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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.04 InclZnOrd-AmendContrCGMS (2) ~ 8 .--," 8:, .", CITY CLERK t=ile #, [Jl6l[Q]~J.{3Ili] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 11, 1996 SUBJECT: EXHIBITS ATTACHED: RECOMMENDATION: /7 AY' , \v v FINANCIAL STATEMENT: DESCRIPTION: lnclusionary Zoniilg OrdinancelHousing Element Programs - CGMS Inc. - Contract Amendment, Budget Amendment and Operating Transfer. {).0 Report-Prepared by: Carol R. Cirelli, SeniQr Planner \ . Exhibit 1. Draft Resolution approvipg the frrst amendment to the Consulting Contract between the City and CGMS Inc. and approving an operating transfer Contract Amendment Budget Change Form for amendment to Planning Department Professional Services budget Exhibit 2. Exhibit 3. 1. Adopt Resolution approving the contract amendment to the contract between the City and CGMS, Inc. Authorize the City Manager to Execute the amendment to the contract for an additional $7,000. , Authorize a budget change for an additional appropriation of $7,000 from new revenues to the Phmning Department- Professional Services account for completing extra consultant services. ' 2. . 3. The contract amendment is for $7,ObO. It is recommended that all costs be reimbursed from Affordable Housing In.Lieu fees collected to date. (See Report) On December 12, 1995, the City Council approved a consultant contract with the housing consultant finn of CGMS Inc., for the amount of $8,000. As the contract scope of work specifies, CGMS Inc. has been providing Planning staff with special housing expertise arid advise relative to the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance ~tudy arld other r~lated Housing Element programs. g~ie~;u~~~~~r-------------:----------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ' Applicants In House Distribution ITEMNO.4,iL ADDITIONAL SCOPE OF WORK REQUIRED: .. " However, in order to adequately complete these housing studies, extra consultant services were requ~red, such ~. attending addit.i~nal publi~ study se~sions, reviewing sta~ reports, conducting . :' housmg/economlc research, advlsmg Planmng staff, and so forth. An addltlOnal contract amount of - , $7,000 is required for completing these extra services. With this amendment, the total contract amount would not exceed $15,000. Therefore, Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution approving the amendment to the consultant contract (Exhibit 1), and authorize execution of the contract amendment (Exhibit 2). Also, Staff recommends that the City Council authorize a budget amendment for an additional appropriation of $7,000 from new revenues to the Planning Department - Professional Services account for completing these extra consultant services (Exhibit 3). FUNDS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE TO REIMBURSE AMOUNTS EXPENDED: As part of the Hansen Hill Development Agreement between the City and California Pacific Homes, the Developer was required to pay an in-lieu amount of $60,000 upon approval of Phase I and the recording of the Final Map. These funds are to be used to assist with the development of affordable ho-using. To the extent that the process of developing an Inclusionary Housing Ordinance meets the stated . purpose for the use of.these funds, it. woul.d be ap~ro~riate for ~e City Council to authorize a fund tran. '"::,': to cover the expenses Incurred on this proJect. This lDcludes the Consultant cost as well as Staff and City '-,:, Attorney expenses. At this time the total expenses incurred to date are estimated as follows: Staff Time (Including estimated benefits) Estimated Consultant Expense City Attorney Services (Through April 1996) $12,825.11 15,000.00 4.600.00 Total Costs Incurred to Date $32,425.11 All of the costs incurred to date have been expended in the General Fund in either Planning or the Legal Services actiyities. Staff would recommend that the City Council authorize a fund transfer at year- end to reimburse all General Fund expenses incurred on this project. It is expected that this amount will be less than the $60,000 currently available. Authorizing language has been incorporated into the Resolution (Exhibit 1). .-; . , . .-- .- RESOLUTION NO. . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING AMENDMENT TO THE CONSULTANT CONTRACT WITH CGMS INe. FOR FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND APPROVING A FUND TRANSFER WHEREAS, CGMS Inc. would provide assistance to the City regarding the feasibility and appropriateness of affordable housing goals contained in the City's Housing Element and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved Resolution No. 153-95 awarding the consulting contract to CGMS Inc.; and WHEREAS, a contract amendm~nt is necessary to adequately complete the City's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance and other related Housing Element programs; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending that the City Council authorize the proposed contract ~endment with CGMS Inc.; and WHEREAS, the City Council did consider said report and recommendations. WHEREAS, the City has collected certain funds which are to be used towards implementation of Affordable Housing programs; and WHEREAS, all costs associated with the development of the Affordable HousinglInclusionary Zoning Ordinance, are legitimate uses of the special funds collected to date. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby approve the amendment to the consulting contract with CGMS Inc. for completing extra housing consulting services. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Staffis authorized to record a transfer, to reimburse the General Fund for all expenditures related to the development of the Affordable HousinglInclusionary Zoning Ordinance. The total amount available for reimbursement shall be limited to the funds currently held by the City for this purpose. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of June, 1996. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: Exhiit City Clerk ::J..-':....:-:??::' ~I:':~:: F;:'DI'1 ':;:,1'::;, ;IL 1,::1 1510333;S28---~71 ~'.02 02 ,10 CGMS I~CORPORATED i r-'{)~t St;~l:'t. SUitt: 2i3r) . S<in Fr<illClscO. CA 94104 - Sen i-rancisco · ~~w \{ork · Atlanta · 'JOr.:hampIOn, ,'v'l,-\ T (;'!f'phO))(:: '41.:;\ 9_:;6-.:'~=,~ r.i'I(;,iJ~lilE'; :";15) 956-2$75 Jnne 4, 1996 Carl'll Cirelli, Senior Planner City of Dublin Planning Department 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Ms. Cirelli: The following constitutes a request for amendment to the contract betvveen CGMS lncorporated (CGMS) and the City of Dublin, dated December 12, 1995. TIle contract waS for certain services in cOlUlection vl.'ith the development of an inc1usionary housing ordinance. Payment for services rendered was not to exceed $7,500 in professional fees and $500 in expenses, for a total of $8,000. TIle 57,300 professional fee was based on hourly rates of $150 for a CGMS Senior Associate and $100 for a Seliel Associates (Seifel) principal (Seifel ,,,Tas a subcontractor to CGMS). . The scope of services approved as part of the contract contemplated 30 hours each on the part of CGMS and Seifel. Included in those 30 hours were one meeting with each of City staff, the Planning Commission and the City CO\.Ul.cil. It was thought that either CGMS or Seifel would attend those meetings, but not both. However, as the process began, and as a result of City staff requests, both CGM:S and Seifel attended the meetings. In addition, although the Planning Commission held one meeting as the contract contemplated, the City Council, meeting jointly with the Commission, held two meetings. All meetings were several hOUIS in length. Both the Commission and Council requested extensive further information at each meeting which required additional research, consultation with City staff and preparation of written material. CGMS would, therefoT(:', request that the existing contract be amended to provide payment in an amount not to exceed $15,000. This amou.nt includes both professional fees and expenses. y€1; iuly vours ...,,,r'-'.' W'tin~' Senior ~s~ . flIiit ~ .. '. ~. .- CITY OF DUBLIN BUDGET CHANGE FORM CHANGE FORM # New Appropriations (Cit)' Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: From Unappropriated Reserves From Budgeted Contingent Reserve (1080-799.000) Within Same Department Activity --X_ From New Revenues Between Departments (City Council Approval Required) Other :::::::::nEg.RJtA$i!J/$t)P:(;~1,t~t$GfJ,lJ1NXmm}:::::(::::::::::m:f\~MOQNtr:::::::::::::}}:::::::::::::::::::(N~J'{~~$g:::~pl>~~ttl~j(1~fiPt$~t:::::::?::m(::::::m::::::;~;'MP:q~1t::::((: Name: Name: General FundIPlanningl Professional $ 7,000 Services Account #: Account #: 9010.729-000 Name: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Name: Account #: Account #: REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: The City Council approved the use of a Consultant to assis with addressing the development of an Inclusionary Housing Program to address Affordable Housing policie' in the City Housing Element. Due to an extended time frame and additional public study sessions the cos associated with these services exceeded the original budget. The City General Fund will be reimbursed for aI expenses on this project through the transfer of Housing In Lieu Fees collected to date as presented In the JunE 11, 1996 Staff Report. City Manager: Date: Signature .... As Approved at theCityCoundlMeetingon:.T>ate: . .6/11196 .... Mayor: Date: Signature Posted By: Date: Signature H: CIn' COUNCIL M7GS/6J JBCHNG_doc EXHIBIT .3