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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 ElectionResults11-3-98 (2) . . CITY CLERK File # D[0l(3]fQ-[l](OJ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 30,1998 SUBJECT: Certification of November 3, 1998 Election ~~s Report Prepared by Kay Keck, City Clerk Q ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution with Alameda County Registrar of Voters Certificate of Election Results RECOMMENDATION: wi Adopt Resolution declaring results of November 3, 1998 General '\\( Municipal Election FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: The City has received the Certification of Election results dated November 25, 1998, from Bradley 1. Clark, the Alameda County Registrar of Voters. Out of 13,967 registered voters, a total of6,982 ballots were cast in the City of Dublin. Dublin's voter turnout was 49.9%. MAYOR Guy S. Houston 5,252 Votes COUNCILMEMBER George A. Zika 2, 612 Votes Tony Oravetz 2,037 Votes Dave Burton 2,388 Votes Claudia McCormick 3,243 Votes As a point of information, voter turnout in past elections was: November, 1996 = 64.3%; November, 1994 = 60.1%; November, 1992 = 77.0%. In accordance with Council direction, the newly elected Mayor and Councilmembers will be sworn into office and seated at the Council's regular meeting on Tuesday, December 1, 1998. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution declaring the results of the November 3, 1998 election. . --------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO. 8.1 KZ IG/cc-mtgs/12-1-98/as~certify . . . RESOLUTION NO. - 98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* RECITING THE FACTS OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD ON NOVEMBER 3, 1998, DECLARING THE RESULTS THEREOF, AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS ARE PROVIDED BY LAW WHEREAS, a consolidated general municipal election was held and conducted in the City of Dublin, County of Alameda, State of California, on Tuesday, November 3, 1998, as required by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council requested that the Alameda County Board of Supervisors order the consolidation of said election; and WHEREAS, the territory affected by this order of consolidation, to wit, within the boundaries of the City of Dublin, said election was held in all respects as though there were only one election in accordance with the provisions of Section 10418 of the Elections Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Elections Code Section 15301 et seq., the Registrar of Voters has canvassed the returns of said election and has certified the results, pending approval of the Board of Supervisors at their next regularly scheduled meeting. Said results are received, attached and made a part hereof as EXHIBIT A. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. That there were fifteen (15) voting precincts established for the purpose of holding said election consisting of consolidations of the regular election precincts in the City of Dublin as established for the holding of federal, state and county elections. Section 2. That said municipal election was held for the purpose of electing the following officers of said City as required by the laws relating to cities in the State of California, to wit: One (1) Mayor of the City of Dublin to serve for a term of two (2) years. Two (2) Members of the Dublin City Council to serve for terms of four (4) years. Attachment 1 Section 3. That the whole number of votes cast in the City of Dublin was 6,982. Section 4. That the names of persons voted for at said election for Mayor and . Councilmembers of City of Dublin are as follows: Mavor Guy S. Houston Councilmember , George A. Zika Tony Oravetz Dave Burton Claudia McCormick That the number of votes given at each precinct and the number of votes given in the City to each of such persons above named for the respective offices for which said persons were candidates were as listed in Exhibit A attached. Section 5. The City Council does declare and determine that: Guy S. Houston was elected Mayor of the City of Dublin for the full term of two (2) years; . Claudia McCormick and George Zika were elected as Members of the Dublin City Council for full terms of four (4) years each. Section 6. That the City Clerk shall enter into the records of the City Council of said City, in accordance with Elections Code Section 10264, a statement of the results of said election, showing: (a) The whole number of votes cast in the City. (b) The names of the persons voted for. (c) The measures voted upon. (d) For what office each person was voted for. (e) The number of votes given at each precinct to each person and for and against each measure. Section 7. That the City Clerk shall administer to each person elected, the Oath of Office prescribed in the State Constitution of the State of California and shall have them subscribe thereto and file the same in the Office of the City Clerk. Whereupon, each and all of said persons so elected shall be inducted into the respective office to which they have been elected. The City Clerk shall sign and deliver to each person elected, a Certificate of Election. . . . . Section 8. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution; shall enter the same in the book of original Resolutions of said City; and shall make an entry of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of November, 1998. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk K2 /G/cc-mtgs/ 11-30- 98/reso-certi fY FROM (WED) 11.25' 98 15:57/8T. 15:56/NO. 4861240415 P 2 STATE OF CAliFORNIA ) ) 55. COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ) I, BRADLEY J. CLARK, Registrar of Voters for the County of Alameda, State of California, . having canvassed the returru; of all votes cast in the City of Dublin at the General Municipal Election held on Tuesday, November 3. 1998, do hereby certify the following to be a full, tme and correct Statement of the Results of all votes cast for each of the candidates entitled to receive votes for the office indicated: CITY OF DUBLIN MAYOR Guy S. Houston 5252 CITY COUNCILMEMBER Claudia McCormick George A. Zika Dave Burton Tony Oravetz 3243 2612 2388 2037 I further certify that the total number of ballots cast in the City of Dublin al said eleclion was 6,982 and attached hereto is a complete statement of the results showIng the number of votes cast at each precinct for eal;h candidate, Da.ted Uris 25th day of November, 1998 ~~~ B LE J. CLARK Registrar of Vmers County of Alameda State of California Exhibit A of Resolution . . . FROM (WED) 11. 25' 98 15:57/ST.15':56/NO. 4861240415 P 3 . OFFICIAL stATEMENT OF VOT~S-AL^"EDA COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION HELD ON NOVEMBER ~, 19ge -. CITY OF DOOLIN/MAYOR" CITY COONCIL -. age H...oer 403.~ R ~ 0 C G e ~ E b o D D C E I U UA U L .6 ~ l\ T Y 8 0 8 M B V B A I )( N Y L R l Y l E l U s 0 0 S I G I I I " T U U 0 N E N 0 N B N I E T T F H G. A t 1 / U I A R 0 C R C E F- D U J I V J T 1 III D E U S T Z T E T 0 T C R B T Y J Y T Y H Y C V C L a " z 0 0 E r N C A C C C R T M N 0 0 0 OM E T I u U U U I R A M N II N N C S G A C C C C K E Y I I I I 0 L l L l R . . ~SOL PREC NO 540100 77 34 44_6 271 12 12 91 18 DQNSOL PRlC NO 540200 83 40 48.5 321 18 11 13 19 "-' ~- CONtol PREC NO 540300 86 41 48.(, 29 23 " 10 24 .-.--- -.- OONSOl PREC NO 540500 119 611 51.3 44j 2~ 16 19 30 ONSOl PREC NO 540600 80 33 41.4 26 11 11 10 17 CONSOl PREC NO 540700 1371 56 41.5 44. 19 15 20 26 toN$OL PR'C NO 541100 149 &6 44_3 52 21 16 24 31 toNSOL PKfC NO 542000 14 65 45.4 ", Z6 16 Z1 31 - t'OtISOL PREC NO 543300 . 15 67 44.6 54 24 26 25 29 - ~_.....'- toNSOL PREC NO ~ II 23 26.0 17 6 4 s 9, b>>I!aOL PREC NO 544400 22 2fU' 17 5 II 7 101 Nsot PREe NO 545000 110 24 22.3 18 71 5 9 10( ~$Ol PREC NO 545~OO 89 25 2iLO 20 5 11 9 91 ~ SENTEE GROOP 018 0.0 ~ SENTEE GROUP 023 15" 0.0 89 4~ 35 4! 57 IMStalfEE GROOP 027 cu boMSOl PRl':t NO 999557 0.0 ONSOL fREe NO 999599 0.0 ~ lOT A L S ....... 1396 69/i< 49.9 5Z5 l61 20J. l.36t :524 -......,. .. ...............-_... -~ ___" t .- " - .-.- ". , .- ....-.. ..g-~ 'u _ ---- . -~ . ... H_l ,- --- . .. .-- ..- . . FROM (WED) 11. 25' 98 15:58/ST. 15:56/NO. 4861240415 P 4 SUMMARY OFFICIAL STATEMENt OF VOTES~ALAMEPA COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION HELD ON NOVEMBER 3, 1998 ~** CIlY OF DU5LINf~YOR & tlTY COUNCIL *** Pag~ N~r 404.Y47.001 R 1 T C Ii o G o T o 0 o C E U U I U U E U 0 U A U L G R R T Y D 0 II N 1I V B " I N N T L R l Y l E l U S Q Q $ I C 1 1 I D T U u 0 N E II 0 N B II I IS" T T F 1/ I I R I U I A R 0 C A C A C R C E P o U I I V t r t M 0 E U S T Z T E T 0 T C R 8 T Y I Y T Y N Y C V C L 0 Ie Z 0 0 E I N C A C C C R T . N N 0 0 0 o M E 1 I u u u U I R -' M II II II II r. S G A C C C C K E Y I I I I 0 L L L L R .. ... ::OWGRE-SS D 1 ST ~ 0.0 ONGRESS 0151 10 1396 698 49.9 525 261 203 238 324 OHGRESS OISt 13 0.0 .. . :oHGRESS TOTAL 1396 698 49.9' 525 261 203 238 324 TATE SENATE DIG! 7 1396 608~ 49.9 515 261 203 238 324 TATE SENATE OIST 9 C 0.0 TATe SfNATf CIST 10 C 0.0 ENATE TOTAL 1396 6982 49.9 525 261 203 238 324 TATE AEEENRLY OIS, 14 0_0 TATE ASSEMBLY PI5T 15 1396 698 49.9 525 261 203 238 324 TATE ASSEMBLY OIST 16 0.0 TATE ASSEMaLY OrST 18 0.0 TATE ASSEMBLY PIST 20 0.0 SSEM9lY TOTAL 1396 698 49.9 525 261 203 238 324 ~RVISORIAL DIST 1 0.0 ERVISORIAL DlST 2 0.0 ~RVISORIAL DIST ~ O.c IERVlSOftIAL DIST 4 1396 698 49.; 5Z5 261 203 ~ 324 tERVISOkIAL DIST 5 0.0 uP~RVIllORtAL TOTAL 13P6 608 /.0.0 525 261 203 238 ~24 IlY OF AlMlWA 0.0 f TV OF AlBANY 0.0 ITY OF BERKELEY o.c tTY O~ DURLlII 1396 698 49.9 525 261 203 '38 !24 EOEN TOWNSIII fl 0.0 fTY OF EMERYVILLE 0.0 ITT OF FREMONT O. lTY Of HAYWARD D. :JTY OF LIVERMORE D URRAY TO\lNSMIP O. lTV 01' N~1oWtK O. I TY OF OAKLAND o. lTT OF PI fOI'lONT 0.0 ITT OF PLEASANTON 0.0 LEASANTON TOWNSHIP 0.( IlY OF SAN LEANDRO o~ tnON CITY o. - "^"'l'OltTl OHED CITY A V 0.0 ~PORTIONED CITY PREC D.C 1 O. ERKElEY DISTRICT 4 o. DERKELEY Dl~TRICT 7 O. BERKELEY DISTRICT 8 D. REMONT NEIIARK toLL PIS 0.0 PERALTA CCb AREA 5 0.0 ~RAlTA ceD AREA 7 O. >AN JOAQUIN DELTA 3 4 7 O. HABOT-LAS POSITAS #Z O. IiABOT-LA$ PO$ITA$ i#4 O. ~ERKElEY L1~[} 0_0 ( UBLJ N USP '396 698 49.9 ._.~ 525 261 203 2!88 324 ~NT UQD 0.0 0 ---~ ,. Q .. IVERMOR~ VALLEY JUSD 0.0 f;W HAVEN !,IS!;) 0.0 -(( . .. n_ FROM (WED) 11. 25' 98 15:58/8T. 15:56/NO. 4861240415 P 5 . SlmMRl OrrlCIALSTATEMENT Of YOTES-AlAMEOA COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION HEWD ON NOVEMBER 3. 1998 ... CITY Of DUBLIN/MAYOR & CITT COUNCIL *** Page NlEber 405.947.00' R ~ T c; r; o G D T [l [l tI C E U 1 U U E U 0 U A U L lJ R R T Y D 0 8 N 8 V B A I N N T l R L Y L E l U S 0 0 s: I C I I I D T U u 0 N E N 0 N B N 1 E T T F H I / R t ~ t A R 0 C A C; A E P Il U I I V I T I M D E U S T Z T E T 0 T C R 8 T Y I Y T Y N y C v C L 0 K Z 0 0 E I N C A C C C R T N N 0 0 0 OM E T / U u U U I R A M N N N N C S G A C C C C Ii': E Y I I I I 0 L L L L R * '" OAKLAND U$D 116 I: ( 0.0 ( ( C c AN LEANIlRO usn #2 [ ( O. t>> ( ( ( c j- . . s.aJI 'LORENZO USD 1: -r o.m -r [ ( c '0' C TRANSIT 2~YEAR 0.0 - -.. , . . C YIWI$IT wARD 3 0.0 C tRANSIT WARD 4 O.C ..., ~ C TRANSIT WAKD :; O.C .. ART DISTRICT 4 O.c _. ART DISTRICT 6 0.0 LAMEllA co !.lATER DIST 0.0 - - .-- lST 8AY MUD lolARD 3 0.0 .... ._-~ sl BAY MlIl ~ 4 0.0 U:T BAY MUD ~ARD 6 0.0 A~T RAY MUD ~ARD 7 0:0 AST BAY R.P.D. WARD ~ 1396 698 49.9 525 261 20~ 238 324 - DEN T~NSHIP Hasp DIST 0.0 -" AIRVIEW FIRE DISTRICT 0.0 IAYU4ll1l Alll:::A R&C & PARK 0.0 lvEkMORE REC & PARK 0.0 ~;UJNGTON TOWNSNIP MLT~ o.c .. PRECINCT TOTALS 563 43S~ 169ii 190~ 21.7 . 1~96 40.3 211 8sENTEE TOTAlS [ 134 0.0 89f 49< 33< 4&\ 573 .T 0 TAL V 0 T e.... 13967 698~ 49.~ 525 261 201 Z36~ 3Z4 ,... . - ." ... .. -." ..- ~ ... .. - .. . 0 '- 1-.- - . . FROM (WED) 11. 25' 98 15: 59/8T. 15: 56/NO. 4861240415 f 6 OffiCIAl. SlATItHCNT or VOTES-ALAMEDA CClUNTY G~N~ltAL ELE\;TlON "ELD ON NOVEMBER ~. H'YCl *** DUBtJ. UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT *** age Nl..IItler j;JO. U31. UU 1 R T T B : Sl [l N [l A . E U U U 0 lJ L G ~ It B T IS N IS ~ II I N N L R L Y L B L H S 0 0 '1 1 I A 1 E I U T U U N C N N R N N E T T 1 M T T R U A U A U U E g P S S R S M S R E o M o I D D R E H V C K U 0 E 0 C D T N " L A E T N A l( R A E II S G N t: E " OMSOL PREC NO 540100 77.! 34 44_6 12] 12 11 91 :oNSOL PREC NO 540200 S3~ 40 48.5 12 14J 16 12 )QNSOL PREC NO ~40300 8621 41S 46.6 14 1:1. 14 11 ... ONSOL PREC NO 540500 119C 611 51.3 20 I--~ ~g 16 f---- --~- ONSOt PREC NO S40~O AOCj 33 '1.4 -121 13 91 8 ONSOL PREC NO S40700 1371 56 41.5 18 23 19 11 ONSOt PREC NO 541100 149 66 44.3 18 25 26 14 OM50L PREC NO '42000 144 65 45.4 19 23 30 16 ;()H$:()L PREC NO 543300 150 67- 44.6 22 25 29 171 ONSOt PREC NO 544000 89 23 26.0 6 81 5 5 ONSOL PREC NO S44400 77 22: 2/L7 " 7 6- " ONSOL PREC NO :145000 110 24 22.3 5 9 61 7 QlfSOL Prtl!e NO ~:$SOO 89 25 28_0 a 10 6. 4 BSEMTEE GRWP 021 0.0 BlEW TEE GROUP 022 1 0.0 k8sENTEE GRClJP 023 134 o 0 39 50 40 33 I:ONSOl PRec NO 999577 C 0.0 toHSOL PREC NO 999578 42.S 1 1 I) 1 ,.....,.,TOTALS...... 1~97li 695e 4';l.'n 2170 ZoOIl Z4Z '''f.i . . ......- -- --. .- " ~-_..... .. --- ....._~ ._~ .,.".-.. --. -.- ..- ... - .., ...-- . .. .. .'. " -. - - ...., -.- ..~.. '..- --- --. , fROM (WED) 11. 25' 98 16:00/ST. 15:56/NO. 4861240415 P 7 . ............", OfflCIAL 5TATEHENT Of VOn::S-ALAMEI)A COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION HELD ON NOVEMBER,,). 1'N0 ... DUSLIN UNIFrED SCHOOL DISTRICT *** age NlJIber 351.931.001 R T T o P D T D N D A E U U UA U A U 0 U L G R II: IS T IS N II II II I N N L R L Y L 8 l H s 0 0 I I I ^ 1 E I U T U U N C N N R N N I; T T I M T T R U A U A U U E E P S S R S M S R D E D M D I D D R E H V C ( U 0 E 0 C D T N II L A E T N A Ie R A E tl S G N Ie E 1ft ;oNGRESS 01ST 9 0_0 ~GRESS D 1ST 10 1397 69a. 49.0 217 260 242 173 ON~SS D I ST 13 0.0 ONGR~~~ T/]UL 1397~ El~~ 49.0 -_. -.---.".- __?17 260 242 173 TATE S'~T& DltT 7 1397 60M 40.Q 217 2611 242 173 . TATI SENATE DIST 9 11 0;0 - TATE S!NATE 015T 10 lj 0.0 ENATE TOTAL 1397 69Ai! 49~ 217 260 242 173 TATI ASSIM8LY OIST 14 nO TATE ASSEMBLY D15T 15 1397 698 49.9 217 260 242 173 TAT! ASSEMBLY DI51 16 0.0' TATE ASSEMBLY OIST 18 0.0 TATE ASSEMBLY DIS1 20 0.0 SSEMBlY TOTAL 1:597 ~ 49~ 217 UO 242 173 . - ~ERVISORIAl DIST 1 0.0 PERVlSORIAL DIST 2 0.0 PERVISORIAL olST ~ 0.0 D1ST 4 1397 69A 49.0 .~J7 260 242 173 PERVISORIAl DIST 5 0.0 UPERVISORIAL TOTAL 1397 60A 40:0 21 260 21.2 1n. !TY Of ALAHEDA O.D: lTY OF ALBANY 0.0 ITY OF BERKElEY O~O IlY of bUaU N '1396 I.9lt 49.0 216 260 24' 173 DEN TOWNSHIP 0.0 ITY Of ~~VILL! 0.0 I TV OF FREMONT 0.0 -.- I TY OF HAYWARD 0:0 I TY OF L 0.0 IURAAY TOWNSHIP O. ny OF NELlARK O. IiY OF OAKLAND O. (TV Of PIEDMOKT o. fTY OF PLEASANTON D. lEASAHTON TOWNSHIP 57. 1 1 tT1 OF SAN LUNDRO 0.0 MION CITY 0.0 NAPPORTlONED CITY AV O~o KAPPORTIONED CJTY PREC o;lj IDCIlok'CICV DISTRICT 1 BERKELEY DISTRICT 4 0.0 ~~L~ DI&TRICT 7 O.O! BERKELEY DISTRICT 8 0.0 REMONT NEWARK CalL DlS 0.0 ERAL TA ceo AREA 5 0.0 SlAL iA em AAU 7 0.0 >AN JOAQUIN DELTA J.4 7 0.0 .... HABOT-LAS POSITAS N2 0.0 --- -- HABOT-LAS POSITAS #4 0:0 . i.RKI!! LEY U$\) 0.0 lUBLIN USD 13971 69& 49.0 2171 260 242~ 1731 - - -.... -.. REMONY m:D 0.0 -- -'~..... .. - .-- IVERMORE VALLEY JUSD 0.0 .. . fEW HAVEN USO 0.0 . . FROM (WED) 11. 25' 98' 16:00/ST. 15:56/NO. 4861240415 P 8 . .. SUMMARY OFFICIAL STA~)(T OF VOTES.ALAM!DA COUNTY OENElUIl EleCTION HELD ON N\JVE"'8t;~ 3, 1990 *** DUBLIN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT *** age HlJlDer 'n.S'31.001 R T T o p 81 o N o A . E U U U A U 0 U L G R R 8 T 8 N 8 R a I N N L R L Y L B L H s 0 0 1 I I A 1 E I U T U U N C N N R N N E T T I M T T R U A U A U U E 'E P S S R 50 M S R 0 E o M D I P D R E H v C K: U 0 E 0 C 0 T N " l A E T H A K R A E R S G N K E * :1AICLAND USll IK> ( 0.0 c ( -[ W LEANDRO USD ~ ( I 0.0 ( ( ( ( ~.. -.-.. AN LORENZO USD ( o :tj] ( 1 ( C - C TRANSIT 2-YEAR 0.0 - C TRANSIT YARD 3 0.0 C TRAKSIT UARO 4 oJi C T~SIT WARD 5 o.c AftT DISTRICT 4 0_0 ~~~-~" ART DISTRICT 6 0-:11 It.LAMEDA co "'ATER DI5T 0.0 ~ST BAT 1M) WARt) 3 0.0 HST BAT MIl) \lARD 4 0.0 EAST BAT MUD WARD 6 0.0 ~lIl !.lARD 7 o~ ~AST BAY R.P.D. WARD S 1397 698 49_ 217 260 242 173 DEN TOWNSHIP HOSP 01sT 0.0 . AIRVIEW FIkE DI$TRl~T 0.0 UlTUlRD AReA KEC & PARK 0.0 '--,. JVERMORE REC & PARK 0.0 ... ASHIHGTON TOUNSHIP HLT~ 0_0 RECINer TOTALS '39~ 563 40.3 , 77'i 210~ 202 13~ GSEITEE TOTALS ( 13U OJn 391 50 40 33 *T 0 TAl V 0 T E** 13974 6~ 49~ 21lC 26~ '4'- 1 7];~ . ... - ~ ,.... .. . ".-.- f--- -- _m_ ".. '. - .".- .- ...