analyzed to determine the following: existing wattage, lumen output, ballast factor, and rated run hours. Tables 411 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 50 showing the tabulated baseline data for the lighting project are listed in the appendix. Calculations used to determine total lighting load, consumption, and cost are also available in the appendix. End-Use Reconciliation with Base Year The charts below demonstrate end-use reconciliation with the base year data. The dark blue line represents the calculated baseline energy use. Civic Center Dublin Library Senior Center Heritage Park & Museums 412 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 51 Shannon Community Center Fire Station #16 Fire Station #17 Fire Station #18 *Natural gas consumption data was not available during the period this analysis was performed. The Wave at Emerald Glen Park 413 414 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 53 Recommended Scopes of Work This section includes descriptions & details of each measure analyzed in the project, including the resulting benefits to the City of Dublin. Existing building & site descriptions are available in the Existing Facility Conditions section of this report. The table below provides turnkey costs and expected energy savings for each improvement measure recommended. Turnkey costs include all design, engineering, permitting, subcontractor, material, equipment, labor, training, and warranty support to complete the project. Please refer to the Appendices for more information, and the Rebates & Incentives section in this report for more information on these sources of funding. T ABLE 16. T ABLE OF IMPROVEMENT M EASURES $28.6M LIFETIME SAVINGS 415 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 54 Civic Center Install Solar PV and Battery Energy Storage Willdan recommends installing a new carport solar PV system in the reconfigured lot with a capacity of approximately 232 kW (DC) and a 32kW/64kWh BESS. Since the Civic Center is under development at this time for the construction of a Cultural Arts Center, Willdan took a conservative approach to sizing solar PV and BESS at this site and also is recommending a project which leverages the parallel renovation of the former Police facility to a Cultural Arts Center. Our analysis considers that the load from the Civic Center Complex will remain the same and only recommends installing additional solar PV to offset future load growth from additional building load and fleet electrification. The existing 370-kW solar PV system offsets approximately 48% of the site’s load. Taking the future load growth, undersized existing solar PV relative to the current annual site loads, and availability of space in the reconfigured lot, Willdan proposes to furnish and install a new 232 kW (DC) net-metered photovoltaic (PV) system that will be mounted as a carport system in the reconfigured lot. The carport will have a tilt angle of 7 degrees above horizontal facing southwest. The system will include Boviet 445W Tier 1, CEC-listed modules with a 12-year warranty and a 25-year linear power output warranty, and Chint 50kW inverters with a 10-year warranty. This system size will allow the site to fully realize electricity bill savings from the building site loads and future planned EV fleet charging loads, and excess generation can also be credited to the adjacent Dublin Sports Grounds electric bills via the Net Energy Metering Aggregation tariff. Solar PV also supports Dublin’s Climate Action Plan to increase renewable energy around the City (CF-1) and the proliferation of EV charging in support of Dublin’s Charging Station Implementation Plan (SM-2). Additional solar PV will also provide the foundation for future zero emission resiliency projects throughout the City. As the site currently lacks a BESS, there is no way to store collected solar energy from the existing PV system for use during peak hours. Willdan has evaluated different BESS options, for resiliency and for economic benefit and concluded that the most beneficial BESS application is a 32kW/64kWh BESS that could be interconnected at the same time as the proposed solar PV system, which would provide electricity bill savings by reducing peak demand charges. The BESS manufacturer will be EnerGPort and the system will have a 10-year warranty. Since the site has an adequately sized existing diesel generator, the BESS will not be utilized in an emergency for backup power. 416 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 55 Dublin Library Replace HVAC Systems with High Efficiency Equipment This project recommends replacing the roof-mounted gas boiler with a new gas-fired, high efficiency condensing boiler, along with the expansion tank, circulation pump and local temperature sensors, pressure gauges, valves, insulation, and any piping deemed not re-usable. The new condensing boiler will have a minimum rated efficiency of 95% with a turndown ratio to further enhance efficiency during part-load operation. The new condensing boiler will be of similar heating capacity as the existing boiler and will be located at the same location as the existing boiler for ease of installation to the existing electrical, plumbing, and controls systems. All five of the RTUs, ACU-1 thru ACU-5, are to be replaced with new RTUs featuring an IEER that exceeds CA Title- 24 requirements. The new units will be equipped with economizers to provide free cooling when ambient conditions permit and barometric relief dampers to assist with maintaining building pressure. The new units will also come standard with fault detection and diagnostics capabilities to provide notifications to the corresponding thermostats should an issue occur with the operation of the economizers. The new units will be installed in the same location as the existing units; however as the new RTUs feature a different footprint than the existing ones, roof curb adapters will be installed as needed to accommodate their installation. Ductwork, electrical, and condensate systems may be extended or slightly modified as well to accommodate the installation of the new units. As the existing condensate lines are terminated at the roof stormwater drains, rerouting of the condensate lines for proper termination into the nearest code compliant receptacle may be required. The tables below provide the proposed equipment information: T ABLE 17. P ROPOSED RTU S AT D UBLIN L IBRARY Tag Make Model Capacity (Tons) Rated Eff. IEER ACU-1 York AV25C 25 14.2 ACU-2 York AV18C 18 14.4 ACU-3 York AV25C 25 14.2 ACU-4 York AV25C 25 14.2 ACU-5 York AV18C 18 14.4 T ABLE 18. P ROPOSED G AS B OILER AT D UBLIN L IBRARY Tag Make Model Input (MBH) Output (MBH Thermal Eff. % B-1 Raypak H7-0859 855 822 96.2% Install New Wireless, Internet Based Controls The Dublin Library has a Reliable Controls system and while the building automation system has no inherent or functional issues, it’s energy saving control strategies, ease of accessibility, and reporting can be improved upon. Additionally, there is an opportunity to standardize the controls systems across the City’s facilities and expand throughout the City where DDC controls currently do not exist. 417 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 56 This project recommends installing Pelican Wireless controls to further reduce energy consumption and costs, as well as ease the time burden associated with maintaining individual thermostat settings throughout the City of Dublin’s facilities. The Pelican Wireless thermostats would be connected to a single, web-accessible graphical user interface (GUI) to allow for centralized schedule management, reporting, and troubleshooting of all major heating and cooling equipment throughout the City’s buildings. This system would allow individual zones to have different occupied or unoccupied temperature schedules, as well as alert the building operators to errors and routine maintenance. Additional benefits of the Pelican system include: 1. The Pelican system does not use or rely on the building’s internal Wi-Fi or LAN networks for thermostat communication. The Pelican gateway broadcasts its own wireless backbone, establishing a mesh network that only talks to other Pelican devices, some of which act as repeaters themselves. This allows for minimal interference to existing networks, while still allowing for remote access through City staff web-enabled devices. 2. The thermostat configuration (temperature setpoints) and schedules are stored locally at the thermostats. Should the building lose internet connectivity, the Pelican system would continue to function by following the schedules and setpoints stored locally. 3. Carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors built into thermostats for monitoring of CO2 concentrations within spaces. This project includes the installation of the following devices which would enable control over VAV box damper actuators, economizer dampers, heating hot water loop temperature setpoints, and thermostats. Equipment includes:  (1) Z24 Zone Controller for ACU-1  (4) Z8 Zone Controller for ACU-2,3,4,5  (1) GW400 Gateway  (3) WR400 Repeaters  (21) TS250 CO2 Thermostats  (22) TA-1 Sensor Adapters (one for flow confirmation)  (21) Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensors  (2) Probe T-3 Pipe Sensors (water loop temp display)  (1) TS200 Thermostat (water loop temp display)  (1) Pearl (water loop temp display)  (1) PM-5 Power Control Module (enables boiler and pump)  (1) BUN PTAC-3 Line Voltage Thermostat (EF-3) 418 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 57 Install Solar PV The Library’s parking lot is filled out with an existing 132-kW carport array that offsets approximately 36% of the building’s load. With no remaining carport space available, Willdan has evaluated the rooftop conditions and orientation and proposes to install a rooftop solar PV system with a capacity of approximately 128 kW (DC). The system mounting will be a combination of ballasted on the flat roof areas and flush- mounted to the standing seam pitched metal roof areas, both with a tilt angle of 10 degrees above horizontal. The system will include Boviet 445W Tier 1, CEC-listed modules with a 12-year warranty and a 25- year linear power output warranty, and Chint 50kW inverters with a 10-year warranty. This system size will allow for maximum electricity bill savings by offsetting the full annual site load of the building in conjunction with the existing system. Solar PV also supports Dublin’s Climate Action Plan to increase renewable energy around the City (CF-1). Additional solar PV will also provide the foundation for future zero emission resiliency projects throughout the City. As the site does not have a BESS, there is currently no way to store collected solar energy from the existing PV system for use during peak hours. Willdan evaluated a potential BESS at the site for both economic return and resiliency purposes. Based on modeling results, it is not recommended to install BESS for economic return, as the system will not deliver benefit equal to or beyond the installation cost. Additionally, emergency backup power is more cost effective via a diesel generator, so no BESS is recommended for resiliency. Please refer to the next section for more details on this project. Install a Standby Generator A new 300kW generator will be installed on the west side of the Library. This generator will provide standby electrical power to the Library in case utility power is interrupted. To integrate this generator into the Library’s electrical system, a new automatic transfer switch will be installed. This transfer switch detects utility power interruption, then initiates a generator startup. Additionally, the transfer switch isolates the building from the utility grid, preventing any “back feed” of power onto the utility grid. This function is required by the National Electrical Code, and it is important to the safety of utility technicians. There will also be the option to use renewable diesel, when available, to reduce emissions. As the Library serves as a shelter for employees and children during an emergency, as outlined in the City’s Emergency Operations Plan, installing a reliable source of power is crucial. Upgrade Interior/Exterior Lighting to LED The intent of the project is to replace all fluorescent, incandescent, and HID lighting with LED lamps or new fixtures to reduce energy use and maintenance costs. LEDs last 2-4 times longer than fluorescent lamps and can be installed without ballasts to avoid another point of failure which may occur at light fixtures. As part of this scope 419 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 58 of work, dirtied lenses will be cleaned before installation of replacement lamps, and any damaged ceiling tiles will be replaced. Additionally, occupancy-based and daylighting controls will be installed. Occupancy sensors detect when the illuminated space is occupied, and subsequently turn lights off when the space is not in use. The Library contains areas that are well-lit by daylight outside the building during the day. In these areas, this project proposes to install daylight harvesting controls. These controls adjust lights to maintain the space’s target lighting levels when adequate illumination through the building’s glazing is detected in the space. Detailed information about the recommended replacement can be found in the section titled “Appendix B – Lighting”. 420 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 59 Corporation Yard & Maintenance Facility Install Solar PV and Battery Energy Storage To provide economic benefit and 8 hr. resiliency at Dublin’s Corporation Yard, Willdan proposes to furnish and install an approximately 47 kW (DC) flush-mounted rooftop PV system with a tilt angle of 12 degrees above horizontal. The system will include Boviet 445W Tier 1, CEC-listed modules with a 12-year warranty and a 25-year linear power output warranty, and Delta 42kW inverters with a 5-year warranty. The Solar PV also supports Dublin’s Climate Action Plan to increase renewable energy around the City (CF-1). Solar PV at the site will generate additional electricity to increase Dublin’s bill savings at this facility and provide the foundation for future zero emission resiliency projects throughout the City. During normal operations the solar PV will offset the electrical load at the Corporation Yard. The Corporation Yard is slated to serve as the Field Communications Center according to Dublin’s Emergency Operation Plan, so resiliency is important here. To that end, Willdan is recommending an EnerGPort BESS of 100kW/165kWh with a 10- year warranty, which will be reserved for resiliency purposes. A battery of that size should be able to carry the entire Corporation Yard for ~8 hours, longer if only critical loads are supported or recharged from the roof- mounted Solar PV. Upgrade Interior/Exterior Lighting to LED The intent of the project is to retrofit all linear fluorescent T8 lamps with LED tube replacements to reduce energy use and maintenance costs. Similarly, CFL fixtures will be replaced with LED lamps with equivalent lumens. LED fixtures last 2-4 times longer than fluorescent lamps and can be installed without ballasts to avoid another point of failure which may occur at light fixtures. Additionally, occupancy sensor controls will be installed. Occupancy sensors detect when the illuminated space is occupied, and subsequently turn lights off when the space is not in use. Detailed information about the recommended replacement can be found in the section titled “Appendix B – Lighting”. 421 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 60 Senior Center Replace HVAC Systems with High Efficiency Equipment This project recommends replacing 11 of the 12 units (AC-1, AC-2, and AC-4 thru AC-12) with new, high efficiency packaged York RTU air conditioners with gas heating. The 12th unit, AC-3, was replaced in 2018 and is therefore excluded from this scope. The new RTUs shall have an IEER or SEER that exceeds CA Title-24 efficiency requirements. The new units will be installed in the same location as the existing units, however as the new RTUs feature a different footprint than the existing, roof curb adapters will be installed as needed to accommodate their installation. Ductwork, electrical, and condensate systems may be extended or slightly modified as well to accommodate the installation of the new units. As the existing condensate lines are terminated at the roof stormwater drains, rerouting of the condensate lines for proper termination into the nearest code compliant receptacle may be required. The table below provides the proposed equipment information: T ABLE 19. P ROPOSED RTU S AT S ENIOR C ENTER Tag Make Model Capacity (Tons) Rated Eff. SEER or IEER AC-1 York ZXG08D2B3AA1A111A2 7.5 13.4 AC-2 York PCG4A360503L1 3 14.0 AC-4 York PCG4A360503L1 3 14.0 AC-5 York PCG4A360503L1 2.5 14.0 AC-6 York PCG4B480653L1 4 14.0 AC-7 York PCG4A240502L1 2 14.0 AC-8 York PCG4B480653L1 4 14.0 AC-9 York PCG4A360503L1 3 14.0 AC-10 York PCG4A360503L1 2.5 14.0 AC-11 York PCG4A360503L1 2.5 14.0 AC-12 York PCG4A360503L1 3 14.0 Install New Wireless, Internet Based Controls The Senior Center has simple wall-mounted thermostats that provide temperature control at the zone level. As the existing thermostats have standard scheduling capability, their energy saving control strategies, ease of accessibility, and reporting can be improved upon. Additionally, there is an opportunity to standardize the controls systems across the City’s facilities and expand throughout the City where DDC controls currently do not exist. This project recommends installing Pelican Wireless controls to further reduce energy consumption and costs, as well as ease the time burden associated with maintaining individual thermostat settings throughout the City of Dublin’s facilities. The Pelican Wireless thermostats would be connected to a single, web-accessible graphical user interface (GUI) to allow for centralized schedule management, reporting, and troubleshooting all major heating and cooling equipment throughout the City’s buildings. This system would allow individual zones to have different occupied or unoccupied temperature schedules, as well as alert the building operators to errors and routine maintenance. Additional benefits of the Pelican system include: 422 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 61 1. The Pelican system does not use or rely on the building’s internal Wi-Fi or LAN networks for thermostat communication. The Pelican gateway broadcasts its own wireless backbone, establishing a mesh network that only talks to other Pelican devices, some of which act as repeaters themselves. This allows for minimal interference to existing networks, while still allowing for remote access through City staff web-enabled devices. 2. The thermostat configuration (temperature setpoints) and schedules are stored locally at the thermostats. Should the building lose internet connectivity, the Pelican system would continue to function by following the schedules and setpoints stored locally. 3. Carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors built into thermostats for monitoring of CO2 concentrations within spaces. Equipment to be installed includes:  (1) GW400 Gateway  (2) WR400 Repeaters  (12) TS250 CO2 Thermostats  (2) Pearl Economizer Controllers  (10) TA-1 Sensor Adapters (one for flow confirmation)  (10) Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensors  PM-5 Power Control Module Install Solar PV and Battery Energy Storage The Dublin Senior Center already has a 32kW solar PV system on its roof, which offsets approximately 26% of the overall site load. Willdan proposes to furnish and install an additional 38kW (DC) roof flush mounted solar PV system with a tilt angle of 18 degrees to generate electricity and increase the savings that Dublin sees from Solar PV at the site. The system will include Boviet 445W Tier 1, CEC-listed modules with a 12-year warranty and a 25-year linear power output warranty, and SolarEdge 14kW inverters with a 12- year warranty. Additional solar PV will generate additional electricity to increase Dublin’s bill savings at this facility and provide the foundation for future zero emission resiliency projects throughout the City. During normal operations, the solar PV will offset the electrical load at the Senior Center. The Senior Center is slated to serve as an emergency operation shelter according to Dublin’s Emergency Operation Plan, so resiliency is important here. To that end, Willdan is recommending an EnerGPort BESS of 100kW/165kWh with a 10-year warranty, which will be reserved for resiliency purposes. A battery of that size should be able to carry the entire 423 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 62 Senior Center load for ~8 hours, longer if only critical loads are supported or recharged from the roof-mounted Solar PV. Upgrade Interior/Exterior Lighting to LED The intent of the project is to replace all fluorescent, and HID lighting with LED lamps or new fixtures to reduce energy use and maintenance costs. As part of this scope of work, dirtied lenses will be cleaned before installation of replacement lamps, and any damaged ceiling tiles will be replaced. Additionally, occupancy-based controls will be installed. Occupancy sensors detect when the illuminated space is occupied, and will subsequently turn lights off when the space is not in use. Detailed information about the recommended replacement can be found in the section titled “Appendix B – Lighting”. 424 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 63 Heritage Park & Museums Replace HVAC Systems with High Efficiency Equipment The HVAC equipment systems throughout the museum and parks vary from packaged gas/electric equipment to unitary split systems and range in capacity from 1.5-tons to 5-tons. This project recommends replacing only AC-2 at the Museum given its condition and age of 22 years which is beyond its EUL according to ASHRAE. The replacement unit will be a like in kind, high efficiency unit featuring a SEER that exceeds CA Title-24 requirements. The new unit will be equipped with an economizer to provide free cooling when ambient conditions permit and a barometric relief damper to assist with maintaining building pressure. The new unit will also come standard with fault detection and diagnostics capabilities to provide notifications to the corresponding thermostat should an issue occur with the operation of the economizer. The new unit will be mounted on the existing concrete floor pad and shall reconnect to the existing ductwork distribution. However, ductwork, electrical, natural gas, and condensate systems may be modified to accommodate the installation of the new unit. The existing ductwork within the building shall remain the same. As the existing condensate line is terminated over the soil near the unit, rerouting of the condensate line and installation of a dry well for proper termination may be required. The table below provides the proposed equipment information: T ABLE 20. R ECOMMENDED P ACKAGED G AS /ELECTRIC A IR C ONDITIONER AT THE M USEUM Tag Make Model Capacity (Tons) Rated Eff. SEER AC-2 York PCG4A360502L1 3 14 Install New Wireless, Internet Based Controls The Heritage Park and Museums have simple wall-mounted thermostats that provide temperature control at the zone level. As the existing thermostats have standard scheduling capability, their energy saving control strategies, ease of accessibility, and reporting can be improved upon. Additionally, there is an opportunity to standardize the controls systems across the City’s facilities and expand throughout the City where DDC controls currently do not exist. This project recommends installing Pelican Wireless controls to further reduce energy consumption and costs, as well as ease the time burden associated with maintaining individual thermostat settings throughout the City of Dublin’s facilities. The Pelican Wireless thermostats would be connected to a single, web-accessible graphical user interface (GUI) to allow for centralized schedule management, reporting, and troubleshooting all major heating and cooling equipment throughout the City’s buildings. This system would allow individual zones to have different occupied or unoccupied temperature schedules, as well as alert the building operators to errors and routine maintenance. Additional benefits of the Pelican system include: 1. The Pelican system does not use or rely on the building’s internal Wi-Fi or LAN networks for thermostat communication. The Pelican gateway broadcasts its own wireless backbone, establishing a mesh network that only talks to other Pelican devices, some of which act as repeaters themselves. This allows for minimal interference to existing networks, while still allowing for remote access through City staff web-enabled devices. 425 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 64 2. The thermostat configuration (temperature setpoints) and schedules are stored locally at the thermostats. Should the building lose internet connectivity, the Pelican system would continue to function by following the schedules and setpoints stored locally. 3. Carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors built into thermostats for monitoring of CO2 concentrations within spaces. Equipment to be installed includes: Kolb house:  (3) TS250 Thermostats  (3) TA-1 Sensor Adapters  (3) Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensors  (2) Mini-split conventional Thermostat Interface (CTI) Boards  (2) 24VAC transformers for CTIs Sunday School Barn:  TS250 Thermostat  TA-1 Sensor Adapter  Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensor Old Raymond’s Church:  TS250 Thermostat  TA-1 Sensor Adapter  Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensor Museum:  (2) TS250 Thermostats  (2) TA-1 Sensor Adapter  (2) Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensor Based on distances between facilities and to eliminate the potential for large vehicles/trucks interrupting the signal, a Gateway for each building is recommended. Additionally, if there is not an available port on a router/switch in each building, repeaters can be utilized. However, they must be installed as high within the structure as possible. The end result may be a combination of gateways and repeaters to ensure signal strength and maintain remote accessibility. Upgrade Interior/Exterior Lighting to LED The intent of the project is to replace all fluorescent, incandescent, and HID lighting with LED lamps or new fixtures to reduce energy use and maintenance costs. Some critical lights such as those in the restrooms will have an emergency battery backup installed in case of a power outage, so that visitors and staff may exit the building safely. As part of the scope of work, dirtied lenses will be cleaned before installation of replacement lamps, and any damaged ceiling tiles will be replaced. Additionally, occupancy-based controls will be installed. Occupancy sensors detect when the illuminated space is occupied, and subsequently turn lights off when the space is not in use. Detailed information about the recommended replacement can be found in the section titled “Appendix B – Lighting”. 426 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 65 Shannon Community Center RCx of Existing HVAC Systems The Shannon Community Center has 15 gas/electric split systems ranging in capacity from 3-tons to 5-tons. All fifteen units are original to the building’s construction making them 13 years old at the time of the IGA. Since they have not yet exceeded their EUL and have no operational or functional issues, Willdan does not recommend replacing these systems within the next 3 years. Instead, Willdan recommends that retro-commissioning of the existing systems be performed. It is recommended that retro-commissioning be performed on equipment every few years to ensure that systems continue to operate optimally and that operating parameters are adjusted for changes that may have occurred within the areas that are served which may impact the cooling/heating loads and operating schedules. The retro-commissioning effort that Willdan recommends includes:  Equipment schedules are to be reviewed and modified to capture unoccupied savings without adversely affecting occupied conditions  Setpoints for occupied and unoccupied operation to be adjusted for optimal building performance and energy efficiency  Outside air damper position optimized for energy efficiency and building ventilation requirements Install New Generator at Shannon Community Center Willdan evaluated the electric utility data over the time period between January 2018 and January 2020, and determined that the building load maximum is 110.2 kVA, based on observed peak demand data and power factor. This project includes the installation of a new 150-kW diesel motor generator located in a weatherproof enclosure at the Shannon Community Center to provide emergency back-up power to the entire facility in the event of a PG&E PSPS event, which is when PG&E has turned off power in response to severe weather conditions to help prevent wildfires and keep communities safe. A new fuel tank will be installed and sized to provide 72 hours of continuous generator run-time. There will also be the option to use renewable diesel, when available, to reduce emissions. The Shannon Community Center is listed in the Emergency Operations Plan as a shelter location, as well as an alternate location for government, in case of emergency such as a natural disaster. Therefore, it is critical that this facility has resiliency capabilities. The generator will be mounted on a new concrete pad located directly outside of the main electrical room and will be electrically tied to the existing automatic transfer switch. New power, control and communications will be installed and routed underground. Upgrade Interior/Exterior Lighting to LED The intent of the project is to replace all CFLs, halogen lamps, and linear fluorescent tubes with LED lamps or new fixtures to reduce energy use and maintenance costs. LEDs last 2-4 times longer than fluorescent lamps and can be installed without ballasts to avoid another point of failure which may occur at light fixtures. As part of this 427 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 66 scope of work, dirtied lenses will be cleaned before installation of replacement lamps, and any damaged ceiling tiles will be replaced. Additionally, occupancy-based and daylighting controls will be installed. Occupancy sensors detect when the illuminated space is occupied, and subsequently turn lights off when the space is not in use. Shannon Community Center’s lobby is well-lit by daylight outside the building during the day. In this area, this project proposes to install daylight harvesting controls. These controls adjust lights to maintain the space’s target lighting levels when adequate illumination through the building’s glazing is detected in the space. Detailed information about the recommended replacement can be found in the section titled “Appendix B – Lighting”. 428 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 67 Fire Station #16 HVAC Systems Fire Station #16 has four packaged gas/electric RTUs that serve all the occupied housing areas. The equipment varies in capacity from 2-tons to 6-tons. All five units were installed as part of the facility’s 2006 remodel and are approaching the EUL of 15-years according to ASHRAE. However, these systems were observed to be in decent, functional condition and replacement can be deferred for the next 3-5 years. At that time, various options for replacement can be considered, such as high efficiency replacements or a comprehensive VRF solution. Install New Wireless, Internet Based Controls Fire Station #16 has simple wall-mounted thermostats that provide temperature control at the zone level. As the existing thermostats have standard scheduling capability, their energy saving control strategies, ease of accessibility, and reporting can be improved upon. Additionally, there is an opportunity to standardize the controls systems across the City’s facilities and expand throughout the City where DDC controls currently do not exist. This project recommends installing Pelican Wireless controls to further reduce energy consumption and costs, as well as ease the time burden associated with maintaining individual thermostat settings throughout the City of Dublin’s facilities. The Pelican Wireless thermostats would be connected to a single, web-accessible graphical user interface (GUI) to allow for centralized schedule management, reporting, and troubleshooting all major heating and cooling equipment throughout the City’s buildings. This system would allow individual zones to have different occupied or unoccupied temperature schedules, as well as alert the building operators to errors and routine maintenance. Additional benefits of the Pelican system include: 1. The Pelican system does not use or rely on the building’s internal Wi-Fi or LAN networks for thermostat communication. The Pelican gateway broadcasts its own wireless backbone, establishing a mesh network that only talks to other Pelican devices, some of which act as repeaters themselves. This allows for minimal interference to existing networks, while still allowing for remote access through City staff web-enabled devices. 2. The thermostat configuration (temperature setpoints) and schedules are stored locally at the thermostats. Should the building lose internet connectivity, the Pelican system would continue to function by following the schedules and setpoints stored locally. 3. Carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors built into thermostats for monitoring of CO2 concentrations within spaces. Equipment to be installed includes:  (1) GW400 Gateway  (2) WR400 Repeaters  (7) TS250 CO2 Thermostats  (7) TA-1 Sensor Adapters (for supply air temperature display)  (7) Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensors (for supply air temperature display) 429 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 68 Replace Diesel Generator The diesel generator at Fire Station #16 is original to the building’s construction and is close to its EUL. According to ASHRAE, reciprocating engines have an EUL of 20 years, however, with proper maintenance engines can have a service life of well over 25 years. This project will replace the existing diesel generator with a new generator for resiliency purposes so that backup power to this critical facility is available in the event of PSPS events, which has become more typical within PG&E territory in recent years. Through the course of our evaluation, Willdan also considered BESS at the fire station. Given a sufficiently high and peaky electric load, BESS can generate on-going savings through peak demand reductions or energy arbitrage as well as provide limited resiliency power, helping to offset the initial system cost. However, in comparison to conventional generator engines and given the lengthy PSPS outages that Dublin experiences, BESS’s current market pricing is over 10 times more expensive for an equivalent backup solution. Therefore, Willdan is not recommending BESS at the fire station for resiliency purposes at this time. Dublin may have another opportunity to evaluate BESS through East Bay Clean Energy’s upcoming microgrid joint procurement in the near future, which may offer better pricing. In any case, a future BESS installation will pair nicely with the on-site solar and backup generator at all fire stations. Upgrade Interior/Exterior Lighting to LED The intent of the project is to replace all fluorescent, incandescent, and HID lighting with LED lamps or new fixtures to reduce energy use and maintenance costs. LEDs last 2-4 times longer than fluorescent lamps and can be installed without ballasts to avoid another point of failure which may occur at light fixtures. As part of this scope of work, dirtied lenses will be cleaned before installation of replacement lamps, and any damaged ceiling tiles will be replaced. Additionally, occupancy-based controls will be installed. Occupancy sensors detect when the illuminated space is occupied, and subsequently turn lights off when the space is not in use. Detailed information about the recommended replacement can be found in the section titled “Appendix B – Lighting”. 430 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 69 Fire Station #17 Replace HVAC Systems with High Efficiency Equipment Fire Station #17 has four gas/electric split systems that serve all the occupied housing areas. There are two 3-ton units and two 4-ton outdoor condensing units that are connected to indoor gas-fired furnaces, all of which are original to the buildings construction of 2002 and have exceeded their EUL of 15-years, according to ASHRAE, which is when major components are at risk of failing and ongoing maintenance costs begin to become significant. This project recommends proactively replacing the four split systems (indoor and outdoor units) with new, high SEER units that exceed CA Title-24 efficiency requirements. The new units will be installed in the same location as the existing units. Ductwork, electrical, natural gas, and condensate systems may be extended or slightly modified to accommodate the installation of the new units. As the split system cooling coils are located within mechanical rooms, the existing condensate lines are plumbed to neutralizing basins of approx. 5 gallons capacity before they are discharged indirectly to the nearest floor sink. The table below provides the proposed equipment information: T ABLE 21. P ROPOSED S PLIT S YSTEMS AT F IRE S TATION #17 Indoor Tag Outdoor Tag Make Outdoor Model Capacity (Tons) Rated Eff. SEER F-1 CU-1 York YCS48B21S 4 14 F-2 CU-2 York YCS48B21S 4 14 F-3 CU-3 York YCS36B22S 3 14 F-4 CU-4 York YCS36B22S 3 14 Install New Wireless, Internet Based Controls Fire Station #17 has simple wall-mounted thermostats that provide temperature control at the zone level. As the existing thermostats have standard scheduling capability, their energy saving control strategies, ease of accessibility, and reporting can be improved upon. Additionally, there is an opportunity to standardize the controls systems across the City’s facilities and expand throughout the City where DDC controls currently do not exist. This project recommends installing Pelican Wireless controls to further reduce energy consumption and costs, as well as ease the time burden associated with maintaining individual thermostat settings throughout the City of Dublin’s facilities. The Pelican Wireless thermostats would be connected to a single, web-accessible graphical user interface (GUI) to allow for centralized schedule management, reporting, and troubleshooting all major heating and cooling equipment throughout the City’s buildings. This system would allow individual zones to have different occupied or unoccupied temperature schedules, as well as alert the building operators to errors and routine maintenance. Additional benefits of the Pelican system include: 431 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 70 1. The Pelican system does not use or rely on the building’s internal Wi-Fi or LAN networks for thermostat communication. The Pelican gateway broadcasts its own wireless backbone, establishing a mesh network that only talks to other Pelican devices, some of which act as repeaters themselves. This allows for minimal interference to existing networks, while still allowing for remote access through City staff web-enabled devices. 2. The thermostat configuration (temperature setpoints) and schedules are stored locally at the thermostats. Should the building lose internet connectivity, the Pelican system would continue to function by following the schedules and setpoints stored locally. 3. Carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors built into thermostats for monitoring of CO2 concentrations within spaces. Equipment to be installed includes:  (1) GW400 Gateway  (2) WR400 Repeaters  (16) TS250 CO2 Thermostats (2 for Truck Bay unit heaters)  (1) TS200 (mini-split)  (2) Pearls (UH 1 & 2 to allow for supply air sensing and door switch cutoff on UHs upon door(s) opening via T2 contact on Pearl)  (3) Z8 Zone Controllers  (17) TA-1 Sensor Adapters (supply air sensing)  (17) Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensors (supply air sensing) Install Solar PV Willdan recommends installing a small Solar PV system at Fire Station #17 of 24kW. The system will be flush mounted to the standing seam metal rooftops and will have a tilt angle of 18 degrees above horizontal. The system will include Boviet 445W Tier 1, CEC-listed modules with a 12-year warranty and a 25-year linear power output warranty, and SolarEdge 14kW inverters with a 12-year warranty. Additional solar PV will generate additional electricity to increase Dublin’s bill savings at this facility and provide the foundation for future zero emission resiliency projects throughout the City. While this installation is small, it can be feasibly done as part of this project because it is combined into the larger scope of solar PV installations throughout the City. A small system like this would be difficult to procure on its own. Fire Station #17 is an important emergency operations facility within Dublin, so resiliency is important. Willdan considered installing BESS for economic and resiliency purposes, however, it was not economically feasible at this time. Given the 48-72-hour desired resiliency, a diesel generator is the City’s best choice. Replacing Fire Station #17’s generator is further detailed in the next section. 432 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 71 Replace Diesel Generator The diesel generator at Fire Station #17 is original to the building’s construction and is close to its EUL. According to ASHRAE, reciprocating engines have an EUL of 20 years, however, with proper maintenance engines can have a service life of well over 25 years. This project will replace the existing diesel generator with a new generator for resiliency purposes so that backup power to this critical facility is available in the event of PSPS events, which has become more typical within PG&E territory in recent years. Through the course of our evaluation, Willdan also considered BESS at the fire station. Given a sufficiently high and peaky electric load, BESS can generate on-going savings through peak demand reductions or energy arbitrage as well as provide limited resiliency power, helping to offset the initial system cost. However, in comparison to conventional generator engines and given the lengthy PSPS outages that Dublin experiences, BESS’s current market pricing is over 10 times more expensive for an equivalent backup solution. Therefore, Willdan is not recommending BESS at the fire station for resiliency purposes at this time. Dublin may have another opportunity to evaluate BESS through East Bay Clean Energy’s upcoming microgrid joint procurement in the near future, which may offer better pricing. In any case, a future BESS installation will pair nicely with the on-site solar and backup generator at all fire stations. Upgrade Interior/Exterior Lighting to LED The intent of the project is to replace all fluorescent, incandescent, and HID lighting with LED lamps or new fixtures to reduce energy use and maintenance costs. LEDs last 2-4 times longer than fluorescent lamps and can be installed without ballasts to avoid another point of failure which may occur at light fixtures. As part of this scope of work, dirtied lenses will be cleaned or replaced before installation of replacement lamps, and any damaged ceiling tiles will be replaced. Additionally, occupancy-based controls will be installed. Occupancy sensors detect when the illuminated space is occupied, and subsequently turn lights off when the space is not in use. Detailed information about the recommended replacement can be found in the section titled “Appendix B – Lighting”. 433 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 72 Fire Station #18 Replace HVAC Systems with High Efficiency Equipment Fire Station #18 has three gas/electric split systems that serve all the occupied housing areas. All units are 3-ton systems that are connected to indoor gas-fired furnaces. Of the three units, two are original to the buildings construction of 2003 and have exceeded their EUL of 15-years, according to ASHRAE, which is when major components are at risk of failing and ongoing maintenance costs begin to become significant. This project recommends proactively replacing the two split systems (indoor and outdoor units) with new, high SEER units that exceed CA Title-24 efficiency requirements. The new units will be installed in the same location as the existing units. Ductwork, electrical, natural gas, and condensate systems may be extended or slightly modified to accommodate the installation of the new units. As the split system cooling coils are located within mechanical rooms, the existing condensate lines are plumbed to neutralizing basins of approx. 5 gallons capacity before they are discharged indirectly to the nearest floor sink. The table below provides the proposed equipment information: T ABLE 22. P ROPOSED S PLIT S YSTEMS AT F IRE S TATION #18 Indoor Tag Outdoor Tag Make Outdoor Model Capacity (Tons) Rated Eff. SEER F-1 CU-1 York YCS36B22S 3 14 F-3 CU-3 York YCS36B22S 3 14 Install New Wireless, Internet Based Controls Fire Station #18 has simple wall-mounted thermostats that provide temperature control at the zone level. As the existing thermostats have standard scheduling capability, their energy saving control strategies, ease of accessibility, and reporting can be improved upon. Additionally, there is an opportunity to standardize the controls systems across the City’s facilities and expand throughout the City where DDC controls currently do not exist. This project recommends installing Pelican Wireless controls to further reduce energy consumption and costs, as well as ease the time burden associated with maintaining individual thermostat settings throughout the City of Dublin’s facilities. The Pelican Wireless thermostats would be connected to a single, web-accessible graphical user interface (GUI) to allow for centralized schedule management, reporting, and troubleshooting all major heating and cooling equipment throughout the City’s buildings. This system would allow individual zones to have different occupied or unoccupied temperature schedules, as well as alert the building operators to errors and routine maintenance. Additional benefits of the Pelican system include: 1. The Pelican system does not use or rely on the building’s internal Wi-Fi or LAN networks for thermostat communication. The Pelican gateway broadcasts its own wireless backbone, establishing a mesh network that only talks to other Pelican devices, some of which act as repeaters themselves. This allows for minimal 434 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 73 interference to existing networks, while still allowing for remote access through City staff web-enabled devices. 2. The thermostat configuration (temperature setpoints) and schedules are stored locally at the thermostats. Should the building lose internet connectivity, the Pelican system would continue to function by following the schedules and setpoints stored locally. 3. Carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors built into thermostats for monitoring of CO2 concentrations within spaces. Equipment to be installed includes:  (1) GW400 Gateway  (2) WR400 Repeaters  (10) TS250 CO2 Thermostats (2 for unit heaters)  (1) TS200 (mini-split)  (2) Pearls (UH 1 & 2 to allow for supply air sensing and door switch cutoff on UHs upon door(s) opening via T2 contact on Pearl)  (2) Z8 Zone Controllers  (10) TA-1 Sensor Adapters (supply air sensing)  (10) Probe T-1 Supply Air Sensors (supply air sensing) Install Solar PV Willdan recommends installing a small Solar PV system at Fire Station #18 of 13kW. The system will be flush mounted to the standing seam metal rooftops and will have a tilt angle of 15 degrees above horizontal. The systems will include Boviet 445W Tier 1, CEC-listed modules with a 12-year warranty and a 25-year linear power output warranty, and a SolarEdge 14kW inverter with a 12-year warranty. Additional solar PV will generate additional electricity to increase Dublin’s bill savings at this facility and provide the foundation for future zero emission resiliency projects throughout the City. While this installation is small, it can be feasibly done as part of this project because it is combined into the larger scope of solar PV installations throughout the City. A small system like this would be difficult to procure on its own. Fire Station 18 is an important emergency operations facility within Dublin, so resiliency is important. Willdan considered installing BESS for economic and resiliency purposes, however, it was not economically feasible at this time. Given the 48 to 72-hour desired resiliency, a diesel generator is the City’s best choice. Replacing Fire Station #18’s generator is further detailed in the next section. 435 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 74 Replace Diesel Generator The diesel generator at Fire Station #18 is original to the building’s construction and is close to its EUL. According to ASHRAE, reciprocating engines have an EUL of 20 years, however, with proper maintenance engines can have a service life of well over 25 years. This project will replace the existing diesel generator with a new generator for resiliency purposes so that backup power to this critical facility is available in the event of PSPS events, which has become more typical within PG&E territory in recent years. Through the course of our evaluation, Willdan also considered BESS at the fire station. Given a sufficiently high and peaky electric load, BESS can generate on-going savings through peak demand reductions or energy arbitrage as well as provide limited resiliency power, helping to offset the initial system cost. However, in comparison to conventional generator engines and given the lengthy PSPS outages that Dublin experiences, BESS’s current market pricing is over 10 times more expensive for an equivalent backup solution. Therefore, Willdan is not recommending BESS at the fire station for resiliency purposes at this time. Dublin may have another opportunity to evaluate BESS through East Bay Clean Energy’s upcoming microgrid joint procurement in the near future, which may offer better pricing. In any case, a future BESS installation will pair nicely with the on-site solar and backup generator at all fire stations. Upgrade Interior/Exterior Lighting to LED The intent of the project is to replace all fluorescent, incandescent, and HID lighting with LED lamps or new fixtures to reduce energy use and maintenance costs. LEDs last 2-4 times longer than fluorescent lamps and can be installed without ballasts to avoid another point of failure which may occur at light fixtures. As part of this scope of work, dirtied lenses will be cleaned or replaced before installation of replacement lamps, and any damaged ceiling tiles will be replaced. Additionally, occupancy-based controls will be installed. Occupancy sensors detect when the illuminated space is occupied, and subsequently turn lights off when the space is not in use. Detailed information about the recommended replacement can be found in the section titled “Appendix B – Lighting”. 436 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 75 The Wave at Emerald Glen Park Pool Control System Firmware Upgrades The four bodies of water at the Wave Aquatic Center (indoor, activity, outdoor and slide pools) each have dedicated circulation and filtration pumps that are controlled by the SPCS pump controller located in the equipment room. Although there is nothing inherently wrong with the system or how it currently operates it is imperative that the City keep the software packages up to date to mitigate issues from arising within the control system and ensure that proper filtration and chemical circulation is not interrupted. This project proposes to update the firmware to the most current BECSys7 Gigabit package. Install Solar PV and Battery Energy Storage Willdan proposes to furnish and install a 525kW (DC) Solar PV carport system and a 500kW/1100kWh BESS connected in a microgrid arrangement. This system is designed to reduce overall operational costs at the Wave and provide resilience during an extended power outage. As The Wave is a cooling center and shelter as part of the City’s Emergency Operations Plan, it is crucial that the facility has resiliency capabilities. The Wave is the ideal type of facility to support a more cost-effective deployment of a renewable microgrid. Due to high energy costs during normal operation (water pumping, filtering, etc) and ample parking space, a large solar PV system and battery can generate significant bill savings. Then during emergency operation scenarios, the large pumping loads, and the large solar PV and large battery can support critical loads for extended periods of time. The proposed 525 kW carport system will be in the south parking lot next to Central Parkway due to its ideal configuration and proximity to the utility meter. It will have a tilt angle of 10 degrees above horizontal. The system will include Boviet 445W Tier 1, CEC-listed modules with a 12-year warranty and a 25-year linear power output warranty, and Chint 50kW inverters with a 10-year warranty. Excess generation that is not consumed by site loads or the BESS can be credited to the adjacent Emerald Glen Park electric bills via the Net Energy Metering Aggregation (NEM-A) tariff. The proposed 500kW/1100kWh BESS will be manufactured by EnerGPort and has a 10-year warranty. The system will be able to operate to offset peak loads and thereby generate bill savings, and also provide approximately 48 hours of resiliency during an extended outage without any additional recharge from the solar PV, or longer if the sun is shining. During an outage, critical loads include the inflatable roof of the natatorium, emergency lighting, and emergency services such as locker rooms and showers, which will provide support to emergency personnel operating around the City. Upgrade Interior/Exterior Lighting to LED 437 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 76 The intent of the project is to replace all fluorescent and halogen lighting with LED lamps or new fixtures to reduce energy use and maintenance costs. LEDs last 2-4 times longer than fluorescent lamps and can be installed without ballasts to avoid another point of failure which may occur at light fixtures. As part of this scope of work, dirtied lenses will be cleaned before installation of replacement lamps, and any damaged ceiling tiles will be replaced. Additionally, occupancy-based and daylighting controls will be installed. Occupancy sensors detect when the illuminated space is occupied, and subsequently turn lights off when the space is not in use. The Wave’s lobby area is well-lit by daylight from outside the building during the day. In this area, the project proposes to install daylight harvesting controls. These controls adjust lights to maintain the space’s target lighting levels when adequate illumination through the building’s glazing is detected in the space. Detailed information about the recommended replacement can be found in the section titled “Appendix B – Lighting”. 438 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 77 Parks & Sports Fields Install Solar PV Fallon Sports Park Adequate roof space is not available at this location for a roof-mounted solar PV system. As such, Willdan proposes to furnish and install a 59kW (DC) solar PV carport system in the parking lot of Phase 2 of Fallon Sports Park. The carport system tilt angle will be 7 degrees above horizontal. The system will include Boviet 445W Tier 1, CEC-listed modules with a 12-year warranty and a 25-year linear power output warranty, and a Delta 60kW inverter with a 5-year warranty. This system will produce electricity to offset regular loads of the park and generate bill savings for the City, as well as provide the foundation for future zero emission resiliency projects throughout the City. This is the only parking lot where solar is recommended because the other sites have smaller loads, or are adjacent to sites with large PV systems (such as Civic Center for Dublin Sports Grounds, The Wave for Emerald Park) that can credit them via NEM-A. This site has a large enough electric lighting load that it can benefit from a small carport PV system. Upgrade Sports Field and Park Lighting to LED Dublin Sports Grounds, Emerald Glen Park, Fallon Sports Park, and Kolb Park Several sports fields and courts in the City are currently illuminated by the outdated, inefficient metal halide lamps. While these lamps are bright, they use a large amount of energy and burn out much faster compared to the modern solution of LEDs. Willdan recommends the City of Dublin upgrade the existing sports lighting to LED. LED sports lighting systems require significantly less maintenance and have a significantly greater lamp life than the metal halide systems they replace. In fact, most LED sports lighting systems last for 300,000 hours of run time. Long warranties make the investment in LED lighting a long-term savings opportunity in maintenance as well as energy savings. Control systems assist with both energy savings by only running lights when needed, as well as monitoring the system for potential failures. Measurable consistency is an important factor in light quality. Metal halide lights degrade in brightness and color-consistency over time, but LED sports lights maintain a consistent level of brightness and color-accuracy, improving the long-term light quality on the playing field. In sports events with high-speed ball movement, light quality is an important consideration. Light pollution can be significantly reduced with an LED sports lighting system. Pollution in the form of light spill is not only a waste of valuable energy, it is a destructive nuisance to neighbors and wildlife. LED lighting is directional, so the ever-present glow of light seen above a typical ballfield can be eliminated. The light cut-off features of modern LED lighting systems reduce neighbor complaints and the overall waste of spilled light. 439 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 78 Additionally, with the imminent utility Time-of-Use shift to 4-9pm, there is a significant economic benefit to reducing the electrical load of the City’s sports lighting during this time. Willdan evaluated two manufacturer options to develop the best possible solution for the City which ultimately resulted with MUSCO Lighting as Willdan’s recommendation and proposed solution for the City. The two manufacturers that were evaluated are considered by many to be the two leading manufacturers of LED sports lighting: MUSCO Lighting and Ephesus Sports Lighting (by Cooper Lighting). T ABLE 23. E XISTING AND P ROPOSED S PORTS F IELD LIGHTING S UMMARY Both manufacturers offer a parts and labor warranty. This means that if installed fixtures burn out or otherwise break before the end of the warranty period, the manufacturer will install a replacement fixture at no cost to the City. MUSCO offers a 25-year warranty for fixtures. In this scope of work, this includes the baseball, softball, soccer, and basketball fixtures located at Dublin Sports Grounds and Fallon Sports Park. For the remaining scope, including basketball courts, tennis courts, and ska te parks, they offer a 10-year warranty. Ephesus offers a 10-year warranty across all scopes of work. The ability to control the lighting system is important through both a city operation and an energy savings context. The lights need to be on during sporting events, which can be irregular and therefore not able to be put on a typical timeclock. By controlling the fixtures, the city’s sports events will be fully lit, and energy is not wasted when there are no events taking place, since the lights would be turned off. MUSCO and Ephesus both offer controls strategies, although they differ in functionality. MUSCO’s product, ControlLink, is already installed in the fields with existing MUSCO lighting. ControlLink offers remote access, as well as the capability of scheduling out the lighting for future events. ControlLink has the additional benefit of functioning as a diagnostic tool – the software will warn operators if a light is consuming an abnormal amount of power or running at too high of a temperature, which can be a sign of a problem or potential failure. Operators can then respond proactively, rather than suffer a failure during an event or usage. In contrast to MUSCO’s ControlLink, Ephesus offers a Hub control solution, with a few different options. The Hub utilizes an airmesh system, which is a wireless hub that connects to 120V at the facility. Multiple fields can be run off a single box, and Ephesus commissions the fixtures after installation to ensure they all communicate correctly with the box and there is full fixture control at the facility level. Facility managers can schedule out on/off times for up to two years and can choose which lights need to be on and which ones don’t. If there is an event where only half the field needs to be lit, the lights illuminating the unused half can be shut off to conserve energy. The controllability goes down to the individual 440 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 79 fixture level. There are several ways the Ephesus Hub can be managed. If there is not existing internet at the installation facility, the box creates its own IP address rather than connecting into the existing one. This means that there is full access at the site level. If the City wants remote access, it can activate Verizon cellular service or hardwire and BACnet in, which is paid separately through Verizon and is not accounted for in the pricing enclosed in this report. In contrast to this, ControlLink and all its features come with the MUSCO product and are included in its pricing. A feature exclusive to MUSCO is their BallTracker technology. LED lighting is very directional, illuminating only the playing surface, which is excellent for reducing light pollution. However, problems arise when play objects like baseballs are sent high above the play field – they become extremely hard to see. MUSCO’s solution, the BallTracker, consists of small, specialized low-level up lights that are targeted above the play surface. This creates a contrast against the night sky that allows players to see the ball more easily, while avoiding sending glare into the surrounding neighborhood. While Ephesus does not offer a solution such as BallTracker, their lighting system is designed to illuminate both the field surface and play area above it, so aerial objects can still be easily seen. With all factors considered, Willdan recommends the selection of MUSCO for the sports field lighting LED improvement project. The proven MUSCO lighting technology and result provides extra value. Additionally, the City of Dublin’s existing relationship and experience with MUSCO will provide continuity in existing function and maintenance. Finally, the 25-year warranty on the larger lighting systems ensures that the City of Dublin will have no concerns about sports field lighting for decades. Improved Parks Lighting Recommendation Willdan explored all city parks for the potential need to improve lighting conditions. Three locations were identified. These locations include Mape Memorial Park, Ted Fairfield Park, and Alamo Creek Park. Mape Memorial Park Mape Memorial Park is located at 11711 Mape Way. This park is approximately 2.6 acres, and it includes a playground, open green space, a walking trail, sand volleyball, public restrooms, picnic area, and a pedestrian bridge providing access from Mape Way to commercial properties at the intersection of Amador Valley Blvd. and San Ramon Rd. Panoramic view of playground area Existing Lighting Systems:  The walkway around the park perimeter is illuminated by four, 60W corncob LED area lights on 16’ poles.  The restroom has one small LED wall pack installed on the north exterior wall. 441 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 80 Observations: The pedestrian bridge on the east side of the park spans a small creek, and it is covered by a thick canopy of mature trees. The trees prevent both natural light and artificial light from illuminating the bridge. The picnic area at the north park entrance is partially illuminated by the light on the restrooms, but that light does not provide adequate light levels (to meet IES design guidelines) for the walkway from the shelter to the pedestrian bridge. According to IES publications: IESNA RP-33-2014, IESNA DG-5-94, and IESNA DG-1-03, exterior walkway illumination should be ≥1 footcandle. To achieve these design recommendations, additional lighting should be added along the walkway that connects these two park features. Recommendations: Install a new light pole on the south end of the pedestrian bridge, matching the existing light pole on the north side. This additional light will fully illuminate both the bridge and the area immediately surrounding the south bridge entrance. Add new light poles along the walkway between the north park entrance and the pedestrian bridge. This additional lighting will better illuminate the pathway between Mape Way and the pedestrian bridge. Add new lighting on the west side of the playground to eliminate dark spots in that area. Mape Memorial Lighting Photometric 442 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 81 Ted Fairfield Park Ted Fairfield Park is located at 3400 Antone Way. This park is approximately 7.3 acres, and it includes a playground, open green space, a walking trail, basketball court, public restrooms, and two pedestrian bridges. Existing Lighting Systems:  There are no plan drawings available for Ted Fairfield Park, but the following systems were identified during a site visit (wattages and heights are approximate):  Eight 150W HID area lights on 16’ poles along the perimeter walkway. Observations: The pedestrian bridge on the north side of the park spans a small creek to reach Oak Bluff Lane. The residential area across from the park has minimal area lighting. This means that the bridge itself is only illuminated on the south side, creating underlit areas on the north end of the bridge (especially for pedestrians leaving the park). No exterior light fixtures were found on the restroom building. Many of the existing light pole base hardware is damaged and in need of replacement. Recommendations: Our recommended solution is to add an LED area light on a 16’ pole next to the bridge entrance. This light will match the area light on the south side of the bridge. Add wall packs on the exterior walls of the restroom building. Two small wall packs on the southeast wall and one small wall pack on the southwest wall will provide improved light coverage near the restroom building. Replace damaged light pole base hardware. Alamo Creek Park Alamo Creek Park is located at 7601 Shady Creek Road. This park is approximately 5.3 acres, and it includes a playground, open green space, a walking trail, a public restroom, a picnic area, one basketball court, and a pedestrian bridge providing access from the south end of the park to Wildwood Road. Existing Lighting Systems:  Fourteen 60W corncob LED area lights on 16’ poles along the perimeter walkway.  Two double-headed 60W corncob LED fixtures on 16’ poles next to the parking area. Damaged Light Pole Base Hardware Existing HID Area Light with Yellowed Lens Visual Representation of Proposed Wall Packs on Restroom Building North Side of Pedestrian Bridge 443 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 82 Observations: The parking lot on the west corner of the park has two light poles on the southeast side of the lot. The northwest side receives some light spill from the street lighting on Shady Creek Rd, but not enough to provide adequate light levels (to meet IES design guidelines) at the parking lot. The pedestrian bridge on the south end of the park has one light pole on the south side (along Wildwood Road). The north entrance to the pedestrian bridge should also be illuminated. The playground receives some light spill from the lights along the walking path. Because the playground is next to the creek and the entrance to the pedestrian bridge, additional lighting is recommended. Recommendations: Install two additional light poles on the northwest edge of the parking lot to illuminate the entire parking lot. Our recommended solution is to add an LED area light on a 12’ pole next to the bridge entrance. This light will match the area light on the south side of the bridge. Install new light fixtures, in addition to the existing, on the two poles in the playground. These light fixtures will fully illuminate the playground area, making it a safer environment. 444 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 83 Traffic Signal Resiliency The City of Dublin has experienced several Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events where Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) has turned off power in response to severe weather conditions to help prevent wildfires and keep communities safe. These PSPS events can last up to 3-4 days and impact the City’s traffic signal operations by going dark for the duration of the outage. During power outages, signalized intersections typically lose all functionality. Whether the outage is a few seconds or an extended period of time, safety at the intersection is compromised. To mitigate future PSPS events during the wildfire season or other power outage events and natural disasters, Willdan has evaluated the implementation of traffic signal resiliency projects to provide backup power to maintain full operation of the City’s traffic signal system at 22 key intersections. Twenty-one of the intersections have existing traffic signal systems, while the last intersection has not been constructed yet. A few notable desired outcomes of this project include the following:  Supply up to 72 hours of backup power at the most critical intersections to provide continuous full operation of traffic signal systems  Keep larger intersections on full operation, while smaller two-lane intersections can be kept on flashing red  Automated system where battery backup system and/or generator automatically turns on to supply power during power outages  Select system components that are easy to access and maintain  Deploy battery backup system that includes management software that provides alerts and system health status  Aligns with the goals of the City’s Climate Action Plan by identifying and implementing microgrids to enable uninterrupted power during times of grid instability, which supports Measure CF-2  Use of battery power and fuel cells as backup power supports the City’s CAP goals to reduce GHG emissions, as current backup power is provided by diesel generators Willdan evaluated the feasibility of providing up to 72 hours of backup power to the traffic signals using only BBS. Willdan also evaluated the option for the City to have sets of spare batteries stored and charged at City’s Corporation Yard that can be used to swap out batteries at each intersection as they become depleted during a power outage. The details of these evaluations can be found in the Memo found in “Appendix C - Traffic Resiliency”; but in summary, neither of these options are feasible when it comes to providing 72 hours of traffic signal operations running only on BBS. Hydrogen Fuel Cell Installation Sample Hydrogen Fuel Cell Interior Cabinet View Clary UPS Peripheral Cabinet 445 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 84 In order to satisfy the City’s goals of multi-day runtimes, low maintenance, automation, management software, and meeting the City’s Climate Action Plan goals, Willdan recommends the implementation of the Altergy fuel cell systems at select priority intersections and install Clary BBS for the intersections that do not currently have a BBS in place. The recommended backup power system type and duration is provided in the following table for each intersection. T ABLE 24. P ROPOSED T RAFFIC S IGNAL R ESILIENCY S YSTEM S UMMARY No. Intersection Name Backup Power Duration Backup Power System Type 1 Dublin Blvd & Dougherty Rd 72 Hours Fuel Cell 2 Dougherty Rd & Amador Valley Blvd 8 Hours Battery Backup 3 Dublin Blvd & Hacienda Dr 72 Hours Fuel Cell 4 Martinelli Way & Hacienda Dr 72 Hours Fuel Cell 5 Tassajara Rd & Dublin Blvd 72 Hours Fuel Cell 6 Dublin Blvd & Fallon Rd 72 Hours Fuel Cell 7 Fallon Rd & Fallon Gateway 72 Hours Fuel Cell 8 Dublin Blvd & Village Pkwy 72 Hours Fuel Cell 9 Dublin Blvd & Amador Plaza Rd 8 Hours Battery Backup 10 Dublin Blvd & San Ramon Rd 72 Hours Fuel Cell 11 Amador Valley Blvd & San Ramon Rd 8 Hours Battery Backup 12 Village Pkwy & Amador Valley Blvd 8 Hours Battery Backup 13 Tassajara Rd & Fallon Rd 72 Hours Fuel Cell 14 Dougherty Rd & Scarlett Dr 8 Hours Battery Backup 15 Hacienda Dr & Gleason Dr 8 Hours Battery Backup 16 Fallon Rd & Gleason Dr 8 Hours Battery Backup 17 Tassajara Rd & Gleason Dr 8 Hours Battery Backup 18 Amador Valley Blvd & Amador Plaza Rd 72 Hours Fuel Cell 19 Dublin Blvd & Arnold Rd 8 Hours Battery Backup 20 Arnold Pkwy & Horizon Pkwy 72 Hours Fuel Cell 21 Kerry Ct/Horizon & Scarlett Dr 8 Hours Battery Backup 22 Dublin Blvd & Dougherty Rd 8 Hours Battery Backup 446 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 85 447 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 86 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Safety & Protection Altergy hydrogen fuel cell systems are not without risk, but research has shown that hydrogen cylinders rarely rupture due to impact. Most ruptures of pressurized steel cylinders will occur from over pressurization. All hydrogen cylinders supplied by Altergy meet or exceed DOT 3AA standards for safety and include CGA-350 fittings that feature an integrated pressure safety device (PSD) in the form of a rupture disk for instantaneous pressure relief. DOT requires all steel cylinders to be recertified every 5 years with hydrostatic testing to ensure the tanks meet DOT standards. In addition, hydrogen vendors will not fill cylinders that are beyond 5 years from their last certification. The hydrogen gas in a cylinder is 99.95% pure, so that the contents are not flammable unless they have an egregious leak to the atmosphere. Hydrogen itself, although flammable in the presence of oxygen, migrates quickly upward, unlike most other fuels used in power generation, and it also burns cooler, becoming less of a threat than liquid or heavier gas fuels. Hydrogen is lighter than air and has a rapid diffusivity (3.8 times faster than natural gas and 11.8 times faster than gasoline), which means that when released, it dilutes quickly into a non-flammable concentration. Hydrogen rises 2 times faster than helium and 6 times faster than natural gas at a speed of almost 45 mph (20m/s). Therefore, unless a roof, a poorly ventilated room or some other structure contains the rising gas, the laws of physics prevent hydrogen from lingering near a leak. To further minimize concerns regarding impact to the hydrogen fuel cells, some agencies have installed bollards around the fuel cell cabinets to provide some impact protection. As hydrogen fuel cells have been deployed to provide resiliency for varying purposes, including telecommunications, the image below provided by Altergy, illustrates the growing use of these systems throughout the region. 448 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 87 Streetlights Upgrade Dublin Ranch Street Light Assessment District Streetlights to LED LED streetlights have the same benefits as the sports field lights and interior lights mentioned in this report. Replacing or retrofitting the existing metal halide and sodium vapor streetlights with LED technology will reduce the total energy costs while improving the safety and security of the streets and roadways. Because the streetlights within the Dublin Ranch Street Light Assessment District are decorative types, Willdan recommends retrofitting the existing fixtures with LED lamps and drivers to preserve their architectural appearance instead of replacing. Retrofitting the existing streetlight fixtures is a cost-effective method for achieving many of the benefits that come with LED installations. However, some of the factors that will be limited due to use of the same fixture housing, not specifically designed to work with the LEDs to be installed, are beam spread, controllability, and longevity. Based on the City’s inventory and from Willdan’s preliminary inspections, 1,574 fixtures in the Dublin Ranch Street Light Assessment District have been identified to be retrofitted to LED. As this is a fairly large quantity of light fixtures which will be visible to the public, Willdan proposes to perform a few mock-ups or test installations to ensure that the end product will be to Dublin’s standards prior to procuring all material. More information regarding the existing and proposed retrofits can be found in Appendix A – LED Lighting Upgrades. T ABLE 25. EXISTING AND P ROPOSED S TREETLIGHT R ETROFIT S UMMARY Quantity of Luminaires Lighting Description (Existing System) Lamp Watts (Existing System) Lighting Description (Proposed System) Lamp Watts (Proposed System) 30 Existing (0) Lamp 100 Watt Metal Halide Luminaire 100 LED R 45KIT-ACRN/SORR 45 10 Existing (0) Lamp 100 Watt Metal Halide Luminaire 100 LED R 2-45KIT-CONT 90 20 Existing (0) Lamp 100 Watt Metal Halide Luminaire 100 LED R 45KIT-CONT 45 3 Existing (1) Lamp 36 Watt Led Luminaire 36 LED R 45KIT-ACRN 45 1 Existing (1) Lamp 36 Watt Led Luminaire 36 LED R 45KIT-CONT 45 41 Existing (1) Lamp 70 Watt High Pressure Sodium Luminaire 91 LED R 45KIT-ACRN 45 439 Existing (1) Lamp 70 Watt Metal Halide Luminaire 91 LED R 45KIT-ACRN/SORR 45 21 Existing (1) Lamp 70 Watt High Pressure Sodium Luminaire 91 LED R 45KIT-ACRN/SORR 45 23 Existing (1) Lamp 70 Watt Metal Halide Luminaire 91 LED R 45KIT-ACRN/SORR 45 341 Existing (1) Lamp 70 Watt Metal Halide Luminaire 91 LED R 45KIT-CONT 45 40 Existing (1) Lamp 70 Watt High Pressure Sodium Luminaire 91 LED R 45KIT-CONT 45 391 Existing (1) Lamp 70 Watt Metal Halide Luminaire 91 LED R 45KIT-CONT 45 93 Existing (1) Lamp 100 Watt Metal Halide Luminaire 129 LED R 45KIT-ACRN/SORR 45 17 Existing (2) Lamp 70 Watt Metal Halide Luminaire 182 LED R 2-45KIT-ACRN/SORR 90 11 Existing (2) Lamp 70 Watt Metal Halide Luminaire 182 LED R 2-45KIT-ACRN/SORR 90 53 Existing (2) Lamp 70 Watt Metal Halide Luminaire 182 LED R 2-45KIT-CONT 90 35 Existing (2) Lamp 70 Watt Metal Halide Luminaire 182 LED R 2-45KIT-CONT 90 5 Existing (2) Lamp 100 Watt Metal Halide Luminaire 258 LED R 2-45KIT-ACRN/SORR 90 449 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 88 EV Charging & Infrastructure Public Safety Complex After reviewing Dublin’s plans for vehicle replacement in 2021-2025 from the EBCE Fleet Electrification report, Willdan proposes the installation of (6) Level 2 chargers to handle vehicle charging and (1) 220V outlet for motorcycle charging to handle the imminent replacements in 2021-2022. The existing (5) charging ports at the PSC are not behind the existing fence, and therefore would need to be shared with the public. To ensure adequate charging opportunities, the proposed chargers will go behind the gate and will be dedicated to the Police fleet. Willdan will also create (9) other “EV Capable” Police spaces to account for the additional fleet electrification by 2025 (mostly motorcycles). In this case, electrical infrastructure and solar production are sized and installed to handle this additional load without major alterations in the near future. When the time is ready to install the charging stations themselves, the infrastructure needed to support the above-ground stations will already be installed as part of this project. All EV Chargers would be installed behind a new meter on PG&E’s BEV-1 rate, which is advantageous for EV charging, and demand charges sold in blocks. Willdan will install a 136 kWdc solar PV system targeted to produce 212,000 kWh/year to offset the use of the PSC and the projected future EV charging loads. The system installed will be a T-shaped carport in the front of the lot and the roof on the south side of the building. 450 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 89 Dublin Sports Grounds After reviewing Dublin’s plans for vehicle replacement in 2021-2025 from the EBCE Fleet Electrification report, Willdan proposes the installation of (14) dual-port Level 2 chargers to provide electric vehicle charging to (28) spaces. Willdan will also install an additional 2 DC fast chargers to the scope as the site is a prime candidate for fast chargers given its close proximity to the main thoroughfare in Dublin and Interstate 580. Willdan will also create up to (42) other “EV Capable” spaces to account for the additional future vehicle electrification. This proportion of spaces is in line with Dublin’s Reach Code for 25% of parking spaces to be EV Capable. In this case, electrical infrastructure and solar production are sized and installed to handle this additional load without major alterations in the near future. When the time is ready to install the charging stations themselves, the infrastructure needed to support the above-ground stations will already be installed as part of this project. All EV Chargers would be installed behind a new meter on PG&E’s BEV-2 rate, which is advantageous for EV charging, and demand charges sold in blocks. Willdan will install a 200 kWdc solar PV system targeted to produce 321,000 kWh/year to offset the use of the projected future EV charging loads. EBCE calculated that the load from public charging would be roughly 277,000 kWh/year from the charging of 20 Nissan Leafs for hrs/day. Willdan took this information and further increased the solar PV generation to target 321,000 kWh annually, to account for the DCFCs that are also being proposed. This breaks down to 1,000 hrs/charger per year, which is between 2-3 hours of average use per day. The system installed will be a T-shaped carport in the DSG parking lot. 451 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 90 Rebates & Incentives The Willdan team is leveraging three main sources of incentives and rebates for this project to reduce up-front capital costs: PG&E’s 3rd Party Public Sector Energy Efficiency Program, PG&E’s Custom/Deemed Rebates, and the SGIP. The first opportunity for incentives is PG&E’s Public Sector Energy Efficiency Program, run by Willdan. This program offers incentives for customers within the public sector to retrofit their existing lighting and mechanical equipment with more energy efficient equipment. While PG&E’s Custom/Deemed Rebates and SGIP are not implemented by Willdan, Willdan will facilitate the incentive application and approval processes on the City’s behalf. Additionally, there is the potential for future partnering opportunities with EBCE, which may result in an additional source of funding for these projects. Pacific Gas & Electric Public Energy Efficiency Program Incentives Some interior and exterior lighting opportunities in the City of Dublin are eligible for PG&E’s custom incentive program for government and K-12 facilities. These incentives are paid out for eligible measures based on the energy saved and the total project cost for installing new qualifying LED fixtures. The LED fixtures must be Design Light Consortium (DLC) certified, and greater than a specified lumens per watt (LPW) to qualify for incentive. The incentive amount is calculated through a deemed savings tool that accounts for the energy reduction based on assumed fixture run hours, reduction in wattage between old and new fixtures, and the type of lamp being upgraded. De-lamping is not eligible for incentive. Pacific Gas & Electric Custom and Deemed Rebates In addition to the public program energy efficiency incentives described above, PG&E offers deemed upstream rebates for several measures. Qualifying new high efficiency HVAC units are eligible to receive incentive based on their tonnage, type, and efficiency. The incentive amount is calculated on $/ton basis. The new boiler at the Library also falls under this program’s custom incentives. These incentives are paid directly to the manufacturer, but they still reduce the overall cost of the project. For more information on PG&E’s deemed rebates, please visit their website at https://www.pge.com/en_US/large- business/save-energy-and-money/facility-improvement/custom-retrofit.page?WT.mc_id=Vanity_customized. Battery and Energy Storage System Incentives California’s SGIP is the best option for incentives. The 2021 SGIP, Step 4 incentive is $0.30/Wh for Energy Storage Systems (ESS) not claiming a federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), Larger projects, such as this one, that are greater than 10 kW will receive 50% upfront and the rest paid each year as a Performance-Based Incentive (PBI) over a 5- year period. The methodology for calculating an SGIP incentive is dynamic and based on several factors, including the hourly duration of the ESS, the total energy capacity (kWh) of the ESS, for PBI projects if the ESS cycles at least 104 full discharges per year. The sum of the SGIP incentive and other incentives received for the project may not exceed the total eligible project costs. 452 | Investment Grade Engineering Audit | Page 91 The following table captures the approximate BESS sizes and the estimated incentive amounts for this project. T ABLE 26. E STIMATED SGIP INCENTIVES Location System Size (kW/kWh) Incentive (Paid over 5 years) Civic Center 32kW/64kWh $19,040 The Wave 500kW/1100kWh $312,375 Corp. Yard 100kW/165kWh $25,894 Senior Center 100kW/165kWh $25,894 Total - $383,203 For more information on SGIP, please visit their website at https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/sgip/. Disclaimer The incentives and rebate estimates in this report have been reviewed for technical accuracy and are believed to be reasonable and accurate, however, for factors beyond our control including project delays, actual results may differ. As a result, Willdan is not liable if projected incentives and rebates are not actually achieved. The incentive and rebate offerings are not to be construed either as firm or guaranteed. As PG&E’s incentive programs have been newly refreshed for 2021, Willdan is still verifying measure and site eligibility to confirm actual incentive amounts. Throughout this process Willdan will work with the City of Dublin to secure the maximum possible incentives & rebates, which will be paid directly to the City where applicable. 453 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 1 Appendices Appendices Attached – Further Information: Table of Contents Appendix A- HVAC & Controls Upgrades........................................................2 HVAC Controls Data Sheets ……………………………………………………………………………… 3 Mechanical Equipment Selections ……………………………………………………………….. 12 HVAC Drawings ……………………………………………………………………………….………………… 69 Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade...............................70 Upgrade Interior and Exterior Lighting to LED……………………………………………… 71 Streetlights ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 88 Appendix C - Traffic Signal Resiliency............................................................90 Battery Backup Systems …………………………………………………………………………………... 91 Hydrogen Fuel Cell ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 101 Dublin Traffic Signal Resiliency Memo …………………………………………………………. 102 Appendix D - Emergency Generators..........................................................119 Appendix E - Measurement & Verification (M&V) Plan ..............................147 Measurement & Verification Plan ……………………………………………………………….. 148 Please note that the content provided within the following sections has been used as a basis of design and is not considered final. Final submittals will be provided to the City for approval prior to procurement of materials. 454 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 2 Appendix A- HVAC & Controls Upgrades 455 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 3 HVAC Controls Data Sheets 456 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 4 457 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 5 458 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 6 459 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 7 460 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 8 461 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 9 462 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 10 463 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 11 464 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 12 Mechanical Equipment Selections Fire Station 17 465 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 13 466 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 14 467 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 15 468 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 16 469 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 17 470 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 18 Fire Station 18 471 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 19 472 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 20 473 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 21 474 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 22 475 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 23 476 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 24 Heritage Park & Museums 477 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 25 478 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 26 479 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 27 480 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 28 481 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 29 Senior Center 482 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 30 483 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 31 484 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 32 485 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 33 486 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 34 487 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 35 488 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 36 489 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 37 490 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 38 491 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 39 492 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 40 493 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 41 494 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 42 495 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 43 496 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 44 497 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 45 498 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 46 499 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 47 500 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 48 Civic Center 501 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 49 502 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 50 503 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 51 504 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 52 505 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 53 506 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 54 507 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 55 508 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 56 509 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 57 510 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 58 511 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 59 512 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 60 513 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 61 514 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 62 515 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 63 516 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 64 517 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 65 518 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 66 519 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 67 Boiler - Library 520 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 68 521 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 69 522 | Appendix A – HVAC & Controls Upgrades| Page 70 HVAC Drawings 523 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 71 Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade 524 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 72 Upgrade Interior and Exterior Lighting to LED Many facilities in the City have not yet been upgraded to LED (light emitting diode) technology, instead relying on outdated and inefficient fluorescent, metal halide, or incandescent lamps for illumination. Through a competitive bidding process, Willdan selected Envocore as the lighting partner for upgrading internal and external fixtures, as well as park lighting. Willdan & our lighting partner conducted a detailed lighting audit for each of the facilities to determine the appropriate fixture replacements, provide turn- key installation pricing with guaranteed energy cost savings. The fixture selections are based on current space lighting density, space density requirement, existing fixture type, and several other factors, with an end goal of proper lighting conditions and increased energy efficiency for the facility. The table below shows the estimated yearly energy savings for the facilities audited. T ABLE 1. L IGHTING E NERGY S AVINGS Building Lighting Type Total kW Saved Total kWh Saved Dublin Library Interior 24.38 57,183 Dublin Library Exterior 0.35 15,540 Alamo Creek Park Interior 0.06 459 Alamo Creek Park Exterior 0.05 2,102 Corporation Yard and Maintenance Facility Interior 1.31 3,367 Corporation Yard and Maintenance Facility Exterior 0.02 675 Dolan Park Exterior 0.26 2,277 Emerald Glen Park Interior 0.06 478 Emerald Glen Park Exterior 1.41 61,567 Fallon Sports Park Interior 0.13 2,418 Fallon Sports Park Exterior 0.82 36,085 Fire Station #16 Interior 1.97 8,338 Fire Station #16 Exterior 0.09 4,043 Fire Station #17 Interior 6.66 24,126 Fire Station #17 Exterior 0.04 1,699 Fire Station #18 Interior 4.73 18,415 Fire Station #18 Exterior 0.10 4,203 Heritage Park & Museums Interior 0.22 524 525 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 73 Building Lighting Type Total kW Saved Total kWh Saved Heritage Park & Museums Exterior 0.15 6,662 Senior Center Interior 8.00 23,481 Senior Center Exterior 0.38 16,451 Shannon Community Center Interior 8.75 31,095 Shannon Community Center Exterior 0.22 9,618 Shannon Park Interior 0.11 488 Shannon Park Exterior 0.02 1,077 Ted Fairfield Park Interior 0.16 349 Ted Fairfield Park Exterior 0.43 18,763 The Wave Aquatic Center Interior 7.05 33,497 The Wave Aquatic Center Exterior 0.02 920 Interior Lighting Totals Interior 63.61 204,219 Exterior Lighting Totals Exterior 4.37 181,682 Lighting retrofits are an economical solution that involves reusing the existing fixtures and replacing the fluorescent lamps with LED tubes. To do this, several modifications must be made to the fixture. The existing ballasts (magnetic or electric) will be removed, eliminating maintenance concerns due to replacing these failure-prone devices. In some instances, the tombstones or sockets must be replaced to accommodate the new LED tubes. Lastly, the fluorescent lamps are removed and replaced with LED tubes. Performing an LED retrofit offers a significant improvement when compared to the existing fluorescent, HID, and incandescent technology. The first advantage is the minimized upfront cost in reusing the existing fixture housing where possible. Many of the observed fixtures during the audit appeared to be in good working condition. A good cleaning of both the pan and the lens can provide a solid foundation in which the new lamps can be installed. Most fluorescent lamps have a rated service life of around 25,000 hours. This means that over the life of the lamp, the light output is considerably less towards the end of its life compared to when initially installed. Most LED tubes are rated for an L70 life of over 50,000 hours. L70 refers to the expected life of the LED tube at which the output will be 70% of its initial rating. With LEDs lasting more than twice as long as the existing fluorescent tubes, the overall appearance of brightness should be maintained throughout the life of the lamp more uniformly than with the fluorescent technology. With LEDs lasting more than twice as long as a standard fluorescent’s 25,000 hours, maintenance is minimized, allowing employees to focus efforts on other important tasks. The removal of the ballasts minimizes the amount of time and resources spent to replace these pieces of equipment. Lasting 526 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 74 upwards of 50,000 hours, the lamps will not need attention for many years after the fluorescent lamp would have needed attention. In addition to interiors, Envocore surveyed both building exterior lighting and park walkway lighting. Well-designed outdoor lighting is cost-effective, controls light by directing it where it is needed, reduces glare, distributes illumination evenly, and reduces light trespass. The most common lamps used for outdoor lighting are HID metal halide, high-pressure sodium, and mercury vapor lamps, which is what is currently installed in some of the City’s building exteriors and parks. 527 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 75 528 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 76 529 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 77 530 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 78 531 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 79 532 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 80 533 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 81 534 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 82 535 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 83 536 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 84 537 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 85 538 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 86 539 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 87 540 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 88 541 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 89 Streetlights 542 | Appendix B – LED Lighting & Lighting Controls Upgrade| Page 90 543 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 91 Appendix C - Traffic Signal Resiliency 544 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 92 Battery Backup Systems 545 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 93 546 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 94 547 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 95 548 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 96 549 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 97 550 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 98 551 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 99 552 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 100 553 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 101 554 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 102 Hydrogen Fuel Cell 555 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 103 556 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 104 Dublin Traffic Signal Resiliency Memo 557 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 105 558 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 106 559 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 107 560 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 108 561 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 109 562 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 110 563 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 111 564 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 112 565 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 113 566 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 114 567 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 115 568 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 116 569 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 117 570 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 118 571 | Appendix C – Traffic Signal Resiliency| Page 119 572 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 120 Appendix D - Emergency Generators 573 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 121 Library 574 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 122 575 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 123 576 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 124 577 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 125 578 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 126 579 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 127 580 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 128 581 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 129 582 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 130 583 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 131 Shannon Community Center 584 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 132 585 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 133 586 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 134 587 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 135 588 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 136 589 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 137 590 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 138 591 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 139 Fire Station 16 592 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 140 593 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 141 Fire Station 17 594 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 142 595 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 143 Fire Station 18 596 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 144 597 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 145 598 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 146 599 | Appendix D – Emergency Generators| Page 147 600 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 148 Appendix E - Measurement & Verification (M&V) Plan 601 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 149 Measurement & Verification Plan The Measurement & Verification (M&V) Plan provides a detailed explanation of the process for quantifying savings delivered by an Energy Conservation Measure (ECM). This provides a degree of objectivity that is absent if the savings are simply evaluated after the implementation. M&V demonstrates how much energy the ECM has avoided using, rather than the total cost saved. The latter can be affected by many factors, such as energy prices. The M&V process enables the energy savings delivered by the ECM to be isolated and fairly evaluated. The plan proposed in this report is subject to change based on the energy conservation measures selected for the implemented project. The intent of each M&V option is to accurately identify, and report savings generated as part of the ECM without incurring excess cost to the customer in obtaining those measurements. This report identifies the methodologies to be executed when performing the proposed International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) options related to the ECMs to be implemented at each facility. Proposed Annual Savings Overview One of the key goals of this project is to achieve energy savings through upgrades to facility mechanical and HVAC infrastructure, improvements to the controls and associated sequences, lighting of interior and exterior spaces as well as select sporting fields, installation of solar photovoltaic generation equipment with battery storage, upgrading streetlights throughout the city to LED, and other miscellaneous improvements. When selecting an appropriate method for measuring energy savings using the IPMVP options, all ECMs for a given facility should be considered to ensure that interactive energy components are properly addressed. As such, the below table has broken the project energy savings into either their associated facility, or an appropriate grouping for locations that are not defined by a physical structure. T ABLE 2. F ACILITY A NNUAL S AVINGS O VERVIEW Building/Location ECM Cost Savings ($) Civic Center Solar PV $53,800 HVAC & Controls $31,100 Lighting (Exterior & Interior)$21,700Dublin Library Solar PV $43,500 Lighting (Exterior & Interior)$800 Corporation Yard & Maintenance Facility Solar PV $17,100 602 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 150 Building/Location ECM Cost Savings ($) HVAC & Controls $4,600 Lighting (Exterior & Interior)$9,900Senior Center Solar PV $13,400 HVAC & Controls $1,100 Heritage Park & Museums Lighting (Exterior & Interior)$1,100 HVAC & Controls $500 Shannon Community Center Lighting (Exterior & Interior)$500 HVAC & Controls $1,400 Fire Station #16 Lighting (Exterior & Interior)$3,000 HVAC & Controls $1,500 Lighting (Exterior & Interior)$4,500Fire Station #17 Solar PV $9,200 HVAC & Controls $600 Lighting (Exterior & Interior)$3,000Fire Station #18 Solar PV $4,300 Lighting (Exterior & Interior)$4,200 The Wave Aquatic Center Solar PV $154,000 Alamo Creek Park Lighting (Exterior & Interior)$600 Dolan Park Lighting (Exterior)$400 Lighting (Exterior & Interior)$7,700 Lighting (Sports Fields)$7,400Fallon Sports Park Solar PV $20,800 Shannon Park Lighting (Exterior & Interior)$300 Ted Fairfield Park Lighting (Exterior & Interior)$3,900 Lighting (Exterior & Interior)$12,500 Emerald Glen Park Lighting (Sports Fields)$1,900 Lighting (Sports Fields)$2,800 Dublin Sports Grounds Park & Ballfield EV Charging & Solar PV $41,000 Dublin Public Safety Complex EV Charging & Solar PV $27,000 603 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 151 Building/Location ECM Cost Savings ($) Kolb Park & Ballfield Lighting (Sports Fields)$900 Streetlight Special District LED Conversion $58,000 Total $570,000 M&V Methodology Selection Willdan strives to utilize the method of measurement and verification that is the best balance of cost and benefit to the customer by adhering to the recommendations of the IPMVP. The method selected for each ECM allows for objective and quantifiable energy savings to be achieved without incurring excessive cost to the customer. This is accomplished by verifying the installation and operation of equipment during post-installation, and utilizing existing metering devices, so that reasonable assumptions can be made for establishing agreed upon baselines, operating hours, and equipment load profiles. The following table outlines the most effective M&V option that will be utilized for each ECM proposed. If significant modifications are made to the scope of work at a given facility, the M&V option will be modified appropriately and defined before the onset of the savings agreement. T ABLE 3. P ROPOSED M&V M ETHODOLOGY BY ECM Building/Location ECM M&V Option*Summary of M&V Selection Civic Center Solar PV B Installed meter used to verify kWh generation. HVAC & Controls LightingDublin Library Solar PV C Significant energy savings from multiple ECMs in one building best. Lighting A Isolated measurement of energy at device.Corporation Yard & Maintenance Facility Solar PV B Installed meter used to verify kWh generation. HVAC & Controls Stipulated Small savings amount from this measure. Lighting A Isolated measurement of energy at deviceSenior Center Solar PV B Installed meter used to verify kWh generation. HVAC & Controls Stipulated Small savings amount from this measure.Heritage Park & Museums Lighting A Isolated measurement of energy at device. Shannon Community HVAC & Controls Stipulated Small savings amount from this measure. 604 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 152 Building/Location ECM M&V Option*Summary of M&V Selection Center Lighting A Isolated measurement of energy at device. HVAC & Controls Stipulated Small savings amount from this measure. Fire Station #16 Lighting A Isolated measurement of energy at device. HVAC & Controls Stipulated Small savings amount from this measure. Lighting A Isolated measurement of energy at device.Fire Station #17 Solar PV B Installed meter used to verify kWh generation. HVAC & Controls Stipulated Small savings amount from this measure. Lighting A Isolated measurement of energy at device.Fire Station #18 Solar PV B Installed meter used to verify kWh generation. Lighting A Isolated measurement of energy at device.The Wave Aquatic Center Solar PV B Installed meter used to verify kWh generation. Alamo Creek Park Lighting A Isolated measurement of energy at device. Dolan Park Lighting A Isolated measurement of energy at device. Lighting A Isolated measurement of energy at device. Lighting (Sports Fields)Stipulated Small savings amount from this measure.Fallon Sports Park Solar PV B Installed meter used to verify kWh generation. Shannon Park Lighting A Isolated measurement of energy at device. Ted Fairfield Park Lighting A Isolated measurement of energy at device. Lighting A Isolated measurement of energy at device. Emerald Glen Park Lighting (Sports Fields)Stipulated Small savings amount from this measure. Lighting (Sports Fields)Stipulated Small savings amount from this measure. Dublin Sports Grounds Park & Ballfield EV Charging & Solar PV Stipulated To be determined upon completion of design and detailed analysis. Dublin Public Safety Complex EV Charging & Solar PV Stipulated To be determined upon completion of design and detailed analysis. Kolb Park & Ballfield Lighting (Sports Fields)Stipulated Small savings amount from this measure. Streetlight Special District LED Conversion with Controls Stipulated Customer charged for installed fixture, not usage. Cost savings achieved through installation. * M&V options include A, B, C, and D. Guidelines include M&V Guidelines: Measurement & Verification for Federal Energy Projects, Version 4.0, May 2015 (www.eere.energy.gov/femp/financing/superespcs_mvresources.cfm); and International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP), Volume I, January 2012 (www.ipmvp.org ). Each of these M&V options will be explained in more detail in following sections. 605 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 153 Whole Project Data/Global Assumptions UTILITY RATES USED IN SAVINGS CALCULATIONS The utility rates listed in the table below will be used to determine: The amount of dollar savings achieved each year for purposes of measuring the program’s performance relative to the Energy Savings Guarantee and the dollar amount that the ESCO shall compensate the Customer in the event that there is an energy savings shortfall. The rates shown are based on rate structures provided for the facilities included in the energy savings project. T ABLE 4. U TILITY R ATE S CHEDULES Utility Rate Program Year Electric Consumption ($/kWh)Natural Gas Consumption ($/Therm) Peak Summer $0.322 Part-Peak Summer $0.273 Off-Peak Summer $0.252 Peak Winter $0.247 Off-Peak Winter $0.231 Schedule B-1 0 Super Off-Peak Winter $0.214 Peak Summer $0.355 Off-Peak Summer $0.237 Peak Winter $0.248 Off-Peak Winter $0.228 Schedule B-6 0 Super Off-Peak Winter $0.211 Peak Summer $0.268 Part-Peak Summer $0.207 Off-Peak Summer $0.174 Peak Winter $0.192 Off-Peak Winter $0.157 Schedule B-10 0 Super Off-Peak Winter $0.120 Peak Summer $0.363 Part-Peak Summer $0.180 Off-Peak Summer $0.119 Schedule B-19 0 Peak Winter $0.158 $1.240 606 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 154 Utility Rate Program Year Electric Consumption ($/kWh)Natural Gas Consumption ($/Therm) Off-Peak Winter $0.116 Super Off-Peak Winter $0.080 All Rates Future Years Year zero rate adjusted for current year’s CPI or future year’s actual rate, whichever is greater. PERFORMANCE PERIOD RATE ADJUSTMENTS Utility rates used during the performance period for the purposes of quantifying dollar savings achieved each year in measuring the program’s performance relative to the Energy Savings Guarantee are the greater of the following: 1. Year zero rate adjusted for current year’s CPI 2. Future year’s actual rate UTILITY RATE BY LOCATION The table below associates the utility schedules identified above with the facility or location to which that rate will be applied when determining the dollar savings achieved during the measurement and verification phase of the project. This is based on the current rate schedules charged by the utility provider and are subject to change should the rate schedule change before the onset of the savings agreement. T ABLE 5. U TILITY R ATE S CHEDULE BY L OCATION Building/Location Utility Rate Civic Center B-19 Dublin Library B-6 Corporation Yard & Maintenance Facility B-1 Senior Center B-1 Heritage Park & Museums B-1 Shannon Community Center B-6 Fire Station #16 B-6 Fire Station #17 B-6 Fire Station #18 B-6 The Wave Aquatic Center B-10 Alamo Creek Park B-6 Dolan Park B-6 607 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 155 Building/Location Utility Rate Fallon Sports Park B-6 Shannon Park B-6 Ted Fairfield Park B-6 Emerald Glen Park B-10 Dublin Sports Grounds Park & Ballfield B-6 Kolb Park & Ballfield B-6 Option A – M&V Plan and Savings Calculation Methods DESCRIPTION OF ECM TYPES MEASURED This ECM upgrades the lighting systems in 14 City of Dublin, California locations. Existing standard- efficiency lighting fixtures will be upgraded to include energy-efficient LED components. The energy cost reduction is due to lowering the power requirement (kW) and associated kWh of the lighting fixtures through the use of efficient lighting equipment. Replacing existing lamps and ballasts with new equipment will virtually eliminate the material cost of spot re-lamping for several years. M&V GUIDELINE AND OPTION The Measurement and Verification (M&V) methodology to be employed for this project is consistent with Option A as described in the U.S. Department of Energy Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) publication, M&V Guidelines: Measurement and Verification for Federal Energy Projects, Version 4.0. M&V ACTIVITIES The intent of this M&V Plan is to verify that the lighting fixtures operate and perform as specified in the Final Proposal. 1. Baseline Measurements: The Baseline for this ECM was developed by a thorough and detailed audit of the lighting equipment installed in the individual buildings. The audit produced a room-by-room list of existing lighting systems and measured light levels (where readings could be taken). Baseline fixture wattage is based on spot measurement of a sample of fixtures within each electrically significant fixture configuration. Lighting burn hours are based on typical hours by space room type. The sample sizes for the spot measurement and logging are selected to achieve a precision level of 20% and a confidence level of 80% according to Table D.2 in the FEMP M&V Guidelines. 2. Post-Installation Measurements: 608 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 156 Post-Installation fixture wattage measurements will be taken to achieve a precision level of 20% and a confidence level of 80% according to Table D.2 in the FEMP M&V Guidelines. Post-Installation light level readings will be taken where possible to ensure sufficient lighting exists in areas that have been retrofitted. Lighting burn hours will be consistent with the baseline assumptions and will not be measured. 3. Savings Calculations and Report: The room-by-room savings calculations will be updated Post-Installation to reflect the actual count of fixtures upgraded as part of this ECM, the actual equipment installed, and updated fixture wattage measurements. This file will be updated one time and the results will be reported in the M&V Report. SCHEDULE OF M&V ACTIVITIES T ABLE 6. M&V A CTIVITY S CHEDULE Activity / Event When it Occurs Comments BASELINE PERIOD – 12-month period within the 24-month period immediately preceding the Construction Period Baseline Measurements & Data Collection IGA Phase Lighting inventory and utilization data CONSTRUCTION PERIOD – Period when project/ECMs are being implemented and commissioned Baseline Power Measurements During Construction Period, due prior to Installation of new lighting Lighting power measurements Baseline Documentation Submittal (Baseline Report) During Construction Period, due prior to Performance Period Baseline survey and baseline calculation results POST-INSTALLATION PERIOD – Period between substantial completion of ECM and Performance Period Post-Installation measurements & Data Collection Between substantial completion of ECM and Performance Period Lighting power measurements PERFORMANCE PERIOD – Period after construction completion (all ECMs) through the term of the Guarantee Calculation of savings achieved During the performance period prior to first semi-annual report Post-Installation measurements and Post-Installation calculation results Final M&V Report 24 months after construction Guarantee will either be satisfied, check will be written for entire performance period if savings shortfall exists, or modifications will be made to achieve guaranteed savings. GUARANTEED ENERGY SAVINGS CALCULATION METHODS The proposed high-efficiency LED lighting equipment requires less electric power (watts) than the existing lighting equipment, resulting in a significant reduction in energy consumption. Calculation of energy, demand, and cost savings are based on accepted engineering principles. Lighting energy savings are a summation of lighting fixture kW demand reduction and lighting fixture kWh consumption reduction. 609 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 157 A room-by-room lighting survey was conducted. Existing and proposed lighting system descriptions, operating schedules, and utility rate structures are inputs in the Excel spreadsheet. Annual energy savings and installation specific data was summarized in the program output. ENERGY BASELINE DEVELOPMENT The baseline is that set of parameters that describes the lighting energy and power during the baseline year for the lighting fixtures being retrofitted and/or replaced. An accurate measurement of Baseline is necessary to facilitate accurate measurement and verification of the Energy Savings Guarantee. Baseline conditions generally include physical, operational, and energy use data on the facility and systems. This section identifies baseline performance and operating factors that influence energy consumption, and how their values will be determined through observations and measurements. This Baseline shall be used to determine whether Actual Energy Savings exceeds or falls short of the Energy Savings Guarantee. VARIABLES AFFECTING BASELINE ENERGY USE: The Baseline performance factors include space light levels, fixture wattage (efficiency), and lighting fixture burn hours. BASELINE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE FACTORS: The Baseline system performance factors include space light levels, fixture wattage (efficiency), and lighting fixture burn hours. BASELINE DATA ANALYSIS: The data collected during the detailed energy study was input into an Excel spreadsheet. Field measured and logged data were used in the spreadsheet to accurately represent Baseline lighting system operating parameters. The following equations methodology was used to determine baseline electrical consumption and demand. 4.Fixture Energy Consumption: Samples of the most common fixture types will be measured to determine the fixture power consumption under actual operating conditions. LCB = ∑ Pre-Retrofit System Consumption Where, ∑ Pre-Retrofit System Consumption = ∑ (Measured Fixture Watts x Annual Operating Hours) LCB = Lighting Baseline Electrical Consumption (Lighting specific, Includes interior and exterior lighting) 5.Fixture Power Demand: LDB = ∑ Pre-Retrofit System Power x 12 months Where, ∑ Pre-Retrofit System Power = ∑ (Measured Fixture Watts x Diversity Factor) 610 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 158 LDB = Annual Lighting Baseline Electrical Demand (Lighting specific, Includes interior and exterior lighting) Diversity Factor = Percentage of time the fixtures are on when the peak demand is set (stipulated) STIPULATED VARIABLES: 6. Annual Operating Hours – Run hours for light fixtures will not be measured; operating hours are based on typical hours of occupancy for each space type. 7. Demand Factor – Demand Factor is stipulated based on typical probabilities that a given room type will be illuminated when the building’s peak demand is set for each month. 8. Coefficient of Performance of the cooling system – Published efficiency data is used for cooling systems in each building. Impact of this variable does not justify the cost to measure. 9. Heating System Efficiency – Published efficiency data is used for heating systems in each building. Impact of this variable does not justify the cost to measure. SAVINGS OR BASELINE ADJUSTMENTS: Not applicable. POST-INSTALLATION M&V ACTIVITIES INTENT OF POST-INSTALLATION M&V ACTIVITIES: The intent of the M&V Activities immediately preceding construction is to measure the energy savings performance of the measures under this M&V plan for the purposes of satisfying the energy savings guarantee. VARIABLES AFFECTING POST-INSTALLATION ENERGY: The Post-Installation performance factors include space light levels, fixture wattage (efficiency), and lighting fixture burn hours. POST-INSTALLATION DATA TO BE COLLECTED: The light fixture electricity demand will be measured of each unique lighting fixture type at random locations to achieve a precision level of 20% and a confidence level of 80% according to Table D.2 in the FEMP M&V Guidelines. The electricity demand measurements for the sample of fixtures will be extrapolated to similar fixture types within each specific population. Light levels will be measured in similar locations in the same rooms as those taken during the detailed energy study. The savings spreadsheet will be updated to reflect actual lighting fixture counts, the specific retrofits performed, and the measured Post-Installation fixture wattage. The fixture burn hours will not be measured, but rather will be assumed based on building operation schedule and typical run hours by space type. The updated ECM calculation files will be provided as part of the Post-Installation Report. POST-INSTALLATION DATA ANALYSIS: 611 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 159 The Post-Installation calculations will be updated to reflect the results of the Commissioning and Post- Installation M&V effort. These calculations will determine actual savings achieved relative to the guarantee. PERFORMANCE PERIOD VERIFICATION ACTIVITIES: No Performance Period M&V Activities will be performed by Willdan other than reporting of achieved energy savings. Energy savings achieved for the purposes of measurement and verification of energy savings will be determined based on one-time post-installation measurements. M&V REPORTING Willdan will provide an annual M&V report at least one year following project completion. The Annual M&V Report will be provided within 60 days of the end of the 12-month performance period. M&V reports will contain the savings associated with this M&V plan. VARIABLES AFFECTING PERFORMANCE PERIOD ENERGY USE AND SAVINGS For the purposes of the City of Dublin maintaining the energy savings performance during the performance period, it is important the City of Dublin understands that building usage and lighting system run hours need remain consistent from the Baseline Period through the Performance Period to maintain savings levels. Furthermore, energy-efficient lamps need to be installed when any of the existing lamps and ballasts burn out to maintain savings. For the purposes of measurement and verification of energy savings and the energy savings guarantee, the post-installation measurements and energy savings results will be used to determine performance period energy savings. PROPOSED ENERGY SAVING CALCULATIONS AND METHODOLOGY ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY: The proposed energy consumption was developed by modifying the existing fixture types and Baseline fixture wattage on the Excel spreadsheet with anticipated Post-Installation values (manufacturer data). Lighting burn hours remained constant for Baseline and Post-Installation scenarios. The first-year energy savings is the difference between the energy used by the Baseline and Post-Installation systems. ASSUMPTIONS AND DATA SOURCES: 1. Lighting fixture electricity demand was measured for a sample of electrically significant fixture configurations and extrapolated by fixture type to all fixtures falling in the specific population. Post-Installation fixture electricity demand was based on manufacturer data. The Post-Installation fixture electricity demand will be measured for a sample of fixtures and the calculations updated to reflect the measurements following installation. 2. Lighting fixture burn hours were based on typical hours of occupancy for each space type. 3. Existing light levels (lumens) meet IES recommendations 612 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 160 ENERGY SAVINGS CALCULATIONS The following equations methodology was used to determine electrical consumption savings. 10. Lighting Energy Savings: LCS(kWh) = LCB – LCP Where, LCB = Baseline lighting consumption (kWh) LCP = Proposed lighting consumption (kWh) LCB = FWB x OPHRS / 1,000 LCP = FWP x OPHRS /1,000 FWB = Baseline Fixture Watts (measured parameter) FWP = Post-retrofit Fixture Watts (measured parameter) OPHRS = Fixture Annual Operating Hours (stipulated values) 11. Determination of Dollars Saved: Total Annual $ Savings = ∑ (Energy/Demand Savings x Contractual Energy/Demand Rates) Where: Contractual Energy Rates = Utility rates defined in earlier sections Option B– M&V Plan and Savings Calculation Methods DESCRIPTION OF ECM TYPES MEASURED The ECMs included all involve the installation of solar photovoltaic energy generation systems at 8 locations around the City of Dublin, and battery storage with optional generator backup at select locations. Specifically, the energy savings is achieved through the generation of electrical energy by the photovoltaic systems as a result of solar energy being converted to electrical potential. It is the savings generated by the PV systems that is considered in this M&V plan. Savings achieved through battery storage is not included as part of the M&V savings guarantee. M&V GUIDELINE AND OPTION The Measurement and Verification (M&V) methodology to be employed for this project is consistent with Option B as described in the U.S. Department of Energy Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) publication, M&V Guidelines: Measurement and Verification for Federal Energy Projects, Version 4.0. M&V ACTIVITIES The intent of this M&V Plan is to verify that the solar PV array produces electrical energy and performs as specified in the final energy agreement. 12. Baseline Measurements: 613 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 161 The power generated by the to-be-installed solar PV array will be measured by a meter installed at the equipment level. Since the equipment does not exist prior to the implementation of the project, there is no baseline to measure. Certain locations already have solar PV arrays, and the generation of these arrays has been considered in the baseline when sizing the future arrays, but will not be measured in the performance period. 13. Post-Installation Measurements: Post-Installation generated wattage measurements will be recorded by data acquisition meters installed on the equipment. These measurements will be recorded for at least 30 days deemed to be considered typical. 14. Savings Calculations and Report: Based upon the measurements taken during the post-installation performance period, the energy generated by the solar PV array will be calculated and extrapolated to represent the energy generation expected of the installed system for the annual performance period. These savings will be provided in the annual M&V report. SCHEDULE OF M&V ACTIVITIES T ABLE 7. M&V A CTIVITY S CHEDULE Activity / Event When it Occurs Comments BASELINE PERIOD – N/A Baseline Measurements & Data Collection IGA Phase Awaiting installation of Solar PV array CONSTRUCTION PERIOD – Period when project/ECMs are being implemented and commissioned Baseline Power Measurements During Construction Period, due prior to Installation of new Solar PV None POST-INSTALLATION PERIOD – Period between substantial completion of ECM and Performance Period Post-Installation measurements & Data Collection Between substantial completion of ECM and Performance Period System commissioned and confirmed that expected energy generation is achieved as designed. PERFORMANCE PERIOD – Period after construction completion (all ECMs) through the term of the Guarantee Calculation of savings achieved During the performance period prior to first semi-annual report Post-Installation measurements and Post-Installation calculation results Final M&V Report 24 months after construction Guarantee will either be satisfied, check will be written for entire performance period if savings shortfall exists, or modifications will be made to achieve guaranteed savings. 614 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 162 GUARANTEED ENERGY SAVINGS CALCULATION METHODS The proposed solar photovoltaic arrays are designed to produce an expected amount of energy in kWh per year based on typical annual data. Calculation of energy, demand, and cost savings are based on accepted engineering principles. Solar energy savings are a summation of facility kW demand reduction and facility kWh consumption reduction. ENERGY BASELINE DEVELOPMENT Due to the method of energy savings and lack of baseline equipment, no baseline is required to be developed for this ECM. SAVINGS OR BASELINE ADJUSTMENTS: Not applicable. POST-INSTALLATION M&V ACTIVITIES INTENT OF POST-INSTALLATION M&V ACTIVITIES: The intent of the M&V Activities immediately preceding construction is to measure the energy savings performance of the measures under this M&V plan for the purposes of satisfying the energy savings guarantee. VARIABLES AFFECTING POST-INSTALLATION ENERGY: The Post-Installation performance factors include energy generated and time of energy generation. POST-INSTALLATION DATA TO BE COLLECTED: The solar energy generated (in kWh) will be measured at each solar installation throughout the city. The time of generation will also be recorded in order to correlate the energy generated with the associated offset of energy consumption reduction based on the utility rate at the site of generation. The weather and solar incidence will be considered during the period of measurement to ensure that it represents a typical period of solar production for the site in question. The updated ECM calculations will be provided as part of the M&V report. POST-INSTALLATION DATA ANALYSIS: The Post-Installation calculations will be updated to reflect the results of the Commissioning and Post- Installation M&V effort. These calculations will determine actual savings achieved relative to the guarantee. PERFORMANCE PERIOD VERIFICATION ACTIVITIES: Energy generation as measured by the data acquisition meter will be monitored during the performance period to inspect for anomalies. Should any erroneous data be discovered, investigation into the system 615 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 163 and measurement equipment will be performed to try and prevent future deficiencies. The period of measurement will be adjusted as needed, but will remain within the annual performance period. Energy savings achieved for the purposes of measurement and verification of energy savings will be determined based on short-term post-installation measurements taken at the installed data acquisition meter. M&V REPORTING Willdan will provide an annual M&V report at least one year following project completion. The Annual M&V Report will be provided within 60 days of the end of the 12-month performance period. M&V reports will contain the savings associated with this M&V plan. VARIABLES AFFECTING PERFORMANCE PERIOD ENERGY USE AND SAVINGS The generation of solar PV energy is accomplished without any interaction from the City of Dublin. The equipment should be maintained as prescribed by manufacturer specification, but so long as no structure or impediment is erected to block the absorption of solar energy from the photovoltaic array, energy should be generated as designed. For the purposes of measurement and verification of energy savings and the energy savings guarantee, the post-installation measurements and energy savings results will be used to determine performance period energy savings. PROPOSED ENERGY SAVING CALCULATIONS AND METHODOLOGY ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY: The proposed energy generated was developed by calculating the expected solar energy to be supplied to an array installed in the locations specified in the current design documentation. Considerations were made for solar incidence, typical weather, and potential shading sources. The same calculations will be utilized to calibrate the existing model and extrapolate annual electric generation, or savings, based on the measured quantities. ASSUMPTIONS AND DATA SOURCES: 1. The solar panel efficiencies are expected to not decay significantly during the performance period. 2. Time of use for solar levels and electrical rates are based on the utility rates provided and typical solar data. ENERGY SAVINGS CALCULATIONS The following equations methodology was used to determine electrical consumption generation/savings. The baseline consumption is considered 0 for all facilities with respect to this M&V measure. Only the power generated by solar PV arrays installed as part of the energy agreement will be considered in the savings calculation. 15. Solar Energy Generation: 616 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 164 SGS(kWh) = SGP - SGB Where, SGB = Baseline solar generation(kWh) SGP = Proposed solar generation(kWh) SGP= TMGP x TMPY TMGP= Typical Monthly Generated Power(measured parameter) TMPY= Typical Months Per Year (ratio of measured time period to a year) Assuming 30 days is used for the measurement period the ratio value for Typical Months Per year would result in the TMPY being 12.17months = 365 days / 30 days. 16. Determination of Dollars Saved: Total Annual $ Savings = ∑ (Energy Generated x Contractual Energy Rates) Where: Contractual Energy Rates = Utility rates defined in earlier section. Option C – M&V Plan and Savings Calculation Methods DESCRIPTION OF ECM TYPES MEASURED The Library in the City of Dublin has multiple ECMs each with significant energy impacts on the facility. Due to the magnitude of energy saving achieved through mechanical HVAC & Controls upgrades being proposed at the facility, it is expected that the energy savings of the other ECMs, particularly the lighting, will have interactive effects with this ECM and attempting to isolate and measure the savings achieved for this facility would be difficult and expensive. Instead, it is proposed that the measurement and verification be tracked at the main utility meter. Detailed write-ups of each ECM are included in the proposed energy conservation measures section of this report. M&V GUIDELINE AND OPTION The Measurement and Verification (M&V) methodology to be employed for this project is consistent with Option C as described in the U.S. Department of Energy Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) publication, M&V Guidelines: Measurement and Verification for Federal Energy Projects, Version 4.0. M&V ACTIVITIES The intent of this M&V Plan is to verify that the HVAC equipment and controls, lighting fixtures, and solar PV array operate and perform as specified in the final energy agreement. 17. Baseline Measurements: The baseline is that set of parameters that describes both the energy consumed in the Baseline Year and the conditions that caused that consumption to occur. This set of parameters includes utility 617 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 165 consumption, facility utilization information, energy-consuming equipment data, weather data and other information as may be necessary to describe the base year conditions. 18. Performance Period Measurements: Monthly utility consumption and demand will be obtained from the utility bills for each building during the performance period. Weather data will also be obtained for this same period to be used to weather-normalize the baseline period’s consumption. 19. Savings Calculations and Report: The savings calculations will be performed during the performance period. Results will be included in annual energy savings report at the conclusion of the M&V period. SCHEDULE OF M&V ACTIVITIES T ABLE 8. M&V A CTIVITY S CHEDULE Activity / Event When it Occurs Comments BASELINE PERIOD – 12-month period within the 24-month period immediately preceding the Construction Period Baseline Measurements & Data Collection IGA Phase CONSTRUCTION PERIOD – Period when project/ECMs are being implemented and commissioned Baseline Documentation Submittal (Baseline Report) During Construction Period, due prior to Performance Period Baseline survey and baseline calculation results POST-INSTALLATION PERIOD – Period between substantial completion of ECM and Performance Period Post-Installation measurements & Data Collection Between substantial completion of ECM and Performance Period Gather updated utility bills Calculate construction period savings Immediately preceding Construction period Savings realized for ECMs during construction PERFORMANCE PERIOD – Period after construction completion (all ECMs) through the term of the Guarantee Calculation of savings achieved During the performance period prior to first semi-annual report Monthly energy savings results Final M&V Report 24 months after construction Guarantee will either be satisfied, check will be written for entire performance period if savings shortfall exists, or modifications will be made to achieve guaranteed savings. GUARANTEED ENERGY SAVINGS CALCULATION METHODS Each unique ECM provides energy savings generally due to improved efficiency, eliminating parasitic losses (energy being used and wasted), lowering run hours for energy consuming equipment, and generation of electricity from solar PV. Detailed explanations of how each ECM saves energy is included in the ECM write-up section of the IGA Report. 618 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 166 A precise building energy simulation model – detailed to reflect the actual building footprint and construction, HVAC and other energy-consuming system, and calibrated to actual utility consumption – was used to quantify energy savings for the ECMs included in this M&V plan. Willdan performed building energy modeling using widely-accepted building energy simulation software called eQUEST. eQUEST uses the DOE2 (US Department of Energy) simulation engine and provides a graphical package to aid in constructing the building for the DOE2 environment. Once the building energy model was calibrated, the software has features to allow for parametric simulations of various system modifications to produce real-time changes in energy consumption. Changes to the model represent implementation of proposed ECMs. ECMs were implemented as parametric runs, or groups of component changes to the baseline inputs, to assess the energy savings of each ECM individually. ECM’s were run simultaneously to account for the interactive energy effects of the ECM combinations in each building. ENERGY BASELINE DEVELOPMENT The baseline is that set of parameters that describes both the energy consumed in the Baseline Year and the conditions that caused that consumption to occur. An accurate measurement of Baseline is necessary to facilitate accurate measurement and verification of the Energy Savings Guarantee. This set of parameters includes utility consumption and demand data, weather, building physical and thermal properties, energy consuming equipment and system parameters, space temperature setpoints and schedules, facility use and occupancy schedules, and other information as may be necessary to describe the base year conditions. VARIABLES AFFECTING BASELINE ENERGY USE: Any energy consuming device and of system connected to baseline energy meter affect energy use with respect the guarantee. These Baseline performance factors include, but are not limited to, weather, type and efficiency of equipment in use, equipment capacity, equipment quantity, equipment utilization, building’s physical construction, building utilization, and HVAC system operating parameters. BASELINE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE FACTORS: The Baseline system performance factors include, but are not limited to, weather, type and efficiency of equipment in use, equipment capacity, equipment quantity, equipment utilization, building’s physical construction, building utilization, and HVAC system operating parameters. BASELINE DATA ANALYSIS: Monthly utility consumption and demand will be obtained from the utility bills for the Guarantee Meters and this usage forms the basis of the energy baseline. The following equations methodology was used to determine baseline electrical consumption and demand: Baseline Energy Consumption (or Demand): Baseline Energy Consumption = ∑ Tracked Utility Meters’ Consumption ± Baseline Adjustments 619 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 167 Where, Baseline Adjustment = ∑ ± Routine Adjustment to reporting period conditions ± Non-Routine Adjustments to reporting-period conditions Routine Adjustments include, but are not limited to, weather and billing period length Non-Routine Adjustments include changes in key conditions from the baseline period to the reporting period, including, but no limited to, occupancy; hours of operation; changes to building function and use; changes to operation, capacity or quantity of equipment or systems within the facility; and additions to the building. BASELINE ADJUSTMENTS: 20. Causes for Routine Baseline Adjustment: Implicit in this measurement option is the necessity to account for the effects of changes in weather or billing period length from baseline period to the performance period so that the true savings (or cost avoidance) from the energy conservation measures can be assessed. Weather normalization will be employed to ensure that the impact of actual weather conditions is eliminated from the Energy Savings Guarantee calculations. Normalization used solely for the purpose of accurately accounting for the impact on Actual Energy Savings of the Scope of Work implemented in conjunction with the project. 21. Causes for Non-Routine Baseline Adjustment: Implicit in this measurement option is the necessity of identifying and accounting for the effects of changes to the facilities and conditions during the measurement period that are beyond the scope of the measures installed. During the measurement and verification period, all variables must have their energy impact accounted for if the true savings from the energy conservation measure is to be assessed. Following is a partial list of changes that will lead to adjusting the Baseline Energy Consumption: building additions changes in operating hours remodeling projects changes in usage patterns equipment replacements In the event that any non-routine adjustment is warranted because a change is made to the Customer’s Premises that will impact energy consumption, Willdan will utilize existing building models used to calculate Baseline Energy Consumption to update that Baseline Energy Consumption and determine the impact that any such change will have on Actual Energy Savings and present Customer a written analysis of the effects of the changes. Changes that are long-term or permanent will be reflected in a change to the Baseline Energy Consumption. Temporary changes that affect energy use will be calculated and added to the corresponding month(s) Actual Energy Savings. Any changes made by Willdan to the Baseline Energy Consumption or saving calculations shall be presented to Customer for approval. Customer shall have 30 days to protest recommended modifications in writing, after which time change will be considered accepted. If Customer protests any recommended modifications, Customer and Willdan will work together to establish mutually acceptable modifications based on accurate building models showing the impact of changes to facilities. MEASUREMENTS AND ADJUSTMENT METHODOLOGY: 22. Adjusted Baseline Year consumption is calculated as follows for each fuel type: 620 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 168 Adjusted Base Year Consumption = Weather Independent Consumption + Weather Dependent Consumption + Offset + Use and Modification Adjustments or Q = CD x (Ti – Ti-1) + CH x HDDi + CC x CDDi + Oi ± ∑Mi = Eb (electric usage) Q = CD x (Ti – Ti-1) + CH x HDDi + CC x CDDi + Oi ± ∑Mi = NGb (natural gas usage) Where: Q = adjusted base year consumption CD = a constant representing units of consumption per billing period day as calculated by model Ti = ending date of current billing period Ti-1= ending date of previous billing period CH = a constant representing units of consumption per heating degree day as calculated by model HDDi = heating degree days in the current billing period CC = a constant representing units of consumption per cooling degree day as calculated by model CDDi = cooling degree days in the current billing period Oi = offset for the current billing period Mi = other adjustments for the current billing period 23. Adjusted base year demand is calculated with a slightly different formula as follows: Adjusted Base Year Demand = Weather Independent Demand + Weather Dependent Demand + Offset + Use and Modification Adjustments or Db = DD x (Ti – Ti-1) + DH x HDDi / (Ti – Ti-1) + DC x CDDi / (Ti – Ti-1) + Oi ± ∑ Mi Where: Db = adjusted base year demand DD = a constant representing units of demand per billing period day as calculated by model DH = a constant representing units of demand per heating degree day as calculated by model DC = a constant representing units of demand per cooling degree day as calculated by model 24. Weather Independent Consumption: Because utility meters are not always read on the same day of the month, the number of days in a meter’s billing period frequently varies. The term, CD x (Ti – Ti-1), in the above equation is used to account for this difference, where Ti – Ti-1, gives the number of days in the guarantee year billing period. Thus, Weather Independent Consumption is the consumption per day times the number of days in the guarantee year billing period. The approach is identical for demand, except that the term DD is substituted for CD. 621 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 169 25. Weather Dependent Consumption: Change in weather between the base year and guarantee year periods is accounted for with the term, CH x HDDi + CC x CDDi . Weather Dependent Consumption is consumption per degree-day times the number of degree-days in the guarantee year billing period. The balance point temperatures used as the basis of degree day calculations shall be those that result in the best statistical fit, or highest R2 value. If the R2 value is lower than 0.65, the meter shall not be weather normalized. Demand is treated similarly. The exception being that degree-days per day is substituted for total degree-days. This provides a measure of average daily weather intensity. 26. Offset: Offset is that portion of the energy consumption that cannot be accounted for with the Weather Independent and Weather Dependent consumption. It is mostly attributable to seasonal changes in facility use such as summer shutdown and holidays. An Offset figure is defined for each billing period in the base year. Since the guarantee period may overlap two or more base year billing periods, the guarantee period offset will be the weighted average of the base year offset for the corresponding guarantee year period. Offset for the guarantee period is determined with this equation: Oi = O1 * dG1/dB1 + O2 * dG2/dB2 + … On * dGn/dBn Where: Oi = current guarantee period offset O1 = base year period 1 offset O2 = base year period 2 offset On = base year period n offset dG1 = days in guarantee period that overlap base year period 1 dG2 = days in guarantee period that overlap base year period 2 dGn = days in guarantee period that overlap base year period n dB1 = days in base year period 1 dB2 = days in base year period 2 dBn = days in base year period n n = number of base year periods overlapped by guarantee year period 27. Other Adjustments: Additional adjustments to the base year may be made to compensate for changes to the baseline. The total adjustment for any given period will be determined with this equation: Mi = Adj1 + Adj2 + … Adjn Where: Adj1, Adj2 and Adjn are all of the adjustments determined to be necessary for the guarantee period. The sign of the adjustment will be positive when the change will cause an increase in energy and the sign of the adjustment will be negative when the change will cause a decrease in energy. Willdan will provide an explanation of the derivation of these adjustments to Customer. 28. Adjustments Reporting and Approval: For Adjustments presented, the following procedure shall be followed: a. Customer will notify Willdan of planned changes in building use or function. b. Willdan and Customer will review the changes planned and determine if these changes are likely to cause a change in energy use. c. For changes to existing buildings that are metered, a linear regression will be performed to correlate heating- and cooling-degree days to the pre-change period’s energy usage for the 622 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 170 building, similar to the procedure performed to adjust the base year for weather. The post- change heating- and cooling-degree days will then be applied to the pre-change regression equation to determine what the post-change period’s use would have been if no change had occurred. The difference between this use and the period’s actual use will be, whether positive or negative, used as the adjustment, shown as term “M” in the equations in the Measurement and Adjustments Methodology section in this Schedule. d. If entire effect of the change is independently sub-metered, such as the addition of a building on an existing utility service, the sub-metered energy use for that building for each guarantee period will be used to determine the baseline adjustment, shown as term “M” in the equations in the Measurement and Adjustments Methodology section in this Schedule. e. If the method for determining adjustment described in the previous paragraph is agreed to be not appropriate or too complex for a specific adjustment by the Customer and Willdan, Customer and Willdan will develop a separate measurement and verification (M&V) plan to track the effect of the building change. f. If the changes occur at a time when the impact would affect a fraction of that year’s energy use for an existing building or system, the procedure described in the previous section will be performed separately for the year in which the change occurred and the subsequent year to accurately account for the effect of the change in both years. The subsequent year’s adjustment will then be used for all future years. POST-INSTALLATION M&V ACTIVITIES Performance period M&V activities will include energy savings tracking and reporting for a period no more than 18 months following substantial completion of measures relevant to the Option C guarantee. During this 18-month period, Willdan shall provide to Customer a savings report identifying the Actual Energy Savings achieved during the installation period as well as a period of 12 consecutive months during this period following Project Completion. In the event that the Actual Energy Savings is in excess of the Energy Savings Guarantee, the Energy Savings Guarantee shall be deemed satisfied. No further tracking shall be conducted by Willdan, nor shall any additional services be performed. INTENT OF POST-INSTALLATION M&V ACTIVITIES: The intent of the Performance Period verification activities is to quantify energy savings achieved at the meter level, ensuring that the ECMs installed by Willdan is performing as specified in the final energy agreement. VARIABLES AFFECTING POST-INSTALLATION ENERGY: Any energy consuming device and any system connected to a guaranteed energy meter affect energy use during the Performance Period. These Performance Period performance factors include, but are not limited to, weather, type and efficiency of equipment in use, equipment capacity, equipment quantity, equipment utilization, building’s physical construction, building utilization, and HVAC system operating parameters. POST-INSTALLATION DATA TO BE COLLECTED: Monthly utility data will be collected from the utility provider as facilitated by the owner. WITNESSING OF PERFORMANCE PERIOD MEASUREMENTS: 623 | Appendix E – Measurement & Verification Plan| Page 171 Regular post installation measurements will be taken directly from utility bills based on utility meters and obtained from weather station data; therefore, no regular post-installation measurements will be required. In the event that post-installation period measurements are needed for the purpose of calculating a baseline adjustment, Dublin staff are encouraged to participate in this measurement. POST-INSTALLATION DATA ANALYSIS: The Post-Installation calculations will be updated to reflect the results of the Commissioning and Post- Installation M&V effort. These calculations will determine actual savings achieved relative to the guarantee. PERFORMANCE PERIOD VERIFICATION ACTIVITIES: The First Year M&V Report will be provided between within 60 days of the end of the 12- to 18-month Period. M&V Reports will contain savings summary and details on proposed baseline adjustments. M&V REPORTING Willdan will provide an annual M&V report at least one year following project completion. The Annual M&V Report will be provided within 60 days of the end of the 12-month performance period. M&V reports will contain the savings associated with this M&V plan. VARIABLES AFFECTING PERFORMANCE PERIOD ENERGY USE AND SAVINGS Any energy consuming device and any system connected to a guaranteed energy meter affect energy use during the Performance Period. These Performance Period performance factors include, but are not limited to, weather, type and efficiency of equipment in use, equipment capacity, equipment quantity, equipment utilization, building’s physical construction, building utilization, and HVAC system operating parameters. 624 Attachment 6 / RESOLUTION NO. XX – 21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN DECLARING INTENTION TO REIMBURSE EXPENDITURES FROM THE PROCEEDS OF CERTAIN TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS AND DIRECTING CERTAIN ACTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Dublin (the “City”) proposes to undertake the project referenced below, to issue, or cause the issuance of, debt for such project and to use a portion of the proceeds of such debt to reimburse expenditures made for the project prior to the issuance of the debt; and WHEREAS, United States Income Tax Regulations section 1.150-2 provides generally that proceeds of tax-exempt debt are not deemed to be expended when such proceeds are used for reimbursement of expenditures made prior to the date of issuance of such debt unless certain procedures are followed, one of which is a requirement that (with certain exceptions), prior to the payment of any such expenditure, the issuer declare an intention to reimburse such expenditure; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest and for the public benefit that the City declare its official intent to reimburse the expenditures referenced herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin as follows: 1.The City intends to issue, or cause the issuance of, obligations (the “Obligations”) for the purpose of financing the costs of energy efficiency capital projects and incidental expenses related thereto (collectively, the “Project). 2.The City hereby declares that it reasonably expects (i) to pay certain costs of the Project prior to the date of issuance of the Obligations and (ii) to use a portion of the proceeds of the Obligations for reimbursement of expenditures for the Project that are paid before the date of issuance of the Obligations. 3.The maximum principal amount of the Obligations is estimated to be $23,500,000. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of July 2021, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 625 -2 - ______________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ City Clerk 626