HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.06 Multi-FamResidRecylContLbls (2) . .CITY CLERK File # DlBl[2][Q1-[b]lQ] ,:~. .... AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 17, 1996 EXHIBITS ATTACHED: ,.A Recycling Container Labels at Multi-family Residential 'f' Complexes . ~ Report Prepared by: Steve Honse, Administrative Assistant 1. Copy of Brochure Provided to Multi-Family Operators and Mailed to Tenants 2. Budget Change Form ,", ." SUBJECT: ." <, ',' RECOMMENDATION: Authorize payment, not to exceed $1,000, to LDD to update the labels on multi-family recycling bins. Approve the budget change fonn. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The cost to produce and apply replacement recycling container labels for multi-family residential complexes is e~timated to be approximately $1,000 and would be a legitimate Measure D Recycling Fund expenditure. " .' :' .' :~~"DESCRlPTION: Under the City's program, all recycling collection services are provided by livermore-Dublin Disposal (LDD) under tenns and conditions specified in the Integrated Solid Waste Management Agreemen~ (the UAgreement") adopted by the City Council in 1995. . " .. -' " ." .- '. " PROGRAM OFFERED PRIOR TO 1995: Prior to the 1995 Agreement, LDn was obligated to collect the following recyclable materials from multi- family residential complexes: newspaper, glass, tin, aluminum, and PET Plastic. In order to facilitate collection, two 96-gallon recycling containers were placed near each complex's dumpste.r. One container was labeled to indicate that it was to be used to recycle newspaper. The second container was labeled to indicate that it was to be used for tin, glass, PET plastic, and aluminum. :. ... ", 1995 EXPANDED RECYCLING AGREEMENT: Under the new Agreement, the list of recyclable materials collected was expanded to include mixed paper and HOPE plastics. In order to minimize the cost of the program and in consideration of the relatively new condition of the carts, the company was allowed to use the existing equipment. At that time, LDD developed the campaign to promote the expanded multi-family recycling program. The level of promotion of the multi-family program varied at each complex, depending 'upon the management of the complex. LOn initially approached the managers to have them disuibute the brochure attached as Exhibit "I". In addition, a poster-sized reproduction was made of the three steps to recycling. The hope was that ,'.-----------------------COimSTo;--------------------------------- ''':,:.:~,:-' Mark Dorazio, Desi Reno, General Manager of Livermore-Dublin Disposal , - ITEMNO.~ .. " ," .0 operators would display the po~ the garbage bin areas and elsewhe.ere tenants would see the information. Distribution of the brochures was left to each manager. The efforts to have the posters adjacent to the garbage bins was not highly successful. Some managers preferred to have the posters in a limited number of locations, such as bulletin boards adjacent to the recreation facilities. Neither LDD, nor the City, has the ability to require the posting of this infonnation. In an effort to broaden the distribution of the information, LDD prepared a second printing of the brochure, which was mailed directly to each of the approximately 2,400 multi-family residential units. .-;'-- " The operation and promotion of the multi-family program is very different than single family recycling services. For single family services, the Company is using older bins, which are marked for commodities collected prior to 1995. Participation in this program has been good for several reasons: First, the Company is more likely to have direct contact with a new single family customers, who must request the establislunent of service. Second, each single family customer is provided with recycling information at the time a new account is established. Third, turnover in single family residences is typically much less than in multi-family complexes and reduces the need for continuing education. As a result of the high participation rate and general success of the Single Family Program, Staff does not foresee a need. to address any changes to the Single Family Program at this time. REQUEST TO CONSIDER CHANGING MULTI-FAMILY BIN LABELS: At the City Council meeting of July 23,1996, Mark Dorazio addressed the City Council regarding recycling container labels at multi-family residential complexes. The bin labels had not been changed to reflect that mixed paper and HOPE plastics could be collected under the expanded program. Mr. Dorazio stated his belief that recycling quantities could be significantly increased by updating the labels. Staff was directed to review the matter. Staff agrees that there may be some benefit to be derived by updating recycling container labels whenever there is a change in the program. However, there is no requirement in the Agreement that would compel IDD to change the labels on recycling containers. If the City Council finds that the labels should be changed, the City must pay the cost. Staff estimates that the production and installation costs for 250 . durable vinyl labels would be approximately $1,000. LDn has indicated a willingness to procure and install the labels. The City could fund the cost from the Measure D Recycling Fund Reserves. ."" RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the label replacement for multi-family bins at an additional cost to the City. It is recommended that the City Council authorize an appropriation of an amount, not to exceed $1,000, from Unappropriated Measure D Fund Reserves, as shown in the attached budget change (Exhibit "2") .-. .-0 g ~ . .... .... ...... ...... .... -..: = on -" '"'" 0-: . -" ~ on = :;; = = -" 0= . = = ;> -" .... = .., i:> = ~ -=' "" -" ':.f c t>- ." = "" -" 0= = = ;> -" .... = .., '"'" = E- = "" .... .... " d. ~ .... = = ~ .... .... ... .... = -" ...., E- ~!l .' 0 :'S::;:,'~ ' L.~':'I:;'= '\l.' ':-t:!' t"\'t: :"d {q/.:..~, -,d.a ,~,~;',~,~ ,..',' ttl ~,'" CQ !:/' ,~ ;;~- \S' 7t!=::~ ~ .. "f.' -:;:~; : ~' 1Mi' ~' '~~-,..,~' '~~i , ~ .f 13 , '~ '-':f :tB, \$.::f ",~. .',~ '" :"~' o ~',Z ~ . :~') U'" ;;.,;'" ',C){ ",::~:\ · l; -" ~ !-!l ,i ..- .Cl.. OJ '~ JtI r".c .E "'_ -" L" ri 5 '.. = ~ e " .s:c-:B!2c.._ ~"'ll.s;f~6..... .! ~.S ~ e' -a ~ i aX: "!- ~ I' ~_ ~ a. ..l5-2 '.. '" 8 !~~'p~~~!8";i:,~~'- ' J!~"...!"l;t5s.t-at ".;j ~,~"i;;.~Ul!~~fh8 ]~ ~ -.. t. ~.B it ..8., -i! Co. 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Contract Services $ 1,000.00 Account II: Account#: 224-5020-740-000 Name: Name: Account II: Account #: Name: Name: Account #: Account #: Name: Name: Account#: Account #: Name: Name: ~ Account#: Account #: Name: Name: Account#: Account #: REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: The City Council Considered the item at its meeting on September 17, 1996. The additional appropriation will fund updating labels on Recycling Bins used as part of the Multi-Family Recycling Program. The labels update the commodities collected. City Manager: Date: Signature ::}::::::;:~;:::::;:::;: . 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