HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.1 Contract Engineering Services (2) City of DUBUfi° AGENDA STATEMENT Meeting Date: December 7 , 1982 (od -3o SUBJECT : Contract Engineering Services • EXHIBITS ATTACHED : Proposals submitted by: Harris & Associates George S . Nolte & Associates Santina & Thompson/TJKM Memo from City Manager dated December 3, 1982 Interview Schedule !''�� RECOMMENDATION : Selection of City Engineer -7 FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None • DESCRIPTION : On December 1, 1982 the City Manager and a panel consisting of Paul Causey, Assistant City Engineer with the City of Milpitas, and Paul Ove, Public Works Director with the City' of Union City interviewed 6 engineering firms. These firms' were selected from a group of 11 proposals received in response to our Request for Proposal. According to City Council direction, it is now appropriate for the Council to interview the 3 firms receiving the • highest ratings from the review panel, to provide engin- eering services to the City of Dublin. COPIES TO: ITEM NO. �' CC Meeting: December 7, 1982 Item 3. 1 Attachment 1 Harris & Associates Proposal Attachment 2 George S. Nolte & Associates Proposal Attachment 3 Santina & Thompson/TJKM Proposal THE CITY OF DUBLIN P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 (415) 829-4600 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: December 3, 1982 TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: City Engineering Services In response to a Request for Proposal prepared by Staff, the City received eleven proposals from engineering firms to provide Dublin with City Engineering Services. Those firms which submitted proposals are identified below: 1. Boone, Cooke & Associates 2. Consulting City Engineers 3. Creegan & D'Angelo 4 . Wallace B. Duncan & Associates/TJKM 5 . Harris & Associates 6 . Roy Jorgensen Associates, Inc. 7 . KCA Engineers 8 . George S. Nolte & Associates 9. PRC Toups 10 . Santina & Thompson/TJKM 11. Waste Water International During the initial screening, five of the eleven firms were eliminated from the selection process based on the following criteria: 1. The inability of the firm to meet the conditions set forth in the Request for Proposal. 2 . The inexperience of the primary contact person(s) identified in the proposal. 3 . The adequacy of staffing within the firm to provide varied engineering services to the City. 4 . Continuity of personnel. An interview panel consisting of the City Manager, the Director of Public Works from Union City, and the Assistant City Engineer from Milpitas reviewed the proposals and interviewed the following firms: 1. Roy Jorgensen Associates, Inc. 2 . George S. Nolte & Associates 3 . Wallace B. Duncan & Associates/TJKM 4 . Santina & Thompson/TJKM 5. KCA Engineers 6 . Harris & Associates - 2 - The interview panel judged each firm' s proposal on the basis of its technical qualifications in the areas of traffic engineering, development review, design engineering, public facility inspection, survey, mapping, annexation, assessment districts, drainage, the California Environmental Quality Act review and utilities. The panel also judged the firm's experience in administering projects funded by grants, the adequacy of the firm' s support staff, the ability of the firm' s primary contact people to work with Staff, Commission, Council and the public. It was the consensus of the panel that the proposals from Santina & Thompson/TJKM, Harris & Associates, and George S. Nolte & Associates best meet the needs of the City of Dublin. After the interviews by the review panel, numerous references were called by Staff for each of the primary contact people in each of the three firms. These references not only indicated that quality work was provided, but further, that these individuals were effective in working with the public and City Councils. With respect to cost, Santina & Thompson and George S. Nolte & Assoc- iates both propose hourly rates based on time and material. The hourly rates are fairly comparable. Harris & Associates ' hourly rates are similar, but indicate they are negotiable. In the case of all three firms, those engineering services which would be provided on the City' s capital project, would be subject to negotiation. All three firms indicated that they would expect to do all design work for the City, unless a special expertise was required which they did not possess or they did not have sufficient staff due to a heavy workload. Staff has arranged for the City Council to interview each of the firms. After those interviews, it is appropriate for the City Council to discuss the qualifications of each firm in closed session. If the City Council can come to a decision during that time, it is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to negotiate a contract with the firm selected for City Council approval. I N T E R V I E W S C H E D U L E Tuesday, December 7 , 1982 7 : 00 p.m. - Harris & Associates Mr. Robert Mimiaga 8: 00 p.m. - George S. Nolte & Associates Mr. John Poore 9: 00 p.m. - Santina & Thompson Mr. Peter Santina TJKM Mr. Chris Kinzel