HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.05 AD 83-1 St Lighting (2) .CITY COUNCIL MEETING'DATE.~' July 6, 1999 A~AC~NTS: - ~t) Resolution Appro~g Pre~ En~eer's Report AD-83-1 ~ - 2) .; Resolution Appo~t~g T~e ~d Place of He~g Protests of Adopt resolutions appro~g preH~n~ en~eer's repo~ ~d ~. ~:: scrag he~g dine ~d t~e (Au~st 3, 1999, 7:00 p.m.) for the - ~;:.', *~.~-.% ~..: And Use o£Street Light Maintenanc~ District Funds Revenues: . .. .... 5-.: Gross Am~t P;°vOsed ;0 be Assessed: $144,900 Esffmated Intere~ Revere: .... 6, 743 Prior Year Collecffo~ ~d Pe~lges 3,450 Less EStimated Colleca'on and Delin~en~ Cost: (~100) Net Total Reveres $152, 493 - Con~act Mainten~ce a~ Uali~es: 139165 D~nt~n S~eet Light A~tions C~ital Project 82, 600 A~ini~aaon ~d En~ne-e~ng: 4.i45 Total Opera~ng E~enses: $216,910 $64,417 ~fference is proposed to be paid. om the exi~ng rese~e m this Dis~ct. An es~mated bal~ce of $79~ ~2'3'~ill rem~n ~ a rese~e for~ture pole replacement. proposed assessmenh $13.26 per single family home~ is the same as the 1998,99 assessment. COPIES' TO: ITEM NO. g:~.~sessdist~D-l~agstpre DESCRIPTIONi i .............. ..This assessment district funds energY and maintenance costs for the City's street lighting system, except for the lighting being inStall~d in Dublin Ranch,-Which is proposed to be funded through the new DUblin Ranch Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District that is currentlY bein~f0~d~'~-'~Ig83} iheCity C°(/ncil formed a City~ide Street Lighting Assessment District to rePlace the CountY of Alameda Light!rig ServiCe Area: On A~gust 13, 1984, the City council app~:o~ed the annual Engineer's Rep0i:t"'~ifid ordered levy of~t~sessm~nis foi:'the first-fi~'i 'i~I~9'95:9~5;~"~h~: Ci~'0fD/ibiifi ~d other agencies'in Alameda Coun¢ tO0k possession of PG&E:is~ed street lights in Order'tO reduce . maintenance costs. The 1996-97 assessment was reduced from the 1995:9~ level bY .:For Fiscal Year 1999~2000, no' Change is recommended with respect to the method 0fdete~._ning the assessments... The assess.~ent fo. ri single-family house'is estimated to be $13.26, Which is the same as the 1998-99 assessment. As shownon page 5 of the Engineer's ReP6rt,~ the assessment for a 'commerCial property is a factor of 5.$ multiplied by the single family rate or $721'93'niUltiplied by the acreage of the property. Vacant parcels pay one half the rate ofde~;eloped parcels. It is proposed to utilize a portion of the existing reserve to fund the D0Wnt0m Street Light Additions Capital Improvement Project. This project, Which his an'estimated'~0St of $82,'600,'will install street lights on portions of Sierra court,' Sierra Lane, and Amador Valley Boulevard which do not presently have street lighting. - The estimated reserve balance irem~g al[er FisCal year i 999:2000"e~penditUres is $79}4'23~® It is' ' recommended that this reserve continue to be earmarked for future pole replacement, over 400'6fthe City's steel pole street lights exceed 30 years of age, and it is anticipated that some of thCse poles may need to be replaced in the near future. The estimated cost of replacing an individual pole is estimated t° be $1,300, 'inCluding PG&E disconnect and reconnect charges for the 0'9~rh~d feed'liries. ~Th~ ~.6tal expenditure to replace all of the poles would therefore i0ial 'OVer $500}0~0'~ Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolutions approving the preliminary Engineer'.s and setting a pUblic hearing date of August 3, I999~ Pa~e2 '_ " RESOLUTION NO. -99 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT, CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT - ' ~ CITY OF DUBLIN STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 85-1 WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 26-99, a Resolution Directing Preparation of Annual Report for City of Dublin Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District No. 83-1 (the "District"), this Council designated the City Engineer as Engineer of Work and ordered said Engineer to make and file a report in writing in accordance with and pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972; and WHEREAS, said Engineer of Work has made and filed with the City Clerk a preliminary ~ ,,--- report in writing as called for in said Resolution No. 26-99 and under and pursuant to said Act, which report i' has been presented to this Council for consideration; and WHEREAS, said Council has duly considered said report and finds that each and every part of said report is sufficient; and that said report neither requires nor should be modified in any respect; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED a) That the Engineer's estimate of the itemized and total costs and expenses of the acquisition of improvements and maintaining said improvements and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith, as contained in said report be, and each of them are hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed; b) That the diagram showing the assessment district, description of the improvements to be acquked and maintained, and the boundaries and dimensions of the respective lots and parcels, ofland within said District, as contained in said report be, and it is hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed; c) That the assessment of the total amount of the cost and expenses of the proposed acquisition and maintenance of said improvements upon the several lots and parcels of land in said District in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by such lots and parcels, respectively, from said acquisition and ;?-',o '- ~''?~,-,', ..~'* .L,..!~ ~ will fund, the address to which a protest may be mailed, and the date, hour, and place set for the above described public hearing. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1999. AYES: '.. _.: . -~-'~: ~., .:~-'' ~: NOES: Mayor ATTEST: ..... ~. . City Clerk g : (ad) 18 $-I Ire~otime ~: - .. -... .':. . - . , : ..., :' ,.- ,:- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING PROTESTS IN RELATION TO PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS CITY OF DUBLIN STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT $3-1 WHERE~S~' i~ i~i"Res01~tion No. 26-99, a resolution dkecting preparation of annual report for City of Dublin Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment District (the "District") this Council designated the City Engineer as Engineer of Work and ordered that Engineer to make and file a report in writing in accordance with and pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972; and WHEREAS, said Engineer of Work has made and filed with the City Clerk a preliminary report in writing as called for in said Resolution No. 26-99, and under and pursuant to said Act, which report has been presented to this Council for consideration; and WHEREAS, said council has duly considered said report and each and every part thereof, and finds that each and every part of said report is sufficient; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a public heating shall be held on August 3, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. at the Dublin Civic.Center, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California, at which time the City Council will hear and will consider and finally act protests upon the Engineer's Report. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing by the following means: publishing a notice once a week for two weeks in a local newspaper published and circulated in the City, and conspicuously posting a notice at not less than three public locations, said noticing to be completed at least ten (10) days prior to the date herein set for hearing or protests and action on the Engineer's report. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said notices shall contain the following information: ~" the estimated assessment per parcel, the general deSCription of the purPose or imProvements the assessment maintenance, and of the expenses incidental thereto, as contained in said report be, and they are hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed. PASSED, APPRO~TED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1999. AYES: -~- ~. , · - .-.-~_.~.... : NOES: ATTEST: - Mayor City Clerk g : (assessdi s0 ~83-1 ~resopre FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 -ENGINEERo CONTENTS - ' ...... '. ............. i'.~'" ~sessm~nt: Incl~]d~ngEstimate of Costs, and Method of Apportioning i .............................. (~.Ass.es._sment Roll_Unde[ Separate Cover) -~ 2. ' .... Ass'eskmeiit Diagi:am'" '- z:T',t. .OHMENT ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, on March 2, 1999, the City Council of the City of Dublin, California, pursuant to the provisions of the, Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, adopted its Resolution Directing Preparation of Annual Report for Maintenance Assessment District 1983-1 for the acquisition and m. aintenanc~ 0fimprovements more particularly therein described; and WHEREAS, said Resolution directed the undersigned to prepare and file a report pursuant to Section 22565, et. seq., of said Act; NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned, by virtue of the power vested in me under said Act and the order of the Council of said City, hereby make the following assessment to cover the portion of the estimated cos/c~f'a~uisi~ic;n-bf and'ni~te~ance of said improvements and the cost and expenses incidental thereto, to be paid by said District. ESTIMATE OF COSTS ~ -' '(1) (2) (3) '~ -~ '"~ ~' As Preliminarily As Finally AS Filed Approved Approved Cost of Maintenance · -'~ - $132,310 Capital Improvement Project Incidental Expenses --. ' $ 86,523 TOTAL COST '. '$301,433 Estimated 1999-2000 Interest Income Applied to 1999-2000 Operating Costs $6,743 Prior Year Collections and Penalties $3,450 Reimbursement for Public · Damage $2,500 Estimated Surplus from 1998,99 . Fiscal Year $143,840 ". · ' NET TO BE ASSESSED FOR · FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 $144,900 Assessment per factor rate of "1" $13.26 .. . M requked by s~d Aot, a dia~m is hereto ~ttaohed sho~ng the e~edor bounders of s~'d' Str~t ~ght :m~t~n~as~eSsment distfi~'~d'aso the ~es ~d dimensions of each lot or l~u~ 1, 1998, each ofw~ch lots or p~cels ha~ng been ~ven a sep~ate number upon s~d dia~m. I do hereby assess the net mount to be assessed upon ~ ~sessable lots or p~cels of l~d Mt~ s~d s~eet ~t m~ten~ce assessment di~fi~ by appo~io~g ~at mount mong sever~ lots or p~cels ~ propo~ion to the est~ated benefits to be r~ceived by each such lotbr p~cel from the acquisition ~d m~ten~ce ofs~d improvemehts, ~d more pmicul~ly Set fo~h the ~ h~eto a2ached ~d by reference made a pm hereo~ ~'~ ? :,;:.:.-?~.~. ~: S~d assessment is made upon the sever~ lots or p~cels ofl~d ~t~ s~d s~eet light m~ten~ce ~sessment district in propo~ion to the estimated benefits to be received by s~d lots or p~cels respectively from ~e acquisition ~d m~nten~ce Ofs~d improvements. The dia~m ~d ~sessment numbers appe~ng here~ are the dia~m numbers appe~g on s~d dia~ to w~ch reference is hereby made for a more p~icular description of s~d prope~. ~e scope of work includes the co~ of ener~ ~d m~ten~ce of street ~ghts ~t~ the CiW of~bfin. The scope of work sh~ ~so hclude the cost of purchase of ~reet lights. Each lot or p~cel ofl~d assessed is described h the ~sessment Hst by reference to its' p~cel-number as shorn 6fi the ~sessor's Maps of the CounW of Mameda for ~e Fisc~ Ye~ 1999-2000 ~d hcludes ~ of such p~cels excep~g those poffions thereofMt~ e~st~g pubic r0ads~0ifi~ts of way to be acquked in these proceedhgs for public road pu¢oses. For a more p~cul~ description of s~d prope~, reference is hereby made to the deeds ~d maps on ~e ~d of record ~ the office of the Coun~ Recorder ofs~d Count. Because the n~es of the sever~ omers ~e u~om to me, I hereby place the word "u~om" opposite the nmber of each lot of p~cel ofl~d assessed, the mount assessed thereo~ ~d the number of the ~sessment. Dated: July 1, 1999 City En~eer ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 The estimated ofimProven~ents described in this Report for Fiscal Year 1999-2000 is as follows: .... ~ ......-~ .~: -., Maintenance (1) Electric Energy ............. .. .. , $77,700 (2) Contract With Caltrans $.. 350 (3)~ Contract With Alameda County · . _. ,- $30,720 (4) California Stree~t Light Association (5) Other Repairs and Maintenance Costs including pole painting $20,400 (6) Admini'strafion ...< :~: ::~.:~:. :.:. :~_, .. :;, ~.. $.2,145 $132,310 Capital Improvement Project ....... $82,600 $ 82, 600 Incidentals (1) Engineer's Report and Proceedings $ 2, 000 (2) Cost of Collection (County of Alameda) $ 2, 463 0) Delinquencies ...... ~ . ~.~ .~:~.~, :~:::~ :~: ,~ .... ~ _2,637 $ (4) Contingencies/l~eserve . ~.~ .~ : ...... $79,423 $ 86.523 '.:' ; ~ ' :~ 7,.~.¢ 5. :~'i~;c:'~¥-~ ~::~':~2~'~'' ':~:,' '~: .-? "' . ~ ~"~ : / : ~ ' . '. ~? ' - ~-~ ~ .:.-: ~ ~.~..-~..~ ..~:~.- ~; - ~- : ..... $301,433 4 METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT .-' ¥'i~?!i~i~,'i.~,~ 2'f ~,'~,%~,~:~'~/~ii~27~, 2"._:~.?i-<~.-' ;:"~"~,'~ ~ , ' The assessments sh~ be spread using a method of"factor rates" assi~ed to d~erent l~d uses. The estab~s~ent of the appoffioment of a factor rate of "1" ~11 be calculated by dMding the tota assessment of the ye~ by the sum 0f factOr ratenumbers assigned whereh the factor rates ~e assi~ed ~ fo~ows: Use (x = any single digit number) Factor Rate (x 1/2 if vacant) Ox Exempt 0 :~; lx & 73 ..... -.:~, Single Family Residential & Condo 1 -~ pleXe '~- 22 Du s 2 ~ 23, : ,:-, - Tri~-Plexes. 3 -" ': · '~:: 24 F0ur-Plexes 4 3x Commercial 5.5/ac. 4x Industrial 5.5/ac. : 5x Rural 0.5 6x (except 65) Institutional 5.5/ac. 7x (except. 73) Apartments 6 ,*--- 8x Commercial 5.5/ac. 9x Commercial 5.5/ac. 65 Cemeteries 0 xx9 . Common Open Space 0 i. ~' The assessment of each parcel shall be established by multiplying the factor rate for that parcel by the i apportionment for a factor rate of 1. - I i' i. LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING MAINTENANCE AssESSMENT DISTRICT 83-1 :h::'~::! .:'~',..-.i~ i.: ~:.~ ~¢'.~..,':~:-:'A 'i~ -'::.~:.. ., .-~:;' ';~.~ ,:-',.i~"..~-.~ .'.-~i': ~'i'~, :..:~ .: :' '.:: _:':.:r.' '. CERTIFICATIONS ?i~:~:~','~' '&' .... ~i,~.~..~ ~"~' ~. : ' "' '~ '. ........ .... .~ ~.~ ~.': ~ "~" ';~:;~::'~",~';~'~'-~'~:. ~ ~ ~; ?,,~ ::~,~-f~'{. ;~:.:- ~' - FISC~ ~ 1999-2000 I, the City Clerk of the City of Dublin, California, hereby certify that the foregoing Engineer's Report,. including Assessment, in the amounts set forth in Colum (1), with the diagram thereto . attached, was filed with me on July 1, 1999. ~ ~..~t~,.' I, the City Clerk of the City of Dublin, California,. hereby cert foregoing Assessment, with the diagram thereto attached, was preliminarily approved and confirmed by the City Council of said City by its Resolution No. ***-99 duly adopted by said Council on ***, 1999. I, the City Clerk of the City of Dublin, California, hereby certify that the foregoing Assessment, with the diagram thereto attached, was finally approved and confirmed by the City Council of said City by its Resolution No. ***-99 duly adopted by said Council on ***, 1999. I, the City Clerk of the City of Dublin, California, hereby certify that a certified copy of the Assessment and diagram was filed in the office of the County Auditor of the County of Alameda, California, on ,1999. 6 Item 4.05 Exhibit Missing Attachment 3 Assessment Diagram