HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.03 PersonnelAgmtsFire (2) r--,', r ..."~. .~ . . . ", , ,. . CITY CLERK File # D~[Q[OJ-W1[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 25,1997 SUBJECT: EXffiBITS ATTACHED: RECOMMENDATION: ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Personnel Agreements Between the City of Dublin, the Alameda County Fire District, the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority, and Affected Personnel (Report Prepared by Lou Ann Riera-Texeira, Assistant to the City Manager) 1. Agreement Between the City of Dublin, the Alameda County Fire District. the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority and the International Association of Firefighters, Local 1885, AFL~CIO 2. Agreement Between the City of Dublin. the Alameda County Fire District, the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority and T.J. Welch 3. Agreement Between the City of Dublin, the Alameda County Fire District, the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority and Lorelei Wade Approve Agreements. The costs. associated with the personnel agreements relate to future leave and overtime. These costs will be absorbed by the new fire service provider and through the service agreement. DESCRIPTION: On July I, 1997, the Joint Powers Agreement which establishes the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRF A) will be substantially altered. The agency will no longer provide fire and emergency services. Consequently, the CitY of Dublin has negotiated a contract for fire and emergency response services with the Alameda County Fire District (ACFD). On June 17, 1997, the Dublin City Council approved the agreement with ACFD. This agreement provides that the County will absorb a total of 36 former DRF A employees. Staff has met and conferred with the affected personnel regarding salaries, benefits, working conditions and related transition issues. Personnel employed by the new service provider will maintain seniority and will receive salaries and benefits in accorda1ice with existing ACFD labor agreements. However, with regard to vacation and sick leave, a number of special provisions apply. In order to provide for a smooth transition of personnel and services, the parties have agreed to provide certain benefits to those employees being transferred to ACFD. The attached agreements set forth terms and conditions of employment which the County shall provide to DRF A personnel which are different from the terms and conditions of employment which would otherwise be applicable to such employees as County personnel. , These agreements were previously presented to the City Council on June 17, 1997, as "Exhibits" to master agreement with ACFD. Now that the master agreement has been signed by Alameda County, staff recommends that the Dublin City Council approve the attached agreements. ---------------------~--------------------------------------------- H1cc-formslagdafire.doc COPIES TO: 4.7 ITEM NO. .:: . :-::::<..= '~:::=~:'.~-: . . ~: :+.~;.:.:::~ .. .... AGREEMENT BETVVEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN, THE ALAMEDA COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT, THE DOUGHERTY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY AND THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS7 LOCAL 1885, AFL-CIO This Agreement is dated for identification this _ day of 1997 and is entered into between the City of Dublin, a munidpal corporation ("City"), the Nameda County Fire District, a dependent special district and political subdivision of the State of California ("County"), the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority, a joint powers agency created by the City of Dublin and the City of San Ranlon C~uthority") and the International Association of Firefighters, Local 1885, )~.FL-CI07 an unincorporated association ("Local 1885"). RECITALS A Fire and emergency response services v.7jthin the City have been prm7jded by the Authority since 1988. Prior to 1988 such services were provided 'within City by the Dublin San R2mon Services District. B. The Authority 'will cease to prm7jde fire and emergency response services and to employ any persons as of June 30, 1997. C. City has determined to provide fire and emergency response services 'within City's jurisclictional boundaries as of July 1, 1997 by contracting with County. County has indicated its ability and desire to provide such services to City. D. The geographical area of the City of San Ramon which is served by the Authority 'will be armexed to the San Rm10n Valley Fire Protection District effective July 1, 1997. A number of employees of Authority will become employees of the San R2rnon Valley Fire Protection District, effective July 1,1997. E. City desires to provide continuity of fire services within its geographical boundaries and, to that end, upon cessation of fire services by the Authority, City ,,,ill require County to offer employment to 36 of Authority's current employees, 34 of whom are represented by Local 1885 ("'Authority Employees"). F. Local 1885 is the exclusively recognized bargaining agent for the employees of the Authority, \\>ith the exception of the Fire Chief, Battalion Chiefs Agreement Between Dublin, Alameda County ?ire District and lAFF. Local 1885, AFL-C10 j Page 1 of 9 Apri130, 1997 and Secretary. '" . G. City and COW1ty are panies to an agreement entitled "Agreement Between the City of Dublin and the Alameda County Fire District Regarding Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services" ("Master Agreement"). H. Pursuant to the Master Agreement, County will provide fire and emergency response services V'lrithin the jurisdictional limits of City commencing July 1,1997. 1. County is party to a memorandum of W1derstanding with the International Association of Firefighters Local 55-A for the period January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1998 which is applicable to County's classifications of Firefighter, Engineer, Captain and Fire Inspector ("County MOU"). . - + '. . ~ . : {::.:::. J. Although the persons listed on Exhibit A are employees of Authority and are not and have never been employees of City, in order to provide for a smooth uansition of fire and emergency response services for its residents, City desires and County agrees to provide certain differences in wages, hours and terms and conditions of employment from those that will apply to SUcll persons once they . become employees of COW1ty. Ie. Th~ purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions of employment which County shall provide to Authority Employees which are different than the terms and conditions of employment which would otherwise be applicable to such employees as County employees subject to the COW1ty MOD and any future memoranda of understanding or County rules. AGREEMENT Section 1. Recitals The foregoing Recitals are true and correct and are made a part hereof. Section 2. Offer of Employment No later than , 1997, County shall offer employment to the 34 employees of the Authority referred to as "Authority Employees" who are listed on Exhibit A hereto. The offers of employment shall be for the classifications sho'Wl1 . .... .. ..... .. ...... +.... ,. . Agreement Between Dublin, Alameda County Fire District and IAFF, Local 1885, AFl-CIO :;. Page 2 of 9 April 30, 1997 . ! . . . ..". ~ ....... .&.. . on such exhibit. Such offers shall be for employment effective at 12:01 a.m. on July 1,1997. Section 3. County MOU's Authority Employees will be subject to the provisions of the County MOD once they become County employees, except as such MOU is modified or superseded in the future or as otherwise set forth herein. Section 4. Sick Leave Balances Authority Employees' sick. leave balances with Authority as of June 30,1997, if any, which do not exceed a total of 2912 hours shall be carried over to County so that such employees will begin employment 'with County with sick. leave balances. \\7hen Authority Employees become employees of County they 'will be subject to the County's limits on sick leave balances which limit payoff of unused sick. leave to 1800 hours and PERS conversion to 2912 hOllIS. The sick leave balances of Authority Employees to be carried aver to County are shown on Exhibit B. The balances on Exhibit B reflect accumulated sick. leave as of December 31, 1996, sick. leave eamed from January 1, to June 30, 1997, less sick. leave used during such time. Section 5. Earned Authority Vacation Balances Authority Employees' vacation balances with Authority as of June 30, 1997, if any, shall be carried 'over to County so that such employees will begin employment 'with County 'with vacation balances. Local 1885 agrees that Authority vvill have no obligation to pay Authority Employees for such vacation balances upon terrninati~n of employment by Authority on June 30,1997. The vacation balances of Authority Employees to be carried over to County are shown on Exhibit C as llEamed Authority Vacation Balance" and include the amount of vacation carried over from 1996 ("1996 Vacation Carryover") and the amount of vacation time for 1997 not used. The vacation balances shown as "Earned Authority Vacation Balance" do not include vacation which was credited by Authority to Authority Employees for the months of July - December 1997. Section 6. Unearned] 997 Vacation Credit County will grant Authority Employees a vacmion Credit in an amount equal to the vacation such persons were credited with by Authority as of January 1, 1997, Agreement Between Dublin, Alameda County FlIe District and lAFF, Local 1885, AFL-CIO j Page 3 of 9 April 30, 1997 .... .- for the months of January to December 1997, less vacation taken from January . through J tUle but in no event more than one half of the amount of vacation credited on January 1, 1997. Such amounts are shoV\'I1 on Exhibit C as "Unearned 1997 Vacation Credit." "Unearned 1997 Vacation Credit" shall be used only to take vacation in 1997 and 1998 and shall be subject to the following restrictions: . a. Such' Credits must be used during calendar years 1997 and 1998. lithe Credits are not used by December 31,1998, the Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits will be lost. County will eliminate any W1used Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits from its books as of January 1, 1999. b. Authority Employees who resign, retire or are terminated by County prior to use of the Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits will not be compensated in cash by County, City or Authority for any W1used Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits. c. Authority Employees may not convert any unused Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits to additional service time for retirement purposes. . . :. ~..::.:- ..-. '-.. "~:'.:' ...... Section 7. Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits On December 31, 1997, County will credit Authority. Employees with six months of vacation accrual based on CountYs accrual rate ("Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits") which can only be used in 1998. Such amounts are shoV\'I1 on Exhibit C as "Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits". "Unearned 199~ Vacation Credits" shall be used only to take vacation in 1998 and shall be subject to the following restrictions: a. Such Credits must be used during calendar year 1998. If the Credits are not used by December 31, 1998, the Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits 'will be lost. County will eliminate any unused Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits from its books as of January 1,1999. b. Authority Employees who resign, retire or are terminated by County prior to use of the Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits will not be compensated in cash by County, City or Authority for any unused Unearned 1998 Vacation :..:. .:- :;/(. l\,oreernent Between Dubhn, Alameda County Fire District and lAPF, Local 1885, AFi-CIO Page 4 of 9 April 3D, 1997 .+,- . . .' r . '." . ...... Credits. c. Authority Employees may not convert any unused Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits to additional service time for retirement purposes. An illustrative example of "Eap1ed Authority Vacation Balance," "Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits'. and "Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits" is attached as Exhibit l}. Section 8. Earned Vacation Accrual Authority Employees will accrue vacation on a monthly basis, as provided in the County MOO, beginning July I, 1997 but 'will not be entitled to use such vacation until January 1, 1998. Employment 'with the Authority and the Dublin San Ramon Services District will be counted as employment with County for purposes of vacation accrual. Section 9. Deductions for Vacation Use As Authority Employees use vacation during 1997 and 1998, County will deduct for such use from "Earned Authority Vacation Balance'., "Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits", t.Uneamed 1998 Vacation Credits" and "Earned Vacation Accrual" in the following order: a. For 1997 1) From Earned Authority Vacation Balance (not includiJ'!g any 1996 Vacation Carryover), up to the amount of such _Balance (less 1996 Vacation Carryover); 2) From Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits; , 3) From 1996 Vacation Carryover. b. For 1998 1) From Earned Vacation Accrual for 1997; 2) From Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits; Agreement Bern'een Dublin. Alameda County Fire District and lAFF, Local 1885, AFL-CIO Page 5 of 9 April 30, 1997 3) From Earned Authority Vacation Balance (not induding . any 1996 Vacation Carryover), up to the amount of such Balance (less 1996 Vacation Carryover); 4) From Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits; 5) From 1996 Vacation Carryover. Section] O. Vacation Scheduling County will honor the vacation times scheduled by Authority Employees, as shown on Exhibit E. Section] 1. Vacation Slots County vvill honor two vacation slots for Authority Employees in 1997. Thereafter, one additional vacation slot vvill be added to the cUHent seven slots County offers to its employees. Section 12. Promotional Exams . Authority Employees may compete in County promotional examinations, commencing January 1,1997, as though such employees were County employees. Section 13. Overtime List Authority Employees 'will be placed on County's overtime list using such employees' hours worked for Authority from January 1,1997 to June 30, 1997, as shown on E2dJjbit F. Section 14. Seniority Authority Employees will be placed on County's seniority list using such employees' seniority with Authority (which includes employment V'lrith the Dublin San R:amon Services District), as shovvn on Exhibit G. Employment with the Authority and the Dublin San Ramon Services District will be counted as employment 'with County for ptuposes of layoffs. . .'\,crreement Between Dublin. Alameda County Fire District and lA.FF, Local 1885. AFL~CIO Page 6 of 9 April 30. 1997 . . . Section 1 5. Salary Steps Authority Employees 'will be hired at the salary steps shoVl'I1 on Exhibit H. Section l6. Trades County will honor any shift trades made by Authority Employees prior to July I, 1997, to occur on or after July I, 1997, provided such shift trades are identified in writing prior to July 1, 1997. Section] 7. Transfer of Files All Personnel Files and Medical Files maintained by Authority for the Authority Employees' will be transferred by Authority to County on July I, 1997. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Master Agreement, County shall be under no obligation to offer employment to any Authority Employee until such person has signed a V\Taiver and Consent to transfer of such files to County. Section 18. Further Action. City, County and Local 1885 agree to take any funher actions that are necessary to implement the provisions of this Agreement. Section] 9. Effective Date. . This agreement shall be effective when signed by all parties. Section 20. Fina] Exhibits. Exhibits B, C, E and F reflect data available as of March, 1997. These exhibits "ill be replaced with exhibits contEining the data as of June 30, 1997 'when such data is available. The Authority shall be responsible for preparing such replacement Exhibits and providing them to all parties no later than August 15, 1997. Agreement Between Dublin, Alameda County Fire District and JAFF, Local 1885, AFL-CIO Page: 7 of 9 April 3D, 1997 Approved as to form and Content: KELVIN H. BOOTY, JR. County Counsel Bv: ~ County COWlsel DIANA FLEMING County Risk Manager By: COWlty Risk Manager ATTEST: SUSAN MURA1\TJ:SHI Oerk, Board of Supervisors Alameda County, California Bv: ~ SUSAN MURANISHI * . COU1\rrY OF ALfVv1EDA, a political subdivision of the State of California, acting on behalf of the Alameda County Fire District . By: KEITH CARSON, President I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the President of the Board of. Supervisors was duly authorized to execute this document on behalf of the Countj of Alameda by a majority vote of the Board on , 1997; ~d that a copy has b~en delivered to the President as provided by Govenunent Code Section 25103. Date: Agreement Between Dublin, .Alameda County Fire District and lAFF, local 1885, AFl-CIO SUSAN MURANISHI, Clerk Board of Supervisors, County of Alameda, State of California . Page 8 of 9 April 30, 1997 . . . ADOPTED BY: I em OF DUBLIN, A Municipal Corporation By: GUY S. HOUSTON. Mayor /~.ttest: KAY KECIC. City Clerk Approved as to form: EUZABETH H. SILVER. City Attorney DOUGHERTY REGIONAL FIRE AUTI10RITY By: &;.'i;~~ l' ey. Ch' ers of Board of Directors JNTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS. LOcAL 1885. AFL-CIO ByDW]l Its: ]:\'WPD\MNRSW\114\AGREE\95\IA:FF1885.DF3 EHS:rja Date: Date: DRA!! ~-/1-11 Date: 5-1S--Q7 Agreement Between Dublin. Alameda County Fire District and lAFF, Local 1885, AFL-CIO Page 9 of 9 April 30, 1997 LIST OF EXHIBITS . Exhibit A List of Employees Exhibit B Sick Leave Balances Exhibit C Earned Authority Vacation Balance and Unearned 1997 and 1998 Vacation Credits Exhibit D Earned Authority Vacation Balance, Unearned 1997 and 1998 Vacation Credits - Illustra'!ive Example Exhibit E Vacation Schedules, Exhibit F Ovenime List Exhibit G Seniority List Exhibit H - Salary Steps . . Jb I . I. . EXHIBIT A LIST OF EMPLOYEES Name 1. Andreasen, John Henry 2. Atnip, Steven Edward 3. Becker, Michael Alexander 4. Benfield, Daniel Ray 5. Bestrop, Peter Allan 6. Call, James Vvolcott 7. Camacho, John Gordon 8. Ceizler, Danielle R 9. Charlberg, Jerome Albert 10. Chase, William Edward, Jr. 11. Clemena, Pablo Castillanes 12. DeCou, Edward James 13. Eaton, David Matthew 14. Eaton, Robert Edward 15. Green, TImothy 16. Hall, Richard Charles Jr. 17. Hampel, Christopher Charles 18. Hartwig, Dale James 19. Horton, Allen Phillip 20. 'Hunter, Steven Hary 21. Johansen, Ronald Joseph 22. Leen, Terrance Phillip 23. McClintic, John Robin 24. Pinto, Mark Edward 25. Rawson, Gerard Thomas 26. Reid, Russell J. 27. Schnepp, Joel Robert 28. Silva, Jeff Bernard 29. Silva, Joseph M. 30. Snodgrass, Robert Allen 31. Stielstra, Scott Owen 32. Sutterley, Christopher Paul 33. Thomas, Andrew Rex 34. Zoggas, Constantin os (Dino) J:\WPD\MNRSW\114\A.GREE\95\lAFF1885.EXA }/ Position Firefighter Firefighter Captain Fire Fighter/Paramedic Fire Fighter/Paramedic 'Captain/Paramedic Engineer Fire Fighter/Paramedic Firefighter Engineer Engineer Engineer Captain Engineer Firefighter Captain Captain Engineer Firefighter Captain Fire FighterlParamedic Engineer ; Fire Fighter/Paramedic . Engineer Engineer Fire Inspector Fire Fighter/Paramedic Captain Firefighter Fire Inspector Fire Fighter/Paramedic Captain Captain Captain Exhibit A Page 1 Dr 1 EXHIBIT B SICK LEAVE BAIANCE I EMPLOYEE I SICK LEAVE I BALANCE* Andreasen, John Heruy 1316.5 Atnip, Steven Edward 2073.8 Becker, Michael Alexander 1520 Benfield, Daniel Ray 1220.3 Bestrop~ Peter Allan 477.5 Call, James Wolcott 364.28 Camacho, John Gordon 2760.8 Ceizler, Danielle R. 333 Charlberg, J erorne Albert 1043.3 Chase, William Edward, Jr. 1325.1 Clernena, Pablo Castillanes 1560.3 DeCou, Edward James 897.75 Eaton, David Matthew 1667.3 Eaton, ~obert Edward 2024.8 Green, Timothy 525 Hall, Richard Charles JI. 1910 Hampel, Christopher 3154** Charles Hartwig, Dale James 398 Horton, Allen Phillip 1097.5 Sick Leave Balance /').. . . .: Exhibit B Page 1 of 2 -. . I . I EMPLOYEE I SICK LEAVE I BALANCE* Hunter, Steven Hary 1771.3 Johansen, Ronald Joseph 405.1 Leen, Terrance Phillip 1104.5 McClintic, John Robin 1486.3 Pinto, Mark Edward 1313.5 Rawson, Gerard Thomas 1739 Reid, Russell J. 277.5 Schnepp, Joel Robert 324.7 5 Silva, Jeff Bernard 2444.5 Silva, Joseph M. 131.5 . Snodgrass, Robert Allen 222.5 Stielstra, Scott Owen 948.75 Sutterley, Christopher Paul 2153.8 Thomas, Andrew Rex 2495 Zoggas, Constantinos 4106.3** (Din 0 ) . - .. As of 3-30-97 U Cannot exceed 2912 hours. . j:\WPD\MNRSW\114\AGREE\95\lAFFI B85.EXB Sick Leave Balance Exhibit B /J, Page 2 of 2 EMPLOYEE ,Andreasen, John Henry .Atnip, Steven Edward 3ecker, Michael Alexander :Benfield, Daniel Ray iBestrop, Peter Allan iCall, James Wolcott 'Camacho, John Gordon ,Ceizler, Danielle R. !Charlberg, Jerome Albert 'Chase, V\fJlliam Edward, Jr. !Clemena, Pablo Castillanes iDeCou, Edward James iEaton, David Matthew lEaton, Robert Edward 'Green, J Imothy I .-lall, Richard Charles Jr. I lHampel, Christopher Charles I iHartwi9, Dale James I IHorton, Allen Phillip I IHunter, Steven Harry I :Johansen, Ronald Joseph I ILeen, Terrance Phillip I IMcClintic, John Robin I IPinto, Mark Edward ! IRawson, Gerard Thomas I IReid, Russell J. I !Schnepp, Joel Robert I :Silva, Jeff Bernard I :Silva, Joseph M. I !Snodgrass. Robert Allen I IStielstra, Scott Owen I :Sutterley. Christopher Paul I iThomas, Andrew Rex :Zoggas, Constantin os (Dino) EXHIBIT C ':vACAifC5Nl EARNED i UNEAR I 1996 !ACCRUAL TAKEN AUTHORITY Ii 1997 I VACATION I 1-1.97 1-1-97 VACATION!i VACATION ICARRYOVERi to 6-30.97 to 6-30-97 BALANCE I! CREDITS I. II - * as of 6-30-97 I ... ,(A) B C (A + B - C) I' I 102.67: 1081 -721 138.67: 73.17/ 1081 -1681 13.17: 216 i 108 I -288 I 36 : 132.91 I 108' -72! 168.91 ! 24.51 108 i 0 I 132.5: 12.23 I 60 I -40 I 32.23 ; 68 I 108 I -62 i 114 i 18 I 72 ! -40 I 50 ; 222.58 I 108 I -48 i 282.58 ; 2161 108! -721 252: 65 I 108 I .58.75 I 114.~5 i 25.75 I 120 I -24 i 121.75 : 38.51 1081 -1311 15.5: 46,51 1081 -1681 -13.51 55.251 108 I -2401 -76.75 ; 23/ 1201 -1191 24; o I 120 I -168 1 -48 I 69.581 1081 -60 I 117.58! 158.B31 1081 01 266.B31 0.B3 I 1201 -1461 -25.17 ! 58.75 I 108 I -31 163.75 ! 1361 1081 -721 1721 120.421 108 I -631 165.421 481 120 I -721 961 240 1 120 I -36 I 324 ; 62.661 40 I -161 86.661 57.5! 108 I O! 165.51 149.75 I 120 I -961 173.751 4.51 108 I -1321 -19.5 i 9.661 40 I -B I 41.661 1-491 1081 -721 1851 97.75 I 120 I -120 I 97.75: 17.75! 1201 -2381 -100.251 77 i 120 I -168 I 29 ! ! I I 1081 ,108 I 108 108 108 60 108 72 108 I 1081 108 I 1201 108 I 94.51 31.25 i 1201 1201 108/ . 1081 94.831 10BI 1081 1081 1201 1201 401 1081 1201 88.51 401 1081 1201 19.751 1201 I . UNEARNED. I 1998 j' IVACATION . CREDITS ",,* 120: 120: 120: 120: 120: 120: 144 ! 84; 120: 120! 120: 144 ; 120: ~~;. 144 : 144 144 120 144 144 120 120 144 144 ! 601 841 144 i 1201 60! 120: 144 i 144 i 144 i I ''Refle~s va:::ation scheduled to be taken; to be revised as of 6-30-97. . ~ Hours credited on 1-1-97, minus vacation taken, but no more than one ~alf of hours credited on 1-1.97. .....Based DO years with DSRSD & DRFA at County accrual rate of 0-4 years = 7 shifts. 5-14 years = 1() shifts, 15+ years = 12 shift 1'1 j:\wpd\mnrsw\ 114\agree\95\ia ~ . .~ ::l - - ~ ~ . t.1 - ~ ... :a_ r~ ~ ~ ::s t.1 0 .: ..!: .... ,... ~ ,,::: ... ......... .... "':l ... - - - """< ;s CI.) 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N,..,J.....a '* . . ::: .S -' tll l,.. U c:: I"ll Z >;::E "'0 ~ Q., ~ ~ EXHIBIT E . VACATION SCHEDULES EMPLOYEE VACATION SCHEDULED Dates Hours' ., - 4/3/97 - 4/4/97 24 Andreasen, John 6/28/97 - 6/30/97 48 7/2/97 - 7/12/97 96 8/3/97 - 8/8/97 72 Aurip, Steven Edward 5/23/97 - 5/28/97 72 8/30/97 - 9/4/97 72 Becker, Michael Alexander 6/1/97 - 6/15/97 144 9/8/97 - 9/22/97 144 5/1/97 . 5/6/97 72 8/6/97 - 8/11/97 72 Benfield, Daniel Ray 12/1/97 - 1212/97 24 1213/97 - 12/4/97 24 1215/97 - 1216/97 24 . . Bestrop. Peter Allan 7/10/97 - 7/10/97 72 Call, James Wolcott 5/2197 - 5/3/97 24 8/9/97 - 8/14/97 72 Camacho, John Gordon 11/25/97 - 11/30/97 72 12113/97 - 12/18/97 72 . . ,I" Vacation Schedules Exhibit E EMPLOYEE VACATION SCHEDULED Dates Hours Ceizler, Danielle R. 3/30/97 - 3/31/97 4 4/26/97 12 6/28/97 - 7/3/97 72 Charlberg, Jerome Albert 3/20/97 - 3/21/97 24 3/22/97 - 3/23/97 24 Chase, William Edward, Jr. 6/1/97 - 6/3/97 48 11/25/97 - 11/30/97 72 Clemena, Pablo Castillanes 3/21/97 5 3/30/97 3.5 7/25/97 - 7/30/97 72 11/19/97 - 11/24/97 72 12/16/97 - 12/21/97 72 DeCou, Edward James 7/7/97 - 7/12197 72 . 9/17/97 - 9/22197 72 3/27/97 - 3/28/97 24 3/29/97 - 3/30/97 24 3/31/97 - 4/1/97 24 Eaton, David Matthew 4/16/97 11 9/5/97 -9/1 0/97 72 4/20/97 - 4/21/97 24 Eaton, Robert Edward 4/29/97 - 4/30/97 24 5/30/97 -5/31/97 24 6/17/97 - 6/18/97 24 11/27/97 - 11/18/97 24 .. . . ,1 Vac:ation Schedules EMPLOYEE VACATION SCHEDULED Dates Hours Green, Timothy 5/26/97 ~ 6/14/97 168 9/11/97 ~ 9/14/97 48 6/7/97 - 6/1,})97 72 Hall, Richard Charles J r. 7/4/97 - 7/9/97 72 8/27/97 ~ 9/1/97 72 4/1/97 ~ 4/,})97 24 Hampel, Ouistopher 4/3/97 - 4/4/97 24 Charles 5/16/97 - 5/19/97 48 6/19/97 - 6/24/97 72 9/26/97 48 12/25/97 - 1'})26/97 24 Hartwig, Dale James 10/8/97 - 10/13/97 72 11/26/97 - 11/27/97 24 9/14/97 - 9/19/97 72 Honan, Allen Phillip 9/23/97 - 9/28/97 72 10/2/97 - 10/7/97 72 . 10/11/97 - 10/16/97 72 10/20/97 - 10/25/97 72 4/2/97 - 4/7/97 72 Hunter, Steven Harry 5/8/97 - 5/13/97 72 7/19/97 - 7/24/97 72 12128/97 - 1/2/98 72 .' . . ,<1 Vacation Schedules Exhibit E . . . . . E1\1PLOYEE VACATION SCHEDULED Dates Hours 7/4/97 ~ 7/9/97 72 Johansen, Ronald Joseph 9/23/97 - 9128/97 72 10/2/97 - 10/7/97 48 7/28/97 - 8/2197 72 Leen, Terrance Phillip 9/6/97 - 9/7/97 24 10/17/97 - 10/18/97 24 12/28/97 - 1/2/98 72 McOintic, John Robin 8/12/97 - 8/17/97 72 1 0/5/97 ~ 10/1 0/97 72 5/20/97 - 5/25/97 72 7/31/97 - 8/5/97 72 8/27/97 - 9/1/97 72 Pinto, Mark Edward 9/7/97 12 9/14/97 - 9/17/97 12 . 11/2/97 12 11/9/97 12 11/16/97 12 4/19/97 24 6/19/97 12 7/20/97 12 Rawson, Gerard Thomas 8/3/97 - 8/4/97 24 8/21197 - 8/26/97 72 11/1/97 12 12/16/97 12 12/25/97 - 12126/97 24 I~ EMPLOYEE VACATION SCHEDULED Dates Hours 4/3/97 - 4/6/97 16 Reid, Russell J. 4/7/97 8 5/29/97 - 5/30/97 16 8/25/97 - 8/29/97 40 11/10/97 8 7/1/97 - 7/2/97 24 . Sclmepp, Joel Robert 7/3/97 - 7/4/97 24 7/5/97 - 7/6/97 24 4/8/97 - 4/13/97 72 Silva, Jeff Bernard 6/14/97 - 6/15/97 24 7/20/97 - 7/21/97 24 11/19197 - 11/24/97 72 6/22/97 - 6/27/97 72 Silva, Joseph M. 8/15/97 - 8/20/97 72 12/19/97 - 12/24/97 72 5/23/97 8 Snodgrass, Robert Allen 11/26/97 8 . 12/26/97 - 1'}j29/97 16 Stielstra, Scott Owen 5/20/97 - 5/25/97 72 4/2/97 - 4/3/97 24 4/20/97 - 4/21/97 24 Sutterley, Christopher Paul 4/22/97 - 4/23/97 24 4/24/97 - 4/25/97 24 8/6/97 - 8/10/97 72 8/24/97 - 8/25/97 24 ).0 Vacation Schedules . . . Exhibit E . . . EMPLOYEE VACATION SCHEDULED Dates Hours 4/9/97 10 4/16/97 10 4/23/97 - 4/24/97 24 4/27/97 - 4/28/97 24 5/4/97 ~ 5/5/97 24 Thomas, Andrew Rex 5/11/97 - 5/12/97 24 5/15/97 10 5/29/97 10 6/16/97 - 6/21/97 72 7/15/97 12 4/22/97 - 4/24/97 48 Zoggas, Constantin os (Dino) 4/29/97 - 5/3/97 72 7/28/97 - 8/2/97 72 ];\WPD\MNRSW\114\AGREE\95\IAFFl BB5.EXE ?-/ Vacation Schedules ,,~ EXHIBIT F OVERTIME LIST I I OVERTIME I EMPLOYEE HOURS Andreasen, John Henry 202.50 At.nip, Steven Edward 108.0 Becker, Michael Alexander 158.,0 Benfield, Daniel Ray 42.75 Bestrop, Peter Allan 49.0 Call, James W oIeott -0- . Camacho, John Gordon 80.0 CeizIer, Danie1le R 42.0 Charlberg, Jerome Albert 136.0 Chase, William Edward, JT. 141.50 Oemena, Pablo Castillanes 148.75 DeColl, Edward James 86.0 Eaton, David Matthew 168.0 Eaton, Robert Edward 62.50 Green, Timothy 100.25 Hall, Richard Charles Jr. 237.75 Hampel, Cluistopher Charles 129.50 Hartwig, Dale James 133.50 Horton, Allen Phillip 140.25 . . ::l .: Exhibit F Page 1 of2 . I EMPLOYEE I OVERTIME I HOURS Hunter, Steven Hary 144.50 Johansen, Ronald Joseph 88.25 teen, Terrance Phillip 103.0 McClintic, John Robin 48.0 Pinto, Mark Edward 138.50 Rawson, Gerard Thomas 107.75 . Reid, Russell J. -0- Schnepp, Joel Robert 56.0 Silva, Jeff Bernard 214.75 Silva, Joseph M. 140.0 Snodgrass, Robert Allen -0- Stielstra, Scott Owen 99.0 Sutterley, Ouistopher Paul 145.0 Thomas, Andrew Rex 177.0 Zoggas, Constantinos (Dino) 115.50 . . 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Q o~~~o~cnl-c:::offi~.c::~~>=o~t-x~~c>eo~.J~i.J ~~cng~~g~~~~f~z~~~~~~~~~~E~~~~v~~ '3D EXHIBIT H SALARY STEPS I EMPLOYEE I SALARY STEPS/ Andreasen, John Henry 5th Atnip, Steven Edward 5th Becker, Michael Alexander 5th Benfield, Daniel Ray 5th Bestrop, Peter Allan 5th Call, James Wolcott 5th Camacho, John Gordon 5th Ceizler, DanieIle R. 4th Charlberg, Jerome Albert 5th Chase, William Edward, JI. 5th Clemena, Pablo Castillanes 5th DeCou, Edward James 5th Eaton, David Matthew 5th Eaton, Robert Edward 5th Green, Timothy 5th Hall, Richard Charles JI. 5th Hampel, Christopher Charles 5th Hartwig, Dale James 5th . . . Exhibit H Page 1 of 2 . I EMPLOYEE I SALARY STEPS/ Horton, Allen Phillip 5th Hunter, Steven Hary 5th Johansen, Ronald Joseph 5th teen, T~ancePhillip 5th McOintic, John Robin 5th Pinto, Mark Edward 5th Rawson, Gerard Thomas 5th . Reid, Russell J. 5th Schnepp, Joel Robert 5th Silva. Jeff Bernard 5th Silva, Joseph M. 5th Snodgrass, Robert Allen 5th Stielstra. Scott Owen 5th Sutterley, Christopher Paul 5th Thomas. Andrew Rex 5th Zoggas, Constantin os (Dino) 5th . . :\WPD\M1'-.TRSV,r\114\AGRh\95\lAFFJ SS5.EXH $I Exhibit H Page 2 of 2 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN, THE ALAMEDA COUNTY FIRE DISTRlCT, THE . DOUGHERTY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORlTY AND T.J. "WELCH This Agreement is dated for identification this _ day of _ 1997 and is entered into between the City of Dublin, a municipal corporation C'City"), the Alameda County Fire District, a dependent special district and political subdivision of the State of California ("County"), the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority, a joint powers agency created by City of Dublin and the City of San fumon ('~uthority") and T.J. Vvelch ("Vvelch"). . RECITALS A Fire and emergency response services 'within L~e City have been provided by the Authority since 1988. Prior to 1988 such services ,l\'ere provided ,,,,'ithin City by the Dublin San Ramon Services District. . B. The Authority will cease to provide fire and emergency response services and to employ any persons as of June 30, 1997. . C. City has detennined to provide fire and emergency response senrices within City's jurisdictional boundaries upon cessation of such senrices by the Authority by contracting vvith County. County has indicated its ability and desire to prmride such services to City. D. The geographical area of the City of San Ramon V'lrhich is served bi the Authority will be annexed to the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District effective July 1, 1997. A number of ~ployees of Authority will become employees of the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District, effective July 1,1997: E. City desires to provide continuity of fire services within its geographical boundaries and, to that end, upon cessation of fire services by Authority, City will require County to offer employment to 36 of Authority's current employees, one of whom is Welch. F. City and County are parties to an agreement entitled "Agreement Between the City of Dublin and the Alameda County Fire District Regarding Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services" ("Master Agreement"). . Agreement Between City of Dublin. Alameda County Fire District., DRFA and Vvelch ~;. Page 1 of 9 April 30, 1997 . G. Pursuant to the Master Agreement, County will provide fire and emergency response senr:ices within the jurisdictional limits of City commencing July 1,1997, and County shall offer employment to Welch. The offer of employment shall be for the classification of Battalion Chief. H. County is party to a memorandum of understanding with the International Association of Firefighters Local 55-B ~ Management Unit Rp34 for the period January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 which is applicable to County's management classifications including the classification of Battalion Chief ("County Management MOU"). 1. Although Welch is an employee of Authority and is not and has never been an employee of City, in order to provide for a smooth transition of fire and emergency response services for its residents, City desires and County agrees to provide certain differences in wages, hours and terms and conditions of employment to Welch from those that 'will apply to persons employed by County as a Battalion Chief. . J. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions of employment which County shall provide to Vvelch which are different than the terms and conditions of employment which would otherwise be applicable to employees employed as Battalion Chiefs subject to the County Management MOD and applicable County.ordinances, resolutions and regulations. AGREEMENT Section]. Recitals The foregoing Reci~s are true and correct and are made a part hereof. Section 2. County Management MOD Once employed by County, Welch will be subject to the provisions of the County Management MOD except as such MOD is modified in the future or as otherwise set forth herein. Section 3. Sick Leave Balances . ,"Telch's sick leave balance with Authority as of June 30, 1997, if any, 1l\,hich Agreement Between City of Dublin, Alameda County Fire District., DRfA and \\Telch ~ Page 2 of9 April 30, 1997 does not exceed a total of 2080 hours shall be carried over to County so that \-\'elch will begin employment with County with a sick leave balance. \-\'hen Vvelch becomes an employee of County he ""rill be subject to the County's limits on sick leave balances and restrictions on conversion of sick leave balances. The sick leave balance of Welch to be carried over to County is shown on Exhibit A. The balances on Exhibit A reflect accumulated sick. leave as of December 31, 1996, sick. leave earned from January I, to June 30, 1997, less sick leave used during such time. . Section 4. Earned Authority Vacation Balances Welch's vacation balance with Authority as of June 30, 1997, if any. shall be carried over to County so that Welch will begin employment V\rjth County V\'ith a vacation balance. Welch agrees that Authority will have no obligation to pay Vvelch for such vacation balance when he is tenninated by Authority on June 30, 1997. The vacation balance of Welch to be carried over to County is shown on Exhibit A as "Earned Authority Vacation Balance." The vacation balances shown as "Earned Authority Vacation Balance" do not include vacation which Viras credited by Authority to Authority Employees for the months of July - December 1997. Section 5. Unearned 1997 Vacation Credit . County will add to Welch's "Earned Authority Vacation Balance" an amount equal to the vacation Welch was credited with by Authority as of January 1, 1997, for the months of January to December 1997 less vacation taken from January - June but in no event more than 60 hours. Such amount is shown on Exhibit A as 'Unearned 1997 Vacation Credit." 'Unearned 1997 Vacation Credit" shall be used only to take vacation in 1997 and 1998 and shall be .subject to the following restrictions: .. a. The Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits must be used during caIendaryears 1997 and 1998. lithe Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits are not used by December 31,1998, the Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits will be lost. County will eliminate any unused Une~ed 1997 Vacation Credits from its books as of Janumy 1, 1999. b. If Welch resigns, retires or is terminated by County prior to use of the Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits he will not be compensated in cash by County, City or Authority for any unused Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits. . Agreement Between City of Dublin, Alameda County Fire District, DRFA and Welch 1'1 Page 3 of 9 Apri130, 1997 . . . c. Vvelch may not convert any unused Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits to additional senrice time for retirement purposes. Section 6. Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit On December 31, 1997, County will credit \^l elch with six months of vacation accrual ("Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit") which can only be used in 1998. Such amount is shown on Exhibit Cas I1Unearned 1998 Vacation Creditl1. "Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit" shall be used only to take vacation in 1998 and shall be subject to the follO'wing restrictions: a. The Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit must be used during caJ en dar year 1998. If the Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit are not used by December 31, 1998, the Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit will be lost. County will eliminate any unused Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit from its books as of January 1, 1999. b. If Welch resigns, retires or is tenninated by County prior to use of the Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit he will not be compensated in cash by County, City or Authority for any unused Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit. c. Vvelch may not convert any unused Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit to additional, service time for retirement purposes. An illustrative example of I1Eamed Authority Vacation Balance,l1 I1Uneamed 1997 Vacation Credits" and 'Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit" is attached as Exhibit li. Section 7. Earned Vacation Accrual Welch will accrue vacation on a monthly basis, as provided in the County Management MOU beginning July 1, 1997, but will not be entitled to use such vacation until January 1, 1998. Employment vvith the Authority and the Dublin San fumon Senr:ices District ""rill be counted as employment with County for purposes of vacation accrual. ~oreernent Between City of Dublin, AWneda County Fire District., DRFA and '\^lelch ~5 Page 4 of 9 April 3D, 1997 Section 8. Deductions for Vacation Use . As Vlelch uses vacation during 1997 and 1998 County will deduct for such use from "Earned Authority Vacation Balance", "Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits". "Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits II and "Earned Vacation Accrual" in the following order: a. For 1997 1) From Earned Authority Vacation Balance (not including any Vacation Carryover), up to the amount of such Balance, (less 1997 Vacation Canyover); 2) From Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits; 3) From the 1996 Vacation Carryover. b. For 1998 1) From Earned Vacation Accrual for 1997; . 2) From Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits; 3) From Earned Authority Vacation Balance (not including any 1996 Vacation Carryover), up to the amount of such Balance (less 1997 VaGation Carryover); 4) From Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits; 5) From the 1996 Vacation Carryover. Section 9. Vacation Scheduline County ~ honor the vacation times scheduled by Vvelch during 1997, as shown on Exhibit A . ~oreement Betvl'een City of Dublin, Alameda County Fire District, DRFA and Welch ?'- Page 5 of 9 April 30, 1997 . . . Section J Q. PromotionaJ Exams Welch may compete in County promotional examinations, commencing July 1, 1997, as though he were a County employee. Section ] J. Seniority Welch will be placed on County's seniority list using his seniority with Authority (which includes employment 'with the Dublin San Ramon Senrices District), as shown on Exhibit C. Employment with the Authority and the Dublin San Ramon Services District will be counted as employment V\rith County for ptuposes of layoffs. Section l2. Salary Step Welch will be hired at the salary step shown on Exhibit A Section 13. Transfer of Files All Personnel Files and Medical Files maintained by Authority for the '\lVelch will be transferred by Authority to County on July 1, 1997. NotV\rithstanding the prmrisions of the Master Agreement, County shall be under no obligation to offer employment to V\T elch until he has signed a Waiver and Consent to transfer of such files to County. Section 14. Effective Date This agreement shall be effective when signed by all parties. Section 15. Final Exhibits Exhibit A reflects data available as of March, 1997. This exhibit will be replacedwith exhibit containing the data as of June 30, 1997 when such data is available. The Authority shall be responsible for preparing such replacement exhibit and providing it to all parties no later than August 15, 1997. Agreement Between City of Dublin, Alameda County Fire District, DRFA and '\o\Telch ~7 Page 6 of 9 April 30, 1997 Section J 6. Further Actions . The parties agree to take any funher actions that are necessary to implement the provisions of this Agreement. Approved as to form ~d Content: KEL \TIN H. BOOTY, JR. County Counsel Bv: " County Counsel DIANA FLEMThIG County Risk Manager By: County Risk Manager ATTEST: SUSAN MURANISHI Interim Oerk, Board of Supervisors Alameda County. California .' By: SUSAN MURANISHI COUNTY OF AlAMEDA, a political subdivision of the State of California, acting on behalf of the Alameda County Fire District By: KEITH CARSON, President . ~oreement Between City of Dublin, Alameda County Fire District., DRFA and Welch 7~ Page 7 of9 April 30. 1997 '. . I hereby certify nnder penalty of perjury that the President of the Boarcrto 11 r- Supervisors was duly authorized to execute this document on behalf of the C&rfrfttl:fr / Alameda by a majority vote of the Board on , 1995; and that a copy has been delivered to the President as provided by Government Code Section 25103. Date: SUSAN MURA.NISHI, Interim Qerk Board of Supervisors, County of Alameda, State of California ADOPTED BY: CITY OF DUBUN, A Municipal Corporation . By: GUY S. HOUSTON, Mayor Date: Attest: KAY lCECI(, City Clerk Approved as to form: . FT .T7.ABETH H. SILVER City Attorney f...J. L}~ /'.. T. J. WELCH Date: S--/b-97 . .l\"crreement Between City of Dublin, Alameda County Fire District, DRFA and Welch ;9 I Page 8 of 9 April 30, 1997 DOUGHERTY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY By: c1{1f::g~~1n of Board of Directors Date: J:\'WPD\MNRSW\J 14\AGRE.E\95\'WELCH_DF3 EHS:rja DRA~ Si"! / q-1 ~creement Between City of Dublin, Alameda County Fire District, DRFA and Welch 'If) Page 9 of 9 April 30, 1997 . .''- . LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A Sick Leave Balance; Earned Aut..~ority Vacation Balance; Unearned 1997 Vacation Credit, Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit; Vacation Schedule; Salary Step Exhibit B illustrative Example Exhibit C Seniority List . . '1/ EXHIBIT A Sick Leave Balance; Earned Vacation Balance; 1997 Vacation Credit, 1998 Vacation Credit; Vacation Schedule; Salary Step T.J. Welch . Sick Leave 1996 Earned Unearned Unearned Sala...}' Balance Vacation Authority 1997 1998 Scheduled Step Carryover Vacation Vacation Vacation Vacation Balance Credit Credit 306 366* 60 88 None All numbers are in hours. *To be reduced by hours taken from 1-1-97 to 6-30-97. J :\v"PD\MNRSW\114\AGREE\95\'WELCH..EXA y;L . . :!:l ~ - s ~ ..... ::.. - ~---. r~ ~ ..:.c =' ~ 0 ::. - "- - ..... ... t: .::: It.._ .... lO') :::: ..... ..... >o..c I I '; = u "" ~.~ ~co-. ~Ec"'-;. -r; a.. n:_ => U < :: r"'" . c:c '::C:;coo- ;:: ...:: '" ~ ;5:::::... > - r--.. 0'\ I - . r--.. e.o c 'S c .~ ll.J .0 - ~ Sa E ~~.~ r.:o-u"tJ tJ....... d U :5 >u -;:'SiiB,... <J:;:; ::0,... ~ ::..to-t'iI aCJIwJ~_ :.:i~<,... '" -"IX> -"0- O<J...... "::::>- ..0...... ~ E:': > .. 0 u Q) Q) ;:...., o - Ooe 5 ~ .;:...., ~ ::: ::s o U ::0 0-::::...... -ij-=O\ .. ...:: ,... N- u~",_ ~ r::- r- .., c. ~,.......E -' =~~:O ""'uu cJ..... "' ..., :: > u ::> u u c >,.!! 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AGREEMENT BElYVEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN, THE AIAMEDA COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT, THE DOUGHERTY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY AND LORELEI WADE This Agreement is dated for identification this _ day of 1997 and is entered into between the City of Dublin, a municipal corporation ("City"), the Alameda County Fire District, a dependent spedal district and political subdi\rision of the State of California ("County"), the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority, a joint powers agency created by the City of Dublin and the City of San Ramon ('~uthority") and Lorelei ",'Vade ("\'Vade"). Rf,CIT ALS A Fire and emergency response senrices within the City have been provided by the Authority since 1988. Prior to 1988 such senrices were prO\rided ,,,,'ithin City by the Dublin San fumon Smrices District. B. The Authority will cease to provide fire and emergency response senrices . and to employ any persons as of June 30,1997. C. City has determined to prmride fire and emergency response senr:ices within City's jurisdictional boundaries upon cessation of such senrices by the Authority by contracting 1l\r:ith County. County has indicated its ability and desire to provide such services to City. D. The geographical area of the City of San Ramon which is served by.tpe Authority will be annexed to the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District effective July 1, 1997. A number of employees of Authority will become employees of the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District, effective July 1, 1997. E. City desires to provide continuity of fire senrices 1l\r:ithin its geographical boundaries and, to that end, upon cessation of fire services by Authority, City will require County to offer employment to 36 of Authority's current employees, one of whom is Wade. . F. City and County are parties to an agreement entitled "Agreement Between the City of Dublin and the Alameda County Fire District Regarding Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Senrices" ("Master Agreement"). Agreement Between City of Dublin. .Alameda Count\' Fire District, DRF A and \^l ade '/5 J Page 1 of 8 April 30, 1997 G. Pursuant to the Master Agreement, County will provide fire and . emergency response services within the jurisdictional limits of City commencing July 1, 1997, and County shall offer employment to Wade. The offer of employment shall be for the classification of Secretary II. H. The County is not a party to a memorandum of understanding applicable to the classification of Secretary II. The wages, hours and terms and conditions of employment for persons in the classification of SecreLTIy II are as shown on Exhibit A hereto as of the Effective Date. T. Although Wade is an employee of Authority and is not and has never been an employee of City, in order to provide for a smooth .transition of fire and emergency response services for its residents, City desires and County agrees to provide certain differences in wages, hours and terms and conditions of employment to Wade from those that will apply to persons employed by County as a Secretary II. J. The ptupose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions of employment V\rhich County shall provide to Wade which are different than the terms and conditions of employment which would otherwise be applicable to employees employed as Secretary II's as County employees as shown on Exhibit A . and applicable County ordinances, resolutions and regulations. AGREEMENT Section 1. 'Redtals The foregoing Recitals are true and correct and are made a part hereo{ Section 2. Schedule of Benefits Once employed by County, Wade will be subject to the Countis salary and benefits as shown on Exhibit A except as modified by County in the future or as otherwise set forth herein. Section 3. Sick Leave Balances Wade's sick leave balance with Authority as of June 30, 1997, if any, which does not exceed a total of 2080 hours shall be carried over to County so that Wade . 1l\r:ill begin employment ,"rith County with a sick leave balance. VVhen Wade becomes Agreement Between City of Dublin, Alameda County Fire District, DRFA and 'Wade 1./6 Page 2 of B April 30, 1997 . . . an employee of COWlty she will be subject to the County's limits on sick leave balances. The sick leave balance of Wade to be carried over to County is shown on Exhibit B. The balances on Exhibit B reflect accumulated sick leave as of December 31, 1996, sick leave earned from January 1, to June 30, 1997, less sick leave used during such time. Section 4, Earned Authority Vacation Balances .Wade's vacation balance ,"rith Authority as of June 30, 1997, if any, shall be carried over to County so that Wade will begin employment with County with a vacation balance. Wade agrees that Authority will have no obligation to pay Vvade for such vacation balance upon termination of employment by Authority on June 30, 1997. The vacation balance of '^l ade to be carried over to County is shown on Exhibit B as "Earned Authority Vacation Balance." The vacation balance shown as "Earned Av.thority Vacation Balance" does not include vacation which was credited by Authority to Wade for the months of July ~ December 1997. Section 5. Unearned 1997 Vacation Credit County will add to Vvades "Earned Authority Vacation Balances'l an amount equal to the vacation '\tVade was credited with by Authority as of January 1, 1997, for the months of January to December 1997 less vacation taken from January - June but in no event more than 60 hours. Such amounts are shown on Exhibit B as "Unearned 1997 Vacation Credit." "Unearned 1997 Vacation Credit" shall be used only to take vacation in 1997 and 1998 and shall be subject to the following restrictions: . a. Th~ Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits must be used during calendar years 1997 and 1998. If the Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits are not used by December 31, 1998, the Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits will be lost. Connty will eliminate any unused Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits from its books as of January 1,1999. b. . IfV\Tade resigns, retires or is terminated by County prior to use of the Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits she will not be compensated in cash by Coun1)T, City or Authority for any unused Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits. c. ,,,r ade may not convert any unused Unearned 199 7 Vacation -\,oreement Between City of Dublin, Alameda County Fire Distric:t., DRF A and y\T ade Y7 Page 3 of 8 April 30, 1997 Credits to additional senrice time for retirement purposes. Section 6. Unearned] 998 Vacation Credits . On December 31, 1997, County will credit vVade with six months of vacation accrual ("Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits") which can only be used in 1998. Such amount is shown on Exhibit C as ''Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit". "Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit" shall be used only to take vacation in 1998 and shall be subject to the folloVoring restrictions: a. The Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits must be ?Sed during calendar year 1998. If the Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits are not used by December 31.1998, the Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits will be lost. CountyV\r:i.ll eliminate any unused Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits from its books as of January 1,1999. b. If Wade resigns, retires or is terminated by County prior to use of the Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits she will not be compensated in cash by County, Oty or Authority for any unused Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits. . . c. vVade may not convert any unused Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits to additional service time for retirement purposes. An illustrative example of "Earned Authority Vacation Balance," "Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits" and "Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits" is attached as Exhibit l:. Section 7. Earned Vacation Accrual Wade will also accrue vacation on a monthly basis, as provided on Exhibit A beginning July 1, 1997, but V\r:i.ll not be entitled to use such vacation until January 1, 1998. Section 8. Vacation Scheduling County will honor the vacation times scheduled by Vvade during 1997, as shown on Exhibit B. . Agreement Between City of Dublin, Alameda County Fire District, DRFA and ,.Vade yff Page 4 of 8 April 30, 1997 . . . Section 9. Deductions for Vacation Use As Wade uses vacation during 1997 and 1998 County MIl deduct for such use from "Earned Authority Vacation Balance", "Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits", "Uneamed 1998 Vacation Credits" and "Earned Vacation Accrual" in the follo1l\ring order: a. For 1997 1) From EamedAuthority Vacation Balance (not including any Vacation Carryover), up to.the amount of such Balance, (less 1997 Vacation Carryover); 2) From Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits; 3) From the 1996 Vacation Carryover. b. For 1998 1) From Eamed Vacation Accrual for 1997; 2) From Unearned 1998 Vacation Credits; 3) From EamedAuthority Vacation Balance (not including any 1996 Vacation Carryover), up to the amount of such Balance (less 1997 Vacation Carryover); 4) From Unearned 1997 Vacation Credits; 5) From the 1996 Vacation Carryover. Section 10. Prior Employment Employment V\rith the Authority and the Dublin San Ramon Services District will be counted as employment with County for purposes of vacation accrual and layoff. ~oreement Between City of Dublin, Alameda County Fire District. DRFA and \^lade 11 Page 5 of 8 April 30, 1997 Section II, Salary Steps . Wade will be hired at the salary step shown on Exhibit B. . Section 12. Transfer of Files AD Personnel Files and Medical Files maintained by Authority for Wade will be transferred by Authority to County on July 1, 1997. Notwithstanding the prmrisions of the Master Agreement, County shall .be under no obligation to offer employment to Wade until she has signed a Vl aiver and Consent to transfer of such files to County. Section 13. Effective Date TItis agreement shall be effective when signed by all parties. Section 14. Final Exhibits Exhibit B reflects data available as of March, 1997. This exhibit will be replaced with an exhibit containing the data as of June 30, 1997 when such data is . available. The Authority shall be responsible for preparing such replacement exhibit and providing it to all parties no later than August 15, 1997. Section 15. Further Actions All parties agree to take any further actions that are necessary to implement ' the provisions of this Agreement. Approved as to form and ~ontent: ICEL \TIN H. BOOTY, JR. County Counsel By: County Counsel . Agreement Between City of Dublin, Alameda County Fire District, DRF A and Vl ade SO Page 6 of 8 April 30, 1997 . . . DIANA FLEMING County Risk Manager Bv: " County Risk Manager ATTEST: SUSAN MURANISHI Interim .Clerk, Board of Supervisors Alameda County, California Bv: " SUSAN MURANISHI COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, a political subdhrision of the State of California, acting on behalf of the Alameda County Fire District By: lCETIB CARSON, President I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the President of the Board of Supervisors was duly authorized to execute this document on behalf of the County of Alameda by a majority vote of the Board on _, 1995; and that a copy has been delivered to the President as provided by Govenunent Code Section 25103. Date: ADOPTED BY: CIlY OF DUBLIN, A Municipal Corporation By: GUY S. HOUSTON, Mayor SUSAN MURANISHI. Interim Clerk Board of Supervisors, County of .". Alameda, State of California Date: ~ureement Between City of Dublin. Alameda County Fire District., DRF A and Wade "Sf Page 7 of 8 April 30. 1997 /' /" ./ Attest: KAY lCECle, City Clerk DRAflff V Approved as to form: EUZABETH H. SILVER, City Attorney . c1m~ ?)ac& - RELEIWADE Date:/71~ (~'/'1'1 r DOUGHERTY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY By: ad- ~~ . Curt IGnney, Chai:rp~ of Board of Directors Date: 5 -/1-17 . J:\""PD\MNRS\'\'\114\AGRE...1:\95\W ADE-DFT .3 EH5:rja ...-;- Agreement Between City of Dublin, Alameda County Fire District, DRFA and V'lade 5,;1.. Page B of B April 3D, 1997 . LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A Secretary II Benefits List Exhibit B Sick Leave Balance; Earned Authority Vacation Balance; Unearned 1997 Vacation Credit; Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit; Vacation Schedule; Salary Step Exhibit C Illustrative Example . . . ?~ '. " EXHIBIT A' ALAM::BDA COUNTY FIRB DEPAR'l'MENT . " S1=tCRBrARY n - :Salary & ~t~ &so: $3423 pima top step '. MCB: . $600 p/yr 7eimb for job 1'eImd "'T"'"-<; tftining. eq~~t, etI:. Medical: $1250 p/yr rebnb for 125 Cafete:riJ. TU.-fit Plan; pun:bue ~ JpC:IIJtOred life insunmce (up to $100,(00), pay for CIIployecsis medical p~m contribution, ICimb for family m~c31J~lIviJi~ ex;pcnSO$. . PERS medical; District mA1r!'hP:s funds up to r"~r North ~ium l"a!eS SingIs - $144.95 2-Party- 289 a90 Family - 376. K7 Choice at PM! J>c:lm-CU: (BMO dcutaI) or Deb Pxcunic:r ~iVm .fully paid by Dist:cict Life: 2 plana; $10,000 ($20.000 db! indMnnHy) H!e iDRmmce and $25.000 ~ 1pOI~ life~~ Den1al.: Retirr'..n\1L.nt: PERS 2 $ @ a&'O 60: cnm=nt1y in I.CinRnJll far 2 ~ e ate 5S le!aves: '70/ Sick I.c8.vc - 128 .hom per year aa:rual: 2080 hrs cap Vacation. 1-4 yeaIS 120 hours 5-14 yem 176 hours ' . 14+ yom 208 boura ~ve !..eave ..: up to 10 da~ (:sO bouts) in no Of OVertlme wart:ed (12l1s posi1i.on pays DO overtime) . " '. " . ... :~ . EXHIBIT B Sick Leave Balance; Earned Authority Vacation Balance; Unearned 1997 Vacation Credit; Unearned 1998 Vacation Credit; Vacation Schedule; Salary Step Lorelei Wade . Sick 1996 Earned Unearned Unearned Scheduled Salary Leave Vacation Authority 1997 1998 Vacation "'* Step Balance Carry- Vacation Vacation Vacation over Balance Credit Credit , .75 739 128.75 188.75* 60 88 3/28/97 . 5th 80 (8/11/97 - 8/29/97) 80 (12/22/97 - 11298 All hours are in hours. "To be reduced by hours taken from 1~1-97 to 6~30~97. "*5 days of this 3 week period will be taken as administrative leave Wlder the County's program. . J:\'WPD\!',1NR.SW\114\AGREE\95\W ADE.EXB -55 ~ :-< - ~ - ~ ~ u c; "' :;I ~ ~ ::.. :::: ~ ~ '- 'i.O ~ .n ..... ::: ~ .... (.) - (.) ... o ~ s~ .... .:tco.s ....0-'" ~'::::5 _ v cJ ...... o ::: Cj .... 0 > c;:r.. ::=0......0\ 6et'~..:. _ t(I .a.." "' . ~;:>U - - '" 0\ , - , '" t:~~ -E~~ "c- U OJ ::I ;:>""": .. ~-5 ~ :: ... ... Co CJ ~ - ..... 0\ ""Clc_~ 0J..e:;- ciI..o :; ~ :j ..J wco<..... > c;:r.. ~ (.) (.) >-" o - o.c = ~ >.... ~ t: =' o U ""Cl t:. ~eo..ea A..t0\-'~ ~O\e:c c-ratJ :::> >u ""Cl v". 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