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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.1 Internet Website Design (2)
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File # O[f2][{i]fQJ-SJ[Q]
Contract for Consultant Services for Internet Wehsite Design
Report Prepared by: Steve Honse, Administrative Assistant
1. Proposed Agreement
2. Proposal Excerpts
3. Budget Adjustment
-"'" . ,t;5" . 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement
1\ UlJ' 2. Approve an additional appropriation from Reserves
A budget appropriation of $6,000 will allow the City to proceed
with Phase 2, which will secure professional design services for
the City's proposed Website. (This does not include on-going
cost associated with host services. A recommended host site
will be presented in the future.)
At the November 19, 1996 City Council meeting, Staff was directed to accelerate the schedule for City
.tilization of the Internet. The project is divided into the two phases: 1) System Design and Installation,
.d equipment purchase; and 2) Website Design. This report relates to the award of the contract for
Wehsite Design Services.
The Internet is a pathway which connects isolated computers into one large network known as the World
Wide Web. Typically, each individual or organization, which sends and receives information on the
Internet, will have an area in which they can post information and receive e-mail and other
conununications. In its most basic form, this area is known as a Home Page. Typically, a Home Page
lists basic information about the owner of the page.
A more sophisticated Internet presence is the Website, which contains detailed information organized by
subject areas. A Website consists of a Home Page which indexes information within the Website, similar
to a Table of Contents. Anyone wishing to access information, first sees the Home Page index. From that
point he can choose which type of information he wishes to access. The user clicks the area of interest
and is automatically taken to that area. In local government applications, the Website typically consists of
areas devoted to the City Council, City Departments, Economic Development, City services, history, and
indexes to related Websites.
In order to develop a Wcbsite that represents the City in a positive fashion, the City Council directed Staff
to circulate an RFP for professional Website Design Services. These services are divided into design and
aintenance. Design services arc a one-time cost required to create the Website. This cost is not
All Veudors
recurring, unless significant modifications or additions are required at some time in the future.
Maintenance costs are related to periodically changing information on the Website, such as Council
agendas, recreation schedules, and listings for special events. Typically, these modifications are estimated
to require four hours per month oflahor. Staff will evaluate these costs versus the benefits of having the
maintenance function performed in-house by Staffmembers. In-house maintenance would require:
Internet training for Staff, potential hardware and software costs; and a determination that Staff time is
available for the task. It is reasonable to anticipate that initial maintenance will be performed by the
selected design firm.
. .
Seven RFPs were circulated and five firms responded. As allowed by the RFP, one firm presented three
optional levels of service with their proposal. As a result, a total of 7 responses were evaluated. The costs
associated with each response are summarized below:
Vendor Design Annual 1st Year Cost
PCS $48,000 $4,560* $52,560
AstroPages 15,500 13,200 28,700
TaylorMade 2,000 3,600* 5,600
Infolane #1 4,000 3,600 7,600
Infolane #2 7,000 3,600 10,600
Infolane #3 12,000 3,600 15,600
Citilinks 4,615 2,080 6,695
*No fixed maintenance fee was included with proposal. Annual maintenance fee calculated assuming 4
hours per month of labor multiplied by hourly rate.
The City's Website will project an image which will directly reflect upon the City. A well-designed
Website is easy to navigate, full of useful information, graphically appealing and intelligently organized.
Such a Website makes a positive statement about the community. Conversely, a poorly designed Website
will not be fully utilized and can give a poor impression of the organization. The primary criteria is that
the City's Website be appealing, intelligently organized, and present information related to the City in a
positive way.
Certain aspects of selection criteria are highly subjective. In order to achieve the most reliable evaluation,
an evaluation committee was formed with a representatives from Economic Development, Administrative
Services, Public Works, and Parks and Community Services. Selected design firms were invited to
discuss their proposal and to present samples of their work to the committee. Following this presentation,
the committee asked each vendor a series of questions in order to determine their level of experience,
skill, and reliability.
As discussed above, the primary criteria used to evaluate proposals was that the design firm demonstrate
the ability to design a Website that would present the City in a positive light. However, cost is always a
key factor in evaluating proposals. The evaluation process first ranked each proposal based upon skill and
reliability. Next, each proposed was ranked as to cost. The final selection was based upon the two
The results of the preliminary evaluation process are discusscd below:
- 2 -
~ PCS proposes to design a basic Web site at a cost of $48,000 and to perform maintenance at an
estimated cost of $4,560. The PCS proposal is extraordinarily high when compared to proposals
offered by other firms. Staff did not believe that PCS offered benefits which would justify an
expenditure of this magnitude and the proposal was eliminated from further evaluation.
AstroPages proposes to design a Website for $15,500 and to perform annual maintenance at a cost
of $13,200. The firm was invited to participate in the oral interview process. AstroPages has
some experience with corporate clients; however, the proposal was not as detailed as others in
presenting a plan for a public agency site. Additionally, at a first year cost of $28,700, the cost is
exceptionally high when compared to other qualified proposals. Based upon high cost and lack of
directly related experience, the committee concluded that the firm did not offer benefits that would
justify an expenditure which is substantially more than other acceptable options.
Taylor Made Solutions:
Taylor Made Solutions proposes to design a basic website with minimal graphics and photo scans
at a cost of $2.000 and to perform annual maintenance at a cost of $3,600. The proposal provided
for a minimal amount of graphics, photographic scans, and HTML pages. Based upon the City
primary criterion of developing a Website which represents the City is the most positive light, this
proposal is inadequate to accomplish that objective and is not recommended.
Infolane is an industry leader in Web site design and has an impressive resume, which includes the
Cities of Fremont and Pleasanton. Based upon experience, Infolane is well-qualified to complete
the task. Infolane submitted three separate proposals, as allowed by the RFP. Each of the
proposals is discussed below:
Proposal #1: Offers to design a basic website with minimal graphics and photo scans at a cost of
$4.000 and to perform annual maintenance at a cost of$3,600. The proposal provided for a
minimal amount of graphics, photographic scans, and HTML pages. Based upon the primary
criterion of developing a Website which represents the City is the most positive light, this proposal
is inadequate and is not recommended.
Proposal #2: Offers to design an Website at a cost of$7,000 with annual maintenance at a cost of
$3,600. The Website would have 27 sections, 50 HTML pages, 20-30 photographic scans and
custom graphics. The committee viewed this as an attractive approach to meeting the City's
needs, which merited further consideration and will be discussed further under "Final Evaluation."
Proposal #3: Offered to design an advanced Website at a cost of$12,000, with annual
maintenance at a cost of $3,600. This proposal offers a variety of advanced features which would
included split screens, fixed headers, sound, and animation. While these features are attractive,
they slow the operation of the Website. It is important to note, people accessing the Website will
use a variety of equipment, including relatively slow computers and modems. As a result, a
complex Website could eliminate many potential viewers whose equipment may be incapable of
accessing the site. Sincc it is important to reach the widest possible audience, this proposal is not
- 3 -
Citilinks offers to design an intermediate Website at a cost of$4,615 and to perform annual
maintenance at a cost of $2,080. The proposal provides for 54 HTML pages, with up to two photo
scans per page. Additionally, the firm has developed a method to incorporate graphic design onto
recurring data pages, which significantly increases the attractiveness of data pages without any
loss in download speed. In addition to superior graphics and a relatively low cost, the Citilinks
proposal included an overview of possible contents for the Website, which demonstrated a
thorough understanding of the City's needs. The committee viewed this as an attractive offer,
which merited further consideration and will be discussed further under "Final Evaluation."
The proposals from Citilinks and Infolane (option #2) came the closest to meeting the needs of the City in
a cost-effective manner. The committee unanimously concluded that it was appropriate to focus on these
two proposals. Regardless of the firm selected, the City will retain ownership of the Website
programming. The intent is to utilize a standard design program, which would allow the City to have any
further modifications done by any designer familiar with the standard programs. These proposals were
evaluated head-to-head based upon experience, cost, and expected quality of the finished product, as
described below:
Infolane is well-established and has an extensive resume, which includes many municipalities. By
comparison, Citilinks' experience is limited to Web sites for businesses and non-profit
organizations. Infolane clearly has more relevant experience than Citilinks. However, based on
Citilinks' detailed proposal, the committee concluded that Citilinks does possess adequate
experience to successfully complete the project.
Infolane (option #2) offers to design the Website for $7,000 and to maintain it for an annual cost
of $3,600, for a first year cost of $1 0,600. Any additional services that might be required are
billed at a rate of $125 per hour. By comparison, Citilinks offers to design the Website for $4,615
and to maintain it an annual cost of $2,080, for a first year cost of $6,695. Any additional services
that might be required are billed at a rate of $65 per hour. To compare:
· Infolane' s design costs are $2,380 higher than Citilinks
· Infolane's annual maintenance fees are $1,520 higher than Citilinks
· Infolane hourly charge is $60 per hour higher than the Infolane rate.
· The first year cost of the Infolane proposal is $3.905 higher then Citilinks
In conclusion, recurring costs.a.nd first-year costs are significantly less with Citilinks than with
Each firm's prior work was closely evaluated in order to determine which firm was likely to
produce the best product for the City of Dublin. This process required the highly subjective task
of comparing the artistic skills of each firm. The committee concluded that both firms have
superior artistic and technical skills. However, the committee unanimously concluded that
Citilinks was likely to produce the better product for the following reasons:
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.: .. .
Citilinks, as a Dublin-based business, has a significant relationship to the City which results in
increased knowledge about the City and a faster response time.
Citilinks has conducted extensive research and prepared a proposed layout which demonstrates
a thorough understanding of the needs of the City and a serious commitment to obtaining the
City as a client.
Although Citilinks is a relatively new firm, the firm's principals are highly experienced in
Website Design and computer programming.
Based upon the process described in this report, the Evaluation Committee has concluded that Citilinks is
qualified to perform the task and is likely to produce the highest quality product. Therefore, the
Committee unanimously recommends that the contract for the design and maintenance of the City's
Website be awarded to Citilinks.
Per the terms of the proposed Agreement, attached as Exhibit "1", the initial design work will be
performed at a one-time cost of$4,615. Update and maintenance will be performed at an annual fixed
cost of$2,080, which equals $173.33 per month. Furthermore, the project will be completed within 45
days from the award of the contract. The budget for this portion of the Internet project is as follows:
Initial Design
Contingency for additional design
Maintenance (remainder of FY 1996-97)
5 months (Feb. - June) @ $173.33/month
Total- Web site Design and Maintenance
The Agreement does not address the annual cost associated with services provided by an outside firm to
host the finished Website. These costs depend upon the size of the files associated with the Website. As
part of the Citilinks proposal, they have included assistance in reviewing and selecting a host site. One
option will be the Internet Server maintained by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG).
This, along with other private sector options, will be evaluated and a recommendation will be presented to
the City Council at a future meeting. The estimated annual on-going host server costs are expected to
range between $500 and $1,500 per year.
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement (Exhibit
"1") for "Web site Design Services" with Citilinks, in an amount not to exceed $6,695, which includes 12
months of annual maintenance costs. The $6,695 contract price includes $695 for maintenance expenses
which will be incurred during Fiscal Year 1997-98 and, therefore, are not a part of this year's budget.
Staff also recommends that the City Council approve the Budget Adjustment (Exhibit "3") in the amount
of$6,000 in order to fund the set-up and design of the City's Website and also for maintenance expenses
incurred during the remainder of Fiscal Year 1996-97.
- 5 -
THIS AGREEMENT is made at Dublin, California, as of January 8, 1997,
by and between the CITY OF DUBLIN, a municipal corporation ("CITY"), and
CITILINKS, ("CONTRACTOR"), who agree as follows:
1. SERVICES. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this
Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall provide to CITY the services described in
Exhibi t A.
CONTRACTOR shall provide said services at the time, place and
in the manner specified in Exhibit A.
2 .
CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR for services rendered
pursuant to this Agreement at the time and in the manner set forth in
Exhibit B. The payments specified in Exhibit B shall be the only payments
411fe made to CONTRACTOR for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement.
CONTRACTOR shall submit all billings for said services to CITY in the
manner specified in Exhibit Bj or, if no manner be specified in Exhibit B,
then according to the usual and customary procedures and practices which
CONTRACTOR uses for billing clients similar to CITY.
3 .
Except as set forth in Exhibit C,
CONTRACTOR shall, at its sole cost and expense, furnish all facilities and
equipment which may be required for furnishing services pursuant to this
CITY shall furnish to CONTRACTOR only the facilities and
equipment listed in Exhibit C according to the terms and conditions set
forth in Exhibit C.
r'age 1 of 2
4. GENERAL PROVISIONS. The general provisions set forth in Exhibit Dare
part of this Agreement. In the event of any inconsistency between said
general provisions and any other terms or conditions of this Agreement, th~
other term or condition shall control insofar as it is inconsistent with
the general provisions.
5 .
All exhibits referred to herein are attached hereto
and are by this reference incorporated herein.
6. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION. This Agreement shall be administered by
Steve Honse ("ADMINISTRATOR"). All correspondence shall be directed to or
through the ADMINISTRATOR or his or her designee.
7. NOTICES. Any written notice to CONTRACTOR shall be sent to:
Citilinks, Attn: Jim Chapin
7172 Regional Street, Suite 207
Dublin, CA 94568
Any written notice to CITY shall be sent to:
City of Dublin, Attn: Steve Honse
100 Civic Plaza
Dublin, CA 94568
Executed as of the day first above stated:
a municipal corporation
City Clerk
Approved as to form:
City Attorney
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Task One - Planning: CONTRACTOR shall consult with the CITY's Project
Manager and CITY Staff to determine the optimal Website plan and design.
CONTRACTOR shall participate in these discussions for a minimum of four
Task Two - Development: CONTRACTOR shall design and create fifty-four
HTML pages, which will constitute CITY's Website. CITY, at its sole
option, may instruct CONTRACTOR to utilize the fifty-four HTML pages in any
manner that CITY sees fit.
CITY shall provide existing data in either Microsoft Word, Excel, or
Pagemaker format to be utilized in the creation of the HTML pages. In no
event shall it be the responsibility of CITY to create data to be used in
the design of the Website. CITY only agrees to provide such data as
already exists in order to assist with the project. The responsibility for
all design is solely that of CONTRACTOR.
.ITY shall provide photographic images to be utilized in the Website.
TRACTOR agrees, at CITY's option, to use up to two photographs per HTML
page. It shall be the sole responsibility of CONTRACTOR to scan said
images into a digital format in order to make them useable for HTML pages.
CONTRACTOR represents that he either owns or has access to the equipment
required to professionally complete this task.
It shall be the sole responsibility of CONTRACTOR to modify and
manipulate all data and graphics, as necessary, in order to incorporate
said data into HTML pages. CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for all
HTML/CGI coding and any other process necessary in order to make the
Website fully functional.
For the purposes of this agreement, an HTML page is defined as one
Internet page with a header or footer or both and can be of any length.
The HTML page serves to organize areas within the Website and in no way
corresponds to a single printed page. For example, CITY Council minutes
may consist of multiple pages of text. However, for the purpose of this
AGREEMENT, CITY Council minutes are considered to be one HTML page,
regardless of the actual length of the minutes. The above HTML page
n~nition applies to all text documents.
E~bit A
Page 1 of 2
CONTRACTOR shall design graphic images, selected by CITY, which shall
appear on each page of text. Primarily, these images shall appear on .
Council minutes, agendas, and other text pages. These images shall not be
achieved as the result of "framing", but instead are to be simple
repetitive graphics.
CONTRACTOR agrees to design the Website in such a manner as to achieve
the optimal balance between graphic design and download speed. In the
event that CITY determines that one or more HTML pages are unacceptably
slow, CONTRACTOR shall redesign said page or pages in order to improve
Task Three - Server Selection: At CITY's option, CONTRACTOR shall
assist CITY in the selection of a host website server for posting the final
Website product. CONTRACTOR shall expend up to six hours in this task. In
the event that CITY opts not to utilize CONTRACTOR for Phase Three,
CONTRACTOR agrees to provide six hours of training in addition to that
required in Phase Four.
Task Four - Training: CONTRACTOR agrees to provide eight hours of
training services.
Project Schedule: CONTRACTOR shall complete Phases One, Two and Three .
within 45 days from the execution of the AGREEMENT.
Maintenance and Updates: CONTRACTOR shall regularly update City Council
minutes, agenda, action sheets and any other announcements or postings
issued by CITY. CITY agrees to provide all information in a Microsoft Word
format. CONSULTANT shall have said information posted within forty-eight
hours of receipt. Additionally, CONTRACTOR shall post the quarterly
recreation brochure, in its entirety, to CITY's Website.
Exhibit A
Page 2 of 2
~ CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR at an amount not to exceed the total sum of
SIX THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE($6,695) for services to be performed
pursuant to the Scope of Services of this Agreement.
Following CITY's acceptance of "Phase One" of the project, as defined
in Exhibit A "Scope of Work", CONTRACTOR shall submit an invoice, not to
exceed FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTEEN dollars ($4,615), to CITY which
will represent payment in full for all design work and training.
CONTRACTOR shall submit invoices, not more often than once per month,
during the term of this Agreement based on the work completed on Phase Two
as identified EXHIBIT A "Scope of Work". Maintenance and Updates shall be
4Itled at a'rate of $173.33 per month. The total of said invoices shall not
exceed TWO THOUSAND EIGHTY dollars ($2,080) for a twelve-month period and
will represent payment in full for Phase Two.
The total sum stated above shall be the total which CITY shall pay for
the services to be rendered by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Agreement. CITY
shall not pay any additional sum for any expense or cost whatsoever
incurred by CONTRACTOR in rendering services pursuant to this Agreement.
CITY shall make no payment for any extra, further or additional
service pursuant to this Agreement unless such extra service and the price
therefor is agreed to in writing executed by the City Manager or other
Exhibit B
Page 1 of 2
designated official of CITY authorized to obligate CITY thereto prior to
the time such extra service is rendered and in no event shall such change
order exceed twenty-five (25%) of the initial contract price. CONTRACTO~
shall provide any additional services requested by CITY at a rate of $65
per hour for a twelve-month period which begins upon the execution of this
The services to be provided under this Agreement may be terminated
without cause at any point in time in the sole and exclusive discretion of
In this event, CITY shall compensate the CONTRACTOR for all
outstanding costs incurred as of the date of written notice thereof and
shall terminate this Agreement.
CONTRACTOR shall maintain adequate logs
and timesheets in order to verify costs incurred to date.
The CONTRACTOR is not authorized to perform any services or incur an~~
costs whatsoever under the terms of this Agreement until receipt of a fully
executed Purchase Order from the Finance Department of the City of Dublin.
Exhibit B
Page 2 of 2
CITY shall furnish physical facilities such as desks, filing cabinets,
and conference space, as may be reasonably necessary for CONTRACTOR'S use
while consulting with CITY employees and reviewing records and the
information in possession of CITY.
The location, quantity, and time of
furnishing said physical facilities shall be in the sole discretion of
In no event shall CITY be obligated to furnish any facility which
may involve incurring any direct expense, including, but not limiting the
communication charges, vehicles, and reproduction facilities.
Exhibit C
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I. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. At all times during the term of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall be an
independent contractor and shall not be an employee of CITY. CITY shall have the right to control CONTRACTOR only insofar.
the results of CONTRACTOR'S services rendered pursuant to this Agreement; however, CITY shall not have the right to control tH
means by which CONTRACTOR accomplishes services rendered pursuant to this Agreement.
2. LICENSES: PERMITS: ETC. CONTRACTOR represents and warrants to CITY that he has all licenses, permits,
qualifications and approvals of whatsoever nature which are legally required for CONTRACTOR to practice his profession.
CONTRACTOR represents and warrants to CITY that CONTRACTOR shall, at his sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times
during the term of this Agreement any licenses, permits, and approvals which are legally required for CONTRACTOR to practice his
3. IIME. CONTRACTOR shall devote such time to the performance of services pursuant to this Agreement as may
be reasonably necessary for satisfactory performance of CONTRACTOR'S obligations pursuant to this Agreement.
4. INSURANCE REOUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract
insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance
of the work hereunder by the CONTRACTOR, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The cost of such insurance
shall be included in the CONTRACTOR'S bid.
(a) Minimum Scope ofInsurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as:
1. Insurance Services Office form number GL 0002 (Ed. 1/73) covering comprehensive General Liability and
Insurance Services Office form number GL 0404 covering Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability;
or Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage ("occurrence" form CG 000 I.)
2. Insurance Services Office form number CA 000 I (Ed. 1/78) covering Automobile. Liability, code 1 "any
auto" and endorsement CA 0025.
3. Workers' Compensation Insurance as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers
Liability Insurance.
(b) Minimum Limits ofInsurance. CONTRACTOR shall maintain limits no less than:
1. General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and
property damage. If commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is
used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregat.
limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit.
2. Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage.
3. Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability: Workers' Compensation limits as required by the Labor
Code of the State of Cali fomi a and Employers Liability limits of$I,OOO,OOO per accident.
(c) Deductibles and Self. Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and
approved by the CITY. At the option of the CITY, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or
self-insured retentions as respects the CITY, its officers, officials and employees; or the CONTRACTOR shall
procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense
(d) Other Insurance Provisions. The policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions:
1. General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverages.
a. The CITY, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as
respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR;
products and completed operations of the CONTRACTOR, premises owned, occupied or used by
the CONTRACTOR, or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the CONTRACTOR.
The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of the protection afforded to the
CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers.
b. The CONTRACTOR'S insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, its
officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the
CITY, its officers,
officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the CONTRACTOR'S insurance and shall not
contribute with it.
c. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided
to the CITY, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers.
d. The CONTRACTOR'S insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is.
made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability.
2. Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability Coverage.
Exhibit D
Page I of2
The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the CITY, its officers, officials, employees
and volunteers for losses arising from work performed by the CONTRACTOR for the CITY.
Professional Liability.
CONTRACTOR shall carry professional liability insurance in an amount deemed by the CITY to
adequately protect the CONTRACTOR against liability caused by negligent acts, errors or omissions on
the part of the CONTRACTOR in the course of performance of the services specified in this Agreement.
All Coverages.
Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be
suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in
limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been
given to the CITY.
Acceptability ofInsurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Bests' rating of no less than A:VII.
Verification of Coverage. CONTRACTOR shall furnish CITY with certificates of insurance and with original
endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance
policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and
endorsements are to be received and approved by the CITY before work commences. The CITY reserves the right
to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time.
Subcontractors. CONTRACTOR shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish
separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to
all of the requirements stated herein.
The Risk Manager of CITY may approve a variation in those insurance requirements upon a determination that the
coverages, scope, limits and forms of such insurance are either not commercially available or that the CITY's
interests are otherwise fully protected.
CONTRACTOR NO AGENT. Except as CITY may specify in writing, CONTRACTOR shall have no authority, express or
implied, to act on behalf of CITY in any capacity whatsoever as an agent. CONTRACTOR shall have no authority, express
or implied, pursuant to this Agreement to bind CITY to any obligation whatsoever.
ASSIGNMENT PROHIBITED. No party to this Agreement may assign any right or obligation pursuant to this Agreement.
Any attempted or purported assignment of any right or obligation pursuant to this Agreement shall be void and of no effect.
PERSONNEL. CONTRACTOR shall assign only competent personnel to perform services pursuant to this Agreement. In
the event that CITY, in its sole discretion, at any time during the term of this Agreement, desires the removal of any such
persons, CONTRACTOR shall, immediately upon receiving notice from CITY of such desire of CITY, cause the removal of
such person or persons.
ST ANDARD OF PERFORMANCE. CONTRACTOR shall perform all services required pursuant to this Agreement in the
manner and according to the standards observed by a competent practitioner of the profession in which CONTRACTOR is
engaged in the geographical area in which CONTRACTOR practices his profession. All instruments of service of
whatsoever nature which CONTRACTOR delivers to CITY pursuant to this Agreement shall be prepared in a substantial,
first class and workmanlike manner and conform to the standards of quality nomlally observed by a person practicing in
CONTRACTOR's profession.
work, shall bear all losses and damages directly or indirectly resulting to him, to any subcontractor, to the CITY, to CITY
officers and employees, or to parties designated by the CITY, on account of the performance or character of the work,
unforeseen difficulties, accidents, occurrences or other causes predicated on active or passive negligence of the
CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the CITY, its officers,
officials, directors, employees and agents from and against any or all loss, liability, expense, claim, costs (including costs of
defense), suits, and damages of every kind, nature and description directly or indirectly arising from the performance of the
work. This paragraph shall not be construed to exempt the CITY, its employees and officers from its own fraud, willful
injury or violation of law whether willful or negligent. For purposes of Section 2782 of the Civil Code the parties hereto
recognize and agree that this agreement is not a construction contract. By execution of this agreement CONTRACTOR
acknowledges and agrees that he has read and understands the provisions hereof and that this paragraph is a material element
of consideration. Approval of the insurance contracts does not relieve the CONTRACTOR or subcontractors from liability
under this paragraph. .
GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS. To the extent that this Agreement may be funded by fiscal assistance from another
governmental entity, CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable rules and regulations to which CITY is bound by the
terms of such fiscal assistance program.
DOCUMENTS. All reports, data, maps, models, charts, studies, surveys, photographs, memoranda or other written
documents or materials prepared by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Agreement shall become the property of CITY upon
completion of the work to be performed hereunder or upon termination of the Agreement.
Exhibit D
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The initial project scope that we will outline here will include all
services required to design a basic website. In this section, we will
first present our philosophies of website design. Although we can
only hazard a guess as to the scope of the city's web presence, we
will follow this with our suggestions for a complete and useful site.
Following this initial recommendation, we will present options for
additional services to be provided based upon differences in need,
product length or complexity.
Before we get into the actual recommended scope, it is important to
determine one's objectives. In addition, certain criteria should be
understood and addressed from the beginning to alleviate wasted
effort and minimize the possibilities for mistakes.
First of all, in order to be successful, a website must have content. At
first glance, this may seem obvious, but it is a stumbling block for
many. Content is not just information for information's sake, but
usable news and data that will answer a question or provide
guidance. Many organizations are so excited at the prospect of an
unlimited channel of communication, that they flood the site with as
much information as they have at their disposal. Our initial
suggestion here is to proceed slowly. We want to be thorough, not
It is also extremely crucial to provide frequent and timely updates of
this information. We want people to return to the site more than
once. They have to feel that this is more than a disposal ground for
data. If information is continually refreshed, we will create a
comfortable environment that invites visitation.
Providing useful information is but one leg of the proverbial stool
that is a successful website. Information is worthless if users cannot
access it. The layout of a site must be well-planned and natural. The
more important the information, the more accessible it must be.
Users must have an easy and logical path in and out of the various
sections of the site.
The third component of a quality website is design. We pride
ourselves on our design sensibilities and graphic capabilities. The
look of your site tells the world what kind of city you are. If the
graphics are amateurish or poorly conceived, it may reflect negatively
upon the image of our city. But pretty pictures alone do not
guarantee good design. Graphic overkill can not only work against
you from a design standpoint, but will choke the phone and data
lines on which they travel. On the Internet, there is a definite
City of Dublin, California
problem with speed. Too many graphics will result in elongated
download times and frustrated users. It is really a balancing act. The
design must be strong enough to represent the image of the city, yet
small enough to travel.
With these criteria in mind, we can now discuss the site itself. We see
the first phase of this project as the most important - The planning.
In establishing the basic site, it is important that we be thorough and
complete. While it may make sense to bring different departments or
sections up at different times, we are of the opinion that you must
present as complete a site as possible up front. This is to attract and
keep your audience.
First impressions are crucial. As someone happens upon the site,
they will make judgments based on what they find. If there is little
online to hold their interest, they will leave and possibly not return to
see if you've added anything. By providing a complete and useful
resource up front, you are establishing your self as a site to
"bookmark" and return to time and time again.
What follows is a proposed preliminary outline for the city's site. The
suggestion we are offering will stand alone as the backbone for
future development. Each heading represents a different area of the
site - a mini "home page' of sorts - with each underlying bullet
referring to a separate page or hyper-linked section. These headings
would make up 6 distinct sections that would be instantly accessible
from any area within the site for easy navigation.
City of Dublin, California
. '..
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Estimated time involved in Phase One. planning 4 hrs.
. includes site plan discussion, design consultation and
Phase Two consists of the actual design, development of the
graphics, input of data and coding of pages and scripts. We are well
versed in a variety of different programming packages and will be
utilizing several to develop the City of Dublin's Website. All of the
software we will be using is licensed to us and no fees are required to
be paid for by the city for their use.
Basic layout will be accomplished with NetObjects, a software package
that allows us to develop a site quickly and maintain design
flexibility. Its interface is similar to a desktop publishing program
and allows for very precise placement of graphics and text.
We will also be using a combination of Netscape Navigator Cold and a
simple text editor to clean up and make modifications to the initial
design once layout is agreed upon. Unlike NetObjects, these
packages allow direct manipulation of HTML code and each one
. proves useful in different situations.
It is assumed that the city will furnish content and provide input on
the layout and design concept. It is also assumed that the data will
be furnished in MS Word or MS Excel formats. Should any data exist
only in printed form, it will be scanned and converted to a digital
It is also assumed that some photography exists that will be legally
available for our use. We also expect to supply some photography
services ourselves, either via digital or conventional means.
We will develop all graphic elements ourselves. Upon approval, the
city will retain copyright ownership.
Estimated time involved in Phase 2 - development 53 hrs.
includes transfer of information, HTML/CGI coding
and graphics services for suggested site contents
City of Dublin, California 12
I ~
Phase Three involves assisting the city in the selection of a host
website server for posting of the final product. Based on the city's
anticipated audience, expected traffic and cost, we will assist in
locating qualified servers, gathering relevant information and making
a recommendation.
Estimated time involved in Phase 3 -
Server Selection
6 hrs.
Phase Four involves the regular updates required for a site to remain
successful. This can be handled either by citilinks on a regular basis,
by members of the city staff, or as a combined effort from both.
We believe that in either case, members of the city staff should have
the appropriate training and resources to make simple changes or
additions to the site.
We recommend that the City purchase a copy or copies of Netscape
Navigator Gold to do simple layout of web pages. We can supply
templates based on the overall site design that can be easily
modified. In addition, MS Word, already licensed by the city, supports
the creation of simple web pages.
citilinks will provide training for those individuals who wish to learn
these two programs and simple HTML logic. It is estimated that a
person familiar with MS Windows programs can learn the basics in an
average of four hours of individualized training. For the purposes of
this proposal, we will assume two people at 4 hours apiece of
individualized training. Should more training be required, we will
quote our services accordingly.
Estimated time involved in Phase 4 - Training
8 hrs.
includes individualized training for 2 individuals
at 4 hours apiece.
City of Dublin, California
" ' ..
.. . .
After surveying the amount of information that is expected to be
. posted regularly (minutes, agendas, announcements), it is estimated
that we can provide this service in 2 hours per month. This is based
on receiving the information in electronic MS Word format for
updates to agendas and meeting minutes for the listed commissions
and city council twice a month. We will have the information posted
within 48 hours after receiving the data. An additional 2 hours will be
assessed quarterly to update/redesign the class schedules.
Estimated time involved in Regular Updates 32 h rs.
(l year period)
Total estimated time required as part of providing
Website Design services to the City of Dublin:
Phase 1 - Planning 4
Phase 2 - Development 53
. Phase 3 - Server Selection 6
Phase 4 - Training 8
Total 70
optional regular updates 32
It is estimated that the site will be finished for initial evaluation
14 days after receipt of the necessary information.
City of Dublin, California 14
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All fees are billed at $65.00 per hour. Based upon hours in Section D.
the estimated fee for this project is as follows
Phase 1 - Planning
Phase 2 . Development*
Phase 3 . Server Selection
Phase 4 . Training
Total Initial Bid
4 hrs.
53 hrs.
6 hrs.
8 hrs.
7 J h rs .
32 hrs
Recommended Software Purchase
Netscape Navigator Gold 3
79.00 ea.
~' '
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*Development time is based on the complete site as listed. A smaller site may
mean fewer hours/reduced cost
Additional services:
For on-line Documents supplied in MS Word Format: $16 per page
For on-line Documents supplied in clean, printed form: $32 per page
For on-line documents converted to Adobe Acrobat Format, use
above pricing +$25
City of Dublin, California
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New Appropriations (City Council Approval Required):
__X_ From Unappropriated Reserves
Budget Transfers:
___ From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000)
Within Same Department Activity
Between Departments (City Council Approval Required)
Name: Name: General Fund - Administrative
Services/Contract Services Central Services
From New Revenues
$ 867.00
Account #:
Account #: 001.1041.740.000
Name: Gen Fund. Internet/Gateway. Contract
Account #:
Account #:001-9321.740-000
Account #:
Account #:
Account #:
Account #:
count #;
Account #;
Account #;
Account #:
REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: An appropriation to fund Website Design Services. The
proj ect is not part of the approved Fiscal Year 1996-97 CIP. This expenditure will be funded from reserves.
Monthly Support (Feb. - June 1997) $ 867
Contingency- Design
$ 5.133
City Manager:
...,,',:}\~"~pp~6y~aatjj1eCity C()~cilMeeting;()I1: . .. Date: 1/7/97
Posted By: