HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.7 Park Dev Standards (2) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN PARK DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VOLUME I - GUIDE TO CITY STANDARD CONSTRUCTION AND LANDSCAPE DETAILS - STANDARD CITY CONSTRUCTION AND LANDSCAPE DETAILS April 26, 1999 iTEM 4.7 ATTACHMENT, VOL 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN PARK DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME I Introduction: Purpose and Application of Development Standards I. Guide to City Standard Construction and Landscape Details II. Standard City Construction and Landscape Details VOLUME II Introduction: Purpose and Application of Development Standards III. Guide to City Standard Technical Specifications -Technical Specification Preparation Instructions -Supplemental Instructions to the Standard Specifications IV. Standard Construction and Landscape Specifications V. Specified Manufacturers and Product Requirements I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS These Park Development Standards are provided as a guide to developers in order to ensure the highest level of quality in the development of Dublin Parks. The Standards are composed of: . Instructions for application and use of the provided Construction Details, Volume I. . Construction and Landscape Details, Volume I. . Instructions to complete the required Technical Specifications, Volume II. . Standard Technical Specifications, Volume II. . Product and Manufacturer list, Volume II. Adhering to specific standards in park development will promote park longevity, aesthetics, safety, and effective maintenance, which will contribute favorably to the overall character of the City of Dublin. The Park Development Standards are to be issued by the City to prospective developers, and will serve as a definitive guide for the development of detailed plans and specifications. Developers are required to coordinate with City representatives, submitting plans and specifications in accordance with these standards. This process will ensure conformance to the specified construction and landscape requirements. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART I GUIDE TO CITY STANDARD CONSTRUCTION AND LANDSCAPE DETAILS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. GUIDE TO STANDARD CONSTRUCTION AND LANDSCAPE DETAILS This guide establishes the context for appropriate use of those Standard Details that are to be incorporated into the contract documents. The Designer or Engineer is to select the details required for the project from the Standard Construction and Landscape Details included in Part II of this volume (Volume I). Instructions associated with those details requiring modification or additional information are provided below. The details noted in the following schedule are to be completed per the indicated instructions. Code Detail Instruction P-AC-1 Roadway Paving P-AC-2 Walkway Paving (pedestrian only) Depth of AC. and depth of P-AC-3 Walkway Paving ( wi maint. vehicle traffic) aggregate base shall be based on P-AC-4 Parking Lot Paving soil report and engineer's P-AC-5 Sports Court Paving recommendation. DS-1 Park Area Drain Condition A DS-2 Park Area Drain Condition B Note type and size of storm drain DS-3 Park Area Drain Condition C line on plan sheets. DS-4 Park Storm Drain Manhole Note type and size of storm drain line on plan sheets. Specify subgrade comoaction. DS-5 Parking Lot Area Drain Note type and size of storm drain line on plan sheets. DS-7 Sub-Drain Condition A Select filter fabric material "Mirafi"or eaual is acceptable. DS-9 Sub-Drain Condition C Set subdrain spacing minimum 7', maximum 10'. DS-12 Clean Out Note type and size of storm drain line on olan sheets. P -C-1 Concrete Paving Condition A Standard Walkway Condition. Note finish and color. P-C-2 Concrete Paving Condition B Standard Condition for Light Vehicle Traffic. If heavier traffic is anticipated, base the design of the concrete and base rock section on soils report and engineer's recommendation. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P-C-3 Concrete Paving Finish and Color Include this detail when concrete Notes color and finish is specified on detail. P-S-1 Modular Paving on Concrete Base Specify modular paving unit, color, and manufacturer. P-S-3 Pattern Stamped Concrete Specify pattern and color, and provide information on specialized installer if appropriate. P-S-4 Interlocking Modular Concrete Paving Specify modular paving unit, color, and manufacturer. Specify concrete band. FR-5 Standard Wooden Fence (6' Height) FR-6 Standard Wooden Fence (3' Height) Specify stain or paint color. FR-7 Wood Fence Gate (6' Height) FR-8A Pipe Gate FR-9 Metal Rail Fence (6' Height) FR-10 Metal Rail Gate (6' Height) FR-11 Metal Guard Railing Specify paint color. FR-12 Metal Step Rail FR-13 Pipe Guard Railing FR-14 Pipe Step Railing SD-1 Concrete Planter Curb (6" Ht.) SD-2 Concrete Seat Wall Specify finish and color. SD-3 Concrete Mow Band SD-4 Concrete Edae Band SD-5 Concrete Retaining Wall Criteria Specify structural wall dimensions, reinforcing, finish and color. Structural dimensions and reinforcing to be provided by structural engineer when wall height above finished grade exceeds 3'-6". SD-6 Concrete Stair Specify finish and color. SD-7 Concrete Step Cheek Wall SD-8 Wood Header Plastic "trax" header is an acceptable substitute to wood header. SP-T-1 Tennis Court: Paving Specify width, color and finish of concrete band. SP-T-4 Tennis Court: Net Anchor Specify net center strap anchor. SP-T-8 Tennis Court: Court Bench Locate benches on plan sheets. SP-MISC-1 Playfield Sand/Subdrain Note minimum depth of sand to be 12". Specify subdrain layout spacing and connections to storm drain system on plan sheets. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SF-F-5 Metal Bollard Specify color and model number SF-F-6 Timber Bollard with R if removable. SF-F-11 Round Tree Grate Specify finish. SF-F-12 Square Tree Grate SF-F-13 Trash Receptacle (Steel) Specify color. SF-F-14 Trash Receptacle (SteellWood) SF-F-16 Bicycle Rack Specify color. Provide footing size and rack length. L-1 Park LiQht Standard (14', 20', 24' ht.) Specify color. PL-5 Schedule of Amendments and Please note that fertilizer and Fertilizer amendments specified are generic. Engineer, Architect or Landscape Architect shall specify fertilizer amendment material and rate of application based on horticultural soils testing and analysis recommendation provided by approved horticultural soils testing laboratory. Specify turf seed or sod and application. PL-6 Top Soil Placement Use this detail only if import top soil is required on project. Indicate location of required import top soil on plans. PA-1 Play Area Curb and Granular Surface Specify color and finish of curb. PA-2 Accessibility Ramp to Granular Surface PA-3 Resilient Play Surface Specify "Fibar" or Olympia #2 sand or equal large granular sand. PA-4 Play Area Subdrain Specify connection of subdrain to storm drain system on plan sheets. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART II STANDARD CITY CONSTRUCTION AND LANDSCAPE DETAILS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II. STANDARD CITY CONSTRUCTION AND LANDSCAPE DETAILS INDEX I SECTION SITE PREPARATION EARTH WORK ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING DRAINAGE STRUCTURES CONCRETE PAVING I DETAIL Temporary Construction Fence Tree Protection Turf Slope and Mound Requirement Turf Swale Groundcover Swale Roadway Paving Walkway Paving (Pedestrian Only) Walkway Paving (with Maint. Vehicle Traffic) Parking Lot Paving Sports Court Paving Park Area Drain Condition A (12" Sq. Grate) Park Area Drain Condition B (24" Sq. Grate) Park Area Drain Condition C (30" Sq. Grate - HD) Park Storm Drain Manhole Parking Lot Area Drain Storm Drain Pipe Trench Sub-Drain Condition A Sub-Drain Condition B Sub-Drain Condition C Curb Inlet Drain Through Curb Cleanout Concrete Paving Condition A Concrete Paving Condition B Concrete Paving Finish and Color Notes I CODE S1-1 S1-2 EW-1 EW-2 EW-3 P-AC-1 P-AC-2 P-AC-3 P-AC-4 P-AC-5 DS-1 DS-2 DS-3 DS-4 DS-5 DS-6 DS-7 DS-8 DS-9 DS-10 DS-11 DS-12 P-C-1 P-C-2 P-C-3 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION SPECIAL PAVING GRANULAR PAVING STREET AND ROADWAY FENCING, RAILINGS & GATES SITE DETAILS I.QE;TAIl,. Modular Paving on Concrete Base Cobble Paving Pattern Stamped Concrete Interlocking Modular Concrete Paving Decomposed Granite Paving with Stabilizer Standard Street Curb Standard Street Curb and Gutter Standard Street Driveway Condition A Standard Street Driveway Condition B Standard Street Driveway with Flat Flares Standard Sidewalk Disabled Ramp Standard Sidewalk Disabled Ramp (Limited Access) Monolithic Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Valley Gutter Chain Link Fence (6' and 8' Height) Color Coated Chain Link Fence (6' and 8' Height) Chain Link Single Gate (5' Width) Double Chain Link Gate (10' Width) Standard Wooden Fence (6' Height) Standard Wooden Fence (3' Height) Wood Fence Gate (6' Height) Pipe Gate Pipe Gate Plan & Removable Lock Tab Enlargement Pipe Gate Lock Hooks & Lock Assembly Enlargements Metal Rail Fence (6' Height) Metal Rail Gate (6' Height) Metal Guard Railing Metal Step Railing Pipe Guard Railing Pipe Step Railing Concrete Planter Curb (6" Ht.) Concrete Seat Wall Concrete Mow Band Concrete Edge Band I CODE P-S-1 P-S-2 P-S-3 P-S-4 P-G-1 S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 FR-1 FR-2 FR-3 FR-4 FR-5 FR-6 FR-7 FR-8A FR-8B FR-8C FR-9 FR-10 FR-11 FR-12 FR-13 FR-14 SD-1 SD-2 SD-3 SD-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION SITE DETAILS (CONT.) SPORTS SITE FURNITURE I DETAIL Concrete Retaining Wall Criteria Concrete Stair Concrete Step Cheek Wall Wood Header Tennis Courts: Paving Surface Coat Net Posts and Hardware Net Anchor Chain Link Fence and Wind Screen Pedestrian Gate Maintenance Gate Court Bench Baseball I Softball Fields: Backstop (Youth Leagues and Softball) Dugout Players Dugout Bench Infield Material Baseball Pitchers Mound Baseball Base Installation Softball Base Installation Infield Edge Band @ Backstop and Foul Line Fence Basketball: Standard and Backboard Volleyball: Posts and Net Sand Volleyball Court Miscellaneous Sports: Playfield Sand/Subdrain Cinder Track Surface Accessible Drinking Fountain (Concrete) Accessible Drinking Fountain (Metal) Accessible Picnic Table (Wood) Picnic Table (Wood) Metal Bollard Timber Bollard Flat Wood Bench (6' Length) Flat Wood Bench (8' Length) Backed Wood Bench (6' Length) I CODE SD-5 SD-6 SD-7 SD-8 SP-T-1 SP-T-2 SP-T-3 SP-T -4 SP-T-5 SP-T-6 SP-T-7 SP-T-8 SP-BASE 1 SP-BASE 2 SP-BASE 3 SP-BASE 4 SP-BASE 5 SP-BASE 6 SP-BASE 7 SP-BASE 8 SP-BSKT SP-V-1 SP-V-2 SP-MISC-1 SP-MISC-2 SF-F-1 SF-F-2 SF-F-3 SF-F-4 SF-F-5 SF-F-6 SF-F-7 SF-F-8 SF-F-9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEClfION. SITE FURNITURE (CONT.) Backed Wood Bench (8' Length) Round Tree Grate Square Tree Grate Trash Receptacle (Steel) Trash Receptacle (Steel/Wood) Trash Receptacle (Concrete) Bicycle Rack Park Sign PARK LIGHTING Park Light Standard (14', 20' & 24' Heights) Standard Street Light Electrical Conductor Trench IRRIGATION Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Device Backflow Unit Metal Cage Enclosure Remote Control Valve and RCV Manifold Gate Valve 2 ~ " and Larger Gate Valve 2" and Smaller Irrigation, Trenching, and Piping Detail Thrust Block for Ring-Fitted Main Line Pop-Up Turf Rotor Pop-Up Turf Spray Head Shrub Spray on 6" Riser Pop-up Shrub Spray Head Irrigation Quick Coupling Valve Bubbler on Flex Riser Irrigation Controller (Wall Mounted Enclosure) Irrigation Controller (Pedestal Mounted) Remote Control Valve for Drip Irrigation AirNacuum Relief & Flush Valve for Drip Irrigation In-Pipe Drip Tubing Layout and Manifold Detail In-Pipe Drip Tubing Trench and Automatic Flush Valve PLANTING Specimen Tree Planting/Staking (30" - 48" Box) Tree Planting/Staking Shrub Planting Planting and Groundcover Spacing Schedule of Amendments and Fertilizer Top Soil Placement CODE SF-F-10 SF-F-11 SF-F-12 SF-F-13 SF-F-14 SF-F-15 SF-F-16 SF-F-17 L-1 L-2 L-3 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 PL-1 PL-2 PL-3 PL-4 PL-5 PL-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SE C"tI(;)N PLAY AREA FACILITIES IDET AIL Play Area Curb and Granular Surface Accessibility Ramp to Granular Surface Resilient Play Surface Play Area Subdrain Standard Play Equipment Installation Notes Subdrain Cleanout I CODE PA-1 PA-2 PA-3 PA-4 PA-5 PA-6 SITE PREP ARA TION 51-1: Temporary Construction Fence 51-2: Tree Protection I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' 10' MAX. 'I :yaP, BOTTOM AND MID RAIL TO BE 1-1/2"~ MIN -1 <l: ::::> w , ~STANDARD CHAIN ~ LINK FENCE FABRIC .. ....: UNE POST TO BE 1-1/2"~ MIN MID-RAIL OPTIONAL ~ :r: <0 2"~ MIN. END OR CORNER POST ...J <l: ::::> w SET IN 8x8x16 CONCRETE BLOCK DRILL HOLE TO ACCOMODATE POST _,.4. ...,. '/~~/~~0(v' /~~~~~ ~ 0}~~'0 N AT PLANTING ~~~..{: ON SOIL '>~y>y> AREAS (V /' . / <<~'0(~~ y~~~ <~~~ /~ ~) CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVED: R.C.E. 19348 Revision TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FENCE SI-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2x4 DOUGLAS FIR STUD-DRIVE 2' INTO GROUND EXISTING TREE-TO BE PROTECTED I. .1 NOTES: 1. WHERE 'A' EQUALS: 3' LENGTH-USE 1 x4 DOUG. FIR RAIL 3' TO 7' LENGTH-USE lx6 DOUG. FIR RAlLS 7' OR GREATER-USE 2x8 DOUG. FIR RAILS ON RUNS OVER 6' IN LENGTH-A 2x4x6' CENTER STAKE SHALL BE USED. 2. PROTECTION BARRIERS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AROUND "EXISTING TREES LISTED TO REMAIN". THE TREE PROTECTION BARRIERS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY DEMOLITION OR CLEARING WORK. 'A' -SEE NOTE 1 :.t EXISTING GRADE Nl APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN TREE PROTECTION R.C.E. 19348 Revision B 51-2 EARTHWORK EW-1: Turf Slope and Mound Requirement EW-2: Turf Swale EW-3: Groundcover Swale ------------------- () 0 0 )> I ::u ~ -0 fT1 ~ -0 () fT1 ::u ^ z -' 0 fT1 ,-0 < 0 fT1 fT1~ 0 -0 -' ., (J) ~ ~ <.0 OJ ~ <D VI .j>. (Doo ~ 0-1 Cc 2;0 0.." rr1 ;0 (f) :E rrJ r I 00 ~ C \J -rrJ ;0 rrJ)> ~2 ~O -I (") ~ o ." o C OJ r - Z 5' GENTLY ROUNDED NO SHARP EDGES 3' M IN, WHERE ADJACENT TO PAVING OR STRUCTURE MAX SLOPE IN GROUNDCOVER. NONTURF AREAS (UNLESS OTHER- WISE SHOWN) 2' M IN. WHERE ADJACENT TO PROPERTY LINE I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I 6' 0" - TYP. SEE PLA.NS "I APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN TURF SWALE EW-2 I I I !I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS , 0" 4 - TYP. SEE PLANS ROUNDED SLOPE~ -1- I 1-, . n \ I I I" I II .lll",llJml ffilll= =III=III=-TT'-~ . , I-I 11==111==111==111- CITY OF DUBLIN GROUNDCOVER SWALE . .E. 19348 B EW-3 PAVING ASPHAL TIC CONCRETE P-AC-1: Roadway Paving P-AC-2: Walkway Paving (Pedestrian) P-AC-3: Walkway Paving (w/Maint.Vehicle) P-AC-4: Parking Lot Paving P-AC-5: Sports Court Paving I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. SUBMIT TYPE OF MIX & INSTALLATION METHOD OF A.C. FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATON OF SLEEVES AND/OR CONDUITS UNDER PAVING. COORDINATE WITH OTHER TRADES AS NECESSARY. AC PAVING nL- \-.- .. "eo .. "eo .. "eo .. "eo .. "eo ,,~ ,,~ ,,~ ,,~ t>~ "- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IX) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. "eo .. "eo .. "eo .. "eo .. "eo .. "eo .. . . . . . . CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BASE 95% COMPACTION -111==111 111_ 111==111 III~ COMPACTED SUBGRADE ::111 1 -III II 90% COMPACTION -111- SECTION APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN ROADWAY PAVING R.C.E. 19348 Revision B P-AC-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. SUBMIT TYPE OF MIX & INSTALLATION METHOD OF A.C. FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATON OF SLEEVES AND/OR CONDUITS UNDER PAVING. COORDINATE WITH OTHER TRADES AS NECESSARY. AC PAVING =~ ~[..~ ..% ..% ..% ..% ..% .. -c::t ~ ~ ...0.: ,~: ,..~: ,..0.: \ ...D-: "e ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 111==11 I 1/ L '11==111 I " III =111 I -III II . -I I 1- CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BASE 95% COMPACTION COMPACTED SUBGRADE 90% COMPACTION SECTION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN WALKWAY PAVING (PEDESTRIAN ONLY) P-AC-2 I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. SUBMIT TYPE OF MIX & INSTALLATION METHOD OF A.C. FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATON OF SLEEVES AND/OR CONDUITS UNDER PAVING. COORDINATE WITH OTHER TRADES AS NECESSARY. AC PAVING ~~ ~ CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BASE 95% COMPACTION .. .:0- .. .:0- .. .:0- .. .:0- .. .:0- .. l>~ l>~ l>~ l>~ l>~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. .:0- .. .:0- .. .:0- .. .:0- .. .:0- .. .:0- - . - - - - - -111==111 III 111==111 III~COMPACTED SUBGRADE =111 I -III II 90% COMPACTION -I I 1- SECTION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN:RJB/JE CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN WALKWAY PAVING . . . 19348 8 WITH MAINT. VEHICLE TRAFFIC P-AC-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. SUBMIT TYPE OF MIX & INSTALLATION METHOD OF A.C. FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATON OF SLEEVES AND/OR CONDUITS UNDER PAVING. COORDINATE WITH OTHER TRADES AS NECESSARY. 2 1/2" L1- =[ ....:~~ ..~ ..~ ..~ ..~ ..~ .. 1. "." " ..." " 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~ . ., 111==111 III I 1/==111 III 1/ I =111 I -III II -I I 1- AC PAVING CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BASE 95% COMPACTION COMPACTED SUBGRADE 95% COMPACTION SECTION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB/JE CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN PARKING LOT PAVING R.C.E. 19348 Revision P-AC-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. SUBMIT TYPE OF MIX & INSTALLATION METHOD OF A.C. FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATON OF SLEEVES AND/OR CONDUITS UNDER PAVING. COORDINATE WITH OTHER TRADES AS NECESSARY. AC PAVING 2 1/2" LL- [: ...:e. ...:e. ...:e. ...:e. .. % ...:e. .. ... ~.... 1)..... 1)..... 0..... 0..... Co.... to ."~' ." .... · · -~~~~~~~~~~~ , .." ," .. ," .. ," .. ," .. 111==111 III 111==111 I " III =/1 1 I -I /I II . -111- SECTION APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN SPORTS COURT PAVING CTY DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB/ JE CHECKED:PS R.C.E. 19348 Revision B CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BASE 95% COMPACTION COMPACTED SUBGRADE 95% COMPACTION P-AC-5 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES DS-1: Park Area Drain Condition "A" DS-2: Park Area Drain Condition "B" DS-3: Park Area Drain Condition "c" DS-4: Park Storm Drain Manhole DS-5: Parking Lot Area Drain DS-6: Storm Drain Pipe Trench DS-7: Sub-drain Condition "A" DS-8: Sub-drain Condition "8" DS-9: Sub-drain Condition "c" DS-10: Curb Inlet DS-11: Drain Through Curb DS-12: Clean Out I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: DRAIN STRUCTURE TO BE SANTA ROSA PRECAST PRODUCTS CUSTOM PRECAST INLET-MODEL EK WI STANDARD GRATE AND STANDARD LOCKING DEVICE. DRAIN STRUCTURE wi 12"X12" GRATE BACKFILL OF TRENCH PER SPEC'S. FORM SLOPED MORTAR BOnOM OF INLET TO DRAIN .. 4 COMPACT BACKFILL OF TRENCH TO 90% REL. COMPACTION .4. .... 4 4. :.::~::.~<:..:'~ ~\;...::.~..::..:.:' PVC STORM DRAIN LINE -SEE PLANS FOR PIPE SIZE AND TYPE <I SECTION 4. . -11::4. . . . . :.;.. :::."::...:.-:~:. :..:.....:. _ '.6'. " <C!'." .' . "., ...." .~. ..,.,~..... .:...:.. _ ; Q 4, t:>;'.,' ., Q .,' _I 1 I-I I '- I [ 171 i 'I~I :~lloi;q; ti II I ,111- [ ~:~NBE2~6Nu~D 6" DEPTH-CLASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL-REL. COMPACTION-90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE REL. COMPACTION-90% APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN PARK AREA DRAIN R.C.E. 19348 Revision B CONDITION A (12" Sq. Grate) DS 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: DRAIN STRUCTURE TO BE SANTA ROSA PRECAST PRODUCTS CUSTOM PRECAST INLET-MODEL 2K W/ STANDARD GRATE AND STANDARD LOCKING DEVICE. DRAIN STRUCTURE BACKFILL OF TRENCH PER SPEC'S. I /f' COMPACT BACKFILL OF TRENCH TO 90% i REL. COMPACTION ) ( I PVC STORM DRAIN LINE-SEE PLANS FOR PIPE SIZE AND TYPE. ... .<1. FORM SLOPED MORTAR BOTTOM OF INLET TO DRAIN <I .. . 4. ~.....::.~. =:.... :.:.... a#., _...... . :.... : __:....: : a#.:a. .:.'.::..... <I ~.". \ -II .:. <I .. . .. . . . :;<::"':':"':":~:' >.:....:./' = :... 0 ~., ~., <.: , o.,~~ -rl "1' .. ". "1 ( .~ l-f!'O,." "0. :;.:.;0';0' ,0,' I-III I - . , ,. - - SAND BEDDING- 'IT I I Iml I IIIII I ~ ~I~~t. AROUND 6" DEPTH-CLASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL-REL. COMPACTION-90% COMPACTED SU8GRADE REL. COMPACTION-90% SECTION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN:RJB CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN PARK AREA DRAIN CONDITION B (24" Sq. Grate) 05-2 I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: DRAIN STRUCTURE TO BE SANTA ROSA PRECAST PRODUCTS CUSTOM PRECAST INLET-MODEL 5K W/ HEAVY DUTY GRATE AND STANDARD LOCKING DEVICE. DRAIN STRUCTURE BACKFILL OF TRENCH PER SPEC'S. /fl COMPACT BACKFILL I OF TRENCH TO 90% ~ REL. COMPACTION ( I PVC STORM DRAIN LINE-SEE PLANS FOR PIPE SIZE AND TYPE. .", . .. FORM SLOPED MORTAR BOTTOM OF INLET TO DRAIN . '" A "'. :.:~~::.~.:.:..:'~ ~"::;."~.....:::~.:' 4 4. . -111,; d d.:; .;:.:).. .o.~. :'I'r:I::'f'I:~"~:"I:~ I, 4" ',' ~,',Q ',/7 :t, - . . .. - - SAND BEDDING- 'TIlllmllllll'l ~ ~I~E~N. AROUND 6" DEPTH-CLASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL-REL. COMPACTION-90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE REL. COMPACTION-90% SECTION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN PARK AREA DRAIN R.C.E. 19.348 Revision B COND. C (30" Sq. Grate-HD) D5-3 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. PRECAST MANHOLE MATERIAL IS MANUFACTURED TO ASTM SPEC. C478. 2. GROUT JOINTS WITH 1:3 MORTAR MIX OR USE RAM-NEK JOINT COMPOUND. 3. WEIGHT OF TAPER = 800 LBS. WEIGHT OF VERTICALS = 520 LBS/FT. 4. GROUT JOINTS ARE TO BE SMOOTH WITH NO ROUGH EDGES THAT CAN CATCH DEBRIS OR IMPEDE FLOW. SEE PLANS FOR 24" 1.0. ADJACENT MATERIAL c.o I 5" WALL . ~ 4 " WALL 36" 1.0. POUR BASE IN FIELD MINIMUM 6" DEPTH CAST IRON FRAME AND COVER . .' !> .. ..~r COMPACTED SUBGRADE ~IIIIII~ I( I .11 !IIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIT "1==111-' SECTION PRECAST EXTENSION RINGS AS REQUIRED 3" & 6" HIGH, GROUT JOINTS PRECAST CONCENTRIC TAPER SECTION T&G JOINT SEE NOTE #2 PRECAST VERTICAL WALL SECTIONS IN 1', 2', 3' & 4' INCREMENTS AS REQ. POUR BASE OVER TOP OF PIPE. SET VERTICAL SECTION IN FRESH CONC. OR USE T & G IMPRESSION RING TO FORM JOINT PIPING PER PLANS CITY OF DUBLIN PARK STORM DRAIN MANHOLE D5-4 APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB CHECKED:PS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I NOTE: DRAIN STRUCTURE TO BE SANTA ROSA PRECAST PRODUCTS CUSTOM PRECAST INLET-MODEL 5K wi HEAVY DUTY GRATE, FRAME AND STANDARD LOCKING DEVICE. PLAN .c .c ~ A <: L\ <: .c ,j I ,j 4 .c .c .c '1 .c '-4 .c 4 j ~ <: 4 N I~ 1--+: #3 HORIZ. REBAR #3 REBAR EMBEDED INTO PRECAST DRAIN STRUCTURE 18" A' .c 4 <: <: #3 HORIZ. REBAR #3 REBAR EMBEDED INTO PRECAST DRAIN STRUCTURE 4 Z 2 CONCRETE BAND HEAVY DUTY GRATE AND FRAME CONCRETE BAND BACKFILL OF TRENCH PER SPECIFICATIONS COMPACT BACKFILL OF TRENCH TO 90% REL. COMPACTION FORM SLOPED MORTAR BOnOM OF INLET TO DRAIN . 4. ~ ...::4e ::.... :..;... --., _. '" . . .-! . . '. .-. ... .., ...... .' . ... 4''' -. -.. PVC STORM DRAIN LINE-SEE GRADING PLAN, SHEET 4 FOR PIPE SIZE AND TYPE. .. . =11L~,," ;, 5, : ~:'., >-;. ~1"r:':f'I:~"~""~ ' , ",',," t7 ",.(7 ~,. - . .. - - SAND BEDDING- If/lllm~11111111 ~ ~;~E~N. AROUND 6" DEPTH-CLASS 2 AGG. BASE SECTION A-A MATERIAL-REL COMPACTION-90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE REL. COMPACTION-90% APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN PARKING 19348 B LOT AREA DRAIN 05-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPROVED: I DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN:RJB CHECKED:PS FINISH GRADE COMPACTED SOIL PER SPECIFICATIONS OR 6" DEPTH NATIVE SOIL BACKFILL FREE OF DEBRIS OR ROCKS 1" OR LARGER c.o STORM DRAIN L1NE- SIZE AND TYPE PER SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE PLAN 6" 6" SAND PIPE BEDDING- TO BE FREE OF ANY ROCKS OR GRAVEL CITY OF DUBLIN STORM DRAIN TRENCH D5-6 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPROVED: c DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN:RJB CHECKED:PS FINISH GRADE-TURF ADS PERFORATED PIPE SEE PLAN FOR PIPE DIA. LARGE PARTICLE SUBDRAIN SAND - OLYMPIC NO.2 OR EQUAL. I ,ill I I J111 J1L I 1_ - : L -:.~':'.~>:.:.?<:< 1- ~~I~~[I'~I~i~: F~~~[PROVED O"!, '.' PEA GRAVEL, EXTENDING 2" ABOVE PERF. PIPE FLOWLINE, SEE SUBDRAIN PLAN SECTION . CITY OF DUBLIN SUBDRAIN CONDITION A D5-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111_ FINISH GRADE-TURF 4" DIA. ADS PERFORATED PIPE WRAP WITH MIRAFI 140N OR EQUAL PIPE FILTER FABRIC SOCK. FLOWLINE, SEE GRADING PLAN LARGE PARTICLE SUBDRAIN SAND SECTION AT CINDER CLAY INFIELD/TURF FIELD INTERFACE APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN " SUBDRAIN CONDITION B 05-8 R.C.E. 19348 Revision B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBDRAIN SPACING BACKFILL TRENCH WITH ASTM C-33 FINE AGGREGATE (CONCRETE SAND). to ..- ~ o z SCARIFY SUBGRADE EXISTING SUBGRADE "MULTI-FLOW" SUBDRAIN SYSTEM INCLUDING ALL CONNECTIONS AND FITTINGS. OR APPROVED EQUAL SEE PLAN FOR PATTERN. CONNECTS TO STORM DRAIN LINE. SLOPE OF SUBDRAIN TO FOLLOW EXISTING GRADE. MAINTAIN 16" SLOT TRENCH DEPTH. EXCEPT AT FEEDER TRANSITION SECTION WHERE SUBDRAIN CONNECTS TO STORM DRAIN LINE. CITY OF DUBLIN SUBDRAIN CONDITION C D5-9 APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB CHECKED:PS R.C.E. 19348 Revision B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SIDEWALK WEAKENED PLANE JOINT A ~\ 1// N I WEAKENED PLANE JOINT OR CONSTRUCTION JOINT WEAKENED PLANE JOINT - ---. --1 B WEAKENED PLANE JOINT OR CONSTRUCTION JOINT I II ~_J) A ~ DIMENSION 'A' SEE TABLE 24" 24" CURB OPENING ANGLE 5-#4 BARS AT 10" C.C. INSTAlL TWO CORNER BARS AT 90" FRONT ONLY co "-- r-') fOR WEEPHOLE DETAIL SEE CD-403 Co 4-#4 BARS AT 7-1/2" C.C. 5-#4 BARS SPACED EVENLY (3'-6" LONG) #4 HOOPED BAR lYP. ALL PIPES (9-12 DIA. leaving the inlet shall be channelized to th springline as directed CONSTRUCTION JOINT .: . ~~ .....~ ~~~." . 6" 6" 36" SECTION B-B 2'-9" SECTION A-A GENERAL NOTES: 1. Inlets with conduits entering and by the Engineer. 2. Where rolled curbs are encountered,transition curbface from vertical at curb conform to rolled curb in 3 feet. 3. For step details, see Alameda County Detail 50-517. 4. When longitudinal slope exceeds 5%, use Dublin Curb Inlet-Type "8". 5. For storm drain lines larger than 24", use Alameda County Detail 50-416. DIMENSION A UPSTREAM CURB GRADE "A" UPSTREAM 2% AND LESS 2' 3% 3 4% 4' 5% 5' 6% 7' 1070 OR MORE 10' opening angle to "A" DOWNSTREAM 2' 2 2' 2' 2' 2' CITY OF DUBLIN CURB INLET APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN:RJB CHECKED:PS 05-10 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C ~. w Z .....J 3: ............. e::: 0-J w z ::J 3: ............. e::: VARI S f'-. REINFORCE WITH 6x6-10/10 ELECTRIC WELDED WIRE FABRIC-10" WIDE OR APPROVED EQUAL APPROVED: TY DATE: 09/28/98 DRAWN:RJB CHECKED:PS SIDEWALK AREA SAW CUT WHEN THERE IS EXISTING CURB AND' GUTTER ---r- PLAN VARIES 4' MIN. SIDEWALK AREA SECTION C-C 3/2 D .4 .<1 .4 . 4 . <1.4 4. <1. 4 SECTION 0-0 o CURB UNE C N o VARI CURB LINE . .~'. . - ..- . . . ~. .', 4' . ., '. .. .;, .. . '", . ...-~ ......~- r.. ,.. '" -, ,,"..1 ~ 3"f/> STANDARD GALVANIZED PIPE .<1. 4 CITY OF DUBLIN DRAIN THROUGH CURB R.C.E. 19348 Revision B DS-11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CLEAN OUT TYPE 1 TO BE SANTA ROSA PRECAST PRODUCTS CUSTOM PRECAST INLET-MODEL 2K (24"x 24") WI REINFORCED, CHECKERED PLATE LID, INCLUDING HEAVY FRAME & GRATE, AND BOLT DOWN COVER. 1/4" GALVANIZED ~ CHECKERED PLATE COVER-BOLT DOWN RECESS BOLTS COVER TO BE FLUSH WI RIM OF CLEANOUT FORM MORTAR BOTTOM OF INLET SLOPED TO DRAIN .. If BACKFILL OF TRENCH . TO BE PER SPEC'S. · ~ AND PER GRADING PLAN, SHEET 4 . . I PVC STORM DRAIN · ! LINE-SEE PLANS ,/ ~.....::.~. ::.:. :.::." '.t '..... FOR PIPE SIZE .:.... ..... .. . .-. .."\,. ....... . .. ,.. #' -. .. . . . . . , <t, . . " . . 6' " '" 4 '" , , <t -II: '..' ," ~.;. :::"'::-":'::~:':''':''''':'/~ _ . 4.4 . . ~.'" . .... <fl.: ....." .~. e. ,.- ., -.... .:-:-:... - : t7 t7 . .:;; . ,', Q 0" -I I I-I I -, I, I ?'T i '1.0'1 :~ I ri ;q~ ti II I ' II 1- ' ~~~NBEf~6~~D 6" DEPTH-CLASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL-REL. COMPACTION-95% COMPACTED SUBGRADE SECTION REL. COMPACTION-90% D$-12 CITY OF DUBLIN R.C.E. 19348 Revision B CLEANOUT APPROVED: 05-12 PAVING CONCRETE P-C-1: Concrete Paving Condition "A" P-C-2: Concrete Paving Condition "B" P-C-3: Concrete Paving Finish and Color Notes I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. CONSTRUCT ALL JOINTS .AND EDGES AS SHOWN ON THE LAYOUT PLAN, 2. SLOPE ALL CONCRETE TO DRAIN PER GRADING PLAN. 3. REBAR AND DOWELS SHALL BE PRE -SET IN FORMS. 'WET-SETTING' OR 'LIFTING' OF BARS OR DOWELS INTO PLACE SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED. 4. BREAK BOND ONE END OF DOWELS. CARDBOARD TUBE 1/2" I.D. OR TWO LAYERS BUILDING PAPER WRAPPED IN A NEAT, TIGHT MANNER AROUND DOWEL AND DUCT TAPED IN PLACE ON ONE END OF DOWEL. DEEP SCORE TROWEL- --- 1/4" WIDE, 1-1/2" DEPTH, 1/4" RAD. TOOL @ 6" O.C. #3 REBAR AT 18" O.C. BOTH DIRECTIONS- TYP. EXPANSION JOINT: 1/4" IMPREGNATED FIBER FULL DEPTH OF SLAB. 1/4"R 30" #4 PLAIN BAR DOWt'L @ 18" O.C. AT EXP. JOINT, 12" FROM PAVING EDGE. BREAK BOND ONE END. I" <l "<t 4 .. s:e. .. s:e. .. s:e. .. s:e. C>, C>, c>, /C> "<t ~ s:e. .. s:e. .. s:o. .. s:e. tllmll~11 Ilmlll! ,lllmlllmlllmll -111-,1 II-III 111-111-111-11 ~ 6" DEPTH CLASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL -REL. COMPACTION-95% COMPACTED SUBGRADE -REL. COMPACTION-90% SECTION APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN CONCRETE PAVING CONDITION 'A' R.C.E. 19348 Revision B P-C-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. CONSTRUCT ALL JO'INTS AND EDGES AS SHOWN ON LAYOUT PLAN. 2. SLOPE ALL CONCRETE TO DRAIN-MIN PITCH 1/8" PER 1'-0", MAX. PITCH 1 /4" I::lER 1'-0". 3. REBAR AND DOWELS SHALL BE PRE -SET IN FORMS. 'WET- SETTING' OR 'LIFTING' SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED. 4. BREAK BOND ONE END OF DOWELS. CARDBOARD TUBE 1/2" I.D. OR TWO LAYERS BUILDING PAPER WRAPPED IN A NEAT, TIGHT MANNER AROUND DOWEL AND DUCT TAPED IN PLACE ON ONE END OF DOWEL. 30" #4 SMOOTH DOWEL REBARS @18" O.C. :f: - BREAK BOND ONE SIDE ONLY. EXPANSION JOINT: 1/4" IMPREGNATED FIBER. FULL DEPTH OF SLAB AT 18'-0" O.C. TOOL 1/4" RADIUS. :1 <1.<1 . 4 '. <1 SCORE JOINT: TROWEL TO 1/4" WIDE, 1/2" DEEP, 1/2" RADIUS @ 6'-0" O.C. -.i u . . Ll '. N C,O #3 REBARS AT ~ 18" O.C. BOTH DIRECTIONS 4 4 ..~ ~ '(,.:0. ..~ ..~ ..s:e. t..... 0.... 0..... 1>.... ,;""'b. >-e'(,s:e. ..s:e...s:e...s:e. 111- II-Ill-III 111-111-111-11 , , ,ill, , ,~w, "I I" ,~II",w" 6" DEPTH BASEROCK SUBGRADE -COMPACT CLASS 2 AGGREGATE TO 90% RELATIVE COMPACT TO 95% COMPACTION RELATIVE COMPACTION. C,O' SECTION: APPROVED: . DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB/JE CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN CONCRETE PAVING CONDITION 'B' P-C-2 CI E DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB/ JE CHECKED:PS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPROVED: TEXTURED CONCRETE PAVING FINISH AND COLOR NOTES: 1. PER THE SPECIFICATIONS SAMPLES ARE TO BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO START OF CONCRETE WORK. 2. REQUIRED CONCRETE INTEGRAL COLORS AND FINISHES ARE SHOWN ON THE DETAILS. 3. A SAMPLE OF CONCRETE FINISH AND COLOR IS DEEMED TO BE THREE DISTINCT 24" SQUARE SAMPLES COMBINING COLOR, FINISH AND CONCRETE MIX TO BE USED ON THIS PROJECT. 4. SAMPLES ARE TO BE PROVIDED ON SITE FOR REVIEW BY CITY ENGINEER AND PROJECT ARCHITECT. 5. SAMPLES SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR THE FOLLOWING CONCRETE COLORS AND FINISHES: MEDIUM SANDBLAST LIGHT SANDBLAST BROOM WI SCOFIELD C-14 FRENCH GRAY TOP SEEDED EXPOSED AGGREGATE WASHED EXPOSED AGGREGATE TROWEL OR PATTERN STAMPED CONCRETE FINISH CITY OF DUBLIN CONCRETE PAVING FINISH AND COLOR NOTES R.C.E. 19348 Revision B P-C-3 PAVING SPECIAL P-S-1: Modular Paving on Concrete Bose P-S-2: Cobble Paving P-S-3: Pattern Stomped Concrete P-S-4: Interlocking Modular Concrete Paving I I I I II -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE SCORED AT 5' O.C. BENEATH THE MODULAR PAVING UNIT. 2. REBAR TO BE CHAIRED OR DOBIED. NO WET-SETTING WILL BE PERMITTED. MODULAR PAVING UNIT GROUT JOINT TO BE 1/4" MIN., 3/8" MAX. #3 REBAR AT 18" O.C. BOTH DIRECTIONS, 1YP. I II CLASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL -REL. COMPACTION-95% SECTION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB CHECKED:PS R.C.E. 19348 Revision B CITY OF DUBLIN MODULAR PAVING ON CONCRETE BASE P-S-1 'I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE SCORED AT 5' O.C. BENEATH THE COBBLES. 2. REBAR TO BE CHAIRED OR DOBIED. NO WET-SETTING OF REBAR WILL BE PERMITTED. 3. COBBLES TO BE ROUNDED RIVER WASHED. 1/3 TO BE IN 2"-4" RANGE. 1/3 TO BE IN 4"-6" RANGE. 1/3 TO BE IN 6"-8" RANGE. """ SET COBBLES TIGHT AS SHOWN. MIN. GROUT TO SHOW. #3 REBAR AT 18" O.C. BOTH DIRECTIONS, TYP. ..d. '';4 r.!) o 0. ~ 0 C> <:> ~ C:::;;O <::> o-c::;, a Co 0 t::::::? co 0 <::;:0 0 0 00:'-" 0 ,--.,~ <=> 0 C> o <::::? ~ '--'" c.<..--' c;;. 0 C:;J 00 0. c::::;; oc;;. <=> 0 c- 0 ~ <::::;J .0 0 II III III III III III III III . -11-11\ "1-111=-111- COMPACTED SUBGRADE-90% R.C. CLASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL -REL. COMPACTION-95% .sECTION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN COBBLE PAVING P-S-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. CONSTRUCT ALL PATTERN JOINTS AND EDGES AS SHOWN ON THE LAYOUT AND REFERENCE PLANS, 2. EXPANSION JOINTS OCCUR ONLY AT JUNCTION BETWEEN CONCRETE PAVING AND VERTICAL SURFACES OR WHERE TWO DIFFERENT SECTION THICKNESSES OF CONCRETE ABUT. 3. ALL REBAR IS TO BE PRE -SET. NO WET-SETTING OR LIFTING OF BARS. REBAR IS TO BE SET TO BE IN MIDDLE OF CONCRETE SECTION. 4. MIX INTEGRAL COLOR AS SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS. 5. SLOPE ALL CONCRETE TO DRAIN. MIN. SLOPE 1/8" IN 12". SEE GRADING PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL GRADING INFORMATION. PATTERN SCORE -MIN. 1" DEPTH. 1/2" R. TOOL ON EDGES. SEE SPECIFICATIONS #3 REBAR AT 18" O.C. BOTH DIRECTIONS, TYP. 1/2"Rl 1 " j 1/2"R CAULKED EXPANSION JOINT- 1/4" TH. IMPREGNATED FIBER- FULL DEPTH, SEE NOTE 2 #4 SMOOTH DOWEL -30" LENGTH-18" O.C. AT ALL EXP. JOINTS. BREAK BOND ONE END '<t 4" .. "0- .. "0- .. "0- ~... ~... ,......-c. ~ ..:e .. "0- .. "0- .. "0- Il-III 111-111-111-11 I Jll~~ III Jli, I IWI I JUII ~ COMPACTED SUBGRADE 90% R.C. CD CLASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL REL. COMPACTION 95% SECTION R.C.E. 19348 Revision B CITY OF DUBLIN PATTERN STAMPED CONCRETE APPROVED: P-S-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONCRETE BAND SEE PLANS SAND JOINTS INTERLOCKING P A VERS- SEE NOTES 1-1/2" DEPTH-SAND LEVELLING BED "FABRICSCAPE" WEED CONTROL WEED RESTRICTOR WOVEN NEEDLE PUNCHED FABRIC 8" MIN. DEPTH CLASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL 95% REL. COMPACTION COMPACTED SUBGRADE 90% REL. COMPACTION NOlES: 1. SUBMIT SAMPLE OF PAVER TO PROJECT ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2.INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS CITY OF DUBLIN INTERLOCKING MODULAR CONCRETE PAVING P-S-4 APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB/JE CHECKED:PS I I PAVING GRANULAR P-G-1: Decomposed Granite Paving with Stabilizer I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: I. DECOMPOSED/WEATHERED GRANITE FINES SHALL BE GREY IN COLOR. SUBMIT SAMPLE FOR APPROVAL. 2. GREY QUARRY FINES AVAILABLE THROUGH GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FELTON QUARRY. (408)423-8840. OR APPROVED EQUAL. 3. PREBLEND STABILIZER WITH DECOMPOSED GRANITE FINES AT QUARRY SITE, PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED RATE, BUT NOT LESS THAN 10 LBS. OF STABILIZER PER TON OF DECOMPOSED GRANITE FINES. 4. DECOMPOSED GRANITE MUST BE WET WHEN ROLLED. DO NOT ROLL DRY DECOMPOSED GRANITE PAVING. N l / FINISHED GRADE ,=" ~= ~...~ ~.~ ~ ~~...~ ..~ llllllllllll~IIIIIIIIIIIIIII~llllmllllllllllllllllllII: III III ~III==II = FINES WET AND ROLLED TO EVENLY PITCHED GRADES, COMPACT TO 90% RELATIVE COMPACTION. COMPACTED CLASS II AGGREGATE BASE MATERIAL -90% COMPACTION COMPACTED SUBGRADE 90% COMPACTION SECTION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB/JE CHECKED:PS R.C.E. 19348 Revision B CITY OF DUBLIN DECOMPOSED GRANITE PAVING WITH STABILIZER P-G-1 I I STREET AND ROADW A Y S-1: Standard Street Curb S-2: Standard Street Curb and Gutter S-3: Standard Street Driveway Condition "A" S-4: Standard Street Driveway Condition "B" S-5: Standard Street Driveway with Flat Flares S-6: Standard Sidewalk Disabled Ramp S-7: Standard Sidewalk Disabled Ramp (Limited Access) S-8: Monolithic Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk S-9: Valley Gutter I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 1/2" - "l "---- ..-- N "----n ..- 5" Ll ~~' <<~~~ /y ">(/,,,- ~ ' \. SEE LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR DETAIL IN THIS AREA OC) <J. FINISH GRADE AC. PAVING L:1 <J L:1 <J #~~~ ~ BASE I P.C.C. MEDIAN :W ~ c:::?'?8 ~llTl~ MINIMUM 4" DEPTH 1==11 ~ d25' .~: CLASS II AGGREGATE =1/1 ~ ~~II . BASE MATERIAL- I 111==111==111==111 III: 90% R.C. -I I I J II III " I III=- -III-Ill-I]' APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: CHECKED:PS I CITY OF DUBLIN STANDARD STREET CURB R.C.E. 19348 Revision B 5-1 I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GUTTER LINE CURB LINE l' -6" 6" 3/4" CURB GRADE R= 1 /2" TOOLED EDGE CD . <J . N ..- .L:1 L:1 L:1 . <J - ..- <J DASHED LINE INDICATES PERMISSIBLE OPTION FOR CONSTRUCTION q??~ 08 o c:r-. 0 ~ ~o I ~ 7 1/2" .1 4" MINIMUM DEPTH CLASS" AGGREGATE CUSHION MATERIAL P.C.C. CURB AND GU7TER P. C. C. CURB AND GUTTER AREA= 1.292 SQ. FT. APPROVED: R.C.E. 19348 Revision B CITY OF DUBLIN STANDARD STREET CURB AND GUTTER 5-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CD VGUTTER LINE CURB LINE 1 '-6 5' -a" MIN. VARIES 3/4" BACK OF SDWLK. I - -TOP OF PAVEMENT CURB GRADE w Z =::i CD ~ CD 0::: W 0.. .~ . 0 ~ . o~ # ocyJ g. ~ #' ~ f7>. @ 0 "f29 _~ d2i!. 4" MINIMUM CUSHION ~ MATERIAL-CLASS II AGGREGATE MATERIAL ~ o<t? rg;d?$1:f5 # ~ SECTION 3'-0" 10' -0" MIN. 20' MAX. RESIDENTIAL 35' MAX. COMMERCIAL 3'-0" N "---- ..- CURB N - .- ---7- F.L. GUTTER -t P o~p~ Bp 1 '-6" p o~p~ B# 4" MINIMUM CUSHION MATERIAL-CLASS " AGGREGATE MATERIAL ELEVA TlON NOTE: FOR STANDARD CONCRETE DRIVEWAY WITH SIDEWALK SEPARATED FROM CURB, SEE DRAWING SD 307. SPACING BETWEEN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE 20 FEET OF MULTIPLES OF 20 FEET, OR LESS THAN 7 FEET, EXCEPT DRIVEWAYS LOCATED ADJACENT TO UNIMPROVED PROPERTY SHALL BE 10 FEET FROM [PROPERTY LINE. ALL DRIVEWAY SPACINGS SHALL BE MEASURED FROM TOP OF DRIVEWAY FLARE. IF DRIVEAY IS POURED SEPARATELY, SEE SD 304. C E DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: CHECKED:PS e-4 ! CITY OF DUBLIN STANDARD STREET DRIVEWAY CONDITION 'A' 5-3 APPROVED: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GUTTER LINE CURB LINE 1 '-6 5' -0" MIN. 3/4" to w Z ....J - -TOP OF PAVEMENT CURB GRADE CD ~ 0::: W D- o 0:::: 0.. CD ~ o~ rg;a5$Y3 P ~ SECTION 3'-0" 10' -0" MIN. 20' MAX. RESIDENTIAL 35' MAX. COMMERCIAL 3'-0" N "---- ..- CURB N - .- ---7 F.L. GUTTER -t P oJiffp ~ Bp l' -6" P oY3p~ Bp ELEVATION 4" MINIMUM CUSHION MATERIAL-CLASS II AGGREGATE MATERIAL NOTE: THIS IS A DRIVEWAY SECTION WHEN CURB AND SIDEWALK ARE SEPARATED. FOR SECTION SHOWING DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION WHEN SIDEWALK IS AFJACENT TO CURB, SEE DRAWING SD-306 SPACING BETWEEN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE 20 FEET OF MULTIPLES OF 20 FEET, OR LESS THAN 7 FEET, EXCEPT DRIVEWAYS LOCATED ADJACENT TO UNIMPROVED PROPERTY SHALL BE 10 FEET FROM [PROPERTY LINE. ALL DRIVEWAY SPACINGS SHALL BE MEASURED FROM TOP OF DRIVEWAY FLARE. IF DRIVEAY IS POURED SEPARATELY, SEE SD 304. APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: CHECKED:PS 1 CITY OF DUBLIN STANDARD STREET DRIVEWAY CONDITION 'B' 5-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I N ~O o Z~ Vi W - wO (j) WEAKENED PLANE- TYPICAL ~SIDEWALK - TYPICAL 3' 5' VARIES ~5' FLAT FLARES FOR COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS 3' NOTE 1: SEE ALAMEDA COUNTY STANDARDS SD-306, SD-307, SD-308 FOR DRIVEWAY DETAILS. NOTE 2: DISTANCE 'D' IS TO BACK OF PROPOSED SIDEWALK OR A MINIMUM OF 5' IF NO SIDEWALK. APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: CHECKED:PS y CITY OF DUBLIN STANDARD STREET DRIVEWAY CURB CUT 5-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GUTTER 12.5% MAX. . 12.5% 'MAX. SEE NOTE 1 6' PLATFORM 4' I" "I 12" WIDE BORDER AROUND RAMP WITH 1/4" x 1/4" GROOVES APPROX. 3/4" O.C. SEE GROOVING DETAIL 14' PLAN ~LOPE BREAK I 1- ELEVATION VIEW LINE J J GRDDVI NG DEIAl.L NOTES: l' -6" 8' MIN. 4' MIN. 11-'" ~ 1-'" "j I ~~ ~ I C \ _~_~_> _______ 8.33% Max. ~SLOPE= 1/4" " CENTER X-SECTION per FOOT /-........... 45. SLOPE '" 1/2"\ 1. FOR A SINGLE CROSSWALK-GROOVE RAMP SO GROOVES ARE \ PARALLEL TO CROSSWALK STRIPES. FOR TWO CROSSWALKS USE ( HERRINGBONE PATTERN AS SHOWN . ~ 2. ~ET~:~TSGI~:g{ MAY BE INCREASED TO A MAX. OF 11.1% \ ~ ~~~IL J B. RAMP LENGTH MAY BE REDUCED TO 6 FEET. ,,;/ C. PLATFORM MAY BE ELIMINATED IF GRADE DOES NOT EXCEED 8.33% --..-' 3. PAY LIMITS ARE THE OUTER DIMENSIONS OF THE RAMP AND PLATFORM IF REQUIRED. Approx. 3/4" around perimeter gpprox. 1 -1/2" on, sloping portion of ramp :q.j 1/4" ::::- ,,- . .4. _.;..~... " '.;.~... . <cr .' .... . ~ '. .~ A. . APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN STANDARD SIDEWALK DISABLED RAMP 5-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (S. FRONT OF RAMP (TYPICAl) 2 WAY CROSSWAlK CROSSWALK TO RIGHT (C).(DO CROSSWAlK CROSSWALK TO LEFT PERPENDICULAR TO CURB FACE GROOVING PATTERNS Approx. 3/4" around perimeter gpprox. 1-1/2" on, sloping portion of ramp "'<tj 1/4" ::::- II~ ~f 4 . . . ~.- -.~ . . ... ~.". ". .' A .' ;.:"".' .4 GROOVING DETAIL APPROVED: A DETAIL 1 HANDICAP RAMP /-......... I 45. SLOPE " 1/2"~ ( ...'.~ \ \i' DEIAI~/ --- ....,." r:( GROOVING PATTERN SEE NOTE 1 NOTE 1 WHEN RAMP IS LOCATED IN CENTER OF CURB RETURN, IT SHALL BE GROOVED IN A HERRING-BONE PATTERN WITH 1/4" GROOVES APPROXIMATELY 1-1/2" O.C. SEE GROOVING DETAIL GROOVES SHALL BE ALIGNED PARALLEL TO CROSS WALK STRIPES TO DIRECT BLIND PEDESTRIANS INTO APPROPRIATE CROSSWALK 8' MIN. SLOPE-2% RETAINING CURB . - "" - .1 SEE LIP DETAIL 4" DEPTH-CLASS " AGG. INSET ABOVE BASE MATERIAL CUSHION ..s..ECTION A-A J CITY OF DUBLIN ~ STANDARD SIDEWALK DISABLED R.C.E. 19348 Revision B RAMP (LIMITED ACCESS) 5-7 I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I <( ....J....J <(g f=U zO::: ww 02 (/)2 wo o::::u WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS AT 10'-0" O.C. (THROUGH CURB AND GUTTER) SCORE JOINT-CENTER BETWEEN WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS LOCO SIDEWALK LO .,.- FACE OF CURB LIP OF GUTTER <( PLAN N.T.S. D=1/8" FOR SCOREMARK D= 1" FOR WEAKENED PLANE JOINT 1 /~"~.: I It ~L SCOREMARKS AMQ WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS DETAIL DASHED LINE INDICATES PERMISSIBLE OPTION FOR CONSTRUCTION 4" MINIMUM DEPTH CLASS II AGGREGATE CUSHION MATERIAL GUTTER LINE l' -6" CURB LINE 6" 5' RESIDENTIAL 8' COMMERCIAL 2% ..,j- CURB GRADE- . :<P> . ..,j- 7 1/2" MONOLITHIC POUR SECTION A-A APPROVED: . DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: CHECKED:PS ~.~ CITY OF DUBLIN MONOLITHIC CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK R.C.E. 19348 Revision B 5-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ OF STREET W/2 W/2 NOTE: DASHED LINES WITH ARROWS INDICATE FLOW LINES CURB LINE ANGLE AS SHOWN ON PLAN ~ 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL I FLOW LINE 0.10 FOOT BELOW EDGE OF APRON I CURB LINE ANGLE AS SHOWN ON PLAN I I::2 1-00 oO::::z OL1-.W I ~:zo~ wOJ=.::) I- 1-1 ' Q(I5>-w >:zwo:: o -I a:::<(-IlL.. CLg:~OI 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL I FLOW LINE 0.10 FOOT BELOW EDGE OF APRON I CURB LINE MAX. 4% SLOPE ACROSS APRON CURB LINE KEYED JOINT (SEE DETAIL) #6x18" DOWELS ON 18" MAX. SPACINGS PLAN VIEW OF VALLEY GUTTER AND APRON ~LI: 6' 3' ~I~ 3' ~I . .~~~ ~ ~. 4 I <J~ ~ ~ OF VALLEY GUTTER SECTION A-A to VALLEY GUTTER 1 5/8" ..-- "- co ..-- "- ..- L() N N #6x18" DOWEL , z , 0 COo:: Q.. <( SECTION B-B to ..-- "- ..- ..-- N E DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: CHECKED:PS ./ CITY OF DUBLIN VALLEY GUTTER APPROVED: 5-9 I ~ FENCING, RAILINGS AND GATES FR-1: Chain Link Fence (6' and 8" height) FR-2: Color Coated Chain Link Fence (6' & 8'~ height) FR-3: Chain Link Single Gate (5' width) FR-4: Double Chain Link Gate (10' width) FR-5: Standard Wooden Fence, 6' Height FR-6: Standard Wooden Fence, 3' Height FR-7: Wood Fence Gate, 6' Height FR-8A: Pipe Gate FR-88: Pipe Gate with Removable Lock Tabs FR-8C: Pipe Gate FR-9: Metal Rail Fence, 6' Height FR-10: Metal Rail Gate, 6' Height FR-11: Metal Guard Rail FR-12: Metal Step Railing FR-13: Metal Guard Rail FR-14: Pipe Step Railing I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10' MIN. TOP, BOTTOM AND MID RAIL TO BE 1-7 /8"~ -l <( => G w ~I f- :l: If) ill :l: D::: Q l.L Z <t --I D- ill ill tSl -l <( => G w STANDARD C.L. FENCE FABRIC + / - 2" PATTERN LINE POST TO BE 2-3/8"0 2-7 /8"~ END OR CORNER POST 3/8"1/> TRUSS ROD W/ TURNBUCKLE HOLD BOTTOM RAIL 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE ~ Ii Ii t> t> ~ b b [>. \'() b t> b b b [>. t> ('() ~ <:1 ...- <0. a 00 q 0"0. o<=! o.d 0 .<O~ 18" FINISH GRADE 18"1/> CONCRETE FOOTING 6" DEPTH-CL. 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN CHAIN LINK FENCE 6' AND 8' HEIGHT FR-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~ 10' MIN. TOP. BOnOM AND MID RAIL TO BE 1-7/S"0 ....J <( =:J o W HOLD BOnOM RAIL 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE ~I f- :r: '-' [jJ :r: n:: o u.. VINYL-FUSED COLOR -COATED FABRIC SEE SPECIFICATIONS LINE POST TO BE 2-3/S"!2l - MID RAIL z ::'5 0.. W W (/) 2-7/S"!2l END OR CORNER POST 3/S"0 TRUSS ROD W/ TURNBUCKLE -l <( =:J o W i i CD to l> l> t. I:. [>. l> t. t. I:. I:. [>. l> : l> ClO -."0-0 QoctO.o. oC! ~cf <:1 .O~ 18" FINISH GRADE 1S"!2l CONCRETE FOOTING 6" DEPTH-CL. 2 AGG. BASE MATERiAl APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN COLOR-COATED CHAIN LINK FENCE 6' AND 8' HEIGHT R.C.E. 19348 Revision B FR-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WIDTH AS NEEDED o TO FIT 5'-0" GATE 5' / CHAIN LINK "/ /' FENCE 1- I' HEAVY-DUTY GATE HINGE (2 TOTAL) CHAIN LINK FABRIC SEE CHAIN LINK FENCE NOTES i 2-3/8"</J GATE FRAME-WELD FRAME JOINTS OC) GATE LATCH W/ LOCKING TAB 3/8" TRUSS ROD W/TURNBUCKLE 3"</J GATE POST- ONE EACH SIDE IS. OC) -<:t l> b b. t>.. l> b b. t>.. l> 18"</J CONCRETE FOOTING w APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN CHAIN LINK SINGLE GATE 5' WIDTH FR-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10' CHAIN LINK EQUAL EQUAL CHAIN LINK FABRIC _/4 FENCE HEAVY DUTY f- ....J GATE HINGE- I <t C) :::l 3 REQUIRED w a PER GATE I w 0::: SLIDING GATE 0 LATCH AND lL. (f) LOCK TAB z 4"~ GATE POST ~ 0.. ....J <( GATE FRAME- w :::> w a 2"f/J STEEL (f) w PIPE -WELD ALL JOINTS 3/8" TRUSS ROD OJ 4 wi TURNBUCKLE <\ . SC H. 40 2 PER GATE 'fI". OJ .<\ CJ STEEL 24"f/J CONCRETE ,0- . <t: ~ . ... PIPE FOOTING 12" SIZE TO .... FIT GATE ... ..~. 6" DEPTH-CL. 2 LATCH ~9:;'.:;-=V- AGG. BASE POLE .;;:<t> __.~_ 18" APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS ; R.C.E. 19348 Revision B CITY OF DUBLIN DOUBLE CHAIN LINK 10' WIDTH FR-4 GATE ------------------- 0 0 0 )> :c ;Q ~ \J fT1 ~ \J 0 fT1 ;Q ^ z 0 fTl <:..0 < 0 fTl fTl"---- 0 \J -> .. (f) ~ "---- to (Xl ;:0 $I f'1 -" <0 01 .j>. mOO (J) ~ z o )> :::0 0'>0 ., I:E ::::0 rrl 0 I - 0 U1 GJ 0 Irrl -IZ .,., rrl Z o rrl o ~ o " o c OJ r - Z NOTES: ALL POSTS SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED DOUGLASS FIR. ALL OTHER LUMBER TO BE CONSTRUCTION HEART REDWOOD UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE ON PLANS. o I <0 . (\j J~ SECTION 2x4 STRINGER 4x6 FENCE POST- PRESSURE TREATED DOUGLAS FIR 1 x8 FENCE BOARDS 2x4 STRINGER NOT REQ. FOR 34" HEIGHT 2x4 STRINGER ..<1. .' .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~II- .. .1 I]]-III=- IIi: ',.1.., . d... I_ .. .<\ : 'fl' SET TOP LEVEL BOTTOM TRIM TO FOLLOW GRADE 111 .6" A' '4 ..:0- 4",:' . 4' ~.'.6..t CONCRETE FOOTING C'-A> .1 ELEVATION 2x8 CAP 1 x4 TRIM 4x6 FENCE POST- PRESSURE TREATED DOUGLAS FIR 1x8 FENCE BOARDS 1 x4 TRIM 1" CLEAR MIN. 4" CLEAR MAX. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 000 )> I;:O~ -0 fTl)>fTl -0 0:E.. ;:0 AZ__ 0 fTl .. 0 < 0 "-.. fTl 0 -0 (f) 6' O.C. MAX. SET TOP OF FENCE LEVEL '1 2x6 TOP RAIL-CON.~ HRT. REDWOOD S4S \ I' 2x2 TRIM-CON. HRT. REDWOOD S4S 4x6 FENCE POST- PRESS. TREATED DOUG. FIR-LIGHTLY SAND FACE AND EASE EDGES 1 x6 CON.HRT.REDWOOD TONGUE AND GROOVE SMOOTH BOTH FACES. 2x2 TRIM-CON. HRT. REDWOOD S4S 2x6 BOTTOM RAIL-CON. HRT. REDWOOD S4S I FINISH GRADE J o 1 n +1 (f) ~ Z 0 )> <l :::0 (N 0 0 OJ q ..-- '1 I :E ::::0 I rrlO q .. m -0 (;')0 IfTl -iZ .,., fTl Z () fTl 12" DIA. CONCRETE PIER FOOTING-CROWN TOP OF PIER TO DRAIN AWAY FROM FENCE POST - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 0 )> I ;;0 ~ -U fT1 ~ -U 0 f:1 ;;0 ^ Z 0 fT1 0 < 0 ;;0 "---- fT1 I 0 -U -t>- (J) "---- <D - ex> ~ 0 0 ()) Q. ... " I~ ::::0 I (J) ::::::I -.....J -. () t.O (J) ::J r+ C) 0 r+ (I) o ~ o ." o C OJ r - Z .HQlES; ALL POSTS SHAlL BE PRESSURE TREATED DOUGLASS fiR. ALL OTHER LUMBER TO BE CONSTRUCTION HEART REDWOOD UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE ON PLANS. SUBMIT GATE HARDEWAAE FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO STAAT OF GATE CONSTRUCTION 2x CAP SET TOP LEVEL ~ ;n 2x4 STRINGER 4x6 fENCE POST- PRESSURE TREATED DOUGLAS FIR lx8 FENCE SOAADS 2x4 STRINGER NOT REQ. FOR 34" HEIGHT 2X6 DlAG. CROSS BRACE LET IN TO STRINGERS STANLEY HEAW DUlY GAlV. GATE HINGE 3 REO. BOTTOM TRIM TO FOLLOW GRADE FRONT ELEVATION CONCRETE fOOTING J~ SECTION 3'-0' CLEAR 2x CAP ," CLEAR MIN. 4" CLEAR t.IAX. FINISH GRADE 4xS fENCE POSTS- PRESSURE TREATED DOUGLAS FIR STANLEY LATCH 8< LOCKING BOLT 2x6 DIAG. BRACE LET INTO STRINGERS 6"XS"X2" GALV. ANGLE BRACE SCREEW TO CIAO. BRACE 8< STRINGER - - - 0 0 0 )> I ;;U ~ \J r'l ~ lJ 0 r'l ;;U ^ Z 0 r'l <:-0 < 0 r'l r'l"---- 0 \J -' (j) .po. '-..... () , to- O) 0 - ~ <0 0 VI ~ moo " 0 C CD r - Z "lJ " "lJ ;0 rrJ I OJ G1 )> ~ rrJ - - - - - - - - - - - DISTANCE=:l:20' -0" :f:10' 0" 4" DIA. SCH. 40 STEEL POST w/ WELDED DOME TOP 5/8" STEEL PLATE-COPE TO 4" DIA. POST AND WELD CONTINUOUS BEAD AROUND PLATE 3" DIA.x4" SCH. 40 STEEL PIPE SOCKET -WELD TO PLATE AND 4" DIA. POST-CONTlN. BEAD 2" DIA. TOP RAIL [GATE LOCK ASSEMBLY- SEE ENLARGEMENT /'. / " 1-1/2" VERTICAL BRACES 1-1/2" BOTTOM RAIL 2" DIA. GATE POST . o I ':q- 3" DIA.x4" SCH. 40 STEEL PIPE SOCKET-WELD TO PLATE AND 4" DIA. POST -CONTlN. BEAD 5/8" STEEL PLATE-COPE TO 4" DIA. POST AND WELD CONTINUOUS BEAD AROUND PLATE .. 14" DIA. CONCRETE PIER-SLOPE TOP OF FOOTING AWAY FROM POST TO DRAIN .. SECTION - - - - - :f:l0' 0" 18"x18" REFLECTIVE SIGN ('TWO REQUIRED). SIGN TO HAVE 9 REFLECTORS OVER YELLOW 3M REFLECTIVE SHEETING. SIGN TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF .080 GAUGE ALUMINUM SHEET STOCK. MOUNT TO GATE PER MANUF. SPECIFICATIONS FOR PERMANENT INSTALLATIONS. SUBMIT MANU F., MODEL AND DRAWINGS TO OWNER REPRESENTATIVE FOR APPROVAL .. .. liQIES.; 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT COMPLETE SCALED SHOP DRAWINGS DETAILING ALL CONNECTIONS, FITTINGS. COPES. WELDTYPES AND EXTENTS. MATERIALS AND HARDWARE, AND FINISHES TO BE USED IN THE FABRICATION OF THESE GATES. SHOP DRAWINGS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO START OF ANY WORK. ALL PIPE TO BE SCH. 40 STEEL. NO TUBING PERMlmED. 2. ALL GATE CONNECTIONS ARE TO BE ARC WELDED AND GROUND SMOOTH. ALL PIPE AND PLATE SURFACES ARE TO BE FREE OF ANY SLAG OR SPLATTER. 3. DRILL DRAIN HOLES IN BOTTOM GATE POST SOCKETS TO FACILITATE DRAINAGE. 4. AFTER FABRICATION GATE SHALL BE SHOP PRIMED WI TWO COATS RUST -INHIBITING PRIMER AND TWO COATS PAINT, "RUST -O-LEUM" COATING SYSTEM OR EQUAL. SUBMIT COLOR SAMPLE FOR APPROVAL. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I~ 4" 3" WIDE ., NOTE: PROVIDE TWO UNITS TO CITY CONSTRUCT FROM 5/8" STEEL 3/4" PLATE CONSTRUCT FROM 5/8" STEEL PLATE DRILL 5/8" DIA. HOLE TO ACCEPT HEAVY DUTY PAD LOCK 1/4" RADIUS ALL CORNERS TYPICAL OJ "---- L[) n"" ~ I") + 2" REMOVABLE LOCK TAB ENLARGEMENT LOCK POST 'A' 4" DIA. SCH. 40 STEEL POST W/ LOCK HOOK. SEE ENLARGEMENT FOR LOCK HOOK. POST TO BE SET IN 4' -0" DEPTH CONCRETE FOOTING IDENTICAL TO GATE POST LOCK POST 'B' 4" DIA. SCH. 40 STEEL POST W/ LOCK HOOK. SEE ENLARGEMENT FOR LOCK HOOK. POST TO BE SET IN 4' -0" DEPTH CONCRETE FOOTING IDENTICAL TO GATE POST - - '--....... --- ~ r GATES OPEN INTO \ ,,/" "" SITE \ /' "'" / '" / GATE IN OPEN POSITION \ / GATE IN OPEN POSITION EDGE OF DRIVEWAY \ / EDGE OF DRIVEWAY \ / \ I GATE IN CLOSED POSITION GATE LOCKING ASSEMBLY- SEE ENLARGEMENT .~~. C?> \) ~ GATE POST-TYPICAL PLAN APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS .l CITY OF DUBLIN , . PIPE GATE PLAN & REMOV- R.C.E. 19348 Revision ABLE LOCK TAB ENLARGEMENT FR -88 I :1 :1 I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2" DIA. STEEL PIPE TOP RAIL 15" 6" 1/2" STEEL PLATE WELD TO SPACER 3" TYPICAL BOTH GATE ENDS _ 1/2" STEEL PLATE WELD TO SPACER 15" TYPICAL BOTH GATE ENDS REMOVABLE LOCK TAB CAP END OF PIPE TYPICAL BOTH GATE ENDS STEEL PLATE SPACER ALL 4 SIDES OF PLATE. COPE TO PIPE TYPICAL BOTH GATE ENDS ~ 15" 2.25" LENGTH x 3/4" WIDTH SLOT TO ACCEPT LOCK TAB. ELEVATION PLAN GATE LOCK ASSEMBLY ENLARGEMENT 4" DIA. LOCK- ING POST-TO LOCK GATE IN OPEN POSITION, SEE PLAN. 4" DIA. LOCKING POST-TO LOCK GATE IN OPEN POSITION. SEE PLAN. DRILL 5/8" DIA. HOLE TO ACCEPT N HEAVY DUTY ~ PAD LOCK N ~ 3" 3" REMOVABLE LOCK TAB. SEE ENLARGE- MENT. N 1-1/4" DRILL 5/8' DIA.HOLE o ACCEPT HEAVY DUTY PAD LOCK. EASE EDGES 1 -1 /4" GATE HOOK CUT SLOT TO RECEIVE REM. LOCK TAB N i-0 i-0 CONSTRUCT FROM 5/8" STEEL GAS ARC WELD PLATE TO POST- CONTINUOUS BEAD. CONSTRUCT FROM 5/8" STEEL PLATE LOCK POST 'A' HOOK ENLARGEMENT LOCK POST 'B' HOOK ENLARGEMENT LOCK HOOK PLAN APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN PIPE GATE LOCK HOOKS & OCK ASSEMBLY ENLARGMENT FR-8C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. ALL STEEL TUBING TO BE STRUCTURAL CARBON STEEL TUBING. GAUGES AS SHOWN. 2. PAINT ALL TUBING. SHOP PRIME ALL METAL W/2 COATS RUST INHIBITING PRIMER, 'RUST -O-LEUM' INDUSTRIAL COATING OR EQUAL. PAINT W/2 COATS EPOXY. SUBMIT ALL COATINGS, PAINT AND COLOR FOF~ APPROVAL. 3. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO START OF FABRICATION. ALL FIELD WELDS ARE TO BE INDICATED ON THE SHOP DRAWINGS. ADDITIONAL FIELD WELDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPT- ABLE UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY ENGINEER. 4. CONCRETE BAND FINISH AND COLOR TO MATCH CONCRETE PAVING. 5. EXCEPT @ FOOTING, CONCRETE BAND SHALL BE SET ON 6" DEPTH, CLASS 2 AGG. BASE, COMPACTED TO 90% OVER COMPACTED SUB- GRADE AT 90% COMPACTION. 6"x6" POST HORIZONTAL RAIL CONCRETE BAND 18" WIDTH TWO-#4 REBAR HORIZ. RUN CONT. BETWEEN EXP. JOINTS . . <l CD I n 18"lb CONCRETE FOOTING SECTION SET POSTS PLUMB SET HORIZ. 6"x6" STRUCT TUBING POST. 7 GAUGE WALL. 3"x6" STRUCT. TUBING. 7 GA. WALL 1-1/2"x3" STRUC . TUBING. 11 GA. WALL 1" SQ. STEEl: TUBING PICKETS AT 4" O.C. TUBING. 11 GA. WALL 1 -1 /2"x3" STRUC . TUBING. 11 GA. WALL 3"x6" STRUCT. TUBING. 7 GA. WALL / CONCRETE BAND . SEE INSET AT RIGHT SECTION 22 :::l:::l 2~ -x ~<I: 22 0<0 I I CD <0 ELEVATION 1-1/2" MIN. 4" MAX. \ APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS 0/ CITY OF DUBLIN METAL RAIL FENCE 6' HEIGHT FR-9 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: I. HEIGHT AND COLOR TO MATCH HEIGHT OF METAL RAIL FENCE 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO START OF FABRICATION. 1" SQ. STEEL: TUBING PICKETS AT 4" O.C. TUBING. 11 GA. WALL 3"x6" STRUCT. TUBING. 7 GA. WALL 6"x6" STRUCT TUBING POST. 7 GAUGE WALL. METAL RAIL FENCE 1 -1 /2"x3" STRUCT. TUBING. 11 GA. WALL HEAVY DUTY STEEL PLATE HINGES-WELD TO GATE, BOLT THROUGH FRAME. 3"x6" STRUCT. TUBING. 7 GA. WALL 3/16" THICK CHECKER PLATE J STEEL KICKPLATE ON PUSH SIDE OF GATE -10" MIN. HEIGHT STEEL LOCK BOX. WELD TO GATE AT 3' HT. SIZE TO LARGE PADLOCK. SUBMIT SEPERATE SHOP DRAWING OF LOCKING HARDWARE FOR APPROVAL. CONCRETE BAND APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS I CITY OF DUBLIN METAL RAIL GATE 6' HEIGHT FR -1 0 ------------------- (") 0 0 )> I :;0 ~ -U rrl ~ -U RAIL POST 2"91 GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE (") rrl :;0 ^ Z 0 -GROUT SOLID INTO 3"9l SLEEVE WITH rrl ~O < HIGH STRENGTH GROUT. GROUT TO BE 0 rrl FLUSH W/TOP OF RAMP SURFACE. rrl.......... 0 lJ --" .. (f) ..p.. "---- <0 ()) to VI ~ to co ~ ~ r G) ., C :;:0 )> I :::0 ~ ...... 0 :::0 )> r z G) 1/2" J: () 0: ~ 0J ,- - FINISHED SURFACE - PQST SLEEVE -CONSTRUCT FROM 3..~Q.STRUCTURAL STEEL TUBING WL025" WALL THICKNESS. WELD 5 SQ. PLATE TO BOTTOM OF SLEEVE. HOLD TOP OF SLEEVE 1 /2" BELOW FINISH SURFACE OF RAMP OR CUR~. SHOP PRIME, W /2 COATS PRIMER RUST -O-LEUM BRAND OR EQUAL. 6" MIN. lYPICAL TO BOTTOM OF RAMP CURB. RAIL AlTACHMENT ENLARGEMENT <t HANDRAIL-1 1/2'" STEEL TUBING, TYP. RAIL POST-2"91 STEEL TUBING, TYP. PICKET -1 "<IS STEEL TUBING FINISHED GRADE SEE RAIL ATTACHMENT ENLARGEMENT HOLD TOP OF RAMP CURB FLUSH WITH ADJACENT RAMP SURFACE EXISTING CONCRETE RAMP SECTION :m . III · . III. III ..19..1) 1111: =111-gJ' . NOTES: 1. ALL STEEL TUBING TO BE STRUCTURAL CARBON STEEL TUBING. GAUGES AS SHOWN. 2. PAINT ALL TUBING. SHOP PRIME ALL METAL W/2 COATS RUST INHIBITING PRIMER,'RUST -O-LEUM' INDUSTRIAL COATING OR EQUAL. PAINT W/ 2 COATS EPOXY PAINT. SUBMIT ALL COATINGS, PAINT AND COLOR FOR APPROVAL. 3. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO START OF FABRICATION. ALL FIELD WELDS ARE TO BE INDICATED ON THE SHOP DRAWINGS. ADDITIONAL FIELD WELDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE ULESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY ENGINEER. 4. HANDRAIL SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM 7 GA. OR HEAVIER STEEL TUBING. ALL WELDS ARE TO BE ARC WELDED, CONTINUOUS BEAD. ALL WELDS ARE TO BE GROUND SMOOTH. PIPE AND WELDS ARE TO BE SMOOTH TO FEEL AND FREE OF SLAG OR SPLATTER. ALL METAL TO BE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED. ALL FIELD WELDS ARE TO RECEIVE 2 COATS RUST -INHIBITING ZINC CHROMATE PRIMER OR EQUAL 5. PROVIDE COMPLETE SHOP DRAWINGS, TO SCALE, SHOWING ALL CONNECTIONS, WELD~ FIELD WELDS AND SIZING OF MEMBERS PRIOR TO STAR I OF CONSTRUCTION. NOTES: 1. SET POSTS PLUMB 2. HORIZ. RAILS TO FOLLOW FIN. GRADE 5' O.C. <0 I t') 2" SQ. STRUCT TUBING POST. 7 GAUGE WALL. 1 1/2" SQ. STRUCT. TUBING. 7 GA. WALL 1 1/2" SQ. STEEL TUBING PICKETS AT 4" O.C. TUBING. 11 GA. WALL 2" SQ. STRUCT. TUBING. 7 GA. WALL ELEVATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: RAILINGS TO BE PAINTED GLOSS WI TWO PART EPOXY IYPE PAINT COLOR TO BE SELECTED '<t ..- POST TO BE 7 GUAGE 2" STRUCTURAL STEEL TUBING. HANDRAIL TO BE 7 GUAGE 1 1/2" STRUCTURAL STEEL TUBING. TYPICAL OUTSIDE RADIUS-:l:6" CD 1'0 8" CONCRETE STAIRS 0: . 0 .8,..0 0 <1 ~ 00'?00. . ~ . o .0.. ~oC> 00 1'"11111114;\ : '111_111 00.. - .<1 '11- ~o o. 0 =1, '.1; .. -II f:-"-~I~ _S-:o ?~~";, U1111 II,LI, '~II If"7'lif'.' · - 8,."0 0:.0 -111--111 ... -- o. .000- - ~ <J .6,' --O~oC>.oo .0.: - _ - -. 4 12" MIN. 12" 12"0 CONCRETE FOOTING CAN BE POURED MONOLITHIC WITH STAIR POUR WHERE APPLICABLE 4 . g. o. ~oC> . .. 'I ~ · II If ~ Il.lTlillm- SECTION APPROVED: ! CITY OF DUBLIN METAL STEP RAILING R.C.E. 19348 Revision B FR-12 ------------------- () 0 0 )> :r: ;:0 ~ lJ fTl )> lJ () ~ fTl ;:0 ^ z 0 fTl ,-0 < 0 fTl fTl"---- 0 8' a.c. MAX. -0 ...... .. tf) ~ 3.5" "---- <.0 MAX. CO -0 - -0 fT1 G) " C ::::0 )> I :;0 -->. 0 VI :;0 )> r z G) ELEVATION 1/2" J: 52 0. ~ 1 2" MI C'l ...- HANDRAIL-1 1/2'" STEEL TUBING, TYP. RAIL POST -2"11l STEEL TUBING, TYP. <t HANDRAIL-1 1/2'" STEEL TUBING, TYP. RAIL POST -2"9) STEEL TUBING. TYP. PICKET -1 "9) STEEL TUBING PICKET -1 "91 STEEL TUBING, TYP. HOLD PICKETS VERTICAL BOTTOM RAIL-2"11l STEEL TUBING, TYP. SEE RAIL ATTACHMENT ENLARGEMENT N .q- jHOLD TOP OF RAMP CURB FLUSH WITH ADJ'CENT -'MP -"R-'-- A . KA ::'U I-A\;t. EXISTING CONCRETE RAMP RAIL POST 2"9) GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE -GROUT SOLID INTO 3"91 SLEEVE WITH FINISHED HIGH STRENGTH GROUT. GROUT TO BE GRADE FLUSH W/TOP OF RAMP SURFACE. - FINISHED SURFACE POST SLEEVE - CONSTRUCT FROM 3" SQ, STRUCTURAL STEEL TUBING W/.025" WALL THICKNESS. WELD 5" SQ. PLATE TO BOTTOM OF SLEEVE. HOLD TOP OF SLEEVE 1 /2" BELOW FINISH SURFACE OF RAMP OR CURB. SHOP PRIME W/ 2 COATS PRIMER 'RUST -O-LEUM' BRAND OR EQUAL. 6" MIN. TYPICAL TO BOTTOM OF RAMP CURB. RAIL ATTACHMENT ENLARGEMENT SECTION FR-13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 12" ~I NOTE: RAILINGS TO BE PAINTED GLOSS W / TWO PART EPOXY lYPE PAINT COLOR TO BE SELECTED HAND RAIL TO BE CONSTRUCTED FROM 7 GA. STEEL TUBING. TUBING TO BE 1-1/2" 0.0. SEAMLESS OR SMOOTH EXTERIOR TUBING I~ 12" CD 1'0 7"R. CONCRETE STAIRS ;;n~~1if · b 1'1 I ,ill I III <1.4 ..00. - <1 11-.0.0 III II i II II ~ I~i'~ qo~. ~;~o _I 11==111_ .' '--=11 0.L!....!.~] i] -8. "" -11]--111 12"0 CONCRETE FOOTING -" 0:;"0";;, o.~: _ -= 4 <1' CAN BE POURED MONOLITHIC IllllilllllUJ' WITH STAIR POUR WHERE . - ' APPLICABLE 12" MIN. 12" 4. . 8. .dO. oO<:::I2J . . I I I 0.... ." I ~ ~ II i= ~ .."c I IITIIllim . SECTION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN PIPE STEP RAILING FR -1 4 SITE DET AILS SD-1: Concrete Planter Curb 6" Height SD-2: Concrete Seat Wall SD-3: Concrete Mow Band SD-4: Concrete Edge Band SD-5: Concrete Retaining Wall Criteria SD-6: Concrete Stair SD- 7: Concrete Step Cheek Wall SD-8: Wood Header E DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPROVED: NOTE: FINISH: COLOR: 1" CHAMFER gn ~ #6 REBAR HORIZ. BARS-RUN CONTINUOUS ---LEVEL ~ BETWEEN JOINTS. TIE - "-/ '/ wi #3 REBAR VERTICALS . //< >/ AT 42" O.C. ~ ~ ~ PLANTING AREA SOIL ......(/ SEE SPECIFICATIONS <1 ~" to 1" oo~ "';;' . ~ 4.; .. ooocJ=1 ,.' 11==11 <I. -111-000 0.,,00 00 II' - - 0' 0 co .0 00 - :11 (~{ti[~\i I~I J 6" DEPTH-CLASS 2 AGG.! BASE MATERIAL -REL. COMPACTED SUBGRADE -REL. COMPACTION TO 90% COMPACTION TO 90% . CITY OF DUBLIN CONCRETE PLANTER CURB 6" HEIGHT SD-1 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: FINISH: COLOR: (f):ZX W2<( - :2 0:::_ <( - - >LO~ "--C'J SET TOP LEVEL 8" ~3- #6 REBAR HORIZ. /. BARS-RUN CONTINUOUS BETWEEN JOINTS. TIE - 11-=111 wi #3 REBAR VERTICALS . III 11 AT 30" a_c. .... ~ PLANTING AREA SOIL ;11111 SEE SPECIFICATIONS 1" DIA. WEEP HOLE wi 1 CU FT OF PEA GRAVEL IN MIRAFI 140N FILTER FABRIC. ..ILl , q .. _00' . . o~ eP II-II 4 III 000 0000 oc> 11- - = 0010; 0 <,00 ::. -I/O 000 <> 0 0_1 - ..11 I II 'II 1111 I I- 6" DEPTH-ClASS 2 AGG. '\ BASE MATERIAL-REL. \...COMPACTED SUBGRADE-REL. COMPACTION TO 95% COMPACTION TO 90% APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN CONCRETE SEAT WALL 50-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. CONCRETE FINISH: 2. CONCRETE COLOR: 3. SEE PLAN FOR SCORE JOINT & EXPANSION JOINT LOCATIONS. 16" PLANTING AREA 3" .... .. ., . . ... . 4 . .. ...,' .. . 1/2"R. TOOLED EDGE / FINISH GRADE 6" DEPTH CONCRETE - C"-I .. e. . . . o. " .s..... 00. ~cr"Oot:/OO~ .~. 0 ob .O~ , o 2- #3 REBAR - RUN CONTINUOUS LENGTH OF BAND 6" DEPTH CLASS 2 AGG. BASE, 95% COMPACTION ~SUBGRADE 90% COMPACTION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN CONCRETE MOW BAND 5D-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1 . SEE PLANS FOR SCORE JOINT & EXPANSION JOINT LOCATIONS. 16" ADJACENT PAVING l 3" TYP. 1/2"R. (TYP.) <<:7. t> _ '<"7 .j:<<:7 V' t>. -- . <<:7 <<:7- "' 6" 11\ (2) 114 REBARS CONTINUOUS BETWEEN EXPANSION JOINTS COMPACTED SUBGRADE 90% RELATIVE COMPACTION 6" CLASS II AGGREGATE BASE 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION SECTION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS if CITY OF DUBLIN CONCRETE EDGE BAND R.C.E. 19348 Revision B 5D-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I FINISH 12" EDGE\ rA .1.... -I /FINISH GRADE I~VEL.. ~ :I. <....1 -; .::;PPlANTING SOIL WHERE APPUCABLE . . 00 I) r 0 <aoeo oOoJ'vDRAIN ROCK . . 0 o~ oo:~ ~ FILTER FABRIC 4 <t I. ~:eO; 0: MIRAFI 140N . .4 0 000 : 0 SUBORAIN FLOW LINE ..' ooQo 0 00 O. 000 :0 .<0 0 ocf:d'oo ""'"' m 1-1/2" OIA. FINISH GRADE u ADJACENT SURFACE o <:1 . . ... 4 q . 4 f. 4sJ. ~. .. .. .~4 4 ... . <1 -. _~___ <'J LJ .<t .4 4. :<1. LJ WIDTH HEIGHT SURFACE TO FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING TOP OF FOOTING THICKNESS FORWARD BACK WALL SECTION A B C o E F DIMENSION REINFORCING IN WALL REINFORCING IN FOOTING WALL FINISH AND COLOR APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN CONCRETE RETAINING WALL CRITERIA 50-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I :1 I I I I I SAFETY STRIP PER TITLE 24, SUBMIT SHOP DRWG. AND MANUFACTURER TO ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL. 1.5" BAR LO ~ 1.5" LO ..- INSET #4 REBAR-BOTH DIRECTIONS AT 18" O.C. TYP. ALTRED SAFETY TREAD-SEE NOTE 2 NOSING BAR-#4 REBAR N ..- CAULKED E.J. 12" iADJACENT MATERIAL CD ..-- SECTION CAULKED E.J. 14" APPROVED: I CITY OF DUBLIN CONCRETE STAIR E DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS 5D-6 E DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPROVED: 1 12" TOP OF WALL ELEVATION VARIES MIN. 3",MAX. 7"-SEE PLANS ~ STAIR BEYOND b #4 REBAR VERT. "r-........_ @ 24" O.C. # ~ " 4 REBAR HOLD o = " ~~~~~M E1~~S~ND -=lliooo..:g.. "" ~ CONTINUOUS RUN 1==1 II=- g 0<>0 '-l.. L.:: -'11-111-" 0 'h 1/2" R. == ==11,"1:::>0 0 " '-... -I II -III II i:-::" AELDLGES _I I I==/II=-- 0 '" " " ---IIIl!...c o~ P 0 -l - ==111_ 0 0 '" 0 '1 I -III-III-o~ . --III _11111 .~ L---+ III c> II==~ ~.. 000 I -0 0 0'" '" 0 IIIIII~ I "1~ II II ~11.F1\ 20" NOTE: WALL IS 12" WIDE. SECTION , CITY OF DUBLIN CONCRETE STEP CHEEK WALL 5D-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. ALL WOOD TO BE PRESSURE TREATED DOUGLAS FIR. PRESS. TREATMENT TO BE WARRANTED FOR 20 YEARS AND RATED FOR GROUND CONTACT. FINISH GRADE AT GROUNDCOVER 2" BELOW TOP OF FINISH GRADE AT TURF 1" BELOW TOP OF HEADER 2" X 4" PRESSURE TREATED DOUGLAS FIR HEADER 1" X 4" X 6' SCAB @ BUTT JOINTS ON BOTH SIDES ON CURVED RUNS 1" X 4" X 6' SCAB @ BUTT JOINTS ON OUTSIDE ON STRAIGHT RUNS 2" X 4" X 18" P.T. FIR STAKE @ 4'-0" O.C. NAIL 1" BELOW TOP OF HEADER. PAINT ALL CUTS WITH 2 COATS COPPER NAPTHANATE ALLOW TO DRY. APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN WOOD HEADER 50-8 I I I I I -I SPORTS TENNIS SP- T1: Paving SP- T2: Surface Coat SP- T3: Net Posts and Hardware SP- T 4: Net Anchor SP- T5: Chain Link Fence and Wind Screen SP- T6: Pedestrian Gate SP- T7: Maintenance Gate SP- T8: Court Bench i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A SURFACING SYSTEM SHALL BE APPLIED TO ALL FINISHED AC. SURFACING SYSTEM SHALL INCLUDE A LEVELLING SLURRY COURSE, COLOR COATING AND LINE PAINT P A VI NG CONCRETE TENNIS COURT BAND \\l 1I'I![illl i II il'l! . <7', t> <7 II Ill:- !, " 1.1" I I '7 -' IIIII-IIIJ 000000000000000 vt>.~ ' ., , .', g ~ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 00 0 0 0 _ . ~''": _ _ . . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . ~ _ 0000000000000000000000000000000000 c-II_-III_ 0000000000000000000000000000000000 - - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC - - 0000 00000000000000000000000000000 0000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC 0000 OOOOOOOOOO~OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00000 ooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO( 00000 ooooooooo~oooooooooooooooooo ~OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOc '--111--111 0000000000000000 == == =-= OOOOOOOOOOOOO( 111:--'" '4 ....- :orr=llT~l;. to ] \\l ~ 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE TO 18" DEPTH 6" OF CLASS II AGGREGATE BASE 95% COMPACTION REQUIRED CITY OF DUBLIN 19348 B PAVING APPROVED: 5P- T1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TENNIS COURT SURFACE COATINGS LEVELLING SLURRY COURSE MATERIAL FOR LEVELING LOW AREAS AND FOR THE LEVELLING COURSE SHALL BE ACRYLIC RESURFACER COATING MANUFACTURED BY "PLEXI-PAVE", OR AN APPROVED EQUAL MINERAL FILLED ACRYLIC EMULSION PRODUCT. COLOR COATING COLOR COATING IS TO BE "PLEXI-PAVE" SYSTEM MANUFACTURED BY CALIFORNIA PRODUCTS CORP., OR APPROVED EQUAL. COLORS TO BE CHOSEN BY CITY. SUBMIT SAMPLES. PAINT PLEXICOLOR LINE PAINT BY CALIFORNIA PRODUCTS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. PROTECTIVE COATING ON ALL SURFACES, APPLY TWO COATS OF "CLEAR-GLO 3", APPLIED OVER COLOR COATINGS, MANUFACTURED BY CALIFORNIA PRODUCTS CORP., OR APPROVED EQUAL. APPROVED: DATE: 1 0/14/98 DRAWN:RB CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN SURFACE COAT 5P- T2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: TENNIS COURT NET POST, SLEEVE AND NET TO BE AS MANUFACTURED BY : PW ATHLETIC TENNIS COURT NET POST-MODEL #2205 SLEEVE-MODEL #8305-01 TENNIS COURT NET-MODEL #8352 TENNIS PAVING POST .... rPER SPECS. =: J )( 'X'"' x x xx- x X xx- x xx- x: x: x ~ ~... ~ ~ CT. \ ~ x: ..f x: X x'X 'X X xx 'X 'X >< x: 'L' ;\ IX yy yy x >< + 14. - 4 ~. ~. COMPACTED 4 H X 1". . A { SUBGRADE P X <1 . ~. . ~ . ~I 1_ TENNIS CT. NET TTOM t .4 .." -.. 1== CENTER STRAP TENNIS COURT NET TENNIS COURT NET CONC. FTG. 2'-6" DEPT 14"0 AT TO 30"0 AT BO 4" DEPTH, CLASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL COMPACTED 95% I II ] 1;';000 00 cr. 0 :111= -I 0 /l 0 DcP-, - l'O OD Vo 0 c c- 11 ' ~III' 9, III p, 'III' , 'f1l~ -:111 III III 111- '-111-]11- ANCHOR APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN NET POSTS AND HARDWARE 5P- T3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: NET ANCHOR TO BE PW ATHLETIC MODEL #8371-20 AND #8371-30 TENNIS COURT PAVING APPROVED: A. TENNIS COURT NET CENTER STRAP ANCHOR 1/4"0 GALV. STEEL PIN CENTERED IN TOP OF PIPE SET 3/8" BELOW FINISH GRADE OF COURT SURFACE 1-5/8"0 GALV. STEEL PIPE W / BOTTOM 2" FLATTENED TOGETHER. SET TOP OF PIPE 1/4" BELOW FIN. GRADE OF COURT SURFACE - ~m~ . ... .'" ...::111_ CONCRETE FOOTING - 1==1 A: . 1==1 6"(Zl X 12" DEPTH - 000 00 0 - , -:lll=""o~oo~4" DEPTH - CLASS 2 COMPACTED .. ~I ~IIIL~~IiI~I~11 AGG. BASE MATERIAL SUBGRADE ;~ COMPACTED 95% SEE SPECS. 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION CITY OF DUBLIN NET ANCHOR C E DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RB CHECKED:PS 5P- T 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. FENCE FABRIC TO BE 1 -1/2" DIAMOND CHAIN LINK FENCE FABRIC WITH FUSED VINYL COLOR COATING. COLOR TO BE BLACK. SEE SPECIFICATIONS. 2. WINDSCREEN TO BE HAR- TRU DURASCREEN PVC COATED POLYESTER FABRIC WITH HEAVY DUTY HEMS AND BRASS GROMMETS. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. CONTACT: HAR- TRU PH. 1 -800-842-7878 3. ALL POSTS, RAILS, HARDWARE AND FITTINGS TO BE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED STEEL. WASH AND PAINT PER SPECIFICATIONS. COLOR TO BE BLACK. ('oJ _ ~ O'l TOP RAIL FENCE POST- END AND CORNER POSTS: 2-7/8" DIA LINE POSTS: 2-3/8" DIA TOP, BOTTOM AND MIDDLE RAILS: 1-7/8" DIA. 3/8" DIA. TRUSS ROD WITH TURNBUCKLE 2 PER END PANEL ('oJ HOLD BOTTOM RAIL 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE OF TENNIS COURT <l 4 4 4 .q- 1D ".4 <1 ..4 <1 1'0 18" DIA. CONCRETE <1 " FOOTING-DEPTH AS 0<:0 00 00 INDICATED o ooooo~ o "-- 4" DEPTH CLASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL COMPACTED 0<:0 0 0 0 o oooqg <! APPROVED: " DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN CHAIN LINK FENCE AND WIND SCREEN R.C.E. 19348 Revision B SP- T5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS FOR CITY APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF GATE. SHOP DRAWINGS TO INCLUDE ALL FITTINGS, HARDWARE AND FASTENERS. DRAWINGS SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT SCALE AND ClARITY TO CLEARLY ILLUSTRATE ALL CONNECTIONS AND HARDWARE. I~-o" CLEAR GA~ I WIDTH I o I t'-. HEAVY DUTY\ GALV. GATE HINGE (TYP. OF 3) <1 Ll to I ";"j- <1 < <J II-.!...WO 0 '" -111- I-Oa:?O 0 0 It I -= --0 ooo~g == = 0 ooo~g _ -111- "I-II -' 11-] I I-I - L1 IP III ~ ~ ~U 1111" Jlll~ ~ ~ 1111111,1 ' COMPACTED SUBGRADE 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION TENNIS COURT FENCE 1-1/2" SPACE FABRIC 4"lZS GATE POST W/ GALV. TERMINAL DOME CAP- POWDER COAT TO MATCH POST AUTOMATIC GATE LATCH W/PADLOCK KEEPER 2"lZS GATE FRAME W/ MALLEABLE IRON ANGLES AND 5/16" TRUSS RODS AND TURNBUCKLES-BOTH DIRECTIONS CONC. FOOTING- 24"gJ X 4'-6" DEPTH 4" DEPTH-CLASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION o l CITY OF DUBLIN PEDESTRIAN GATE 5P- T6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS FOR CITY APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF GATE. SHOP DRAWINGS TO INCLUE ALL FITTINGS, HARDWARE AND FASTENERS. DRAWINGS SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT SCALE AND CLARITY TO CLEARLY ILLUSTRATE ALL CONNECTIONS AND HARDWARE. TURNBUCKLE TYP_ ONE @ EA TRUSS ROD 12'-0" TENNIS COURT FENCE 1-1/2- SPACE FABRIC . ~ ~ ci Z U-IO lL. ~-Ij: Z -10 Z <(- WCIlW ~W:I: (f) ~ <( W CIl~ r-:~0 J: 0 : r-: f- 9 J: (f) N bES .- I lL. _ W coO:: 4-95 GATE POST wi GALV. TERMINAL DOME UTOMATIC GATE LATCH WI PADLOCK KEEPER 2-95 GATE FRAME Wi MALLEABLE IRON ANGLES AND 5/16" TRUSS RODS AND TURNBUCKLES - BOTH DIRECTIONS TENNIS COURT SURFACE <l <I 1-3/8" O.D. PLUI'lGER ROD SET STEEL SLEEVE FOR ROD INTO . CONC. FOOTING 'l CONC. FOOTING- 24-95 X 4'-6- DEPTH \0 \ 't HEAVY DUTY GALVANIZED <I GATE HINGES- 2 PER GATE L!.-.!..l..O..o 0 0 _111_ lllllli oll74ng CO~CR~E FOOTlNG- II m m TT 18 95x3 DEPTH -111-111- COMPACTED SUBGRADE 95% RELATNE COMPACTION ,_0..0 0 0 _I 1 ~11~f~ . -Ii' 4 DEPTH - CLASS 2 AGG_ BASE MATERIAL 95% RELATNE COMPACTION E DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS iI CITY OF DUBLIN MAINTENANCE GATE APPROVED: 5P- T7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. PLAYER BENCH SHALL BE PN103-B, 25' LENGTH (SPECIAL ORDER) ALUMINUM PEDESTAL LEG BENCH AS MADE BY GENERAL. SEATING CO. (800)843-9512 OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2. INSTALL PLAYER BENCH PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. q" 1: ...! PLAYER BENCH SET LEVEL 17" MIN / 22" MAX. HT. FENCE POST -r ~[ ~I 0:::1 0... 0... FINISH GRADE <{ CONC.PAVING FENCE POST FOOTING 1-' I I --u. ~ BENCH FOOTING PER MANUF. RECOM. ~. CLASS II AGG. BASE 4" DEPTH COMPACTED SUBGRADE O() 00 0 m 0 ceo 00 c:r IU . ~I"~ ~ ~ III ~ ~ ~f APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN:RB CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN COURT BENCH 5P- T8 SPORTS BASEBALL/SOFTBALL FIELD SP-BASE1: Backstop(Youth Leagues/Softball) SP-BASE2: Dugout SP-BASE3: Player's Dugout Bench SP-BASE4: Infield Material SP-BASE5: Baseball Pitcher's Mound SP-BASE6: Baseball Base Installation SP-BASE7: Softball Base Installation SP-BASE8: Infield Edge Band I I I I I I I I I I I I : I I I I I I I BACKSTOP LEGEND IIDI FENCE RAIL 1-7/8" 0.0. SCH. 40 8 BACKSTOP FENCE LINE POST 2--7/8" 0.0. SCH. 40 @ BACKSTOP FENCE LINE POST 3-1/2" 0.0. SCH. 40 fi\ BACKSTOP FOOTING-AS SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER OF \[y PREFABRICATED BACKSTOP UNIT @ BACKSTOP FOOTING-TYPE 2 80' 10' 10' PREFABRICATED BACKSTOP UNIT PATTERSON-WILLIAMS MODEL # 1240-03 20' 10' 10' 2x12 BACKSTOP BOARDS TO BE SUPPLIED BY PW ATHLETIC. 2x12 DOUGlAS FIR BOARDS TO BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR. INSTALLATION DETAIL TO MATCH ATTACHMENT DETAIL USED ON PRE-FAB BACKSTOP UNIT BACKSTOP PROFILE APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN:RB CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN BACKSTOP-YOUTH LEAGUES AND SOFTBALL 5P-BASE1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. 8' HEIGHT CHAIN LINK FENCE TO CONFORM TO STANDARD PARK DEVELOPMENT DETAIL FOR 6' AND 8' HEIGHT FENCE. PLAYER'S DUGOUT BENCH TO CONFORM TO STANDARD DETAIL FOR PLAYER'S DUGOUT BENCH. INFIELD EDGE BAND AT BACKSTOP AND FOUL LINE FENCE TO CONFORM TO STANDARD DETAIL FOR SAME. 2. PAVING MATERIAL TO BE PER PLAN. STANDARD PAVING TO BE MEDIUM BROOM FINISH CONCRETE. TO INFIELD 1 TO HOMEPLATE INFIELD EDGE BAND AT BACKSTOP BACKSTOP FENCE POST AND FOUL LINE FENCE AT END OF BACKSTOP FENCE 8' HEIGHT CHAIN LINK 4' FENCE <J <J L1 4J L1 <J 4J,6 PLAYER'S DUGOUT BENCH 41 <J <J <:J .I. ,6 10' 10' CX) <:J <J <Ji!. .1 10' PLAN APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RB CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN R.C.E. 19348 Revision B DUGOUT 5P-BASE2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. PLAYER BENCH SHALL BE 20' LENGTH (SPECIAL ORDER) ALUMINUM PEDESTAL LEG BENCH AS MADE BY GENERAL SEATING CO. (800)843-9512 OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2. INSTALL PLAYER BENCH PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. 9" ct PLAYER BENCH SET LEVEL 17" MIN / 22" MAX. FENCE POST co ..- x o 0::: 0.. 0.. <{ ;;- PAVING FINISH GRADE -:;111~111~111",1111 BENCH FOOTING PER :111 MANUF. RECOM. ~.~IIIIII. ~ .,'., . .. . 'i;> 1= =1 '1- ., r <:/ .. . '.U' <:/ FENCE POST FOOTING SECTION 00 00 0 CV\ Q:::>O 00 cr ~ : II III IIlT1 ~ COMPACTED CLASS 2 '77III~III~ "'.AGG. BASE MATERIAL ~COMPACTED SUBGRADE c DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN:RB CHECKED:PS DUGOUT BENCH APPROVED: 5P- BA5E3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. CLAY INFIELD MIX SHALL BE FREE OF ROCKS. DEBRIS, VEGETATION AND FOREIGN MATERIAL WITH 100% PASSING A 9mm SCREEN, 85% PASSING A 6mm SCREEN. INFIELD SUBGRADE SHALL BE STERILIZED IN A MANNER APPROVED BY THE CITY OF DUBLIN. THE COMPOSITION OF THE INFIELD MIX SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 70% RED LAVE CINDEF~ GRADED 1/8" 20% WILDER CLAY 10% MANTECA LOAM 2. SUBMIT ONE TWO QUART SAMPLE TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR APPROVAL. PRIOR TO ORDER AND DELIVERY. HOLD FINISH GRADE AT TURF AND INFIELD LEVEL INFIELD MIX-GRADE SMOOTH 90% REL. COMPACTION SECTION COMPACTED SUBGRADE 90% REL. COMPACTION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RB CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN INFIELD MATERIAL R.C.E. 19348 Revision SP-BASE4 I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. CONSTRUCT MOUND FOR LITTLE LEAGUE AND COMBINATION LITTLE LEAGUE/SOFTBALL FIELDS ONLY. FIELDS FOR SOFTBALL USE ONLY SHALL NOT HAVE A MOUND, JUST THE RUBBER. 2. CONSTRUCT MOUND USING A SOIL MIXTURE OF 50% CINDER, 30% CLAY AND 20% LOAM TO BE PROVIDED BY SHELTON TRANSFER, OR EQUAL. 3. FOR LITTLE LEAGUE AND COMBINATION LITTLE LEAGUE/SOFTBALL FIELDS, 'A'=48', 'B'=12' FOR SOFTBALL ONLY FIELDS, 'A'=46', 'B'=8' HOME PLATE PLAN PITCHER'S RUBBER TO BE OFFICIAL LITTLE LEAGUE STEP DOWN RUBBER MACGREGOR MODEL #BBPRPROY AVAIL. FROM: BSN SPORTS OR EQUAL. MOUNT RUBBER TO 4x8 P.T. FIR STAKED TO MOUND. SIT TOP OF RUBBER FLUSH W/ TOP OF MOUND I : TO HOME PLATE 24' 14'-6" 4x8 P.T. FIR CUT TO SIZE. STAKE IN PLACE wi 3-114 SMOOTH BAR-18" LEN'GTH INTO MOUND / / / " SECTION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RB CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN BASEBALL PITCHER'S MOUND SP- BASES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PLAN MACGREGOR SHOCK ABSORBING BASE AND ANCHOR BASE -MODEL #BBBASRIC ANCHOR-MODEL #BBANCHOR AVAIL. FROM: BSN SPORTS co .,-- SECTION '.<1 . 8" SQUARE CONCRETE FOOTING I. 8" .1 APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RB CHECKED:PS {i CITY OF DUBLIN BASEBALL BASE INSTALLATION SP-BASE6 I I I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PLAN MACGREGOR SHOCK ABSORBING BASE AND ANCHOR BASE-MODEL #BBBASRIC ANCHOR-MODEL #BBANCHOR AVAIL. FROM: BSN SPORTS co .,-- SECTION . ... 8" SQUARE CONCRETE FOOTING NOTES: 1. BASES AVAILABLE FROM WOLVERINE SPORTS I. 8" ~ I APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN:RB CHECKED:PS /1 CITY OF DUBLIN 1 SOFTBALL BASE INSTALLATION . : . 19348 B SP- BASE7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. CONCRETE COLOR AND FINISH SHALL MATCH COLOR AND FINISH OF CONCRETE PAVING ADJACENT TO BAND. 2. BAND REQUIRES USE OF DRAIN INLETS IN FLOW LINE OF SWALE. 3. BAND IS FLUSH WITH ADJACENT PAVING AND INFIELD MIX. CLAY INFIELD 22" 8" ( BACKSTOP FENCE POST BEYOND I I EQUAL EQUAL I " <J " .4 I <:71'i .1 to " to o = 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 '-------' = = C> 00 <::> '0<:> 00 = C;7 ~ 0 ~ = = 0 I =0 0 I c~ = 01 ~ 00 o = = ~ 00 = 0 ~ 0 = ~ -'Il2..l. -I 11l2..l.-1 11l2..l....-i11 0 00 I 0 j = oJ == == == 1c::;J = 0 C5 01 = "I 111~11I31~ I-W~ W~~II I - -:111 III ill:clll III 111== II' EXPANSION JOINT ==111==11 L.Lll I 1==1 1 1==1 I 1\1 L ,---lljT---, FENCE FOOTING I 1 V 1 I COMPACTED CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BEYOND I I I MATERIAL. RELATIVE COMPACTION 1 TO 95% I L -.J I COMPACTED SUBGRADE-RELATIVE I I COMPACTION TO 90% L_________J SECTION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RB CHECKED:PS it CITY OF DUBLIN NFIELD EDGE BAND AT BACK STOP & FOUL LINE FENCE SP- BASE8 I I I I SPORTS BASKETBALL SP-BSKT: Standard and Backboard I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: DUAL POST, 4' SINGLE OFFSET BASKETBALL GOAL AND STANDARD W / 1/4" STEEL F)AINTED BACKBOARD AND GOAL TO BE MODEL #1523-13 BACKBOARD AND TARGET W / MODEL #45 BASKETBALL GOAL AND NET AS MANUF. BY "PATTERSON-WILLlAMS" OR APPROVED EQUAL. - 4'-0" BASKETBALL BACKBOARD AND GOAL. SEE NOTE. FINISHED ~ GRADE " HOLD CONC FOOTING 6" BELOW FINISHED GRADE PAVING- SLOPING AWAY FROM r POLE TO DRAIN rAC PAVING 2 n::: o I- - o I o ..---- ...,., -=iTE==111 18"~ X 6' DEPTH CONCRETE FOOTING SECTION z 2 :: APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS F CITY OF DUBLIN BASKETBALL STANDARD AND BACKBOARD SP-BSKT1 I I SPORTS VOLLEYBALL SP-V1: Posts and Net SP-V2: Sand Volleyball Court Edge I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: VOLLEYBALL POST TO BE PW ATHLETIC MODEL #2214-005 AND NET MODEL #8361-205. ,VOLLEYBALL NET PER SPECIFICATIONS .... \: l y",> '>t "X X I- VOLLEYBALL POST, SLEEVE, AND FITTING::: w z PER SPECIFICATIONS )< l..L.. )< 0 I: C J y 0:: Xv W ~ I- Z W II U V @ VOLLEYBALL CURB I Y 0 ( 112'-0" MIN. CLEAR ~ I r FINISH GRADE co OF SAND .. tIo. bo.. . - ----' · ~ .. L SLOPE SUBGRADE @ 2% ~ ~ ~ TO SUBDRAIN, SEE GRADING .. AND DRAINAGE PLAN - . fill;: J lUhiillhilll,.;illTTilllffiil - ~ ~ "lti' 'I-II f-I - - - - - i~ -= ~ I---,-,-L--_- ~, 'IJ ..' 11, I ,m. MULTIFLOW DRAIN ~::' III: ~ - - li.t.:.:: "~ 1/2"'/> GALV. STEEL BOLT 1/2"0 GALV. STEEL BOLl' I ~" WELDED TO SLEEVE THROUGH SLEEVE & POST _III "" ""1:;11 CONCRETE FOOTING ---/'" I ~""" I 12",/> X 4'-0" DEPTH :.=11 L ~ "'~~II I 1-0'( OO~ 'II rOo ( Ig-" 6" DEPTH - CLASS 2 AGG. TTj <-:-1' BASE MATERIAL 41 CITY OF DUBLIN ,;:r-~I) H~j APPROVED: t '7 ,~\LL j ~ -"'-- A POSTS AND NET "enY I NGINEERIilO:.r 'R.C.E. 19348 DATE: 10/14/98 No. Revision Bv DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS SP-V1 ------------------- () CJ CJ )> I ;;0 ~ '1J fT1 ~ '1J () fT1 ;;0 ^ Z ........ 0 fT1 LO < CJ fT1 fT1~ CJ '1J .. (j) ..p.. "- <.0 CO <0 VI -I>- COCO (f) )> OZ 00 (f) C < lJ :;0 0 I -; r tS fTI r O~ G)rn fTI)> r r NOTES: 1. SLOPE AS NOTED ON THIS DETAIL. 2. COLOR: 3. FINISH: EDGE OF SAND~ o ~ o ." o C OJ r - Z 2'-0" 6" l' -10" 1 /8"/FT. MIN. 6" , .<1 ".<1 "4 <1 ---. SAND" SPORTS MISCELLANEOUS SPORTS SP-MISC1: Playfield SandjSubdrain SP- M ISC2: Cinder Track Su rface I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SAND GROWING MEDIUM-PER SPECIFICATIONS FINISH GRADE OF SAND I CROWN TOP OF PEA GRAVEL . .. -. :..:. .. ~~ '. . '. , . :' ,~ . ....; .' :": :' .: ". 1 % . ~KJ .~'lj8G'RADE '.:, -. "',' {(j . . .. ... .. '<t FLOW-LINE APPROVED: PLAYFIELD SAND/SUBDRAIN SP-MISC1 , CITY OF DUBLIN c DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RB CHECKED:PS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. CONCRETE FOR TRACK CURBS TO HAVE MEDIUM BROOM FINISH. INTEGRAL COLOR TO BE CONSOV HI-CON 1195 AT 1 LB/CUBIC YARD. 2. TRACK CINDERS TO BE AS SUPPLIED BY: TMT ENTERPRISES 1 (408) 432-9040 OR APPROVED EQUAL HOLD TRACK CURB FLUSH W/ ADJACENT PAVING 6" CLAY/CINDER TRACK MATERIAL TO BE; 60%-1/8" TO MINUS CRUSHED VOLCANIC CINDER 30%-CLAY 10%-LOAM SEE NOTE 2. HOLD FINISH GRADE OF TRACK SYRFACE AT 1l1:-1 /2 BELOW TOP OF TRACK CURB 14' -0" 6" HOLD FINISH GRADE OF ADJACENT TURF OR MULCH AREAS 1" BELOW TOP OF TRACK CURB ... '- I to ~~-: \. ",,"- " ~ / . --- PLANTING BACKFILL-PER SPECIFICATIONS _ _ - 4 _' '4 REBAR HORIZONTAL I \ 111- =111==111==1 <l - - II F ~UN CONTINUOUS ,TTT- -I' '-11 <I: _ <l 11-1 BETWEEN EXPANSION I ~'1?~o<::::'<::::, ~~ JOINTS .II 1:: <::::'o<::::'~, ~;, 115 ~ COMPACTED SUBGRADE '==1 <::::" <::::, ~=III~ TO 90% R.C. COMPACTED SUBGRADE '-11-111-111 -1- TO 90% R.C. == == == :- CONCRETE TRACK ClASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL'I-=111 111- CURB, SEE NOTE 1 COMPACT TO 95% R.C. CLASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL COMPACT TO 95% R.C. :.:- APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN CINDER TRACK SURFACE c DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RB CHECKED:PS 19348 B SP- MISC2 I I I I SITE FURNITURE I SF-F-1: Accessible Drinking Fountain-Concrete SF -F -2: Accessible Drinking Fountain-Metal SF -F -3: Accessible Picnic Table-Wood SF -F -4: Picnic Table-Wood SF -F -5: Metal Bollard SF -F -6: Timber Bollard , SF -F -7: Flat Wood Bench-6 Length , SF -F -S: Flat Wood Bench-S Length SF -F -9: Backed Wood Bench-5' Length SF -F -1 0: Backed Wood Bench-S' Length SF -F -11: Round Tree Grate SF-F-12: Square Tree Grate SF -F -13: Trash Receptacle-Steel SF -F -14: Trash Receptacle-Steel/Wood SF -F -1 5: Trash Receptacle-Concrete SF -F -1 6: Bicycle Rock SF-F-17: Park Sign ------------------- (') 0 0 )> I ;:0 ~ -U fTl ~ -U (') fTl ;:0 ^ Z 0 fTl ,-0 < 0 fTl fTl"'-.. 0 -U -' (J) ..f:>. "'-.. <.D CO .... <0 (,j .,.. co (/) .,., I .,., I .,.,)> 00 CO ZfTl ~~ ZCD Ir OfTl 00 Z;o 0- ;oZ ~^ fTlti ....... NOTE: 1. DRINKING FOUNTAIN TO BE "HAWS" MODEL #3177 2. CONCRETE FOOTING COLOR AND FINISH SHALL MATCH SITE WALKWAYS ATTACHED WITH ANCHOR BOLTS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS SCHEMATIC CLEANOUT LOCATION l LOCATE CLEANOUT TO ALIGN WITH FOUNTAIN DRAIN AND CATCH BASIN, SEE PLAN CHRISTY V-1 CLEAN OUT wi LOCKING LID MORTAR BOTTOM SLOPE TO PIPE @ 2% CONCRITE BASE 4" DEPTH 4" DEPTH COMPACTED CLASS II AGGREGATE BASEROCK SECTION _-" -il .d ~ .4.' ~- PUSH BUTTON VALVE DRAIN LINE r WATER LINE CHRISTY G5C VALVE BOX WITH LOCKING LID, CONCRETE OR CAST IRON LID, LOCATION IS SCHEMATIC, ALIGN wi POTABLE LINE & DRINKING FOUNTAIN 3/4" BRONZE GATE VALVE PER CITY STANDARD . Ji..-,.....J' 6" DEPTH CONCRITE PAVING EXTENDING OUT 3' FROM CENTER OF DRINKING FOUNTAIN, SHALL HAVE #4 REBAR @ 12' O.C. BOTH WAYS 6" DEPTH COMPACTED CLASS II AGGREGATE BASEROCK 6" DEPTH CONCRETE PAVING 3/4" POTABLE WATER LINE CONNECT TO CATCH BASIN 3"~ PVC DRAIN LINE SLOPE TO DRAIN @ MIN. 2% > I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPROVED: C DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS NOTE: I. DRINKING FOUNTAIN TO BE "HAWS" MODEL #3380, AVAILABLE THROUGH: HAWS FOUNTAINS (510) 525-5801 2. CONCRITE FOOTING COLOR AND FINISH SHALL MATCH SITE WALKWAYS 40-1 12" I fL&i. ALlOW B" OF SLACK IN SUPPLY LINE FOR STRAINER AND VALVE MAINTENANCE .tmEi.. DURING INSTALlATION OF THIS FOUNTAIN, MAKE SURE SUPPLY LINE AND LINE FROM VALVE I"-- TO BUBBLER DOES NOT KINK. ('o,J ALlOW EXTRA SLACK FOR FRONT PLATE REMOVAL AND VALVE ACCESS. 1/8" CLEARANC l SCREWDRIVER STOP 1/2" UNC ANCHORS CONCRETE SlAB ('o,J <l 4~ <l <t -- ~ - I. 2'-E;" SQ. SECTION en en w u W 0::: J('o,J .......... t to .......... L() I ('o,J"-- .......... .- I '<:t I"') CITY OF DUBLIN ACCESSIBLE DRINKING FOUNTAIN-METAL R.C.E. 19348 Revision B SF-F-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOlES 1.TABLE SHALL BE "TIMBERFORM" ARBOR 2243-8 ACCESSABLE PICNIC TABLE 2,INSTALl PER MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTION ., -' :.,. ELEVAllON 7' '10" I I~ H I in n []] 9'-10. .fWL c DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RH CHECKED:PS R.C.E. 19348 Revision B CITY OF DUBLIN ACCESSIBLE PICNIC TABLE WOOD SF-F-3 APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN PICNIC TABLE WOOD SF-F-4 I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I NOTES 1.TABLE SHALL BE "TIMBERFROM" ARBOR 2244-8 STANDARD PICNIC TABLE 2.INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTION. , ... "-0. ELEVATION 7' 10. o n ~ _I '" o u PLAN APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RH CHECKED:PS SEE PLANS FOR PA~NG 1 ;" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS NOTE: BOLLARD SHALL BE "TIMBERFORM" #2190 POST W / SLEEVE o PLAN 4-1/2" ~ METAL BOLLARD.- GALVANIZED STEEL. o I n METAL LOCKING COLLAR LATCH FINISH GRADE . . <1 4' .4 .4 . .<i~ CONCRETE FOOTING PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. 4. SECTION ~ COMPACTED SUBGRADE .: CITY OF DUBLIN METAL BOLLARD Revision SF-F-S I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: BOLLARD SHALL BE "TIMBERFORM" #2191 POST W / SLEEVE o PLAN 4-1/2" ~ METAL BOLLARD.- GALVANIZED STEEL. WOOD SURROUND o I I"') METAL LOCKING COLLAR LATCH FINISH GRADE _ _ <1 4' - 4 -4 - ~~ 4- CONCRETE FOOTING PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. <1- _ SECTION ~ COMPACTED SUBGRADE APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN TIMBER BOLLARD SF-F-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I II NOTES 1. BENCH SHALL BE "TIMBERFORM" GREENWAY MOD. 2139-6 EMBED MOUNT 2. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOM, 6' 0" ..aAtL SET TOP OF BENCH LEVEL BOTH DIRECTIONS FINISH GRADE l f3 1: t - ",0 O::~N ~ I '. 'l- I- I-:z: :z::z: Cl 'X w~< :z: ::;::; SUPPORT LEG OF BENCH UNIT FIN. GRADE .." ',~.: .:~ .:' 4 . .4. . . . .... ~'. ":.4 :.~ .. :-- .. "," ~ . ~". > .~. . :' :.~." .... ':.' ,..:~ .'. 00 0 :....-. .';. ,. 00 0 0.0 r.t floO 0.0 - ~ '.. .... 0.0 O. 0.00.0 .. -0.0 .~.": . ;,.~O' --S-T~"1~ .:.... . ..~~lTl~11 'I?.o. . . 0 '0' O. . 0 0'.0 ':.:-... . ~.:.: :. 'I?.o. . . 0 '0' O. . 0 0'. 1111 Jll ,:/. ,,:, . ~.:.:; I' III I ,I I Iml I Irrr I ITlII I I-I. . .. ",-I I I-I I I-II I I ~ ... . . . il~,l .m I 1 I I I_I I I_I I I_III ~4 ~ ~."~.... I ill" ,ill, , ,lL I ,I III :'1.:: >~.: ~ 111- = _0 0'0. 0 - = _0 0 '0 ,0 :: COMPACTED ClASS /I ~.o.o. 0 '<fi'I-' CONCRETE FOOTING' 1=--1' ~o . 0 0 '11-1 BASE ROCK PER MFG, ~ lffiillll Illi, I lill~ PER MFG. REC. ~-::::::::. II I I 1-::::::::'1 -::::::::. SPEC, COMPACTED SUBGRADE, COMPACTED ClASS /I 90% R.C. BASE ROCK PER MFG. SECTION APPROVED: TY DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE ICHECKED:PS !I CITY OF DUBLIN FLAT WOOD BENCH 6' LENGTH SF-F-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I II NOTES 1. BENCH SHALL BE "11MBERFORM" GREENWAY MOD, 2139-8 EMBED MOUNT 2. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOM. R' o. ..fW.. r SET TOP OF BENCH LEVEL BOTH DIRECTIONS FINISH GRADE ~. . _",0 0: _N ~ I '. '1- I- ~:r. :r: o 'x ~~~ SUPPORT LEG OF BENCH UNIT FIN. GRADE . .. :. . . .4 ' . .. 4:. -:"'4 to . . . .. .' ,". . '.' .. o 0 0 :,' ~_. ... 0 0 0 .0 . .0 . _~.' . ..0 . .0 .0 .. 0 .0 .0 . 0 .0 00 '4' : ., ~ : . 0 .0 .0 . 0 .0 .0 ~f1q~ .~.": . ~ " ~PT9~1 I O(J"o. .'0 '0' O. 000'. ~.:..-' .~.:-.- '..;0.0. .'0 '0' O. oQO. ill,)f! ';':..- ~.." II III I [I I ITIr I 'rfTLJJ.ffil.lJ.f ,. . ,". .. ~ ~-..!..J.J.-..!..J.J.-..!..J.J. rrr.: '. .~ .,".. ~ ~.I ,W==-I , 'TiI_TilL" '_III ."4.: .4"~. f W, I ,ill" ,ill, 1,1 ,!, "4.: :...~'. f 'I ,ill = _0 o.o.? _ - = _0 0'0. 0 I:: COMPACTED CLASS II ~.o.o. 0 q [-I CONCRETE FOOTING ~-I. ~o .0 0 '0;-;:[ I-I BASE ROCK PER MFG. -Jffiill11 I ill , I ,.LL./'i"l PER MFG. REC. == I I I I 1==1 == SPEC, I I 1'- COMPACTED SUBGRADE, 90% R.C. COMPACTED CLASS II BASE ROCK PER MFG. .~ .. .: 4 :.~ '. :.. .. 'b,. " ..... . ... ':. ..... SEC110N CITY OF DUBLIN FLAT WOOD BENCH 8' LENGTH APPROVED: R.C.E. 19348 Revision B SF-F-8 I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES 1. BENCH SHALL BE TIMBERFROM MODEL #2140-6 6' BENCH W / BACK 2. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOM, 6' 0" 'I . . ..fLAIL f1 SET TOP OF BENCH LEVEL SUPPORT LEG OF BENCH UNI FIN, GRADE PER MANUF. REC. VARIES MIN. HT. 15" FINISH GRADEl <lit:.. .' .' '. .; .: '. ... . .: "bo".:. .... ~ .. .:b..:......~.~ '. .- .. '4. . . 000 .- ,... 000 .0 . .0 .0.. . '-. . .0..0.0 .~.()~ ..0.~0.;.Oo'.o.~~..o /.,: .~...~.~.()~ ..o.~o.;.Oo:o.~~.. ri(,q",1i -,;r.~. '<'~. ~?Tq. 0'11 II' "m" 'm" 'm' "T:"' ;;. I' mil m "m "I -I i iTTI.; ;;';'IIII,rW'" I I I-I I I-I I I 111_0 0"0 ... 0 =--' , ,-, , ,-, , , I o' o. "0 .... 0 III=-- COMPACTED CLASS I~.() .0'0 'q-yl--I CONCRETE FOOTING -1--'" ~o '0 0',1--1 BASE ROCK PER MTGlffilli11 ,W, , lillTtl~___ PER MFG. REC. ~ I I 1 I 1==1 == SPEC. COMPACTED SUBGRADE, COMPACTED CLASS II 90% R.C. BASE ROCK PER MF SECTION . ':4 ,'.~:.. ..:..' 4': APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN BACKED WOOD BENCH 6' LENGTH SF-F-9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I NOTES 1 ,BENCH SHALL BE "TIMBERFORM" MODEL #2 "140-8 8' BENCH WI BACK 2. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOM. 8'-0" -------~_. -~ --~- -------------- - -~----- - -------------- --- -- -- - - --~---- ~----~--------------~------- ~ - SIT TOP OF BENCH LEVEL SUPPORT LEG OF BENCH UNIT FINISH GRADE PER MANUF. REC. VARIES MIN. HT. 15" FINISH GRADE l . . '.' . ..... " ., :. ~.. .; ~.; .:- ..... :.... ....... ....... :.....:-. .. ..~. ...: ......:- :.~!- .. ~. .;.. ..- '0 . '0 . .~ ~< ~.. ,: ./.0'00'0 .' 0 '0 .0 . 0 '0 . 0 .~.. '. ~ . 0 '0 .0 . 0 '0 .0 ~~,q~ .:".: · ~ ~PTq~1 I '" 00. . . 0 '0' o. . 0 0'. .~.:.: ~ ... .. '" 00. . . 0 . o' o. . 0 0'. ill, , , III ::~. .... ~. :.::. II III 111-111-111-111-.. . ",.-"1-1"-"1 rrr... .....""7'.',~I' II, , ,ill, , ,ill, "illll/I :'~< 4'" , ill, "ill" ,ilL ,I II , .~~ ':, .~..'.: ~ II II/ill = _0 O. 0 . 0 .. _ _0 O. 0 . 0 : COMPACTED CLASS II ~~,-r,~~il I ~~~C~~E ~~8TING 1==", ~I ~ f 0 ~TI I BASE ROCK PER MFG. -I 11-1 1 I-II I-m,--- COMPACTED SUBGRADE ~ . ~ SPEC. 90% R C ' COMPACTED CLASS II SECTION 0 .. BASE ROCK PER MFG. APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN BACKED WOOD BENCH 8' LENGTH R.C.IE. 19348 Revision SF-F-10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: TREE GRATE TO BE FITTED TO STANDARD FRAME AS PROVIDED BY "URBAN ACCESSORIES, INC.". INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. TREE GRATE AND FRAME TO BE POWDER- COATED BY MANUFACTURER. COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER. CONCRETE PAVING / GONG. BAND AT PAVING 4 4_<1 - ..- .~1I <J 4 -4 " - : 4' -: - 4- - '. -.. APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN ROUND TREE GRATE I DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS "STD.FLAT" TREE GRATE 4' ROUND GRATE AND FRAME, AS MANUF. BY "URBAN ACCESSORIES, INC." (206) 487-0488 SF-F-11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: TREE GRATE TO BE FITTED TO STANDARD FRAME AS PROVIDED BY "URBAN ACCESSORIES INC." INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. TREE GRATE AND FRAME TO BE POWDER- COATED BY MANUFACTURER. COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER. -1D! Ii 00 I I ! , = In _LJ i I --.J I~ JU ~ = Ilnl=onl ! I I L II ,"KIVA-SQ." TREE GRATE AS MANUFACTURED BY: "URBAN ACCESSORIES, INC." WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 (206) 487-0488 IIU' , ,I LJ! ~ I EQ.~ CONC. BAND 'ninl I i I Inoe I I APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN SQUARE TREE GRATE SF-F-12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I NOTES: 1. TRASH RECEPTACLE WITH LINER AND LID SHALL BE "TIMBERFORM" MODEL #2814-AT. 2. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL TRASH f~ECEPTACLES AS DIRECTED BY CITY REPRESENTATIVE. ~ PLAN - (i\\ c... ...J -- COLa UNIT "<t I iv; jFINIS GRAD r R-COATED STEEL BODY H E SECTION APPROVED: R.C..E, 19348 Revision B CITY OF DUBLIN TRASH RECEPTACLE STEEL SF-F-13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I NOTES: 1. TRASH RECEFtTACLE WITH LINER AND LID SHALL BE "TIMBERFORM" MODEL #2770-HT. 2. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL TRASH RECEPTACLES AS DIRECTED BY CITY REPRESENTATIVE. - 0;- PLAN - /0 ---- COLa w/wo UNIT ~ I j.r I FINIS GRAD R-COATED STEEL 00 SLATS BODY H E ELEVATION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN TRASH RECEPTACLE STEEL/WOOD SF-F-14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. TRASH RECEPTACLE WITH LINER AND LID SHALL BE MODEL #130 RECTANGULAR- FINISH SHALL BE BROOK ROCK AGGREGATE - NO GLAZING, BROWN COLOR 2. PLASTIC DOME TOP TO BE #SF -60, ENTIRE UNIT SHALL BE AS MADE BY HANSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS, ONE HANSON COURT, MILPITAS, CA (408) 262-1091. 3. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL TRASH RECEPTACLES AS DIRECTED BY CITY REPRESENTATIVE. " - 22" x 30" DOOR W/SLAM LOCK PLAN I" 20" ~I N "" .,- I co METAL OR POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC TOP PRECAST TRASH UNIT BODY 7" x 7" SPACE FOR LOGO PLAQUE ON FRONT LATCH "... .II ~ ELEVATION FINISH GRADE ~ EPOXY CONTAINER TO CONCRETE IF CONCRETE PAVING APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN TRASH RECEPTACLE CONCRETE SF-F-1S I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: I. BICYCLE RACK SHALL BE MODEL NO. 2170, AS MANUFACTURED BY "COLUMBIA CASCADE COMPANY" 2. BICYCLE RACK SHALL BE GALVANIZED STEEL. 3. CONCRETE FOOTING AND NO.4 REBAR PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. o I n .a X4 X FINISH GRADE -~ - - "0 -.."0- ", CONTINUE PAVING OVER FOOTING, TYP. . "0- . "0- CONCRETE FOOTING- ", ~ SEE MANUFACTURER WI I JU~ RECOMMENDATIONS. 4" DEPTH CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BASE OVER COMPACTED SUBGRADE SECTION APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN BICYCLE RACK R.C.E. 19348 Revision SF-F-16 ------------------- () CJ CJ }> I AJ}> 'lJ rr1 }> -l 'lJ () ~!:l AJ ^ Z...... 0 8 ~ 0 ;$i I'T1 "" CJ \J ........ (J) ~ "" ~~ (J) '1 I '1 I --" '-.J ~ <0 Vl -l>- mOO -0 )> ;0 ^ (J) G') Z NOTE: 1. ALL HARDWARE TO BE HOT -DIPPED 3. SIGNBOARD TO BE CONSTRUCTION GALVANIZED STEEL. 2" ANGLE IRON HEART SELECT REDWOOD. POST TO TO HAVE ALL EDGES EASED. BE PRESSURE TREATED DOUGLAS 2. ALL LETTERS TO BE RAISED 1" FROM FIR, GRADE 1. BACKGROUND. BACKGROUND TO BE 4. ALL WOOD TO RECEIVE TWO COATS DEPRESSED 1" FROM FACE OF SIGN OF "OLYMPIC" #711 STAIN OR EQUAL. AND MEDIUM SANDBLASTED. LETTERING AND BORDER TO BE PAINTED PER SPECIFICATIONS. COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY CITY. 5. SUBMIT COMPLETE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY CITY. 1 /2"x8" MACHINE BOLT W / WASHERS AND LOCK NUT 1/2"x2" LAG BOLT W/ LOCK WASHER 4" THICK REDWOOD 1/8"R EDGE OF SIGNBOARD RAISED BORDER SECTION ToROUGH POST 1:C1'-S" "I'll 1 0' + l' -S':I "'I~ 6'-S" - .,-- 8x8 PRESS. TREATED FIR POST-PYRAMID CUT TOP PARK NAME -8" HIGH LETTERING N .,'.. ..~. '.," ";Jii.:'R" V'" "N"'A' ""'M'" "E" '. '. '" .. .. ".... . ~ .~.. -, . .' ,. . .... . . ::~.;:.\:<~ ':~. :"~::'., ';',:". .:: ~'~..:':' ...~'./..~.::.::~ ~ ::~:. ~'.' ':: :,:. :. :; :.:~ : ':. ~:;.:~..~~ ~.~::~. :.< :~~:~::': .~.: .': . '. \'.. . .ITY. OF .dUBLIN.... ". '." '. . . . .,' . "0,," ....~ '. .' ) . ". .....'1.. t., . \;', '. .:. . : '. ..' .,;. ..:y . .. ..... t 1O I in in 6"R 2" WIDE-RAISED BORDER-SANDED SMOOTH FINISH 4" HIGH LETTERING 6" SQUARE -CITY LOGO 1 /2" CHAMFER ALL EDGES FINISH GRADE ELEVATI.QM . . . SLOPE TOP OF CONC. FOOTING - .,-- 18" DIA. CONCRETE FOOTING CRUSHED DRAIN ROCK o I n P ARK LIGHTING L -1: Park Light Standard (14', 20', 24') L-2: Standard Street Light L-3: Electrical Conductor Trench Detail I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [ CONNECT TO GROUND LUG 1-1/2" THICK GROUT~ ELECTRICAL JUNCTION __ ~ BOX PER CODE 2-1/2" MIN. d -- <3 ~. ~ <3 _ -./I III. '=1 II ~- <t -II c::- JII:'~III~ II' _ -./I - - SECTION LIGHT FIXTURE CHART POLE HEIGHT DIAMETER DEPTH 1 4' HEIGHT 18" 42" 20' HEIGHT 24" 48" 24' HEIGHT 24" 60" NOTE: LIGHT POLE RUUD PS4S14CTBZ RUUD PS4S20CTBZ RUUD PS4S24CTBZ LIGHT FIXTURE- RUUD #PR3525-M (INSTALL W/ 10. TILT) LIGHT POLE- SEE CHART BELOW HANDHOLE BASE COVER ANCHOR BOLTS PER POLE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION DOUBLE WASHERS AND NUT PER MANUF. SPECIFICATIONS FINISH GRADE 3-#3 REBARS, 3" O.C. 1" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT #3 REBAR HOOP TIES- SPACE AT 8" O.C. 4-#4 REBAR VERTICALS EVENLY SPACED-HOLD 2-1/2" CLEAR OF EDGE OF FOOTING CONCRETE CONCRETE FOOTING- 3000 PSI AT 28 DAYS 5' COIL-#6 COPPER GROUND WIRE LIGHT FIXTURE RUUD PR3525-M RUUD PR3525-M RUUD PR3525-M 1. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO U.B.C., U.E.C. AND LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES, CONTRACTOR TO BE f~ESPONSIBLE FOR ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND LICENSES APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN PARK LIGHT STANDARD 14', 20', 24' L-1 TY DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN:RB CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN STANDARD STREET LIGHT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: CHECKED:PS ~I ====t==L L-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SAWCUT PAVING WHERE TRENCH PASSES THROUGH EXISTING PAVING WHERE TRENCH PASSES / THROUGH EXISTING PAVING- REPLACE AND REPAIR PAVING TO MATCH EXISTING PAVING r FINISH GRADE C'\l t:..- :) o .2 20 ~() . LL :q.O No... o f- o f- / CONTINUOUS WARNING TAPE FOR ELECTRICAL LINE , ~ TRENCH BACKFILL AS FOLLOWS: /' UNDER PAVING AREAS- BACKFILL TO BE SELECT STRUCTURAL SOIL BACKFILL TO 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION. IN LANDSCAPE AREAS- AMENDED TOPSOIL PLANTING MEDIUM TO 90% RELATIVE COMPACTION. l"') CONDUIT FOR LIGHTING ~III_III~III__- CIRCUIT ~_-III_~- SAND BEDDING-SAND PER - ~ P.G.&E. STANDARDS FOR SAND BEDDING UNDISTURBED SOIL SECTION NOTE: 1. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO U.B.C., U.E.C. AND LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES. CONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND LICENSES ITY DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN:RB CHECKED:PS tdII / CITY OF DUBLIN ELECTRICAL CONDUCTOR TRENCH L-3 APPROVED: IRRIGA TION 1-1: Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Device 1-2: Backflow Unit Metal Cage 1-3: Remote Control Volve and Valve Manifold at !Grade 1-4: Gate Valve ~)" of Larger 1-5: Gate Valve ~~" or Smaller 1-6: Irrigation, Control Wire Trench, and Irrigation Sleeve 1-7: Thrust Block 1-8: Turf Rotor 1-9: Turf Spray Head 1-1 0: Shrub Spray Head 1-11: Pop-up Shrub Head 1-12: Quick Coupler Head 1-13: Bubbler Heael 1-14: Irrigation Controller (Wall Mount) 1-15: Irrigation Controller (Free Standing) 1-16: Drip Irrigation Valve 1-17: Air Vacuum Relief & Flush Valve for Drip Irrigation 1-18: In-pipe Drip Tubing Layout and Manifold Detail 1-19: In-pipe Drip Tubing Trench and Automatic Flush Valve I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: INSTALLATION TO CONFORM TO CITY AND UTILITY DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS. REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER DEVICE. SHUT OFF VALVE TO BE PER WATER DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS 7 ENCLOSURE AND PAD /; PER BACKFLOW UNIT _METAL CAGE ENCLOSURE STANDARD DETAIL -- - - I i PIPE UNIONS-ON BOTH SIDES OF BACK FLOW DEVICE ,--- I r-- I. II II Ii II RISERS AND FITTINGS TO BE THREADED HEAVY BRASS = Z N- -~ a a 'Cl , CI <::I', ,. a a , 00 ' ,0 , a c' -oa. .0 :> 0 , aa ,0 o. Q. Q 0 . 0 Q.O a 0, 0 o ' a . 0, . ADAPTER AS NECESSARY TO IRRIG. VALVES CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS- MINIMUM 1 CUBIC YARD PER THRUST BLOCK FOR 2" DIA. AND LARGER UNITS. 1/2 C.Y. FOR SMALLER UNITS NOTES: 1. BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES SHALL BE INSTALLED NO MORE THAN 12" ABOVE FINISH GRADE DIRECTLY BELOW THE DEVIICE. 2. BACKFILL WITH SAND IN CORROSIVE OR REACTIVE SOILS. 3. LINE FROM METER TO BE ONLY COPPER, BRASS OR PLASTIC. NO GALVANIZED PIPE SHALL BE USED. APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN REDUCED PRESSURE ACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVIC R,C.E. 19348 Revision B 1-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6" 12" 1- .. I I I I I I I I i I i i I jJ _I . ..~;, . -:. ...: 4_. ...~ ..... .:. . ., .... ... .4,''' ,.4.~. .4;' .. 4, ,.4...<.. ~. 4. . I- II_ 0 0 . a . 0 0 . Q . Q a. 0 0 0 . a ..0 . 0 a.-I -0 a . O. I' ~ . 0 .Cl a . . ,0 . fO F . 0 0. . 0_ ~ ~" COMPACTED SUBGRADE-REL. "--\= 6" DEPTH-CONCRETE PAD COMPACTION-90% \ HEAVY BROOM FINISH SIDE ELEVATION L 4" DEPTH-CLASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL - REL. COMPACTION-95% LENGTH AS REQUIRED TO FIT BACKFLOW UNIT .1 I.. 1 2" . .6 ".1 I . r- 3/8" U-BOLT / FOR PAD- LOCKING LIFTING HANDLE NOTE: 1. INSTALLATION TO CONFORM TO CITY AND UTILITY DISTRICT STANDARDS. 2. CAGE SHALL BE AS MANUFACTURED BY LEMEUR OR EQUAL. 3. STEEL FR:AME TO BE 3/16" STEEL ANGLE. EXPANDED METAL TO BE #9. 4. CAGE TO BE GALVANIZED, PRIMED AND PAINTED W / 2 COATS DARK FOREST GREEN PAINT. -E1iD ELEVATION R.C,.E, 19348 Revision B CITY OF DUBLIN BACKFLOW UNIT METAL CAGE ENCLOSURE APPROVED: 1-2 I ,I , I il I I I NOTES: 1. INSTALL WIRE PER CODE. 2. TAPE AND BUNDLE WIRE @ 10' O.C. 3. COIL WIRE 24" MIN. @ EA. WIRE CONNECTION IN BOX. 4. CENTER VALVE BOX OVER REMOTE CONTROL VALVE. 5. SET BOXES PARALLEL TO EACH OTHER 6. AVOID HEAVY COMPACTING OF SOIL AROUND BOXES TO PREVENT COLLAPSE OF SIDES. I I I I I I I I I I I I REMOTE CONTROL VALVE PLASTIC VALVE BOX W/ BOLT DOWN LID FINISH UNIONS SIDES OF IIIIIIII~III~ =111:- 4 BRICKS II IRRIGATION LATERAL d! ?('o~ 6" DEPTH ----- PEA GRAVEL SCH. 80 PVC RISER AND FITTINGS (TYP.) SECTION o ~ PVC MAIN LINE VALVE BOX OF ADEQUATE SIZE TO CONTAIN VALVES AND UNIONS INSIDE BOX. RCV MANIFOLD PLAN BALL VALVE IN- 8" </) VALVE BOX @ GRADE. ONE PER MANIFOLD EDGE OF WALK QUICK COUPLING VALVE-SEE PLANS R.C.E. 19348 Revision B CITY OF DUBLIN REMOTE CONTROL VALVE AND RCV MANIFOLD APPROVED: 1-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINISH GRADE CONCRETE VALVE BOX SEE NOTE 2 GATE VALVE UNIT- 2-1/2" SIZE OR LARGER EXTENSION AS NECESSARY ... FLOW ADAPTERS AS NECESSARY- SEE NOTE 3 FROM BACKFLOW DEVICE ... Iii I 'III~ -II OO'?a .s;oo 1--1 - c~Oo~ -- III-oc;;-Q~~. OoOoo~o o~ - 'oc5'-..J' 00 '---' 0= - - 00" 9-- 000 '<... - -I 0 05'---' 'Cc.JCOO 0 I I 1111' I I: III ~ I IIII1 I 'II I 3 CUBIC FEET PEA GRAVEL AT BOTTOM OF BOX SECTION NOTES: 1. GATE VALVE TO BE CAST IRON RESILIENT WEDGE UNIT W/ NUT HANDLE. GATE VALVE TO BE LINE SIZE AND SET AT DEPTH OF MAIN LINE. 2. CONCRETE VALVE BOX TO BE CHRISTY G5 VALVE BOX WITH SCREW DOWN CAST IRON LID. IN TRAFFIC OR PAVED AREAS SET BOX FLUSH WITH FINISH GRADE OF PAVING. 3. FLANGED CONNECTIONS ARE TO BE MADE AT VALVE. MECHANICAL JOINT ADAPTERS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR CONNECTION, ALL BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS ARE TO BE STAINLESS STEEL. USE SPLIT LOCK WASHERS ON NUT SIDE OF BOLTS. 4. ADDITIONAL ADAPTERS OR COUPLING MAY BE REQUIRED TO INSTALL GATE VALVE PER THIS DETAIL. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL ITEMS NECESSARY TO INSTALL GATE VALVE PER THIS DETAIL. R.C.E. 19348 Revision B CITY OF DUBLIN GATE VALVE- 2-1/2" AND LARGER APPROVED: 1-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINISH 1 ~1 GRADE \ .,-- FLOW .... CONCRETE VALVE BOX SEE NOTE 2 LINE SIZE GATE VALVE- 2" OR SMALLER-SEE NOTE 1 PIPE UNIONS ON BOTH SIDES OF GATE VALVE FROM BACKFLOW .. DEVICE I w-Q 0 =111 9o.;:::;6d3'god~9o~oo~bSo 11- _ 00 0 <:) 00 oq, 0 - 1_ 00 ogC-) "OOcoo oo~~ I 'flllm!l!m111ml rim!! l' . I I 1 ' SECTION NOTES: RED BRASS NIPPLES ON BOTH SIDES OF VALVE 2 CUBIC FEET PEA GRAVEL 1. GATE VALVE TO BE CAST BRONZE, CLASS 125 UNIT WITH NON-RISING STEM. GATE VALVE UNIT TO BE F)ROVIDED WITH CAST BRONZE CROSS HANDLE. . 2. CONCRETE VALVE BOX TO BE CHRISTY' F8 VALVE BOX WITH SCREW DOWN CAST IRON LID IN LANDSCAPE AREAS. CONCRETE BOX TO BE CHRISTY G5 VALVE BOX WITH SCREW DOWN CAST IRON LID IN TRAFFIC AREAS. IN TRAFFIC AREAS SET BOX LEVEL WITH PAVING GRADE. 3. ADDITIONAL ADAPTERS OR COUPLING MAY BE REQUIRED TO INSTALL GATE VALVE PER THIS DETAIL. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL ITEMS NECESSARY TO INSTALL GATE VALVE PER THIS DETAIL. APPROVED: i CITY OF DUBLIN GATE VALVE- 2" AND SMALLER R.C.E, 19348 Revision B I-S I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LATERAL L1NE- SEE NOTE 1 CONTROLLER LATERAL LINE TRENCH WIRE TRENCH NOTES: 1. ALL PLASTIC PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN THE TRENCH IN A SERPENTINE MANNER AND PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATION. 2. ALL MAIN LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN THE TRENCH PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION. MAIN LINES SHALL BE THRUST BLOCKED PER CITY OF DUBLIN PLAN STANDARDS. 3. TAPE AND BUNDLE CONTROLLER WIRING AT 10' INTERVALS. 4. TRENCH BACKFILL SHALL BE NATIVE SOIL WITH NO ROCKS OR CLODS OVER 1" DIAMETER. COMPACT TO 85% R.C. IN PLANTING AREAS TOP 8" OF TRENCH BACKFILL TO BE AMENDED TOPSOIL. 5. SLEEVES ARE TO BE AT DEPTHS SHOWN FOR PIPE AND WIRING TO BE CONTAINED. WHERE SLEEVE IS UNDER STREET HOLD SLEEVE 6" BELOW SUBGRADE IN STREET. CITY OF DUBLIN IRRIGATION TRENCHING AND PIPING DETAIL 1-6 r TRENCH BACKFILL- SEE NOTE 5 FINISH GRADE LOW VOLTAGE z CONTROLLER :2 WIRING . 1.0. TAPE- 6" ~ ABOVE MAIN LINE: ,~ ~. i)" FINISH I~ GRADE : Z OJ -- ~:2 I.D. TAPE ABOVE CONDUIT SAND l BACKFILL LATERAL L1NE- ELECTRICAL CONDUIT - PER LOCAL 120 VOLT CODE CONDUIT TRENCH COMBINED TRENCH 10" 1 0" I~ I ' FINISH GRADE -i I FINISH GRADE TF~ENCH BACKFILL- SEE NOTE 5 LOW VOLTAGE CONTROLLER WIRING-SEE NOTE 3 . z OJ_ ~:2 TRENCH BACKFILL- SEE NOTE 5 : Z co- .,--:2 APPROVED: CITY ENGINEER DATE; 09/26/98 No. DRAWN: RF CHECKED:PS SLEEVE TO BE SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE. SIZE TO BE 2X SIZE OF PIPE TO BE CONTAINED, SLEEVES TO CONTAIN WIRING SHALL HAVE 1/2" POLY ROPE W/ 12" LOOP AT EACH END INSTALLED PAVING SLEEVE I _ PLAN-TYPICAL IRRIG. CROSSING AT PAVING FINISH GRADE TRENCH BACKFILL - SEE NOTE 5 I.D. TAPE- 6" ABOVE MAIN LINE SAND BEDDING MAIN L1NE- SEE NOTE 2 MAIN LINE TRENCH I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I il I 1 I ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF FORCE ON LINES 1J3 REBAR TIE EM 4" IN BLOCK OF DUBLIN THRUST BLOCK FOR RING-FITTED MAIN LINE PLAN GATE VALVE JJ~ REBAR TIE EM~IIC;!~I=--, 4' IN BLOCK ~ ~ CONCRET THRUST B~OCK-SET 2' INTO T(RENCH )BOTTOM TYPICAL SECTION APPROVED: R.C..E. 19348 Revision B NOTE: INSTALL MAIN LINE AS PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUIDELINES AND SPECIFICATIONS. SIZE OF THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION RECOMM ENDA TIONS. I 7 I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HOLD HEAD 2" FROM ADJACENT PAVING EDGES, HEADERS, WALLS OR BUILDINGS FINISH GRADEL INSTALL TOP OF HEAD 2" ABOVE FIN. GRADE DURING TURF ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD RUBBER COVER POP-UP TURF- ROTOR-SEE PLANS LASCO PRE-ASSEMBLED SWING JOINT--INSTALL PER MANUFUCTAURER'S SPECIFICATIONS PVC LATERAL LINE NOTE: SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY IS EQUIPPED WITH 1" THREADED ENDS. FOR 3/4" FEED HEADS A REDUCING ADAPTER IS REQUIRED APPROVED: DATE: 09/27/98 DRAWN: RF CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN pop-up TURF ROTOR R.C.E. 19348 Revision B 1-8 I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HEADER OR ADJACENT PAVING -=11 -T/IIII 1/ _____ 4" POP-UP TURF SPRAY HEAD =- DOUBLED STREET ELLS 1=-1 / HAND TIGHT-USE TEFLON /' TAPE TO PREVENT LEAKS //; SCHEDULE 80 PVC NIPPLE -12" LENGTH MIN. STREET ELL TO TEE FITTING ON LATERAL LINE ~ LATERAL LINE { APPROVED: DATE: 09/28/98 DRAWN:RF CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN pop-up TURF SPRAY HEAD I 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I II __ SPRAY NOZZLE ___ SHRUB ADAPTER CD ~ SCHEDULE SO _______----- PVC NIPPLE FINISH GRADE ~ MARLEX 90. ELL ~ ______ MARLEX STREET ELL ~ ______ SCHEDULE 80 PVC ~ ~ NIPPLE-12" LENGTH MIN. ~ -- MARLEX STREET ELL TO TEE FITTING ON LATERAL LINE ~ LATERAL LINE APPROVED: CRY DATE: 09/28/98 DRAWN: RF ICHECKED:PS SPRAY ON 6" RISER I 10 No. ----t==L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HEADER OR ADJACENT PAVING 2" ~ SET HEAD 1/2" ABOVE /' FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE -=11 -TIll II II 1------ ~mIIIIIIIIIII11~",ill, , ,III~ I III II' -III III~ 1 ~ j=- 6" POP-UP SHRUB ~---- SPRAY HEAD DOUBLED STREET ELLS / HAND TIGHT-USE TEFLON / TAPE TO PREVENT LEAKS //:- SCHEDULE 80 PVC NIPPLE -12" LENGTH MIN. STREET ELL TO TEE FITTING ON LATERAL LINE ~ LATERAL LINE APPROVED: R.C.E. 19348 Revision B CITY OF DUBLIN pop-up SHRUB SPRAY HEAD 1-11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !I I I I APPROVED: DATE: 09/25/98 DRAWN:RF CHECKED:PS - SET BOX AGAINST PAVING OR / HEADER WHERE ADJACENT. HOLD BOX 12" MIN. FROM WALLS. BOX TO BE 1/2" BELOW FINISH GRADE OF ADJACENT WALKS -CARSON 910 ROUND PLASTIC VALVE BOX WI T -TYPE LID HOLD TOP OF BOX 1/2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE OF TURF OR MULCH FINISH GRADE ___ 5" DEPTH-PEA GRAVEL r- 1" DIAMETER PRE-ASSEMBLED / SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY- LASCO OR EQUAL '-- IRRIGATION MAIN LINE '- 1/2" DIAMETER SMOOTH STEEL STAKE-18" LENGTH-DRIVE MIN. 1 0" INTO GROUND SECTION ! CITY OF DUBLIN IRRIGATION QUICK COUPLING VALVE 1-12 I I I ;1 I I I I I I I '1 I I I I II I I / SHRUB OR TREE - 4" DIAMETER X 48" LENGTH PERFORATED PVC PIPE. USE NDS # 13 POLYETHYLENE GRATE AT TOP OF PIPE. FILL PIPE WITH CRUSHED DRAIN ROCK. CONCEAL TOP GRATE BELOW MULCH -1/2" DIAMETER PVC FLEX-HOSE RISER. CUT DRAIN PIPE TO RECEIVE FLEX-HOSE. IRRIGATION LATERAL AND TEE FITTING. USE ADAPTER TO FIT FLEX-HOSE RISER TO PVC FITTI NG SECTION NOTES: 1. BUBBLER TO BE AS SHOWN ON IRRIGATION PLAN. BUBBLER SHOULD BE SET ABOVE FINISH GRADE OF PLANT PIT. 2. SEE SHRUB AND TREE PLANTING DETAILS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 3. USE ONE BUBBLER PER SHRUB, THREE BUBBLERS PER TREE, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS. APPROVED: DATE: 09/27/98 DRAWN:RF CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN /l ..' / BUBBLER ON FLEX RISER R.C.E. 19348 Revision B 1-13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D IRRIGATION CONTROLLER AND ENCLOSURE-SEE PLANS FOR MANUFACTURER AND MODEL DUPLEX GFCI OUTLET IN ~ NEMA APPROVED WEATHER AND WATERPROOF BOX wi SCREW ON COVER KEY OPERATED ON/OFF___ SWITCH IN NEMA APPROVED WEATHER AND WATER PROOF BOX W/ SCREW ON COVER 120 VOLT SERVICE AND -- GROUND WIRE IN CONDUIT PER UEC AND LOCAL CODE . . C'\I ~ STAINLESS STEEL PIPE CLAMPS-SCREW TO WALL AT 18" ON CENTER ~ IRRIGATION CONTROL AND ~ COMMON WIRE BUNDLE ~ RIGID STEEL ELECTRICAL CONDUIT FOR IRRIGATION WIRING-SIZE TO ACCEPT ALL WIRES IN LOOSE MANNER ~ FINISH GRADE 18" _ I ~ 2:)1' !- EXTEND GROUND WIRE TO COPPER GROUND ROD AND CLAMP TO ROD UF DIRECT BURIAL IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRES TO REMOTE ~ CONTROL VALVES ~ 1/2" DIAMETER COPPER GROUND ROD-S' LENGTH ELEVATION NOTES: 1. IRRIGATION CONTROLLER: AND ENCLOSURE TO BE AS SPECIFIED ON PLANS. CONTROLLEF< AND ENCLOSURE SHALL BE DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED FOR USE TOGETHER. 2. ALL WIRING AND CONDUIT WORK SHALL BE PER LOCAL AND UNIFORM ELECTRIC CODE. 3. INSTALL CONTROLLER AND ENCLOSURE LEVEL AND CONDUITS PLUMB. PAINT CONTROL.LER, CONDUITS, CLAMPS AND BOXES TO MATCH WALL COLOR -;.>,i-' APPROVED: R.C.E. 19348 Revision B 1-14 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LE MEUR CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE-SEE NOTE 1 IRRIGATION CONTROLLER SEE PLANS FOR MODEL AND MANUFACTURER PLYWOOD BACKING BOARD 24V TERMINAL STRIP-TO BE CLEARLY LABELED WITH STATION INFORMATION DUPLEX GFCI RECEPTACLE STUB 3 SPARE WIRES OF DISTINCT COLOR FROM N 16 BOX INTO LE MEUR ENCLOSURE-PROVIDE 18" COILS AT EA. END DISCONNECT SWITCH- ON/OFF KEY OPERATED 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL SERVICE IN RIGID STEEL ELECTRICAL CONDUIT ADAPTER COUPLING-HOLD 6" ABOVE TOP OF SLAB PVC ELECTRICAL CONDUIT IN GROUND 12" LOOP CHRISlY N16 BOX w/J N16T BOLT DOWN LID INSTALL AT GRADE AND ADJACENT TO PAD 2" PVC CONDUIT FROM N16 BOX INTO LE MEUR ENCLOSURE HOLD AT 18" DEPTH. HEIGHT TO EXTEND TO BACKER BOARD PROVIDE AND INSTALL CHRISTY N9 CONCRETE ELECTRICAL BOX W / N9T BOLT DOWN LID \ COMPACT SUBGRADE TO 90% L 6" THICK CONCRETE BASE OVER 4" DEPTH CLASS 2 AGG. BASE AT 95% R.C.. EXTEND PAD 9" FROM ENCLOSURE ON SIDES AND BACK. EXTEND 24" FROM FRONT OF ENCLOSURE SECTION NOTES: 1. CONTROLLER ENCLOSUE TO BE LE MEUR 35" HEIGHT UNIT MANUFACTURED FROM 3/16" COLD ROLLED STEEL. CONTROLLER TO BE PRIMED WITH RUST INHIBITING PRIMER AND PAINTED TWO COATS WITH EPOXY PAINT. COLOR TO BE DARK FOREST GREEN. 2. INSTALL ENCLOSURE ELEVATED 1/2" FROM CONCRETE PAD USING STAINLESS STEEL 5/8" NUT SPACER AT ALL MOUNTING BOLT LOCATIONS. 3. PLYWOOD BACKER BOARD TO BE PER LE MEUR SPECIFICATION AND PAINTED TO MATCH INTERIOR OF ENCLOSURE. 4. TERMINAL STRIPS ARE TO BE UNITS APPROVED BY MANUFACTURER OF CONTROLLER FOR USE WITH THE SPECIFIED IRRIGATION CONTROL.LER APPROVED: CITY OF DUBLIN IRRIGATION CONTROLLER PEDESTAL MOUNTED R.C.E. 19348 Revision 1-15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION BALL VALVE IN 8" (/; VALVE BOX @ GRADE. ONE PER MANIFOLD VALVE BOX OF ADEQUATE: SIZE TO CONTAIN VALVES AND UNIONS INSIDE BOX. Rev MANIFOLD PLAN QUICK COUPLING VALVE--SEE PLANS AMIAD Y-FILTER-LlNE SIZE 200 MESH WEAVE WIRE VALVE BOX TO BE CARSON PLASTIC VALVE BOX W/ T -LID SIZE TO FIT ENTIRE ASSEMBLY LID TO BE BOLT DOWN TYPE REMOTE CONNTROL VALVE UNIT-PER PLANS FINISHED GRADE PROVIDE 24" LENGTH OF CONTROL AND COMMON WIRE IN SERVICE COIL SENNINGER LINE SIZE PRE-SET PRESSURE REGULATOR-30 PSI PVC LATERAL TO HEADS SCH. 80 UNION VALVE BOX EXTENSION- AS NEEDED BRICK SUPPORTS 1 CU. FT. PEA GRAVEL SUMP EDGE OF WALK CITY OF DUBLIN REMOTE CONTROL VALVE FOR DRIP IRRIGATION APPROVED: DATE: 09/28/98 DRAWN:RF CHECKED:PS R.C.E. 19348 Revision B 1-16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TO DRIP LINES AIR/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE CARSON 910 PLASTIC VALVE BOX W/ T -LID FINISH GRADE 3/4" DIAMETER QUICK COUPLER VALVE W/ LOCKING COVER-RAINBIRD OR EQUAL SCHEDULE 80 NIPPLE LENGTH AS REQUIRED FLEX-RiSER-RUBBER HOSE AND ABS TYPE BRICK SUPPORTS 8" DEPTH-PEA GRAVEL SUMP --------- PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS NOTES: 1. LOCATE AIR RELIEF VALVE AT HIGHEST POINT OF SYSTEM. WHERE MORE THAN ONE HIGH POINT EXISTS ON SYSTEM, LOCATE AIR RELIEF VALVE AT EACH HIGH POINT. 2. PROVIDE CITY WITH TWO KEYS FOR EACH QUICK COUPLER INSTALLED. 3. SET RIM OF BOX 1" ABOVE SURROUNDING GRADE. LOCATE BOX IN GROUNDCOVER AREAS ONLY. 4. AIR/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE SHALL BE BY SAME MANUFACTURER AS DRIP LINE. 1 APPROVED: \ ITY DATE: 10/13/98 DRAWN:RF CHECKED:PS CITY OF DUBLIN AIR/VACUUM RELIEF & FLUSH VALVE FOR DRIP IRRIGATION 1-17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CLASS 200 PVC SUPPLY MANIFOLD QUICK COUPLING VALVE FLUSH POINT AIR/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE IN-PIPE DRIP EMITTER TUBING AT 18" ON CENTER CLASS 200 PVC FLUSH MANIFOLD LIMIT OF PLANTING BED AUTOMATIC FLUSH VALVE .... REMOTE CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY W/ FILTER AND PRESSURE REGULATOR ..sQti.EMATIC PLAN LAYOUT DIAGRAM 4" DEPTH FOR DRIP LINE FINISHED GRADE IN-PIPE DRIP EMITTER LINE (TYP.) ISOMETRIC SCHEMATIC MANIFOLD ADAPTERS AS NECESSARY TO FIT DRIP LINE TO PVC ELLS __________ CLASS 200 PVC RISER CLASS 200 PVC SUPPLY MANIFOLD ~FLOW FROM VALVE APPROVED: j CITY OF DUBLIN IN-PIPE DRIP TUBING LAYOUT AND MANIFOLD DETAIL 1-18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; I I I 18" O.C. FINISH GRADE \ ! 1- '.' .... 11- =1. ;..' : T "'. ". I -.;;t ~I: .... ',,:, .1 "': '., 11- =1 . -'.. .. ": I 1: .' IF ! 1- ". ::-.11 -[ . . -' . ': .... .:' I '-1 - , . - . ". . . .I: "".: '.. 11- =1 .. ...... ': I -1- : .- - . - . -I . ~ -m-"- BACKFILL TRENCH WITH AMENDED TOPSOIL IN-PIPE DRIP TUBING W/ 1 GPH EMITTERS AT 18" O.C. SPACING 2" SECTION TRENCHING DETAIL - FINISHED GRADE - 6" ROUND VALVE BOX - AUTOMATIC FLUSH VALVE - SOLID POLYETHYLENE TUBING - COMPRESSION ADAPTER FITTING - PVC ELBOW - PEA GRAVEL SUMP (18") - BF~ICK SUPPORTS - PVC PIPE SECTION NOTE: ALL FITTINGS AND EQUIPMENT TO BE AS RECOMMENDED BY MANUFACTURER OF IN--PIPE DRIPLlNE. APPROVED: DATE: 10/13/98 DRAWN:RF CHECKED:PS j/ CITY OF DUE~LIN IN-PIPE DRIP TUBING TRENCH AND AUTOMATIC FLUSH VALVE 1-19 I I PLANTINIG PL -1: Specimen Tree PlontingjStaking (30"-48" Box) PL - 2: Tree PlantingjStakin(~ PL-3: Shrub Planting PL-4: Planting and Groundcover Spacing PL-5: Schedule of Amendnlents and Fertilizer PL-6: Top Soil Placement I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I MULCH AS SHOWN BELOW CONSTRUCT 4" BERM AS SHOWN iN SECTION BELOW ROOT BARRIER-SEE NOTE BELOW DEEP ROOT 3/4" TO 1-1/2" GRAVEL OR CRUSHED ROCk: BACk:FILL TREE HOLE MIN. 12" DEEPER AND 8" LARGER DIAMETER THAN "DEEP ROOT" PLANTER SCARIFY SIDES OF HOLE AND ROOT BALL. ALL TREES PLANTED WITHIN 8' OF CURB, CONCRETE FLATWORK, ASPHALT PAVING AND BUILDING FOUNDATIONS SHALL RECEIVE "DEEP ROOT" PU~NTER MODEL NUMBER RP 22-30-18. INSTALL PER: MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS ,- 3'" DIA. PRESSURE TREATED LODGE POLE PINE STAKE- 3 TYPICAL PER TREE -- PREVAlUNG WIND DIRECTION -- T"~EE TRUNK -CENTER BETWEEN STAKES --1)(4 ROUGH REDWOOD BRACE TIE DETAIL, 1-1- II C)Q -w ~I : '0 CO, I _ ':q-CO 'X ~<( ~~ ~ 2" DIAMETER PRESSURE TREATED LODGE ;/ POLE PINE TFi:EE STAKE. MAINTAIN 6" CLEAR FI~OM LOWEST BRANCH. SET POLES OUTSIDE ROOTBALL CORDED RUBBER AND WIRE TREE TIE ~ 1 x4 ROUGH REDWOOD W/TWO-2" / GALVANIZED NAILS, EACH CONNECTION. (LOCATE ON PREVAILING WIND SIDE.) - SET ROOTBALL. 1" ABOVE BACk:FILL 2" MINIMUM WETTED DEPTH MULCH- "BFI PRO-CHIP" OR APPROVED EQUAL r WHEN TREE IS IN TURF AREA-GRADE 4" HEIGHT EARTH BERM AROUND DIAMETER OF PLANTING HOLE ~ BACKFILL TO BE 2/3 NATIVE SOIL AND 1/3 SOIL AMENDMENT -NITIRFIED SAWDUST OR APPROVED EQUAL TREE HOLE MIN. 12" DEEPER AND 18" LARGER DIAMETER THAN ROOT BALL. SCARIFY SIDES OF HOLE AND ROOT BALL -- FOUR (4) 21 GRAM FERTILIZER TABLETS. SCARIFY SIDES OF HOLE AND ROOT BALL AND BACKFILL. LEAVE UNDISTURBED SOIL MOUND BELOW ROOT BALL TO PREVENT SETTLING OF TREE. SECTION APPROVED: I CITY OF DUE~LIN SPECIMEN TREE PLANTING/ STAKING( 30"-48" BOX) R.C.E. 19348 Revision B PL-1 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -3/4" TO 1-1/2" GRAVEL OR CRUSHED 11 ROCK BACKFILL I I - TF(EE HOLE MIN. 12" DEEPER AND 8" , II LJ~RGER DIAMETER THAN "DEEP ROOT" ~III . , PLANTER SCARIFY SIDES OF HOLE AND NOTE: ROOT BALL. ALL TREES PLANTED WITHIN 8' OF CURB, CONCRETE FLATWORK, ASPHALT PAVING AIND BUILDING FOUNDATIONS SHALL RECEIVE "DEEP ROOT" PLANTER MODEL NUMBER RP 22-30-18. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS rj'N x 1'~6' MIN. ~ ~~ .~ ,0- F. 1 x4 RDWD.J TIE DETAIL -III I '~g~ 'II ; ~:'.D -=1 (:, o. . <> <>. '. Of> o . , I -I '0 _III o' I~ I I _I ~III, " I '" U ' DEEP ROOT NOTE: f-f- II 0Q -w ~I ='0 COI I . ':.;rCO 'X ~<( ~~ 'IIIEI :11 SECTION APPROVED: - MULCH AS SHOWN BELOW .-- CONSTRUCT 4" BERM AS SHOWN 11:_ N SECTION BELOW I __ ROOT BARRIER-SEE NOTE BELOW WRAP WIRE AROUND ITSELF 6 TU RNS CORDED RUBBER AND WIRE TREE TIE 2" DIAMETER PRESSURE TREATED LODGE POLE PIINE TF(EE STAKE. MAINTAIN 6" CLEAR FROM LOWEST BRANCH _ CORDED RUBBER AND WIRE TREE TIE "r- 1 x4 ROUGH REDWOOD W/TWO-2" GALVANIZED NAILS, EACH CONNECTION. (LOCATE ON PREVAILING WIND SIDE.) SET ROOTBALL 1" ABOVE BACKFILL - 2" MINIMUM WETTED DEPTH MULCH- "BFI PRO-CHIP" OR APPROVED EQUAL r WHEN TREE IS IN TURF AREA-GRADE 4" HEIGHT EARTH BERM AROUND DIAMETER OF PLANTING HOLE ~ BACKFILL TO BE 2/3 NATIVE SOIL AND 1/3 ; SOIL AMENDMENT -NITIRFIED SAWDUST OR APPROVED EQUAL TREE HOLE MIN. 12" DEEPER AND 18" LARGER DIAM ETER THAN ROOT BALL. SCARIFY SIDES OF HOLE AND ROOT BALL FOUR (4) 21 GRAM FERTILIZER TABLETS. SCARIFY SIDES OF HOLE AND ROOT BALL AND BACKFILL. "- LEAVE UNDISTURBED SOIL MOUND BELOW ROOT BALL TO PREVENT SETTLING OF TREE. R.C.E. 19348 Revision B PL-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2'" DEPTH WOOD CHIP MULCH (TYP.) AS SPECIFIED ,A.T ALL SHRUB PLANTING AREAS 1/3 ORGANIC AMENDMENT 2/3 NATIVE BACKFILL FOOT TAMP BACKFILL MAT BELOW ROOTBALL TO PI~EVENT SETTLING OF SHRUB SECTION C E DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB/JE CHECKED:PS / CITY OF DUE~LIN SHRUB PLANTING APPROVED: PL-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PLANT SPACING CHART FOR USE WHEN PLANTS ARE SPACED EQUALLY FROM EACH OTHER AS IN ALL GROUNDCOVER PLANTINGS AND MASSED MASSED SHRUB PLANTINGS. WO) o <t:N CL (f),..- CD c.::> z o <t: CL (f) GROUNDCOVER ~ LIMIT OF PLANTING AREA . /-\ /u:\ \ j/\ . . ~. . I.SPACING 'A'_I ' ~ PLANT LOCATION CD c.> z o <( CL (f) . . . . / 2" DEPTH LAYER MULCH /' SEE SPECIFICATIONS ~~ 6" LAYER AMENDED SOIL / / SEE PLANTING PLAN AND L_ SPECIFICATIONS SUBGRADE SEE SPECIFICATIONS O~-CENTe;R SPACING CHART SPACING 'A' 6" O.C. 8" O.C. 9" O.C. 10" O.C. 12" O.C. 15" O.C. 18" O.C. 24" O.C. 30" O.C. 36" O.C. SPACING 'B' 5.2" O.C. 6.9" O.C. 7.S" O.C. 8.7" O.C. 10.4" O.C. 13.0" O.C. 15.6" O.C. 20.8" O.C. 26.0" O.C. 30.0" O.C. NO. PU\NTSjSQ.FT. 4.60 PER 1 S.F. 2.60 PER 1 S.F. 1. 78 PER 1 S.F. 1.65 PER 1 S.F. 1.15 PER 1 S.F. .74 PER 1 S.F. .5'1 PER 1 S.F. .29 PER 1 S.F. .19 PER 1 S.F. .12 PER 1 S.F. , CITY OF DUE~LIN PLANTING AND GROUNDCOVER SPACING APPROVED: E DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN:RJB/JE CHECKED:PS , :.. 19348 ReVision B PL-4 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 'I RATE OF ITEM MATERIAL APPUCATlON SOIL PREPARATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECI- 6-20-20 25#/1000 S.F. FICATIONS FOR TURF AREA SOIL PREPARATION AND SOIL PREPARATION IRON SULFATE 10#/1000 S.F. FOR ALL SHRUB, TREE AND/OR GROUNDCOVER AREAS, INCORPOR'ATE SOIL 6 CU. YDS./ AMENDMENTS AND FERTILIZERS AS B'=-I 'SUPER- FOLLOWS: HUMUS' 1000 S.F. PLANTING BACKFILL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS BI=-I 'SUPER- 1 PER 1 GC FOR PLANTING OF SHRUBS AND TREES, HUMUS' -1/3 3 PER 5 GC INCORPORATE SOIL AMENDMENTS AND TOPSOIL-2/3 4 PER 15 GC FERTILIZERS IN PLANTING BACKFILL PLANTING 1 PER 1/2" AS FOLLOWS: TABLETS 21 CAL. SPEC. GI~AM SIZE PRE-EMERGENCE WEED CONTROL TWO WEEKS AFTER PLANTING OF RONSTAR OR AS PER GROUNDCOVER, CULTIVATE, WEED AND APPROVED MANUFAC- APPLY PRE-EMERGENCE WEED CONTROL, EQUAL. TURER'S IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS. DIRECTIONS, TO ALL GROUNDCOVER AREAS AND PLANT BASINS. TOP DRESSING BI~OWNING FERRIS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS, INDUSTRIES AFTER APPLICATION OF PRE-EMERGENCE "PRO-CHIP" 2" DEPTH WEED CONTROL, MULCH GROUNDCOVER WOOD CHIP AREAS AND PLANT BASINS WITH MULCH MULCH OR TO WETTED DOWN DEPTHS AS FOLLOWS: APPROVED EQUAL FEEDING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS COMMERCIAL 1 5 LBS./ FOR FEEDING DURING MAINTENANCE PERIOD, FERTILIZER 1,000 SQ.FT. APPLY FERTILIZER TO TURF AND GROUND- 6-- 20- 20 COVER AREAS ONE WEEK PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION AS FOLLOWS: SEEDED TURF , j APPROVED: \ C E DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB/JE CHECKED:PS ! CITY OF DUE~LIN SCHEDULE OF AMENDMENTS AND FERTILIZER PL-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINISH GRADE PER GRADING PLAN TOPSOIL IN PLANTING AREAS PER SPECIFICATIONS .... .. "'."' ...."'. .. ~ :... "'. .. .. "'. ..... ....... .. .. .. ......: ..:............ .. .. "....... .. "'. .... ...."...... .. .:.. .. .. "'. "'... :...... .... ....:. .... .. .. ".." "'. .. .. o o. 0"'..."' .. "'. .... "'..........- .."'.. ...... .. .. :.... :.. .." ."' ...." "'. .. .. .." ,,"'. .. .... .. .. .... .. .. :: .. .. .. t' \ "'. ",.':.." .:.. : : .. .... .. .: .. .. . 0 . O~'O OO~~ . /~~~V~ >V:~~" <~~>:~~>>~"0j~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'l0000~ ~00{;~00'~~00' IMPORT TOPSOIL- 12" DEPTH SEE PLAN FOR LOCATION SCARIFY SUBGRADE TO ALL.OW PERCOLATION APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RJB/JE CHECKED:PS ! CITY OF DUElLIN TOP SOIL PLACEMENT PL-6 PLAY AREA F A(~ILITIES PA-1: Play Area Curb and Granular Surface PA-2: Accessibility Ramp to Granular Surface PA-3: Resilient Play Su rface PA-4: Play Area Subdrain PA-5: Std. Play Equipment Installation Notes PA-6: Subdrain Cleanout I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. CONCRETE COLOR: 2. FINISH TO BE: PROVIDE 24"x24" SAMPLE FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO STARTING CONCRETE WORK. 3. HOLD REBAR MIN. 2-1/2" CLEAR FROM EDGES OF CONCRETE. 4. 'FIBAR' SAFETY SURFACING MANU- FACTURED BY FIBAR SYSTEMS. /3/S" BITUMINOUS FELT EXP. JT. _. . _ MATERIAL FOAM BACKER ROD CONCI~ETE \"'" PLANTER /. . CURB .' .~.. . .... . ". ." .... . \.> 1/4" . URETHANE JOINT SEALANT -COLOR TO MATCH CONCRETE SECTION @ EXP. JOINT WHERE ADJACENT TO \ CONCRETE PAVING EXPANSION JOINT PER SPECIFICATIONS AND SECTION @ EXP. JOINT \ 12" ADJACENT PAVING r---- \ I ~EVEL_ 2" RADIUS SET TOP OF / FIBAR LEVEL 4 <1. .4' .' 4 .---. "<t . . <1 . . .... .'...:....:.:.'.,. ..' if ". <1~:'" .~ ..... ..: :- ........ THREE #4 REBAR HORIZ. -------II r' I . .~ :.'.<1 . ....:. ~ ; "~ . ~'.:.~':.: ~.:'~ RUN CONTIN. BETWEEN EXP. 1==11 . _ ~.. :. ;. 'i ....~ JOINTS. #3 REBAR TIES AT ::':-111- : 'I' <1' " . "'~'~:'" ,:. : 24" O.C. WIRE TO ALL HORI- 1-1-1_-11 '. ''''-''' ': ....' .....~.: .. ... _,...f ... .. .... .... ZONTALS. . - ., . . . -111= . '<1 ~. 6~' .:". '.' .~. '~:~SLtPt:TO DRAIN :II!W"~~~ - ~.~. -~'Jl ill ill ill li"~ .111==11 ~~ ~. ~- .=111==111-111-111-111==111= ~:II~llll'~III' ~'I'm~:II~;IIII~IIIII) I' r - II 1==11/: J 1 r 111==1 II=- FIBAR CLASS 2 AGG. BASE MATERIAL REL. COMPACTION - 95% COMPACTED SUBGRADE REL. COMPACTION - 90% APPROVED: DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: JE CHECKED:PS I' CITY OF DUE~LIN PLAY AREA CURB AND GRANULAR SURFACE PA 1 I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTE: 1. SLOPE OF RAMP TO CONFORM TO ALL CODES AND STANDARDS. SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED SLOPE DEFINED BY AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT REQUIREMENTS IN EFFECT AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. 2. AT CONTRACTOR'S OPTION, RAMP SURFACE AND OUTSIDE PLAY AREA CURB MAY BE CONSTRUCTED MONOLITHIC. REBAR TO TIE FROM WALL TO RAMP SURFACE END OF RAMP CONDITION VARIES, REFER TO PLAN J ~FIBAR PLAY SURFACE B PLAY AREA CURB A ~:c a!:Q -,.. ~- z -- all.. i=~ Uo wa ~a:: oen Fl.USH - ~ CD UP 12: 1 FLUSH JLUSH .:r-- ~ B' l' 6' PIPE RAILING ~ PIPE RAILING ~ CONCRETE PAVING P-C- CONDITICm-'B' PLAY AREA CURB BEYOND FINISH GRADE ADJ. PAVING c-- _ :.......SEE NOTE 1 ~ ~',~~~,~~ ~m#~~~~ilgll~rt~irF~, ?2~f;' : ~'..., .' ., ~III-II 1"""""11 ell ~ I EiT~n~ SECTION A-A' ,.,...~.. . . 00i.~. ..." ~"t!-~ "ot. ~,. !:...,.I....( ~i~~L~11l~lil~~.II' PIPE RAILING DEPRESSED SECTION OF PLAY AREA CURB SECTION 8-8' EXPANSION JOINT PER DETAIL P-C-2 CONCRETE PAVING-TYPE 'B' APPROVED: CITY OF DUE3LIN ACCESSIBILITY RAMP TO GRANULAR SURFACE 19348 PA-2 ------------------- () 0 0 }> I ::u ~ -0 fTl ~ -0 () fTl ::u ^ z 0 fTl cO < 0 fTl fTl~ 0 -0 .. (j) +>- "-.. <D CO - <0 U "'"' OJ co o '~ o -n -0 )> I VI ;u I~I fT1 "'" U) C r Z fT1 Z -f lJ ~ U) C ;:0 ~ o fT1 NOTES: 1. RESILIENT SURFACE TO BE POURED-IN-PLACE POROUS EPDM/URETHANE SURFACE, 3-1/2" THICK. AS MANUFACTURED BY; "PLAYBOUND SURFACING SYSTEM" PH. 1 -800-999-0555. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION. INSTALLATION MUST BE PERFORMED BY THE MANUFACTURER OR THEIR AUTHORIZED INSTALLER. PLAY AREA CURB ~ 3-1/2" THICK RESILIENT SURFACE COLOR COAT. r 2" A.C. PAVING-HOLD BACK 6" \ FROM CURB \ rFLUSH I I r SEE GRANULAR / SURFACE DETAIL ~I L PLAY AREA / CURB / .~~~~ ,"' " '" "- ~W",W"I." .~ ~ ~ A "A A A ~ A .. ~ ~ . .. III- I~ I III II f I'll ~ II .. . .A 7) 11'1 'III . .4 1'- ' I ,- '-I , . I I I . == ==11 III 114 ~. I' '~III_ ~ 'III~II II' '1=:-11' _ II.A ~ All 6" DEPTH CLASS 2 "" 4."" -, II'I~ AGG. BAS MATERIAL _ 4" IIL~ ~:II -111-==111 COMPACT TO 95% -, II" '111- REL. COMPo COMPACTED SUBGRADE MATERIAL-COMPACT TO 90% REL. COMPACTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FINISH GRADE GRANULAR SURFACE r CROWN TOP OF PEA GRAVEL 18" 6"~ PVC OR ADS PERFORATED PIPE. SEE PLAY AREA GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN FOR FLOW LINE ELEVATIONS. - MIRAFI 40N FILTER FABRIC SIDES AND BOTTOM ONLY - WASHED PEA GRAVEL COMPACTED SUBGRADE - FLOW-LINE j CITY OF DUI~LIN APPROVED: R.C.E. 19348 Revision B PLAY AREA SUBDRAIN PA-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS OF PLAY EQUIPMENT FOR CITY REPRESENTATIVE'S APPROVAL. CONTRACTOR SHALL CORNER STAKE LOCATIONS OF ALL PLAY EQUIPMENT, 3 ROW BLEACHERS AND BICYCLE RACKS IN FIELD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR MUST OBTAIN APPROVAL FOR PLAY EQUIPMENT FIELD LOCATION FROM DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. INSTALL ALL PLAY EQUIPMENT AND PLAY [QUIPMENT FOOTINGS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 3. DEPTH OF FIBAR IN PLAY AREAS SHALL BE 14" MINIMUM. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE INTO ACCOUNT SUB GRADE ELEVATION AND FINISH GRADE OF SAND IN ORDER TO SET CORRECT FINISHED ELEVATIONS OF PLAY STRUCTURES AND SWINGS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DISTANCES, AND GRADE IN THE FIELD AND BRING ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE FOR A DECISION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH THE WORK. 5. PLAY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE COMPLETE SHOP DRAWINGS TO SUCCESSFUL BIDDER. ARCHITECT SHALL I~EVIEW SHOP DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL. CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE LOCATION OF ALL PLAY EQUIPMENT, IN FIELD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONTR.ACTOR MUST OBTAIN APPROVAL OF PLAY EQUIPMENT LOCATION FROM ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 6. PLAY AREA SHALL BE TREATED WITH PRE --EMERGENT WEED CONTROL PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF FIBAR. 7. TRANSITION OF CURVES TO OTHER CURVES AND CURVES TO TANGENTS SHALL BE SMOOTH AND CONTINUOUS. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LAY OUT ALL CURVILINEAR PATTERNS WITH CHALK, GYPSUM, OR OTHER MATERIAL AS APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT REPI~ESENTATIVE AND SHALL THEN REVIEW THE LAYOUT WITH THE DISTRICT REPF~ESENTATIVE AND SHALL ADJUST THE LAYOUT AS DIRECTED BY THE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE. ALTERNATELY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LAY OUT HEADERS AND FORMWORK AND ADJUST AS NECESSARY AS DIRECTED. AFTER REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE, FURTHER CONSTRUCTION MAY PROCEED. C E DATE: 10/14/98 DRAWN: RB CHECKED:PS / CITY OF DUE~LIN STANDARD PLAY EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION NOTES PA-5 APPROVED: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CLEANOUT TO BE "CHRISTY" U21 W/ SOLID CONCRETE LID . ooOO :". .. ..".. .. .... :..:. ."'.... .." ."'. '..." .. .."'.... "'-:"... -.. .. "".. .. ...... .. .." .. ".. ..:"'.......: .... .."'... I. .. "'. ".. : "'. .. ...." .. .. . 'SUB. . .:: :: - ". "': . :.' . :.: . .' . '" '.'. '~'.:' :-: .' ":~. . .:.......- .G~ADi'. . ....... .~., :...... .... '" ~~GR~_ ~ .." ". "~"" '.' -~ . w2; II W <1J (j) 0:. I (j) c) w~; I ~~; I >Q: C) ~<#P. 'f - .'f. ~ q$ ..~rrtlllw~m~llllf - GROUT DRAIN LINE INTO PLACE 4" DEPTH COMPACTED CLASS II BASEROCK COMPACTED SUBGRADE CITY OF DUE~LIN SUBDRAIN CLEANOUT .. SECTION APPROVED: - FINISH GRADE- PUW AREA GRANULAR MATERIAL z ~es > o 8 ~ 0-1 PVC DRAINLlNE- SEE GRADING PLAN PA-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (:ITY OF DUBLIN PARK DE\lELOPMENT STANDARDS ~VOLUME II - GUIDE TO CITY STAIr--JDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - STANDARD CONSTHUCTION AND LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS - SPECIFIED MANUFACTURERS AND PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS April 26, 1999 ITEM 4.7 ATTACHMENT, VOL 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF DUBLIN PARK DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME II Introduction: Purpose and Application of Development Standards III. Guide to City Standard Technical Specifications - Technical Specification Preparation Instructions - Supplemental Instructions to the Standard Specifications IV. Standard Construction and Landscape Specifications Index of Sections Section 02000 Standard Specifications Section 02010 Clearing and Demolition Section 02100 Earthwork Section 02120 Import Topsoil Section 02130 Athletic Field Sand Fill Section 02150 Site Drainage Section 02200 Concrete Work Section 02210 Decomposed Granite with Stabilizer Section 02220 Masonry Work Section 02230 Interlocking Paving Units Section 02250 Asphalt Paving Section 02260 Tennis Court Asphalt Subsurface Section 02270 Tennis Court Surfacing I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section 02280 Section 02300 Section 02310 Section 02311 Section 02312 Section 02315 Section 02330 Section 02340 Section 02341 Section 02342 Section 02344 Section 02346 Section 02600 Section 02700 Section 02710 Section 02720 Section 02730 Section 02740 Section 02900 Tennis Court Resurfacing Carpentry Structural and Misc. Steel Work Chain Link Fence Chain Link Fence with Color-Bonded Fabric Tennis Court Chain Link Fence Painting and Staining Metal Play Structures (Pipeline) Metal Play Structures (Lands. Struct.) Timber Play Structures Site Furniture Sports Equipment Irrigation and Water Supply Preparation of Planting Areas Planting (Seeded Turf) Planting (Sodded Turf) Planting (Hydrosodded Turf) Planting (Hydroseeding) Maintenance v. Specified Manufacturers and Product Requirements I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION PURPOSE AND APPLICATION OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS These Park Development Standards are provided as a guide to developers in order to ensure the highest level of quality in the development of Dublin Parks. The Standards are composed of: . Instructions for application and use of the provided Construction Details, Volume I. . Construction and Landscape Details, Volume I. . Instructions to complete the required Technical Specifications, Volume II. . Standard Technical Specifications, Volume II. . Product and Manufacturer list, Volume II. Adhering to specific standards in park development will promote park longevity, aesthetics, safety, and effective maintenance, which will contribute favorably to the overall character of the City of Dublin. The Park Development Standards are to be issued by the City to prospective developers, and will serve as a definitive guide for the development of detailed plans and specifications. Developers are required to coordinate with City representatives, submitting plans and specifications in accordance with these standards. This process will ensure conformance to the specified construction and landscape requirements. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART III GUIDE TO CITY STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART III GUIDE TO CITY STANDARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The City of Dublin Standard Technical Specifications and Details along with the Architect or Engineer's plans will constitute the contract documents and will set forth the specific project construction requirements. These instructions are intended to provide a simple and efficient means of completing the specifications. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS The Architect or Engineer shall pay particular attention to those paragraphs in bold italics within the Standard Specifications, Part IV to determine if the italicized paragraphs shall be retained, deleted or modified. It is crucial that the Architect or Engineer thoroughly review each of the Standard Construction and Landscape Specification sections for content, accuracy, and pertinence to the proposed project. The Architect or Engineer shall only edit those paragraphs that are in bold italics, or that are listed in the supplemental instructions below. Item numbers may need to be adjusted where paragraphs have been added or deleted. SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATION In addition to the review and possible modification of all bold italicized paragraphs noted above, complete and/or modify the following specific Technical Specification Sections as described below. Section 02000 - Standard Specification Reference Please note that the term "Standard Specifications" refers to the latest edition of the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Specifications (Information only - no modification necessary.) Section 02010 - Clearing and Demolition Additional paragraphs under Part 3, Execution, may be necessary if unusual or extensive demolition and removal is required. Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section 02100 - Earthwork If any of the following elements are part of the park development, the developer shall provide the services of a Geotechnical Engineer to review and modify the relevant portions of the earthwork specification and/or provide additional specification requirements. Elements requiring Geotechnical Engineer's recommendations: . Streets or roadways through the park . Buildings, such as park restroom, concession building, community center or equipment shelter. . Retaining walls over 3 feet in height . Hillside regrading . Engineered fill . Pedestrian or vehicle bridge Paragraphs to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work 3.02E 3.02G Hillside fills. Depending on geotechnical findings, specific engineering of hillside fills may be required. Specifications for engineered fill shall be prepared by a Geotechnical Engineer provided by the developer. Geotechnical Engineer's recommendations shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. This paragraph shall be reviewed and may be modified as recommended by a Geotechnical Engineer provided by the developer. The developer shall also provide a horticultural analysis of the existing site soils, including recommendations for soil conditioning and fertilization of planting areas. The recommendation from the Horticultural Soils Laboratory shall be used to edit or supplant the following earthwork specification items: 3.058, 3.05D, 3.05E, 3.06A, 3.06B, and 3.06C. 3.05B 3.05D Based on the horticultural soils report, determine if the surface vegetation is to be incorporated into the planting area soil or if the existing vegetation is to be stripped and removed. Refer to the horticultural soils report to determine if the existing site soil is horticulturally suitable for supporting plant growth. Use this item if the horticultural soils report indicates that the existing soil (either conditioned or unconditioned) is horticulturally suitable for successful plant and lawn viability. Specifications for soil amendments and fertilizers are I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I described in section 02700, "Preparation of Planting." If this item is used, delete item 3.05E. 3.05E Refer to the horticultural soil report prepared by a horticultural testing laboratory to determine if an import topsoil layer is necessary, and to determine the depth of the recommended topsoil layer. Use this item if the horticultural soils report recommends placement of import topsoil in planting and/or turf areas. If item 3.05E is used, delete item 3.05D. 3.06A, 3.06B, 3.06C - Modify these items if they are in conflict with the recommendations of the geotechnical report. In cases where a geotechnical report is not required, retain items 3.06A, 3.06B, 3.06C in their entirety. Section 02120 -Import Topsoil Use this section if required horticultural soils analysis recommends the importation and placement of topsoil. Section 02130 - Athletic Field Sand Fill Use this specification where turf is to be established on sand to facilitate rapid vertical drainage during rainfall and irrigation. Note: athletic field sand fill requires a sub-surface drainage system. Sub-surface drainage system shall be designed and engineered by a licensed Civil Engineer or Landscape Architect. Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 2.06 At Architect or Engineer's option, fertilization requirements may be described, either on the drawings or in item 2.06. Section 02150 - Site Drainage Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. Section 02200 - Concrete Work Paragraphs to review and modify/complete: 1.02A List scope of work. 2.02 Select method of reinforcing either 2.02F (reinforcing bars) or 2.02G (welded wire mesh), or a combination of both. 3.03C Select type or types of concrete joints from items 3.03C (1-4). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Add additional joint types as necessary, and delete joint types not used on this project. 3.16D Select concrete finish from items 3.16D (1-9). Delete concrete finishes not used on this project. Section 02210 - Decomposed Granite with Stabilizer Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1 .02B List scope of work. Section 02220 - Masonry Work Specify modular paving and wall products on the drawings. Include product name, description, size, color and source on the drawings. Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. Section 02230 - Interlocking Pavers Specify interlocking paver on the drawings. Include product name, description, size, color and source on the drawings. Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. Section 02250 - Asphalt Paving This section shall be thoroughly reviewed and modified as necessary by the Civil Engineer provided by the developer, in the event that the project includes construction of a city street or cul-de-sac through or into the park. Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1 .02B List scope of work. Section 02260- Tennis Court Asphalt Subsurface Section 02270 - Tennis Court Surfacing Section 02280 - Tennis Court Resurfacing Architect and/or Engineer shall inspect the tennis court to be resurfaced, and shall modify the specifications to include any necessary asphalt sub-surface removal and replacement. Section 02300 - Carpentry Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section 02310 - Structural and Miscellaneous Steel Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. Section 02311 - Chain Link Fence Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. Section 02312 - Chain Link Fence with Color-Bonded Fabric At Architect or Engineer's option, color may be black or dark green. Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. Section 02315 - Tennis Court Chain Link Fence In the event that a color-bonded fabric is selected for the tennis court chain link fence, incorporate appropriate sections from Specification Section 02312. Note: the tennis court chain link fabric must be 1 %" spaced diamond pattern. Section 02330 - Painting and Staining Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. Section 02340 - Metal Play Structures (Pipeline) (Use this section or 02341 (Landscape Structures) Refer to information and requirements included in Part V, "Specified Manufacturers and Product Requirements". Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. Section 02341 - Metal Play Structures (Landscape Structures) Use this section or 02340 (Pipeline) Refer to information and requirements included in part V, "Specified Manufacturers and Product Requirements". Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section 02342 - Wood Play Structures Refer to information and requirements included In Part V, "Specified Manufacturers and Product Requirements". Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. Section 02344 - Site Furniture Refer to information and requirements included in Part V, "Specified Manufacturers and Product Requirements". Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. Part 2 - Materials: Review Items 2.01 through 2.06. Delete those items which are not applicable to the project. Renumber Specification paragraphs as necessary. Indicate Manufacturer and catalog numbers selected from the recommended products list included in Part V of Volume II. For example: Paragraph 2.01 would read: 2.01 DRINKING FOUNTAIN: "Haws" concrete drinking fountain model #3176 as manufactured by "Haws" Berkeley, California. Part 3 - Execution: Review Items 3.01 through 3.06. Delete those items which are not applicable to the project. Renumber Specification paragraph numbers as necessary. Section 02346 - Sports Equipment Refer to information and requirements included in Part V, "Specified Manufacturers and Product Requirements". Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1 ,028 List scope of work. Part 2 - Materials: Review Items 2.01 through 2.11. Delete those items which are not applicable to the project. Renumber Specification paragraphs as necessary. Indicate Manufacturer and catalog numbers selected from the recommended products list included in Part V of Volume II. For example, Paragraph 2.01 will read: 2.01 BASKETBALL STANDARD: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PW Athletic Company basketball standard model #1523 and #13 backboard with target, and #45 rim. Part 3 - Execution: Review Items 3.01 through 3.11. Delete those items which are not applicable to the project. Renumber Specification paragraphs as necessary. Section 02600 - Irrigation and Water Supply Refer to information and requirements included in Part V, "Specified Manufacturers and Product Requirements". Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1 .02B List scope of work. Section 02650 - Drip Irrigation and Water Supply Refer to information and requirements included in Part V, "Specified Manufacturers and Product Requirements". Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.028 List scope of work. Section 02700 - Preparation of Planting Areas The developer is required to obtain a horticultural soils analysis, including soil conditioning recommendations, from a City approved soil and plant testing laboratory. This report and accompanying recommendations will serve as the basis for editing and/or expanding on the specification items: 2.01, 2.02, 3.02B and 3.02C. Paragraphs to review and modify/complete: 1.02C List scope of work. 2.01 Topsoil 2.02 Wood residual soil amendment 3.02B Subgrade scarification 3.02C Topsoil Layer Type and quantities of required soil amendment and fertilizer may be shown on the plans or indicated in this section of the specifications. Section 02710 - Planting (Seeded Turf) Use this section when turf is to be seeded. Note: this section also includes specifications for trees, shrubs and ground cover. Paragraph to review and modify/complete: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.02B List scope of work. Section 02720 - Planting (Sodded Turf) Use this section when turf is to be sodded. Note: this section also includes specifications for trees, shrubs and ground cover. Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. Section 02730 - Planting (Hydrosodded Turf) Use this section when turf is to be hydrosodded (pre-germinated seed). Note: this section also includes specifications for trees, shrubs and ground cover. Paragraph to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. Section 02740 - Planting (Hydroseeding) Use this section when areas of the project are to be hydroseeded for erosion control or for transitional planting purposes. Select hydroseeding mix based on intended purpose and aesthetic effect. Submit proposed hydroseeding mix to city for review prior to incorporating the designated seed mix into the specification. Paragraphs to review and modify/complete: 1.02B List scope of work. 2.04 Select appropriate seed mix and quantity of seed per acre (pounds per acre). Select fertilizer (fertilizer ratio). Complete per acre quantity application of fiber, seed and fertilizer (pounds per acre). 2.05 3.01A Section 02900 - Maintenance Set maintenance period at 90 calendar days for all projects that include seeded or hydroseeded turf. Set maintenance period at 45 calendar days for all projects that include sodded turf. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART IV STANDARD CONSTRUCTION AND LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02000 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this Section of the Specifications. 1.02 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: A. Work to be done under this contract shall be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications of the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) dated July 1995. The term Standard Specifications, where found in the Technical Specifications shall refer to the July 1995 edition of the "Standard Specifications" of the State of California, Department of Transportation (Caltrans). B. Whenever in the Standard Specifications the following terms are used, they shall be understood to mean and refer to the following: 1. Director. The Director of the City of Dublin Public Works Department. 2. Enqineer. The authorized Representative of the City of Dublin Public Works Department. 3. City. The City of Dublin, Alameda County, State of California. 02000-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02010 CLEARING AND DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this Section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all clearing and demolition and related work as shown on the drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of the clearing, demolition and removal is shown on the drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 EQUIPMENT: Equipment shall be suitable for the work to be done and shall be in first-class condition. Equipment operators and workmen to be skilled in operations and to be supervised by a competent superintendent. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL: A. Clear areas as shown on Plans or as specified herein. B. Dust Control: At all times during the operations, prevent the formation of an airborne dust nuisance by watering and/or treating the site of the work in such a manner that will confine dust particles to the immediate area of the work. 02010-1 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Debris: 1. Remove as it accumulates, excess debris except as otherwise specified. Do not store or permit debris to accumulate on site. If contractor fails to remove excess debris promptly, City reserves right to cause same to be removed at Contractor's expense. 2. Materials requiring removal and demolition to be removed completely from site, to a minimum depth of 30 inches below finish grade, unless approved otherwise. 3. If Contractor encounters unforeseen items during clearing and demolition work, he is to notify the Engineer prior to removal or demolition. 02010-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02100 EARTHWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this Section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all grading and related work as shown on the Drawings and/or Specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of all excavating, filling and grading is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 EQUIPMENT: Grading equipment shall be suitable for the work to be done and shall be in first-class condition. Equipment operators and workmen to be skilled in grading operations and to be supervised by a competent superintendent. 2.02 GRADE STAKES AND LINES: All grading, including subgrading and finished grading of unsurfaced, as well as paved areas, to be controlled by such intermediate grade stakes and lines as may be necessary to obtain the slopes and levels required by the finished grade elevations shown on the plans. Compacted sub-grade and finished grade surfaces shall parallel and conform to the control planes established by these grade stakes and lines. 02100-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.03 SURVEYING: Contractor shall be responsible for all layout and measurements. All surveying and field engineering necessary to establish the lines and grade stakes shall be performed by a California licensed land surveyor or civil engineer licensed to perform land surveying. All bench marks, monuments and other reference points shall be carefully protected and maintained, and if disturbed or destroyed, shall be replaced as directed by the Engineer at the Contractor's expense. 2.04 VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES: Any quantities mentioned and any Grading Sections are for the Contractor's convenience only and all grading shall be done to conform to the contours shown on the Plan and to the requirements of the Specifications. Any discrepancies between such mentioned quantities and/or sections and the requirements of the Grading Plan and the Specifications shall not entitle the Contractor to additional remuneration. 2.05 TOLERANCES: Subgrades and finished grades for the unsurfaced areas may vary within a tolerance of one-tenth of a foot (0.1') from the finished grade elevations shown on the plans, provided that no drainage pockets or depressions result. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXCAVATION: A. Excavate areas shown on plans or as specified herein which may include cutting for paving area and construction subgrades, pipe line trenches, lawn and planting areas. B. All excavation to be kept free from water until compacted fills and structures are complete to above water, safe from uplift and horizontal water pressure and the backfill has been placed. Dewatering equipment must be adequate to protect against floatation. C. All excavated material not necessary to, or suitable for, fill construction to be removed from the site unless specific mention is made in the drawings of a balanced cut and fill situation. 3.02 FILLING: A. Source of Material: Prior to the placement of fill the Engineer to be notified of the source of materials, and samples to be obtained to 02100-2 I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I 3.03 determine the suitability of the materials and to conduct compaction tests as required. B. Placing and compaction: Fill materials to be spread in layers not exceeding specific depth. Each layer shall be compacted as required. C. Moisture content: Fill materials to have the uniform moisture content necessary for compaction to the specified dry density. When required, the value of the optimum moisture content will be determined and this information supplied to the Engineer. D. Seasonal limits: No fill shall be placed during weather conditions which will alter the moisture content of the fill materials sufficiently to make adequate compaction impossible. After placing operations have been stopped because of averse weather conditions, no additional fill material shall be placed until the last layer compacted has been checked and found to be compacted to the specified densities. E. Hillside fills: When fill is to be made and compacted on hillsides~ or where new fill is to be compacted against existing fills~ the slopes of original hillsides and old fills shall be cut into a minimum of four feet (4') horizontally as the work is brought up in layers. Materials thus cut out shall be recompacted along with the new fill~ at the Contractor's expense. F. Tests: Tests to be made on each layer of fill to assure adequate compaction throughout the entire area. If the dry densities are not satisfactory, the Contractor shall be required to recompact each layer and/or work area as necessary to achieve the specified densities. G. Preparation of fill area sub-grade: Strip surface vegetation~ weeds~ and top six inches (6") from areas under-lying structures and areas to be paved. Excavate soft~ wet, or otherwise unsuitable base grade to firm, unyielding soil. BACKFILL: A. Structure backfill to conform to the requirements of Section 19-306 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications, except that ponding and jetting in planted areas may be permitted to within twelve inches (12") of finish grade. B. Pervious backfill to conform to the requirements of Section 19-3.065 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. 02100-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Compacted fill areas: Where trenches must be excavated in compacted fill, these trenches to be backfilled with the fill materials excavated and recompacted in the layers and to the density specified for the particular area. D. Trenching existing paving: Where trenching is through existing paving areas, fill material to be structure backfill to conform to Section 19-3.06 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications and to replace pavement section to match adjacent section in kind. E. Settling: All backfill to be flush with adjoining grade in a firm, unyielding position with no visible settling. F. Guarantee: Any settling of backfill which may occur during a one (1) year period after acceptance of the work to be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer,and the City by the Contractor, without expense to the City, including the complete restoration of all damaged planting, paving, or other improvements of any kind. 3.04 GRADING: A. Contractor to grade site to establish finish grades of constructed elements, such as buildings, roads, paths and paved areas, preciselv as indicated. Remainder of site shall be as indicated by the contours. B. All ground surfaces to be finished to uniform grades and slopes as per the Drawings and in such a manner as to drain properly and be free from depressions which may cause areas of standing water. C. Clods to be broken up and the surface of the ground shall be uniformly pulverized and graded to a relatively smooth surface. D. All drainage to be away from the foundations of buildings. E. All erosion scars to be repaired. F. All planting and turf areas shall finish with existing site soil compacted to eighty percent (80%) maximum relative compaction, minimum six inch (6r~ depth or as specified in Drawings. G. If additional soil is necessary to bring grades to the required elevations and gradients, soil as specified in the Planting Section shall be used. 02100-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H. Finish grades to be one inch (1") minimum below the surface of adjacent walks, curbs, paved areas, etc. without abrupt change in gradient either in the surface of the soil or where the soil meets such features. I. As a finish operation, ground surfaces to be dragged or bladed with the contours as directed by the Engineer to achieve the continuity of land forms as shown in the topographic plan. J. At the completion of grading work, the site shall be left in a clean and finished condition conforming to the Drawings. 3.05 CONSTRUCTION OF FILL - AREAS TO BE PLANTED: A. Required density: Density to be eighty five percent (85%) relative compaction as determined by Test Method No. Calif. 216 up to topsoil layer. (See "C" below.) B. Base grade: Any surface vegetation, weeds, etc. shall be incorporated into the soil to a depth of eight inches (8'~ by discing in two (2) ninety degree (900) directions. Where height of growth interferes with proper discing, growth shall first be cut out or removed. C. Layers: Turf and planting areas to be brought up to grade in layers not exceeding eight inches (8"). Final lift to be topsoil placed to eighty percent (80%) maximum relative compaction. D. Topsoillayer: All planting and turf areas shall finish with existing site topsoil placed to eighty percent (80%) maximum relative compaction. Minimum six inch (6') depth unless othelWise indicated in Drawings. Existing on site topsoil to be stockpiled shall be free of any refuse, heavy or stiff clay, hard dirt clods, stones larger than one and one-half inches (1-1/2'~ in size, roots larger than three-quarters of an inch (3/4') in diameter, noxious weeds, Bermuda grass, nut grass, and other deleterious materials. Contractor shall place finish topsoil layer only after Engineer approves in writing the grades and topographic form of the sub-grade. E. Place six inches (6') of import topsoil in all planting areas. Import topsoil shall conform to section 02700-2.01A. Contractor shall place 02100-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I finish topsoil layer only after Engineer approves in writing the grades and topographic form of the sub-grade. 3.06 CONSTRUCTION OF FILL - AREAS TO BE PA VED: A. Required density: Dry densities shall be in excess of ninety percent (90%) of maximum dry density as determined by Test Method No. Calif. 216. B. Base grade: After the cleaning and stripping operations and the cuts have been completed and before any fill is placed in any particular area, the existing surface shall be scarified to a depth of six inches (6'') and compacted to specified dry density. C. Layers: The fill shall be placed in layers not exceeding eight inches (8''). 3.07 FINISH GRADING: After completion of pavements and structures, surfaces of planting areas shall be graded and shaped by blading, dragging, and other means. Finished surfaces shall be uniform and smooth; true to slopes and grades. Finished grade of planting areas shall be one (1) inch below edge of headerboards, pavement or walks. Particular attention shall be given to the installation of surface drainage swales. Drainage swales shall conform to slopes and directions shown on plans. Cross section of swale shall be 3' wide with a 4" depth unless shown otherwise on plans and details. Swales to direct water away from structure and walks in a positive manner. In the event that the contractor anticipates a problem installing a swale as shown on the plans the Contractor shall notify the Engineer prior to proceeding. 02100-6 I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02120 IMPORT TOPSOIL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: The extent of import sand fill layer is shown in the drawings. The work includes, but is not necessarily limited to: 1. Labor, equipment, and materials necessary for subgrade preparation and topsoil placement. 1.03 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: All workmanship and material within this Section shall conform to the Standard Specifications. 1.04 JOB CONDITIONS: A. Grading: Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining finish grades in all planting areas and for executing any fine grading as may be necessary or incidental to all planting operations. B. Sand Fill: Sand fill shall not be contaminated with other soil. Sand fill contaminated by other soil shall be rejected. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 IMPORT TOPSOIL: A. Import topsoil shall consist of a fertile, friable soil of a loamy character which contains a normal amount of organic matter, without the addition of humus or soil amendments. It shall be free of any refuse, heavy or stiff clay, hard dirt clods, stones larger than one and one-half inches (1-112") in any dimension, roots larger than three-quarters of an inch (%") in diameter, noxious weeks, Bermuda grass, nut grass, and other deleterious 02120-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I materials. Topsoil shall also be free from toxic amounts of either acid or alkaline chemicals and shall be capable of sustaining plant life. B. The import topsoil shall be a U.S.D.A. classification sandy loam or loamy sand. U.S.D.A. classification of fraction passing 2.0 mm follows: Class: Particle Size Ranqe: Maximum % Minimum % Medium to very 0.5 - .5 mm 85% 55% fine sand Coarse sand 0.5 - 2.0 mm 20% 5% Silt plus clay <0.05 mm 45% 15% Other Classes: 2 - 13 mm 15% 0 Gravel % - 1 inch 8% by volume with Rock none> 1 inch 15% 0 Organic Chemistry - Suitability Considerations: 1. SALINITY: Saturation Extract Conductivity (ECe) Less than 3.0 ds/m/cm @ 250C. 2. SODIUM: Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) Less than 1.0 ppm 3. BORON: Saturation Extract Concentration Less than 1.0 ppm 4. REACTION: pH of Saturated Paste: 5.5 - 7.5 Fertility Considerations: Soil to contain sufficient quantities of available nitrogen, phosphorus potassium, calcium and magnesium to support normal plant growth per 02120-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : I I requirements indicated on the drawings. Nutrients, fertilizer, amendments and other required additives, as specified on the Horticultural Soils Report, shall be incorporated into the topsoil layer. C. Topsoil sample shall be thoroughly wetted down and allowed to dry two (2) days prior to inspection for approval. Imported topsoil shall be tested by an approved horticultural soil testing facility prior to placement or delivery to site. Contractor must receive written approval of topsoil sample prior to delivery of topsoil to site. D. All topsoil must come from one supplier only. During construction, samples will be taken and analyzed periodically by the Horticultural Soils Lab to assure strict compliance with the specifications. The City shall have the option of sampling and testing either at the source or from incoming trucks at the project site. Topsoil delivered to the site not meeting specifications shall be rejected by the City's Representative. All topsoil rejected by the City shall be removed from the site at the Contractor's expense. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PLACEMENT OF TOPSOIL: A. In performing this work, the Contractor shall avoid damage to any existing structures or features of the playing field or features under construction, such as drainage and irrigation systems. Any such damage shall be repaired by the Contractor at his own expense. B. As part of this work, the Contractor shall check all graded areas and assure that all features of the subgrade are at the proper finished grade, with on changes or damage to grades, as specified herein and on the grading plan. C. The topsoil area subgrade shall be graded to form a smooth clean basin free of any debris and/or loose soil. The topsoil shall not be placed until all finished grading, irrigation, and drainage improvements are completed, to avoid the mixing of other soil and materials with the specified loamy sand. D. Topsoil trucked into the site must be done in such a manner as not to alter the sub-grade and/or damage drainage and irrigation ditches and systems. 02120-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Using a small tractor and blade, the topsoil shall be carefully and evenly spread over the sub-basin without disturbing the drainage or irrigation systems already in place or the compacted sub-base. Topsoil shall be placed to depths indicated on plan. In order to properly move and grade the topsoil, it must be moist. Excess water should not be applied when dumping and rough grading as it could create a soft sub-base which could alter constructed grades and damage the drainage and irrigation system. The topsoil shall then be carefully smoothed and compacted to the finished grade by alternately raking and rolling. The topsoil area shall then be thoroughly irrigated and then checked for irregularities due to settling and then brought back to a uniform grade. Upon completion of compacting, a minimum depth of eight (8) inches, as indicated on the plan, must be present. 3.02 TOPSOIL COMPACTION: All planting and turf areas shall finish with import topsoil compacted to eighty percent (80%) maximum relative compaction. 3.03 GRADE TOLERANCES: The grades as shown on the various drawings represent the required finished grade for the turf area. Finished grades must be within one tenth (.10 foot). 3.04 SURFACE PREPARATION: If any vegetative growth should occur prior to seeding, it shall be removed by grubbing out and removed from the site. There shall be no debris contaminating the topsoil. 02120-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02130 ATHLETIC FIELD SAND FILL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: The extent of import sand fill layer is shown in the drawings. The work includes, but is not necessarily limited to: 1. Labor, equipment, and materials necessary for subgrade preparation and topsoil or sand fill placement. 1.03 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: All workmanship and material within this Section shall conform to the Standard Specifications. 1.04 JOB CONDITIONS: A. Grading: Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining finish grades in all planting areas and for executing any fine grading as may be necessary or incidental to all planting operations. B. Sand Fill: Sand fill shall not be contaminated with other soil. Sand fill contaminated by other soils shall be rejected. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 ATHLETIC FIELD SAND: A. Sand: The import sand fill sand shall be composed of sound, hard, durable grains; clean and free from silt, clay, water soluble material, or any other foreign matter. Sand shall be fresh water washed and dried 02130-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I as necessary to meet this specification. Sand particle size distribution shall conform to the following: Sand Mechanical Analysis: U.S.D.A. Sieve Opeoing(mm) U.S. Standard Sieve No. Class % Retained 2.38 8 Fine 0-5% 2.00 10 Gravel 1.68 12 Very 1.41 14 Coarse 1.19 16 Sand .841 20 Coarse .707 25 Sand .595 30 .500 35 .420 40 .354 45 Medium Sieve No. 12 .297 50 Sand to 140 .250 50 90% - 95% (Note 50% - 70% must be in medium sand ranQe) .210 70 Fine .177 80 Sand .149 100 .125 120 .105 140 .088 170 Very 0-5% .074 200 Fine .063 230 Sand .053 270 .044 325 .037 400 Silt & 0-1% Clay The particle size distribution of the sand is critical. 90 to 95% must be in the size range of 1.68mm to 0.1 mm and within this range 50 to 70 must be within 0.5mm and 0.25mm. Combined silt and clay particles shall make up less than one percent (0.01) (percent by weight) of the sand. 02130-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sand with a pH level of 8.9 or higher is not acceptable. Sand that is at a pH level of 7.9 or lower is acceptable. Any sand that is at a pH level between 8.0 and 8.8 shall have single super phosphate added at the rate of 10 Ibs. per 1,000 square feet and/or shall be leached to bring the pH to a level of 7.9 or lower. The Contractor shall submit the following items to the Owner's Representative for approval not more than twenty (20) calendar days after issuance of the notice to proceed. 1. Identification of proposed source and supplier. 2. Current lab mechanical analysis of the proposed sand, uSing U.S.D.A. standards for sieve analysis. 3. Twenty-five pound sample of the proposed sand. 4. Certification that the supplier can deliver the total quantity of sand needed to complete the project in a timely manner. 5. Laboratory pH analysis of sand. All sand must come from one supplier only. During construction, samples will be taken and analyzed periodically by a Geotechnical Engineer provided by the City to assure strict compliance with the specifications. The Geotechnical Engineer shall have the option of sampling and testing either at the source or from incoming trucks at the project site. Sand delivered to the site not meeting specifications shall be rejected by the Geotechnical Engineer. All sand rejected by the Geotechnical Engineer shall be removed from the site at the Contractor's expense. 2.02 PLACEMENT OF SAND: A. In performing this work, the Contractor shall avoid damage to any existing structures or features of the playing field or features under construction, such as drainage and irrigation systems. Any such damage shall be repaired by the Contractor at his own expense. B. As part of this work, the Contractor shall check all graded areas and assure that all features of the subgrade are at the proper finished grade, with no changes or damage to grades, as specified herein and on the grading plan. 02130-3 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. The sand area subgrade shall be graded to form a smooth clean basin free of any debris and/or loose soil. The sand shall not be installed until all finished grading, irrigation, and drainage are completed, in order to avoid the mixing of other soil and materials with the seed bed sand. D. Sand trucked into the site must be done in such a manner as not to alter the sub-grade and/or damage drainage and irrigation ditches and systems. Using a small tractor and blade, the seedbed sand shall be carefully and evenly spread over the sub-basin without disturbing the drainage or irrigation systems already in place or the compacted sub-base. Seedbed sand shall be placed over the entire playing field, to depths indicated on plan. In order to properly move and grade sand, it must be moist. Excess water should not be applied when dumping and rough grading as it could create a soft sub-base which could alter constructed grades and damage the drainage and irrigation system. The seedbed sand throughout the turf and planting area shall then be carefully smoothed and compacted to the finished grade by alternately raking and rolling. The entire turf and planting area shall then be thoroughly irrigated and then checked for irregularities due to settling and then brought back to a uniform grade. Upon completion of compacting, a minimum depth of twelve (12) inches of sand, must be present. 2.03 GRADE TOLERANCES: The grades as shown on the various drawings represent the required finished grade for the playing field. Finished grades must be within one tenth (.10 foot). 2.04 SURFACE PREPARATION: No special seedbed preparation is necessary as the proper grade and settled sand is ready for fertilization and seeing. If any vegetative growth should occur prior to seeding, it shall be removed by grubbing out and shall be removed from the site. There shall be no debris of any type contaminating the same. 2.05 AMENDMENTS: No soil amendments (i.e., nitrified sawdust) are required in the sand seed bed. 02130-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.06 FERTILIZATION: Refer to drawings for sand seed bed fertilization requirements. 02130-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I SECTION 02150 DRAINAGE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all drainage and related work as shown on the Drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of all drain Jines and structures is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: 1.03 GENERAL: Verification: Contractor to check the invert elevations of existing drain structures and pipes to which connections are to be made and report any discrepancies to the Owner's Representative. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 FITTINGS: Provide fittings for the installation and connection of all lines. In general, provide a V-branch and a one-eighth (1/8) curve for each branch connection except at manholes. Connections made by cutting holes in pipes will not be permitted. 2.02 CEMENT MORTAR: Mortar shall be composed of one (1) part Portland Cement and two (2) parts sand by volume. 2.03 IRON AND STEEL UNITS: 02150-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Iron and steel units shall conform to the provisions of Section 70 and 55 of the Standard Specifications. 2.04 PRECAST CONCRETE: Precast concrete structures shall conform to the provisions of Section 70 of the Standard Specifications. 2.05 PERMEABLE MATERIAL: Permeable material shall be Class 2 to conform to Section 68-1.025 of the Standard Specifications. 2.06 REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE: Reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) shall conform to the provisions of Section 65 of the Standard Specifications. 2.07 GASKETED POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE (STORM DRAIN): Ring fitted PVC shall be Gasketed PVC Pressure-Rated Pipe, or approved equal, and shall conform to ASTM D2241 for Standard Dimensions Ratio: Class 315 pipe - SDR 13.5. Extruded from clean, virgin, approved class 12454 - B PVC resin compound conforming to ASTM Specification D2241. Rubber rings shall conform to ASTM D1869 and F477. Gasketed PVC pipes shall conform to performance levels required in ASTM D2241. 2.08 GASKETED POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE (SANITARY SEWER): Sewer pipe shall be Gasketed (PVC) gravity green sewer pipe, or approved equal and shall conform to ASTM D 3034-SDR 35, and ASTM tests D244, D2412, and D3212. 2.09 CORRUGATED HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE DRAIN LINE (SOLID AND PERFORATED): CHDPE pipe couplings and fittings shall comply with all the requirements of AASHTO M-242-851 for 3" - 10" diameter and AASHTO M-294-851 for 12" - 24" diameter. Perforated pipe shall be furnished where called for on the contract drawings. Couplings shall be split or snap-on type for pipe 3" - 15" diameter and split or screw-on type for pipe 3" -15" diameter and split or screw-on type for 18" - 24" diameter. Due to routine field changes requiring cutting, pipe with integral couplings will not be allowed. 02150-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I ! I I I I CHDPE pipe with integral smooth lining shall comply with all material and stiffness requirements of AASHTO M-294. The Mannings "n" shall be 1.012. Pipe manufactured by Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. shall be considered the standard to determine compliance to this specification. 2.1 0 "MULTI-FLOW" SUBDRAIN: A. Description: 1. This work shall consist of providing and placing a geocomposite prefabricated drainage system as described in the plans. The drainage system shall be installed in accordance with these Specifications and in conformity with the locations and dimensions as shown on the Plans. B. Materials: 1. The drainage conduit shall be of flexible, prefabricated, rounded rectangular shaped, composite product. The drain conduit shall be wrapped with a nonwoven geotextile and shall be a nonwoven construction and consist of long-chain polymeric fibers composed of polypropylene, polyethylene or polymide. The fibers shall be oriented into a multi-directional stable network whereby they retain their positions relative with each other and allow the passage of water as specified. The fabric shall be free of any chemical treatment or coating which reduces permeability and shall be inert to chemicals commonly found in soil. The geotextile shall conform to the following minimum average roll values. Tensile Strength Puncture, lb. Mullen Burst, psi Coefficient of Permeability Flow Rate, gpmlft2 Maximum US Std Sieve Opening Seam Strength, Ib/ft ASTM D-4632 ASTM D-751 ASTM D-3786 100 - 130 35 - 60 110-215 ASTM D-4491 ASTM D-4491 .2 - .4 cm/sec 100 - 140 ASTM D-4595 100 2. The drainage core shall be made of a high density polyethylene. The core shall be constructed using interconnected corrugated pipes which define and provide the flow channels and structural 02150-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I integrity of the drainage product. The geotextile shall function only as a filter, and shall not be a structural part of the drainage system. The core of the drainage product shall conform to the following physical property requirements. Thickness, inches ASTM D-1777 Flow Rate, gpm/ft*** ASTM D-4716 Compressive Strength,psf ASTM D-1621 Pipe Stiffness, psi ASTM D-2412 1.0 30 6000 100 *** at gradient = 0.1, pressure = 10 psi for 100 hours 3. The fittings used with the drainage conduit shall be as recommended by the manufacturer for the drainage product. 4. Pipe for drainage system outlets laterals shall be either PVC pipe meeting the requirements of ASTM D-2729 or ASTM F-949, or high density polyethylene pipe meeting the requirements of AASHTO M252. 5. A rodent screen made of 0.3 inch by 0.3 inch square opening size, 0.063 inch gauge, stainless steel or galvanized, welded wire mesh shall be installed in each outlet lateral line. When using galvanized welded wire mesh, the rodent screen shall be galvanized after it has been formed to the shape and dimensions shown on the plans or specified by the Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION: A. Trenches: 1. Pipe: Unless otherwise shown, provide separate trenches for pipe lines. Minimum cover shall be twelve inches (12"). 2. General: Lay all piping in open trench except when the Owner's Representative gives permission for tunneling. 3. Width of Trenches: Excavate trenches to widths no greater than necessary for proper installation of the work. 4. Excavation: Material to be excavated for utility trenches shall be non-classified and shall include all earth or other material 02150-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I encountered. The Contract price is understood to cover the removal of all such materials to the depth and extent indicated on the drawings and herein specified. 5. Grading Trench Bottom: Grade the bottom of trenches evenly to insure uniform bearing for the full length of all pipes. Cut holes as necessary for joints and joint-making. Excavate all cemented gravel, old masonry, or other hard material to at least four inches (4") below the pipe at all points. Refill such space and all other cuts below grade with sand or fine gravel firmly compacted. 6. Sheeting, Bracing, Water Removal: Sheet and brace trenches, remove water as necessary to fully protect workmen and adjacent structures and permit proper installation of the work. Comply with local regulations or, in the absence thereof, with the provisions of the "Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction" of the Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. Under no circumstances lay pipe or install appurtenances in water; keep the trench free from water until pipe joint material has hardened. The presence of ground water in the soil or the necessity of sheeting or bracing trenches shall not constitute a condition for which any extra remuneration may be claimed. B. Pipe Installation: 1. General: Pipe of size and type noted on Drawings to be laid on firm bearing, aligned, and graded in the direction of flow. Suitable fittings shall be provided where various lines connect together and where changes in pipe size occur. Connections to be made to catch basins, etc., as indicated. 2. Connection to Existing Drains: Contractor to make or have made all required connections to existing drains, including new manholes and other work required. Such work to be done in accordance with local standards and requirements. Debris to be prevented from entering existing drains. 3. Pipe Laying: Commence at the lowest point in the system and lay the pipe with bell and upgrade. Clean interior and joint surfaces and test pipe for soundness before lowering the pipe into the trench. Lay pipe in straight lines and on uniform grades between points where changes in alignment or grade are shown. Bed and pipe barrel uniformly. Check the line and invert grade of each pipe from top line carried on batter boards not over twenty-five feet (25') 02150-5 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I apart. Fit the pipes to form a smooth uniform invert. Keep a stopper in the pipe mouth when pipe laying is not in progress. 4. Flushing: Flush all closed lines with water in sufficient volume to obtain free flow through each line. Remove all obstructions and correct all defects discovered. Remove all silt and trash from catch basins and inlets prior to inspection of the work. 5. CHDPE pipe shall be installed per manufacturer's recommendations and the following minimum criteria: Minimum cover under H-20 live load = 12" to top of subgrade. Minimum compaction for pipe subject to H-20 live load is 90% per Caltrans Standard Specification, Section 19. Minimum soil type in pipe zone is Class III. CHDPE pipe shall not be placed directly on rock or other rigid materials. C. Backfill: Backfill trenches only after piping has been inspected, tested and location of pipe and appurtenances have been recorded. Backfill material, placement and compaction shall conform to the requirements of the Grading Section. 3.02 DRAWINGS OF RECORD: A. The Contractor shall provide and keep up-to-date a completed "as-built" record of blue line prints which show every change from the original drawings and specifications, including exact locations, sizes and kinds of equipment. Prints for this purpose may be obtained from the Owner's Representative. This set of Drawings to be kept on the site and to be used only as a record set. 1. These drawings to also serve as work progress sheets, and the Contractor to make neat and legible annotations thereon daily as the work proceeds, showing the work as actually installed. These drawings to be available at all times for inspection and to be kept in a location designed by the Owner's Representative. 2. On or before the date of final review, Contractor to deliver the corrected and completed "as-built" Drawings to the Owner's Representative. Delivery of the Drawings will not relieve the 02150-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Contractor of the responsibility of furnishing any required information. 02150-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I SECTION 02200 CONCRETE WORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation, and services to complete all concrete work and related work as shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: 1.03 STANDARDS: A. Materials and procedures for forming and reinforcing concrete shall conform with sections 51 and 52 and 90 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications, unless otherwise noted in the Drawings or in these Specifications. 1.04 SUBMITTALS AND OBSERVATIONS: A. At least fourteen (14) days prior to pouring any concrete the Contractor shall submit a twenty-four inch (24") square sample of the specified finish and integral color (if applicable) to the Engineer for approval. Contractor shall obtain Engineer's approval of sample before pouring concrete. 02200-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Forming and reinforcing shall be observed and approved by the Engineer before the concrete is poured. C. Any observation by the Engineer of the concrete work shall be requested by the Contractor at least two (2) working days prior to the anticipated observation. 1.05 TESTS: A. All structural concrete shall be tested by an approved independent testing laboratory for conformance with the plans and specifications. Tests shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Any concrete not conforming to the requirements of the plans and Specifications is to be removed from the site and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Tests of structural concrete are to be paid for by the Contractor. B. At the discretion of the Engineer, all non-structural concrete (e.g. flatwork) may be tested by an independent testing laboratory for conformance with the plans and Specifications. Testing services for this non-structural concrete will be paid for by the City. 1. Concrete which does not conform to the requirements of the plans and Specifications as determined by testing, shall be removed from the site and replaced at the Contractor's expense. 2. In the event that the concrete does not conform to the requirements of the plans and Specifications as determined by testing, the Contractor is to reimburse the City for all testing costs related to the non-structural concrete. The City retains the right to test replaced concrete, and require that the Contractor reimburse the City for these additional testing expenses. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 CONCRETE MATERIALS: A. Concrete shall be Portland Cement concrete conforming to section 90 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. Unless specified otherwise in the Drawings, all concrete structures and f1atwork shall be Class B (5 sack) concrete except that exposed aggregate concrete flatwork shall be Class A (6 sack) concrete. B. Grout and mortar shall conform to Section 51-1.135 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. Mortar for patching shall contain three (3) parts 02200-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sand to one (1) part Portland Cement by volume with color to match the work to be patched. C. Sacking material shall be sacking mix manufactured by Conrad Sovig Company, Davis, or an approved equal. D. Pigment colors shall be metallic oxide unless otherwise specified. Integral colors shall be manufactured by Conrad Sovig Company, Davis, or approved equal. Color designations shall be as indicated in the Drawings. E. Water shall be clean and free from oil, acid, alkali, and organic matter. F. Where washed exposed aggregate (not top seeded) finish is specified, aggregate in concrete shall consist of 318" - 314" rounded river-run pebbles. 2.02 OTHER MATERIALS: A. Formwork materials shall conform to Section 51-1.05 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications, and as specifically outlined, or unless otherwise noted in the Drawings. 1. All form panels shall be placed in a neat, symmetrical pattern subject to the approval of the Engineer. 2. Form clamps or bolts shall be used to fasten forms. The use of ties consisting of twisted wire loops to hold forms in position during the placing of concrete will not be permitted unless noted otherwise. 3. All exposed sharp edges shall be chamfered with triangular fillets not less than 3/4" X 3/4" to prevent mortar runs and to preserve smooth, straight lines, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer or the Drawings. 4. Before concrete is placed in forms, all inside surfaces of forms which will later be removed shall be thoroughly coated with commercial quality form oil, unless otherwise noted, as specified, which will permit the ready release of the forms and will not discolor the concrete. 5. Where form panels are attached directly to the studding or joists, the panels shall be not less than 5/8 inch thick, and the studding, or joists, shall be spaced not more than 12 inches center to center. 02200-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Form panels less than 5/8 inch thick, otherwise conforming to the requirements specified, may be used with a continuous backing of surfaced material 3/4 inch thick. Form panels more than 5/8 inch thick attached to studding or joists spaced at more than 12 inches center to center may be used, provided the deflection of the panel between studding or joists does not exceed that of a 5/8 inch panel attached to studding or joists spaced at 18 inches center to center. 6. Curved surfaces to be formed with timber, plywood, masonite, or sheet metal. Sheet metal shall have masonite or plywood backing. Plywood for forming shall be A CX or better grade. a. 2 X timber over 16' radius curves. b. 1 X timber over 4' radius and less than 16'. c. Bender boards over 2' radius and less than 4'. d. Sheet metals under 2' radius. B. Base rock shall be Class 2 aggregate base as specified in Section 2 6-1.02A of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. C. Pervious backfill shall conform to section 19.3.065 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. D. Expansion on joint material shall be premolded joint filler conforming to Section 51-1.12C of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. E. Expansion joint caulk shall be an approved polyurethane sealant, conforming to section 51-1.12F of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. F. Reinforcing bars (rebars) shall be intermediate grade deformed bars conforming to Section 52-1.02A of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. Bars shall be clean, new stock, free of rust, scale, or other coatings that could affect the bond between the bars and the concrete. G. Welded wire mesh (WWM) shall conform to the Specifications of ASTM: AI82 and shall be 4 X 4/6 X 6 unless noted otherwise in the Drawings. Wire mesh shall be "chaired" up with 2" X 2" X 2" concrete blocks to insure uniform imbedment into concrete section to dimension as shown in the Drawings. 02200-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H. Waterstops shall conform to Sections 51-1.14 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications unless noted otherwise in the Drawings. I. Curbs, gutters, and driveways shall conform to Section 73 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications (Class B concrete). Reinforcement shall conform to requirements of Section 52 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXCAVATION: In addition to the general excavation required under the Grading Section, the Contractor shall excavate to the required depths in the locations shown for retaining walls, curbs, footings, etc. Excess excavation shall be replaced with concrete poured monolithically with the wall or pavement, at no additional cost to the City. 3.02 FORMING: A. All forming shall conform to Section 51-1.05 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications and shall result in surface finishes as follows: 1. All surfaces which will be below grade or totally hidden from view shall conform to "Ordinary Surface Finish" Section 51-1.18A. 2. All surfaces exposed to view shall conform to "Class I Surface Finish", Section 51-1.18B. The Contractor shall build forms with degree of care, and shall select form materials of adequate strength and smoothness to produce smooth, even surfaces of uniform texture and appearance, free of unsightly bulges, depressions, or other imperfections. The Engineer shall be the sole judge in this respect. 3. Concrete walls are to be vibrated as necessary to provide uniform density. No concrete surfaces with rock pockets or honeycombing will be accepted. 4. Transition of curves to straight lines and of curves to curves shall be formed as smooth, continuous, and uninterrupted, with typical ninety degree (900) radius alignment at the points of tangency. 02200-5 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.03 CONCRETE JOINTS: A. Joints are to be constructed at eight (8) feet on center, maximum. Where expansion material is specified, cut expansion material back and caulk exposed surfaces with an approved polyurethane joint sealant, color to match concrete color, or as approved by Engineer. Dowel expansion joints with plain bars wrapped on one side with building paper. B. Minimum spacing on "Vee" joints is eight feet (8') o.c. All vertical walls are to be constructed with three quarter inch minimum depth "Vee" joints. "Vee" joints are to occur at all expansion, cold and deep score joints. C. Construct Concrete Joints as Follows: 1. Cold Joints: a. Concrete slabs to be poured in alternate sections of maximum two hundred (200) square feet each section. b. Joints between each section to have No. 3 reinforcing dowels at minimum three (3) feet on center. Wrap one side of dowel with building paper, or other approved "break bond" method. c. Edge of joints between sections of concrete slabs to have one-quarter inch radius trowelled edge. 2. Expansion Joints: a. Expansion joints shall be provided on all concrete work at twenty (20) feet on center, maximum. b. Filler material to be placed plumb and level in correct position, before concrete is poured. c. Filler to be held back one-quarter (1/4) inch from all exposed surfaces. 3. Weakened Plane Joints: a. Weakened Plane Joints are also referred to as "deep score joints" 02200-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b. Weakened plane joints are to be provided at eight (8) feet on center, maximum in either direction. c. Weakened plane joints to be formed with redwood 1/2, laid with two inch dimension vertical supporting the reinforcing welded wire mesh. Provide three quarter (3/4) inch depth deep score joint directly over, and aligned with, redwood 1 X 2. 4. Wall "Vee" Joint: a. "Vee joints are to occur at all expansion, cold and deep score joints in vertical walls. b. Construct "Vee" joints to a minimum three-quarter (3/4) inch minimum depth, or as detailed in the Drawings. 3.04 EDGING: A. All joints shall be tooled with one-quarter (1/4) inch radius edging tool. B. All edges of slabs, curbs and other structures shall be tooled with one-half (1/2) inch radius edging tool, unless otherwise specified in the Drawings. C. All flange marks resulting from tooling of edges shall be carefully trowelled out, unless specifically detailed otherwise in the Drawings. 3.05 REINFORCEMENT: Reinforcement installation shall conform to the provisions of the Caltrans Standard Specifications as follows: A. Cleaning - Section 52-1.05. B. Bending - Section 52-1.06. C. Placing - Section 52-1.07. D. Splicing - Section 52-1.08. E. Lapped Splices - Section 52-1.08A. 02200-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.06 OBSERVATION: Forming and reinforcing shall be observed by the Engineer and approved prior to pouring the concrete. The Contractor to notify the Engineer five (5) days in advance for observation of concrete forms. 3.07 CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Concrete placement shall conform to Section 51-1.09 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. 3.08 BONDING: Construction joints shall conform to Section 51-1.13 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. 3.09 DRAINS AND WEEPHOLES: A. Weepholes shall be formed with PVC pipe. Place a minimum of one (1) cu. ft. drain rock behind wall at all weephole locations at a maximum of ten feet (10') o.c. spacings immediately above the footings. Unless closer spacing is indicated on drawings, all drains and weephole shall conform to Section 51-1-15 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. B. Waterproof behind all walls higher than eighteen inches (18'~a above finish grade. Contractor to apply a flexible hot mopped or cold applied asphaltic membrane specifically intended for waterproofing concrete. Submit product specifications to Engineer for approval prior to installation. 3.10 PERVIOUS BACKFILL: Pervious backfill shall be placed behind retaining walls. 3.11 FLA TWORK: Concrete flatwork shall be constructed in accordance with Section 73-1.06 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. Pavements shall be marked or jointed as shown in the Drawings. Provide weakened plane joints minimum 8' o.c. as detailed in Drawings. 02200-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.12 WALLS: Vertical walls to be constructed with one continuous pour; layered pours are not acceptable, except as specifically approved by the Engineer. Snap ties are to be used only with the approval of the Engineer. 3.13 SURFACE DRAINAGE: Flatwork shall have a minimum pitch of one percent (1 %) and nominally one and one-half percent (1-1/2%). Finish surface shall drain properly with no areas of standing water. Tops of walls shall be level unless otherwise specified. 3.14 CURING: A. All newly placed concrete shall be cured in accordance with the provisions in Section 90-7 "Curing Concrete" of the Caltrans Standard Specifications as follows: 1. Curing pavement shall be in accordance with the provisions in Section 90-7.02 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications by Pigmented Curing Compound Method or Waterproof membrane Method, as the Contractor may elect to be compatible with sealers, concrete colors, exposed aggregate, other finishes and other materials called for in this and other sections of the Drawings and Specifications. 3.15 PROTECTION: All newly placed concrete shall be protected in accordance with the provisions in Section 90-8 "Protecting Concrete" of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. Specifically, the Contractor shall provide all necessary security to protect the concrete from vandalism before it sets and hardens. Any concrete which is defaced or damaged during the course of this contract shall be replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the City. 3.16 CONCRETE FINISHES: A. Submittals: Contractor shall submit a twenty-four inch (24") square sample of each specified finish which require either color or aggregate, for approval fourteen (14) days prior to actual pour. B. All concrete work to be even surfaces of uniform texture and appearance, free of unsightly bulges, depressions, and other imperfections. The Engineer shall be the sole judge in this respect. 02200-9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. Patching of concrete walls to disguise flaws, imperfections or other damage shall commence only with the approval of the Engineer. Patching color and finish shall conform to the original adjacent concrete color and finish, and the Engineer shall be the sole judge in this respect. Any patching of concrete walls must occur prior to final wall finishing. D. Provide concrete finishes as follows: 1. Trowel Finish: Finish surface shall be smooth and clean with no obvious trowel marks. 2. Broom Finish: a. Concrete shall be poured to line and grade as shown on plans. b. Trowel and work the concrete to smooth even finish in accordance with the provisions of Section 73-107 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. c. Broom with bristled broom across width of path to a uniformly roughened surface. Finished surface shall be clean with uniform and reasonably straight lines. d. Broom finish shall be in accordance with the drawings and details. Broom in a uniform direction as shown on the Drawings and details. Provide smooth flanged bands at concrete joints as shown on details. 3. Top-Seeded Exposed Aggregate Finish: a. Pebbles shall be top-seeded densely to sufficiently cover entire surface of concrete and shall be trowelled into the pour. Wash paving with bristle brooms or steel brush after concrete has set to expose aggregate. Finish surface so that a minimum concrete shall show. Finish paving surface shall be clean with no concrete adhering to tops of pebbles. Pebbles shall be tight and secure. 02200-10 I I 4. Washed Exposed Aggregate Finish: I a. Tamp sufficiently to fill forms, level and trowel, but not so much as to raise excess fines. Aggregate shall be I evenly dispersed. Aggregate shall consist of 3/B" - 3/4" river run rounded aggregate. Submit sample for approval. Apply chemical concrete setting retardant to I facilitate uniform exposing of concrete aggregate. Time washing of the finished surface. Brush and work with bristle brooms or steel brush to a uniform appearance I with evenly exposed aggregate. The surface shall be clean with no concrete adhering to the tops of the I aggregate. Pebbles shall be tight and secure. b. The contractor shall take all necessary precautions to I protect adjacent areas from concrete wash and runoff. In the event that adjacent surfaces are stained or otherwise damaged by concrete spill or runoff, the I contractor shall clean, repair, or replace stained or damaged surface to satisfaction of city representative at no additional cost to city. I c. See Drawings for concrete and aggregate color. I d. Acid wash concrete surfaces after curing as necessary to remove effervescing mineral deposits. I 5. Smooth Form Strip Finish: a. Form concrete with materials such as masonite, sheet I metal or smooth plywood so as not to impart any form texture on concrete. Vibrate and tamp concrete to eliminate any rock pockets or honey combing. Any I flaws in the walls are to be sacked to match color and finish of formed concrete. Provide joints minimum B' o.c. and as shown on plans. I b. Acid wash concrete surfaces after curing as necessary to remove effervescing mineral deposits. I 6. Sack Finish: I a. Exposed surfaces shall have fine sand finish. Sacking material shall be water-mixed and applied according to I 02200-11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I manufacturer's specifications. Hand-rub with clean gunny sacks, filling all voids and depressions. b. Acid wash concrete surfaces after curing as necessary to remove effervescing mineral deposits. 7. Textured Form Strip Finish: a. For wood textured form strip finish, construct wood forms as shown on the drawings and details to provide a uniform textured finish. Lightly sandblast or wire brush forms to bring up wood grain. b. For form liner type textured form strip finish, construct concrete forms with the inclusion of form liners as shown on the Drawings and details. Set form liners so as to provide uniform, continuous textures with no gaps between forms. Provide additional form work as needed to complete form liner (i.e. trim pieces to block off form). 8. Sand Blast Concrete Finish: a. Forms for sand blast concrete shall be constructed with materials to give a smooth, uniform finish to the concrete. Use masonite or sheet metal. Vibrate concrete to insure complete settlement of concrete and elimination of rock pockets and honeycombing. b. Contractor to provide three (3) 24" X 24" samples with light, medium, and heavy sand blast finishes. The Engineer is to determine type of finish in field after review of samples. c. Air entraining agent: To conform to Section 90-4.07 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications, such as Edoco or approved equal. Add at the rate of three to six (3-6) fl. oz.lcu. yd. during mixing period. d. Color: Amount as shown on the Finish Schedule in the Drawings. 9. Salt Finish Flatwork: 02200-12 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a. Contractor to provide 24" x 24" concrete sample with light, medium, and heavy salt finishes. The Engineer is to determine type of finish in field after review of samples. b. Salt Finish: seed smooth trowelled concrete with coarse grade rock salt. Tamp into top concrete after concrete has cured broom off rock salt. Remove all rock salt from landscaped areas. Wash concrete after brooming to remove any residual rock salt. Acid wash to remove any calcium deposits. 3.17 BUILT-INS: See Drawings for built-ins to be coordinated with concrete work (e.g. light fixtures, benches, handrails, guard rails, brick bands, signs, etc.) 02200-13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I SECTION 02210 DECOMPOSED GRANITE WITH STABLlZER PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all decomposed granite paving and related work as shown on the Drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of the decomposed granite paving shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following: PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 Base shall be aggregate base to conform to Class 2 standards of Section 26- 1.02A of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. Color shall match decomposed granite. 2.02 Decomposed granite rock aggregates shall consist of decomposed granite or other approved materials free of adobe, vegetable matter, loam, and other deleterious substances, be of such quality as to compact thoroughly to form a firm walking surface with a minimum of dusting or scuffing, and to conform to the following gradations of fines and aggregates: 2.03 Color shall be as shown in Drawings on Finish Schedule. Submit sample for approval of color. 2.04 Edges, if not otherwise shown on Drawings, shall be bound with headers as specified in the carpentry section. 2.05 Soil Stabilizer: Organic stabilizer powder as manufactured by Stabilizer, Inc., 1522 North 35th Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85008, (602) 225-5900, or equal. 0221 0-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Excavate and compact subgrade as detailed and specified in the grading section. 3.02 Install headers as shown in Drawings and as specified in carpentry section. 3.03 Spread and compact four inch (4") base as outlined in Section 26-1.02A of the State Caltrans Standard Specifications. 3.04 A. One ton of quarry waste fines shall be pre-mixed with 10 pounds of stabilizer. B. Spread stabilized mix in final lift over compacted base lift. C. Apply water until moisture penetrates final depth of quarry waste. D. After surface water disappears and quarry waste is still moist, roll with a heavy roller. Allow area to dry before use. E. Placement, spreading and compaction in accordance with provisions of Section 25 of the Standard Specifications. 3.05 Wet and roll to provide evenly gravelly appearance and a firm walking surface with minimum of dusting and scuffing. Slope surface to drain with no areas which will tend to collect water. All areas shall be swept free of loose rock and/or gravel. 02210-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02220 MASONRY WORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Provisions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all masonry and related work as shown on the Drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of the masonry is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: 1.03 GENERAL: A. Verification: Contractor to check the conditions including elevations of existing structures to which connections are to be made and report any discrepancies to the Engineer. B. Samples: Submit sample panel minimum two (2) square feet showing texture, finish and color specified, ten (10) days before schedule of work. See Drawings for color and finish required. C. Delivery and Storage: Manufactured materials: delivered in original packages, containers, bundles, bearing the manufacturer's name and brand. 02220-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. Protection: Materials shall be stored free of contact with ground. Storage pile and tops of unfinished walls shall be protected with waterproof covering in inclement weather. E. Craftsman: The craftsman doing this work must be skilled in the application of this type of work and shall submit a list of five comparable jobs completed which are satisfactory to the Engineer. F. Observations: In all cases where observation of the work is required and/or where portions of the work are specified to be performed under the direction and/or inspection of the Engineer, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least five (5) days in advance of the time such inspection and/or direction is required. Reinforcing shall be observed and approved prior to bedding the units. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 CEMENT: Cement shall be Type 1 Portland Cement stored under cover, free from ground contact (one brand only in work). 2.02 SAND: Sand shall be well graded and of such size that all will pass a No. 8 sieve and shall conform to the strength requirements of AASHO Designation: M45. 2.03 WATER: Water shall be clean, free from oil, acids, alkalies, organic and other injurious matter. 2.04 AGGREGATES: Aggregates shall be clean, sharp, well-graded, meeting ASTM specifications or as otherwise approved. 2.05 INTEGRAL COLORS: Pigment colors shall be metallic oxide, unless otherwise specified. 02220-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.06 REINFORCEMENT: A. Reinforcement shall be intermediate grade deformed bars as per Section 52 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications and shall be clean, new stock which is free from rust, scale or other coatings which may affect the bond. B. Reinforcement installation shall conform to the provisions of the Caltrans Standard Specifications as follows: 1. Cleaning - Section 52-1.05. 2. Bending - Section 52-1.06. 3. Placing - Section 52-1.07. 4. Splicing - Section 52-1.08. 5. Lapped Splices - Section 52-1.08A. 2.07 MORTAR: A. Mortar shall be composed of one (1) part Portland Cement and two (2) parts sand by volume. Mortar for both bedding and pointing to be the same unless noted otherwise. B. Grout or mortar shall conform to Section 51-1.135 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications proportioned with one-half inch (1/2") maximum size aggregate concrete to obtain a compressive strength of 2500 p.s.i. at twenty-eight (28) days. 2.08 PERVIOUS BACKFILL: Pervious backfill shall conform to Section 19 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXCAVATION: In addition to the general excavation required under the Grading Section, the Contractor shall excavate to the required depths in the locations shown for the masonry work. Excess excavation shall be replaced with concrete poured monolithically, at no additional cost to the City. 02220-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.02 MIXING: A. Except where hand mixing of small batches is approved, use mechanical mixers of approved type mixing. Do not use frozen, caked, lumped materials. Clean mechanical mixers, mixing boxes, tools, after mixing each batch; keep free of materials from previous mixes. Mix with proper amount of water until uniform in color and consistency. B. Retempering shall not be permitted. Discard materials which have begun to stiffen. 3.03 WORKMANSHIP: A. All work shall be set plumb and true to line. Unite once set shall not be disturbed except to remove and reset in fresh mortar. B. The finished walls shall be clean and free from any chips, cracks, pinholes and other surface imperfections. 3.04 INSTALLATION: A. Pour concrete bases as shown in accordance with the provisions of the Concrete Section. B. Masonry units to be drenched with water, allowed to drain and shall be damp when laid. Each unit to be shoved into a full mortar bed and all joints shall be filled, leaving no voids. Where unit is laid against concrete, metal work or waterproofing , the joints next to same shall be grouted full as each course is laid. c. Lay all blocks with normal 318" joints and tool with half round depressions unless noted otherwise as to joints size and tooling. Bed shall be full for a depth equal to the face shell thickness. Use line blocks whenever possible. When line pipes are used~ joint must be pointed tightly. D. Reinforcement shall be spaced as required by design and/or local building official and/or Pacific Coast Uniform Building Code. E. All masonry units, calls and joints with reinforcing rods, bolts and/or miscellaneous metals to be grout filled. F. Clean-out openings shall be provided at the bottom of each stud pour over three feet (3') high. Projecting mortar and mortar droppings shall be 02220-4 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I removed before each pour. Stop each pour approximately two inches (2" below the top of the last block in each pour. Compact each pour by rodding. Tool all exterior joints. Batches shall be limited to four feet (4') in height, with a waiting period of one hour between batches. Submerged pressure grouting shall not be permitted. G. During progress of the work, every effort shall be made to keep surface of the work clean. Mortar smears shall be allowed to dry for a short time and then be carefully removed with a trowel and/or wire brush in such a way as to not damage face of unit. Acid not to be used, unless noted otherwise. Contractor shall clean, repair, or replace stained or damaged surface to satisfaction of city representative at no additional cost to city. 02220-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02230 INTERLOCKING PAVING UNITS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Provisions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and service to complete all interlocking paving units and related work as shown on the Drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of the interlocking paving units is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: 1.03 GENERAL: A. Verification: Contractor to check the conditions including elevations of existing structures to which connections are to be made and report any discrepancies to the Engineer. B. Samples: Submit sample panel minimum two (2) square feet showing texture, finish, and color specified, ten (10) days before schedule of work. See Drawings for color and finish required. C. Delivery and Storage: Manufactured materials: delivered in original packages, containers, bundles, bearing the manufacturer's name and brand. 02230-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. Protection: Materials shall be stored free of contact with ground. Storage pile and tops of unfinished walls shall be protected with waterproof covering in inclement weather. E. Craftsman: The craftsman doing this work must be skilled in the application of this type of work and shall submit a list of five comparable jobs completed which are satisfactory to the Engineer. F. Observations: In all cases where observation of the work is required and/or where portions of the work are specified to be performed under the direction and/or inspection of the Engineer, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least five (5) days in advance of the time such inspection and/or direction is required. Reinforcing shall be observed and approved prior to bedding the units. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 All concrete interlocking paving units shall conform to the following specifications: A. Pavers shall have a minimum compressive strength of 8,000 psi in accordance with testing procedures as ASTM C140. B. Materials used to manufacture interlocking concrete paving stones shall conform to the following: 1 . Cement - ASTM C 150 (Portland Cement). 2. Aggregates - ASTM C33 (washed, graded sand and rock, no expanded shale or lightweight aggregates). Size, shape, design and colors shall be in accordance with details as noted on plans. 2.02 All concrete interlocking paving units shall be in accordance with the patterns and the type specified on the drawings. 2.03 Substitutions of materials specified in the drawings will be considered only if the contractor submits sufficient reasons and/or evidence to the Engineer that the alternate materials will indeed perform equally and will not cause later maintenance problems. Alternate materials shall not be installed until approved in writing by the Engineer. 02230-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.04 SAND LAYING COURSE: A. Sand Laying Course: Shall be a clean, washed sand with 100% passing a NO.4 sieve size and a maximum 3% passing a No. 200 sieve size. This is commonly known as a plaster sand. B. Thickness of sand laying course shall be uniform to insure an even surface. The designed thickness should be a minimum of 3/8" and maximum of 5/8". PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Paving units shall be clean and free of foreign materials before installation. 3.02 Installation shall start from a corner or straight edge and proceed forward over the undisturbed sand laying course. 3.03 Paving work shall be plumb, level and true to line and grade; shall be installed to properly coincide and align with adjacent work and elevations. (All edges must be retained to secure the perimeter stones and the sand laying course.) A. Paving units shall be installed hand-tight and level on the undisturbed sand laying course. String lines should be used to hold pattern lines true. B. A roller vibrator or plate vibration shall be used to compact the units and to vibrate the sand up into the joints between the units. C. Plaster sand should be spread over the installed paving units so that it may be vibrated into the joints between the units. D. Excess sand should be swept into the joints or disposed of from surface area. E. The completed paving unit installation shall be washed down and cleaned to provide a clean finished workmanlike installation. F. Lay pavers so that all surfaces have positive drainage without depressions or "bird baths". 02230-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.04 Cutting of paving units can be done with either a double bladed breaker or a masonry saw. However, when cutting is required in roadways or precision designed areas, a masonry saw shall be required. 3.05 A weed barrier or equal shall be placed between the aggregate base and sand leveling course. 02230-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02250 ASPHALT PAVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all asphalt paving and related work as shown on the Drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of the asphalt paving is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: C. Related Work: Grading covered by Section 02100 of the Specifications. 1.03 PROTECTION OF WORK: Curbs, walls and other work to be covered with suitable material and protected from injury by equipment and contact with oil, emulsion or asphalt. All manholes, catch basins and other gratings to be covered with suitable material so that no asphalt or emulsion will come in contact with the inside walls or floors of the structures. Any damage to such work shall be repaired and/or replaced at the Contractor's expense. 1.04 TESTING AND INSPECTION: A. At the City's discretion, testing and inspection of asphalt pavement mix(es) and testing of placed stabilizing base course and asphalt pavement will be 02250-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I performed by independent testing laboratory appointed and paid for by City. B. If compaction tests indicate that stabilizing base course or asphalt paving do not meet specified requirements, Contractor shall remove defective work, replace and retest at Contractor's Expense. 1.05 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Paving surfaces shall have positive drainage as indicated in the contract documents. Upon completion of the work paved areas included in this section shall be subject to a water drainage test. Areas that fail to drain properly as determined by the Engineer shall be corrected and repaired at no additional cost to the City. B. Asphalt concrete paving shall be free from cracking, pot holes, ravelling, slippage, depressions, corrugations or other defects at the date of completion and acceptance of the project. C. All repairs shall be made within fifteen days of notification at no cost to the City. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 Baserock to be crusher run rock conforming to the proVIsions for Class 2 aggregate as defined in 26-1.02A of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. Depths of base shall be as noted in the details. 2.02 Soil sterilant to be Chipman Chlorox "40" chlorate-borate material containing not less than 40% sodium chlorate NaC10 and soluble in water to the extent of 3.5 Ibs. of product per gallon of water, or approved equal. 2.03 Liquid Asphalt to conform to the requirements for SC-70 liquid asphalt as per section 93 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. Rate of application shall be fifteen-hundredths to one-quarter (15/100 - 1/4) gallons per square yard. 2.04 Asphaltic emulsion to be penetration type conforming to the RS-1 (or SS-1, if seal coat is specified) requirements of Section 94 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. 2.05 Surfacing to be one half inch (1/2") maximum size aggregate Type B surfacing as per Section 39 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications, unless otherwise specified or noted in Scope or drawings. 02250-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.06 HEADERBOARD: All edges of asphalt paving to be bound with header as specified in the Carpentry Section, unless noted otherwise. 2.07 FOG SEAL: In accordance with Section 94 Caltrans Standard Specifications for slow setting type SS1 or CSS1 emulsified asphalt. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Subgrade: Scarify and compact subgrade to six inches (6") depth. 3.02 Soil sterilant to be applied in two (2) applications: first to the surface of the subgrade immediately prior to laying the baserock; and second, after base rock and before asphalt is layed. The material shall be uniformly applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations and at the minimum rate of 2.5 to 3 Ibs. per 100 sq. ft. and watered in with a minimum of three (3) gallons of water per 100 square feet. 3.03 BASE: A. Base to be placed and compacted in accordance with the provisions of Section 26 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. B. The subgrade to receive prime coat shall conform to Section 39 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. 3.04 LIQUID ASPHALT PRIME COAT AND PAINT BINDER: A. After the base is ready to receive prime coat, Contractor to make a single, evenly distributed application of liquid asphalt and paint binder at the specified rates. The area shall be left for a period of twenty-four (24) hours (in which time the liquid asphalt should sufficiently penetrate the surface) and then any excess liquid asphalt shall be absorbed with a covering of sand. The sand shall be placed in such a way as to form an even surface without humps. Immediately in advance of placing asphalt concrete, additional prime coat or paint binder shall be applied to areas where prime coat or paint binder has been destroyed. B. Prior to the laying of the surfacing material, the base shall be thoroughly cleansed of all oil, dirt, loose material and excess sand. Either a power broom or hand brooms may be used. 02250-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.05 EQUIPMENT: Spreading and rolling equipment shall be in accordance with Section 39-5 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. 3.06 Spreading and compaction shall be in accordance with Section 39-6 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. 3.07 FINISH: The finished surface shall be smooth and even, with no humps or hollows which hold water. The surface shall pitch 1-1/2% in direction shown on drawings, unless specified otherwise. All areas shall be tested by watering down to indicate water pockets. Apply fog seal. 3.08 FOG SEAL: A fog seal shall be applied to all asphalt concrete paved areas in accordance with Section 37 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. The rate of application of the diluted (1:1) emulsion will be approximately 0.10 gal/square yard. 3.09 HEADERS AND STAKES: Install headers at perimeter of all asphalt concrete paved areas except where concrete curbs or walks occur or otherwise noted on drawings. Use two 1 x (doubled) header boards as required for curved portions. 02250-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02260 TENNIS COURT ASPHALT SUBSURFACE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this Section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all tennis court and related work as shown on the drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of the tennis court is shown on the drawings. 1.03 QUALIFICATIONS: The contractor submitting a quotation on this work shall be experienced in the construction of this type of tennis court and must be prepared to furnish a list of at least five separate installations in use in excess of five years. 1.04 CONTROLS: The City will provide a bench mark at the site of the work. The Contractor will provide and be responsible for other survey work required for the completion of the work and shall be responsible for the correctness of all final grades and lines. 1.05 PROTECTION OF WORK: Curbs, walls and other work to be covered with suitable material and protected from injury by equipment and contact with oil, emulsion or asphalt. All manholes, catch basins and other gratings to be covered with suitable material so that no asphalt or emulsion will come in contact with the inside walls or floors of the structures. Any damage to such work shall be repaired and/or replaced at the Contractor's expense. 02260-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.06 TESTING AND INSPECTION: A. At the City's discretion, testing and inspection of asphalt pavement mix(es) and testing of placed stabilizing base course and asphalt pavement will be performed by independent testing laboratory appointed and paid for by City. B. If compaction tests indicate that stabilizing base course or asphalt paving do not meet specified requirements, Contractor shall remove defective work, replace and retest at Contractor's Expense. 1.07 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Paving surfaces have positive drainage as indicated in the contract documents. Upon completion of the work, paved areas in this section shall be subject to a water drainage test. Areas that fail to drain properly as determined by the Engineer shall be corrected and repaired at no additional cost to the City. B. Finished asphalt paving surface shall be free from cracking, pot holes, ravelling, slippage, depressions, corrugations or other defects at the date of completion and acceptance of the project. C. All repairs shall be made within fifteen days of notification at no cost to the City. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 EQUIPMENT: A. Power Rollers: Shall be self-propelled, tandem type weighing from 1 to 5 tons. The wheels shall be equipped with adjustable scrapers, water tanks, and sprinkling apparatus that shall be used to keep the wheels wet for the purpose of preventing the bituminous mixture from sticking to the wheels. The rollers shall be otherwise suitable for rolling cold-mix pavements and shall be capable of reversing without backlash. 2.02 Baserock to be crusher run rock conforming to the provisions for class 2 aggregate. Depths of base shall be noted in the details. 2.03 Liquid Asphalt to conform to the requirements for SC-70 liquid asphalt as per Section 93 of the Standard Specifications. Rate of application shall be fifteen hundredths to one-quarter (15/100 - 1/4) gallons per square yard. 02260-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.04 Asphaltic emulsion to be penetration type conforming to the RS-1 requirements of Section 94 of the Standard Specifications. 2.05 A. Surfacing to be three-eighths-inch (3/8") maximum size aggregate surfacing, per Section 39 of the Standard Specifications, unless indicated otherwise in the Specifications or on the plans. B. Plant mix asphalt shall be in accordance with the Standard Specifications, using 5% to 7% 85/100 penetration asphalt, mineral aggregate. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Subgrade: Scarify and compact subgrade to six inches (6'? depth. 3.02 Soil sterilant, as approved by the City, shall be applied in two (2) applications: first to the surface of the subgrade immediately prior to laying the baserock; and second, after base rock and before asphalt is laid. The material shall be uniformly applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations and at the minimum rate of 2.5 to 3 Ibs. per 100 sq. ft. and watered in with a minimum of three (3) gallons of water per 100 square feet. 3.03 BASE: A. Base to be placed and compacted in accordance with the provisions of Section 26 of the Standard Specifications. B. The subgrade shall conform to Section 39-4.01 of the Standard Specifications. 3.04 LIQUID ASPHALT PRIME COAT AND PAINT BINDER: A. After the base is ready to receive prime coat, Contractor shall make a single, evenly distributed application of liquid asphalt and paint binder at the specified rates. The area shall be left for a period of twenty-four (24) hours (in which time the liquid asphalt should sufficiently penetrate the surface) and then any excess liquid asphalt shall be absorbed with a covering of sand. The sand shall be placed in such a way as to form an even surface without humps. Immediately in advance of placing asphalt concrete, additional prime coat or paint binder shall be applied to areas where prime coat or paint binder has been destroyed. 02260-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Prior to the laying of the surface material, the base shall be thoroughly cleansed of all dirt, loose material, and excess sand. Either a power broom or hand brooms may be used. 3.05 EQUIPMENT: Spreading and rolling equipment shall be in accordance with Section 39-5 of the Standard Specifications. 3.06 COMPACTION: Spreading and compaction shall be in accordance with Section 39-6 of the Standard Specifications. 3.07 FINISH: The finished surface shall be smooth and even, with no humps of hollows which hold water. The completed paving shall not vary more than 1/4" from true elevation when checked with a 10' straight edge. It shall be thoroughly cured and clean before applying tenni:s court surface layers. All areas shall be tested by watering down to indicate water pockets. All water pockets shall be filled to form a smooth even flat surface. 02260-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02270 TENNIS COURT SURFACING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Provisions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation, and services to complete all acrylic color playing surfacing, striping, and related work as shown on the Drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work Included: The ~)eneral extent of the acrylic color playing surfacing is shown on the Drawin!~s and includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following: 1. Slurry seal resurfacer 2. Acrylic color surfacing 3. Playing lines C. Related Work: Asphalt paving is covered by Section 02260 of these specifications. Tennis court fencing is covered by Section 02315 of these specifications. 1.03 PROTECTION OF WORK: Protection of work shall be per Section 02260, Tennis Court Asphalt Subsurface, of these specifications. 1.04 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: General requirements of the tennis court surfacing shall be per Section 02260, Tennis Court Asphalt SubsUlface, of these specifications. 02270-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A Submittals: Submit for approval four (4) copies of descriptive literature covering surfacing products and method of application. B. Contractor Qualifications: The Contractor bidding on this work must be experienced in surfacing tennis courts and shall furnish a list of at least five (5) surfacing installations in use in excess of three (3) years. C. Acceptance of Subsurface: Prior to beginning the work of tennis court surfacing, the Contractor shall verify the elevations, grades, and condition of the asphalt concre.te subsurface and shall declare in writing to the Engineer if the surface is acceptable. The Engineer and contractor, jointly, shall approve the asphalt concrete readiness before final approval of subsurface is granted. 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS: A Weather Limitations: No parts of the tennis court surfacing courses shall be conducted during minfall or when rainfall is imminent, or unless the air temperature is at least 50 degrees F and rising. B. Cooperation: Close cooperation is required between the construction of fences and tennis courts. Fence posts are to be installed after the AC. surface course is installed and before the final surfacer and acrylic are applied. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the work as necessary. PART 2 - MATERIALS AND EXECUTION 2.01 SURFACE COURSE: In accordance with the surfacing manufacturers installation instructions the Contractor shall first apply a slurry seal resurfacer to even the AC. subsurface and to create an even binding surface. The Contractor shall then apply three (3) coats of Job Mixed Fortified Plexipave (or approved equal). A Materials 1. Description - Slurry Seal Resurfacer, Job Mixed Fortified Plexipave is a Field Mixed combination of California Products Corporation's Plexichrome and Plexipave Color Base or approved equal blended in accordance with the manufacturer's specification number 10.12 02270-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I and shall consist of lightfast mineral oxide pigment and fillers, uniformly dispersed in a non-oxidizing 100% acrylic base. 2. Material Specifications a. Slurry Seal Resurfacer - The Slurry Seal shall be an acrylic based product designed specifically for use as a leveling and binding coating between the asphalt surface and color surface. Submit manufacturers specification to city for review and approval. b. Plexichrome - a 100% acrylic emulsion binder containing no vinyl copolymerization constituent. It is totally asbestos free and contains no less than 8% by weight Chrome Oxide Green pigment (other colors and their pigments correspond) and has a pigment volume concentration not exceeding 35%. Percent Solids by weight (minimum) 36.5%. Percent Solids by volume (minimum) 23.8%. Weight per gallon 10.0 -10.2 Ibs. c. Plexipave Color Base - A 100% acrylic emulsion binder containing no vinyl copolymerization constituent. It is totally asbestos free and contains no more than 63% Silica Sand (highly graded, rounded and premanufactured, with on sand added at site) and no more than 10% Aluminum Silicates. Pigment volume concentration does not exceed 76%. Percent Solids by weight (minimum) 74% Percent Solids by volume (minimum) 58.6%. Weight per gallon 13.1 - 14.1 Ibs. d. Storage Stability - After 30 days storage in a sealed container at normal temperatures (50 degrees F - 90 degrees F) the product shall not become hard-packed nor show signs of mold growth or spoilage. e. Weathering - After 1 OOO-hour accelerated weathering, the product shall not develop checks, cracks, blisters, and shall not excessively fade when compared with a standard. 02270-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f. Water Resistance - After 24 hours soaking in distilled water (70 degrees F - 80 degrees F) the film shall not blister or show signs of reemulsification. g. Application Properties - The product, when diluted to proper consistency, shall be capable of being applied with 50 durometer squeegees over clean, dry surfaces, at temperatures between 50 degrees F and 100 degrees F. 3. Application a. The acrylic surfacer shall be applied to court surface by pouring from a can or a wheeled container to continuous parallel lines and spreading immediately with a rubber-faced squeegee. There shall be two applications of surfacer. The total amount of surfacer shall not be less than 20 gallons per 1,000 square feet. Mix Proportion: Acrylic Resurfacer Water Sand (40 - 60 mesh) 55 20 - 40 600 - 900 -gals. -gals. -Ibs. b. All areas to be color coated shall be sealed, clean, free from sand, clay, grease, dust, salt or other foreign matters. The Contractor shall obtain the Engineer's approval, prior to applying any surface treatment. The storage of materials, mixing, and surface preparation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. c. The Contractor shall arrange for a representative of the surfacing material manufacturer to be present at the start of the work, to check the asphaltic subsurface, slurry seal resurfacer, installation conditions, and to instruct the applicators as to proper methods and procedures, and also as may be necessary during the course of the work, to insure a satisfactorily completed installation. d. The application shall be done by thoroughly experienced and skillful workmen, in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 02270-4 I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.02 PLAYING LINES: A. Materials The line paint shall be California Textured Plexicolor Line Paint or approved equal, and shall conform to the following characteristics and performance: a. The paint shall be 100% acrylic emulsion type containing no alkyds, butadiene styrene or vinyls, and shall be thinned with water only. The paint shall also be suitable for the addition of reflectance-type glass spheres at the time of application. b. All materials used in the manufacture of the paint shall be of good commercial quality, entirely suitable for the purpose intended under normal conditions of use. For white line paint, the opaque portion of the pigment shall be rutile titanium dioxide and vehicle shall consist of 100% acrylic polymer dispersed in water together with the minimum amounts of necessary additives, such as pigment, dispersants, anti-foaming agents, and preservatives, but no driers shall be used. c. The paint shall meet a minimum requirement of total solids (percent by weight of paint) of 52.5% and a maximum pigment content (percent by weight of paint) of 39.4%. The white paint shall contain not less than 26% per gallon of Type I rutile titanium dioxide. Pigment volume concentration not to exceed 39.5% a minimum fineness of grind of 4 and a viscosity (kreb units) of 70 minimum and 85 maximum as required. The paint shall brush easily and have good flowing, leveling, and spreading characteristics and shall be suitable for application by spray equipment, but not on this contract. d. The paint shall meet the following Solvent Resistance Test: Use a sample of unreduced paint for a draw-down of 0.0003 inch wet film thickness on glass and air dry for 24 hours. Remove the dried paint film in sheets from the glass and weigh out one gram. Place one gram of white paint film (or yellow paint film) in a 50 milimeter beaker and add 20 grams of Toluol (TT-T-548A). The beaker shall be rotated periodically during test period. The paint film shall not crumple, cloud the liquid, or otherwise disintegrate in the liquid within 48 hours and the Toluol shall remain clear and colorless throughout the test. Failure of the film to pass this test 02270-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I shall disqualify the product. Procedures for all other tests shall be as described in TT-P-0019A. e. The paint shall be suitable for use over all types of asphaltic surfaces, and when applied over emulsified asphalt surface, it shall not cause lifting, crazing, peeling, or other damage to the base. B. Construction Details 1. All lines shall be carefully laid out, and defined on the surface by chalk markings and tape before being painted, and shall be accurately painted within the limits shown on the plans. All surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned before the lines are painted thereon. All lines shall be double coated, clear and distinct with sharply defined edges. Use of spraying equipment is not allowed. At least 1/2 hour shall elapse between the painting of the first and second coats. 2. Unless otherwise indicated, the width of all lines on the courts will be painted two (2) inches wide. 2.03 TRAFFIC: Following the painting of lines, the courts shall be allowed to cure for a minimum of four (4) days before being opened to play. Gates shall be secured at all times until acceptance by the Engineer. 2.04 CLEANUP: Upon completion, the Contractor shall remove all containers, surplus materials, and debris, and leave the site in a clean and orderly condition acceptable to the Engineer. All splatter shall be removed from fencing and net posts, concrete bands, and adjacent work before acceptance. 2.05 GUARANTEE: The Contractor shall guarantee tennis courts surfacing against settlement, peeling of surface, and other defects of materials or workmanship for a period of one year from acceptance. 02270-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02280 TENNIS COURT RESURFACING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Provisions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment facilities, transportation, and services to complete all tennis court surfacing, stripping, and related work as shown on the Drawings and or specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of the tennis court surfacing is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following: Tennis Court Resurfacing and Stripping 1.03 PROTECTION OF WORK: Protection of work shall be per Section 02260, Tennis Court Asphalt Subsurface, of these Specifications. 1.04 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: General requirements of the tennis court surfacing shall be per Section 02260, Tennis Court Asphalt Subsurface, of these specifications. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Submittals: Submit for approval four (4) copies of descriptive literature covering surfacing products and method of application. B. Contractor Qualifications: The Contractor bidding on this work must be experienced in resurfacing tennis courts and shall furnish a list of at least five (5) resurfacing installations in use in excess of three (3) years. 02280-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 2 - MATERIALS AND EXECUTION 2.01 GENERAL: The finished play surface shall be constructed on the existing tennis court surface by the carpet coat, acrylic resurfacer, acrylic finish method and shall be finished to a true smooth surface. All work accomplished shall conform to the applicable requirements of the various publications listed in the various sections of these specifications except where otherwise noted on the drawings or specified herein. The workmanship shall be of the highest quality. All materials shall be delivered to the job in unopened containers. The work to be performed and the materials and equipment to be furnished shall conform to the specific requirements of these specifications and the drawings. No work shall be accomplished during rainfall or when rainfall is imminent, and unless the air temperature is at least that recommended by the manufacturer. 2.02 SURFACE PREPARATION: A. All growth shall be removed, and leaves and dirt cleaned from the surface. The courts shall be broom clean prior to starting the work. Any roots causing cracks in the existing surface shall be completely removed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. B. Procedure: 1. Clean the entire area and fill all cracks. 2. Remove all surface bubbles and reconstruct subsurface area under bubble as necessary. 3. Prime the surface with asphalt emulsion. 2.03 SURFACE COURSE: Surface course shall be 1" to 0" thickness, as required. A surface course of nominal thickness shall be constructed on the completed pavement using the double straightedge course method. A. The mix for the straightedge applications shall be a specially designed combination of Carpet Coat Solids, plaster or mortar sand, asphalt 02280-2 I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I emulsion, cement or limestone dust, and sufficient water to make a workable, free-flowing mix. Mixing can be accomplished by either a concrete or motor mechanical mixer. B. Dried surface shall be powered. 2.04 ACRYLIC RESURFACER: A The resurfacer shall be an acrylic based product designed specifically for use as a leveling and binding coating between the asphalt surface and color surface. Submit manufacturer's specifications to city for review and approval. Acrylic Resurfacer Water Sand (40-60 mesh) 55 gals. 20 - 40 gals. 600 - 900 Ibs. Liquid Yield 112 - 138 gals. B. Application: The surfacer shall be applied to the court surface by pouring from a can or wheeled container to continuous parallel lines and spreading immediately with a rubber-faced squeegee. The squeegee or brooms shall be pulled on an angle from the line and spread so as to continually roll the material toward the operator and not overflow or "spill" on its forward edge away from the operator. After each coat has dried, any ridges shall be removed with scrapers. There shall be two (2) applications of surfacer. The total amount of surfacer shall not be less than 60 gallons per 1,000 square feet. 2.05 FILLED ACRYLIC FINISH COLOR: Filled acrylic finish color shall be Plexipave and Plexichrome as manufactured by California Products Corporation, Cambridge, Massachusetts. After the resurfacer application has been completed and allowed to cure, the filled acrylic finish and Plexichrome shall be applied in three (3) applications. A Two (2) squeegee applications of filled acrylic finish. Minimum amount of undiluted filled acrylic material to be applied is 12 gallons per 1,000 square feet. 02280-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. One (1) brush or roller application of unfilled acrylic finish. Minimum amount of undiluted unfilled acrylic to be applied is 7 gallons per 1,000 sq uare feet. 2.06 PLAY LINES: Lines shall be accurately located and marked by snapping chalked line on the court surface to standard dimensions Lines shall be painted with Plexicolor Line Paint and no oil base paint will be permitted. Following painting of lines, the courts shall be allowed to cure for a minimum of seven days before being opened to play. 02280-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02300 CARPENTRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all carpentry and related work as shown on the drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of the carpentry is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following: PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 ABBREVIA TIONS: Rwd. D.F. P.O. Cedar A.D. K.D. Redwood Douglas Fir Port Orford Cedar Air Dried Kiln Dried 2.02 MATERIALS: A. Lumber: All material shall be new and well manufactured. Only pieces consisting of sound wood, free from decay will be acceptable. 02300-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. All sizes shown on the plans or specified refer to nominal sizes and the American Standard rough and dressed sizes will be accepted as conforming thereto. 1. Douglas Fir shall be of the species "Pseudotsuga menziesii" and shall be graded in accordance with the current standard grading and dressing rules for Douglas Fir adopted by the West Coast Bureau of Lumber Grades and Inspection. 2. Redwood shall be of the species "Sequoia sempervirens" and shall be graded in accordance with the current standards published by the Redwood Inspection Service. All wood in project not specifically noted shall be heart construction grade redwood. 3. Port Orford Cedar shall be of the species "Chamaecyparis lawsoniana" and shall be graded in accordance with the current grading and dressing rules adopted by the Port Orford Cedar Lumber Association. 4. Alaskan Yellow Cedar may be used in lieu of comparable grade of Port Orford Cedar. C. Hardware: 1. Nails to be general framing common of standard size and form, hot- dipped galvanized or aluminum, unless specifically noted. 2. Bolts and nuts to be hot dip galvanized and to conform to Sections 57-1.02c and 57-1.03 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. 3. Washers to be reinforced malleable iron, galvanized. 4. Screws to be galvanized, zinc electroplated, brass or Monel. D. Wood Framing Connectors: Connector numbers on plans refer to Simpson Company, San Leandro. Wood connectors equal to Simpson are acceptable. E. Wood preservative shall be non-pigmented pentachlorophenol conforming to Section 58 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications, unless otherwise noted. 02300-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION: A. Workmanship: All woodwork shall be cut, fitted, jointed together, tied, set to required lines and levels, anchored in place, etc., in a neat, workmanlike manner to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. All split wood shall be removed and replaced. B. Joints: Joints in decking, horizontal fencing, etc. shall be staggered by at least four feet (47 with a minimum of three (3) boards between aligned joints. C. Lumber Treatment: All lumber in contact with ground or concrete not six inches (6") above grade shall have all surfaces dipped in wood preservative prior to installation. Fresh cuts shall receive two (2) brush coats. 3.02 WOOD TREATMENT: A. Shop pressure treat and deliver to site ready for installation, wood materials requiring pressure impregnated preservatives. The following is framing that shall receive above treatment: 1. Ledgers and nailers at concrete walls. 2. Stud wall and sill plates. 3. Sleepers and exposed framing at roof screens and parapets. 3.03 FRAMING: A. General: All workmanship shall be in accordance with best practice, accurately measured and laid out, carefully and precisely executed. Employ temporary bracing wherever necessary to sustain all loads imposed on the structure, including the use and operation as long as required for safety. B. Measurements: The contractor is responsible for all necessary field measurements at the project site, the accurate fitting of all work and proper accommodation of other trades. Before starting the work, compare, check and cross check the structural drawings and all other drawings; report any discrepancies immediately to the Engineer for verification and 02300-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I adjustment. The contractor is responsible for locations and elevations of all rough carpentry shown on the Drawings. C. Nailing, Bolting and Screwing: 1. Predrill nail holes where necessary to avoid splitting. Remove and replace all split pieces. 2. Align all nails where possible unless detailed otherwise. 3. Drill bolt holes 1/32" oversize unless otherwise noted. Tighten all nuts when placed, re-tighten immediately before closing with finish material or completion of the structure. Do no final bolting until structure has been properly aligned. 4. Heads and nuts of machine bolts and nuts of carriage bolts shall have washers, except against steel plates. 5. Bolt, splice and hang all beams as shown on Drawings. 6. Cut all bolts flush with nuts, peen smooth and clean and remove any sharp edges or protrusions. 7. Screws and lag screws - drill hole same diameter and depth as shank then drill hole for threaded portion the same diameter as the root of the thread; screw into place. Do not drive screws or lag screws into place; any evidence of driving will be cause for rejection, requiring replacement of the members involved. 8. Minimum bolt spacing and edge distance shall be in accordance with the UBC Standard 25-17-79. 9. All exposed bolts over 3/8" shall receive malleable washers. 3.04 FINISH CARPENTRY: All work shall be executed in accordance with the best known practices of the trade, with first class workmanship throughout. 3.05 PROTECTION OF WORK: From the commencement until the completion and final acceptance of the work, the care and protection of all permanent work and all temporary work as may be required, remains with the contractor. Provide, install and maintain covering, 02300-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I enclosures and shelters necessary or required to protect the permanent work from damage. Any portion of the work damaged and/or disfigured by accident or other cause during the time between the finishing of the portion and the completion of the whole work shall be promptly, neatly and satisfactorily repaired or reconstructed and the work as a whole left without blemish at final completion. 3.06 HEADERS: A. Do not install headers until Engineer has approved finish grades. B. All headers to be set to required line and grade. Curves to be clean, smooth and continuous. Where minimum curves require, headers may be laminated and nailed, staggered pattern, maximum eighteen inches on center (18" o.c.) and nails clinched over. Laminated portion to lap into straight section eight feet (87. Splices to lap by four feet (47. C. Headers to be spliced with scabs trimmed to three-quarters of an inch (3/4'~ below top of header. Multi-cuts into header for bending is not acceptable. D. Stakes to be placed a maximum of four feet on center (4' o.c.) and at all joints, splices and ends. Stakes to be trimmed to three quarters of an inch (3/4'~ below top of header. E. Scabs and stakes to be nailed and nails clinched over. F. Headers must be approved by the Engineer before adjacent materials are laid. G. Before paving or other material is laid, headers to be backfilled for support. H. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to protect the headerboards during the construction work. Any headers damaged by equipment to be replaced by Contractor at his expense. 3.07 CLEANING UP: Upon completion, Contractor to remove all debris resulting from his operation and shall repair any damage caused by him to other parts of the work. All work completed under this section shall be adequately protected until acceptance by the City. 02300-5 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02310 STRUCTURAL AND MISCELLANEOUS STEEL WORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all structural and miscellaneous steel work and related work as shown on the Drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of the structural and miscellaneous steel work is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: C. Related Work: Painting and staining covered by Section 02330 of the Specifications. 1.03 GENERAL: A Abbreviations: AI.S.C. - American Institute of Steel Construction; AW.S. - American Welding Society. B. Shop Drawings: Two (2) copies of shop drawings are required for each unit covered by this Section as outlined in the General Conditions. One copy to be on reproducible vellum or bond, Le. diazo sepia. C. Personnel: Welds shall be made only by operators who have been previously qualified by tests, as prescribed in the "Standard Qualification 02310-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Procedure" of the American Welding Society, to perform the type of work required, except that this provision need not apply to tack welds not later incorporated into finished welds. D. Handling and Storing Materials: Material to be stored shall be placed above ground upon platforms, skids or other supports. It shall be kept free from dirt, grease, and other foreign matter and properly drained and protected from corrosion. If members have been cleaned and painted prior to erection, they shall be stored in such a manner that they are protected from the weather. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 STEEL: A. Structural steel shall conform to Sections 55-2.01 and 55-2.02 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. B. Steel pipe shall conform to Section 70-1.02 B of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. C. Bolts, rods, fittings, etc. shall conform to Section 55-2 "Materials" of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. D. Reinforcing steel shall be standard sizes of deformed bars, intermediate grade, 40 Dia. min. laps, and conform to Section 52-1.02 A of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. 2.02 GALVANIZING: Conform to Section 75-1.05 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications hot dip galvanizing. 2.03 PAINTING: A. Shop Primer: One coat Primer, semi-quick drying as per Section 91 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. B. Paint: See Painting and Staining Section. 02310-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 WORKMANSHIP: All work shall be to the best standard of practice in modern steel fabricating shops. Finished work shall be true to line and free of twists and bends. 3.02 SHOP FABRICATION: All work shall conform to the American Institute of Steel Construction Specifications for design, erection and fabrication for steel buildings. All surfaces to be welded shall be free of loose scale, slag, grease, paints, or other foreign material. All parts of members to be welded to each other shall be rigidly held together while welding. 3.03 GALVANIZING: All metal parts not noted in Plans as painted shall be galvanized after welding, punching and fabrication, and before delivery to job. 3.04 PRIMING: Steel work not galvanized shall be thoroughly cleaned by scraping, wire brushing, etc., and shall be prepared and shop primed prior to delivery to job. 3.05 ERECTION: All work shall be plumb, level and true to alignments called for and shown in accordance with the latest A.I.S.C. Specifications. 3.06 FIELD WELDING: A. All field assembly and welding shall be executed in accordance with the requirements for shop fabrication, excepting such as manifestly apply to shop conditions only. B. Any shop paint on surfaces adjacent to joints to be field welded shall be thoroughly removed to expose clean steel for a distance of at least two inches (2") on either side of the joint. 3.07 BRACING: Temporary bracing shall be used wherever necessary to take care of any loads to which the structure may be subjected, including equipment and operation of 02310-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I same. Temporary bracing shall be left in place as long as may be required for safety. 3.08 FINISH: Portions of the work exposed to view shall be finished neatly. Shearing, flame cutting and chipping shall be done carefully and accurately. All sharp corners and edges that are marred, cut or roughened in handling or erection shall be smoothed and slightly rounded by grinding or other suitable means. 3.09 PAINTING: See Painting and Staining Section. Surfaces inaccessible for painting after erection shall be painted the full number of coats prior to erection. 0231 0-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02311 CHAIN LINK FENCE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all structural and miscellaneous steel work and related work as shown on the drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work included: the general extent of the chain link fence work is shown on the drawings and includes, but is not necessary limited to, the following: PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 FABRIC: Chain link fabrics to be "Galvanized-after" as manufactured by Anchor Fence Co. or approved equal and to be No. 9 gauge with uniform square mesh measuring approximately 2 inches between its parallel sides. It is to be woven of the best quality open hearth steel, heavily zinc coated, after weaving, by the hot dip spelter process. The fabric shall be fastened to the line posts and rails by means of ties spaced approximately 14" apart. Fabric shall be attached to the terminal post by means of a tension strip held by specially designed clips. 2.02 LINE POSTS: 02311-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Line posts shall be hot dipped galvanized round column as specified in the Drawings. Line posts shall be spaced not further than 10' centers. 2.03 TERMINAL POSTS: End, corner and pull posts shall be hot dipped galvanized pipe (round) as specified in the Drawings. Caps of terminal posts shall be flat and without decorative finial. 2.04 HORIZONTAL RAIL: Rail to be hot dipped galvanized Schedule 40 pipe and to be furnished in random lengths of approximately 20 feet. Top rail to be joined using a press steel or malleable sleeve, not only allowing for expansion and contraction, but also providing a continuous brace from end to end of each stretch of fence. Fence, where shown on drawings, or over 12' high to have a center horizontal rail. Fence shall have continuous top and bottom rails. Fence shall have continuous mid-rail where indicated on plan. 2.05 BRACES: All terminal posts on fence 6 ft. and higher shall be braced with 1-5/8" 0.0. horizontal pipe bracing of the same material as the top rail, securely attached to the terminal and first line post with malleable iron fittings. They shall be truss braced from the first line post to the bottom of the terminal post, with a 3/8" galvanized truss rod assembly to provide the proper tension. Corner posts shall be braced in both directions. 2.06 FITTINGS: Hot dip galvanized. All fittings to be malleable cast iron or pressed steel. 2.07 FABRIC TIES: 11 gauge galvanized wire ties shall be used to tie the fabric to the line posts and top rail. 2.08 FRAME WORK MATERIAL: All posts, rails and braces to be heavy galvanized 2 oz. coating. 02311-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.09 SHAPE OF POSTS: Alternate shapes such as square pipe to be acceptable, only upon written approval. 2.10 GATES: A. Gates shall be of the widths designated in the drawings. B. Gates greater than 8 feet in length shall have interior vertical members installed so that no panel exceeds 8 feet in length. Gate frames shall be constructed of not less than 1-1/2 inch pipe. Interior vertical members shall be constructed of not less than one inch pipe. Pipe shall conform to the requirements for posts and braces in Section 80-4.01A of the Caltrans Standard Specifications, "Posts and Braces". C. Gate frame panels shall be cross trussed with 3/8 inch adjustable truss rods. The corners of the gate frames shall be fastened together and reinforced with a malleable iron or a pressed steel fitting designed for the purpose, or by welding. Pressed steel fittings shall have a nominal thickness, before galvanizing, or not less than 0.135-inch and shall be fastened suitably to develop the strength of the connected members. 2.11 MISCELLANEOUS: A. Between posts, chain link fabric shall be fastened to a top and bottom tension wire. The tension wire shall be at least 7-gage (0.177 dia.) coil spring steel of good commercial quality and shall be galvanized in accordance with the provisions of ASTM Designation: A, 116, Coating Class 3. B. Tie wires and hog rings shall be at least 9 gage (0.148" dia.) steel and post clips shall be at least 6 gage (0.192" dia.) steel; all these shall be galvanized in accordance with the provisions of ASTM Designation: AI 116, Coating Class. C. Turnbuckles and truss tighteners shall be fabricated of commercial quality steel, malleable iron, or wrought iron and shall be galvanized as provided in Section 75-1.05, "Galvanizing." The truss tighteners shall have a strap thickness of not less than 1/4 inch. 02311-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. Portland cement concrete for metal post footings and for deadmen shall be produced from commercial quality aggregates and cement and shall contain not less than 470 pounds of cement per cubic yard. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 POSTS: A. Line posts shall be spaced at not more than 10-foot intervals, measured from center to center of posts. In general, in determining the post spacing, measurement will be made parallel to the slope of the natural ground, and all posts shall be placed in a vertical position, except in unusual locations where directed by the Engineer the posts shall be set perpendicular to the ground surface. B. All posts shall be set in concrete footings conforming to the details shown on the plans and crowned at the top to shed water. C. End, latch and corner posts shall be braced to the nearest line post. At the Contractor's option, bracing shall be accomplished either with diagonal braces used as compression members or with horizontal braces used as compression members and 3/8 inch steel truss rods used as tension members. Gate posts shall be braced to the nearest line post with a horizontal braced used as a compression member and 3/8 inch steel truss rods as tension members. Each 3/8 inch steel truss rod shall be equipped with a turnbuckle or truss tightener with tensile strength equal to the truss rod. Line posts shall be braced horizontally and trussed in both directions at intervals not to exceed 1,000 feet, except that this bracing and trussing may be omitted when the fabric is installed by stretching with equipment. 3.02 FABRIC: A. The fabric shall be stretched and securely fastened to the posts, and between posts the top and bottom edges of the fabric shall be fastened to the tension wires. Tension wires shall be stretched tight. The bottom tension wire shall be installed on a straight grade between posts by excavating the high points of ground and in no case will filling of depressions be permitted. B. The fabric shall be fastened to end, latch, corner, and gate posts with 1/4 inch by 3/4 inch stretcher bars and not less than 1/8 inch by 3/4 inch stretcher bar bands spaced at one foot intervals. The fabric shall be fastened to line posts with tie wires or post clips and to tension wires with tie wires or hog rings. The fasteners shall be spaced at approximately 14 02311-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I inches on line posts and at approximately 18 inches on tension wires. Wire ties shall be given at least one complete turn. Hog rings shall be closed with ends overlapping. The tension wire shall be wrapped around terminal posts. The distance from the top of the fabric to the top tension wire shall be 2 inches maximum. C. Chain link fence fabric specified for the fence shall be attached to the gate frame by the use of stretcher bars and tie wires as specified for fence construction, and suitable tension connectors shall be spaced at approximately one foot intervals. 3.03 GATES: A. The gates shall be hung by at least 2 steel or malleable iron hinges not less than 3 inches in width, so designed as to securely clamp to the gate post and permit the gate to be swung back against the fence. The bottom hinge shall have a socket to take the ball end of the gate frame. B. Gates shall be provided with a combination steel or malleable iron catch and locking attachment of approved design which will not rotate around the latch post. Stops to hold gates open and a center rest with catch shall be provided where required. 02311-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02312 CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH COLOR-BONDED FABRIC PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all structural and miscellaneous steel work and related work as shown on the drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work included: The general extent of the chain link fence work is shown on the drawings and includes, but is not necessary limited to, the following: PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 FABRIC: Chain link fabrics to be fused vinyl and to be No. 9 gauge with uniform square mesh measuring approximately 2 inches between its parallel side. Fabric shall be 9 finished gauge woven Permafused wire with a uniform mesh measuring 2" :!: 1/8" between the parallel sides. Fabric to be by Anchor Fence Co. or approved equal. The core wires shall be uniformly galvanized with zinc metal. The galvanized wire shall then be coated with a 7 mil. Coating of PVC applied by true fusion method over a thermoset plastic bonding agent. The bond shall exhibit equal or greater strength than the cohesive strength of the vinyl. All cut ends shall be coated with vinyl at the factory during the waving process. The color of the PVC coating shall be black. The fabric shall be fastened to the line posts and rails by means of ties spaced approximately 14" apart. Fabric shall be attached to the terminal post by means of a tension strip held by specially designed clips. 2.02 LINE POSTS: 02312-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Line posts shall be hot dipped galvanized round column as specified in the Drawings. Line posts shall be spaced not further than 10' centers. Prime and apply 2 coats of rust inhibiting black paint. 2.03 TERMINAL POSTS: End, corner and pull posts shall be hot dipped galvanized pipe (round) as specified in the Drawings. Caps of terminal posts shall be flat and without decorative finial. Prime and apply 2 coats of rust inhibiting black paint. 2.04 HORIZONTAL RAIL: Rail to be hot dipped galvanized Schedule 40 pipe and to be furnished in random lengths of approximately 20 feet. Top rail to be joined using a press steel or malleable sleeve, not only allowing for expansion and contraction, but also providing a continuous brace from end to end of each stretch of fence. Fence, where shown on drawings, or over 12' high to have a center horizontal rail. Fence shall have continuous top and bottom rails. Fence shall have a continuous mid-rail where indicated on plan. Prime and apply 2 coats of rust inhibiting black paint. 2.05 BRACES: All terminal posts on fence 6 ft. and higher shall be braced with 1-5/8" O.D. horizontal pipe bracing of the same material as the top rail, securely attached to the terminal and first line post with malleable iron fittings. They shall be truss braced from the first line post to the bottom of the terminal post, with a 3/8" galvanized truss rod assembly to provide the proper tension. Corner posts shall be braced in both directions. 2.06 FITTINGS: Hot dip galvanized. All fittings to be malleable cast iron or pressed steel. 2.07 FABRIC TIES: 11 gauge galvanized wire ties shall be used to tie the fabric to the line posts and top rail. 2.08 FRAME WORK MATERIAL: All posts, rails and braces to be heavy galvanized 2 oz. coating. 2.09 SHAPE OF POSTS: 02312-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Alternate shapes such as square pipe to be acceptable, only upon written approval. 2.10 GATES: A. Gates shall be of the widths designated in the drawings. B. Gates greater than 8 feet in length shall have interior vertical members installed so that no panel exceeds 8 feet in length. Gate frames shall be constructed of not less than 1-1/2 inch pipe. Interior vertical members shall be constructed of not less than one inch pipe. Pipe shall conform to the requirements for posts and braces in Section 80-4.01A of the Caltrans Standard Specifications, "Posts and Braces". C. Gate frame panels shaH be cross trussed with 3/8 inch adjustable truss rods. The corners of the gate frames shall be fastened together and reinforced with a malleable iron or a pressed steel fitting designed for the purpose, or by welding. Pressed steel fittings shaH have a nominal thickness, before galvanizing, or not less than 0.135-inch and shall be fastened suitably to develop the strength of the connected members. 2.11 MISCELLANEOUS: A. Between posts, chain link fabric shall be fastened to the top and bottom tension wire. The tension wire shall be at least 7 -gauge (0.177 dia.) coil spring steel of good commercial quality and shall be galvanized in accordance with the provisions of ASTM Designation: A, 116, Coating Class 3. B. Tie wires and hog rings shall be at least 9 gage (0.148" dia.) steel and post clips shall be at least 6 gage (0.192" dia.) steel; all these shall be galvanized in accordance with the provisions of ASTM Designation: AI 116, Coating Class. C. Turnbuckles and truss tighteners shall be fabricated of commercial quality steel, malleable iron, or wrought iron and shall be galvanized as provided in Section 75-1.05, "Galvanizing." The truss tighteners shall have a strap thickness of not less than 1/4 inch. D. Portland cement concrete for metal post footings and for deadmen shall be produced from commercial quality aggregates and cement 02312-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I and shall contain not less than 470 pounds of cement per cubic yard. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 POSTS: A. Line posts shall be spaced at not more than 10-foot intervals, measured from center to center of posts. In general, in determining the post spacing, measurement will be made parallel to the slope of the natural ground, and all posts shall be placed in a vertical position, except in unusual locations where directed by the Engineer. The posts shall be set perpendicular to the ground surface. B. All posts shall be set in concrete footings conforming to the details shown on the plans and crowned at the top to shed water. C. End, latch and corner posts shall be braced to the nearest line post. At the Contractor's option, bracing shall be accomplished either with diagonal braces used as compression members or with horizontal braces used as compression members and 3/8 inch steel truss rods used as tension members. Gate posts shall be braced to the nearest line post with a horizontal brace used as a compression member. Each 3/8 inch steel truss rod shall be equipped with a turnbuckle or truss tightener with tensile strength equal to the truss rod. Line posts shall be braced horizontally and trussed in both directions at intervals not to exceed 1,000 feet, except that this bracing and trussing may be omitted when the fabric is installed by stretching with equipment. 3.02 FABRIC: A. The fabric shall be stretched and securely fastened to the posts, and between posts to top and bottom edges of the fabric shall be fastened to the tension wires. Tension wires shall be stretched tight. The bottom tension wire shall be installed on a straight grade between posts by excavating the high point of ground and in no case will filling of depressions be permitted. B. The fabric shall be fastened to end, latch, corner, and gate posts with 1/4 inch by 3/4 inch stretcher bars and not less than 1/8 inch by 3/4 inch stretcher bar bands spaced at one foot intervals. The fabric shall be fastened to line posts with tie wires or post clips and to tension wires with tie wires or hog rings. The fasteners shall be spaced at approximately 14 inches on line posts and at 02312-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I approximately 18 inches on tension wires. Wire ties shall be given at least one complete turn. Hog rings shall be closed with ends overlapping. The tension wire shall be wrapped around terminal posts. The distance from the top of the fabric to the top tension wire shall be 2 inches maximum. C. In lieu of using stretcher bars and bar bands, the fabric may be fastened to the end and corner posts by threading through loops formed on the posts. D. Chain link fence fabric specified for the fence shall be attached to the gate frame by the use of stretcher bars and tie wires as specified for fence construction, and suitable tension connectors shall be spaced at approximately one foot intervals. 3.03 GA TES: A. The gates shall be hung by at least 2 steel or malleable iron hinges not less than 3 inches in width, so designed as to securely clamp to the gate post and permit the gate to be swung back against the fence. The bottom hinge shall have a socket to take the ball end of the gate frame. B. Gates shall be provided with a combination steel or malleable iron catch and locking attachment of approved design which will not rotate around the latch post. Stops to hold gates open and a center rest with catch shall be provided where required. 02312-5 I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02315 TENNIS COURT CHAIN LINK FENCE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all structural and miscellaneous steel work and related work as shown on the drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work included: the general extent of the chain link fence work is shown on the drawings and includes, but is not necessary limited to, the following: 1. Chain Link Fence Fabric, Horizontal Rails, and Required Miscellaneous Fittings, Hardware, and Wire. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 FABRIC: Chain link fabrics to be "Galvanized-after" as manufactured by Anchor Fence Co. or approved equal and to be No. 9 gauge with uniform square mesh measuring one and three quarters inches (1-3/4") between its parallel sides. It is to be woven of the best quality open hearth steel, heavily zinc coated, after weaving, by the hot dip spelter process. The fabric shall be fastened to the line posts and rails by means of ties spaced approximately 14" apart. Fabric shall be attached to the terminal post by means of a tension strip held by specially designed clips. 02315-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.02 HORIZONTAL RAIL: Rail to be hot dipped galvanized Schedule 40 pipe and to be furnished in random lengths of approximately 20 feet. Top rail to be joined using a press steel or malleable sleeve, not only allowing for expansion and contraction, but also providing a continuous brace from end to end of each stretch of fence. Fence, where shown on drawings, or over 12' high to have a center horizontal rail. Fence shall have continuous top and bottom rails. Fence shall have continuous mid-rail where indicated on plan. 2.03 BRACES: All terminal posts on fence 6 ft. and higher shall be braced with 1-5/8" O.D. horizontal pipe bracing of the same material as the top rail, securely attached to the terminal and first line post with malleable iron fittings. They shall be truss braced from the first line post to the bottom of the terminal post, with a 3/8" galvanized truss rod assembly to provide the proper tension. Corner posts shall be braced in both directions. 2.04 FITTINGS: Hot dip galvanized. All fittings to be malleable cast iron or pressed steel. 2.05 SHAPE OF GATE POSTS: Alternate shapes such as square pipe to be acceptable, only upon written approval. 2.06 FRAME WORK MATERIAL: All gate posts, rails and braces to be heavy galvanized 2 oz. coating. 2.07 GATES: A. Gates shall be of the widths designated in the drawings. B. Gate frame panels shall be cross trussed with 3/8 inch adjustable truss rods. The corners of the gate frames shall be fastened together and reinforced with a malleable iron or a pressed steel fitting designed for the purpose, or by welding. Pressed steel fittings shall have a nominal thickness, before galvanizing, or not less than 0.135-inch and shall be fastened suitably to develop the strength of the connected members. 02315-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.08 MISCELLANEOUS: A. Between posts, chain link fabric shall be fastened to a top and bottom tension wire. The tension wire shall be at least 7-gage (0.177 dia.) coil spring steel of good commercial quality and shall be galvanized in accordance with the provisions of ASTM Designation: A, 116, Coating Class 3. B. Tie wires and hog rings shall be at least 9 gage (0.148" dia.) steel and post clips shall be at least 6 gage (0.192" dia.) steel; all these shall be galvanized in accordance with the provisions of ASTM Designation: AI 116, Coating Class. C. Turnbuckles and truss tighteners shall be fabricated of commercial quality steel, malleable iron, or wrought iron and shall be galvanized as provided in Section 75-1.05, "Galvanizing." The truss tighteners shall have a strap thickness of not less than 1/4 inch. D. Portland cement concrete for metal post footings and for deadmen shall be produced from commercial quality aggregates and cement and shall contain not less than 470 pounds of cement per cubic yard. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 FABRIC: A. The fabric shall be stretched and securely fastened to the posts, and between posts the top and bottom edges of the fabric shall be fastened to the tension wires. Tension wires shall be stretched tight. The bottom tension wire shall be installed on a straight grade between posts by excavating the high points of ground and in no case will filling of depressions be permitted. B. The fabric shall be fastened to end, latch, corner, and gate posts with 1/4 inch by 3/4 inch stretcher bars and not less than 1/8 inch by 3/4 inch stretcher bar bands spaced at one foot intervals. The fabric shall be fastened to line posts with tie wires or post clips and to tension wires with tie wires or hog rings. The fasteners shall be spaced at approximately 14 inches on line posts and at approximately 18 inches on tension wires. Wire ties shall be given at least one complete turn. Hog rings shall be closed with ends overlapping. The tension wire shall be wrapped around terminal posts. 02315-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The distance from the top of the fabric to the top tension wire shall be 2 inches maximum. C. Chain link fence fabric specified for the fence shall be attached to the gate frame by the use of stretcher bars and tie wires as specified for fence construction, and suitable tension connectors shall be spaced at approximately one foot intervals. 3.02 GATES: A. The gates shall be hung by at least 2 steel or malleable iron hinges not less than 3 inches in width, so designed as to securely clamp to the gate post and permit the gate to be swung back against the fence. The bottom hinge shall have a socket to take the ball end of the gate frame. B. Gates shall be provided with a combination steel or malleable iron catch and locking attachment of approved design which will not rotate around the latch post. Stops to hold gates open and a center rest with catch shall be provided where required. 02315-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02330 PAINTING AND STAINING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all painting and staining and related work as shown on the Drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of the painting and staining is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: C. Related Work: Structural and miscellaneous steel work covered by Section 02310, and carpentry covered by Section 02300 of the Specifications. 1.03 GENERAL: A. Samples: Contractor to prepare and submit to the Engineer for his approval, samples of all finishes. Such samples shall be retained by the Engineer to compare with finishes as they are applied. B. Provide adequate storage facilities. Store paint materials at minimum ambient temperature of 45 degrees F (7 degrees C) in well ventilated area. C. Take precautionary measures to prevent fire hazards and spontaneous combustions. 1.04 PROTECTION: 02330-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A. Adequately protect other surfaces from paint and damage. Repair damage as a result of inadequate or unsuitable protection. B. Furnish sufficient drop cloths, shields and protective equipment to prevent spray or droppings from fouling surfaces not being painted and in particular, surfaces within storage and preparation. C. Place cotton waste, cloths and material which may constitute a fire hazard in closed metal containers and remove daily from site. D. Remove electrical plates, surface hardware, fittings and fastenings prior to painting operations. These items are to be carefully stored, cleaned and replaced on completion of work in each area. Do not use solvent to clean hardware that may remove permanent lacquer finish. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 GENERAL: A. All materials shall be pure, unadulterated, first quality and shall be delivered to the project in the original unbroken packages bearing the brand and maker's name. Any rejected materials shall be removed from the premises at once. B. Paints and stains shall be the products of W.P. Fuller Co., Dutch Boy Paint Co., Olympic, Cabot's National Lead Co., or approved equal. C. All paint materials otherwise not specified shall comply with the following: White Zinc - Federal Spec. TT-2-301 Linseed Oil - Federal Spec. TT-0-364 Turpentine - Federal Spec. TT-T-806 Paint Thinners - Federal Spec. TT-T-806 Marker Paint - Standard Specifications Driers - TT -D-65IA White Shellac TY#1-TT-V-91b. Den Alcohollnt. Rev. Form #5 Tinting Colors - Standard and Perm. Putty - TT-P-7912 Type 11 Stain (wood) - TT-S-711 02330-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL OPERATIONS: Workmanship: A. Painter to examine all work before commencing, and smooth, fill and touch up all minor defects of surfaces to receive paint before starting his work. Surfaces to be stained shall not be filled. Starting work shall constitute acceptance of surfaces. B. Apply all materials as they come from the can and as manufacturer specifies, unless otherwise directed. Fill all nail holes, cracks, etc., after primer is dry. Prime trim all over before installing. Avoid brush marks, sags, runs, and other evidences of poor workmanship. All work to be completely dry before commencing work. C. Painter to be responsible for keeping his own and other work free of damage and shall protect all such work as necessary. D. Engineer to have the right to choose different colors for work and trim. E. Contractor to touch up all blemishes which appear within 30 days after completion, as directed by Engineer. F. If more than one coat is specified, each intermediate coat shall be a different shade. Final coat shall be of specified color. 3.02 CLEANING UP: A. After all work l1as been completed, Contractor to clean up all debris resulting from his work and to clean all paint from all surfaces adjacent to his work, and leave the premises in clean condition for final inspection by the Engineer. Runoff of paint or cleaning materials to storm or sanitary drains is not permitted. B. During progress of work, keep premises free from any unnecessary accumulation of tools, equipment, surplus materials and debris. 3.03 METAL: A. All metals, inclruding field welds, (except chain link fence) shall be finished as follows: 02330-3 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. Materials: a. Primer: Galvanized metal primer or zinc chromate prJmer. b. Enamel: Flat black exterior unless otherwise specified. 2. Application: a. W;;Jsh galvanized metal with strong copper sulphate solution, rinse and allow to dry. b. Apply one (1) coat primer and allow to dry thoroughly. c. Apply one (1) coat enamel, allowing to dry thoroughly between coats. 3.04 PARKING AND ROAD'WAY STRIPING: A. Spray-applied striping, parking and traffic line marking according to layout indicated on the drawings. Apply striping in accordance with Section 84-2 (thermo plastic traffic stripes and pavement markers) of the standard specifications and manufacturer's product information. Color yellow on concrete and white on asphalt. Width of stripe is three (3) inches unless otherwise noted on Drawings. B. Handicap stalls to be painted with wording "Handicap Only" and the international handicap emblem in accordance with Title 24 requirements. Compact stalls to be painted with wording "Compact Only". 3.05 WORKMANSHIP: All work shall be executed in accordance with the best known practices of the trade, with the highest standards of workmanship throughout. 02330-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02340 METAL PLAY STRUCTURES (PIPE LINE) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complimentary and applicable to this section of these Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation, and services to complete all play structures, site furniture, and related work as shown on the Drawings andlor specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of the work is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following: C. Related Work: Concrete paving and footings are covered by Section 02200, ConcretE3 Work, of these specifications. 1.03 GENERAL: The Pipeline play equipment shall be manufactured by Columbia Cascade Company, Portlland, Oregon, USA. Posts to be installed in four foot modules in accordance with the folowing specifications. 1.04 FINISH: A. All metal parts other than those galvanized or stainless steel shall be finished with CAS PAX-7 , a tough, opaque, exterior use powder coating. Coatings containing lead or epoxy are not acceptable. B. Subtraste preparation shall consist of mechanical cleaning to remove heavy mill scale, rust, varnish, grease, etc., then chemical cleaning in accordance with TT-C-490C, Methods I and II. 02340-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. After cleaning, the metal substrate shall receive a corrosion-inhibiting iron phosphate coating in accordance with TT-C-490C, Type II, before application of the final color coat. D. The coating powder shall be uniformly applied by the electrostatic method to a thickness of 5 mils. Promptly after the application of the powder, the coating shall be oven-cured at 400 degrees Fahrenheit to chemically bond the finish to the substrate and to render the color coated surface resistant to abrasion, impact, household chemicals, weathering and rusting. E. The applicator shall test the finish of each lot for correct millage, chemical resistance, hardness and internal bond in accordance with industry standard testing methods. Records of this quality control procedure shall be made and retained for two years. F. The CASPAX-7 color shall be the manufacturer's standard or as selected by the owner's representative and designated on the project, plans and/or specifications from the Columbia Cascade Company ColorBook colors. G. Detailed erection drawings and bills of materials shall be furnished by the manufacturer for each play structure. Drawings shall include footing details and technical data necessary for correct assembly. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 POSTS AND BEAMS: A. All steel posts and beams shall be 4 1/2" o.d. schedule 40 pipe with a minimum wall thickness of 7/32". Steel tubinq of thinner wall thickness is not permitted. Posts and beams and their end caps shall be CASPAX-7 finished in accordance with Section 1.04. B. Exposed ends of post, except arch support posts, shall be fitted with a cast aluminum (384 alloy) hemi-dome end cap permanently double riveted in place at the factory. Easily vandalized plastic and/or friction end caps are not permitted. C. Static posts shall be embedded 2' 3" and dynamic posts shall be embedded 5' - 0" below compacted subgrade in concrete footings as depicted on the erection drawings. Refer to drawings for concrete footing dimensions. Posts shall include through holes to receive two #4 reinforcing bars (supplied by installing contractor). 02340-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.02 COLLARS: Cast aluminum (383 alloy) two piece attachment collars designed to permanently connect all accessories, decks, and rails to support posts shall be provided in sufficient quantity. Collars must be formed to recess bolt fastener. Each collar set includes two vandal resistant socket-head cap screws with nuts and two 1/4" X 1" expansion pins. Collars shall be CASPAX-7 finished in accordance with section 1.04. 2.03 STRAIGHT AND CURVED RAILS: All steel straight and curved rails shall be 1 5/16" o.d. schedule 40 steel pipe. Straight and curved rails shall be CASPAX-7 finished in accordance with section 1.04. 2.04 ADDITIONAL HARDWARE: Additional hardware shall be provided in sufficient quantity to complete assembly of the Pipeline play equipment. All hardware shall be non-ferrous or color finished with CASPAX-7, or galvanized, or electrostatic zinc plated in accordance with the manufacturer's standard. 2.05 PLASTISOL SPECIFICATIONS: Thickness 30 - 45 mils, hardness 90 durometer ("A" shore), color to be Brown. Minimum 5-year UVI inhibitor required. Plastisol finish shall meet accepted industry standards and shall have minimal runs and drips on underside of finished product. Runs, ripples, waves, drips, and/or defects in plastisol coating shall not be allowed on the tops or edges of the surface. 2.06 PLASTISOL COATED STEEL DECKS: Plastisol coated steel decks shall be manufactured of 1/8" thick perforated mild steel plate with edges folded and continuously welded at each corner. Each deck unit shall be reinforced as necessary to insure structural integrity. The deck unit shall be plastisol coated in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. 2.07 INSURANCE REQUIREMENT: The manufacturer of plaY~Jround components shall submit evidence to the owner that they carry product liability insurance of no less than $2,000,000. 02340-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 WORKMANSHIP: A. All workmanship shall be in accordance with best practice, accurately measured and laid out, carefully and precisely executed. Employ temporary bracing wherever necessary to sustain all loads imposed on the structure, including the use and operation as long as required for safety. B. All work shall be plumb, level, and true to alignments called for and shown in the shop drawin9s. C. All hardware necessary for assembly shall be provided in sufficient quantity, sizes, lengths, and quality to assure safety and be suitable for the intended use. 3.02 DRAWINGS: Detailed erection drawings and a bill of materials shall be furnished to the Engineer for each model by the manufacturer. Drawings shall include all data necessary for assembly, including recommended erection sequence. To facilitate assembly, each manufactured member shall be indelibly stenciled with an easily recognizable identification number keYI~d to the erection drawings. All components shall be unitized and packaged by model number, ready for assembly. 02340-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEe TION 02341 METAL PL A. Y STRUCTURES (LANDSCA PE STRUCTURES) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complimentary and applicable to t lis section of these Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materi :lIs, equipment, facilities, transportation, and services to complete all pl,lY structures, site furniture, and related work as shown on the Drawings an( liar specified herein. B. Work Included: The gE 'neral extent of the work is shown on the Drawings and in dudes, but is not necessarily limited to the following: 1.03 SHOP DRAWINGS: A. Detailed erection drawings and a bill of materials shall be furnished to the Owner's Representative fc r each model by the manufacturer. Drawings shall include all data nec essary for assembly, including recommended erection sequence. To fc cilitate assembly, each manufactured member shall be stenciled with an e :lsily recognizable identification number keyed to the erection drawings. All components shall be unitized and packaged by model number, ready for a~ sembly. B. Three (3) copies of shop dr :lwings are required for each unit covered by this section, as outlined in thE: General Conditions. One copy shall be on reproducible vellum or bone, i.e. diazo sepia. 1.04 HANDLING AND STORING MATI RIALS: Material to be stored shall be plac ~d above ground upon platforms, skids, or other supports. It shall be kept free f 'Om dirt, grease, and other foreign matter and properly drained and protected fr)m corrosion. If members have been cleaned 02341-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I and painted prior to erection, the) shall be stored in such a manner that they are protected from the weather. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 PLAY EQUIPMENT: A. Play equipment specified as Landscape Structures shall be by that company or approvE~d equa I, unless noted otherwise on the plans. B. All materials shall bE~ structl rally sound and suitable for safe play. All edges shall be ground smooth, and deburred. All finishes shall be according to manufacturer's speGificatior s. C. Metal Finish: 1. All metal parts, 0 ther than those galvanized, stainless, and nonferrous compm ;ition shall be finished with "Landscape Structures" powder coating. Eoxy or lead-containing powder coatings are not accl ~ptable. Preparation of the steel substrate shall incorporate the phc sphate system. Substrate preparation shall consist first of mec lanical cleaning to remove heavy mill scale, varnish, rust, greas~, and the like; then chemical cleaning per TT-C-490C, Method~ I and III. 2. After mechanical an j chemical cleaning, the steel substrate shall receive corrosion-in~ ibiting iron phosphate coating per TT-C-490C, Type II, before the c lpplication of the final powder coat. The color coating shall be a~ plied by the electrostatic method and then oven-cured at 400 degrees Fahrenheit to chemically bond the coating to thE~ substr 3te and to render the coated metal resistant to abrasion, impact, chil >ping, weathering, and rusting. D. Hardware: Assembly hardware shall t e provided in sufficient quantity. All hardware shaJl be color finished with )owder coating galvanized, or electrostatic zinc plating or zinclnickel plating. E. Posts and Beams: 1. All steel posts and bl lams shall be 5" (o.d.) schedule 40 pipe with a minimum wall thicklless of 7/32". Steel tubing of thinner wall 02341-2 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I thickness is not accllptable. All edges and ends of posts and beams shall be ground sm )oth and deburred prior to being powder coated in accordance with ~ )ection 1.6. Exposed ends of posts, except arch support posts, sha I be fitted with a cast aluminum domed cap permanently riveted in place. Easily vandalized plastic andlor friction fit caps are not perrT itted. 2. Static posts shall b ~ embedded 2'-3" and Dynamic posts shall be embedded Ei'-O" belc tW compacted sub-grade in concrete footings as depicted on the erec :tion drawings. Actual concrete footing sizes can vary and depend or job site and climatic conditions. Posts include through holies for acceptance of reinforcing bars (supplied by installing contractor) F. Arches: All steel arches shall be E" (o.d.) schedule 40 pipe with a minimum wall thickness of 7/32". Arches 3hall have 2'-0" radius continuous smooth curve. Uneven or flat top arches are unacceptable. All arches include 4" (o.d.) schedule 40 pipe inserts f:>r attachment to support posts. All edges and ends of arches shalll be gro und smooth and deburred prior to being powder coated in accordanGe with ~ )ection 1.6. G. Attachment Collars: Cast aluminum (384 alloy) collars suitable for permanently connecting all accessories, decks, and rai s to support posts shall be provided in sufficient quantity. Collars must be cast to allow for recessed hardware. Collar assemblies shall include tw:l connecting socket-head cap screws with nuts and two 1/4" x 1" expansior pins. All collars edges shall be ground smooth and deburred prior to being powder coated in accordance with Section 1.6. H. Straight and Curved Rails: All steel straight and curved rails shall be 1-5/16" (o.d.) schedule 40 pipe. All edges and ends shall lie ground smooth and deburred prior to being powder coated in accordan(:e with Section 1.6. I. Steel Decks: Steel decks shall consist 0: one piece flange tormed steel deck with 1/4" deck perforations with edge) folded and welded at each corner. Each deck shall include 3/8" thick stee support ribs. All edges and welded areas shall 02341-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I be ground smooth and c eburred prior to being tender tuff coated In accordance with Section 1.( '. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 MISCELLANEOUS COMPONENT S: 1. Clamps shall be cast of ar aluminum and magnesium alloy. The clamps shall be powder coated to n ,atch the posts. Clamps are secured to the post with button head socketed cap screws with T-nuts and further with solid U- Drive-It screws into the post 2. Molded wall units are rota1 onally molded from UV stabilized high-density polyethylene. T -nuts shall lIe molded into one face of the unit to provide a safe and secure attachmen: for tunnels, slides, and bubbles. A 24" X 1/4" thick lexan flat sheet or bubl )Ie shaped window are optional wall enclosures. 3. Locking collars shall be fabr cated from a 6061 T6 extruded aluminum alloy. Collars shall be secured t< I rails with a steel set screw. Collars shall be powder coated to match the posts. 2.02 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT: Miscellaneous play equipm mt items, including swing, tree climber, super- scoop, spring rider, and don Ie spinner shall be as shown on the drawings. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 WORKMANSHIP: A. All workmanship shall be in accordance with best practice, accurately measured and laid out, care :ully and precisely executed. Employ temporary bracing wherever necessall. to sustain all loads imposed on the structure, including the use and operal ion as long as required for safety. B. All work shall be plumb, lev ~I, and true to alignments called for and shown in the shop drawings. C. All hardware necessary for c ssembly shall be provided in sufficient quantity, sizes, lengths, and quality tc assure safety and be suitable for the intended use. 02341-4 I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.02 DRAWINGS: Detailed erection drawings and a bill of materials shall be furnished to the Owner's Representative for each model I lY the manufacturer. Drawings shall include all data necessary for assembly, ir eluding recommended erection sequence. To facilitate assembly, each manufac tured member shall be indelibly stenciled with an easily recognizable identification number keyed to the erection drawings. All components shall be unitized and packaged by model number, ready for assembly. 02341-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEC' nON 02342 TIMBER PL 6. Y STRUCTURES (TIM 3ERFORM) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all )ther Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to t lis Section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, 3quipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all play structUl es and related work as shown on the Drawings andlor specified herein. B. Work Included: The gene ral extent of the play structures is shown on the Drawings and inclU( res, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: 1.03 GENERAL: Shop drawings to be submitted for approval as noted on the Special Conditions. 1.04 PLAY STRUCTURE: The play structure(s) shall be Timt:: erForm model(s) as manufactured by Columbia Cascade Company, Portland, Ore~ on, USA. Deck modules shall be 3 foot 10 in :hes on center in accordance with the following specifications. All fabrication shall take place in an enclosed factory environment by personnel experienced in the m. tnufacture of children's play apparatus. PART 2 - TIMBER MATERIALS 2.01 TIMBER: 02342-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I All play equipment wood comp< Inents shall be manufactured from Playground Equipment Grade Douglas fir timllers, selected by the equipment manufacturer for strength, durability, and appearan ::e. 2.02 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT GFADE: Timber posts, beams, decks, ar d walls shall be Coastal Douglas fir (Pseudo- tsugamenziesii), free-of-heard-cE nter (F.O.H.C.). To assure long, useful life, timbers containing the heart cente r or pith of the log shall not be accepted. 2.03 TIMBER CHARACTERISTICS: All timbers shall be fine-grained, 'ilith at least 80 percent of the pieces possessing eight annular rings to the inch, thll remainder having at least six rings to the inch. There shall be no loose knots, kr otholes, shake, unsound wood, white specks or honeycomb allowed. To elimina:e slivering, timbers shall be free of wane, and planer skips are not allowed in c ressing. Except as noted, other characteristics and limiting provisions are in acc( rdance with Paragraph 131-A Standard Gradinq Rules for West Coast Lumber. 2.04 CHRONOLOGICAL IMPORTANC E: To effectively receive pressure pi eservative treatment of the timber materials, all fabrication, including sawing, nc tching, drilling, incising and kerfing, shall be completed prior to treatment. 2.05 WOOD PRESERVATION: All wood components shall be ~ ressure-preservatively treated with a non-toxic formulation designed for use on ~ layground equipment. Preservatives containing arsenic, pentachlorophenol, creo ')ote or similar toxic chemicals as their active ingredient shall not be used. 2.06 COMPOSITION: The preservative solution shall be homogeneous and capable of deep penetration, not merely an emulsion. The trea ment shall not materially change the color of the wood to which it is applied. 2.07 APPLICATION: 02342-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wood shall be pressure impregr ated by the closed cylinder, vacuum pressure method as prescribed by the late~ t standards for the American Wood Preserver's Association. The preservative can ier shall conform to AWPA Standard P9. 2.08 VERIFICATION: Conformance to the requiremen: s of this specification shall be monitored by inspectors in accordance with t le established quality control and inspection procedures as specified in AWPA ;tandards M2 and M3. 2.09 MAX-TREAT - INCISING: Timber posts shall be mechanical y incised on all four faces by uniform hydraulic pressure to a depth of 1/2". Incisillg shall begin at the bottom of the post and end approximately one foot above gra< Ie. Full length incising is not acceptable as the perforations may cause slivering I,f playing surfaces. The incising pattern shall produce a minimum of 448 perfora ions per square foot. 2.10 MAX-TREAT - KERFING: All timber posts shall be saw-kerfe j (grooved) to one-half the cross-section depth, through sap-side face. This kerf st all be a maximum of 1/4" wide and shall extend from the bottom of the post to a point approximately one foot above indicated grade, coincident with incising. Incising and kerfing assure maximllm wood preservative penetration and retention in the critical ground line area thus :lssuring long service life. 2.11 TIMBER DECKS: Decks shall consist of nine 4 X 6 timbers, 16 P.v.C. spacers, two 1-5/16" (o.d.) schedule 40 steel rails, and two 1/~" thick steel angle deck supports. Assembled deck shall be 13.9 sq. ft. 2.12 TIMBER WALLS: Walls consist of five vertical 4 X (, timbers, 12 P.v.C. spacers, and two 1-5/16" (o.d.) schedule 40 steel rails. Assl ~mbled wood wall shall be 39" in height above top of deck. 2.13 POSTS: 02342-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Timber posts shall be smoothly dressed to a net size of 5-1/4" X 5-1/4" with all edges eased (rounded) to a 1/4" radius. Post tops shall be chamfer-sawn 45 degrees. 2.14 QUALITY CONTROL: Inspectors shall examine each timber component for correct fabrication, fastener hole alignment, and for smooth end, edge, and face treatment. Conformance to wood preservation specifications shall be monitored by inspectors in accordance with the established quality control and inspection procedures as specified in AWPA standards M2 and M3. PART 3 - METAL MATERIALS 3.1 STRAIGHT AND CURVED RAILS: Unless otherwise noted, all steel Straight and Curved Rails shall be 1-5/16" (o.d.) schedule 40 steel pipe. Thin wall tubing is not acceptable. Straight and Curved RAils shall be CASPAX-7 finished in accordance with Paragraphs 3.0 through 3.4. 3.2 FABRICATION: Each rail shall be ground smooth by hand and shotblasted to a uniform surface texture. 3.3 QUALITY CONTROL: Inspectors shall examine metal components for correct fabrication, fastener hole alignment, and smoothness. 3.4 ADDITIONAL HARDWARE: Additional hardware shall be provided in sufficient quantity to complete assembly of the TimberForm play equipment. All hardware shall be non-ferrous, color finished with CAS PAX-7 , galvanized, or electrostatic zinc plated in accordance with the manufacturer's standard. PART 4 - METAL FINISH 4.1 METAL COATING: All metal parts other than those galvanized or stainless steel shall be finished with 02342-4 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CASPAX-7, a colorful, tough, opaque, exterior use powder coating. Liquid, epoxy, or lead-containing powder coatings are not acceptable. The CASPAX-7 color shall be the manufacturer's standard or as selected by the owner's representative and designated on the project plans and/or specifications. 4.2 CLEANING: Substrate preparation shall consist first of mechanical cleaning to remove heavy mill scale, rust, varnish, grease, etc., then chemical cleaning in accordance with TT-C-490C, Methods I and III. 4.3 PHOSPHATE APPLICATION: After cleaning, the metal substrate shall receive a corrosion-inhibiting iron phosphate coating in accordance with TT-C-490C, Type II, before application of the final color coat. 4.4 POWDER APPLICATION: The coating powder shall be uniformly applied by the electrostatic method to a thickness of six mils. Promptly after the application of the powder, the coating shall be oven-cured at 400 degrees Fahrenheit to chemically bond the finish to the substrate and to render the color coated surface resistant to abrasion, impact, household chemicals, weathering and rusting. 4.5 QUALITY CONTROL: The applicator shall test the finish of each lot for correct millage, chemical resistance, hardness, and internal bond in accordance with industry standard test methods. Records of this quality control procedure shall be made and retained for two years. 4.6 POLYETHYLENE MATERIALS: Polyethylene shall be linear medium density with the maximum ultraviolet degradation inhibitors and may be specified in yellow or tan. 4.7 FABRICATION: Plastic components shall be one-piece, rotationally molded polyethylene. Each component shall be free of burrs, warpage, cupping, and other irregularities. Mold parting lines and all edges shall be trimmed and finished smooth. 02342-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.8 FINiSH: Exterior surfaces shall be textured to camouflage any scratches or markings. Surfaces intended for passage or sliding shall be finished smooth. 4.9 QUALITY CONTROL: Inspectors shall examine each plastic component for correct fabrication including: wall thickness, cure, texture, fastener hole alignment, and color uniformity. PART 5 - ASSEMBLY 5.1 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND AIDS: To guide installation, each TimberForm structure shall be accompanied by bills of materials, written instructions, and an erection plan view drawing to be furnished prior to or with the delivery of the play structure. To facilitate assembly, each part shall be indelibly stenciled with an easily-read identification number keyed to the bills of material and erection drawings. All components shall be shipped unitized, protectively wrapped, banded for mechanical handling and ready for assembly. A. All fabrication shall take place before preservative treatment. B. All wood components shall be pressure impregnated with Niedox-10 solution by the closed cylinder, vacuum pressure method as prescribed by the latest Standards of the American Wood Preservers' Association. Retention shall be six pounds per cubic foot of wood. Treatment shall not materially change the color of the wood and shall be capable of accepting oil borne finishes. C. All hardware necessary for assembly shall be provided in sufficient quantity, sizes, lengths and quality to assure safety and be suitable for the intended use. The hardware shall be galvanized. Tapered hardwood plugs shall be furnished in sufficient quantity to plug all exposed counterbores. D. The term "pole", either in the Specifications or the Drawings, shall mean free of heart center rounds. 02342-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.2 DRAWINGS: A. Detailed erection drawings and a bill of materials shall be furnished to the owner's representative for each model by the manufacturer. Drawings shall include all data necessary for assembly, including recommended erection sequence. To facilitate assembly, each manufactured wood member shall be indelibly stenciled with an easily recognizable identification number keyed to the erection drawings. All timber components shall be unitized and packaged by model number, ready for assembly. 02342-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02344 SITE FURNITURE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this Section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all site furniture and related work as shown on the Drawings andlor specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of the site furniture is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: C. Related Work: Concrete paving and concrete for footings are covered under Section 02200, Concrete Work, of these specifications. 1.03 GENERAL: A. Site furniture and equipment shall be as shown on the drawings. B. Any material substitution must meet procedure and requirements as noted in the Special Conditions. 1.04 HANDLING AND STORING MATERIALS: Material to be stored shall be placed above ground upon platforms, skids, or other supports. It shall be kept free from dirt, grease, and other foreign matter and properly drained and protected from corrosion. If members have been cleaned and painted prior to erection, they shall be stored in such a manner that they are protected from the weather. 02344-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 2 - MA TERIALS 2.01 DRINKlNG FOUNTAIN: 2.02 PARK BENCH: 2.03 PICNIC TABLE: 2.04 BICYCLE RACK: 2.05 TRASH RECEPTACLE: 2.06 BOLLARD: PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 DRINKING FOUNTAIN: Install drinking fountain with concrete pad, connect to potable water source and drain line. Install per Manufacturer's instructions. 3.02 PARK BENCH: Install park benches with concrete footings as indicated In the construction documents and per the Manufacturer's recommendations. 3.03 PICNIC TABLE: Install picnic tables with concrete footings as indicated In the construction documents and per the Manufacturer's recommendations. 3.04 BICYCLE RACK: Install bicycle rack with concrete footings as indicated In the construction documents and per the Manufacturer's recommendations. 02344-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.05 TRASH RECEPTACLE: Install trash receptacles with concrete footings as indicated in the construction documents and per the Manufacturer's recommendations. 3.06 BOLLARD: Install bollard with concrete footings as indicated in the construction documents and per the Manufacturer's recommendations. 02344-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02346 SPORTS EQUIPMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this Section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all site furniture and related work as shown on the Drawings andlor specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of the site furniture is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: C. Related Work: Concrete paving and concrete for footings are covered under Section 02200, Concrete Work, of these specifications. 1.03 GENERAL: B. Site furniture and equipment shall be as shown on the drawings. B. Any material substitution must meet procedure and requirements as noted in the Special Conditions. 1.04 HANDLING AND STORING MATERIALS: Material to be stored shall be placed above ground upon platforms, skids, or other supports. It shall be kept free from dirt, grease, and other foreign matter and properly drained and protected from corrosion. If members have been cleaned and painted prior to erection, they shall be stored in such a manner that they are protected from the weather. 02346-1 I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 2 - MA TERIALS 2.01 BASKETBALL STANDARD: 2.02 VOLLEYBALL NET POST AND NET: 2.03 TENNIS NET POST AND NET: 2.04 TENNIS COURT CENTER TIE DOWN: 2.05 TENNIS COURT BENCH: 2.06 TENNIS COURT WIND SCJ~EEN: 2.07 BASEBALL BACK STOP: 2.08 SOFTBALL BACK STOP: 2.09 DUGOUT BENCH: 2.10 BASES AND PITCHER'S MOUND: 2.11 SOCCER GOALS: PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 BASKETBALL STANDARD: Install basketball standard and backboard with concrete footings as indicated in the construction documents and per Manufacturer's recommendations. 02346-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.02 VOLLEYBALL NET POST AND NET: Install volleyball net and post with concrete footings as indicated in the construction documents and per Manufacturer's recommendations. 3.03 TENNIS NET POST AND NET: Install tennis net post and m~t with concrete footings as indicated in the construction documents and per Manufacturer's recommendations. 3.04 TENNIS COURT CENTER TIE DOWN: Install tennis court center tie down and anchor recommendations. per Manufacturer's 3.05 TENNIS COURT BENCH: Install tennis court bench with concrete footings as indicated in the construction documents and per Manufacturer's recommendations. 3.06 TENNIS COURT WIND SCREEN: Install tennis court wind screen at designated locations per Manufacturer's recommendations. 3.07 BASEBALL BACK STOP: Install baseball back stop with concrete footings as indicated in the construction documents and per Manufacturer's recommendations. 3.08 SOFTBALL BACK STOP: Install softball back stop with concrete footings as indicated in the construction documents and per Manufacturer's recommendations. 3.09 DUGOUT BENCH: Install dugout bench with concrete footings as indicated In the construction documents and per Manufacturer's recommendations. 02346-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.10 BASES AND PITCHER'S MOUND: Install bases and pitcher's mound with concrete footings as indicated In the construction documents and per Manufacturer's recommendations. 3.11 SOCCER GOALS: Install soccer goals with concrete anchor as indicated in the construction documents and per Manufacturer's recommendations. 02346-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02600 IRRIGATION AND WATER SUPPLY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all irrigation and water supply and related work as shown on the Drawings andlor specified herein. B. Work Included: Th,e general extent of the irrigation and water supply work is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: C. It is the intention of this section of the Specifications, together with the Drawings, to accomplish the work of installing an irrigation and water supply system which will operate efficiently and provide adequate coverage. The Drawings indicate the general arrangement of piping and equipment, but do not necessarily indicate all offsets, fittings, and accessories that may be required. The Contractor shall furnish any incidental materials and labor not specifically called for but required to complete the work inltended. 1.03 REGULATIONS: A. All work and materials shall be in accordance with the National Electric Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code, and other applicable State or local 02600-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I laws or regulations. (Nothing in these Drawings or Specifications is to be construed to permit work not conforming to these Codes.) 1. The Contractor shall furnish any additional material and labor required to comply with these rules and regulations, though the work is not mentioned in these Specifications or shown in the Drawings. 2. When the Drawings or Specifications call for materials or construction of a better quality or larger size than required by the above mentioned rules and regulations, the provision of the Drawings or Specifications shall take precedence over the requirements of the said rules and regulations. B. Comply with all applicable OSHA requirements and with all applicable regulations of other agencies having jurisdiction over the work. 1.04 PERMITS AND FEES: The Contractor shall obtain all permits and pay all required fees to any governmental agency having jurisdiction over the work and shall arrange for inspections specified by local ordinances as necessary during the course of construction. 1.05 INSPECTIONS AND TESTS: A. Before commencing work, Contractor shall determine the water pressure at the point of connection and notify the Engineer of this determination. B. The Contractor shall be subject to inspections at any time by authorized representatives of the City. C. Whenever inspection of the irrigation and water supply work is required or portions of the work are specified to be performed under the direction or inspection of the En~~ineer the Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least five (5) days in advance of the time such review or direction is required. D. All irrigation and water supply lines shall be tested in the presence of the Engineer and approved by the Engineer before any portion of the system is backfilled. Contractor shall not allow any of his work to be covered or enclosed until it hats been inspected, approved by the Engineer, the Plumbing Inspector, and other governmental agencies having jurisdiction. Should any of his work be enclosed or covered before such inspection and testing, and approval he shall uncover the work at his own expense and 02600-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I after inspection mak.e all repairs necessary to restore his work and that of other Contractors to its original condition. E. Tests: All main lines shall be center loaded with valves installed and bells and fittings completely visible. A water pressure of 150 p.s.i. shall be applied and held for two and one-half (2-1/2) hours. All leaks shall be repaired and all lines approved by the Engineer before any of the system is backfilled. F. Final Inspection: Contractor shall present for final review and approval by Engineer a complete operating, clean, and balanced system which adequately covers all intended areas. See parts 3.06 and 3.07 of this section of the Specifications. 1.06 GUARANTEES: A. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage or defects in the irrigation system being installed and shall repair any and all components of the system at his own expense, in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer before final acceptance of the work. B. Any existing building or other structure, material, equipment, paving, planting, etc., dama~ged by the Contractor during the course of his work shall be replaced or repaired by the Contractor in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer at the Contractor's own expense before the final payment is made. C. Damage by Leaks: The Contractor shall be responsible for damages to any property or work caused by leaks in the piping systems being installed, and shall repair, at his own expense and in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer all damage caused. D. The entire irrigation and water supply system shall be guaranteed in writing against defects and faults of material and workmanship, for one (1) year from the date of acceptance by the City. All materials used shall carry a manufacturer's guarantee for the length of time specified by the manufacturer, but in no case less than one (1) year. E. Any damage due to any irrigation failures which may occur during a one (1) year period after final acceptance shall be repaired by the Contractor to the Engineer's satisfaction without expense to the City. Such repair shall include, but not be limited to the complete restoration of all damaged planting, paving, and other improvements of any kind. 02600-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.07 SUBMITTALS: A. Record Drawings: 1. The Contractor shall maintain in good order in the field office one complete set of all the irrigation drawings that form a part of this contract. In the event any work is not installed as indicated on the Drawings or in the Specifications, such work shall be indicated and dimensioned accurately on these record drawings. 2. These drawings shall also serve as work progress sheets. Contractor shall make neat, legible annotations thereon daily as the work proceeds, showing the work, including the exact locations, sizes, and kinds of equipment as actually installed. These drawings shall be available at all times for inspection by Engineer. 3. On or before the date of the final inspection, the Contractor shall deliver to the City a corrected, complete set of these as-built drawings, which shall be on reproducible vellum or sepia prints of the original irrigation drawings. Prints for preparing these as- built record drawings may be obtained from the Engineer Delivery of these drawinlgs to the City will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of furnishing any required information. B. Instructions: After the irrigation system has been installed and approved, the Contractor shall instruct the Engineer on the complete operation and maintenance of the system. Further, the Contractor shall supply the City, before final payment is made, with all tools called for in the Drawings, with operating instructions for all components of the irrigation system, and a laminated map indicating irrigation stations and associated watering zones. 1.08 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Examination and Verification of Drawings: 1. Before submitting a bid, each bidder shall: (1) carefully examine the Drawings and specifications and (2) visit the site and fully inform himself as to all existing conditions and limitations applying to the work. Each bidder shall estimate and include in his bid a sum sufficient to cover the cost of all items which are required to complete the work intended. 02600-4 I I !I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. The Irrigation Plan and the piping details are diagrammatic. Pipe lines shown parallel in the Drawings may be placed in a common trench, provid1ed that a minimum horizontal distance of three inches (3") is maintained between buried lines. 3. Sprinkler heads are shown schematically. Discrepancies in dimensions or sizes of areas to be irrigated shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer prior to submission of bid. After such time, intent of Engineer will govern all resolution of discrepancies. B. Changes: No changes to the work specified in the Drawings and Specifications shall be made without the prior written approval of the Engineer. The Contractor may propose substitutions of equipment equal in quality and utility to that specified in the Drawings and Specifications. Such proposed substitutions shall be made to the Engineer in writing prior to installation. C. Safety: All work shall be performed in a safe manner. The Contractor shall erect and maintain barricades, guards, warning signs and lights as required for the protection of the public and workmen. D. Existing Utilities: Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to existing utilities that results from his work, whether or not such utilities are indicated on the Drawings. Prior to commencement of work, Contractor shall locate all undE~rground utilities so that proper precaution may be taken not to damage such improvements. Irrigation Contractor to coordinate his work with others to avoid damage to utilities. E. Protection of the W'ork: The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to the irrigation and water supply work which occurs before final acceptance. Securely cover all openings into the system and protect all apparatus, equipment and appliances, both before and after they are set in place, to prevent obstructions in the pipes, and breakage, misuse or disfigurement of the apparatus, equipment or appliances. F. Equipment: The Contractor shall at all times furnish and maintain sufficient equipment of the type necessary to perform the work of this contract. G. Contractor to verify on site pressure and rate of flow prior to irrigation system installation. Notify Engineer of pressure and flow rate prior to start of installation. 02600-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 GENERAL: All irrigation system components shall be new and without flaws or defects. 2.02 PIPE AND FITTINGS: A. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe: 1. PVC pipe shall be free from blisters, internal striations, dents, wrinkles, cracks, holes, and foreign materials. The interior wall shall be smooth with glass-like appearance. All shall be pipes marked continuously and permanently as to kind of pipe, material, size, schedule or type, manufacturer's name, and manufacturer's quality control identification. 2. Main line pipe 2-1/2" diameter and smaller shall be Schedule 40 solvent weld PVC. Main line pipe and fittings 3" diameter and larger shall be class 200 ring-fitted type PVC. Ring fitted PVC shall be thrust blocked per manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Lateral line (not under continuous pressure) shall be Schedule 40, solvent weld PVC. 4. Lateral line passing under pavement shall be contained in Schedule 40 PVC sleeve minimum double the diameter of the lateral. 5. Pipe class, pressure, and fittings shall be as indicated In the Drawings. 2.03 REMOTE CONTROL VALVES (RCV's) AND CONTROLLERS: A. Remote control valves and controllers shall be as shown in the Drawings. B. Electric Wire: 1. Electric Control Wire: Conductor shall be of electrical conductivity grade copper in accordance with ASTM-3; shall be insulated with the proper thickness of ICC-100 compounded insulation; and shall withstand a crush test of a minimum of 5,000 pounds per square inch. Control wire shall bear approval as U.L. Type UFo Wires connecting each solenoid to the control panel shall be red for 02600-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I positive identification. All common return wiring shall be colored white. 2. All 24-V line to be #14-1 AWG-UF Red. All 24-V common to be #12-1 AWG-UF White. 3. All 24 volt splices to be made with a 3-M Co. #3577 splice kit. 2.04 SPRINKLER HEADS: Sprinkler heads shall be as indicated in the Drawings. 2.05 BACKFILL: A. Pervious backfill shall conform to the requirements of Section 19-3.065 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. B. Where trenching is through existing paving areas, fill material shall be structure backfill to conform to Section 19-3.06 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL: A. Pipe Lines: 1. Layout: a. Pipe lines shall be installed in approximately the locations shown in the Drawings. However, for readability, the Drawin~]s sometimes show pipes, valves, and other fixtures in paved areas. In such cases, irrigation system components shall be placed in the nearest adjacent planting area whenever practical. b. No line shall be installed parallel to and directly over another line. c. Pipe lines shall have a minimum horizontal clearance of three inches (3") from each other and from any other pipe or conduit line. When lines must cross, the angle shall be 02600-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I forty-five to ninety degrees (45 - 900), and a minimum of three inches (3") vertical clearance shall be maintained. 2. All pipe shall be kept free of dirt and debris. Ream all pipe to remove all bu rrs or scale. 3. Install pipe lines free from traps and air pockets. 4. Flushing: Flush all main lines before valves are installed, all laterals when riser assemblies are in place, but before sprinkler heads are installed, and all potable systems when complete. Flushing shall be done with all water diverted from any opening in the system. 5. Sleeves: Install pipe sleeves at all points where pipes pass through concrete or masonry. In footings, allow one inch (1") clearance around pipe, and in other locations allow one-half inch (1/2"). B. Excavation and Backfill: 1. Contractor shall do all excavation and trenching necessary to complete the work included in this section of the Specifications. Trenching and backfilling shall conform to Section 20-5.03D of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. 2. Mechanical trench diggers shall be of a type forming straight sided trenches. 3. Trenches shall provide a minimum of 24" for main lines and 16" for laterals from the top of the pipe to the ground surface above. Trenches shall be no wider than is necessary. 4. After all irrigation and water supply system components have been installed, inspected, tested, and approved, backfill trenches in accordance with Section 19-3.06 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. 5. Compacted Fill Areas: Where trenches must be excavated in compacted fill, these trenches shall be backfilled with the fill materials excavated and recompacted in the layers and to the density specified for the particular area. 02600-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6. Existing Paving: Where trenching is through existing paving, Contractor shall replace pavement section to match adjacent section in kind. 7. Settling: Bring all backfill flush with adjoining grade. All backfill shall be firm and unyielding, with no visible settling. C. Staking: Stake all ends of pipes, caps and ties, remote control valves, and boxes which are buried and to be used in future work. Stake with one-half inch (1/2") diameter by thirty-six inches (36") long galvanized iron pipe capped at the surface end. Height of stake above grade shall be zero inches (Oil) at turf and paved areas and two inches (2") at all other areas unless shown othervllise. 3.02 PIPE INSTALLATION: A. PVC Pipe: 1. Contractor shall exercise care in handling loading, unloading, and storing PVC pipe and fittings. 2. Transportation: Transport pipe on a vehicle with a bed long enough to allow pipe to be flat, to avoid undue bending or concentrated external load. No dented or damaged pipe to be used. 3. Storage: Store pipe and fittings under canvas or opaque cover allowing air circulation beneath. Place pipe on flat surface with random lengths stacked separately. No stack shall be higher than three (3) feet. No pipe shall be stored outside longer than 30 days. 4. Assembly: Assemble joints per manufacturer's recommendations. Use 450 fittings for all changes in PVC pipe depth. Snake pipe from side to side of trench bottom to follow for thermal expansion and contraction. Center-load pipe with small amount of backfill to prevent arching and whipping under pressure. Pipe line shall not be tested until at least 48 hours have elapsed after solvent welding, to allow for se1ting and curing. 5. The bottom of all trenches shall be free of rocks, clods, and other sharp-edged objects. 6. Use a non-hardening pipe dope such as Permatex #2, on all threaded plastic to galvanized steel joints. 02600-9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7. Install main line ring fitted type PVC pipe with concrete thrust blocks at every change in pipe direction, per manufacturer's recommendation. B. Galvanized Pipe: Install in conformance with Section 20-5.03A of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. Secure fittings with teflon tape. 3.03 INSTALLATION OF REMOTE CONTROL VALVES, CONTROLLER, AND WIRING: A. Install remote control valves and controller in locations shown in the Drawings and according to the manufacturer's directions, including complete electrical connections. B. Remote Control Valves: 1. Install each valve in an individual valve box. Stencil controller station numbE~r on each corresponding valve box lid. 2. Locate valves no closer than 13 inches from walk edges, buildings, walls, header boards, or other structures. Where two or more valve boxes are located together, place then in a neat, orderly alignment. 3. Thoroughly flush supply line before installing valves. C. Control Wiring: 1. Install control wiring in trench for supply main. Tape wiring in a bundle with plastic tape at ten-foot (10') intervals. 2. Splices are not allowed except at remote control valves. 3. Make splices and connections by crimping bare wires with brass connectors and sealing with epoxy resin sealer packs. 4. Provide 24" excess length of control wire in each remote control valve box and in 100 feet of run to the controller. 5. Sleeving: Control wiring under concrete, asphalt, or other masonry shall be installed in schedule 40 PVC conduit - size as required. Each end of sleeve shall extend six inches (6") beyond edge of paving or structure above. Provide removable non-decaying plug at each end of sleeve, to prevent entrance of earth. 02600-10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.04 6. Connect control wires to controller in sequential arrangement according to identification number in the Drawings. Label each controller station with permanent non-fading labels indicating identification number of valve controlled. INSTALLATION OF IRRIGATION HEADS: A. General: 1. Thoroughly flush lines before installing sprinkler heads. 2. In sloping areas, install sprinkler heads in a vertical position unless directed otherwise. B. Turf Heads: 1. Locate lawn sprinkler heads as shown in the Drawings, and install as detailed in the Drawings. 2. Install lawn sprinkler heads above finish grade initially. After the second mowing of the turf, adjust pipe, fittings, valves, or sprinkler heads as necessary to bring the irrigation system to the correct grade. 3. Where lawn heads are adjacent to walls, curbs, paving, headers or other structures, maintain one inch (1") horizontal clearance between heads and such structures in order to facilitate power edging. 4. Riser assemblies shall be as shown on the drawings and shall be installed in a manner so that all joints are water tight. C. Shrub Heads: 1. Top of heads on risers shall be set six inches (6") minimum above finishE~d grade. Top of pop-up heads shall be six and one half inches (6-1/2") minimum above finished grade when heads are fully extended or twelve and one half (12-1/2'') on 12" pop-ups. 2. Maintain six inches (6'') horizontal clearance between risers and edge of any paved area. Where fixed heads are located adjacent to walls or other vertical elements, maintain six inches (6'') horizontal clearance. 02600-11 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Riser assemblies shall be as shown on the drawings and shall be installed in a manner so that all joints are water tight. D. Bubbler Heads: 1. Install bubbler heads two inches (2") above finished grade unless detailed otherwise in the Drawings. 2. Install bubbler heads twelve inches (12") in from edge of planting arecl or in approximate center if only one in area. 3. Install bubbler heads in same relative position in each planting area. 4. Riser assemblies shall be as shown on the drawings and shall be installed in a manner so that all joints are water tight. 3.05 INSTALLATION OF OTHER WATER SYSTEM COMPONENTS: A. Quick coupler Valve::;: 1. Thoroughly flush supply line before installing valves. 2. Install each valve in an individual valve box. Where two or more boxes are located together, place them in neat, orderly alignment. 3. Locate valves no closer than 12 inches from walk edges, buildings, walls, header boards, or other structures. 4. Riser assemblies shall be as shown on the drawings and shall be installed in a manner so that all joints are water tight. 3.06 ACCEPTANCE OF IRRIGA.TION PORTIONS OF WORK: A. The Contractor shall prepare the site for review by the Engineer as specified in Part 3 of this section of the Specifications. B. Ten (10) days prior to the completion of the planting portions of work, the Contractor shall request in writing a review of the work by the Engineer. If, upon review, the Engineer finds the irrigation portion of the work to be complete, then writtl3n acceptance of the irrigation portions of the work shall be given by the City. If approval and acceptance of the irrigation portions of the work are not given, the Engineer shall prepare a "punch 02600-12 I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I list" of items to be completed before acceptance of the irrigation portions of the work is given. Acceptance shall only then be given upon verification by the Engineer that the punch list items have been completed. 3.07 IRRIGATION SYSTEM MAIINTENANCE: A. The Contractor shall provide continuous maintenance of the entire irrigation system up ita and during the 90 day planting maintenance period commencing upon the City's written acceptance of the irrigation portions of the work. B. Before beginning the maintenance program, the Contractor shall inspect all systems and report damage or incorrect operation to the City. The Contractor will be responsible for the operation of the irrigation system and maintenance of sprinkler heads. 1. Specifically, he shall: a. Repair and adjust all heads to maintain proper coverages. b. Remove last head from each system and flush the lines if required. c. Repair and replace any equipment damaged, at the Contraetor's expense. d. Where the installed sprinkler system does not cover the area adequately, the Contractor shall adjust the system to provide full head to head coverage. C. Ten (10) days prior to the end of the irrigation maintenance period, the Contractor shall request in writing a final review of the work by the Engineer. Final review shall be held within the final eight (8) days of the irrigation maintenance period. If, upon review, the Engineer finds the work to be complete, then final acceptance shall be given effective at the end of the irrigation maintenance period. If approval and acceptance of the irrigation maintenance period work is not given, the Engineer shall prepare a "final punch list" of items to be completed before final acceptance is given. Final acceptance shall then be given upon verification by the Engineer that the punch list items have been completed. Upon acceptance, Contractor to give City guarantee as specified in Section 1.06D. 02600-13 I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02650 DRIP IRRIGATION AND WATER SUPPLY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all drip irrigation and related work as shown on the Drawings andlor specified herein. B. Work Included: Thle general extent of the drip irrigation is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: 1. Backflow Prevention Device 2. Main Line 3. Lateral Line 4. Pressure Regulator 5. Time Clock 6. Riser Assemblly 7. Emitter or Bubbler 8. Distribution Tubing 9. Remote Control Valve 10. "Y" Filter 02650-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Purpose of Specification: It is the intention of these Specifications to accomplish the work of installing a drip irrigation system which will operate in an efficient mannE~r and provide adequate water. The plans indicate the general arrangement of piping, tubing and equipment, and do not necessarily indicate all offsets, fittings, and accessories that may be required. The Contractor is to furnish incidental materials and labor not specifically called for but required to complete work as intended. 1.03 REGULATIONS: A. All work and materials shall be in accordance with the National Electric Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code, and other applicable State or local laws or regulations. (Nothing in these Drawings or Specifications is to be construed to permit work not conforming to these Codes.) 1. The Contractor shall furnish any additional material and labor required to comply with these rules and regulations, though the work is not mentioned in these Specifications or shown in the Drawings. 2. When the Drawings or Specifications call for materials or construction of a better quality or larger size than required by the above mentioned rules and regulations, the provision of the Drawings and Specifications shall take precedence over the requirements of the said rules and regulations. B. Comply with all applicable OSHA requirements and with all applicable regulations of other agencies having jurisdiction over the work. 1.04 PERMITS AND FEES: The Contractor shall obtain all permits and pay all required fees to any governmental agency having jurisdiction over the work and shall arrange for inspections specified by local ordinances as necessary during the course of construction. 1.05 INSPECTIONS AND TESTS: A. Before commencing work, Contractor shall determine the water pressure at the point of connection and notify the Engineer of this determination. B. The Contractor shall be subject to inspections at any time by authorized representatives of the City. 02650-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Whenever inspection of the irrigation and water supply work is required or portions of the work are specified to be performed under the direction or inspection of the En!~ineer the Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least five (5) days in advance of the time such review or direction is required. D. All irrigation and walter supply lines shall be tested in the presence of the Engineer and approved by the Engineer before any portion of the system is backfilled. Contractor shall not allow any of his work to be covered or enclosed until it has been inspected, approved by the Engineer, the Plumbing Inspector, and other governmental agencies having jurisdiction. Should any of this work be enclosed or covered before such inspection, and testing, and approval he shall uncover the work at his own expense and after inspection make all repairs necessary to restore his work and that of other Contractors to its original condition. E. Tests: All main lines shall be center loaded with valves installed and bells and fittings completely visible. A water pressure of 150 p.s.i. shall be applied and held for two and one-half (2-1/2) hours. All leaks shall be repaired and all lines approved by the Engineer before any portion of the system is backfilled. F. Reviews: In all cases where review of the drip irrigation work is required andlor where portions of the work are specified to be performed under the direction and/or observation of the Engineer, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer five (5) days in advance of the time such observation and/or direction is required. G. System Flushing and Leak Test: The main line should be connected to the filter. Then the main and lateral line flush valves should be opened, allowing the system to flush until the water appears clean. Once the main and lateral lines are flushed, the feeder lines should be flushed. Again, allow water to flow until it appears clean. If feeder lines with pre-installed emitters are being used, these should not be connected to the riser until all main and lateral lines have been flushed. The system should now be clean and full of water, with all flush valves closed, the pressure should be raised to maximum (do not exceed the pressure rating of the pipe or tube) and the entire piping system inspected for leaks. Following this leak test, the main and lateral lines should be buried. H. Closing in Uninspect,ed Work: Contractor not to allow nor cause any of his work to be covered or enclosed until it has been inspected, tested and 02650-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I approved by the Engineer the plumbing inspector, and by other governmental agencies having jurisdiction. Should any of his work be enclosed or covered before such inspection and testing, he shall uncover the work at his own expense and after inspection to make all repairs necessary and to mstore his work and that of other Contractors to its original condition. I. Final Inspection: Inrigation. When all work is complete and operating, Contractor to clean and adjust all systems and to present for final inspection a thoroughly workable, clean, and balanced system. 1.06 GUARANTEES: A. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage or defects in the drip irrigation system being installed and shall repair any and all components of the system at its own expense, in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer before final acceptance of the work. B. Any existing building or other structure, material, equipment, paving, planting, etc., dama!~ed by the Contractor during the course of his work shall be replaced or repaired by the Contractor in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer at the Contractor's own expense before the final payment is made. C. Damage by Leaks: The Contractor shall be responsible for damages to any property or work caused by leaks in the piping systems being installed, and shall repair, at his own expense and in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer all damage caused. D. The entire irrigation and water supply system shall be guaranteed in writing against defec1ts and faults of material and workmanship, for one (1) year from the date of acceptance by the City. All materials used shall carry a manufacturer's guarantee for the length of time specified by the manufacturer, but in no case less than one (1) year. E. Any damage due to any irrigation failures which may occur during a one (1) year period after final acceptance shall be repaired by the Contractor to the Engineer's satisfaction without expense to the City. Such repair shall include, but not be limited to the complete restoration of all damaged planting, paving, and other improvements of any kind. F. Any settling or backfilled trenches which may occur during a one (1) year period after final acc1eptance to be repaired to the Engineer's satisfaction 02650-4 I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I by the Contractor without expense to the City, including the complete restoration of all damaged planting, paving, or other improvements of any kind. 1.07 SUBMITTALS: A. Record Drawings: 1. The Contractor shall maintain in good order in the field office one complete set of all the irrigation drawings that form a part of this contract. In the event any work is not installed as indicated on the Drawings or in the Specifications, such work shall be indicated and dimensioned accurately on these record drawings. 2. These drawings shall also serve as work progress sheets. Contractor shall make neat, legible annotations thereon daily as the work proceeds, showing the work, including the exact locations, sizes, and kinds of equipment as actually installed. These drawings shall be available at all times for inspection by Engineer. 3. On or before the date of the final inspection, the Contractor shall deliver to the City, a corrected, complete set of these as-built drawings, which shall be on reproducible vellum or sepia prints of the original irrigation drawings. Prints for preparing these as-built record drawings may be obtained from the Engineer. Delivery of these drawin~Js to the City will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of furnishing any required information. B. Instructions: After the irrigation system has been installed and approved, the Contractor shall instruct the Engineer on the complete operation and maintenance of the 8ystem. Further, the Contractor shall supply the City, before final payment is made, with all tools called for in the Drawings and with operating instructions for all components of the irrigation system. 1.08 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Examination and Verification of Drawings: 1. Before submitting a bid, each bidder shall: (1) carefully examine the Drawings and Specifications and (2) visit the site and fully inform himself as to all existing conditions and limitations applying to the work. Each bidder shall estimate and include in his bid a sum sufficient to cover the cost of all items which are required to complete the work intended. 02650-5 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. The Irrigation Plan and the piping details are diagrammatic. Pipe lines shown parallel in the Drawings may be placed in a common trench, provided that a minimum horizontal distance of three inches (3") is maintained between buried lines. 3. Emitter heads are shown schematically. Discrepancies in dimensions or sizes of areas to be irrigated shall be brought to the attention of tile City's Representative prior to submission of bid. After such time, intent of City's Representative will govern all resolution of dliscrepancies. B. Changes: No changes to the work specified in the Drawings and Specifications shall be made without the prior written approval of the Engineer. The Contractor may propose substitutions of equipment equal in quality and utility to that specified in the Drawings and Specifications. Such proposed substitutions shall be made to the Engineer in writing prior to installation. C. Safety: All work shall be performed in a safe manner. The Contractor shall erect and maintain barricades, guards, warning signs and lights as required for the protection of the public and workmen. D. Existing Utilities: Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to existing utilities that results from his work, whether or not such utilities are indicated on the Dratwings. Prior to commencement of work, Contractor shall locate all underground utilities so that proper precaution may be taken not to damage such improvements. Irrigation Contractor to coordinate his work with others to avoid damage to utilities. E. Protection of the Wfork: The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to the irrigaition and water supply work which occurs before final acceptance. Securely cover all openings into the system and protect all apparatus, equipment and appliances, both before and after they are set in place, to prevent obstructions in the pipes, and breakage, misuse or disfigurement of the apparatus, equipment or appliances. F. Equipment: The Contractor shall at all times furnish and maintain sufficient equipment of the type necessary to perform the work of this contract. 02650-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 PLASTIC PIPE (PVC - POLYVINYL CHLORIDE): A. Materials: 1. Plastic pipe to be polyvinyl chloride free from blisters, internal striations, denits, wrinkles, cracks, holes, foreign materials and the interior wall smooth with glass-like appearance. All pipes marked continuously and permanently with manufacturer's name, kind of pipe, material, size, schedule or type, and manufacturer's quality control identification. 2. Main line plastic pipes and fittings shall be Schedule 40 PVC, solvent weld, unless noted otherwise on the plans. (See legend.) 3. Lateral line shall be Class 200 solvent weld PVC with schedule 40 fittings. B. Installation: 1. Plastic Pipe Assembly: The contractor to exercise care in handling, loading, unloading and storing plastic pipe and fittings. The pipe and fittings to be stored under canvas or opaque cover with air circulation under sheet. 2. Transportation to be on a vehicle with a bed long enough to allow the pipe to lay flat, to avoid undue bending or concentrated external load. Pipe that has been dented or damaged to be repaired by cutting out the dent or damaged section and rejoining with a coupling. 3. Pipe to be placed on flat surfaces with random lengths stacked separately. No stack higher than three feet (3') and stored outside longer than thil1y (30) days. 4. Trench to provide a minimum of eighteen inches (18") for mains and six inches (6") for laterals from the ground surface to the top of the pipe. The bottom of the trench shall be free from rocks, clods, and other sharp-edged objects. Joints to be assembled as per manufacturer's recommendation. Pipe to be snaked from side to side of trench bottom to allow for thermal expansion and contraction. For all changes in depth of PVC pipe, 450 fittings shall be used. Center-load pipe. 02650-7 I I I C. D. I E. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Emitter: Emitter shall be as shown on the irrigation legend. Tubing: Distribution tubing shall be as shown on the plans and details. Remote Control Valves and Controller: 1. Remote control valves and controller shall be as shown on the legend and equipment list on the Drawings. 2. Electric Control Wire: Conductor shall be of electrical conductivity grade copper in accordance with ASTM-3; shall be insulated with proper thickness of ICC-100 compounded insulation; and shall withstand a crush test of a minimum of five thousand (5,000) pounds per square inch. Control wire shall bear approval as U.L. Type UFo Wires connecting each solenoid to the control panel shall be red for positive identification. All common return wiring shall be colored white. 3. All 24-V line to be #14-1 AWG-UF Black. All 24-V common to be #12-1 AWG-UF White. 4. All 24 volt splices to be made with a 3-M Co. #3577 splice kit. 5. Valve Assembly Unit: a. Valve assembly unit shall consist of a control valve with built- in pressure regulator and pressure gauge, plastic box, and the nE~cessary fittings and pipe required for installation as shown on the plans. b. The pressure reducing valve body shall be manufactured of brass or bronze and shall be capable of withstanding a working pressure of 150 pounds per square inch. The valve shall be equipped with a union and shall be regulated between 35 and 40 pounds per square inch. c. The filter shall be 'Y' type as shown on the legend and details. d. The pressure gauge case and window shall be manufactured of polycarbonate resin. The gauge shall be 1-1/2 inches in diameter, shall be calibrated from 0 to 60 02650-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I pounds per square inch in 2-pound increments, and shall be complete with a black aluminum pointer. e. The valve assembly unit components shall be of the same size as the pipeline which said unit serves unless otherwise shown on the plans. f. Lateral lines shall be equipped with flush valves at the ends of all lines. See legend. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL: A. The Contractor to do all excavation and trenching necessary for the installation of the wOlrk included in this section. B. Trenches shall be no wider than is necessary. C. Mechanical trench diggers shall be of an approved type with straight sides. D. Contractor to be responsible for any damage to existing pipe lines, whether shown on Drawings or not, as installed by other Contractors on the job. E. After materials hav(~ been installed, inspected, tested and approved, trenches to be backfilled to conform with the requirements of the following Items F, G and H. F. Structure backfill to Gonform to the requirements of Section 19-306 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications, except that ponding and jetting in planted areas' may be permitted to within twelve inches (12") of finish grade. G. Pervious backfill to conform to the requirements of Section 19-3.065 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. H. Settling: All backfill to be flush with adjoining grade in a firm, unyielding position with no visible settling. 02650-9 I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.02 PIPE LINES: A. Pipe lines to be installed in approximately the locations shown on the plan. Where a pipe line is shown parallel and adjacent to a planted area, the intent is that the pipE~ be installed in the planting area. B. All pipe to be kept frree of dirt and debris. Pipe shall be reamed and any burrs andlor scale removed. C. Pipe lines to have a minimum horizontal clearance of three inches (3") from each other and from any other pipe or conduit line. When lines must cross, the angle shall be forty-five to ninety degrees (45 - 900) and a minimum of three inches (3") vertical clearance to be maintained. D. No line shall be installed parallel to and directly over another line. E. Install pipe lines free from traps and air pockets. F. Install pipe sleeves at all points where pipes pass through concrete or masonry. In footin~ls, allow one inch (1 ") clearance around pipe, and in other locations allow one-half inch (1/2"). G. Flush all main lines and laterals before valves are installed, but before emitters are installed. with small amount of backfill to prevent arching and whipping under pressure. The pipe line should not be tested until the above has been accomplished and a period of at least forty-eight (48) hours has elapsed for solvent weld setting and curing. H. Distribution tubing shall be laid in such a manner as to be concealed by mulch andlor soil to a minimum depth of 2". Tubing shall be secured with appropriate staples so that it is held in place during repeated operations. I. Coordinate drip location with plant location. Layout to be approved by City's Representative prior to installation of planting or irrigation. 3.03 REMOTE CONTROL VALVES AND CONTROLLER: A. Install in locations shown on Drawings and according to the manufacturer's directions, including complete electrical connections. B. Control wiring shall be installed in the same trench as the supply main. Position of wiring in main as well as lateral trenches shall be as shown in detail drawing in plans. Control wiring shall be taped into a bundle with plastic tape at ten foot (10') intervals. 02650-10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Provide a twenty four inch (24") excess coil of control wire in each RCV box and in each one hundred feet (100') of run to controller. D. Splices not allowed except at RCV's. E. Run one extra control wire per valve grouping. 3.04 STAKING: Stake all ends of pipes, caps and ties, remote control valves and boxes which are buried and to be used in future work. Stake with one-half inch (1/2") by thirty-six inch (36") length fI.i. pipe capped at surface end. Height of stake above grade to be two inches (2"), unless otherwise shown. 3.05 INSTALLATION OF OTHEH WATER SYSTEM COMPONENTS: A. Quick Coupler ValvE!s: 1. Thoroughly flush supply line before installing valves. 2. Install each valve in an individual valve box. Where two or more boxes are located together, place them in neat, orderly alignment. 3. Locate valves no closer than 12 inches from walk edges, buildings, walls, header boards, or other structures. 3.06 ACCEPTANCE OF IRRIG)\TION PORTIONS OF WORK: A. The Contractor shall prepare the site for review by the Engineer as specified in Part 3 of this section of the Specifications. B. Ten (10) days prior to the completion of the planting portions of work, the Contractor shall request in writing a review of the work by the Engineer. If, upon review, the Engineer finds the irrigation portion of the work to be complete, then written acceptance of the irrigation portions of the work shall be given by the City. If approval and acceptance of the irrigation portions of the work are not given, the Engineer shall prepare a "punchlist" of items to be completed before acceptance of the work is given. Acceptance shall only then be given upon verification by the Engineer that the punchlist items have been completed. 02650-11 I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I 3.07 IRRIGATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: A. The Contractor shall provide maintenance of the entire irrigation system for a period of sixty (60) calendar days, commencing upon the City's written acceptance of the irrigation portions of the work. B. Before beginning the maintenance program, the Contractor shall inspect all systems and report damage or incorrect operation to the City. The Contractor will be responsible for operation of the irrigation system and maintenance of sprinkler heads. 1. Specifically, the Contractor shall: a. Repair and adjust all heads to maintain proper coverages. b. Remove last head from each system and flush the lines if requirE~d. c. Repair and replace any equipment damaged, at the Contractor's expense. d. Where the installed sprinkler system does not cover the area adequately, the Contractor shall provide his own sprinklers and hoses to adequately water the area. C. Ten (10) days prior to the end of the irrigation maintenance period, the Contractor shall request in writing a final review of the work by the Engineer. Final revirsw shall be held within the final eight (8) days of the irrigation maintenance period. If, upon review, the Engineer finds the work to be complete, then final acceptance shall be given effective at the end of the irrigation maintlsnance period. If approval and acceptance of the irrigation maintenance period work is not given, the Engineer shall prepare a "final punch list" of items to be completed before final acceptance is given. Final acceptance shall then be given upon verification by the Engineer that the punchlist items have been completed. Upon acceptance, contractor to give City guarantee as specified in Section 1.06 D. 02650-12 I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02700 PREPARATION OF PLANTING AREAS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this Section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all planting area preparation and related work as shown on the Drawings and/or specified herein. B. Related Work: Planting covered by Section 02490 of the Specifications. C. Work Included: The general extent of the preparation of planting areas is shown on the drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following: 1.03 REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS: Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: Comply with State of California Administrative Code, Title 8, Industrial Relations, Chapter 4, Sub-chapter 4, Construction Safety Orders, and with rules and regulations of all regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the project. 1.04 TESTS, INSPECTIONS AND SUBMITTALS: A. Prior to commencing soil preparation operations, Contractor shall request a review by the Landscape Architect to verify specified limits and grades of work completed. If additional inspections or observations by the Engineer are required as a result of Contractor's non-compliance with these Specifications, Contractor shall pay for such additional inspections or observations at no increase in contract sum. 02700-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. If required on the plans, Contractor shall provide an agricultural suitability test for all soil to be used in planting areas. C. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer at least fourteen (14) days prior to installation samples of materials for approval. For standard products, also submit the manufacturers certified analysis. For other materials, submit an analysis by a recognized laboratory made in accordance with the current methods established by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. D. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer written certification stating quantity, type, composition, weight and origin of all amendments and chemicals delivered to the site for soil preparation work. E. Verification of Material: The Contractor shall, upon demand, produce records to verify the ordering and delivery of specified quantities and types of material for this job. 1.05 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND JOB CONDITIONS: A. Contractor shall exercise caution and provide necessary safeguards to prevent injury to, or defacement of, existing site improvements, including planting and underground utilities. Contractor shall repair or replace, at no increase in contract sum, property damaged as a result of his work. B. Before commencing site work, locate underground utilities in order to preclude any possible damage. Do not use heavy equipment, which may cause damage to existing facilities. Use hand excavation as required to minimize the possibility of damage to underground utilities. C. Equip internal combustion motors and compressors with mufflers. Do not leave such equipment running under trees. D. Areas to be planted shall be rough graded by the General Contractor. Rough grades may vary within a tolerance of one-tenth of a foot (0.1 ') from the finished grade elevations shown on the Drawings. Areas to be planted shall be graded by the Contractor to the finish grades indicated on the Drawings. Contractor shall grade landscape areas in such a manner as to direct drainage away from buildings and walkways. Contractor shall grade all landscape areas so as not to allow standing water. Minimum percentage of slope to all landscape areas shall be two percent (2%). Contractor shall notify Engineer prior to start of construction if he anticipates any drainage problems. 02700-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E. Before Proceeding With The Work: Contractor shall check rough-graded areas and verify all dimensions and quantities. Contractor shall immediately inform the Engineer of any discrepancy between the Drawings and Specifications and actual conditions. Contractor shall perform no work in any area where there is such a discrepancy until approval has been given by the Engineer. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 TOPSOIL: A. Topsoil shall consist of a fertile, friable soil of a loamy character, which contains a normal amount of organic matter, without the addition of humus or soil amendments. It shall be free of any refuse, heavy or stiff clay, hard dirt clods, stones larger than one and one-half inches (1-1/2-inch) in any dimension, roots larger than three-quarters of an inch (3/4-inch) in diameter, noxious weeds, Bermuda grass, nut grass, and other deleterious materials. Topsoil shall also be free from toxic amounts of either acid or alkaline chemicals and shall be capable of sustaining plant life. B. Topsoil may be imported or may be obtained by selection from the site if it meets the above requirements. Topsoil sample shall be thoroughly wetted down and allowed to dry two (2) days prior to inspection for approval. If required on plans, imported or site topsoil shall be tested by an approved horticultural soil testing facility prior to placement or delivery to site. 2.02 WOOD RESIDUAL SOIL AMENDMENT: A. No amendment shall be delivered to the site without prior approval by the Engineer or his appointed agent. Contractor shall supply Engineer or his appointed representative with a sample of amendment accompanied by analytical data from an approved laboratory illustrating degree of compliance. B. Wood residual soil amendments shall meet the following requirements: 1) Gradation: A minimum of 90% of the material by weight shall pass a %-inch screen. Material passing the %-inch screen shall meet the following criteria: 02700-3 I I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Percent Passing Sieve Designation 85 - 100 50 - 80 0-40 9.51 mm (318-inch) 2.38 mm (No.8) 500 micron (No. 35) 2) Organic content: Minimum 50% based on dry weight and determined by ash method. Minimum 250 Ibs. Organic matter per cubic yard of compost. 3) Carbon to nitrogen ratio: Maximum 35:1 if materials claimed to be nitrogen stabilized. 4) 5) pH: 5.5 - 8.0 as determined in saturated paste. Soluble salts: Soluble nutrients typically account for most of the salinity levels but sodium should account for less than 25% of the total. To avoid a leaching requirement, the addition of the compost shall result in a final Ece of the amended soil of less than 4.0 dSlm @ 25 degrees C as determined in a saturation extract. Use the following table to determine the maximum allowable Ece (dSlm of saturation extract) of compost at desired use rate and allowable Ece increase. Desired Use Rate Maximum Allowable Ece Increase from Amendment Cu. Yds. Volume Amendment per Percentage 1 dS/m 2 dS/m 3 dS/m 1000sq. ft. for of incorporation to Amendment 6-inch depth Maximum Ece of Compost 1 5 14 28 42 2 11 7 14 21 3 16 5 9.5 14 4 22 3.5 7 10.5 5 27 3 5.5 8.5 6 32 2.5 4.5 7 Example: Specification calls for 6 cu. Yards compost per 1000 sq. ft. for incorporation to 6-inch depth, and site soil has an Ece of 2.0. In order to avoid exceeding Ece of 4 in final blend, compost Ece should be less than 4.5 dSlm. 02700-4 I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I 6) Moisture content: 35-60% 7) Contaminants: The compost shall be free of contaminants such as glass, metal and visible plastic. 8) Maturity: include: color: odor: Physical characteristics suggestive of maturity dark brown to black acceptable = none, soil-like, musty or moldy unacceptable = sourr ammonia or putrid particle characterization: Identifiable wood pieces are acceptable but the balance of material should be soil-like without recognizable grass or leaves. 2.03 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER: A. Commercial fertilizer shall be commercially processed fertilizer per the Drawings and shall conform to applicable requirements of agricultural laws and regulations of the State of California. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CLEARING: A. In all areas to be planted, remove and properly dispose of all rocks and paving materials over one inch (1-inch) in any dimension, and all weeds, debris and other unwanted or noxious material. 3.02 SOIL PREPARATION: A. Soil Moisture Content: Do not work soil when moisture content is so great that excessive compaction will occur, or when the soil is so dry that clods will not break readily or dust will form in the air. Apply water as required to prevent the formation of an airborne dust nuisance and to provide ideal soil moisture content for tilling. B. Subgrade Scarification: All areas to be planted shall be cross-ripped and scarified to a minimum depth of 8 rr prior to planting. Following ripping and scarifying, all areas to be planted shall be tilled to break down clods. Any rocks over one inch (1-inch) in any dimension, gravel, and miscellaneous debris shall be removed. Any areas which, subsequent to initial ripping, become recompacted as a result 02700-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I of having been subjected to vehicular traffic shall be re-ripped before placement of topsoil. C. Import topsoil Layer: All areas to be planted shall finish with import topsoil placed to eighty percent (80%) maximum relative compaction, as determined by Test Method No. California -216. Minimum depth of topsoil shall be six inches (6-inches) unless indicated otherwise in the Drawings. D. Incorporate commercial fertilizer and soil amendments as specified, cultivate top six inches (6-inches) of soil in all areas, and remove all sticks, stones over one inch (1-inch) in any dimension, roots, weeds and other foreign material. All areas shall be hand graded and smoothed. Topsoil is not required on slopes steeper than 2: 1 . 3.03 FINISH GRADING: A. After completion of pavements and structures, areas to be planted shall be graded and shaped by blading, dragging, and other means. Finished surfaces shall be uniform and smooth and shall conform to slopes and finish grades indicated on the Drawings after soil preparation, settlement, and planting have occurred. Minor adjustments to finish grades shall be made at the direction of the Engineer if required. B. Finished grades shall provide for surface drainage of planting areas. Contractor shall correct drainage condition which may be detrimental to the growth of plants or which result in retention of water in tree pits. C. Finished grades of planting areas shall be one inch (1") below adjacent pavement or tops of curbs after settlement. D. Tops and toes of all slopes shall be rounded to produce a smooth, continuous, and natural-appearing transition between slopes and relatively level areas. E. Finish grading shall direct water away from all structures and walks. F. Contractor shall obtain approval by Engineer for finish grades before any planting begins. 02700-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02710 PLANTING (SEEDED TURF) PART I - GENERAL 1.01 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all planting and related work as shown on the Drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work included: The general extent of the planting is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: C. Related work: Preparation of planting areas covered by Section 02700 of the Specifications. 1.03 REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS: A. Plant materials shall meet or exceed the American Nurserymen Association standards, as specified in the current edition of American Standard for Nursery Stock published by the American Association of Nurserymen, Inc. Provide plant materials in accordance with applicable California Agricultural Codes. 02710-1 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: 1. Provide certificates of inspection of landscape materials with shipments as required by governmental authorities. Comply with all applicable Federal, State and County regulations governing landscape materials. Inspection by Federal or State Governments at place of growth does not preclude rejection of plants at project site. 2. Comply with State of California Administrative code, Title 8, Industrial Relations, Chapter 4, Subchapter 4, Construction Safety Orders, and with rules and regulations of all regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the work: 1.04 INSPECTIONS: A. All reviews by the Engineer of planting work shall be requested by the Contractor at least two (2) working days prior to anticipated review. B. The Contractor shall request a review by the Engineer at the following points in the progress of the work. 1. Before planting, plants to be reviewed shall be set out in their containers, in place according to the Planting Plan, before the Engineer's arrival at the site. 2. Upon completion of planting. 3. Upon completion of the plant establishment period. The Engineer reserves the right to inspect trees, shrubs, and groundcover further for size and condition of root systems and for injuries and latent defects and to reject unsatisfactory or defective plant material at any time during the progress of the work. In particular the Engineer reserves the right to require washing of the root ball of plant materials to inspect for root girdling or root-bound conditions. Washed or rejected plants shall be removed immediately from the site. C. The Contractor shall schedule his work so that the Engineer's review of the quality, size, variety, placement, and orientation of all plants can be accomplished in a single trip to the site, or in one trip for each planting unit if the Drawings divide the plant list into planting units. 02710-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. No plant material shall be planted until the Engineer has approved its quality and placement. E. The plant establishment period shall begin upon approval by the Engineer of the planting work. The Engineer shall give such approval if, upon review, he finds the work complete and in compliance with the Drawings and Specifications. F. No additional planting inspection trips will be made, nor shall any extension of contract time be allowed, due to rejected materials or the failure of the Contractor to schedule his work properly or to comply with the requirements of this section of the Specifications. Engineer to review replacement material prior to installation. 1.05 SUBMITTALS: A. Submit to Engineer certificates of inspection required by law for transportation of plant materials to the site. B. Submit to the Engineer duplicate signed copies of statement from the vendor certifying that each container of turf seed delivered to the site is fully labeled in accordance with the Federal Seed Act and that the seed meets the requirements specified in the Drawings and Specifications. C. Submit to the Engineer samples and certified analysis of mulch, fertilizer, pre-emergent herbicide, or other materials for approval before delivery to the site. For standard products, submit the manufacturer's analysis. For all other materials submit an analysis made by a recognized laboratory in accordance with the current methods of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. D. Samples and Analysis of Material: The Engineer reserves the right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to Specifications at any time. Furnish samples of materials to the Engineer upon request. Immediately remove rejected materials from the site. E. Verification of material: The Contractor shall, upon demand, produce records to verify the ordering and delivery of specified quantities and types of material for this job. F. If Contractor wishes to substitute plants for those indicated in the Drawings, he shall submit a list of the proposed substitutions to the Engineer at least thirty (30) days before beginning work covered by this 02710-3 I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I section of the Specifications. Substitute plants will be acceptable only if specified plants are proven unavailable or unacceptable to the Engineer. 1.06 GUARANTEES AND REPLACEMENTS: A. All plant material shall be guaranteed to be in good, healthy, and flourishing condition of active growth at the end of one growing year from the date of final acceptance by the Engineer of the planting work. B. Delay in the completion of planting operations which extends the work into more than one planting season shall extend the guarantee period correspondingly. C. Plants shall be free of dead branches and dead branch tips, and shall have foliage of normal density, size and color, in order to be considered vigorous and thriving. Root-bound condition will not be acceptable. D. Dead plants and plants not in a vigorous, thriving condition as determined by the Engineer shall be replaced as soon as weather conditions permit, at no increase in the Contract Amount. E. Provide replacement plants of comparable quality, type, and size for plants which fail for any reason. 1.07 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Personnel: Planting and/or seeding shall be performed by personnel familiar with planting procedures and under the supervision of a qualified planting foreman. The planting foreman shall be on the job site whenever planting is in progress. B. Equipment:: The Contractor shall at all times furnish and maintain sufficient equipment as necessary to perform the work of this contract. Such equipment shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Engineer. C. Plant List: The Contractor shall furnish the quantities and sizes of material necessary to complete the job as shown on the planting plan. The Plant List, if included, is for the Contractor's convenience only, and any discrepancies with the plans shall not entitle the Contractor to additional ren umeration. D. Verify that landscape irrigation work has been completed, reviewed and approved by Engineer prior to beginning work of this Section. 02710-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E. Utilities: Prior to cutting into the soil, locate all underground cables, conduits, sewers, and other utilities and take proper precautions so as not to damage or disturb such improvements. If a conflict exists between such obstacles and the proposed work, promptly notify the Architect. Proceed in the same manner if rock or any other condition encountered underground makes changes advisable. If possible, rock and other underground obstructions shall be removed to depth necessary to permit proper planting. Where such obstructions cannot be removed, plant locations shall be adjusted by the Engineer or his authorized representative. Contractor to be responsible for the repair of any damaged utilities caused by his negligence during planting operations. F. Water Lines: Obtain permission from City before shutting off water lines. Keep disruptions of existing systems to a minimum. Repair any damaged water lines caused by planting operations. G. For identification purposes, flag or stake existing valve boxes and sleeves, c1eanouts, junction boxes, and similar structures before beginning work under this section of the Specifications, and maintain such flags or stakes until final inspection. H. Maintenance Before Planting: Protect and maintain according to good horticultural practices, all plant material delivered to the site. Proper maintenance between delivery and planting shall include watering and feeding as necessary and providing protection from animals, wind, excessive sun, and vandals. Store shade plants in the shade and sun plants in the sun. I. Handling of Plant Materials: Plants shall not be handled by stems, trunks or tops, but only by the container. No plant shall be bound with wire or rope at any time so as to damage the bark or break the branches. J. Protection of Existing Site Improvements: I. Contractor shall exercise caution and provide necessary safeguards to prevent damage to existing site improvements, including planting. Contractor shall repair or replace, at no increase in Contract Sum, property damaged as a result of his work. 2. If existing tree roots over one inch (1") in diameter are cut during the course of the work, the cut faces shall be thoroughly coated with emulsified asphalt made especially for use on cut or damaged 02710-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I plant tissues. Exposed roots shall be covered with wet burlap to prevent them from drying out. K. Abbreviations: Gal. = gallon can (plant) G.C. = gallon can (plant) O.C. = on center (spacing) L. The Engineer reserves the right to make substitutions, additions and deletions to the planting scheme when he deems it necessary as the work progresses on the site. Plant materials acquired through additions or substitutions will be subject to all conditions and guarantees herein specified. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 GENERAL: Water shall be furnished by the City. All other materials shall be provided by the Contractor and shall meet the requirements specified in this section and in the "Preparation of Planting Areas" section of the Specifications. 2.02 PLANTS: A. Quality and Size: Plants shall be vigorous and of normal habit of growth and shall be free of girdling roots, disease, insects, insect eggs and larvae. Trees shall have straight trunks with the leader intact, unless otherwise specified. All abrasions and cuts shall be completely calloused over. Plants shall be of standard size for container and species, unless specified otherwise in the Drawings. Any undersized material will be rejected. The heights of plants and of branching shall be measured when the branches are in normal positions. Plants shall not be pruned prior to delivery, except upon special approval. B. Nomenclature: Plant names used in the Drawings and Specifications conform to Standardized Plant Names, by the Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature. Names of varieties not included therein conform generally to names accepted in the nursery trade. C. Plant labels: Plant labels shall identify a typical sample of each species and variety. 02710-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. Substitutions: Substitutions are not desired. When substitutions are allowed, all requirements of the plant shall be met, and in no case shall substitutions be made without the written approval of the Engineer. E. Except for turf, annuals, cuttings, and balled or bareroot stock, plants shall have been grown in a nursery under climatic conditions similar to those in the locality of the project for at least one (1) year prior to delivery to the site. Boxed trees shall be well established in boxes before delivery to the site. Balled stock shall be freshly dug. The bailor balled stock shall have the original soil in which it was grown, without addition, the balls shall be whole and intact, and not broken on arrival at the site. Burlap used shall be of sufficient size to enclose the complete dirt ball and shall be tied securely with stout twine. Balled stock or bare root stock may be furnished where canned containers are specified, only with approval by the Engineer. F. Plants Reserved at Nursery: The Engineer may tag certain plant materials to be purchased by Contractor for use in this project. Tagged plants, together with the name of the nursery, are indicated on the Drawings. Conditions of these Specifications, including guarantee, apply to such plants. G. Container stock shall be delivered to the site in first-class condition. Plants requiring support shall have small stakes in containers. H. Turf Seed: 1. Seed shall be fresh, clean, and new crop. Any seed which has become wet, moldy, or is otherwise damaged in transit or storage will not be acceptable. The minimum percentage by weight of pure, live seed shall be eighty-eight percent (88%). Material other than live seed shall not exceed twelve percent (12%), including all nonviable seed, chaff, hulls, harmless inert matter, and other materials in the mixture. The mixture shall not contain more crop seed, weed seed, or inert matter than the following: Crop seed Weed seed Inert matter 1.00% 0.20% 3.50% 2. All seed shall be furnished in sealed, standard containers, unless exception is granted in writing by the Engineer. The dealer may mix the seed provided a guaranteed statement of composition of 02710-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I mixture percentages of purity and germination of each variety is attached to the sealed container. 3. All seed used shall be labeled in accordance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rules and Regulations under the Federal Seed Act in effect on the date of the Notice to Bidders. The Engineer shall be furnished with duplicate signed copies of a statement from the vendor certifying that each container of seed delivered is fully labeled in accordance with the Federal Seed Act and is at least equal to the requirements above. This certification shall appear on, or with, all signed copies of invoices for the seed. Each lot of seed shall be subject to sampling and testing by the Engineer. 4. The seed shall be pre-treated with a pre-emergence fungus preventative such as "Thiram" in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. I. Lawn seed for reseeding shall match existing sod or seed mixture. 2.03 STAKING AND GUYING MATERIALS: A. Stakes shall be free of splits and knots and shall be treated with wood preservative. See drawings for staking details. B. Ties shall be corded rubber, a minimum of sixteen inches by (16" X 1"), attached to stakes per the Drawings. C. Fabric rubber hose of required diameter shall be used to cover wire at points of contact with plant. D. Eye bolts shall be one-half inch (%") hot dip galvanized. 2.04 FERTILIZERS, CHEMICALS, AND AMENDMENTS: A. Commercial fertilizer shall be commercially processed fertilizer per the Drawings and shall conform to applicable requirements of agricultural laws and regulations of the State of California. Fertilizer used in the plant establishment period shall furnish the percentages of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potassium required to keep all plants on the site in a healthy and vigorous growing condition. B. Planting tablets shall be Agriform "Blue Chip" weighing 21 grams each, or approved equal. 02710-8 I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Chemicals shall be Best, Ortho, or as approved by Engineer. Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides shall be of the best quality obtainable and shall be brought to the job site in the original manufacturer's containers, properly labeled with guaranteed analyses. D. Wood residual soil amendments shall be as specified in the Drawings and in Part 2.02 of the "Preparation of Planting Areas" section of these specifications. 2.05 TOPSOIL: Topsoil shall be as specified in Section 02700 Part 2.01 of the "Preparation of Planting Areas" section of these specifications. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL OPERATIONS: A. The term "planting areas" means all areas to be planted with trees, shrubs, groundcover, or turf. B. Weather: No planting shall occur during weather conditions which will adversely affect materials nor when soil is in a muddy condition. 3.02 PREPARATION OF PLANTING AREAS: Preparation of planting areas, including clearing, finish grading, soil preparation watering and spraying shall be as specified in the "Preparation of Planting Areas" section of these Specifications. 3.03 BLANK 3.04 PLANTING OF TREES AND SHRUBS: A. Plant locations shown on the Planting Plan are relative and the Engineer may make adjustments in the location of plants in order to achieve the intended results. Where possible, the Contractor shall locate shrubs no closer than two feet (2') and trees no closer than four feet (4') to pavements or structures. B. Plant holes shall be dimensioned as shown in the Drawings, or at least twice the width and one times the depth of the rootball. Plant holes shall 02710-9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I be roughly cylindrical. The walls and bottoms of plant holes shall be scarified. C. Proper drainage of plant pits is necessary. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer if any subsoil conditions cause the retention of water in plant holes for than twenty-four (24) hours, and shall submit proposals for correcting such drainage conditions before proceeding with planting. Planting under such conditions may not proceed without the approval of the Engineer. D. Plants shall be carefully removed from containers. All tin containers, other than knockout cans, shall be cut on two sides to facilitate removal of plants with as little disturbance as possible to the root ball. Cans shall be cut with can cutters or similar equipment. In no case shall cans be broken open with an ax, mattock, or similar article. E. If plants do not have young feeder roots showing at the edge of the container, loosen their roots and cut in a few places to encourage new feeder root development along the perimeter of the rootball. F. Soil excavated from plant holes, if suitable as topsoil and approved by the Engineer or his authorized representative, may be re-used for planting operations. If unsuitable soil is encountered in excavation, such soil shall be removed from the site and a sufficient amount of approved topsoil for installing plant material shall be provided. G. Shrubs and trees shall be set true and plumb with the top of the plant ball, as grown in the nursery can container. The top of the plant ball shall be set approximately one-half inch above the finish grade of the planting area. The Contractor shall be responsible for any settling and shall raise and replant any plants whose crown settles below the finish grade. H. Place backfill in bottom of plant hole after making sure base of hole is loose enough for good drainage. After placing plant ball as detailed, firm backfill around ball or roots of plant and water thoroughly. I. Except where a plant is in a lawn area or where a single plant space is otherwise edged, form a berm or ridge of soil in a neat circle at the drip-line of each tree and shrub, to facilitate watering and hold top mulch. J. Immediately after planting, securely stake or guy all trees in accordance with the tree planting details. Place each tie as shown in details, in a figure eight pattern with a loop large enough to allow for two (2) years' growth. 02710-10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I K. After planting, prune back trees and shrubs approximately ten percent (10%) as directed by the Engineer. No pruning shall be done without inspection and approval by the Engineer. 3.05 GROUNDCOVER: A. Groundcover plants shall be placed in a triangular pattern. The on-center dimension given in the Drawings for plant spacing is a maximum dimension. B. After planting, water thoroughly. Mulch areas between groundcover plants as specified in the Drawings. 3.06 SEEDED TURF: A. Upon delivery to the site, store. seed containers in a dry, damp-proof storehouse. Withdraw no more than the amount of seed that can be spread before quitting time each day. Unspread seed that is not returned to the storehouse overnight will be rejected. B. Prepare the turf seed bed as specified in the "Preparation of Planting Areas section of these Specifications. To ensure proper surface drainage, prepare and maintain, throughout the course of the work, an even finished grade with no local ridges or depressions. The surface of the seed bed shall be friable, loose, and free of weeds, rocks, and earth clods at the time of seeding. C. Seeding: 1. Sow seed during a windless period using a proper seeder. Sow seed uniformly over the seed bed as follows: Sow one-half (1/2) of the specified amount in one direction and the remaining half (1/2) at right angles to the first direction. 2. Apply specified amount of fertilizer uniformly over the seed bed. 3. Lightly rake surface to cover seed and to mix it with fertilizer, and then compact with a 200 lb. roller. 4. Wet seeded lawn slowly but thoroughly, and keep lawn moist, but not saturated, at all times until the grass is up. 5. Reseed all bare spots at intervals until a full stand of grass is established over the entire lawn area. 02710-11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. Protection: Protect turf areas with temporary fencing as necessary. Maintain protective barriers in orderly condition and repair any damage to turf until turf planting work has been accepted by the Engineer. E. Mowing: Whenever the grass reaches a height of three inches (3") mow to one and one-half inches (1-1/2") and remove all clippings. 3.07 ESTABLISHMENT OF PLANTING: A. The Contractor shall provide, until final acceptance of project, or the beginning of the maintenance period, maintenance of all plants and planted areas. Maintenance operations shall include watering, weeding, replanting, fertilizing, and any other operations necessary to maintain plant health and vigor, including treatment for fungus, diseases, insect pests, or rodents. B. Following planting and initial watering, water all plants and planted areas as necessary to keep the ground moist from the surface to well below the root systems. Hand-water planted areas not covered by the sprinkler system. Do not wet the foliage of trees, shrubs, or ground cover when it is exposed to hot sun. C. Protection: The Contractor shall protect all plants and planted areas against trespassing and damage at all times. If any plants are injured, they shall be treated or replaced as required by the Engineer. No work shall be executed in, over, or adjacent to planted areas without proper safeguards and protection. D. Any plant indicating weakness or probability of dying shall be replaced immediately by the Contractor at his expense. E. Trees and Shrubs: 1. Plant basins shall be kept in good repair. 2. Any plants blown over shall be replanted and restaked. 3. Any plants which settle below the specified level of planting shall be taken up and replanted at the proper level. 4. Any tree ties that are too tight or too loose shall be adjusted. 02710-12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5. Remove lawn from twelve-inch (12") diameter circle around the base of each tree in lawn area. F. Ground Cover: One week before review by the Engineer, give all groundcover areas a feeding of commercial fertilizer as specified. G. Turf Areas: 1. Maintenance operations shall include re-seeding, mowing (including trimming and edging), and rolling, in addition to those operations specified above for all planted areas. 2. Whenever the turf reaches a height of three inches (3"), mow to one and one-half (1 %") and remove all clippings. 3. One week before final inspection, give all turf areas a feeding of fertilizer as specified. 4. Turf areas shall be mowed, watered, free of weeds, and in a neat and orderly condition for final inspection. H. All planted areas shall be watered, cleared of weeds and debris, and presented in neat and orderly condition for final inspection. I. Clean-up: 1. All clippings, trimmings, cuttings, trash, rubbish, and debris shall be promptly removed from the site. 2. All planted areas, adjacent paved areas, and areas next to buildings, fences, benches, or other structures and site furnishings shall be kept free of weeds, litter, rocks, glass and debris. 3. All joints in paved areas shall be kept weeded. 4. Bark, sand, and gravel areas shall be raked as required to keep them free of foreign material. 5. Paved areas shall be swept and cleared as necessary to remove any bark, sand, gravel, soil, or dirt that might be washed onto such areas from adjacent planted areas. 02710-13 I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.08 ACCEPTANCE OF PLANTING PORTIONS OF WORK: A. The contractor shall prepare the site for review by the Engineer as specified in part 3.07 of this section of the Specifications. B. In order to qualify for acceptance, the turf must be in a healthy, vigorous condition, and completely filled in with no bare spots. The turf shall have been mown twice as required in Item 3.06.E of this section of these specifications. Weeds shall be sprayed with a broad leaf herbicide and shall be less than 5% of turf stand. C. Ten (10) days prior to the completion of the planting portions of work, the contractor shall request in writing a review of the work by the Engineer. If, upon review, the Engineer finds the planting portion of the work to be complete, and the plant material to be in a good, healthy condition, and all landscape areas to be weed-free and in a neat, orderly condition, then written acceptance of the planting portions of the work shall be given by the City. If approval and acceptance of the planting portions of the work is not given, the Engineer shall prepare a "punch list" of items to be completed before acceptance of the planting portions of the work is given. Acceptance shall only then be given upon verification by the Engineer that the punch list items have been completed. 3.09 PLANT MAINTENANCE PERIOD: A. Refer to Section 02900 for Maintenance Period Requirements. 02710-14 I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02720 PLANTING (SODDED TURF) PART I - GENERAL 1.01 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all planting and related work as shown on the Drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work includE~d: The general extent of the planting is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: C. Related work: Preparation of planting areas covered by Section 02700 of the Specifications. 1.03 REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS: A. Plant materials shall meet or exceed the American Nurserymen Association standards, as specified in the current edition of American Standard for Nursery Stock published by the American Association of Nurserymen, Inc. Provide plant materials in accordance with applicable California Agricultural Codes. 02720-1 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: 1. Provide certificates of inspection of landscape materials with shipments as required by governmental authorities. Comply with all applicable Federal, State and County regulations governing landscape materials. Inspection by Federal or State Governments at place of growth does not preclude rejection of plants at project site. 2. Comply with State of California Administrative code, Title 8, Industrial Relations, Chapter 4, Subchapter 4, Construction Safety Orders, and with rules and regulations of all regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the work. 1.04 INSPECTIONS: A. All reviews by the Engineer of planting work shall be requested by the Contractor at least two (2) working days prior to anticipated review. B. The Contractor shall request a review by the Engineer at the following points in the progress of the work. 1. Before planting, plants to be reviewed shall be set out in their containers, in place according to the Planting Plan, before the Engineer arrival at the site. 2. Upon completion of planting. 3. Upon completion of the plant establishment period. C. The plant establishment period shall begin upon approval by the Engineer of the planting work. The Engineer shall give such approval if, upon review, he finds the work complete and in compliance with the Drawings and Specifications. D. No additional planting inspection trips will be made, nor shall any extension of contract time be allowed, due to rejected materials or the failure of the Contractor to schedule his work properly or to comply with the requirements of this section of the Specifications. Engineer to review replacement material prior to installation. 02720-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.05 SUBMITTALS: A. Submit to Engineer certificates of inspection required by law for transportation of plant materials to the site. B. If the plans specify seeded turf, submit to the Engineer duplicate signed copies of statement from the vendor certifying that each container of turf seed delivered to the site is fully labeled in accordance with the Federal Seed Act and that the seed meets the requirements specified in the Drawings and Specifications. C. Submit to the EngineE~r samples and certified analysis of mulch, fertilizer, pre-emergent herbicide, or other materials for approval before delivery to the site. For standard products, submit the manufacturer's analysis. For all other materials submit an analysis made by a recognized laboratory in accordance with the current methods of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. D. Samples and Analysis of Material: The Engineer reserves the right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to Specifications at any time. Furnish samples of materials to the Engineer upon request. Immediately remove rejected materials from the site. E. Verification of material: The Contractor shall, upon demand, produce records to verify the ordering and delivery of specified quantities and types of material for this job. F. If Contractor wishes to substitute plants for those indicated in the Drawings, he shall submit a list of the proposed substitutions to the Engineer at least thirty (30) days before beginning work covered by this section of the Specifications. Substitute plants will be acceptable only if specified plants are proven unavailable or unacceptable to the Engineer. G. Upon receipt of contract from the City, the Contractor is to immediately purchase all container grown plant material for the project and hold said material at the nursery until installation. Contractor to submit progress billings to City, showing evidence of purchase of plant material. Plant material shall be available at any time during the Contract for inspection by the Engineer, if requested. Any material found unsatisfactory is to be replaced by approved 13qual material. 02720-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.06 GUARANTEES AND REPLACEMENTS: A. Trees shall be guaranteed to be in good, healthy, and flourishing condition of active growth at the end of one growing year from the date of final acceptance by the Engineer of the planting work. B. Other plant material shall be guaranteed to be in good, healthy, and flourishing condition of active growth at the end of six months from the date of acceptance of the planting work. C. Delay in the completion of planting operations which extends the work into more than one planting season shall extend the guarantee period correspondingly. D. Plants shall be free of dead branches and dead branch tips, and shall have foliage of normal density, size and color, in order to be considered vigorous and thriving. Root-bound condition will not be acceptable. E. Dead plants and plants not in a vigorous, thriving condition as determined by the Engineer shall be replaced as soon as weather conditions permit, at no increase in the Contract Amount. F. Provide replacement plants of comparable quality, type, and size for plants which fail for any reason. 1.07 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Personnel: Planting andlor seeding shall be performed by personnel familiar with planting procedures and under the supervision of a qualified planting foreman. The planting foreman shall be on the job site whenever planting is in progress. B. Equipment: The Contractor shall at all times furnish and maintain sufficient equipment as necessary to perform the work of this contract. Such equipment shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Engineer. C. Plant List: The Contractor shall furnish the quantities and sizes of material necessary to complete the job as shown on the planting plan. The Plant List, if included, is for the Contractor's convenience only, and any discrepancies with the plans shall not entitle the Contractor to additional renumeration. 02720-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J. D. Verify that landscape irrigation work has been completed, reviewed and approved by Engineer prior to beginning work of this Section. E. Utilities: Prior to cutting into the soil, locate all underground cables, conduits, sewers, and other utilities and take proper precautions so as not to damage or disturb such improvements. If a conflict exists between such obstacles and the proposed work, promptly notify the Architect. Proceed in the same manner if rock or any other condition encountered underground makes changes advisable. If possible, rock and other underground obstructions shall be removed to depth necessary to permit proper planting. Where such obstructions cannot be removed, plant locations shall be adjusted by the Engineer or his authorized representative. Contractor to be responsible for the repair of any damaged utilities caused by his negligence during planting operations. F. Water Lines: Obtain permission from City before shutting off water lines. Keep disruptions of existing systems to a minimum. Repair any damaged water lines caused by planting operations. G. For identification purposes, flag or stake existing valve boxes and sleeves, c1eanouts, junction boxes, and similar structures before beginning work under this section of the Specifications, and maintain such flags or stakes until final inspection. H. Maintenance Before Planting: Protect and maintain according to good horticultural practices, all plant material delivered to the site. Proper maintenance between delivery and planting shall include watering and feeding as necessary and providing protection from animals, wind, excessive sun, and vandals. Store shade plants in the shade and sun plants in the sun. I. Handling of Plant Materials: Plants shall not be handled by stems, trunks or tops, but only by the container. No plant shall be bound with wire or rope at any time so as to damage the bark or break the branches. Protection of Existing Site Improvements: I. Contractor shall exercise caution and provide necessary safeguards to prevent damage to existing site improvements, including planting. Contractor shall repair or replace, at no increase in Contract Sum, property damaged as a result of his work. 2. If existing tree roots over one inch (1 ") in diameter are cut during the course of the work, the cut faces shall be thoroughly coated 02720-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I with emulsified asphalt made especially for use on cut or damaged plant tissues. Exposed roots shall be covered with wet burlap to prevent them from drying out. K. Abbreviations: Gal. = gallon can (plant) G.C. = gallon can (plant) O.C. = on center (spacing) L. The Engineer reserves the right to make substitutions, additions and deletions to the planting scheme when he deems it necessary as the work progresses on the site. Plant materials acquired through additions or substitutions will be subject to all conditions and guarantees herein specified. 1.08 BLANK PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 GENERAL: Water shall be furnished by the City. All other materials shall be provided by the Contractor and shall meet the requirements specified in this section and in the "Preparation of Planting Areas" section of the Specifications. 2.02 PLANTS: A. Quality and Size: Plants shall be vigorous and of normal habit of growth and shall be free of girdling roots, disease, insects, insect eggs and larvae. Trees shall have straight trunks with the leader intact, unless otherwise specified. All abrasions and cuts shall be completely calloused over. Plants shall be of standard size for container and species, unless specified otherwise in the Drawings. Any undersized material will be rejected. The heights of plants and of branching shall be measured when the branches are in normal positions. Plants shall not be pruned prior to delivery, except upon special approval. B. Nomenclature: Plant names used in the Drawings and Specifications conform to Standardized Plant Names, by the Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature. Names of varieties not included therein conform generally to names accepted in the nursery trade. 02720-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Plant labels: Plant labels shall identify a typical sample of each species and variety. D. Substitutions: Substitutions are not desired. When substitutions are allowed, all requirements of the plant shall be met, and in no case shall substitutions be made without the written approval of the Engineer. E. Except for turf, annuals, cuttings, and balled or bareroot stock, plants shall have been grown in a nursery under climatic conditions similar to those in the locality of the project for at least one (I) year prior to delivery to the site. Boxed trees shall be well established in boxes before delivery to the site. Balled stock shall be freshly dug. The ball or balled stock shall have the original soil in which it was grown, without addition, and the balls shall be whole and intact, and not broken on arrival at the site. Burlap used shall be of sufficient size to enclose the complete dirt ball and shall be tied securely with stout twine. Balled stock or bare root stock may be furnished where canned containers are specified, only with approval by the Engineer. F. Plants Reserved at Nursery: The Engineer may tag certain plant materials to be purchased by Contractor for use in this project. Tagged plants, together with the name of the nursery, are indicated on the Drawings. Conditions of these Specifications, including guarantee, apply to such plants. G. Container stock shall be delivered to the site in first- class condition. Plants requiring support shall have small stakes in containers. H. Turf Sod: Sod shall be thick, well-grown, and free of weeds, purchased from a commercial grower such as Nunes, Cal Turf, Warren's or equal. Care should be taken to prevent drying during shipping and handling. 2.03 STAKING AND GUYING MATERIALS: A. Stakes shall be free of splits and knots and shall be treated with wood preservative. B. Ties shall be corded rubber, a minimum of sixteen inches by (16" X 1"), attached to stakes per the Drawings. C. Guy wire shall be 1/8" galvanized cable with turn buckles and clamps at each cable, or as approved by the Engineer. 02720-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. Fabric rubber hose of required diameter shall be used to cover wire at points of contact with plant. E. Eye bolts shall be one-half inch (%") hot dip galvanized. F. Guy anchors to be "Duck-Bill" anchors or approved equal. 2.04 FERTILIZERS, CHEMICALS, AND AMENDMENTS: A. Commercial fertilizer shall be commercially processed fertilizer per the Drawings and shall conform to applicable requirements of agricultural laws and regulations of the State of California. Fertilizer used in the plant establishment period shall furnish the percentages of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potassium required to keep all plants on the site in a healthy and vigorous growing condition. B. Planting tablets shall be Agriform "Blue Chip" weighing 21 grams each, or approved equal. C. Chemicals shall be Best, Ortho, or as approved by Engineer. Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides shall be of the best quality obtainable and shall be brought to the job site in the original manufacturer's containers, properly labeled with guaranteed analyses. D. Wood residual soil amendments shall be as specified in the Drawings and in Part 2.02 of the "Preparation of Planting Areas" section of these specifications. 2.05 TOPSOIL: Topsoil shall be as specified in Part 2.01 of the "Preparation of Planting Areas" section of these Specifications. 2.06 LIGHTWEIGHT SOIL MIX: Where the Drawings call for a special planter backfill mix, a U.C. - type soil mix, or a lightweight soil mix, the mix shall be as specified in Part 2.04 of the "Preparation of Planting Areas" section of these Specifications. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL OPERATIONS: 02720-8 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A. The term "planting areas" means all areas to be planted with trees, shrubs, ground cover, or turf. B. Weather: No planting shall occur during weather conditions which will adversely affect materials nor when soil is in a muddy condition. 3.02 PREPARATION OF PLANTING AREAS: Preparation of planting areas, including clearing, finish grading, soil preparation watering and spraying shall be as specified in the "Preparation of Planting Areas" section of these Specifications. 3.03 BLANK 3.04 PLANTING OF TREES AND SHRUBS: A. Plant locations shown on the Planting Plan are relative and the Engineer may make adjustments in the location of plants in order to achieve the intended results. Where possible, the Contractor shall locate shrubs no closer than two feet (2') and trees no closer than four feet (4') to pavements or structures. B. Plant holes shall dimensioned as shown in the Drawings, or at least twice the width and one times the depth of the rootball. Plant holes shall be roughly square. The walls and bottoms of plant holes shall be scarified. C. Proper drainage of plant pits is necessary. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer if any subsoil conditions cause the retention of water in plant holes for than twenty-four (24) hours, and shall submit proposals for correcting such drainage conditions before proceeding with planting. Planting under such conditions may not proceed without the approval of the Engineer. D. Plants shall be carefully removed from containers. All tin containers, other than knockout cans, shall be cut on two sides to facilitate removal of plants with as little disturbance as possible to the root ball. Cans shall be cut with can cutters or similar equipment. In no case shall cans be broken open with an axe, mattock, or similar article. E. If plants do not have young feeder roots showing at the edge of the container, loosen their roots and cut in a few places to encourage new feeder root development along the perimeter of the rootball. 02720-9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. Soil excavated from plant holes, if suitable as topsoil and approved by the Engineer or his authorized representative, may be re-used for planting operations. If unsuitable soil is encountered in excavation, such soil shall be removed from the site and a sufficient amount of approved topsoil for installing plant material shall be provided. G. Shrubs and trees shall be set true and plumb with the top of the plant ball, as grown in the nursery can container. The top of the plant ball shall be set approximately one-half inch above the finish grade of the planting area. The Contractor shall be responsible for any settling and shall raise and replant any plants whose crown settles below the finish grade. H. Place backfill in bottom of plant hole after making sure base of hole is loose enough for good drainage. After placing plant ball as detailed, firm backfill around ball or roots of plant and water thoroughly. I. Except where a plant is in a lawn area or where a single plant space is otherwise edged, form a berm or ridge of soil in a neat circle at the drip-line of each tree and shrub, to facilitate watering and hold top mulch. J. Immediately after planting, securely stake all trees in accordance with the tree planting details. Place each tie as shown in details, in a figure eight pattern with a loop large enough to allow for two (2) years' growth. K. After planting, prune back trees and shrubs as directed by the Engineer. No pruning shall be done without inspection and approval by the Engineer. 3.05 GROUNDCOVER: A. Groundcover plants shall be placed in a triangular pattern. The on-center dimension given in the Drawings for plant spacing is a maximum dimension. B. After planting, water thoroughly. Mulch areas between groundcover plants as specified in the Drawings. 3.06 TURF-SOD: A. The Contractor bidding this work must be experienced in the laying of sod, or the Contractor must secure a special subcontractor who has this experrence. B. Installation: 02720-10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. Preparation of sod bed: a. Excavate and backfill with topsoil if required in plans. b. Soil amendment as specified shall be incorporated into the top six inches (6") of soil at the rate specified. c. Roll and rake to a smooth, even and compact grade which is free of ridges and depressions and drains properly. Soil surface should be one and one-half inches (1-1/2") below walks, patios, and driveways to accommodate sod thickness. d. Finish grade to a smooth, even surface, leaving top surface in a loose, friable condition. c. Broadcast ammonium phosphate (16-20-0) at the rate of 20 Ibs.l1000 sq. ft. unless otherwise noted in the drawinqs, just prior to laying of sod. D. Sod rolls are to be laid tightly in a straight line, with staggered joints. There are to be no open or overlapping joints. A sharp knife shall be used to cut sod to fit around sprinklers and edges. Final shaping of area (if no header) shall be as directed by the Engineer. E. The sod is to be lightly watered within one (1) hour of the time it is laid. F. The sod shall be rolled after an initial watering to eliminate irregularities. G. After rolling, water thoroughly to penetrate the subsoil at least eight inches (8"). Repeat watering at regular intervals to keep sod moist at all times until rooted. H. Protection: Protect turf areas with temporary fencing if necessary. Maintain protective barriers in orderly condition and repair any damage to turf until turf planting work has been accepted by the Engineer. I. Whenever the grass reaches a height of three inches (3"), mow to one and one-half inches (1-1/2") and remove all clippings. J. After second mowing of grass, apply ammonium phosphate (16-20-0) at the rate of 10 Ibs.l1000 sq. ft. unless noted otherwise on drawings. 02720-11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.07 PLANT ESTABLISHMENT: A. The Contractor shall provide, until final acceptance of project, maintenance of all plants and planted areas. Maintenance operations shall include watering, weeding, replanting, fertilizing, mowing, and any other operations necessary to maintain plant health and vigor, including treatment for fungus, diseases, insect pests, or rodents. This maintenance does not constitute a portion of the "Maintenance period", as delineated in Section 3.09. B. Following planting and initial watering, water all plants and planted areas as necessary to keep the ground moist from the surface to well below the root systems. Hand-water planted areas not covered by the sprinkler system. Do not wet the foliage of trees, shrubs, or ground cover when it is exposed to hot sun. C. Protection: The Contractor shall protect all plants and planted areas against trespassing and damage at all times. !If any plants are injured, they shall be treated or replaced as required by the Engineer. No work shall be executed in, over, or adjacent to planted areas without proper safeguards and protection. D. Any plant indicating weakness or probability of dying shall be replaced immediately by the Contractor at his expense. E. Trees and Shrubs: 1. Plant basins shall be kept in good repalir. 2. Any plants blown over shall be replanted and restaked. 3. Any plants which settle below the specified level of planting shall be taken up and replanted at the proper level. 4. Any tree ties that are too tight or too loose shall be adjusted. 5. Remove sod from twelve-inch (12") diameter circle around the base of each tree in lawn area. F. Ground Cover: One week before review by the Engineer, give all groundcover areas a feeding of commercial fertilizer as specified. G. Turf Areas: 02720-12 I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. Maintenance operations shall include re-sodding, mowing (including trimming and edging), and rolling, in addition to those operations specified above for all planted areas. 2. Whenever the turf reaches a height of three inches (3"), mow to one and one-half (1 %") and remove all clippings. 3. One week before final inspection, give all turf areas a feeding of fertilizer as specified. 4. Turf areas shall be mowed, watered, free of weeds, and in a neat and orderly condition for final inspection. H. All planted areas shall be watered, cleared of weeds and debris, and presented in neat and orderly condition for final inspection. I. Clean-up: 1. All clippings, trimmings, cuttings, trash, rubbish, and debris shall be promptly removed from the site. 2. All planted areas, adjacent paved areas, and areas next to buildings, fences, benches, or other structures and site furnishings shall be kept free of weeds, litter, rocks, glass and debris. 3. All cracks in paved areas shall be kept weeded. 4. Bark, sand, and gravel areas shall be raked as required to keep them free of foreign material. 5. Paved areas shall be swept and cleared as necessary to remove any bark, sand, gravel, soil, or dirt that might be washed onto such areas from adjacent planted areas. 3.08 ACCEPTANCE OF PLANTING PORTIONS OF WORK: A. The contractor shall prepare the site for review by the Engineer as specified in part 3.07 of this section of the Specifications. B. In order to qualify for acceptance, the turf must be in a healthy, vigorous condition, and completely filled in with no bare spots. The turf shall have been mown twice as required in Item 3.06.1 of this section of these specifications. 02720-13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !I I I C. Ten (10) days prior to the completion of the planting portions of work, the contractor shall request in writing a review of the work by the Engineer. If, upon review, the Engineer finds the planting portion of the work to be complete, and the plant material to be in a good, healthy condition, and all landscape areas to be weed-free and in a neat, orderly condition, then written acceptance of the planting portions of the work shall be given by the City. If approval and acceptance of the planting portions of the work is not given, the Engineer shall prepare a "punch list" of items to be completed before acceptance of the planting portions of the work is given. Acceptance shall only then be given upon verification by the Engineer that the punch list items have been completed. 3.09 PLANT MAINTENANCE PERIOD: A. Refer to Section 02900 for Maintenance Period Requirements. 02720-14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II SECTION 02730 PLANTING (HYDROSODDED TURF) PART I - GENERAL 1.01 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all planting and related work as shown on the Drawings andlor specified herein. B. Work included: The general extent of the planting is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: C. Related work: Preparation of planting areas covered by Section 02700 of the Specifications. 1.03 REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS: A. Plant materials shall meet or exceed the American Nurserymen Association standards, as specified in the current edition of American Standard for Nursery Stock published by the American Association of Nurserymen, Inc. Provide plant materials in accordance with applicable California Agricultural Codes. B. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: 02730-1 I I I I I -I I I I I 'I I I I ,I I I I I 1. Provide certificates of inspection of landscape materials with shipments as required by governmental authorities. Comply with all applicable Federal, State and County regulations governing landscape materials. Inspection by Federal or State Governments at place of growth does not preclude rejection of plants at project site. 2. Comply with State of California Administrative code, Title 8, Industrial Relations, Chapter 4, Subchapter 4, Construction Safety Orders, and with rules and regulations of all regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the work: 1.04 INSPECTIONS: A. All reviews by the City's Representative of planting work shall be requested by the Contractor at least two (2) working days prior to anticipated review. B. The Contractor shall request a review by the City's Representative at the following points in the progress of the work. 1. Before planting, plants to be reviewed shall be set out in their containers, in place according to the Planting Plan, before the City's Representative's arrival at the site. 2. Upon completion of planting. 3. Upon completion of the plant establishment period. The City's Representative reserves the right to inspect trees, shrubs, and groundcover further for size and condition of root systems and for injuries and latent defects and to reject unsatisfactory or defective plant material at any time during the progress of the work. In particular the City's Representative reserves the right to require washing of the root ball of plant materials to inspect for root girdling or root-bound conditions. Washed or rejected plants shall be removed immediately from the site. C. The Contractor shall schedule his work so that the City's Representative's review of the quality, size, variety, placement, and orientation of all plants can be accomplished in a single trip to the site, or in one trip for each planting unit if the Drawings divide the plant list into planting units. 02730-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. No plant material shall be planted until the City's Representative has approved its quality and placement. E. The plant establishment period shall begin upon approval by the City's Representative of the planting work. The City's Representative shall give such approval if, upon review, he finds the work complete and in compliance with the Drawings and Specifications. F. No additional planting inspection trips will be made, nor shall any extension of contract time be allowed, due to rejected materials or the failure of the Contractor to schedule his work properly or to comply with the requirements of this section of the Specifications. City's Representative to review replacement material prior to installation. 1.05 SUBMITTALS: A. Submit to City's Representative certificates of inspection required by law for transportation of plant materials to the site. B. Submit to the City's Representative samples and certified analysis of mulch, fertilizer, pre-emergent herbicide, or other materials for approval before delivery to the site. For standard products, submit the manufacturer's analysis. For all other materials submit an analysis made by a recognized laboratory in accordance with the current methods of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. C. Samples and Analysis of Material: The City's Representative reserves the right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to Specifications at any time. Furnish samples of materials to the City's Representative upon request. Immediately remove rejected materials from the site. D. Verification of material: The Contractor shall, upon demand, produce records to verify the ordering and delivery of specified quantities and types of material for this job. E. If Contractor wishes to substitute plants for those indicated in the plans, he shall submit a list of proposed substitutions to the City's Representative at least thirty days before beginning work covered by this section. Substitute plants will be acceptable only if specified plants are proven unavailable or unacceptable to the City's Representative. 02730-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.06 GUARANTEES AND REPLACEMENTS: A. Trees shall be guaranteed to be in good, healthy, and flourishing condition of active growth at the end of one growing year from the date of final acceptance by the City's Representative of the planting work. B. Other plant material shall be guaranteed to be in good, healthy, and flourishing condition of active growth at the end of six months from the date of acceptance of the planting work. C. Delay in the completion of planting operations which extends the work into more than one planting season shall extend the guarantee period correspondingly. D. Plants shall be free of dead branches and dead branch tips, and shall have foliage of normal density, size and color, in order to be considered vigorous and thriving. Root-bound condition will not be acceptable. E. Dead plants and plants not in a vigorous, thriving condition as determined by the City's Representative shall be replaced as soon as weather conditions permit, at no increase in the Contract Amount. F. Provide replacement plants of comparable quality, type, and size for plants which fail for any reason. 1.07 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Personnel: Planting shall be performed by personnel familiar with planting procedures and under the supervision of a qualified planting foreman. The planting foreman shall be on the job site whenever planting is in progress. B. Equipment: The Contractor shall at all times furnish and maintain sufficient equipment as necessary to perform the work of this contract. Such equipment shall be subject to inspection and approval by the City's Representative. C. Plant List: The Contractor shall furnish the quantities and sizes of material necessary to complete the job as shown on the planting plan. The Plant List, if included, is for the Contractor's convenience only, and any discrepancies with the plans shall not entitle the Contractor to additional remuneration. 02730-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J. D. Verify that landscape irrigation work has been completed, reviewed and approved by City's Representative prior to beginning work of this Section. E. Utilities: Prior to cutting into the soil, locate all underground cables, conduits, sewers, and other utilities and take proper precautions so as not to damage or disturb such improvements. If a conflict exists between such obstacles and the proposed work, promptly notify the Architect. Proceed in the same manner if rock or any other condition encountered underground makes changes advisable. If possible, rock and other underground obstructions shall be removed to depth necessary to permit proper planting. Where such obstructions cannot be removed, plant locations shall be adjusted by the City's Representative or his authorized representative. Contractor to be responsible for the repair of any damaged utilities caused by his negligence during planting operations. F. Water Lines: Obtain permission from City before shutting off water lines. Keep disruptions of existing systems to a minimum. Repair any damaged water lines caused by planting operations. G. For identification purposes, flag or stake existing valve boxes and sleeves, cleanouts, junction boxes, and similar structures before beginning work under this section of the Specifications, and maintain such flags or stakes until final inspection. H. Maintenance Before Planting: Protect and maintain according to good horticultural practices, all plant material delivered to the site. Proper maintenance between delivery and planting shall include watering and feeding as necessary and providing protection from animals, wind, excessive sun, and vandals. Store shade plants in the shade and sun plants in the sun. I. Handling of Plant Materials: Plants shall not be handled by stems, trunks or tops, but only by the container. No plant shall be bound with wire or rope at any time so as to damage the bark or break the branches. Protection of Existing Site Improvements: 1 . Contractor shall exercise caution and provide necessary safeguards to prevent damage to existing site improvements, including planting. Contractor shall repair or replace, at no increase in Contract Sum, property damaged as a result of his work. 2. If existing tree roots over one inch (1") in diameter are cut during the course of the work, the cut faces shall be thoroughly coated 02730-5 I I I I I I I I I : I I I I I I I I I I with emulsified asphalt made especially for use on cut or damaged plant tissues. Exposed roots shall be covered with wet burlap to prevent them from drying out. K. Abbreviations: Gal. = gallon can (plant) G.C. = gallon can (plant) O.C. = on center (spacing) L. The City's Representative reserves the right to make substitutions, additions and deletions to the planting scheme when he deems it necessary as the work progresses on the site. Plant materials acquired through additions or substitutions will be subject to all conditions and guar- antees herein specified. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 GENERAL: Water shall be furnished by the City. All other materials shall be provided by the Contractor and shall meet the requirements specified in this section and in the "Preparation of Planting Areas" section of the Specifications. 2.02 PLANTS: A. Quality and Size: Plants shall be vigorous and of normal habit of growth and shall be free of girdling roots, disease, insects, insect eggs and larvae. Trees shall have straight trunks with the leader intact, unless otherwise specified. All abrasions and cuts shall be completely calloused over. Plants shall be of standard size for container and species, unless specified otherwise in the Drawings. Any undersized material will be rejected. The heights of plants and of branching shall be measured when the branches are in normal positions. Plants shall not be pruned prior to delivery, except upon special approval. B. Nomenclature: Plant names used in the Drawings and Specifications conform to Standardized Plant Names, by the Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature. Names of varieties not included therein conform generally to names accepted in the nursery trade. 02730-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I II C. Plant labels: Plant labels shall identify a typical sample of each species and variety. D. Substitutions: Substitutions are not desired. When substitutions are allowed, all requirements of the plant shall be met, and in no case shall substitutions be made without the written approval of the City's Representative. E. Annuals, cuttings, and balled or bareroot stock, plants shall have been grown in a nursery under climatic conditions similar to those in the locality of the project for at least one (I) year prior to delivery to the site. Boxed trees shall be well established in boxes before delivery to the site. Balled stock shall be freshly dug. The ball or balled stock shall have the original soil in which it was grown, without addition, and the balls shall be whole and intact, and not broken on arrival at the site. Burlap used shall be of sufficient size to enclose the complete dirt ball and shall be tied securely with stout twine. Balled stock or bare root stock may be furnished where canned containers are specified, only with approval by the City's Representative. F. Plants Reserved at Nursery: The City's Representative may tag certain plant materials to be purchased by Contractor for use in this project. Tagged plants, together with the name of the nursery, are indicated on the Drawings. Conditions of these Specifications, including guarantee, apply to such plants. G. Container stock shall be delivered to the site in first-class condition. Plants requiring support shall have small stakes in containers. H. Turf Seed: 1. Seed shall be fresh, clean, and new crop. Any seed which has become wet, moldy, or is otherwise damaged in transit or storage will not be acceptable. The minimum percentage by weight of pure, live seed shall be eighty-eight percent (88%). Material other than live seed shall not exceed twelve percent (12%), including all nonviable seed, chaff, hulls, harmless inert matter, and other materials in the mixture. The mixture shall not contain more crop seed, weed seed, or inert matter than the following: Crop seed 1.00% Weed seed 0.20% Inert matter 3.50% 02730-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. All seed shall be furnished in sealed, standard containers, unless exception is granted in writing by the Engineer. The dealer may mix the seed provided a guaranteed statement of composition of mixture percentages of purity and germination of each variety is attached to the sealed container. 3. All seed used shall be labeled in accordance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rules and Regulations under the Federal Seed Act in effect on the date of the Notice to Bidders. The Engineer shall be furnished with duplicate signed copies of a statement from the vendor certifying that each container of seed delivered is fully labeled in accordance with the Federal Seed Act and is at least equal to the requirements above. This certification shall appear on, or with, all signed copies of invoices for the seed. Each lot of seed shall be subject to sampling and testing by the Engineer. 4. The seed shall be pre-treated with a pre-emergence fungus preventative such as "Thiram" in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. I. Lawn seed for reseeding shall match existing sod or seed mixture. 2.03 STAKING AND GUYING MATERIALS: A. Stakes shall be free of splits and knots and shall be treated with wood preservative. B. Ties shall be corded rubber, a minimum of sixteen inches by (16" X 1 "), attached to stakes per the Drawings. C. Fabric rubber hose of required diameter shall be used to cover wire at points of contact with plant. 2.04 FERTILIZERS, CHEMICALS, AND AMENDMENTS: A. Commercial fertilizer shall be commercially processed fertilizer per the Drawings and shall conform to applicable requirements of agricultural laws and regulations of the State of California. Fertilizer used in the plant establishment period shall furnish the percentages of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potassium required to keep all plants on the site in a healthy and vigorous growing condition. 02730-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Planting tablets shall be Agriform "Blue Chip" weighing 21 grams each, or approved equal. C. Chemicals shall be Best, Ortho, or as approved by City's Representative. Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides shall be of the best quality obtainable and shall be brought to the job site in the original manufacturer's containers, properly labeled with guaranteed analyses. D. Wood residual soil amendments shall be as specified in the Drawings and in Part 2.02 of the "Preparation of Planting Areas" section of these specifications. 2.05 TOPSOIL: Topsoil shall be as specified in Part 2.01 of the "Preparation of Planting areas" section of these Specifications. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL OPERATIONS: A. The term "planting areas" means all areas to be planted with trees, shrubs, groundcover. B. Weather: No planting shall occur during weather conditions which will adversely affect materials nor when soil is in a muddy condition. 3.02 PREPARATION OF PLANTING AREAS: Preparation of planting areas, including clearing, finish grading, soil preparation watering and spraying shall be as specified in the "Preparation of Planting Areas" section of these Specifications. 3.03 HYDROSODDED TURF: A. Upon delivery to the site, store seed containers in a dry, damp-proof storehouse. Withdraw no more than the amount of seed that can be spread before quitting time each day. Unspread seed that is not returned to the storehouse overnight will be rejected. B. Prepare the turf seed bed as specified in the "Preparation of Planting Areas" section of these Specifications. To ensure proper surface 02730-9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I drainage, prepare and maintain, throughout the course of the work, an even finished grade with no local ridges or depressions. The surface of the seed bed shall be friable, loose, and free of weeds, rocks, and earth clods at the time of seeding. C. Hydrosodding process: 1. The hydrosodding materialsS hall be mixed and applied In approximately the following proportions: . Seed mix and rate: per plans. . Seed prepared using Greenscapes Exclusive Pregermination process or equal. . Mulch: Wood cellulose fiber @ 2,000 Ibs./acre. . Fertilizer: GREENSCAPE MIXTURE OF FERTILIZERS @ 875 LBS.lACRE except as modified by requirements of the Horticultural Soils Report. . Binder: M-Binder @ 60 - 80 Ibs./acre. . Fungicide: Subdue 2E at Manufacturer's Recommended Rate. . Other Necessary Ingredients: To be equal to ingredients associated with Greenscapes Hydrosod process. For information regarding Greenscape Hydrosodding - Call (916) 771-0524. 2. Mixing shall be performed in a tank with a built-in, continuous agitation and recirculation system of sufficient operating capacity to produce a homogeneous slurry and a discharge system which will apply the slurry to the slopes at a continuous and uniform rate. The tank shall have a minimum capacity of 1,000 gallons. The Owner's Representative may authorize use of equipment of smaller capacity if it is demonstrated that such equipment is capable of performing all the operations satisfactorily. 3. A dispersing agent may be added provided the Contractor furnishes evidence that the additive is not harmful to the mixture. Any material considered harmful, as determined by the Owner's Representative, shall not be used. 02730-10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. Wet hydrosodded lawn slowly but thoroughly, and keep lawn moist, but not saturated, at all times until the grass is up. 5. Reseed or sod all bare spots at intervals until a full stand of grass is established over the entire lawn area. D. Protection: Protect turf areas with temporary fencing as necessary. Maintain protective barriers in orderly condition and repair any damage to turf until turf planting work has been accepted by the Engineer. E. Mowing: Whenever the grass reaches a height of three inches (3") mow to one and one-half inches (1 - 1/2") and remove all clippings. 3.04 PLANTING OF TREES AND SHRUBS: A. Plant locations shown on the Planting Plan are relative and the City's Representative may make adjustments in the location of plants in order to achieve the intended results. Where possible: the Contractor shall locate shrubs no closer than two feet (2') and trees no closer than four feet (4') to pavements or structures. B. Plant holes shall dimensioned as shown in the Drawings, or at least twice the width and one times the depth of the rootball. Plant holes shall be roughly cylindrical. The walls and bottoms of plant holes shall be scarified. C. Proper drainage of plant pits is necessary. The Contractor shall inform the City's Representative if any subsoil conditions cause the retention of water in plant holes for than twenty-four (24) hours, and shall submit proposals for correcting such drainage conditions before proceeding with planting. Planting under such conditions may not proceed without the approval of the City's Representative. D. Plants shall be carefully removed from containers. All tin containers, other than knockout cans, shall be cut on two sides to facilitate removal of plants with as little disturbance as possible to the root ball. Cans shall be cut with can cutters or similar equipment. In no case shall cans be broken open with an axe, mattock, or similar article. E. If plants do not have young feeder roots showing at the edge of the container, loosen their roots and cut in a few places to encourage new feeder root development along the perimeter of the rootball. 02730-11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. Soil excavated from plant holes, if suitable as topsoil and approved by the City's Representative or his authorized representative, may be re-used for planting operations. If unsuitable soil is encountered in excavation, such soil shall be removed from the site and a sufficient amount of approved topsoil for installing plant material shall be provided. G. Shrubs and trees shall be set true and plumb with the top of the plant ball, as grown in the nursery can container. The top of the plant ball shall be set approximately one-half inch above the finish grade of the planting area. The Contractor shall be responsible for any settling and shall raise and replant any plants whose crown settles below the finish grade. H. Place backfill in bottom of plant hole after making sure base of hole is loose enough for good drainage. After placing plant ball as detailed, firm backfill around ball or roots of plant and water thoroughly. I. Except where a plant is in a lawn area or where a single plant space is otherwise edged, form a berm or ridge of soil in a neat circle at the drip-line of each tree and shrub, to facilitate watering and hold top mulch. J. Immediately after planting, securely stake or guy all trees in accordance with the tree planting details. Place each tie as shown in details, in a figure eight pattern with a loop large enough to' allow for two (2) years' growth. K. After planting, prune back trees and shrubs approximately ten percent (10%) as directed by the City's Representative. No pruning shall be done without inspection and approval by the City's Representative. 3.05 GROUNDCOVER: A. Groundcover plants shall be placed in a triangular pattern. The on-center dimension given in the Drawings for plant spacing is a maximum dimension. B. After planting, water thoroughly. Mulch areas between groundcover plants as specified in the Drawings. 3.06 MAINTENANCE OF PLANTING: A. The Contractor shall provide, until final acceptance of project, maintenance of all plants and planted areas. Maintenance operations shall include watering, weeding, replanting, fertilizing, and any other operations necessary to maintain plant health and vigor, including treatment for fungus, diseases, insect pests, or rodents. 02730-12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Following planting and initial watering, water all plants and planted areas as necessary to keep the ground moist from the surface to well below the root systems. Hand water planted areas not covered by the sprinkler system. Do not wet the foliage of trees, shrubs, or ground cover when it is exposed to hot sun. C. Protection: The Contractor shall protect aH plants and planted areas against trespassing and damage at all times. If any plants are injured, they shall be treated or replaced as required by the City's Representative. No work shall be executed in, over, or adjacent to planted areas without proper safeguards and protection. D. Any plant indicating weakness or probability of dying shall be replaced immediately by the Contractor at his expense. E. Trees and Shrubs: 1. Plant basins shall be kept in good repair. 2. Any plants blown over shall be replanted and restaked. 3. Any plants which settle below the specified level of planting shall be taken up and replanted at the proper level. 4. Any tree ties that are too tight or too loose shall be adjusted. F. Groundcover: One week before review by the City's Representative give all groundcover areas a feeding of fertilizer as specified. G. All planted areas shall be watered, cleared of weeds and debris, and presented in a neat and orderly condition for final inspection. H. Clean-up: 1. All clippings, trimmings, cuttings, trash, rubbish, and debris shall be promptly removed from the site. 2. All planted areas, adjacent paved areas, and areas next to buildings, fences, benches, or other structures and site furnishings shall be kept free of weeds, litter, rocks, glass, and debris. 3. All cracks in paved areas shall be kept weeded. 02730-13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. Bark, sand, and gravel areas shall be raked as required to keep them free of foreign material. 5. Paved areas shall be swept and cleared as necessary to remove any bark, sand, gravel, soil, or dirt that might be washed onto such areas from adjacent planted areas. 3.07 ACCEPTANCE OF PLANTING PORTIONS OF WORK: A. The Contractor shall prepare the site for review by the City's Representative as specified in part 3.06 of this section of these specifications. B. Ten (10) days prior to the completion of the planting portions of work, the Contractor shall request in writing a review of the work by the City's Representative. If, upon review, the City's Representative finds the planting portion of the work to be complete, and the plant material to be in a good, healthy condition, and all landscape areas to be weed-free and in a neat, orderly condition, then written acceptance of the planting portions of the work shall be given by the City. If approval and acceptance of the planting portions of the work is not given, the City's Representative shall prepare a "punchlist" of items to be completed before acceptance of the planting portions of work is given. Acceptance shall only then be given upon verification by the City's Representative that the punchlist items have been completed. 3.08 PLANT MAINTENANCE PERIOD: A. Refer to Section 02900 for maintenance period requirements. 02730-14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02740 PLANTING (HYDROSEEDING) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all hydroseeding and related work as shown on the Drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of the hydroseeding is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: 1.03 GENERAL: A. Erosion Control (Type D): Type 0 erosion control shall conform to the provisions in Section 20, "Erosion Control and Highway Planting", of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. B. Areas shown on the plan shall be nozzle planted with erosion control material consisting of a mixture of stabilizing emulsion, fiber, seed, fertilizer, and water. 02740-1 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 FIBER: Fiber shall be produced from cellulose such as wood pulp or similar organic material and shall be of such character that the fiber will gisperse into a uniform slurry when mixed with water. 2.02 STABILIZING EMULSION: A. Stabilizing emulsion shall be a concentrated liquid chemical that forms a clear plastic film upon drying and allows water and air to penetrate, and shall have an effective life of at least one year. B. Stabilizing emulsion shall be a nontoxic to plant or animal life and nonstaining to concrete or painted surfaces. The material shall be registered with and licensed by the State of California, Department of Agriculture, as an "auxiliary soil chemical". C. Stabilizing emulsion shall be miscible with all available water at the time of mixing and application. D. Stabilizing emulsion shall not be applied during rainy weather or when soil temperatures are below 400. Pedestrians or equipment shall not enter erosion control (Type D) areas after the erosion control materials have been applied. E. Erosion control (Type D) work shall not commence until the rate and method of application of stabilizing emulsion have been approved by the Engineer. 2.03 WATER: Water shall be of such quality that it will promote germination and growth of seeds and plants. Water shall not contain weed seeds, nor shall it be obtained from sources containing more salts than are contained in irrigation water used in the vicinity. 02740-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.04 SEED: Seed shall consist of the following: BOT AN/CAL NAME (Common Name) POUNDS PER ACRE 2.05 FERTILIZER: Commercial fertilizer shall have the following guaranteed chemical analysis: INGREDIENT PERCENTAGE (MINIMUM) Nitrogen Phosphoric Acid Water Soluble Potash 02740-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 HYDROSEEDING: A. The erosion control materials shall be mbred and applied in approximately the following proportions: MA TERIAL SLOPE MEASUREMENT PER ACRE Fiber Seed Fertilizer Water As Needed for Application B. The proportion of erosion control materials may be changed by the Engineer to meet field conditions. C. Mixing shall be performed in a tank with a built-in, continuous agitation and recirculation system of sufficient operating capacity to produce a homogeneous slurry and a discharge system which will apply the slurry to the slopes at a continuous and uniform rate. The tank shall have a minimum capacity of 1,000 gallons. The Engineer may authorize use of equipment of smaller capacity if it is demonstrated that such equipment is capable of performing all the operations satisfactorily. D. A dispersing agent may be added provided the Contractor furnishes evidence that the additive is not harmful to the mixture. Any material considered harmful, as determined by the Engineer, shall not be used. E. Erosion control material shall be applied directly after mixing. If erosion control material in place on the slope begins to dry, the Engineer may require spray application of water to said material. The nozzles used for watering shall produce a spray that does not concentrate or wash down the material. 02740-4 I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02900 MAINTENANCE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DOCUMENTS: The General Conditions and all other Contract Documents for this project are complementary and applicable to this section of the Specifications. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, facilities, transportation and services to complete all maintenance and related work as shown on the drawings and/or specified herein. B. Work Included: The general extent of all maintenance is shown on the Drawings and includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: Maintenance of trees, shrubs, ground cover and turf for a period of ninety (90) calendar days. 1.03 GENERAL: The provisions of the Bid Documents, the General Conditions and the Special conditions of the Contract, supplemented and modified by these requirements, are a part of the maintenance requirements. The provisions of these requirements superseded conflicting or contradictory provisions. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 REQUIREMENTS: A. All materials shall be provided by the Contractor. Commercial fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides shall bear the manufacturer's label and guaranteed analysis, and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. 1. Water is to be furnished by the City. 02900-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Fertilizer shall be a complete fertilizer furnishing the required percentage of nitrogen, phosphoric add, and potassium to keep lawns, trees, shrubs and other plants in a healthy and vigorous growing condition. B. If there arises a question as to the need for applicCiltion of fertilizer or the formulation of a fertilizer, soil samples shall be taken from locations specified by the Engineer. They shall be analyzed by a licensed soil analyst at the City's expense and the results and recommendations for the formulation and rate of application of a. complete fertilizer shall be submitted to the City and the Contractor shall formulate and apply the fertilizer, iron, zinc, or other trace minerals as per the recommendations of the Soil Analyst. 1. Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides shall be of the best quality obtainable, brought to the job site in the original manufacturer's containers, properly labeled with guaranteed analysis. 2. Tree stakes, tree ties, guy wires shall be of materials to match those existing on the site. 3. Lawn seed for reseeding shall match existing lawn mixture. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 LAWN CARE: A. The Contractor shall maintain all lawns in a healthy growing condition by performing the following operations and other work incidental thereto: 1. Mowing: Lawns shall be mown at least once a week and as necessary to maintain a neat, trim appearance. The lawn shall be mowed to height determined by City Maintenance Representative. The cutting edges of all mowing equipment shall be kept in a sharp condition. If reel type mowers are used, they shall be kept in proper adjustment. Bruising or rough cutting of grass will not be permitted. Papers, toys, rubbish and debris shall be removed by the Contractor prior to mowing. Grass cuttings shall be removed after mowing. 2. Trimming: a. All edges shall be trimmed after each cutting or as necessary. Trimming shall include cutting all grass along walls, fences, foundations, curbs, sidewalks, shrubs, tree 02900-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I trunks, poles, guy wires, or any other object within or immediately adjacent to the lawn areas. b. The trimming shall be done by power edgers or by hand, but in no case will soil sterilants or other types of weed killers be permitted for use in trimming or edging. String trimmers are not acceptable. c. Trim around sprinkler heads as necessary to provide maximum water coverage. d. Care shall be taken to avoid damage to tree trunks, shrubs, sprinklers, buildings and other structures. Damage shall be reported to the City and repairs promptly made. e. After trimming, all trimmings and debris shall be raked off lawns, swept off sidewalks and paved areas, and disposed of. 3. Weed, disease and pest control: a. Lawns shall be kept free of weeds. Weeding may be done manually or by the use of selective weed killers. Extreme caution shall be observed, if selective weed killers are used, so as not to damage any other plants. If spraying is done, it shall only be done at times when there is no wind. Spray applicators shall comply with all state requirements and certification. b. Insects and diseases shall be controlled by the use of approved insecticides and fungicides. c. Moles and gophers shall be controlled by approved methods. d. Insecticides, fungicides or herbicides shall be applied subject to the prior consent and approval of the City. 4. Depressions, Swales and Bare Areas: a. Depressions shall be brought level to grade with topsoil and reseeded as necessary. b. Swales shall be reconstructed, reseeded or improved as necessary to provide adequate drainage. 02900-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. Bare places shall be reseedl:ld as necessary. 5. Watering: a. Lawns shall be deeply watered as weather conditions require to provide adequate moisture for optimum growth. Lawns shall at no time show a lack of fresh green color or a loss of resilience due to lack of water. b. Wherever the permanently installed sprinkler system does not adequately cover the areas, the Contractor shall set out additional hoses and sprinklers as required to uniformly water all areas. c. Watering shall be done at ni~~ht or in the early morning. d. Watering shall be controlled to prevent excessive runoff, pond, and over watering. 6. Fertilizing: a. Lawns shall be watered immediately after fertilization to prevent burning of grass. b. Burning of grass due to improper fertilization shall be considered as "unsatisfactory work" and shall be corrected within 24 hours. 3.02 TREES, SHRUBS, AND GROUNDCOVER CARE: Maintain trees, shrubs and groundcover in a healthy growing condition by performing the following operations and other work incidental thereto: A. Watering: Water deeply and slowly to establish moisture to the full depth of the root zone. Watering shall be donE~ in a manner to avoid erosion, excessive runoff, ponding, or creation of a water-logged soil condition. Hoses and sprinklers shall be used to supplement the sprinkler system where necessary to ensure complete coverage. B. Pruning: 1. All pruning shall be done by qualifiE~d professional personnel using recognized and approved methods and techniques. 02900-4 I I I I I -I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I a. Excessive pruning or stubbing back will not be permitted. b. All pruning cuts shall be made 1/8" from trunk or supporting branch. They shall be cleanly cut with no tearing of the bark. 2. All dead or damaged branches shall be remQved. 3. Pruning of trees and shrubs shall be done as needed to achieve the following: a. To shape, particularly to correct misshaping caused by the wind. b. To raise the lower branches of trees above head height wherever they overhang walks. c. To cut back shrubs and groundcovers where they encroach on the walks and paved areas. d. To cut back branches that are rubbing on walks, benches and buildings. e. To remove suckers, watersprouts, and other undesirable growth on trees. 4. Major pruning of deciduous trees and shrubs shall be done during the dormant season. Minor pruning may be done at any time. C. Pest Control: 1. Spraying for insect and disease control shall be done only by qualified, trained personnel, using recognized and approved insecticides and fungicides. The spraying shall be done with extreme care to avoid any hazard to any person or pet in the area or adjacent areas, or any property damage. 2. Snails and slugs shall be controlled by the use of an approved, non-arsenical, methaldehyde bait. 3. In no case will extremely toxic materials, such as arsenicals , parathion, TEPP, dieldrin, etc., be permitted. 4. Chemicals to be applied are subject to the prior consent and approval of the Engineer. 02900-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5. Biological controls to be used whenever feasible. D. Weeding: Weed and cultivate the groundcover areas and other areas as needed to keep them free of weeds. E. Staking and Guying: Maintain and replace stakes and guys with equal material. Maintain and replace plant ties to provide support without chafing of bark. Retie between old ties. Remove staking and guying as soon as trees are self-supporting. F. Replacement of Material: Remove dead and damaged plants and replant with material of equivalent size, condition and variety, subject to approval by the City. 3.03 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: A Before beginning the maintenance program, the Contractor shall inspect all systems and report damage or incorrect operation to the City. The Contractor will be responsible for the operation of the irrigation system and maintenance of sprinkler heads. During the maintenance period the Contractor shall: a. Repair and adjust all heads to maintain proper coverage. b. Remove last head from each system and flush the lines if required. c. Repair and replace any equipment damaged, at the Contractor's expense. d. Where the installed sprinkler system does not cover the area adequately, the Contractor shall provide his own sprinklers and hoses to adequately water the area. 3.04 GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND CLEAN-UP: A. All clippings, trimmings, cuttings, trash, rubbish and debris shall be promptly removed from the site. B. All areas including lawns, groundcover areas, areas around shrubs and trees, next to buildings, fences, benches, sidewalks, curbs and gutters shall be kept free from weeds, litter, rocks, glass and debris. 02900-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. All cracks in sidewalks, curbs, street gutters and other paved areas shall be kept weeded. D. Bark and sand shall be swept off paved areas and shall be raked as required to keep free of foreign material. - E. Sidewalks and paved areas shall be swept and cleaned of any dirt or soil that might be washed from adjacent slopes or planted areas as required. F. Any eroded places shall be repaired by the replacement of topsoil to bring them back to original grade as required. G. Any swales shall be repaired, regraded and replanted as necessary to insure good drainage of all areas. 3.05 EQUIPMENT: The Contractor shall at all times furnish and maintain sufficient equipment as necessary to perform the work of this contract. Such equipment shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the City. 02900-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART V SPECIFIED MANUFACTURERS AND PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART V SPECIFIED MANUFACTURERS AND PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS FOR 1999/2000 A list of recommended manufacturers and products is provided to encourage the use of manufacturers that the City has found to be reliable, to promote high quality products selected for safety and durability, and to maintain consistency with certain manufacturers and products throughout the City's park system. Developers are strongly urged to select manufacturers and products from the following list. However, in the event that the developer chooses a substitution, the decision will rest solely with the City in determining whether the proposed substitution represents a valid "equal" to the listed selections. The City thereby retains their right to require that the developer use specified manufacturers and products. This approach allows flexibility, yet ensures that the City makes the final judgement with regard to "suitability" and "quality". The model numbers shown on the following list of recommended products are the most current reference to those approved materials. The City will periodically update the list to reflect product changes and improvements. It is, however, the responsibility of the Design Architect or Engineer to coordinate with the designated product manufacturer to insure that the recommended products are properly specified and that the most current catalog numbers and references are used. In the event that certain products are discontinued or are no longer available, the Architect or Engineer shall consult with the City Public Works Department to determine acceptable alternative products. RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS: FURNITURE . Drinking Fountains - Haws, Model #3177 (concrete) or #3380 (metal). . Benches - Timberform, Model #2139-6 or #2139-8 (flat benches), Model #2140-6 or #2140-8 (backed bench). . Picnic Tables- Timberform, Model #2244-8 or #2243-8 (accessible). . Bicycle Racks - Timberform, Model #2170* Original Cycloops (* Select appropriate size). · Trash Receptacles- Timberform, Model #2772-DT (metal/wood), or #2814-AT (metal), or Petersen Precast Site Furnishings (concrete), or Hanson Concrete Products, Model 130 (concrete). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . Bollards - Timberform, Model #2190-R (removable metal) or #2190 (permanent metal) or #2191-R (removable timber) or #2191 (permanent timber). SPORTS FACiliTIES . Basketball Standard - PW Athletic Company, Model #1523 and #13 backboard with target, and #45 rim. . Volleyball Net Post/Net - PW Athletic Company, Model #2214-00S and net #8361-80S. . Tennis - PW Athletic Company a) Net Post/Net - Model #8352 Net and Model #2205 W8305-01 Sleeve. b) Center Tie Down - Model #8371-20 and 8371-30 c) Bench - Model #1103-7 . Tennis Windscreen - MacGregor, Model #MT9LPCXX (9 ft. ht.) BSN Sports . Baseball/Softball - PW Athletic Company a) Backstops - Model #1240-03. b) Bleachers - Select from current PW Athletic Company catalog. c) Dugout Bench - Model #1119 . Bases & Pitcher's Rubber MacGregor shock absorbing base, Model #BBBASRIC with #BBANCHOR (anchor) MacGregor step-down pitcher's rubber, Model #BBPROY BSN Sports . Soccer Goals - PW Athletic Company, Model #2237 with #8346 anchor and #8367 net. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT . Metal Play Structures - Landscape Structures Inc. or Columbia Cascade Pipeline . Wood Play Structures - Timberform / Columbia Cascade . Resilient Rubber Safety Surface - Surface America . Granular Safety Surface - Fibar I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . Back Flow Unit . Controller . Remote Control Valves . Ball Valves . Valve Boxes . Pop Up Turf Rotors . Small Area Turf Pop Up . Pop Up Shrup Sprays . Bubblers . Quick Coupler Valves . Drip Or Emitter IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT FEBCO Rainmaster Griswold or Railbird N I BCD (Brass) Christy Hunter 1-40 Series Rainbird 1800 Series Rainbird T oro Series Rainbird 1" #44 Geo-Flow or NETAFIM I I MANUFACTURER LOCAL REPRESENTATION I I BSN Sports (MacGregor Products) N/A Dallas, Texas (800) 527-7510 I FEBCO Repcor CMB Industries Union City, California "I Fresno, California (800) 972-0911 Christy Concrete Products (Manufacturer) I Fremont, California (510) 657-7070 I Columbia Cascade Pipeline David O'Keefe Portland, Oregon Alamo, California I (503) 223-1157 (925) 837-4440 Fibar Husbands & Associates, Inc. Armonk, New York Pleasanton, California I (800) 342-2721 (800) 821-9838 Geo-Flow Repcor I Sausalito, California Union City, California (800) 828-3388 (800) 972-0911 I Hanson Concrete N/A Milpitas, California I (408) 262-1091 Haws David O'Keefe I Berkeley, California Alamo, California (888) 909-4297 (925) 837-4440 I Hunter Industries Bay Irrigation San Marcos, California Concord, California (619) 744-7461 (925) 825-9411 I OR Automatic Rain Dublin, California I (925) 551-8383 Irri-trol Hardie Irrigation Bay Irrigation I I I I Laguna Niguel, California Concord, California (714) 831-6000 (925) 825-9411 I OR Automatic Rain Dublin, California I (925) 551-8383 Landscape Structures Ross Recreation Equipment I Delano, Minnesota Santa Rosa, California (800) 328-0035 (707) 526-4800 I NETAFIM Bay Irrigation Fresno, California Concord, California (209) 498-6880 (925) 825-9411 I OR Automatic Rain Dublin, California I (925) 551-8383 NIBCO, Inc. Jack Prust Sales I Elkjart, Indiana Pleasanron, California (219) 295-3000 (925) 426-0956 I Petersen Manufacturing Co. Husbands & Associates, Inc. Dennison, Iowa Pleasanton, California I (800) 832-7383 (800) 821-9838 PW Athletic Company David O'Keefe I Prescott, Arizona Alamo, California (800) 687-5768 (925) 837-4440 I Rain Bird Bay Irrigation Azusa, California Concord, California (818) 812-3411 (925) 825-9411 I OR Automatic Rain Dublin, California I (925) 551-8383 Rainmaster Bay Irrigation I Simi Valley, California Concord, California (805) 527-4498 (925) 825-9411 OR I Automatic Rain Dublin, California (925) 551-8383 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Surface America Williamsville, New York (800) 999-0555 Ross Recreation Equipment Santa Rosa, California (707) 526-4800 Timberform Portland, Oregon (503) 223-1157 David O'Keefe Alamo, California (925) 837-4440 Toro Riverside, California (800) 654-1882 Bay Irrigation Concord, California (925) 825-9411 OR Automatic Rain Dublin, California (925) 551-8383