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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.06 ApprvAgrmntW/PG&E95-1 (2) CITY CLERK File # [~[~[-~H~-[]~--~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 1996 SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement With PG&E to Perform Work Dublin Blvd. Widening, Contract No. 95-01 Report Prepared By: Lee S. Thompson, Public Works Director EXHIBITS ATTACHED: RECOMMENDATION: ;~t~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: 1) 2) Resolution Approving PG&E Agreement PG&E Agreement to Perform Work Adopt resolution approving PG&E Agreement to Perform Work This Agreement provides for utility relocation costs in the mount of $39,596.00 to clear the right-of-way for construction of street widening improvements. Sufficient 5~_nding is included in the Dublin Boulevard project to pay for this right-of-way cost. DESCRIPTION: A PG&E transformer located on the north side of Dublin Boulevard in an easement on the Dublin Village property had to be relocated before the new street improvements and sidewalk could be constructed. Because the transformer was in a private right-of-way owned by PG&E, the cost of the relocation is at the expense of the City. This Agreement is being referred to the City Council for approval, as it exceeds the staff's authority to approve administratively. COPIES TO: PG&E Service Planning g:\d bw_proj\corres\agstpg&e RESOLUTION NO. - 96 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING PG&E AGREEMENT DUBLIN BOULEVARD WIDENING PROJECT WHEREAS, the widening of the north side of Dublin Boulevard east of Village Parkway required the relocation of a transformer in a PG&E easement on the Dublin Village property; and WHEREAS, because the transformer was in a private right-of-way owned by PG&E, the cost of the relocation is at the expense of the City; and WHEREAS, funds are available in the Dublin Boulevard project to pay for this right-of-way cost; and ~'P, EREAS, the mount of this Agreement exceeds the amount of money that City of Dublin Staff is authorized to approve; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby authorize the City Manager of the City of Dubtin to execute the Agreement with PG&E to Perform Work related to the Dublin Boulevard Widening Project east of Village Parkway, Contract Number 95-01. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of August, 1996. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk g..ldb~¢~proficorre$~resopg&e Agreement to Perform Tariff Schedule Related Work DISTRIBUTION: REFERENCE; 01-875 [3 ~PUC~rr(odg~n-,) 0143E7-2437 [3 DgVISION(Originat) GM 15295).0 [3 ACCTG. SVCS. City of Dublin, a Municipal Corooration . (Appr~ant) has requested PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, s Catiforn~a co~ora~on (PG&E), lo p~'lorm ~he ta~fi schedule re~ated work as located and hesc~bed in paragraph 3 he~e~n. PG&E agrees to pedorm the requested work and furnish atl _nec~_ ~ labor, equipment, matedais-and related facilities required therefor, subject to the Iollowir~g cond~ons: Whenever part er ,.Ii o! the requested work is Io be furnished or peHormed upon properly other' than that of ApplicanL Applicant shaJl first procure from such owners ail nec~-~ rights-of-way and/o~ pem~s in a fon-n sat~laclory 1o PG&.E and without cost Io ~- Applicant shaJl indemnify and bold he.mniess PC&E, its of~=eps, agents and employees, aga~ns~ a~l loss, damage, expense and liability resor~ng from injury to or death of any pemon, including but not lirniled to, employees of PC&E, Applicant or any third pa~j/1 or for tho loss, 0{~[J'uc~on or de--ge to property, it~ciu&ng, bul not lirrtted to properly o! PG&F-, Applicant or any third parly, a.ds~r~j out of or in any way conp~cted with ~3e pedom3arx~ of this agreemenL however caused, except to the extent ca~sed by the aclJve negligence or willful n~soonducl of PC&E, its offmem, agama and employees. Applicant will, on PG&E's request, delend any sui! asserlJng a c~aJm covered by this indemnity. Applicast will pay aJI costs that may be incurred by PC&E in enforcing this indemni~, including reasonable atlomeys' lees. The location and requested work ere ¢Jesc~ihed as follows: (Describe in detail ~he rna~rials a~d ~cil~ie$ t~ be furnished and/or work ~ be performed by PG&E. if mom space is ~quired, use o~her side and altech any nece$$aq/drawings as Exhib~s ,~ B, C. etc): LOCA~DN; Dublin Boulevard @ Clothestime, Dublin DESCRII~'ION OF WORK NOHR£FDNDABLE Remove padmounted transformer {T8721) and install at new location as part of the Dublin Boulevard widening and 20A project. Transformer is in a private right of way and therefore will be moved at applicant's expense ....................................... $39,596.0D These costs are valid for a period not to exceed 90 days. Thereafter, all contracts should-be promptly returned for revision. App~cam shatl p~ ~ PG&E, prompay upon OemanO by PG&E, as the complole comrast price hereumd~, the ~m o! Thirty-nine ~housand ~ve hundred ninety-six and n0/]00 ............ bou~s~ 39,596.00 ). Upon completion of requested ~1 ow~ shatl vest in: [~ PG&E D Applicant E. sec~Jted this day of 19 Ci%v of Dpblio Applicator (Pnn/./Type Ne. me) Maiiing Address: 1DD Civic Plaza Dublin. CA 94568 AJJN: Lee Thompson GD:skz 4£26/96 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY BY: Michele Scatena (Pdn/JType Name) T~: Service Planninq Supervisor