HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 RadioCivilEmergSvsPln (2) ~ " CITY'CLERK File # nfSlf.,1lrol-f3lEL . AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 19, 1996 r SUBJECT: Adoption of the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Plan. Report Prepared by: Dean A. Johnson, Community Safety Assistant '\)Y EXlllBITS ATTACHED: I) Resolution Adopting the RACES Plan Attachment to Resolution: Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Plan /\ ..\V RECOMMENDATION: /', ~ Adopt the Resolution. \ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: There is no cost associated with this item. The City previously purchased and installed it's own RACES equipment. DESCRIPTION: . On February 21, 1996, the City Council adopted Goals and Objectives for 1996. These included completing an operational plan for use of amateur radio equipment. Although not required, adoption of a formal RACES plan will allow the City to reserve Amateur Radio frequencies. . It will also increase the effectiveness of the City of Dublin in interacting with neighboring agencies and Alameda County during a disaster. Curren~ Eauioment The City's Emergency Operating Center (EOC) is currently equipped with two 2-Meter I 44Mhz - 148Mhz FM transmitter/receivers. During a disaster, if normal modes of communication were unavailable this equipment would be used to make contact with the County EOC, neighboring agencies, and American Red Cross emergency shelters. The goal is to utilize volunteer radio operators to assist with this communications link. Volunteer Staffing The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) requires that amateur radios be operated by licensed volunteers. This plan designates one Dublin Radio Officer and two (2) Assistant Radio Officers. These individuals, identified by the plan as "Level I Volunteers," will be responsible for recruiting and coordinating the efforts of additional volunteer radio operators. Currently, according to FCC records there are seventy three (73) licensed HAM operators who reside in the City of Dublin; during a disaster, they will be designated "Level II Volunteers." In authorizing the use of radio frequencies by "amateurs," The FCC identified five guiding principles. . The first, and most notable, is: ----------------------------- COPIES TO: 6, o~2 ITEM NO. '"Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary noncommercial communication service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications." (FCC Rules, Section 97.1) ~ Plan Aperoval Process In order to facilitate this guiding tenet of the Amateur Radio Service it is necessary for the City of Dublin to adopt a RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) plan. The attached plan has been prepared in accordance with the format required by the State of California and with input from the Alameda County Office of Emergency Services. In addition, local licensed amateur radio operators, and members of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) have assisted staff in preparing the plan. After adoption by the City Council, the plan will be submitted to the Alameda County Office of Emergency Services for formal review and assignment of local frequencies (Level 4 Network). The County has the opportunity to request technical adjustments. The plan will then be submitted to the State Office of Emergency Services. This RACES plan complies with State guidelines and Staff recommends its adoption. .' . . RESOLUTION NO. - 96 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* ADOPTION OF A RADIO AMATEUR CIVIL EMERGENCY SERVICE (RACES) PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Dublin is aware of the hazards in and around the City of Dublin, and alert to the possibility of a major disaster; and WHEREAS, in the event of a disaster, reliable communication will be vital and normal modes of communication may not be available; and WHEREAS, to facilitate the use of Amateur Radio frequencies as a alternate mode of communication City Staff have prepared a Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan in conformance with the current State guidelines; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby adopt the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit A, and by reference made a part hereof. . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of November, 1996. ~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor A TrEST: City Clerk . 1-:: :. .-:! ~; .~. 1. ~.I~~:.~~~ ;~ ..: ,., :i 1 ....;-.....1 ' ':. ~ .>. ;1 ':.'. I ;z . r City of Dublin State of California ~ -.. . Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan November 1996 . :::'\/i "::::--/:,' -; A . ;::_"_: ': .. "1 . ;. .. :. 3 TITLE City of Dublin, CA Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan Table of Contents Table of Contents Revision Log Distribution SECTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. SUBJECT Area Covered Jurisdiction Covered Radio Officer and Staff Organization Volunteers RACES Resources Networks Network Service Levels Identifiers Frequency Coordination Station Locations Equipment Resources Mutual Aid Review Mobilization Approvals and Concurrences Area Map(s) Dublin in relation to Alameda County Dublin detail map Civil Defense/Emergency Services Coordinator Amateur Radio Service Organization Network and Frequency Assignments Fixed Station Locations Rev. 0 (10/25/96) PAGE .. II iii PAGE 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 APPENDIX 1 - PAGE A APPENDIX 1 - PAGE B APPENDIX 2 APPENDIX 3 APPENDIX 4 Page i ~ REVISION # o (Original) Rev. 0 (10/25/96) City of Dublin, CA Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan PAGE #5 All REVISION LOG DATE ENTERED 10/25/96 ENTERED BY Ed Diemer . . . Page ii . '; # 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ':. ".. . 5 City of Dublin, CA Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan DISTRlBUTION ADDRESSED TO: City of Dublin, City Manager City of Dublin, Office of Emergency Services Dublin San Ramon Services District, Chief Administrator Dublin Unified School District, Superintendent Each City of Dublin RACES member Alameda County OES ARRL East Bay Section Emergency Coordinator, [for distribution] Radio officer/Coordinator, Livermore Radio officer/Coordinator, Pleasanton Radio officer/Coordinator, San Ramon Livermore American Red Cross Rev. 0 (10/25/96) Page jij City of Dublin, CA Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan PURPOSE: The purpose of this plan is to provide authority for the participation of Amateur Radio operators in providing essential communications during a period of national, state or local emergency. RACES operations are in accordance with FCC Rules and Regulations. . ? 1.0 AREA COVERED: The location of the CITY OF DUBLIN is shown on the maps in APPENDIX 1. The city has a population of 26,267 (1996, CA Dept. of Finance) and an area of 11.42 square miles. 1.1 THREAT: California faces a variety of threats, both natural and manmade, for which it must be prepared to respond. An extensive geographical area, long ocean shoreline, climatic and topographic extremes, and geological faults present a range of hazards to be considered by emergency services workers, both professional and volunteer. Some threats which may warrant RACES mobilization include: * Earthquakes are the most notorious of natural hazards because of proximity of geologic faults to major urban centers. In the event of a major earthquake in the Bay Area, it is probable that the City of Dublin will sustain a great number of casualties, extensive property damage, fires, flooding, and other ensuing . hazards. Of particular concern are earthquakes on the San Andreas, Hayward, and Calaveras faults. Extensive search and rescue operations may be required to assist trapped or injured persons. Emergency medical care, food, and temporary shelter would be required by injured or displaced persons. Emergency operations could be seriously hampered by the loss of communications and damage to transportation routes within, and to and from, the disaster area and by the disruption of public utilities and services. * Flooding has not been a major problem in Dublin. Areas subject to flooding in the City of Dublin are generally along Scarlett Court, Amador Plaza Road, Ironwood Court, Honey Court, and the Dublin Creek area. For more detailed information refer to the City of Dublin Flood Map. * Wildland fires are threats to rural areas and adjacent communities throughout the State. Santa Ana winds and low humidity conditions frequently push wildland blazes into urban areas. The resulting loss of ground cover, especially in steeply sloped areas, creates the possibility of landslides. * Hazardous materials are an increasing concern in this industrial society. Releases threaten the population with both immediate affects and long-term cancer potential. The significance of the problems to the environment, property, or human health is dependent on the type, location, and quantity of . ~ Rev. 0 (10/25/96) Page I City of Dublin, CA Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan ~ the material released. The City of Dublin lies in a valley between two ridge lines. There are two major high speed routes, Interstates 580 and 680, which traverse the city. There are no large industrial facilities located in the valley but the interstates have a significant amount of truck traffic which transports hazardous materials. . * Large scale transportation accidents that involve trucks, buses, military and civilian aircraft are possible. * Nuclear accidents are possible because of numerous military installations, the transporting of weapons and spent fuel over railroads and the- interstate highway system, and as the result of military air crashes. * Nuclear war is always a possibility. Any area of the State could experience dangerous radioactive fallout from a nuclear attack on the United States or elsewhere. There are many potential nuclear targets in and around Alameda County. Damage to persons and buildings would vary according to distance from ground zero. * Acts of terrorism against government units, public places, or transportation systems are possible. . 2.0 JURISDICTION COVERED: The jurisdiction covered by this plan and the Emergency Services Director who is responsible for the development of plans relating to civil defense and disaster activities are: 2.1 CITY OF DUBLIN City Manager Dublin Civic Center 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 The everyday Emergency Services Coordinator is listed in APPENDIX 2. This plan will serve to qualify the CITY OF DUBLIN for matching funds under the Federal Contributions Program. 3.0 RADIO OFFICER AND STAFF ORGANIZATION: The organization for the implementation and administration of the RACES resources is shown in APPENDIX 2. Written operational procedures are issued as required. . Rev. 0 (10/25/96) Page 2 1 City of Dublin, CA Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan 4.0 VOLUNTEERS: The CITY OF DUBLIN utilizes two categories of amateur radio operators: . ; 4.1 Level I Volunteers: amateur radio operators and others enrolled under the provisions of this plan are registered Disaster Service Workers in the COMMUNICATIONS class in accordance with Section 3100 (et seq.) of the California Government Code, have completed a Loyalty Oath! Affirmation, and checked for loyalty and reliability through local records checks by the local law enforcement agency. Personnel may be issued City identification cards by the Emergency Services Coordinator. (May also be issued County identification if special provisions have been made between the city and county.) 4.2 Level II Volunteers: This level includes all other Amateur Radio operators choosing not to be a Level I volunteer. They shall be registered Disaster Service Workers in the COMMUNICATIONS class, in accordance with Section 3100 (et seq.) of the California Government Code and complete the Loyalty Oath! Affirmation. They will NOT be checked for loyalty and reliability through local record checks, nor will they be issued a City identification card by the Emergency Services coordinator. 5.0 RACES Resources: RACES resources are considered a facility available to all . government services as required. Specific channels are not assigned exclusively to anyone service. 6.0 Networks: This system operates two (2) network levels within the CITY OF DUBLIN under the provision of this plan. The individual networks and the frequencies used to implement them are shown in APPENDIX 3. 7.0 Network Service Levels: 7.1 Level 2 Nets provide direction and control communications between the ALAMEDA COUNTY Emergency Operations Center, the CITY OF DUBLIN, other jurisdictions within the County, and the Emergency Alert System stations in the EAS Operational Area. 7.2 Level 4 Nets provide direction and control communications between the CITY OF DUBLIN and deployed mobile units and other authorized units within the city. 8.0 Identifiers: Operators will use tactical station identifiers in conjunction with their amateur callsign. Tactical callsigns are published in APPENDIX 4. . ~ Rev. 0 (10/25/96) Page 3 City of Dublin, CA Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan . 9.0 Frequency Coordination: Frequencies identified in APPENDIX 3 and used within the CITY OF DUBLIN are coordinated by the City RACES Radio Officer who will resolve interference problems within this area. Interference problems from outside sources will be referred to the County RACES Radio officer in concurrence with the OES Region II Telecommunications Coordinator for resolution. In the event of an emergency which necessitates invoking the President's War Emergency Powers, RACES will be governed by Section 97.407(b) of the FCC Rules and Regulations. Operations will be restricted to frequencies assigned and coordinated by the California Office of Emergency Services. ;> 10.0 Station Locations: Locations of all Net Control stations and other fixed stations operated under this plan, and their tactical identifiers, are listed in APPENDIX 4. 11.0 Equipment Resources: There are a number of fixed, portable, and mobile stations owned by the CITY OF DUBLIN, and operated under the provisions of this plan. In addition there is equipment owned and operated by the individual RACES operators as the situation requires. All networks will be available at the primary Emergency Operations Center and at designated alternate centers. . 12.0 Mutual Aid: The Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service is a COMMUNICA TrONS resource covered by the California Master Mutual Aid Agreement. Requests from or to the CITY OF DUBLIN for assistance (mutual aid) will be directed to the COUNTY OF ALAMEDA Office of Emergency Services. In the event communication is broken to ALAMEDA County OES, then the request may be directed to an adjoining city with notification to the County OES as soon as conditions permit. 13.0 Review: This plan and it's appendices shall be reviewed for completeness, currency, and accuracy not later than two (2) years after the latest approval date. Revisions and corrections will be issued to all plan holders when approved. 14.0 Mobilization: 14.1 Authority: The authority to activate RACES and mobilize personnel and resources rests with the CITY OF DUBLIN Emergency Services Coordinator and staff (including the RACES Radio Officer). 14.2 Requests for RACES support from any other agency shall be directed to the CITY OF DUBLIN Emergency Services Coordinator. See paragraph 14.1. . 14.3 Alert List: The Radio Officer and staff shall maintain a current alert list roster and callout procedures under a separate Standard Operating Procedure document. Rev. 0 (10/25/96) Page 4 Cf ~ , DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE Rev. 0 (10/25/96) It) City of Dublin, CA Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan APPROVALS AND CONCURRENCES . RACES Radio Officer CITY OF DUBLIN ~ Emergency Services Coordinator CITY OF DUBLIN City Manager CITY OF DUBLIN . County RACES Radio Officer COUNTY OF ALAMEDA RACES Coordinator Alameda County Office of Emergency Services . Page 5 City of Dublin, CA Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan . ~ APPENDIX 1 Map A: Location of Dublin in Alameda County, California . :!I ~Ll :.. . . ... :"'::<." ." . ,:~",".~"J', .:.,:~~'7:": ....:.::x::!;:~:;+~::::::-,. :;...i...::..I.." .5.:T:::' .... .... . . . . ...... ..,. ..:.,,:........ .:.'~ / .~t<: "","";:1::;' I ""':'."" m' ~ .....,.. .' ," ..". ....F' . '::":::.:::';:'\~:. ".' . .~ . : I Re\". 0 (10/25/96) Page A City of Dublin. CA Radio .Amateur Civil Emergency Ser\"ice Plan 7 APPENDIX 1 Map B: Detail of Dublin, California -) J'"- Rev. 0 (10/:25/96) Page B . . . . . . ,.0 City of Dublin, CA Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan APPENDIX 2 Civil DefenselEmergency Services Coordinator City of Dublin Emergency Services Coordinator: Dean Johnson 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 (510) 833-6640 Amateur Radio Service Organization RACES Radio Officer Edwin F. Diemer, N6SVD 11528 Betlen Dr. Dublin, CA 94568 (510) 294-2342 (W) (510) 828-5367 (H) Assistant Radio Officer James R. McWhorter, W6GPM 11799 Bloomington Way Dublin, CA 94568 (510) 833-1661 Assistant Radio Officer Robert M. Trimble, KB6KYG 8139 Via Zapata Dublin, CA 94568 (510) 828-5683 Rev. 0 (10/25/96) Page A . . i' \s ? City of Dublin, CA Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan APPENDIX 3 NETWORK AND FREQUENCY ASSIGNMENTS NETWORK LEVEL 2 - Alameda County Operational Area to Cities: 147.240+ 444.200+ 442.350+ 442.925+ 145.130- 146.465 145.710 145.030 145.790 145.790 Alameda County RACES repeater, San Leandro hills * Alameda County RACES repeater, San Leandro hills ** Alameda County RACES repeater, San Leandro hills ** Alameda County RACES repeater, Sunol peak ** Southern Alameda County repeater, Hayward hills Primary simplex voice calling channel (GolfChan. 51) Primary simplex packet channel (Chan. 49) Packet digi~repeater/station at ALCO EOC, KE6WCQ-1 Packet BBS, N6QMY-1, ARES/RACES support, Fremont Packet BBS, N6QMY-1, via Node FMTNODE, Fremont * 147.240+ is normally linked to 444.200+ These three repeaters are normally on PL 107.2 - ** LEVEL 4 NETWORK - Dublin EOC to facilities and units within the city: Primary simplex voice channel (2 meters) Secondary simplex voice channel (2 meters) Primary simplex voice channel (440) Primary simplex packet channel (2 meters) Rev. 0 (10/25/96) Page A -. L OWNER: ~ CALL: FREQ: ACCESS: LOCATION: OWNER: CALL: FREQ: ACCESS: LOCATION: OWNER: Rev. 0 (10/25/96) I'D City of Dublin, CA Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service Plan Sandia RA.CES . AC6NY 144.97 MHZ Packet BBS San Ramon AC6NY WA6YHJ-l 145.09 MHZ Packet BBS Livermore LLNL RA.CES . .~..- ~ Page B