HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.2 Mayor's Appointments (2) ~ "1 ! -~ . . CITY CLERK File # D[l][l]~-[1J[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 15,1998 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: Planning Commission (2 Openings) Mark H. Braezeal Robert M. Fasulkey Don D. Johnson Pat Kohnen Tony Oravetz Mayor's Appointments to City Commissions/Committees Report Prepared by Kay Keek, City Clerk 1) Copy of Ad which ran in both the Valley Times and the Tri- Valley Herald 2) Applications submitted Parks & Community SeITices Commission (3 Openings) Jeff Chapman George Cramer Pat Kohnen Angela Meutterties Shawn L. Roach Matjorie Wong-Gillmore Senior Center Advisory Committee (2 Openings) C. R. Cocilova Barbara Gifford Heritage Center Advisory Committee (3 Openings) Nancy Finley-King Ellen Johnson Connie Spence RECOMMENDATION: /1 Ar({( Confirm Mayor's appointments to the various Boards or provide ! Y. appropriate direction to Staff . FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: Following the November 3, 1998 City election, Staffwas directed to . advertise openings on the various Commissions/Committees. Planninli! Commission Five completed applications were received in response to two openings. Mayor Houston recommends the appointment of Don D. Johnson and Tony Oravetz to terms expiring in December of 2002 on the Planning Commission. ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COPIES TO: . ITEM NO.8., 2 .. / oz5 1/5 . 1998 TERMS EXPIRING PLANNING COMMISSION Replacing Don Johnson & Tony Oravetz PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION Replacing Jeff Chapman, George Cramer & Marjorie Wong-Gillmore . HERlTAGE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Replacing Mary Jane Hyde & Connie Spence ELLCNVDHNS41J SENIOR CENTER"ADVISORY COMMITTEE Replacing Bob Cocilova & Barbara Gifford . ATTACHMENT 1 NAME ADDRESS i ~~ ,- PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATIONRECEIVED i~QV 3 '.: 1998 CITY Ui- UUBL/N 11/22/98 . MARK H. BREAZEAL DATE " ; " ~. 8700 SOUTHWICK DR. DUBLIN, CA. 94568 TELEPHONE # (HOME) (925) 828-1463 (WORK) 1. Why are you inter~sted in se~ving on the Planning Commission? AS A DUBLIN HOMEOWNER FOR 10 YEARS. MY CONCERNS ARE TRAFFIC CONGESTION AND UNPLANNED GROWTH. I ENJOY STUDYING ECONOMICS AND URBAN STUDIES AND KNOW I WOULD BE DEDICATED TO THE TASK OF SERVING ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION. TO VIEW DUBLIN AS HAVING A FULL COMPLIMENT OF LIFESTYLE ADVANTAGES. 2. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning? AS PROPERTY MANAGER, I WORKED FOR SIMAS BROS. PROPERTIES AND INVESTMENTS IN ZONING AND COMPLIANCE WITH CITY AND COUNTY ORDINANCES IN THE BAY AREA. I . HAVE EXPERIENCE IN BUSINESS LAW. ZONING SHOULD BE THE END RESULT OF INDEPTH PLANNING. 3. How do you feel about Dublin's future growth? I FEEL DUBLIN'S FUTURE SHOULD BE PLANNED FOR EQUAL GROWTH LAYOUT BETWEEN RESIDENCE, BUSINESS AND CITY GOVERNMENT. 4. What should the City's position be regarding growth? MANAGE BALANCED GROWTH WITH ANNUAL REGULATED GROWTH. 5. What type(s) of housing do we need? MIXED MULTI-COMPLEXES. LUXURY HOMES, SENIOR CARE FACILITIES AND AFFORDABLE . FAMILY HOUSING. ATTACHMENT 2 " .' . .- - . . . 6. 'b ~ '/5 What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning? HEAVY STREET TRAFFIC IS A CONCERN. DELAYS IN PROJECTS AND MONEY SPENT. EDUCATION WITH CROWDING IN SCHOOLS. THEY WISH FOR A GROWTH MIXTURE. CREATE A DUBLIN SCENIC HILL PARK.. BALANCE BUDGET. 7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance Dublin's business districts? MAKE DUBLIN A MUCH EASIER REAL ESTATE SALE. MORE DIVERSE RETAIL AND OFFICES DOWNTOWN. STRUCTURE REMODELING OF OLD BUILDINGS. DISTRICT BEAUTIFICATION. 8. What, if anything, should the City Council demand of developers in future developments? TO CONTRIBUTE THEIR FAIR SHARE TOWARD STREET IMPROVEMENTS, TO FACILITATE INCREASED TRAFFIC FLOW, UTILITIES, INCREASED NEED FOR SCHOOLS, POLICE AND FIRE FACILITIES. 9. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with some neighbors? I WILL HAVE NO PROBLEM RENDERING AN UNPOPULAR DECISION, AS LONG AS THE DECISION IS FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THE COMmffiTTY. 10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning Commission? I AM WILLING TO STUDY THE COMPLEXITIES.. REVIEW CRITICISM, SURVEY COMMENTARY. CONSENSUS BUILDING MEDIATION AMONG THE FACTIONS BY BEING OPEN MINDED AND APPROACHABLE. ~ SIGNATURE /1~~.:e OCCUPATION MANAGER In order to be considered by tlte Mayor for appointment to tlte Planning Commission, please return this completedform to tlte attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, C4 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 30,1998. A~/G/apptmts/appforms/form-pc.doc NAME ko 6 err .~ Fll5utK"'r ADDRESS "177 G '101'112- e,l( ( Dl/ll3LlN e rl TELEPHONE # (HOME) ql).~' gx'l. fry;:2 t1 '1 'I ~ 7'5 RECE PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION IVE[ ~~o II 2 5 1998 ( (08 CITY Ur OUSL DATE ,( 'J."1- 7 . .' ~ .-_ _ . II .:, .' (WORK) q-J.~~j;l.';-t;8ov t~:J3 1.. Why are you inter~sted in serving on the Planning Commission? reG I/T r(ltt C j) 2. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning? . 3. How do you feel about Dublin's future growth? 4. What should the City's position be regarding growth? 5. What type(s) of housing do we need? . . . . . . .", S qf lf5 What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning? 6. 7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance Dublin's business .districts? 8. What, if anything, should the City Council demand of developers in future developments? 9. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with some neighbors? 10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning Commission? SIGNATURE cto~V }fICA no)).s OCCUP ATlON ~dlJtt11J'1f17 In order to be considered by the May. r or appointment to the Planning Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, C4 94568 by 4:00 p.rn., Monday, November 30, 1998. AoZ/G/apptmtslappforms/form-pc.doc November 23, 1998 Dear Mayor Houston, I respectfully submit this application to seek appointment to the position of Planing Commissioner for the City of Dublin for the following reasons. I. Why are you interested in serving on the Planning commission? Dublin is in a period of high gro\\1h and requires diligent attention. The staffs of the engineering and planning departments are overloaded with applications and we have employed a business development manager who is doing an excellent job of attracting new business to Dublin. The responsibility of the Planning Commissioner is to provide citizen oversight to these processes, to ensure that proposed development complies with greater good of the City, and to provide recommendations to the City Council. As a citizen, I have watched this City grow over the last 12 years and I feel that I have the tenure and perspective that is needed to fulfill these requirements. Furthermore, I had to prematurely vacate my former Planning Commission appointment because of extensive job travel requirements and I am now in a position to contribute to the commission. Finally, I have no predisposed positions or conflicts of interest that prevent me from making unbiased decisions. 2. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning? 1 have worked in and around the construction and zoning for my entire career. As an engineer for Pacific Bell I filed various reports to city staffs and frequently interfaced with City engineers. I am familiar with right-of~ way law, State requirements, County development plans, and Dublin's General Plan. As a fonner Planning Commissioner, I attended training that informed me of the specific requirements of this position. 3. How do youfeel about Dublin'sfuture growth? Growth iri:-Dublin is inevitable. How we manage the growth is important to the welfare of all that live and work here. Dublin has attractive and yet challenging geographic qualities and features. We have the west hills, we have the old military establishment and we have new growth panning out across the easterly properties. Blending all of these together is a challenge that needs to be a priority of the entire planning process. Dublin needs to continue to hold onto its sense of a small community while providing for new jobs and new housing that enhance rather than detract form the present community. 4. What should the City's position be regarding growth? The eliminating growth is not a reasonable alternative. We have to accept the fact that we are in an area of great demand and value that demand properly. We need to diligently use this inevitable growth to enhance and upgrade the entire City. An example of this are improvements that Camp Parks made by relocating it gates and moving its property lines to accommodate BART. I believe that there are many more situations where we can apply creative solutions such as this to resolve that problems that growth will create. We need to stimulate citizens and business leaders to bring forward the ideas that will improve our City. As Planning Commissioners, we have the responsibility to develop, refine, b 0/ </5 . . . /} '7f C/ 5 . and evaluate these ideas. Therefore, our position should primarily be to listen to our citizens and to act in their best interests. We need to assure the citizens of Dublin that the Planning Commission is a forum for ideas and not simply a complaint department. 5. What type(s) of housing do we need? We need a reasonable mix of all types of housing ranging form upscale to affordable multiunit. 6. What do you think are the major concems of Dub/in residents regardin$future planning? . Development of the West hills area is a major concern. We need to have a better understanding of what is expected here. We need to do a better job of getting the General Plan information updated and publicized. We need to have the current residents understand what is around them as many of them have purchased homes without knowing what development has been planned. A good example of this is the dispute that arose over the agricultural ham being built in what the neighbors thought was strictly a residential area. . The existing business district needs to be invigorated. Yes, businesses are doing well today with their low rents and lack of property improvements, but this will not be the case as more choices are introduced. 7. What, if anything. should be done 10 enhance Dublin~s business districts? . We have had a special task force that has looked into this problem. I propose that we take their findings directly to the property owners affected. We need to have an honest discussion with them about their long-range plans and we must establish and set a timetable for whatever improvements are finally agreed to. It is useless for one owner to make improvements when the property next to his is still out dated. Only the City can act as the conduit for this form of communications. I strongly believe that we have had this discussion long enough, we are in a period of prosperity, and it is time for the landlords to reinvest in this City. 8. What, if anything, should the Cily Council demand of developers infuture developments? Developers today pay many fees including traffic impact fees, infrastructure improvements, and school building costs. I think that the revenue streams are sufficient to support the functions intended to be supported by developer fees. 9. How do youfeel about making a decisionfor the overall good of the community, but unpopular with some neighbors? A decision made for the good of the community will eventually be accepted even if it is unpopular with neighbors. Therefore, I am comfortable with making decisions based on rational information, as opposed to its popularity, is the right thing to do in all circumstances. 10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning Commission? . I bring a great deal of experience to the Commission. I have worked with the Planning Staff and members of the community and feel that I can fairly represent the interests of community at large. I want to bring more communications between City and the businesses that exist today in Dublin. I recognize that we can talk about a revitalized "downtown" area. However, it will never happen without something more than a reactive approval process that can only deny applications when they don't fit the desired tone. We need a plan that includes the tone and the timeline for implementation so all parties are working together rather than in piece meal fashion. Secondly, I want us to fully address the West hills issue. The landowners there need to understand what is being proposed and the residents need to understand who can build what and where it can be built. All too often potential buyers have been misled by unscrupulous real estate agents who point to the beautiful view and state that it will never be obstructed, or point up the hill and talk about open space requirements that don't exist. This has led to a great deal of confusion and frustration on everybody's behalf that must be resolved. Robert Fasulkey ? cD </5 . . . ...- '. .. . . . NAME <. . . tiS ;J/,"-;o~ 'ftE6gVED PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION I~OV 2:} 1998 CITY Ut- UUBL/f\ Don D. Johnson DATE November 23, 1998 ADDRESS 8157 Via Zapata Dublin, CA 94568 . . TELEPHONE # (HOME) 925 828-6861 (WORK) 925 829-6519 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission? To assist in Dublin's future growth and make it a city where residents and businesses can work together to improve the city's image. I have enjoyed working with Dublin's Planning Staff and would like to continue serving as a commissioner. 2. "That is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning? In my early education, I studied the building arts and architectual drawing. I have a working knowledge of construction. 3. How do you feel about Dublin's future growth? Future growth .is essential for our city to give quality services to its residents. Revenue must continue to grow. 4. \Vhat should the City's position be regarding growth? The City should have well planned, controlled commercial, retail and residential orowth. 5. What type(s) of housing do we need? Dublin needs a ful1 range of housing low to high income, apartments, condom;n;l1mc:: :=lTln inClividual homeD. It> ~ 'IS .6. What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning? . Most Dublin residents are concerned about the congestion caused by growth (traffic) and added cost of utilities (water, sewer, etc.). 7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance Dublin's -business districts? We must make sure current owners maintain the appearance of their buildings. The City must keep its streets, sidewalks and right-of- ways presentable. 8. 'Vhat, if anything, should the City Council demand of developers in future developments? Future development must pay for all improvements. i.e. streets, sewer, water utilities etc. None of the growth cost should be . passed on to current residents. 9. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with some neighbors? I have no-problem in making unpopular decisions. In my past business experience, I have had to make difficult decisions. 10. What is the most important contribution you caD make as a member of the Planning Commission? An understanding of business, the ability to negotiate, analyze and apply common sense which will assist in the planning process. /~ / I ! . SIGNATURE j~6n ~Lc.~ , OCCUPATION ~ I-/;!-~" j) . / In order to be consideredby the Mayor for appointment to the Planning Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keek, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, C4 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 30,1998. /1: /G/apptm/$/appfornuJform-pc.doc . . . November 23, 1998 Don D. Johnson 8157 Via Zapata Dublin, CA 94568 Phone: 925 828-6861 Age: Occupation: Dublin Resident: Education: Military: Employment: Memberships: Community Service: /lrI<l5 68 Retired Sales Management & Business Owner 18 years at the above address Portland State University 1951 U.S. Army, Honorable Discharge, Sgt. First Class Nabisco Brands - 36 years. Worked in all field sales positions from entry level sales to highest field sales management position. I worked as Assistant Director of Corporate Sales at Nabisco's World Headquarters during the mid-sixties. The last 20 years, I held the position of Divisional Sales Manager. This position was responsible for sales, marketing and distribution of Nabisco products and managing about 420 employees through 30 direct reporting support management. Nabisco had seventeen divisions nationwide. The San Francisco Division covered the six northwestern states and Alaska. The Imprint Works was established after retirement in 1987 in Dublin. It is a distributor of business gifts, advertising specialty items, awards, imprinted sportswear and represents about 1,300 manufacturers. These products are sold to corporations and individual companies throughout the Bay Area. The Imprint Works is now a partnership owned by Brad Johnson and DeeDee Jolmson. Dublin Chamber of Commerce since 1987 and have served as an Ambassador, on the Board of Directors and President. I have served on various committees in the past years. i.e. Transportation, Economic Development, Golf, Business Fair and Tri-Valley Development. Served on the following City Committees: City Business Registration Sign Ordinance Business Development Task Force DSRSD Water Task Force Planning Commissioner '" . . . . . /(1.. P[) 7 -" RE"CEIVED PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION NOV 3 01998 J9l +- ~ . . CITY Of DUBLIN NAME 'a--G 1.-1 DATE ~ cR1, J79g ADDRESS 130, ~ ~ ~ / J-f~ CIt c;CfS0g TELEPHONE # (HOME) 9 ~ 5 57 Jl! - .16 ;), ;3 (WORK) 1 ~5 ?5 r ~ -;;?O Lf7 ..,."'- f. ..... .~. 1. Why are you inte~ested in serving on the Planning Commission? ,lk .L&MvPp4lrt tunV b:f ~aNeIuv~ ~ ~~J, &hWdf;0-~_~~Jk~cJ PI Jk ~ Ji;~~JY~ ~~ Y!i. -1~ CfJ ~:rf~;io 1ULV. 2. What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning? J2--NJ.iZ b~;.v 8~1-~ :?O~ tU~ , (}-/'-12I/w-~-!2 ~ ~, ;J)~vr~.;tAd ~-7U/r OvNJM~~a--~~ 3. How do you feel about Dublin's future growth? ~ $t~;iu-~ 4. What should the City's position be regarding growth? J)cL CJ:tAJvudl!- ~r ~~ . MVxluJ~~.A41 ~~.;t/Ld; ~ Crt- ~. J~ CajP ~4 da~--<!J 5. What type(s) of housing do we need? V2-/;W4)~CH~~~~'~ -*'-4rcdu.aJj ~ / O--f.~ 3~..J /2'!!&e. '; I ~ ~~~ JA1-/~~-tHJ~~~ I ~ q5- f./ s:;... " .' J., (~~ ' -. ~~~~~ --:-u-U/ ~~ ~ ~~ ru..-J. J2 'F~ ---to- ~ ~ aJ ~~ ;t~MJ (J.A'L/J ~ fk~~ -tfn/---b(o ~I . . If. (~ (l~~~~~rr/~J ~/CULi? k~~~ ~ ~~ .J1f /J71P---f-, . . -' , . It! qJ 05 What do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning? ~~ do~-'-~~~,"k1~ ~ piUtV ~ct1u ~dv~-i(~0J :Ai ~ MU fdt a4~-d ~ ~!::4j 7. What, if anything, should be done to enhance Dublin's business districts? 6. , . v.",. ,-"'- ",. '. . . ~ ~ How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with some neighbors? ,JJt~ ~ tUV ~~~ /;d: ~ ~L I .. . ~~v:;:t--1 /J1~ ~ JA~~ ~ .~) 10. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning Commission? . z;67~- dw ~Yir~ ,~u U1i1Mv~ ;tr ~ a ~;dtU--C:&~'~ SIGNATUREJfJ ~{A./"-';JV 7l11:!d-Xr~CCUPATION i--<f~ ~ In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Planlung Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City ClerJ/100 Civic Plaza, P. O. / Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.rn., Monday, November ]0, 1998. KJIG/apptmts/appformslform-pc.doc {!#.{.~ J~~~~ J~r C6-rrF(!-> ...... ,..-- ~ .- J S olf $IS- .~~~. '_ tv, (: : , ~t1VJ~(j;1 '. ~ . JI-v~;;- r'~ ~ e~--U ~ r {L-~.2;~;t~ q. (~~~ . . ~ cC ~~ /J~JJh1 ~u/) P.. ~ ~.~. ~-~-PT-"l - / () J. ~ ~/J ~ ~ _ / ~ ~ '!/J-IHrLZ.../ ~~~~~~~ J-J)-i;t/c/ tV tJ!.vJoJ~ I )D. (~v~~IlJ) ~~~ c!~ -~1: 7' ~ ~1-/ ~ a!f- .~~~~ ~1~. .~~CL- ~. .- - . . . . . r- /6 cd' 'i~ November 23, 1998 ~., d~...i4:?,I.' i'('; ~ '/1' i ""/ rot ~,:iml ~ \~\ Q~=; ?~J '~ Tony Oravetz Planning Commissioner CITY OF DUBLIN City of Dublin Kay Keck, City Clerk 100 Civic Plaza, P.o. Box 2340 Dublin, CA 94568 100 CIVIC Piaza. PO 80.2340. Dublin. CA 945SE. (510: E2"-~1'::? Dear Mayor Houston and Council Members: Attached is the questionnaire/application for my continued work as a Dublin Planning Commissioner. I was appointed to the Planning Conunission two years ago and I am eager to continue this important work for our city. In the past two years I have attended both of the state wide planning commission conferences (Monterey in 1997 and Long Beach in 1998) where I attended numerous conference and training sessions. I have given my very best effort to understand zoning ordinances and city, county and state laws that pertain to growth and development in Dublin. My attendance at our Planning Commission meetings has been flawless, I have never missed a Planning Commission meeting. A year ago, I was chosen by the Planning Commission to be their representative to the Downtown Business Taskforce. Our taskforce is now in the final stages of producing a plan for the City Council. I've enjoyed my work as a City Planning Commissioner. My application/questionnaire contain the exact answers as my original questionnaire which I filled-out two years ago. In reviewing the application my enthusiasm and eagerness to provide the City of Dublin with my technical expertise as well as my ability to perform well in a team environment has not changed. During my campaign for City Council I was questioned, quite often, on growth and development issues concerning our city. I felt I was able to give knowledgeable answers concerning growth and development because of my work on the Planning Commission. The last two years has been a learning experience, I would hope to use this knowledge for the next four years as a Dublin Planning Commissioner. :ru;'~ Tony Oravetz Planning Commissioner Name: Tony Oravetz Date: 11-23-98 Address: 7748 Squirrel Creek Circle Dublin, CA 94568 Telephone # (HOME) 829-7139 (WORK) 423-6974 1 . Why are you interested in serving on the Planning Commission? Their are a variety of reas'ons that I am interested in the Planning Commission position. The first is my feelings regarding civic pride. I enjoy living in Dublin and I would like others to have that same pride in their city. I have always been interested in using my education and work experience towards a civic goal. I am willing to spend the extra time and effort to make Dublin a community that all of us can be proud of. I also believe that every citizen, in some part, should do volunteer work in their community. By giving of my time I have had many rewards such as making many new friends and helping improve organizations in Dublin. My resume refers to the different volunteer work that I have completed in the past years. Serving on the Planning Commission would be "my" outstanding contribution to the City of Dublin. 2 . What is your knowledge of and experience in Planning and Zoning? I have been a Senior Supervisor at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) since 1982. I have supervised a variety of groups in the Engin~ering Department. My current assignment is in the Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (A VLIS) Program. This program has drawn on all my organizational planning skills in support of this technology transfer project. Facility, safety, design and operations issues our daily events. 3. How do you feel about Dublin's future growth? I support the City Councils views/opinions on growth in Dublin. Growth should be planned "one step at a time" taking into consideration all citizens concerns. 4. What should the City's position be regarding growth? Well planned, controlled growth should be our position. We should always take into consideration the effect growth will have on city services Le., Police, Fire, Maintenance, Water, Parks etc. I '7 ~ '15 . . . . . . 5. 'Vhat type(s) of housing do we need? We should provide a wide range of housing from the prestigious Hansen Hills Estates to moderatellow housing. Our citizens deserve a choice that best meets there personal and financial concerns. 6 . 'Vhat do you think are the major concerns of Dublin residents regarding future planning? Traffic, security, schools, water bills....My neighbors and friends are concerned with the quality of life in Dublin. How will this growth change that quality? As a Planning Commissioner I will be in a position to monitor changes so they will only add to the quality of our community. 7 . 'Vhat, if anything should be done to enhance Dublin's business district? I would like to see us develop a "Downtown Dublin." I know we have been successful in developing the "Dublin Dealers." I will support innovative ideas that will bring a positive image to the Dublin business establishment. 8 . 'Vhat, if anything, should the City Council demand of developers in future developments? The City Council should develop a "friendly" atmosphere when teaming with developers. We should look to developers to enhance our schools, parks and city services. We should encourage developers to come to Dublin, not play hardball with demands. -- 9 . How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with some neighbors? As a supervisor at LLNL I have had to make many decisions that were for the "good of the group" yet negatively impacted a few. Good decisions corne from advanced planning. Clear, open communications are the key when making those unpopular decisions. 1 0 . 'Vhat is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Planning Commission? I would like to be a member of a team of people who's goals are to improve the quality of life for the citizens of our community. I would bring my experience, enthusiasm and commitment to civic pride to this important position in the city of Dublin. /t J J.../ '- v- , ./ NAME ADDRESS 11 ~ tJ5. . PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION APPLICATION RECEIVED DATE \ i 17-0 { ~i~~~~~9:t ... ~. Cf3'Z-{L-oC ?< 102- 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services Commission? ~ ~ . J 0 Co (\J\ "J L -+h <z- r ro j nz fJ ~. ~ c>-s-\- 3 I i"'-- 'cf if S' ~~-to bJo\ '0 ~ ro ) e..c....~ --fh.{\) J '\ ~ 0....; 2. '''hat knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? vJG~e.. ~~ ~ -fie E~+ r ICl-f\ 1'-~J . ~ \" \ <;" \ 1\..,\ if - \ y-- +0f'rY) . 3. What-knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services-Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department? ~ -.d:- 2. j ,t'2:Y\-1~ kIll ~j --f {~L I\, e-.+..J- \ 1\ ""' J 1\'\H<0.s r 1 n~S s-~~ (\\=-re.9- \''1 ~u..-rI-mJ. 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. ~e.-s. ~,r\- ~cS+ of ~t.~ ~ cJCL . ~'~' 0.r& ~t1 e~{J c:.ien1 pc;:/(c \ \ -- ~_... . . . c}o at! 'Is How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? ~ ~~;. -1h iL- :\{D ,,~~ "'- ~ r.rvvJ c;-.t'-LS rv-<Y' '1'.,:,-,\ -P-O '~~. -e fJb\ -k "'- i. b 4" I ~ QW-vl~~~' ?4f~ 4F"*' (r_-Jfu" . "f- 1~1 J )o'V\.{-- ~ o:A k ?-- 4- ~ . \?0 \ k-,J-- \j'), f\ \J(\_ (LJl ck-rd- -;Ze.. C~*~Le.J ~ U) +. .~ yYll1.:... ( Yl-J-o.-f Yl e:. cl . 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the c~mmunity but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? V\J L L~ -rLst- JA ---rl- -h h'-L O-S c__ 1 " (}v{V\.(Y\ \ r S I U(\ .. 5. ~+ ('s. ~ Srv-r I Vve- h-~ ~ \\X>\L .d-- --+i.L t = 0 ~ of --t&- u.i-cl~ ~ k,^J- -=tk4"~ cl d'- C-...r-.. ~h.J.Z J: ,U J or ,,,,-cl...l ""l J ~,( ~ v' p... p .e.{ $" _ "Ji.:j. tv:> P "'" bl~ vV.Jt... ~ I; , What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? ~~11lV\~) ~1-eJl wJ:h ~VY"'-~ ~~) ("(\01 c.;f-.Ie- ~(Aklf ~ --!ovr- ...f '\I"\S",k" ~J ~~ o--F ~ CA ffVV\,.J ~ ~ ~ IA <-e r p ru uz.1..x"-S \ ~ (JaS' . SIGNATURE ~~ 7. 1~-C5 -f {A.~ ~J- OCCUPATION (0\LJ,,~ vp \ In order to be considered by tlte Mayor for appointment to th.e Parks & Community Sen'ices Commission, please return tltis completed form to th.e attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, C4 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 30, 1998. KJ /G/apptmalappJorms/appl-pcs.doc NAME C~r7~ CRAr/?rr,> ADDRESS '1700' Srl-I...J 5'74- 6 AN A- t) '--L [, t /'--' ~ I.crt Lj.s PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION APPLICATION A8CEtVE[ en :'~ 1 7. DATE /1-/& -"?& r UUOL// C-T TELEPI:I01\TE # (HOME) 9 z- -) ~ S-..; 3 - 177 'I (WORK) 5/0 - ~33 - )77'( 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services Commission? -r CJ c""";> rv 71 AI '-" <:! ;-U,.... , C..-c-<.../Z b "e'I\-' -;; ~p--c,..; > c - 2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? .L/ 7 'C- ~ ,4 ., &/V P C-5 5" . 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community SerVices Depa:r:tment? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department? W ~ "'- I>-.-....J 1: JJ A- /? 1-)-t:- \ /) ;I- 7- 'r!' d I TV .::f / Jl.'\J\. 6 l' T I I a/I t1 ,. 0 7" /' a-""" S r ' 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. ~~ J~~A o-;;:-r It-7'" 't: /^-' A/,-AlAI/IVS ~7A:~~ (/~-J -yvc ~ I /__2 . .. . . . ~~ t:f Y5 How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? JJ'~-c-?::" .55A-/) '7 / 5. 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? jJ&/ ;4/)~b/~ Fo/? ; ~t'" ~ 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? Pc:> / / 0. ~ ~-I'--o ~ 1.-- SIGNATURE OCCUPATION p, )...;-l~t" IN ~.-?',-> M-'; ~ III order to be cOllsidered by the Mayor for appoilltmellt to tlte Parks & Commullity Sen,ices Commissioll, please retum tltis completed form to the attelltioll of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.rn., Monday, November 30, 1998. K1/G/apptmf;$/appjorms/appf-pcs.doc . . c?t '3 qf t./5 PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES cOMl\fi~~oNEU APPLICATION \,)0\/3 (\ 1998 CiTY Or UUBL/N NAME % aT P ~/}11 A1.< DATE J7yJ./!.f)JIf1_h'''?'l /'1<;8' ADDRESS 1:l-(J~~ C~ /2-:1: f)_A/JtLZ~~ C t1- 1 '15 t, ? TELEPHONE # (HOME) q;X1j g?~? -)& L3 (WORK) 125 51'2. - ~Q L-j') . 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services Commission? j-1v~ /4./ ~ Yf'J.iz1t~;t5- ~~ ~ JI~& -1J ~(/7Lfd; .--Lv -/W.-;::J -f114U/LLJ X~d ,...-L)jf Ct.'rjf[Z1W.2..J , fI I ~ /7 ~ Al/tJvlf i2i.-C-iltc/d . 'i:td~ ~i ~~u17J~/iLu/ ) . ~I . 7- U' J 2. "'hat knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? J2~~--L p~ ~v fl~,;( !)~~,u ~ ~fi-v~ &-/~ jJfl~/\A.11'kJJ ~~aA::JJ ~~, 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department? (1)~ O~~~~ rUJ~d; ~lb1/~ o-l_ft~~~, cf}~~ z1Z~. e:J A 5!t4'LM1/J~ .:J~ A1V, ~ " U ;:t ~~.) (J (6-t~ 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. d A./2 0Y./v1Jd ;1kv'Ju ~d?-f-~ af1-/J j:J/W-ryut-l'Y0-J . t/ t/ (/ 1- J;JJ4/llJ-[/./J k ~.fl~ ---1A, / lith .,-<- j'? C~1 ; I (!JAV~' [) . ,. I. (0-1Ct~) c;<tJ ~.'/5,_ . , ~~ a~Jlv t?:-~ r:iAV. ~J~J~} I ~lve~~!2 ~~~. ;;:. t'1~vU0uY7~J JA":~~W,~ ~~..' ., ~14/~ ->>-,/~ ~ -d0~ g;~w-~ 3J (Ct~L1z~I~ ~v.-v-~ ~ ---tolUZ:7'j--- ~(!; C0JL- fi; ~vLJ~ J% ~~ tJ~ucJ.-f.UV ,,' ~,/~~. . c' '0 ~ ~~r~P~~ ~'-f~.z::tvtrJG ~~Y"....v' J/1;r t2:UU/duJ~ ~{J-Ur ~t1~~ 1fCI~j ()~ frJ +~_:t!~3~ 6j ftu ~(Ur-: -(?-r"{j' ~(L/f~ h7A2/~ ~1-:: J!-{)-R.-1"~ oJ; ~ ~ 0-1~~~ .--.-:;tlv ~~ ~1~" - . - 1ft (~~ ~. ~~tL2~~r~~ ~ .. aa~~~~ {Ltuf ~~~.kJ-~. ~ :;fEr 4-U :;Uu /llLUr- ~<-<t- /IM~ ~~1:!!::)'w ~ --w~ . : aat~ /~. . . ,~ . .. !. . . . ;l. '5 ~ '-/5 How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? ~~-fe&v ~ )$ j~ O/ztU''1?-IJJ ~ tJ.-u/)u,-> , ::tii- ~1~ ;:ti- ~2-f;--U-L~' -' OJ . . ^ .- J1 . '--" ^ .p I f & /1 7 ~ // fiJ1--4L-----' f...'T-::L ~/?AJ..L~. ~a-J' / ~() U ' ,~ .~ j~~r ~fl.J ~_L(f &f~~ 5. 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? ~ ~lLU tUC/ ~~ Z/ur-/lr-ft t-f~ _A!J-U:t: ~I f!l1)-eAAlf (~i~ _-,t:lLV ~~'Jr~i0~ /})-UJA1X- ~ IJ I ~ 11) , . . IlA V r,' "1 ,. _ /J_ . '?.K//fl, ~'kJ2- (H)-f.//.-- J./r~~../--,"~ ./)~ &;1 1l~ ~ tl-1. ':fl-1LUx4!--:V...li-~!-~LJ rl) ---f.btJJY1- -q--/tfj- ---UJ-6AJJ-/;.!ru ~~, {J v {!l/J-~ 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? ,-;c~-t:M/lIVd ~!~vz:&d W:t~ ~ _Lv '/lnf ~.vA_.v,~ v21V'..-UJ>--L->>d g~u (~l~~~~- "p~/rh - tU WI - t · ~~: ...PJk'V-v-# ct- ? . 1 ;t&-- cUI ~ ~ ~ ~~ /7Y1-~-ku~tL ~~ SIGNATURE , I ~-!1(~'''./ 7n Jit!;'"w;;C~UPATION 4Y'~'t'1&...r..&.y,. ~ '1.-/ fJj!,"J ,J1~~~, 'iI. . L.--7 uJ~0-IV~/rV1r...t:ru'Y\.. \jjV~~~-fJrr:l1r C?J;~fi~lAJ... In order to be considered by tlte Mayor for appointment to tlte Parks & Commun(ity Sen'ic~s (j J Commission, please return tltis completed form to tlte attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. 0, Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 30, 1998, K1IG/apptmts/appforms/appl-pcs.doc . ;<b cO f/s -'-. ~ jy, (u~~ I ~~ ~0 LU"-n'c2.. -h~J--V~~~' /)1b---0 --fJ-f -Arrf ./J~~ aJ ~J~---t-!I--1U 7 (u~j~ 1lJt 2~1.4~ M 1'<.- J~ ~? ~ 0 ~~ $iJ:u;--6- /~JJ--L- --1~~--' _ ., . rA~~ (L.-f~ ./-AJ ~~ytL-&1~ ,- ~. - ;:--/- . /) ,I . . /} v I ~. 'iF _/! &A (L.{/U:c, L~r(Lj::v;.1,~tJ.-1J ../L-l.42-".{,u,J.-ij-1~-./~ X;~ T 1 ~ g<'i-!" :1 . / /i' .- ~/U/ N'V~ ./..dl'..L-,x. . . . ~ . . . ." ;<? .:1 PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES CO~~ APPLICATION !\!c;\; ? ',: 1998 ClTY Of DUBLIN /,/-3() -q f" Lis /1 ~. / /_ NAME /-4,{/ ~ ,/l1r-/p7/;;~;;-7;:;?;':n DATE ADDRESS /;l j/jd4/V C~/~ , ////__/,/1 ) TELEPH<?NE # (HOME) ?() 3 - /7 /7 ;) ~- (WORK) ,511') - 7 R 1-/;( S-7 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Senrices Commission? 1/x7_ -- _/(Ld-/, /-- - . ~ -L- /' --' -------/---(.'. /, ,I' /' ~ .-/ '$ //;{', /~{/ /..4 Lc-'7 ....-"'1 J What knowledge do )rou have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? /J f d 'L' -?// ':4' ~ -.L ~.-/..:a-?c.R._ /'/1 //,d10 -' '" ....e..A"'~-"~/r/ . /1 -' AL..4J4-lA..../ , - .7 ~- ~ ' /' // ....4 ! -// --- 6, --I:' K.G /Z/A" > :l p""'A - 7/ .., _. 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department? 7 p?, b W :/,'1 J LZF; '.-?t //t; 1)',4 // , t/ . //; /f, .~ / ,/f: ::J / 2.{~./ - (f..,0 ~ w C/ /) /'lfl /j . ~ ~'{/'-L- - /(' lj' _ # /7',,{ J!/~ /F'~--'...-/'.....L.c ~ //L_ !/ ~ - 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. // /l r I A ?7 /?lj2c-d &tU:J //",/ j. / /~~ /..7 -: -// _ 4- ,. // < / . _ ---L ,;;1 , _~ /-0' / v /f:'/P-?'/'?/~ ::J-.- /7.-...c//L{j:f . ,/r~.0h/ ;,.1"'l,7 . --. -;?; A .....- . ~ ;' '/_. /".. --r--{t". ;/bU-'.-!//~;7.~ . ......-;: . ,'-'" J..:/L........... 11 - -'-~ 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? Jj'~ C j (/J~ :/ ~.S ",'y 5 ' /l,Lz- .-/It e/"r7..' U/Z-,.!c: '1 cl . "- ( How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? .#- ? /:/./ _/ _ A/r /1Pr ~ (.7 / .' ;,- 1- /\/1 r7;.., , /1 v' :- ,/ ~7 /;c.Lr:{ (l>'''-7A/~~ ~/ - tJ. 6. ./? ..,' '7 , .;.-., ~ /-: V'/' /--y. I t' I - .// /{~-y/ "7 " " , . ~ /7..<"r?7 /,. ,7 7.1//. f /' ;. .- ,(. - / ,1- - '7' . 7. What is the most important contribution you caD make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? ( ", -r a '., . - " A // . -:t:... /{~,._- (6..? ,j>/ f..,-'l./:0 _ ~ 3;;~~_ J)Y~AMAi~ ~-r~~# //J. / ~(A. - C A--;7!/J)(/ i' -7f' .c -, Jl~ p/u ~ t'7 L tf -Bre'pr 1 //'1 - --fC:UZ- i.h17/;;/l/' /J~?;fi:L::- ~7U-tt;'L>, ,_f,{;, /nlkJ'-:6 P2,'Yf'"k .~ n {/ ;j (/ ~. /r/ jj., I -" \..J.L _/' '. rJt1. /. /J ;? /2- ,," -~ f) fi ~ /7.7:.( /' j!l-7U-C;: -) -- ~'~' ~4??'-" /. SIGNA~/.d/Aff"~~ CUPATlON ---J(.?~ - h7[A7$4.€&.t7 .::7 ,~ ~ ~t1 -iT /' ~ In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Parks & Community Sen,ices Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 . Cil,ic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Duhlin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 30, 1998. K1/G/apptml$/appforms/appl-pcs.doc 1 /"" , ~1 ~ '-/s PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION RECen n--O APPLICATION c, v r:: '1:'-: 1998 CITY Ur UU,-<' DATE 2 b (...IOv' (l b ,-,UN <....... . .. \ -___ HA\.;~, ;" L. 'Z::>ACH . NA!v1E (1-\01 C2..cu-.....! ld GIGL.CL--G.. v\..-; "3L--UJ. LA q4:")0 V TELEPHONE # (~OME) crZ-S 903- f')L-l-C 0 ADDRESS (WORK) ~o s~c;-',. St?2 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Sen'ices Commission? M'-\ L..) .t:-o;: .6.,.r..;::;. I- R-Z-(~-l. \L.'i VU2.c--..t.A..S..c_P A \-bi'-'..€ 1-\E.L:..i::- /'\'I'-~ ,::> l'~ .T...... c...;~ r: l c..s;-, " C;M-I L-I> C t>\..u I...) t-, ,~ E:.. 'ICi ....{ E..A--L :r:. c..:>c',-}-~ L-., lL c.. ..-0 \>L-A'-i A....1 AC"'\"11..-'; ECol(. \2...:l, \ oS~.::> . 2. What knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? . (. i ~ I ,- ( k. '-'... _ , t 4-E.. n - \..L~ f" - .. .... - ('-l ,~_, C.l--....t \....)!....) ;-r--y wi. ..~ f".~.~1 '::-... ~- { ~ .\....~ (~.- \ . .T AI........ ,....l~ -:-0 iJ'.J;:',L\~. -;s....:-;- Av.... ;=.A...........\ l....\AJ:... Lv<~ ~ S\..lArJ~(,0 ~~ p....., 1> Cv ~-n.-.....~ u s ~ --rr\ €-- 7P>.T\-.\,<;" ;!...'-O~ (-, "2:f'v....\ ~C'.--..:;, \:,A l-~~ i2..0.........;:-:, v ,0..\ L--'''f. .. 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by the Department? A.b A, t--4 I A.J.-...... N..(;..u..> "7D U u :; u ki . h '.iT- :L. ~ .....~ l..<.)0I2---E-'::> ~ 0'':1- , j I/-l.-.F_. L,v'~'Ii'ZE- f.,.C>;::-f..- V'AQ..'L.c;.;"-O [)~{'p=I!:,..(\o.-J !>CP~.."'^E-,..::f(- ::c w.A-v'E; '<LA'-{E-....~. ~ ~7-'/..f..S;> -i="ct..-c. I-i-UME.fZc:...h \.....EAbt.'f:.c:;. IN S~(...1 C4..!vo.. old i.-' V E...r--,,",'-C,,~ A.r-::>O VL';.At;~-:-cx~ A...J~> \'":::"\LF ki 0.J-'JQ.. CJ.P.<;'~S tt.J L NCL..;"'~ . 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. . 'Wv3L.,.........\ IS. E-)"VA:-->':>\wh (;l.l..c..ILL-f 'f.-ll~ ~C,.r:-:>:>.!-\. (J....Lk-!J..-- \ \~ ..-\E~-S=- i?~-..)l--'0-::> -j ~ O~7 (..:::,::~ ":..:At--\ L\ II f: S. \,-,,,,> . '- L-- ....,~ -:. ':- {0.:- ~:.Si~-....;~ // :)0 Lf:f '/5, ~ 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? \N .-I \ \.- 2- ~SEL ~c.e. So 10 E-s..? "Z:> ~Z-E-'--'-,.l \IS ~=-'::J:>- Sn....::" -A 3';, 'l ;- -n--:-E -{ ~ . .~E.c..~ ~_f->-.i-:---{ 'IV ?QO<...l\-o,;- C;0':\L_ "-( r-Ac....\\- \\H~.':; ri.- ,~"0 Iv"-P, "-, '\ A (~-'~ C:: :r L\.(~I.. c;. 't-; ~ '--2. \ v t.... (,.J. L(J,......:.~'::' :r- ~= So ':=0 ~L .--...., ,...., , ~/>-: <3 \--I "_\ \.:::...:: So ' 0 ~..":...r-;( 'S (".:.. S c \: -\'C: c:. ~--:::> IV )>-\O.J - {2..E5., \) ~" s;.. 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? U \-J Fe.:;2.- \1..='t~'M"'\'E-l-----f, ~ 0-01: -E>...' f:JZ.""-{ C~+ L.0 ,\--\._ P. (-.I2..C..L ~ ~(l.-1 ~v E.J?,>..{ D tc-\ S \ l:~ . ~ ~_ ,'~"") C~'2...-r:-U.--.;,-.,- -I~ \ '....:J h \ S r..3 0""' -n::.., .Ai- i ~ ,C>.~ ..,c-LQ ~- .- .....-" ~ V' S ?'-~....7:...r~ ,\.J..,A.L...f..- ~v..;:E -:-t--l,-E-o-{ A!ZC- p~-::> ~:'> 7< -l,....u~ 'l1--4:.-f ~ .i----r ~-:- c'';:-- c. \ :z.L'-':...-S /'A:--"~S; I A,...."V C-....;.;.J.-( A O'::--C-iSiO.-':':' (.."--,,.;..S. t.A..~ \:> E . . 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? e><:_;~IE-i.-o, --- c-~ '?-ec J, \::>E. ,)>.. f-'~-'1--( ~sPc.c....\1V~ t=--C-<.:..'....,.... c:;(........'-€C:I~ LU +.1.0 ?\..J'>.W S ID QA\<;,,::._ ~,~ C i.l' l--~~....J IN L><-::o3L_ \10. SIGNA~$.~".....j=~4(,--~\'\ OCCUPATION 6p-L-ES SV~-~v\~c~:- \)J C ;:"1--\> ~ ~ \.) . ~ hS In order to be considered by tlte Mayor for appointment to tlte Parks & Community Sen'ices Commission, please return tltis completed form to tlte attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 . Civic Plaza, P. O. Box 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.rn., Monday, November 30, 1998, K1/GJapptmtsiappformsiappl-pcs.doc . '3 / ~ ~s PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES CO~~~f9ffu APPLICATION :^:RESS ~~~~19'~~ ~iV\ (~ tyf/fX":1 TELEPHONE # (HOME) (4l~) f;I-8' \ \ ?FS DATE DEe 3 1998 CiTY Ur UUBLlN n/10/1f1 ( ( (WORK) (12~) 4ft .1=7cr> " 1. \Vhy are you interested in serving on the Parks & Community Services Commission? . 2. 'Vhat knowledge do you have of the parks and recreation facilities in Dublin? I ~~.~~ ~ ~~JIt'~ ~11~:~;a~ ~~~ril . 5' , ". ~ ratmW)1 {ac.lf' dls1im W ctl~ ~c:rrec-{ t<Jzt-rf our rt:'JvJ v:tf't-s .v ~ do;l;\Or. '.J 1-- 3. What knowledge do you have of the programs offered through the Parks . & Community Services Department? Have you or a family member participated in a program sponsored by 1he Department? . 4. Are there additional park facilities and recreation programs needed by the community? Please describe. :3;2. .iJ c.j 5 ZB"d ll::llOl 5. How do you feel about user fees for recreation programs and park/facility reservations? . 6. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? \ 1"0.,"-11"/ W.{,,\ 0\ VI fl?'l'ti(M~ .IT> I"vV':t~ \1 r.:\t;ci~;,nl,"l'S w~,,\(A1 (tV"/'.! V~L'IO.Y " \ ~ tr,t 10 u . .oJ \ ~i I'll? of coUl'Yl (). . a\IOIN {Lf' Irrnll1' y(l m ~s "If~. \,;p{ rflvV\ffrtal',~' -W'ctt \ UW\ VYt\'iCt .1, t'Cc:\m ~ '(:'7.x;.Y'j ., . . ~ ~~ ",:; CI1V1\'r<t m-1U'\I'2:~ mo- 10" 'ro' w jM?;- "'7 C\ t\.\tf.n'Y~v.("/" ,; . 7. What is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Parks & Community Services Commission? SIGNATlTRE ~1tJ. .. f!l11~/Afl-) I i In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to tlte Parh- & Community Sen1ices Commission, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. 0" Box 2340, Dublin, C4 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 30, 1998. OCCUPATION CtwYlfW:'t'r;al v.vtdtr C"5:W\~ ) '. r lGIapptmt:/app/orms/appl~pr:tl.(I(}C -- ,..... . . . - \ \, ...\#-=: ~~....'! ) :rr,c.' ,... '33~cj5 . . " ;;~. ':... .. ... SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE ..:\.PPLICATION RECEIVED I~QV ~ Q 1998 CiTY Uf DUBliN DATE NO''EMBER 25.1998 NAME C. R. CoeUova ADDRESS 11713 SERRA COURT. DUBLIN. CA. 94568 TE~EPHONE # (HOME 925.828.3781 OR 925.829.2137 I. "'hy are )"oU interested in serving on the Senior Center Adrisory Committee? I have served for the past 4 years, and I feel that my serving on the adrisory committee has made a difference for the best. 2. What knowledge do you have of the programs and services offered for elder adults at the Dublin Senior Center? I have been not only active on the Adrisory Committee, but also a volunteer at the Senior Center on a daily basis. I lm.ow what programs and services are offered on a current basis. 3. Have you or a family member taken advantage of the programs and services offered at the Dublin Senior Center? . ~ , .~.... .. ....-::.-...-. :.! Yes, daily and weekly 4. Are there additional Programs and services needed for elder adults in oJU!.-community? Please describe. Yes, there should be a bus service for seniors who do not drive and V'3Dt to come to the senior center. Presendy there are lunches served five days a week and I believe that there are seniors in the community that would like to come for lunch, but are unable to get to the center because they do not drive and and are unable to use public transportation. There should be computer programs so seniors ean take advantage of today's teehnology. We need. computers, so they can learn to cope with today's business v'orld. 5. What do you feel are some of the most pressing issues facing elder adults in our socie-.,,-? The need for them to be out "ith other seniors, especially those seniors who have lost their spouse. . . 3tJ ~ LJ5 6. Bow do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? . In the past four years, as a member of the advisory Committee I ha,'e made many decisions on my part for the good of the senior center, whether it was popular for the individual or not. Decisions were based on what is right for the cause, regardless if it 1\'as not popular. 7. 11l1at is the most important contribution you can make as a member of the Senior Center Advisory Committee? In the past 4 years I feel that I had contributed many hours of my time in a constructive manner. Volunteering to help the adlDinistrator in her fund raisers that is required by the City. Also, during the past 2 years I fOl"lDed the Dublin Senior Center Foundation for the good of the senior center by raising money for the Foundation. We MIl be saving many dollars for the city with the Foundation in place. I devote many hours of my personal time on the Foundation for the good of the seniors of this community. The hours spent are now sho,,'D in the nUD1ber of items we are purchasing for the senior center. We are in the proeess of buying a portable salad bar, two soup kettles, a color printer, and new . furniture for the "living room" area. We have provided a used copier for the seniors so they could make copies at the center. We have also purchased 3 sets of linens (39 Table linens) for the center to use at special events. At the present time we had ten gallons of paint donated to paint the partitions that are now in place. Every day I have made an effort to get more seniors involved at the Center. We now have more than 2200 seniors ,isiting the Center on a monthly basis. This is the largest number of seniors visiting the center since its inception. Special events numbers have more than doubled in the past two years and growing. Programs are above their capacity for the facility. I believe I can continue to contribute my energy and time to the center on the advisory committee and eventually see a bigger and better Dublin Senior Center for the City of Dublin with the help of the City. SIGNATURE~~~ OCCUPATION ~---/~ \ . ,~./ :.( -.':.",:.;;' .~.: .~; . . . '0 ~ . - '; .3 9'.ryf </5 HERITAGE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPLICATION lo!O-:~CFIVEO -~ NAME ADDRESS 1.J 0 \i-~ i) 1998 I) CITY Ur UUBUN / (WORK) CJ>/c).J:2Cj- G:3(j 3 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Heritage Center Advisory Committee? ~) I <J.-( , ~ ,_JMM1 U1--~j U( , ~~/) j)~4~') -, 0 2. What knowledge do you have of the Dublin Heritage Center (Murray Schoolhouse, Old St. Raymond's Church and Dublin Cemetery? ,J ~u ~P-clAR- ~ ~ ~ /tULJ.kw<J-e~_~, I U 3. Are you familiar with the other historical organizations operating within the City (Dublin Historical Preservation Association and E Clampus Vitus)? If so, how do you envision these groups working with the City for the betterment of the Heritage Center? ~'!) - ~.d~ CAA.A")A~ L/:J r 0 w~\~ ,{ :. --,4. ;59 ~ 7'5 What uses do you envision for Old S1. Raymond's Church and Murray Schoolhouse? _1J.l1~~ . 5. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the community, but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? 11 UA duL~/y.;' 1/4;;;' -dl ./)/,/j (J 'l.~J< o 1/. c A'~hJ-!- /, ~/'//,;~ ('I' / flJ "7 () tJ1-.:A / ~/? L~/p . ~ if' I.~ 1 . 9. i) /, .() -r d11 a.>>~ fr 1.'-du ~f} ~ ~ {fi.~~{ 1/U-b-t c/3; ~~~ 6. . CCUP ATION In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Heritage Center Advisory Committee, please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck, City Clerk, 100 Civic Plaza, P. O. BO. 2340, Dublin, CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 30,1998. K2/G/apptmts/appformslformhcac.doc ... <' ,.-.< r ~ -.::;. Kay Keck :3'1' ~ L/S .From: ent: 0: Subject: JohnsonE [e"en~ohnson@snmail.lvjusd.k12.ca.us] Monday, November 30, 1998 11:29 AM kaykeck FW: Kay: I'm unable to get to the fax machine until late today. Please send a reply to this email as soon as you get it. This includes all of the information required on the application. If you could give me another day, I could get it to your office by 8 a.m. on Tuesday, December 1. I teach all day long and have a ~edical appt. in Livermore right after school so cannot do more at this point except hope the fax machine works this afternoon after 4 p.m. which you indicated was my deadline. I only received your letter (sent Nov. 23) when I returned home late Sunday. Thanks again. I did get your phone message to me at 9:30 this a.m. so hope the additional dot does the trick! Ellen Johnson Dear Kay: I returned home after several days away to receive your letter late sunday evening. I have had to write the following far too hastily, but I hope you will understand the format and will kindly explain the reason for it to the Mayor so that I will not be eliminated from the Heritage Center Committee because I did not have sufficient notification from the city. I appreciate your help on this. My responses to the 6 questions are as follows: . I am eager to learn more of Dublin history and to meet others who ar~ that goal and wish to improve the city in ways the Heritage Center pernu ts . 2. I have read hundreds of pages in the Dublin Library, DHPA resources and have served on the Heritage Committee for 4 years. Learning along with the other members of the committee has been a great source of pleasure. Building a foundation through museum tours, our monthly meetings as well as _feading, have only increased my desire to learn more and help in the progress of the Center. 3. I have worked with several members of the DHPA for over 4 years and believe their resources, long history with the center and large membership can be called upon to assist in advertising events and the holdings of the museum to encourage visits from the public. If they would also serve as docents and help in drafting more docents and helping to train them, we could enlarge the scope of the museum and church's importance to Dublin. The church's availability has not resulted in more interest in the church and the Heritage Center as a whole. More events, carefully chosen exhibitions in cooperation with other city groups, perhaps, should bring even more attention. The attendance at the Center during the Friday evening Farmers' Market shows that, with steady publicity, we can meet a new need in Dublin. 4. I participated in the open meetings for the purpose of brainstorming ideas and was pleased to see so many good ideas. We have implemented several of them already: Friday evening open hours and exhibits, Scarecrow contest, Tools of the Trade exhibit, Holiday exhibition, the 411rstoric wedding fashions catered luncheon and fashion show. ~. To avoid dissension about the use of any public place, I believe meetings in which both sides are encouraged to express criticism along with suggestions are most beneficial to gain harmony. In a democratic 1 way. the majority could then rule with the knowledge that all people had a fair opportunity to express their views. 5. As a longtime classroom teacher and also a musician, I attempt to offer my talents in the creative arts (performing, displaying a craft, helping to set up exhibits) and hope to continue to do so. I have been involved in as many ways as I have been asked and able to participate and enjoy interacting with a group of volunteers whose goal is to preserve the beauty and significance of Dublin's Heritage Center. I am proud to be a part of local history at this historic place. Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com ------------------ RFC822 Header Follows ------------------ Received: by snmail.lvjusd.k12.ca.us with ADMIN;29 Nov 1998 19:25:06 -0800 Received: (qrnail 29693 invoked by uid 0); 30 Nov 1998 03:23:19 -0000 Message-ID: <19981130032319.29692.qrnai1@hotmail.com> Received: from by www.hotmail.com with HTTP; Sun, 29 Nov 1998 19:23:15 PST X-Originating-IP: [] From: "Ellen Johnson" <johnsonesj@hotmai1.com> To: JohnsonE@snmail.lvjusd.k12.ca.us Cc: JohnsonESJ@hotmail.com subject: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 19:23:15 PST 2 yo '71. '/S. . . . NOV-jU-~8 MON j:lb PM .rom: Date: To~ Cc: . . Lj/ cD VS P. 2 Page ~ for.bhnsonE Ellen Johnson Sun, Nov 29, 1998 7:25 PM lQgo ~..... 100 c.-. CITY Ur- UUdLlN Johnl;1onE JohnsonESJ@hotmail.com ~;;u: K~y: I retu1::ned hare after several days awaj' to receive your letter lv.te Sunday evening. I have had to ...>rite the foDOVI"ing tar "tOO hastily, but I hope yC".l Will lUlderStand the ;(o.:.~t and ,dll ki.'"ldly ~"plain the reaso..' fOl- it t.o the Mayor so tMt I will not be eliminated iran the Heritage Center Ccmnittee oc-cause I did not. have sufficient notification fran the city. I appreciate your help on this. 1!!'j l-esponses to the G que~tior'..s arc = foll(;J.-.'O: 1. I am ea'::Ier to lea.rn rrore of DI..'lblin hi:;.t.ory and t.o rre;>t others who f:hare that gool and \.:ish to irrprove the city in ,,:.::.ys the Heritage Ce.t1tcr :pe1.-mi ts . 2. I have reoad hundreds of paQes in the Dublin Lib=311', DHPA .r~9lll"Ces and have se.rved on the Herit-..;;tge Ccmni.tt.ee for 4 years. lP-arning along with the other nenbP...rs of the ccmnitt-..eol has bee.:1 a great source af pleasure. Buildin9" a fou.ndation through Iml.Seum toure, our tn:mthly meetings e.s """,11 as reading, have only increased 1m' desire to learn n):)re and h~lp in the progress of the Center. 3. I ha....e \\'OI":r.ed v:ith ~everal ~....rs of the DHPA for over 4 ye=5 BDd believe 'their resources, long hieltory witb the ~ter and largQ ~....rship can be c;J.1Qci upon '1::0 assist in advert.L9ing events and the holdings Qf the .Il1I.JSetml to e.'1COll.t'age visits iran the public. If they 'II.Ulld aJ.sa serve as cbcents a.'ld relp in draftin9" ~e cbc.ents aod helping to train them, we could enlarge the socpe of the Xl\U:':i0)lI\ and church's irrport.moe to r>.mlin. The ohurch' g avail.ebility i'.as not 1.~9u1tQd in m:>re interest in the church and the Heritage Center as a 'VJhcle. MOre ~ts, carefully ch.OSI2I1 exhibitirns in cocp"'....ration with other city groupe, perhaps, should bring even rrore attention. The attendanCe at the center during the Friday evening Fe..~s' 2-'..arket s~'S that, wj.th :::lte&.dy plJblicity, WQ eM! .~t a new n~ in [)JbLin. 4 . I participated in the ~'l rreetings for the purpose of brainstonning id=>..-as and was pleased to see so many good ideas. we have ilrplernented seve!'<U of them a1.ready; 'f"l: iday c:'Jen.ing opo'L hoo,rs and e........hibi ts , l;carecr<M oontc>st, -r=lc of the Trade ~ibit, Holiday exhibition, the historic W2dding fashions camred luncheon and fashion e~'. 5. ~'O avoid di5sension at:out the use of any public plaOE!, I believe meet.ings in which bo'-..h. sid2s are enooura~ to ~ess criliciIDl'l alQ11g with euggestione are 1lD5t benafici8l t.o gain harrro..'l}'. In a cierrocratic way, the I:'.Il.jarity could then rulE: with the kn!::Iw'ledgiO! t.hat all peq:>le had NOV-30-98 MON 3:26 PM a fl:1ir op;artunity t<:> eJ-:press tI'I-:.lir vi<;><.os:- 6. As a longtime cla~srocrn teacher and also a musiciarl, I attropt to offer my talents in the cl.-eative arts (perfo:ouing, displaying a craft, helping to set up e.xhibi ts) flIld hope to continue to do GO. I havQ ~n itwol'lTl;l:d in as mmy ways a.9 I ha\!"" boen ::Lqked and able to participate and enjoy interacting with a group of volunteers whO$€' goal is to preserve th~ bE-.a.1.1ty and s:ignific{lTJOe of J)Jblin' s Heritage Cen-tP..r. I ant proud to be a part of l<xsl history at this hi::ltoric place. Get YOJr Private, Free enail at http://\>hr.~.hobreil.can __________________ RFC822 aCQdbr roll~ ------------------ Rk'CQived: by snm:riLlvjusd.k12.ca.U9 with PJ:MIN;29 Nov 1998 19;;25:06 -0800 Reeeived: (qmail 29693 invoked by uid D)} 30 NOV 1998 03.23:19 -0000 Message-IO: <1~981130032319.29692.~~@hotmail.~ ReCeived~ fran by """"",.h::;rt:r.y;Ul.eom \-dth mTI'; S\'n, 29 NOV 1999 19:23:15 PSt X-OrigD\ating-IP; f152.163.201.184] Freen: "Ellen Joh...'"lSon" <johnsonesj@hotltlail.can> 'ro: JohnsonE@smail.lvjued.k12.ca.us CC! J0hn.90:lESJ@hobnil.il.cc;rn SUbj~t: M:r:ME-versioo.: 1.0 conte.'1t-Type: te}.-t./plain Date: SUn, 29 Nov 1998 19:23;15 PST !./J- ~:.::.5 P. J Page 2 . . . NO~:30-98 MqN 3:25 PM .IFAX Phone J73-3-6CS-L1 Fax rf' 3 3 -- 0 6 s:- I Phone J cc: . REMARKS: ~gent o For your review P. 1 " ;' .~ ~ :../':::: 7" -'" --~ ,/ -'" I Da te II - 3tJ -- 1 g .:;? Number of paaes inclvdino cover sheet -~ FROM: [/~ 11 -;r;-~ S~ I Livermore High School 600 Maple Street Livermore, CA 94550 Phone Fax PhonQ 925.606,4812 925.606.4851 o Reply ASAP o Please Comment . . \. ,I tj y ozf c.}s" HERITAGE CENTER ADVISORY COMIvITTTEE APPLI~~~ED h' . ~_ IF'V? ;.l199~ NAME C';-tA..AU.f ~~r.lL~J DATE //- ~/-Crf~.'~r UU.t ADDRESS 731rS- C?\kc.A/lM/'.L.(' ~ ./ , &9- ~ /",.;/>.N'" I 4L/J~ ;r- TELEPHONE # (HOME) 8d y. 7 )-%-"'/ (WORK) ncY ';?- /;2 3'1/ 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Heritage Center Advisory Committee? 0/1 UL-U-0 -UlflA/?.r1h/.J:I~ tflJ4~-1-L~ Life /.O/A"-pyL/; .~J- \.tJ ~, .d' L1 t' /~ ~..D--A ;tZd ' 2. What knowledge do you have of the Dublin Heritage Center (Murray Schoolhouse, Old St. Raymond's Church and Dublin Cemetery? . ~ _ /A/~-?A A~ d.../~..-(.-P'- ~~ ;fJ., <,A A .~?t -'" h ~ tI' ~K4!,~4 ~ z,/ ~. 3. Are you familiar with the other historical organizations operating within the City (Dublin Historical Preservation Association and E Clampus Vitus)? If so, how do you envision these groups working with the City for the betterment of the Heritage Center? S./4.A:tL ./~ A/L A~~~ .ffie. ~ 1~/~- ('f?P7/A4/.,b,rI v2 ~v2...L ~A/- ~/vt? tf.7~//,p;/' ~ /L -L~ /~~A/~- . f~~ .. . . 6. . ..... ,./ . );~ tj 5" ozf 7".5 4. What uses do you envision for Old S1. Raymond's Church and Murray Schoolhouse? 5. V --Pu-/;A"fJ .dUt-...-/- dc.M__ 4-kA'".//# P'~u-t'AY'__ M<.J.cA' ,//A~AJ~ '~;I 4.A/?~'~ ~L7--4~~PL/4 P?~~/~ ~/ ;FLL/~-<'/~Z;:'~d~4 ~ ///Ur...uA/~L --H~ ~.t.4~ ~ ~~. How do you feel about making a decision for the overall good of the cOlmnunity, but unpopular with neighbors or organizations? q ~. ~ eLl J~ 4'~ ~ ~A'f57~~) AP1--A.Ar /' ~~A) ~ d_~ d/..Ar,t/4-h"<. ~ ~~ ~l~/Z/ r/2~/lA7-I -L-/ -at. /.LL--t' ..AZ/' What is the most important contribution you feel you can make as a member of the Heritage Center Advisory Committee? ,d1 ~ A__ 4j'~~/~ d A4-4~ SIGNATURE ~~/~ ~ ,~ .A4"A//~/~, ~ ~--L/--/4~., ~-"f~~A'h#--a--A ~//. LJA~./7-~<. ~ ~- ~//~~~~~ ~ - ~ ~1../~ 4~ ~ ~CCUPATION . b--U4-~ ~ ;/~ /&~7D'~ In order to be considered by the Mayor for appointment to the Heritage Center Advisory Committee. please return this completed form to the attention of Kay Keck. City Clerk. 100 Civic Plaza. P. O. Box 2340. Dublin. CA 94568 by 4:00 p.m., Monday. November 30.1998. K2/G/apptmts/appforms/formhcac.doc