HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.05 CTInvestRpt1stQtr (2) ~ .. File # D[3]~l22J-~1Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCil MEETING DATE: (November 4,1996) C. SUBJECT: ..II II. City Treasurer's Investment Report For 1st Quarter 96/97 ~b1v Report Prepared by: Paul S. Rankin, Assistant Cj,ty Manager EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Quarterly Inves1ment Report (September 30,1996) Section 1- Primary Investment Portfolio Section 11- Listing of Supplemental Monies Under City I"l ,../ Possession and/or Control RECOM:MENDATION: \~' Receive Report DESCRIPTION: The attached Inves1ment Report details the City's investments as of September 30, 1996. Due to issuance of Local Agency Investment Guidelines by the State Treasurer, this quarterly investment report now includes additional information. Specific areas of change are discussed further in the Staff Report. REPORT FORMAT CHANGES TO ACCOMMODATE STATE GUIDELINES The report has been modified to include two sections of information. Section I (primary Investment Portfolio) presents the same type of information as presented in previous reports. Section II ( Listing of Supplemental Monies Under City Control and/or Possession) has been added to address the Guidelines issued by the State Treasurer. The Guidelines were developed to provide recommendations for implementing recent statutory changes to the California Government Code. .. The current laws require a local government to include in the quarterly investment report, all of the securities, investments, and monies for which the local agency exercises control or are in its possession. Control is considered to refer to any funds in which the local agency has some discretion to determine how the funds are invested. Possession implies that the agency has at least a safekeeping role. The information contained in Section II of the quarterly Investment Report, is related to funds which were not previously considered as City investments. However, the City does exercise either control and/or possession. Therefore the information is appropriate to .include in the quarterly investment report. Specifically this section includes information related to: . Bank balances which cover current operations. . Special Funds held by Trustees for the sole purPose of public financing obligations. . Employee Deferred Compensation Plan assets. With regard to the current Bank Account balances it should be noted that the amount reported is based upon the Bank Statement. This will fluctuate widely from quarter to quarter as there may be outstanding checks which have not cleared. In addition, the daily balance can vary depending on the timing of transfers from the operating account to the Local Agency Investment Fund Account. The Special Funds held by the Trustee relate to debt service reserves for the Civic Center Certificate of Participation issue and the Dublin Boulevard Extension Assessment District Bonds. The investments in this area are .: typically completed with the Trustee, in accordance with the adopted bond/financing documents. ..~. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM No.A4 The inclusion of assets related to the voluntary Employee Deferred Compensation Plan as part of this report, is expected to be temporary. Based upon new Federal legislation, the Plan Administrator (ICMA- . RC), will be amending the trust documents under which these funds are held. This will result in these funds no longer being considered the assets of the employer. It is our understanding that ICMA-RC will have the revised trust in place after January 1, 1997. The remainder of the report will focus on information related to Section I, which is the primary pool Of.~:- funds invested by the City. . INVESTMENT ACTIVITY IN FIRST QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 1996/97 , During the first quarter of the 1996-97 fiscal year, one investment matured. A Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) Bond of $490,000 with a coupon rate of 7.7% matured on August 26, 1996. The City did not have any early redemption's during the reporting period. During the first quarter, the City purchased one security. The following Table summarizes the details of this investment: INVESTMENTS PURCHASED FOURTH QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 1995/96 TYPE AMOUNT MATURITY CALLABLE INTEREST RATE 9/19/97 with 12 days 6.570% Notice Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB) $ 1,000,000 3/19/99 lbis security was purchased at face value and is callable, which means that it can be called by the issuer prior to the stated maturity date. The first option for an early call is September 19, 1997. Thereafter it can be called with 12 days notice. If this security is called prior to the stated maturity date, the City receives the full face amount plus any accrued interest. This investment extends only slightly beyond the Civic Center COP early call date of February 1, 1999. .~ . ...-.... DETAILED LISTING OF PRIMARY PORTFOLIO Government and Agency Securities represent the largest portion of the Primary Portfolio. The market value of Federal Securities can fluctuate daily and values have been provided as reported by, Union Bank of California on of September 30, 1996. The City portfolio assumes that the investments will be held to maturity and there is not an active attempt made to trade existing securities. The City has staggered the maturity dates and it is not anticipated that these funds will need to be called upon prior to their stated maturity dates. The Dean Witter Mutual Fund Investment represents approximately 7.2% of the City's total portfolio. The book value reported is based upon the original cost of shares. In Fiscal Year 1996/97 the City has elected to receive its dividend shares on a monthly basis. During the first quarter the City was paid approximately $25,055 in dividends from this investment. CHANGES IN THE TOTAL PORTFOLIO YIELD FROM THE PREVIOUS REPORT The total amount shown as invested is approximately $ 952,261 less than the amount shown at June 30, 1996. Overall, the combined rate for the total portfolio increased slightly from 5.702% at June 30, 1996 to 5.748% at September 30, 1996. The change was related primarily to an increased yield in the rate paid by the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF). The LAIF quarterly average was 5.67% as of September 30, 1996, which is higher than the 5.52% rate recorded for the quarter ending June 30, 1996. LAIF is a liquid investment, and the current LAIF rate remains very favorable compared to rates offered on e:.:. investments which have less flexibility. '.: (.:.::.-' The City Treasurer believes that the schedule of investments including the dates of maturity, _contain adequate cash flow liquidity to meet anticipated expenditures over the next six months. . .'~ .' .:: .-:- I CITY OF DUBLIN QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT SECTION I PRIMARY INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO CITY OF DUBLIN DETAILED LISTING OF INVESTMENTS INCLUDING RATE OF RETURN FOR THE QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 . COUPON MATURITY VALUE AT INTEREST BOOK MARKET INVESTMENT DATE MATURITY RATE YIELD VALUE VALUE U.S. Treasury Note 2115/97 $500,000.00 4.750% 5.724% $493,858.65 $498,595.00 FFCB (Callable 3/3/95) 3/3/97 $328.571.43 5.120% 5.420% $328,793.68 $327,851.86 FNMA 6/10/97 $1,205,000.00 9.200% 7.660% SI,219,250.00 S 1 ,232,871.65 Flll.MC (Callable 2fl6197) 2/26/98 $500,000.00 5.100% 5.100% S500,000.00 S493,595.00 FNMA (Callable 11/1196) 5/1198 $500,000.00 6.030% 6.030% $500,000.00 S497,365.00 FNMA (Callable 5/13/96) 5/13/98 $500,000.00 5.250% 5.482% $497,375.00 $492,500.00 FHLMC (Callable 9/9/94) 9/9/98 $500,000.00 4.950% 5.020% $498,988.27 $487,815.00 FNMA (Callable 10/15/96) 10/15198 $1,000,000.00 4.875% 4.889% S999,619.82 $973,440.00 U.S. Treasury Note 10/31198 $1,000,000.00 4.750% 5.101% $990,812.5 1 $973,440.00 FilLB (Callable 11/3/94) 11/3198 $1,000,000.00 5.110% 5.110% $1,000,000.00 $973,540.00 FNMA (Callable 12/10196) 12/10198 $1,000,000.00 5.310% 5.311% $999,703.11 S981,560.00 FHLB (Callable 12/17/96) 12/17198 $1,000,000.00 6.625% 6.625% SI,OOO,OOO.OO S 1,002, 190.00 FFCB (Callable 12/18/96) 12/18/98 $500,000.00 5.850% 5.850% $500,000.00 S493,535.00 FHLB (Callable 6/29/96) 12/29198 $500,000.00 5.950% 5.950% $500,000.00 $495,470.00 FNMA (Callable 12130196) 12130/98 $500,000.00 5.890% 5.890% S500,000.00 S493,755.00 FHLB (Callable 1112/95) 1112199 $2,000,000.00 5.460% 5.460% $2,000,000.00 $1,960,060.00 FNMA (Callable 2/12196) 2/12/99 $400,000.00 5.550% 5.564% $399,833.35 S393,000.00 FFCB (Callable 9/19/97) 3/19/99 $1,000,000.00 6.570% 6.570% S 1 ,000,000.00 SI,OOO,OOO.OO FHLB (Callable 3/26197) 3/26/99 $500,000.00 6.250% 6.250% $500,000.00 S497 ,815.00 $14,433,571.43 5.781% $14,428,234.39 SI4,268,398.51 CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT p FDIC INSURED S99,000..' Home Savings of America 1216/96 $99,000.00 5.450% 5.450% S99,000.00 Sanwa Bank of California 1219196 S99,000.00 5.450% 5.450% S99,000.00 S99,000.00 World Savings 1/29198 SI00,000.00 6.010% 6.010% S100,000.00 $100,000.00 Fremont Investment & Loan 7/30/98 $99,000.00 5.560% 5.560% $99,000.00 $99,000.00 Standard Pacific Savings 7130/98 $99,000.00 5.200% 5.200% $99,000.00 $99,000.00 First Republic Trust & Loan 9/14/98 $95,000.00 5.250% 5.250% $95,000.00 $95,000.00 Southern California FS&L 9/14/98 $98,000.00 5.250% 5.250% $98,000.00 $98,000.00 $689,000.00 5.455% $689,000.00 $689,000.00 MUTIJAL FUND Dean Witter U.s. Government Securities See Note 1 5.895% (4) $1,699,995.50 (2) $1,580,148.42 (3) POOLED PUBLIC AGENCY INVESTMENTS State of Calif.. Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) 6,850,000.00 5.670% (5) S6,850,000.00 $6,850,000.00 TOTAL INVESTED PORTFOLIO 5.748% S23,667,229.89 $23,387,546.93 NOTES: (1) A Mutual Fund investment does not have a stated date of maturity and shares may be sold at any time. The share price at the time of a sale may be either higher or lower than the original cost The current City investment strategy assumes that approximately $1 million will be held through July 1, 1999 and $699,995 through October 1, 1999 to avoid any deferred sales charge. (2) Book Value is shown as the cost at the time the original shares were purchased. (3) Market value is based upon the shares invested at the share price as of September 30, 1996. . If the original shares were liquidated a deferred sales charge would apply. . . . . (4) Interest Rate shown is based on dividends receieved this fiscal year to date. Annualized and then divided by original investment. (5) Interest Rate shown is the quarterly average as of September 30, 1996. ~ . CITY OF DUBLIN FOR THE QUARTER ENDED: SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 SUMMARY CO:MP ARISON OF INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO BY TYPE AVERAGE MARKET %OF MATURITY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT FACE VALUE BOOK VALUE VALUE PORTFOLIO YEARS .S. Treasury Notes 1,500,000.00 1,484,671.16 1,472,035.00 6.336% 1.52 ederal Farm Credit Bureau (FFCB) 1,828,571.43 1,828,793.68 1,821,386.86 7.724% 2.03 ederal Home Loan Bank(FHLB) 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 4,929,075.00 21.121 % 2.25 ed Home Loan Mortgage Corp(FHLMC) 1,000,000.00 998,988.27 981,410.00 4.224% 1.68 ederal National Mortgage Assn(FNMA) 5,105,000.00 5,115,781.28 5,064,491.65 21.565% 1.71 SUB -TOTAL GOVT/AGENCY 14,433,571.43 14,428,234.39 14,268,398.51 (1) 60.970% 1.66 ertificates of Deposit - FDIC Insured 689,000.00 689,000.00 689,000.00 2.911 % 1.32 1,699,995.50 1,699,995.50 1,580,148.42 (2) 7.181 % 7.1 (3) Mutual Funds- Dean Witter U.S. Govt 6,850,000.00 6,850,000.00 6,850,000.00 28.936% N/A GRAND TOTAL 23,672,566.93 23,667,229.89 23,387,546.93 99.998% NOTES: (1) The City intends to hold the investments until maturity or until market values equal or exceed the current Book Value (Amortized Cost). (2) Market value is based upon the shares invested at share price as of September 30,1996. If the shares were liquidated a deferred sales charge would apply. (3) As a mutual Fund shares can typically be liquidated at any time. The weighted average maturity stated in this chart was calculated by Dean Witter based upon all investment instruments owned by the U.S. Government Securities Mutual Fund as of December 31, 1995. Dean Witter reports that the duration of investments is approximately 5.7 as ofJune 30, 1996. (4) The current City investment strategy assumes that approximately $1 million will be held through .:: July 1, 1999 and $699,995 through October 1, 1999 to avoid any deferred sales charge. :; ." CITY OF DUBLIN QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT SECTION II LISTING OF SUPPLEMENTAL :.. MONIES UNDER CITY POSSESSION AND/OR CONTROL . OPERATING FUNDS . SPECIAL FUNDS HELD BY TRUSTEES .. . . . : :_:..~....' : . E:t\1PLOYEE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN q .' e:. ..... . - City of Dublin Report of Operating Funds On Hand As of September 30,1996 In accordance with the California Government Code, the City Treasurer must disclose on a quarterly basis all monies in its possession. Monies considered invested, and not immediately necessary for current operations, are presented in a separate listing as part of the quarterly report. In the case of Operating Funds in bank accounts, the amount presented relates to the balance reported by the Financial Institution. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THIS AMOUNT MAY REFLECT FUNDS REQUIRED TO COVER PAYMENTS ALREADY ISSUED AND CHECKS WHICH HA VB NOT CLEARED AS OF THE LAST DAY OF THE QUARTER. Therefore, these balances will fluctuate throughout the year. These funds are not subject to a specified maturity and the par value would be equivalent to the amount stated. Miscellaneous Cash Balance 9/30/96 Non-Categorized - Cash Petty Cash - City Petty Cash - Recreation Cash Register - (3 Locations) Subtotal $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $600.00 OPERATING CASH BALANCES - FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Balance 9/30/96 Annualized Rate of Interest BANK OF AMERICA- Collateralized Public Money Deposits In Accordance With California Government Code $ 866,863.20 See Note 1 First Nationwide Bank- Regular Savings Account: FDIC Insured $ 2,759.88 2.01% Grand Total Amount Cash Balances: $ 870.223.08 Note 1: The City operating account is a corporate checking account, which includes monthly interest earnings which are at a variable rate. The interest earnings are credited against account charges and fees required to maintain the accounts. All interest earnings in excess of account charges are paid to the City on a monthly basis. 6 ~ tI"l roil ~ tI"l :::l ~ ~ = :9 roil == tI.l Cl ~ ~ ..J :s U l::.il =.. tI"l tI"l E- Z ~ :E E- tI"l ~ > Z ... ~ o ~ E- tr.l ... ~ Cl ~ ~ ... < E- roil Cl z ::3 = :::l Cl r,;;. o ~ E- ... U ~ 0'1 0'1 '"'" o f") ~ ~~ :::l:E E-roil ~t: r,;;.~ Otl"l ~~ ~~ Cr-l e5~ 8~ U:::l e50' l::.il ~ ~ fZ E- ~tI"l~ ~~~ o~=:: uz ... E-~ <E-o ~~ :s~ ~::s ~ ; :::l~ ~~ E-roil ~~ t"-OIrlN ~O'<:tt"- ~or-:ci O'IIrlNt"- ~"""1rl0 N~ ~ N- '<:t- '<:t~-O'I ~ ~ \O~ \O~ ...... ~ ~ ~roil O~ O~ => NOON 1rl0~'<:t o:iO""O t"-O\O'<:t C"IO\O\O O~ O~ \O~ r-:- '<:t'<:tM- ~~\O~t"-~ - ...... ~ ~ 9 r-l ... ~ "#."#."#."#. 0\0""\0 oo'<:t~ orioriorit"'! .." "#."#. .." .." ~~ ori..o 000 0 0000 0000 00<::> 0 0000 M'o.,{oci ~~f5_~_ ~ ~ t"- 00 0'1 ~~~ C"I - Irl -- ~ - -c=::t::::' ...... :l = III e i ;.. c ... =.. ~ o '" U :i =:: ... ~ ~ e= ~a:lZZv3 z ccc;; r-l:;:l:;:l:;:l u::!:3:3s Q) Q) Q) ~~~~~ > . . 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Participants are not taxed on the deferred portion of their compensation until it is distributed to them. All funds currently in plan are the result of Employee voluntary contributions and/or transfers from prior employers. ICMA-RC pools the assets of the Plan with those of other participants. The selection oftyp~ of investtnent and instructions are . made by individual employees participating. The City has no liability for any losses incurred by the Plan and does not participate _' , in any gains. The assets in the Plan are legally the sole property of the City until they are distributed, and would be subject to the Trust Agreement adopted by the City. The participants rights to these assets prior to distribution are equal to those of general creditors of the City. The likelihood of any claim by general creditors is believed to be remote, The total balance for all Deferred Compensation Funds as of September 30,1996 was $570,041.31. The breakdown of the amount invested by investment type is shown below. .-. 77. ,.. ~ Quarterly Financial Report for A 457 Defen:ed Compensation I>lan 07/01/96 through 09/30/96 2 u:..t./\. kt:.IIR.~It:NI l UKI'UKA lIuN w.~!!'9~~~"'-'-~'-':j.Q,_._.-...q'i CUII.r.~~ Nt"IUllly I''''~.'' rll'l'U~bl. 1".I~I""un lJTecU.IIg yuur 457 retirement plan. l'or more details please see tbe November RC NOles. ._~ CITY OF UU8LlN CA ,. 0 80X B"O 100 CIVIC PLAZA DUBLIN CA 94568-2658 Fund 'Balance on 07101 Contributions Eamings Fund Balance on 09130/96 ~:f' _~",j-U"- ~.<" \~ ~ N j"",-~.--'''''''~:\~ <::"i~;~:,,; .. Fund Balance on 07/01/96 53,942.62 S4,39a26 5170,02a70 525,155.01 58,871.76 594,171.61 Contributions Earnings 201.95 2,671.37 12,868.96 2,057.05 8,019.55 3.597.76 178.67 65.18 6,631.16 780.95 440.38 2,113.68 Fund Balance on 09130/96 $4,323.24 $7,134.81 $189,528.82 $27,993.01 $17,331.69 S99,883.05 Percentage Invested 1% 1% 33% 5% 3% 17% ~t~~ ' ,i/;" ~. < ^,' -"'t ~ .I., ~'$':~'~ l.,.~ Fund Balance on 07/01/96 52,566.68 5128,379.97 $2,079.40 $3,779.11 Contributions Earnings 142.80 12,241.45 0.00 201.95 Fund Balance on 09/30/96 28.54 2.047.51 41.37 133.86 $2,738.02 $142,668.93 $2,120.77 $4,114,92 Percentage Invesled 8" 1% less than 1 % 25% Less than 1 % ,., ,. ~)'\l1t'-l.qr!!'.Il,.-S:.t:r:P, , ' ; .' ~ ' , " Fund Balance on 07/01/96 $3,823.04 Contributions 201.88 $3,748.84 Earnings 121.65 201.86 Fund Balance on 09/30/96 S4,146.67 $4,~~i~~ Percentage Invesled 1 % less than 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % Note; Arrounts shown net of applicable f~s B1ld E" - . e/lpenses. 1II""'9s lrelwe dNidends. interest B1ld realized B1ld U",8afized gains B1ld losses. Aggressive Oppor. Inlernational Growth Stock Broad Market Equity Income Asset Allocation Core Bond US Treasury Cash Management M.S. Momtm Growth M.S. Aggr Growth M.S. Capt Apprec 2. 0 380.8021 11,208.2198 1,659.3011 604.3427 6,838.8982 3,601.4293 578.0408 231.2322 350.5666 272.8796 350.5736 " "i>~kNk1i.l;, di':n~~> .,.tjrt.:h.' \ii. :i. .) 244.9426 615,0702 12.079.5951 1,799.0369 1,151.6069 7.104.0572 3.910.6473 603.1521 244.0297 370.3802 287.9561 370.7915 517.65 11.60 15.69 15.56 15.05 14.06 11.58 11.30 1122 11.11 14.40 10.39 ~. $16.95 11.55 15.17 15.16 14.68 13.77 11.39 11.13 11.10 10.76 14.01 10.24 cj