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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.1 Dublin Connection and Sister City (2) CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 11, 1984 SUBJECT Written Communication from Richard Cochran Re : Dublin Connection EXHIBITS ATTACHED Letter from Richard Cochran dated May 22 , 1984 Newspaper Article from Tri-Valley Herald dated April 23 , 1984 i' RECOMMENDATIO 1 ) Consider endorsement of Dublin Connection 2 ) Consider establishment of a sister city relationship with Dublin, Ireland FINANCIAL STATEMENT: To be determined DESCRIPTION [sir . Richard Cochran, Murray School District Superintendent, has initiated an event called the Dublin Connection, and is requesting an endorsement from the City of Dublin . He has also indicated that the City may wish to consider establishing a sister city relationship with Dublin, Ireland . Mr . Cochran will attend the City Council meeting and explain this event in more detail . • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- �— COPIES TO: ITEM NO. �/ • � 1 NAY. 2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES ONALD C.BIODLE Er1TY OF D!�W' DRA O.COLEMAN URRAY SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNR.IHENDERON ANN R.HENOERSON 7416 BRIGHTON DRIVE • DUBLIN. CALIFORNIA 94568 LISBETH A.HOWARD ADMINISTRATION OFFICES (41 5) 828.2551 SUPERINTENDENT May 22, 1984 RICHARD F.COCHRAN Mr. Richard Ambrose, City Manager City of Dublin 6500 Dublin Blvd. , Suite 100 P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Richard: As you are aware, the Dublin Connection is off and running. The event and perpetual Foundation have been endorsed/sponsored by the Tri-Valley Herald newspapers, the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin Rotary, Hacienda Business Park; and Dublin Soroptimists have given verbal support although they have not to date taken it to their Board of Directors. We are also waiting to hear from Dublin Kiwanis and the Dublin/San Ramon Lions service clubs. The written communications with the Deputy Counsul General of Ireland, the Ministry of Tourism, and others indicate that Dublin, Ireland, too, is excited about establishing a sister-city relationship. With this in mind, I am requesting you to ask the City Council to either adopt a resolution of support through your written communique; or to request the appearance of Dublin Connection committee members or myself so we can, hopefully, officially carry greetings from the City of Dublin, California, to the Lord Mayor and Council of Dublin, Ireland. I would appreciate your addressing this request as soon as possible so further communications might include the Council 's position. I will wait to hear from you. Sincerely, Richard F. Cochran RFC:jd Enc. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Page 9 F Bay Area new Iff s- -� * EdltorEafis` k� M The Herald, Monday, April 23, 1984 3 Ot1'11cS ��;3 � y {�o,> Television r��r _£2 . ' D 1� 1]l�. onnect 1® l Superintendent to run in Irish marathon ' ,{; By David Boitano The program is being sponsored by The agencies carrying greetings from his Staff writer Tri-Valley Herald and Dublin Chamber hometown. DUBLIN — Murray Sc,00l District of Cornmerce, and hopes to gain support So far, $400 has been raised for the Superintendent Richard Cochran runs from Dublin's service clubs,other media,. trip, Cochran said. through the streets of -)ublin herein the City Council and the Dublin San Ramon After the initial exchange of runners, , t valley every day,but t„is October he will Services District. The "Dublin-Connection" committee jogging the boulevards of Dublin, Ire- The Dublin Connection will finance hopes to raise enough funds for future land. Cochran's trip to Dublin and the return exchanges,which could invol�a students, He will be representing the people of flight of an Irish runner,who will partici- community activists, or others. this southern Alameda County city in pate in the San Francisco Marathon in "So far, the response has been very. Ireland's annual marathon race,an event July of 1985. enthusiastic, Cochran said. 1A ' that draws up to 10,000 runners. While in Ireland this fall,Cochran will Dubliners probably will gain a lot of bring.greetings from Dublin, California pride through the Dublin Connection's Cochran's�trip is part of the "Dublin to the Irish city's service clubs, Lord efforts, he said. Connection,' an ambitious program to , bring the people of both Dublins together Mayor, City Council and other groups. "They will gain an appreciation that through exchanges of athletes and other .'The Irish runner also will appear there are a lot of Dublins around the "good will" events. before.Dublin's service clubs and other world." Dick Cochran