HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 CommDevBlkGrntProjAppl (2) . . . , CITY CLERK File # Dr?tJlal[Q]-[3[Q] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 23,1996 SUBJECT: 1996-1997 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Project Applications Report Prepared by: Tasha Huston, Associate Planner :;;ttur EXHIBITS ATI'ACHED: A. Chart showing anticipated 1996-1997 CDBG Allocation for Dublin B. Application Forms, as follows: 1. City of Dublin - Mape Park Handicapped Accessible Play Equipment 2. City of Dublin - Handicap Ramps for Sidewalks 3. Tri- Valley Haven for Women - Community Service Building 4. Jobs for Tomorrow - Employment Training 5. Arroyo Vista - Handicapped Accessibility renovations 6. Kaleidoscope Activity Center - Handicapped Accessible minibus 1. City of Dublin - Minor Home Repair Program RECOMMENDA nON: ~ Direct Staff to submit applications for $99,552.00 in CDBG funding for Program Year 1996-1997, to be distributed as follows: Mape Park Improvements: $51,750 Arroyo Vista Handicapped Accessibility Renovations: $ 21,910 Housing Rehabilitation (Mandatory): $ 19,292 Program Administration: $ 6,600 TOTAL $ 99,552 FINANCIAL STATEMENT: (See discussion below) DESCRIPTION: The City has participated in the Alameda County Urban County Housing and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program since 1982. During the current Program Year (FY 1995-1996), CDBG funds were allocated as follows: . --------------------------------------------------------------------- _ _ __:- COPIES TO: Associate Planner Planning Secretary - - - Senior Planner HCD File ITEM NO. 13.1 ~ 1. Jurisdiction Improvements (broken down as shown below) $ 78,660.00. . Heritage Center Renovation/Handicapped Access $ 25,858.00 . Residential Handicapped Access Ramps $ 27,802.00 . . Kaleidoscope Activity Center $ 10,000.00 . Tri- Valley Haven Center $ 10,000.00 2. Housing Rehabilitation (Minor Home Repair /Grants) + $ 19,292.00 3. City General Administration + $ 6.600.00 TOTAL DUBLIN FUNDS = $ 99,552.00 JURISDICTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS The Heritage Center Renovation was completed in the summer of 1995. The Residential Handicapped Access Ramps project construction is expected to be completed in the Spring of 1996. The invoice for Kaleidoscope Activity Center's Mortgage Buydown was received in December of 1995, and is currently being processed by the City. Construction on the Tri-Valley Haven's Community Center building broke ground in February of 1995 with an expected move-in date of April 1996. 1996-1997 CDBG ALLOCATION The allocation for CDBG program year 1996-1997 funds has not yet been determined by the Federal Government. The CDBG program administrators for Alameda County have directed the Cities which participate in the Urban County program to assume for application purposes that funding levels will be equivalent to the 1995-1996 program year levels. .-. A total of$ 99,552.00 was allocated for the 1995-1996 program year for the City of Dublin. The Alameda County administration uses a formula for determining the amount of funds which must be used for certain categories. The County assumes that following funding amounts will be available for the 1996-1997 program year: 1. Jurisdiction Improvements $ 73,660.00 2. Housing Rehabilitation (Minor Home Repair Grants) (It is mandatory that this amount be used for Housing Rehabilitation only) + $19,292.00 3. City General Administration + $ 6.600.00 Total 1995-1996 Dublin Allocation = $ 99,552.00 The City has flexibility in the distribution of Jurisdiction Improvement funds, and in City Administration funds. The Funds allocated for Housing Rehabilitation must be reserved at the level assigned by the County. Six applications for Jurisdiction Improvement projects have been received by the City for review by the Council. These include applications for two projects by the City of Dublin, and four from outside agencies, .. 2 including the' Tfi-Valle'y Haven for Women, Jobs for Tomorrow, Dublin Housing Authority, and Kaleidoscope Activity Center. Descriptions of the various project funding requests are contained below. . When a decision is made by the City Council regarding how the City's project funds will be distributed, the appropriate applications must be submitted to the Alameda County Housing and Community Development Department (County HCD) by February 1, 1996. Because the City participates in the Urban County CDBG program under an annual agreement, it will be necessary to re-apply for CDBG funds for the 1996-1997 program year. Once the County HCD reviews and approves Dublin's project applications, a program agreement between the City and the County HCD will be drafted, which the City Council will need to authorize by May of this year. The final City-County agreement will be submitted to the federal Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) in June of this year. CDBG JURISDICTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR CONSIDERATION Mape Park Handicapped Playground The Parks and Community Services Department is requesting $51,750 in CDBG funds to provide a handicapped accessible playground in the area of the City west of San Ramon Road in accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The playground would be developed at Mape Park. This project is also consistent with the City's Parks & Recreation Master Plan Goal #1, which aims to "Provide for a high-quality and diversified park system to meet the recreational needs and quality of life goals of existing and future residents of Dublin" . . The proposed project would involve replacing the existing play equipment with equipment which is handicapped-accessible, in the 3-acre neighborhood park. Although the scope of work for the proposed improvements has not been finalized, it appears that the project would exceed the available funding. However, the combination of CDBG funds with other sources of funding such as Park Dedication funds, would make a significant dent in the total project cost and could enable the City to complete the improvements under a faster time frame, possibly eliminating the need to phase the work over several years, and bring the park into compliance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Handicapped Access Ramps for Sidewalks As part of the City of Dublin Sidewalk Program, the Public Works Department is requesting $74,000 in CDBG funds to install approximately 80 concrete handicap ramps at various curb returns within the residential areas of Dublin. Each ramp would cost approximately $925, which includes construction and administrative expenses. The Goals and Objectives of this project are to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and meet the needs of handicapped residents in the City of Dublin. The project implementation schedule would involve initiating contracts in the early Spring of 1997, commencing ramp construction in late Spring of 1997, and completing ramp construction in June of 1997. . Even after construction of ramps is completed using the current allocation offunds for the 1995-1996 program year, there will still be a need for over 80 ramps to be installed in the City. 3 ,. Tri-Valley Haven For Women 1 . The Tri-Valley Haven For Women, Inc., is requesting $ 15,000 in CDBG funds to be used toward the construction of a community services building. This agency serves the Tri- Valley cities of Dublin, PleasanA. and Livermore and provides shelter and supportive services for women and their children who are victims P domestic violence, rape, and other crisis situations. The agency operates a crisis hotline, group and individual crisis counseling, referrals, and advocacy services, in addition to other community service programs offered outside the shelter. The requested funds are intended to be used to assist in the construction of a community service building that will house the Valley Rape Crisis Center and all of the Tri- Valley Haven's domestic violence services for persons not living in the Haven's shelters. The construction of the project has begun, with the groundbreaking ceremony on February 9, 1995. The total cost of the building will be approximately $700,000. The Tri-Valley Haven has received support from Dublin and other valley cities over the past several years, including $10,000 from Dublin's 1994-1995 CDBG program year funds, $10,000 from Dublin's 1995-1996 CDBG program year funds, $370,000 from the City of Livermore between 1994 and 1997, and $35,000 from the City of Pleasant on from 1993-1994 program year funds. Several other private and semi- public agencies have also granted or pledged funds for this project. For more information on the project request, please see Exhibit B-3. Since the Tri- Valley Haven's application for CDBG funds is not a City project, if the Council approves funding for the project, Dublin would need to enter into a separate contract with Tri- Valley Haven, as was done for the 1995-1996 program year, for project administration and fund tracking purposes. Jobs for Tomorrow .:, The Jobs for Tomorrow agency is requesting $ 10,000 in CDBG funds to be used for their employment education and support services to women of low-income who live at the Arroyo Vista housing complex. This agency provides job development, job placement, and other employment and education programs for women preparing for work, in partnership with local businesses. The employment services are provided as part of the federal "Bay Area Gateway Demonstration Project", funded in part by the Department of Health and Human Services. The program is a collaborative effort of the Alameda County Office of Education, the Dublin School District, the Alameda County Private Industry Council, and other non-profit agencies. The requested funds are intended to be used to expand the employment services it provides, in areas such as vocational assessments and employment workshops. For more information on the project request, please see Exhibit B-4. Since the Jobs for Tomorrow's application for CDBG funds is not a City project, if the Council approves funding for the project, Dublin would need to enter into a separate contract with Jobs for Tomorrow, as required for the Tri- Valley Haven request and other non-city applications. Arroyo Vista - Dublin Housing Authority The Dublin Housing Authority is requesting $ 25,000 in CDBG funds to be used primarily for handicapped. accessibility modifications at the Arroyo Vista housing complex. The Dublin Housing Authority is the ' .. - . administrator of the federally subsidized housing at Arroyo Vista. 4 e The CDBG funds would be used for physical modifications including installing curb cuts at sidewalks, and modernizing various aspects of the buildings to provide accessibility to handicapped persons. Funds remaining after removal of architectural barriers would be used for improving the exterior appearance of the complex by replacing the landscaping in some community areas, and providing employment opportunities for the residents through requirements of the construction contracts. For more information on the project and the funding request, please see Exhibit B-5. Since the Dublin Housing Authority's application for CDBG funds is not a City project, if the Council approves funding for the project, Dublin would need to enter into a separate contract with the Dublin Housing Authority, as required with other non-city applications. Kaleidoscope Activity Center The Kaleidoscope Activity Center in Dublin is a day care facility serving up to 68 developmentally disabled youths (ages 5 through 22) from the Tri- Valley area, and training them in areas of independent living skills, job skills, and social skills. Kaleidoscope is requesting $9,631.21 in CDBG funds for payment toward the loan used to purchase a 22-passenger handicapped accessible minibus. e. The City supported Kaleidoscope with $27,000 in start-up funding through a CDBG related Jobs Bill for Fiscal Year 1984-1985 and with $5,000.00 for purchasing a modular handicapped accessible ramp during the 1991-1992 CDBG program year. Kaleidoscope requested $20,000 in CDBG funds for Fiscal Year 1992-93 and 1993-94 for purchase of the property on which they are now located, but the request was not granted in those years because there was an urgent need at that time to renovate Dublin's Swim Center Bathhouse. The City authorized an allocation of$10,000 in CDBGfunds for the 1994-1995 program year and $10,000 in CDBG funds for the 1995-1996 program year for the Kaleidoscope mortgage buydown, which has been disbursed. Since the Kaleidoscope application for CDBG funds is not a City project, if the Council approves funding for the project, Dublin would need to enter into a separate contract with the Kaleidoscope Activity Center for project administration and fund tracking purposes. For more information the Kaleidoscope Activity Center and the funding request, please see Exhibit B-6. STAFF RECOMMENDATION All of the above listed projects are worthy projects which meet the CDBG program's national objectives of benefiting low and moderate income persons (which includes handicapped persons, abused children, and homeless persons), or providing jobs for low and moderate income heads of households, and they are all eligible uses ofCDBGfunds. However, the total amount requested for all of the projects exceeds the total CDBG funding allocation anticipated by the City. The City Council may allocate CDBG funds for Jurisdiction Improvement Projects among eligible projects as they choose. If all of the project requests were accepted by the City Council for funding, the requested fund amounts would need to be decreased for all projects. . Since the City Council has identified the Mape Park improvements as an important project to undertake as part of the 1995-1996 Capital Improvement Program, and there are insufficient Park In-Lieu Fees to complete this project uless the requested CDBG allocation ($51,750) is granted for this project, it is staff's recommendation that the Council fund this project at the the requested amount. It is also recommended that 5 the balance of the CDBG funds ($21,910) be allocated to the Arroyo Vista Housing PrQject handicapped accessibility renovations. By providing this level of funding to the Arroyo Vista Project, it will help offset the need to request that the City provide General Fund monies to repair this project in the future. The projects would also assist the City and the Dublin Housing Authority in making further efforts to comply with the . American Disabilities Act. . The suggested allocation for 1996-1997 funding is as follows: 1. Jurisdiction Improvements AMOUNT REQUESTED SUGGESTED ALLOCATION . Mape Park Handicapped Playground · Residential Handicapped Access Ramps · Tri- Valley Haven for Women - Community Service Building · Jobs for Tomorrow - Employment Training · Arroyo Vista - Handicapped Accessibility renovations · Kaleidoscope Activity Center - Handicapped Accessible minibus $ 51,750, $ 74,000. $ 15,000. $ 10,000. $ 25,000. $ 9,631.21 $ 51,750.* $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 21,910 $ 0 TOTAL $ 185,381.21 $ 73,660 2. Housing Rehabilitation/Minor Home Repair Grants (mandatory) + $ 19,292 3. City General Administration + $ 6,600 TOTAL 1995-1996 DUBLIN ALLOCATION . $ 99,552 = g:\correspo\tasha\cdbg\srcc 1-96. doc .- 6 . 1996-1997 CDBG ALLOCATION PROJECT ALLOCATIONS December 12, 1995 . JUIUSDICTION NEW TOTAL 1l0USING CDIlG IMl'ltnVI:MI,NT 110 USI N(; CONSTltUCnON I'llOJECT COUNSELING GENE!1.AL ANNUAl. I'IW.lECrS It EIIAI1II.lTATJON ASSISTANCE FUNDING SEIt VICES ADMIN TOTAL 1i0% (33%) (7%) 100% (20%) (J 00%) OWNElt It ENTA I. _________u. "._____.._ (22%) (11%) TOTALS $I,052,2HO $:lH5,H:lo $192,91 H S 1 22,761i S 1,75:1,BOO $91,000 $,IIiI,200 $1,:\06,000 ,\ I.IlANY $105,228 $3H,5H'1 $143,812 $6,600 $150,412 11lJI!L1N $7:1,1i60 S19,292 $92,952 $6.600 $99.552 n.IEltYVII.I.E $52,lil'l $61,734 $114,348 $6.600 $120,948 ,NI:\\'AHK $189,'110 $77,167 $266,578 S7.800 $274,378 r"''''''''''' $21,046 S 11,575 S32,621 S6.600 $39,221 ( '( It JNTY $610,322 $177,4H5 $192,9JB SI22.766 SI,I03,491 $91,000 S427,OOO $1,621,491 $ I ,052,280 S385,ID6 SI92.918 $122,766 $ J .753.800 $91.000 S461.200 $2,306.000 . EXHIBIT A ALAMEDA COUNTY HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT APPLICA nON FORM 1996-97 PROGRAM YEAR J. JURISDICTION (PROJECT TO SERVE/BE LOCATED IN): DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA . 2. ORGANIZATION TO--BE FUNDED: CITY OF DUBLIN, PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 3. ADDRESS/LOCATION OF PROJECT: MAPE PARK, SAN SABANA AND CALLE VERDE ROADS 4. PROJECT TITLE: MAPE PARK HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE PLAY EQUIPMENT 5. ELIGIBLE ACTIVITY CATEGORY: REMOVAL OF ARCHITECTURAL BARRIERS' 6. DESCRIPTION: MAPE PARK IS _~. 3-ACRE NEIGHBORHOOD P~K. A RENOVATION PLAN FOR THE ENTIRE PARK IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS. THESE FUNDS WOULD BE USED TO FUND ONE-HALr OF THE COST OF HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE P~AX_EQPJY_ME~t_IN TH~ PARK. DEPENDING ON T AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS, THE RENOVATION OF THE PARK MAY BE DONE IN PHASES WITH THE R~JLACEMENT OF THE PLAY EQUIPMENT ACCOMPLISHED IN THE FIRST PHASE, 7. GOALS & OBJECTIVES: TO PROVIDE A HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE PLAYGROUND IN THE AREA OF THE CITY WEST OF SAN RAMON ROAD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. 8. SCHED U LE - List major benchmarks in the development and implementation of project. Include expected completion date. (For example, project survey and design, acquisition, construction-start, construction- completion. ) 9. BENCHMARK: DESIGN COMPLETE PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCTION BEGINS CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE DIANE LOWART Submitted By DATE: APRIL, 1996 COMPLETE JUNE, 1996 AUGUST, 1996 NOVEMBER, 1996 PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR Title Date 1-16-96 P.O. BOX 2340 AddreSS DUBLIN City 94568 Zip Code ****************************************************************************** (For HCD Use Only) REVIEWED/APPROVED BY: A UTHORIZA TION ON FILE AMENDMENTS DATE Pr"ll~ranl 5t.nr,. A:-::~istant Pl.nnnin:! Dirc~h\r HCD Advi~llr\" C1.\nllnitt~~ Urhal1 C""l1lv T AC Board \\C Surh:rvi:-';l\r~ .... .. EXHIBIT B-1 . .-.. .. .... 10. PROJECT BENEFIT A. Identify the area that the project is serving (i.e., site address, citywide, census tract(s), and/or servIce area. TRACTS 4502/4503/4504/4505 '- (Attach map with clearly identified boundaries of areas to be served and/or benefited from project.) B. IdentitY project beneficiaries within service area. I) Total number of persons (P) or households (HH): 1) 1358 HH 2) Number of low income persons or households (income less than 50 percent of the County median): 2)~7 HH 3) Number of low and moderate income person or households (income between 50 and 80 percent of County median): 3)-LHH 4) Total number of low and low and moderate income persons or households (2 + 3): 4)----2-85 HH 5) Percent of low and low and moderate income persons or households (4 divided by 1 and converted to %): 5)~ C. Source(s) of data: 11. 1990 Census. Percentages represent estimates based upon previous special census data. IF CDBG FUNDED, PROJECT MEETS WHICH NATIONAL OBJECTIVE AS DEFINED IN CDBG REGULA TIONS: A. Benefits low and moderate income households: ()Area (~Limited Clientele ()Housing ()Jobs x B. Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or hlight c. Meets regulatory provision for an activity designed to meet a community development n~ having a particular urgency x 12. TOTAL NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION OF STAFF NEEDED (THAT WILL BE FUNDED WITH CDBG): o 13. o CHANGES IN STAFF NEEDS (+/-) FROM 1995/96: 14. ADDITIONAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES NEEDED: o -.. &\'.' I~.. .-~ ..;..... ," .u ':"~' .. --". . - . . :". . ~i'.' ~;?~;.:. . ;J::. ~ ~ ..~ . ~.:::;.~" - 17. 15. .- NEW EQUIPMEJ:'TT: .- ',.' .~~...:.:::~:~:( ~..!:."- .:. ':.<::~;'~ _r_" . :.t .. .- -:~.~ :' . {'. . ,., "-. :'- -'. : :';:'i;~:t) <~:<..::. .,.~ -~ ":...'.:..' . . (EXPL~ATIO.t'l!: :::-; .. .....~, ..... - . . ""'- ,. . ;;.: '~i:.~'~ !'.~-.-::' -: 16. "..-.' .... . ,.".: ".: .., ..~~~.. \' :_.' ;:.>.~J.... .. ~~ . . " :'~ .- . J~:; .~ . .~-:.. f~~" NOTE:" S~~ 'of So~r~.:iii-3 sho~ld equal~.17a. above. $ 154.695 ":'~ - ~ . ... . ., "'. . "..';;:~ . ":~:~~' i~~ ~.\" . ~. ~ ....", -.:" .~'.,: p::>~f;..i;~}~~;~~{.,-.,::!;~':~.. ... ..:" . . .... . ....,.,.;. ; '.. ':. . 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'_.; :.:~ :-;: .Ji:::-:', [include: name; title aIlddat~J;' 3) publication or' other documentation [include title and date]; etc.)' " ,-'. .. -. ,:. ~..::.?ro.: .___ · ^','f.\~"-~.; . , : :L..:. :'..:::r;.:::'.: ::.::.~ ?:t;"::~ /:~":.~_. :;.yr~.;,'~. . '.,--2.:.. ::"" '. .. .. . ~ ~'. _ ,: >-':.:;<A~ ;'.:::::J.Historic Preservation:~,To becompleted,.bY Coi.mty~st.aff.; . . . ...., ,~~~~.: :.~~:~:,~~~ ..., . . .... ",'<, "'_.;-'. C; ,', '-~" '. Coastal ZOne. ,'-To be cOfDPleted by County staff (none m Alameda County). .. "... c -_f~-_: .,. ".'.. .' '..~ . ;. ,:,- ~~ ~ '-. ~::;~I:\~ :~.~~r:(,'\~t~~?~;}.~;.L~~Z'~:.:.~~~~:;.~~..t~~~$gF\1~~~~t~.~.~;::~"'~: ;'''_';~:;}~',:\':.~~''_:,.-., ,'. .'. <":. ,..<.....?.~,(yp~;:-:~~ ~;;~i_":Jf;.;~:;,.~.'t~:.:.:~~. ,.:':: : -:~ :l,}:;,-:'.D...: .:~,.... Sole~'Source':;"AqiiifierS::,1fT(r be/'i::onij>leled." By' Count).< staff (April 1990.: MenioiaIi~r~.of:r.>.;': \..;. ......;'; ..- ~;>.. ~; :!:<;;..~~:- <."~'-i:tU~(:iei-itaiiciGi{[Hu'ri;EPirMol.r of. 1990jj: ..:...~'. :.;.;.:. =.~:..__-:;., .;':,;' ~- . ;",~ ....~.;):::_~_,~. . 'o:\~;~&N:~;;;~}::i'~-i~~,~,;h~~>~ ". :;~:.\-~. .~: ::%i~P~~>/':f~~~~~~~:r~~!~;'~~ ~t;;*~jj~~:~~~:~::g~?:~: .,~.~r::r: :.t:~7~t) .~.>. :.: .~... ..".: .\:~ \ ~'. ~:\< '.~f:r1:i:~?~'~~~~~:~~;.~;:;~~X - . ~-,,: :' ..,t-;i"'::.E..J"..~ Endingered.SRecies:ii~Use~pei-sonaLex.perience or contact the_National Wildlife -AsSoCiation"to~,,;:-;t:;~.:;"f'-;':-:=- . '~':~~:~~;:o~i~f~}Ift~K~~~~r~~~~r!~~~~~r~~~f~~~n1)n~?[~~~~'ri(t~(p;o]~~~11?{~ifII;~?~~~~f,~~f;Y~::~!;~ . :~ ;-:-;. . ---"'~;-::':;, ,..: :':~:'.i ~-:-a~eady uIjJ~, note this belo~ cltmg your personal expenence. . Include t?e I;lam~. ~d tltle:of:::: ': .' ;...,... , . c'._. . ..,. -.. ,..; "the. indi'vid~l ID~itlie-d~t~~'ation and the date, or th~ name of the publiCatio;ihat's~pports':" the..fuiding;t~.::.o:'" .::.':..~, -' . ..., .' -. - . . 4 _ _. _. F. Wild and Scenic Rivers: To.be ~ompleted by County staff (none in Alameda County). G. Air Quality: USe personal experience or obtain information from local Planning Department or . EPA regarding the effect.- of air quality in the.area of the pr~jecL Include the name and' title. of the iridividual making tbe determination and 'the date, or the name of the publication tbat supports the tinding. - . - - H. . Farmland Protection:^'.Use personal experience or the local Planning Department to determine- whetber or not the site will affect local farmlands. If the site is already urbanized, note this below citing your personal experience. Include the name and title of the individual making the determination and thi d3te.' or the name of the publication that supports the tinding. ..:~ ,. " .:. 1. ';: . _ Noise-Abatement.:andControl:-To'be' completed by County staff. . . . . . . . '.~ . _ . ~. . "'.' . '. I ;'_:;~~.. ::~'3 :::_:~=: .~--.~> "::':~ . .;~~. -.: :' '.~: '..:.:!.".. . ,". . " <'0. :"'-.."1 .' f. ...'-," ".. Explosive and FI~bl~ Oper3ti'o~s:---Use personal experien~,(or obtain i~torTruition from the Jocal_ fire chief or EP A to determine if.!.~~J~roject is located an acc~J?~able se'p'aration diSU!Dce from .. . any above-ground explosive or flammable fuels or chemical containers. Include the- name and title of the. ~~dividual making the: determination' and the 'date, or the' mime 'of the publication that supportS the findini::~. J> ,Of:', - " .:"'".... I ...... -..'J .' '. _.-...~J' : '.. ~. ..' ........ '. ,; .- ,,j:' -- .. '.:"~-.. '.:.:~:. . -:---. ~m... :~ '.':; :.: '.. ~ ~";-: . .." .:t .... -~.t'~::::.': " "..< ..': ....-:;" ...... . ..~.; .. . ,...~;.': :i..: .:; ~., -. .. . .:-:-.....,.... .. . ~'.., ._.....,;~.:;~_:.......t.. :. -: m" ;. , - .~:: .:~:.;,,: ,.~- ""-:. ..:..:.:--:. .. ::.. - ..' ~: '......,: ~. - ..... ~'. .... .:. '.:~ t:::. .; ~~~.!:.:..;..:: ~.,~.. :',;., .:'.: ....... . .-" ';';. '.: .. .... . .., . :.....- ... .' ..-..-: -' ..' .. - . . . . :'-.~ :..;',~~;-'.:~ :'~..'" ".-. .... .... ,. ...... >- .~ '~~.I.. .- .' . . .':: . f\LAMED,o\ COUNTY HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPI'-'IENT PROJECT APPLICATION FORM 1996-97 PROGRAM YEAR I. JURISDICTION (PROJECT TO SERVE/BE LOCATED IN): Citv of Dublin ORGANIZAT10N TO BE FUNDED: City of Dublin. Department of Public Works ADDRESS/LOCATION OF PROJECT: Various locations within the Citv of Dublin PROJECT TITLE: Handicap Ramps for Sidewalks ELIGIBLE ACTIVITY CATEGORY: Jurisdiction Improvement Pro;ects DESCRIPTION: Install appr'oximately 80 concrete handicap ramps at various curb- returns. This is a part of Dublins sidewalk program and the work will be done at various locations within residential areas. 2. ). 4. 5. 6. 7. GOALS & OBJECTIVES: This project is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, ~lblic Law 101-336, requiring facilities and proera~s which recieve public funds to be accessible and useable bv people with disabilities and meets the n~eds of han<;iicap residents in the Citv of Dublin SCH EDULE - LI:-:tm~lor henl:hmarks In the: ucvt::!opmcnt anu Implementation ot pn~Ie:';t. Inclllde: t:'xpe.;tt:'u l:umpldjol1 ualt:. (For e:xample, pn~ie:.:t ~lIrve:y and de::-:i~n. at.:qlli:-:itlon. l:oll,.;lrll.:tioJ1-:;tart. ,;oll:-:tnll:tion- I:ompldion. ) s. BEt\'CHIvlARK: Contractor Bids Ramp Constructlon DATE: 01/09/97 02/26/97 -- 04701/97 Project Completion 9, ~~~ Public Works Director Title: 01/09/96 Date 100 Civic Plaza Dublin City 94568 Zip Code Audre::-::-: **~****~**~:~~~~*~**:~~*~***:~~*~:~***********~*****~********~**~**:~:~***~~:~*:~$~*~~ (For HCD Use: Only) REVIEWEDiAPPR()VED BY: A UTHORIZA TIC IN ON FILE AId ENDId ENTS D,.;TE Pn\~171111 Slarr A:.;~i~l.,nt PIOlnniu:.' Dir':~'li)r HCD Advi:o-,'n C,llltlllilh.'': Urh"" C.>IIIl1Y TAl' Bll~IJ'\lll( SWl';f"\ 1:">"1''' EXHIBIT B-2 10. PROJECT BENEFIT A. IJenrify the ar":<I that the pn~ie:ct is se:rving (i.e.. site address. c:itywiue. I.:ensus tract(:-.). <lnu/or . :-.erVICe area. City Wide (Attach mar with dearly iUentitlC:u ooundaries of art:as to he :-.t:f\.t:u ;mJ/or ot:ndlteU from rn!it:cL) B. IJt:ntity pn!it:ct ht:ndll.:iarit:s within st:rvil.:e: arc:a. I) Tntal Ilumht:r of persons (P) or housc:holds (HH): I)~HH 2) Numht:r pasons or houscholds with incmnt: kss than 50 pt:n.:t:nt of the: County mc:dian: 2 ) ---1.8.7HH J) Numht:r persons Ilr houst:holds with income ht:!wt:en 50 allu 80 rt:n,:cllt of County mcdian: J)----pHH ~) Total (2 -"-.:;): ~ )--2.R.5HH 5) Pc:rl.:ent (~ uividcd oy 1 and l.:onvC:flc:d to 7c): :))---1-9% C. Sourl.:c(s) of Jata: ~980 & 1990 C~nsuses. Special Census Data IF CDRG FUNDED. PROJECT i\1EET5 WHICH NATION.A.L OBJECTIVE ..1.,5 DEFINED l~ CDBG REGULA TI01\'5: (TO BE COM PLETED BY FUNDING JUR1SDICTI0:'\ i Percentae:e represents estimate basp-c1 on prpv;o.. II. A. Benefits low amJ mlluerate ;nc:ome households: ( lArt:a (XjLimireu Clientele ()Housing ()Johs x B. Aius in tht: prevention or dilllination of slums or hlight c. Mct:!s regulatory rrovision for an activity Jc:signcJ 10 Illcc:t .1 community uc:vdopmcnt nccd having a particular urgcnc:: x 12. BUDGET PROJECTION: A. Estilllatcu total c:""t of rn!jcc:t: s 74 , 000 B. Estimateu funding from all sourccs: Source;; I. CDBG hlllus rCljucstcu 1996/97 s 74 , 000 Sour..:e:: ;;2, ~~ty of Dublin s 7,500 Sou r":e ;; J. s . NOTE: Sum III S"ur..:e ;: J -:> shoulJ e::ljual -12A - ilh(1\.e. e. e: e. c. E~tllllaku huuge! h\' funuing source (use appropriate <.'alegone" ucpendll1g on project): Funding Funuing Fundin.:; Source /:/1 Source /:/2 Sou rCe /:/3 I. Desi.:;n/En.:; i neeri n.:; $ S 2,500 s ., ProperlY :l,cquisition S S S :1. Constn.I<.'tllll1 Contracts (Rehah, Land Prep,) S 74,000 s s -I, Staff Salanes & BendiIs S S 5,000 s 5, Ofticc Expen':es S S S (,, Lonlra..:1 Se1"\'ices S S S 7. Reln,'alllln Expen"e" S S S S. S S S 9, S S S la, s s S Total S 74,000 s 7,500 s 13, ENVIRO\'MENTAL REVIEW REQUIREMENTS: (To COl11plele thiS s<"cIllln. read the summary of each cale.:;ory and check the: appropnate ansWer. If imlicated. incluul:' adulllllnal intllrmalion.J Source documentation requestcd hl:'lo\V includes. hut is not Iimiteu 10: I )pcrsllnal I:'\penen,'e of the: inui\'iuuaJ ..:omplc:tin.:; the: application I incluue name. title anu uatel: 2) another inuiviuual e:\perienceu with the ,.;ul~icct I include: name. title and uall:'l: 3) puhlication or othe:r um:ul11entation lindude title anu ualel. dC,) A, Hi,';lon<.' Pre"eITalilln: To he <.'omple[cu hy Lounty staff. B, Floodplain tV!iIl1a.:;cment: To he: cOlllplc:teu t>y County staff. C. Loastal Zone: Tll hI:' cOl11plc:teu hy County staff (none in Alameda ('llunty). D, Silk Sour,'c A'lultiers: To he COl11pldeU By County statt' I April IQC)O Memoranua of Unuerstanuin.:; IH1JD EPA MOU of 19QO/), E, Enuan.:;ereu Spec 1 C".;: U"e personal e:xperie:n,'e or ":llntacl Ihe: i\iatllln:d \Vildlit'e Asso<.'ialllll1 to uelermine: If there are: e:nuan.:;e:reu spe:cies present in or around the pn~iecl "ite:. If the are:a is alrC:;ldy urhanized, nole: lhis hc:low cilin.:; your pe:rsonal e:xpe:nenc-e, Indude: the name: and rille of lhe: inui\"iuualmakin.:; the: ude:rmination anu the uate:. or the naml:' llf the puhlic:atioll that "upports the tinuin.:;, N/A F. \Vilu anu SL'e:nic RI\'ers: To he: complcte:u hy County staff (111)111:' III ,-\Iameua Cmlllty), N/A G, ,';11' QlIalIlY: lj"c I'er"onal e:\penen..:c or ohtain infl)rm;ltlon fnllll j",'al Planning Departmenr or e EP,A. re:;anJin:; thc dte..:r of air LJualiry in the: area of rhe pr"je,'r. In,'luJe rhe name and ride of . the individual makll1:; the detenninarion and rhe d,1re. or rhe: namc of the puhli..:atlon rh;tt "'lIpporb the: tindin:;, N/A H, Farm1<mJ Pro(e..:tlllfl: U:-;e personal e:xpe:rience: or rhe local Planning De:partme:nt to de:lt::rmine: whethe:r or not the site \vill aft~l:t I o..:a I t:mnlands. Ifrhe: site i:-; alreaJy urhanize:d. note: rhi:-; hdnw ciring your pe:r:-;oll:11 e:xperie:nl:e. Include: the name: and rirle: of rhe: indi\'iuual makin:; (he determinarion and the: dare:. or the name: of the puhli"::llion thar :-;UPPOlb the: lincJin:;. N/A I. Noi:-;e: Aharemenr anu Control: To he: comple:ted hy County staff. N/ A .I. Exr!o:-;i\'e and Flammahle Ore:rarions: Use: pcr~()nal e:xrc:rien"e PI' phrain Illtormarion trom rhe !o,'al tire ..:hie:f or EPA rll udennine if rhe: pr~ie:l:t i,,; lo..:atc:u all a,xeptable :-e:paration di:-;tan..:e from any aho\.e-groulld explo:-;ive: or tlammahle: fue:b or chemi..:al ,'(lllraincr". Induue rhe: name: anJ title of th.. mJl\'idllal l11akin:; the dde:rlllination anJ rhe uale. "I' the name- of rhe puhli<'::lt/on thaI ,;\lppnrt:-; the timlin:;. N/A K. To;"..: Che:lllica!,.,:f{auioactJ\'e Materiab: U:-;e rer:<onal e,\penelhl.- ,'1' rhe IIK'al tire ,-!1lef to determine (hat the pr,~je:":l i:-; nor locatc:u within 2000 fcd of:1 IllX/,. "I' raJioacti\'e: ,.;ire:. Indudc the: name :md rirlc' 01 [he indiviuual making rhe: ude:rlllinarion and rhc d,ue. "I' thc name' of thc J1uhli,.;!tllln that :<lIPP"r!:-; the: tiI1l1in;;. e: N/A L. A/q)(ll'( Cle:ar ZOIk,' and A..:<.:idc:nt Po[e:nrial 20ne:,;; To he: ,'umplded hy COllnry staff. N/A e- . TRI-VALLEY HAVEN FOR WOMEN P.O. Box 2190 Livermore, CA 94551 Tel: (510) 449-5845 Fax: (510) 449-2684 RECEIVED DEe 2 2 1995 DUBLIN PlJ1.NN!NG December 19, 1995 Mayor Guy Houston and Dublin City Council Members 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Mayor Houston and City Council Members: .~. Construction on our community building is about 60% completed with move-in targeted for April. The roof is on and the windows and doors will be installed next week, Plumbing is completed and the electricians will arrive later this week. You might enjoy driving by the site at 3883 Pacific Avenue in Livermore. We are excited to see this dream becoming reality. We thank you for the part you have played in this exciting endeavor and look forward to honoring you at our opening ceremonies. We continue to work hard to raise the fmal dollars that would allow us to move into our building without a mortgage, We are requesting that the City of Dublin consider a request for $15,000 in FY 96-97 CDBG funds, Thank you for your consideration of this request. Yours truly, ~ijL Executive Director . EXHIBIT B-3 ALAMEDA COUNTY HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT APPLICATION FORM J 996-97 PROGRAM YEAR . J. JURISDICTION (PROJECT TO SERVE/BE LOCATED IN): Located in Livermore to serve entire Dublin, Pleasanton & Livermore area. 2, ORGANIZATION TO BE FUNDED: . Tri-Vallev Haven for~omen, Inc. 3. ADDRESSILOCATlON OF PROJECT: P.O. Box 2190. Livermore, CA 94551 4. PROJECT TITLE: Community Service Building Services for Battered Women and their children and 5, ELIGIBLE ACTIVITY CATEGORY: sexual assault victims. Most closely matches 05G and 05N. 6. DESCRlPTlON: Complete construction on a 5,~~~ Sq. ft. community service Building. The building is approximately 60% cqmplete as of 12/14/95. 7. GOAlS & OBJECTIVES: To complete a community service building that will house the Valley Rape Crisis Center and all of Tri-Valley Haven's BENCHMARK: Construction 60% complete Targeted Completion Move-in DATE: 12/14/95 03/30/95 04/95 9. Helen Meier SubmindJ By Executive Director Title 12/19/95 Date P.O. Box 2190 Address Livermore City 94551 Zip Code .-...-.****~~~.~**-******.*~~****.~~$****~***~*~.--~~..~.~******.--~.~~*.***~~ (For HCD Use Only) REVIEWED/APPROVED BY: DATE AUTHORIZATION ON RLE AM ENDMEI'ITS Pn~n,"l SUlff A:L.-'ti$lanl PIAnnin'!! Din:~h\r HCD Ad"i",)T'\' C"O\",ilh:~ Uman C"un!\' T AC . &.),&rd t\( SUf\~t"'Vi!oO('r~ . e. . I '''0' :2 C: -. I 8F II:JE:!..-: f1 ;:;c :J:'C'-5:~-~628 F. . 3:i . r-. . =< - . - ~ IG. PRUI :::[T BEl' EFIT A. lucr.r~t:; ihe: :tr..lt Iha: :hc 1~IT~lc,~t i._ ~er'Jml.! (I.~.. sit.: rtGJn::~.. ..:ilYWl1i.. \~"r.';~:'. 1::1<:.(.:. ;.nJ!or ,":t;rV'L.:t: hr~x. We serve all areas of Dublin, Pleasanton and Livermore. (A!t;K'h !lidp \\ Ii;' .:l.:arly iJen:J ;"1~t1 hour..:ari:,l' ot "fr'~"; I:: I"" .....r.."'J ,,":.lii'r h..nd:t.-J irOll' pmjl;d.) 8, IJ~nrify [lie:;"., f h"lI~I"'o:l{r1<.'. ""ithl;' "",.oj"" .4r..;1. . ) TN~1 ..;11111'001' ,of p",'::on:' (p) ....r hotl.li~h"IJ.~ (II! 1 l. I) 500 (P) approx .... " , :--':,"nJ-.:1' "..:,-,...11;.; ,'r h"l:~.:.h()kl, witll iw.;ut/:e ic:..;.. :hun 5,-. :',"\:':1'1 .;.r if:" Counly II o.::<Jinll. ;t) 45q (P) approx .~ I ~;Ilr.""'1' 1'-':1'.,,:,):0, IIi' l"w:-..:hlllJ.. wJ:/'; men:..' I1d''''=<:1i 50 :1 Ill: l'l~ 11'.</...<:111 u( C,;;I:HY lil::Ji<l/l: :I)~ (P) approx 4)..475 (P) approx 95% ~\ I T:Hal (Z .,.:\ i: 5) ?c,..:"nl (J d:\'IJ~ !~~ I Mcd Clin\'erleJ III l' I( ,: 5, C. ~o\ln.:::,rs) l'f thl.!: ..~t~aPo..la:.!~.-io!l.J:.:r;9:m current Tri.-y'~lley Hav_en data. ! l. :F rnR(j FU1\OF.D, PH.O.,E,'')' ~'1EF.TS WPh,:H ~ATIONr\:'" O!3JECT!VF-: A" DEF!~~ED l?\ rDBG RC:CL.'L.l. TIO;-.S: (To 81': cut-.' flLHF.D 13'( Fl\D[~G jLRISDiC'TIC),0! [i"m::!';:;: It .\~ <till! 1l1l'Ll......:'c: ini.'l'lIlc:: h"\I:.dl.I:(;~:: ( l.Ao,..:; ~Limi!l"d C;il:IH=:c:: t )H...'U,;;'1~ ()Joh~ (Victims of sexual assault and victims of domestic violence and their children) B. !~ius In i~': prl"V,,-M,<::l .J:' e!i:l~in;l!;('.n of ,!.I:T\S HI' hli!!hr A. --X.., (' I\~ech rl::,;;;;I;,(.)r~ yo"i.,;".: I;,r :;11 a,:ti"'I:Y d",iB'n('~' ;(. ;11~=~ I( ~:"l1in't1l1iJ)' .1C"'\/~IJlp:n:nt n~.!~ h;!\'ir.g t\ ;'~lr:h~l1;14t" ~Ir~\:'u._~ !2 Et1f)CoET p~O!F.rTIO~: A. ~ .tlrrH..Ii....J to(...1 ...:~..,t pt ,.,..~:Ic\,..r. ~~_O,o~~__ B. i2~lill'l"I~J t...."l,'l;: 1111111 ;Ii! ~n.II~'-::,; :;OUf~<' #1. CDBO iUiIll, leYlll:Sled 1'.;96/97 S~?,Q.9Q.._ S\'III..'" #:. _.See ..a.t.t.ache(l_ budget ~ 706.s.,QPJ> S'll,r.:" It.'. ._To be_ r;d~pif :s _79,0.00 Ni)'j'l:; S,ID' ,If Sihlr,:,,;t 1-:1 ..h.ld;J "quill 'J2,~OO ai'lo.., " Please see attached budget for details. The City of Livermore has donated the land. Salaries and benefits will be paid through current operating funds and a new grant from the Department of Health Services. D~~. 19 .9~ :7;20 c: -", OF DUBL: t~ 1:;2 Ft=l>< ':i.:.(I-8JJ-6E28 F. 4 c. E~rillml<;:d hud"d by lunJir.c; .~{)\lr;.~ (1I:-':: llpprt'priart: .:alc;:"rie., tJ<;:I'\:,,,tlln~ ,)11 pro.i,,:~l)' . FUnJin~ Fun:l:nf Funding ~.t1\ln~~ Ji' ~n"r"'" 112 Smll'C:: #3 .1 I. D~-;j ~:1/I:-:I1:;jne-:ri,;!: S 1: $ "I Prupe(C)' AHj\ll:-;iti,;n ~ S $ - , J~ Cnnstfudlllll rll!\'I".U'r<: (Rr:n:ih I "",I h:p., S $ ~ J. Shift' S:tl:.l'I...., ,~ nCO:1': Ii IS S $ .$ 5. Otrj.;,: L~p..:n....t:., S ~ $ (" C,\,lllrftt\.1 .. '!i L- 1--_ ~,c: I \ fl..'l..:'" ~ R.,,':hfL~U;UU f>.[l:"lbl:.' $ $ L-_ I. 8. S $ ) -- -.---- ---- .. ._- ') , $ t_____ t:; . 10. S ( ~ ". Toclll ~ \ ~ ~.- See attached budget. e. ,- ,,\. F.NVIRONM EXT.l\, L KEV! !:::V/ REQUnEivIENTS: (71) ':1'.mple1',; chl~ :-<~tl.m, n'~1U th-.; ,um:1"Il'Y Ilft;IU:h ':~kJ;(lfY iln:.! ~:hc-\.:k tll:: app""pn/l!t' .,n:<w"r. If inJll.:tl~. in:lud, /lddillllllHI ,nformllltllll.l Sour':t: do~.tIInc:nt:HIOr. rO'qllt:,kd hdlJ\v indllUe.';, hul ;1' nm li/:1itc:tl to: ! jpe.r:-.nn:d t"xpcntlnl't~ Df II:" indlvidllltl I,;umpkrin;: the :tpplll:a::"n I in:.:luu", n:Hl.e, ririe.1l1u dare!; 2) <'!llllher Indr\'IJw1f "xpr.: !"!l,:"d \ol,'i:h tll... ",.~jC'-\.'1 lilld\ld.: n,il1~, lilk :tntl J,'l::l: ,\) plhlK'.llioll \)r ,d;~r uO;;lImentll:j'l11 f ir.,'llI.!.-. titl.... 'Inll rlliI..I. <:'I": A. Hr.-I!)!'!\. Plc..O'n'illl\ll1: T(\ .'1e <':f1l11r'c:h~d ny lllll!\T). ...(..n. B. Flml~.rl:lin M.1I1.."Ill~IlI: T.. "... ,:.\rnpldt''v h~.. COl,"l}' ",:~ft. C. CO\ls!1l1 i'll''''' T" I)... "";l1l'l'_'I..d hy COm\T~' ,,'lilY (n,.ne' in Jo.:;ml".h, C,'unt;". n S..I.. SOLlr..." ..\~I",1Jt'r": r" h... ~'''mr:':l...d B~.. COif!'!;>' ..I"lf U'p,'J 19(~O M"::llhllitlH!lI III Und"r-:l:tnJill~ !"I'D EfJ.\ ~IOl) nf j')f)(}!j. E. E!1J"Il::"r..J Sp-:.::=-'; L~, 1".'1:-.,"1,,1 cil(:<:ri,:1l<." or \,.:IIlI.t.:: Ill" :'>Oil:.lf!::! Wiltllitt: A,....'.:illlltln Itl .k\err.lil\t: It 111"::1\: J:'" eI'U,'Il;;~rcJ ,'p..:dc- f.t't:~c:n; in or al'OuIlJ cl1, pn~jet.:1 .<1:.... I: the ift';:;l IS .llfe;,J: u:lt!l"i/.:~d. Hill" 1111" !'d(IW o;;{:I\';; your jor.:.r:<I.:mli t:xpel en:.'. IndHut: ~ht: r.l1l~lc :111l1tnl~ of die i"div;UUitl lllllkl/lo; ,h\,: .ltlt'l1n:n:lliun llmllh.: CHIt:. {It' til", nl<:11~' ..1111", puhll.;altllnlhat ~,IPIXlrt,., 1I1l' Ii mJiu;,' . .1". Wild lint! S,'t:nl\. RI\'\'r1\. I" 1,<: ~llmpJc[cJ by Coullty sl:l!lln(lI\< :11 ,\.l,nl\.:djl ("mlnly). e . CAPITAL tAMPAIG~.a:OME AND EXPENSE AS OF DEL~BER, 1995 . ,. . INCOME,' . ./.'...':''<' . ' ,.. ":' :,.>'.". . .. .. INDIVIDUALS Board 14,915 Staff 1,650 Community 42,265 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS ,. . '58',830 CI-TIES Livermore CDBG 370,000 Pleasanton CDBG 100,300 Dublin CDBG 20,000 BUSINESSES ADC Telecommunications 1,000 Chevron Employee Fund 500 Card systems USA 5,000 Dillingham Construction 10,000 providian National Corp. 1,000 M.H. Chew & Associates 1,500 Sandia corporation 5,000 P.G. & E 5,000 TOTAL BUSINESSES d,29,OOO FOUNDATIONS Clorox Foundation 75,000 LIvermore Rotary 12,500 ORGANIZATIONS Soroptomist, Liv. 1,000 CHURCHES First presbyterian, Liv. 30,000 St. Charles Borromeo, Liv. 567 BANK INTEREST 9,687 . ...'.,. ",:.,"" .. ....... .. ,," " ., TOTAL : :706:884 , '.,.:.. .,' ".,.".,' ,. BUILDING EXPENSE Contract 584,071 Permit Fees 58,007 Architect 15,000 Engineer 11,000 Phone Installation 15,000 Landscaping 41,000 Moving 2,000 Attorney 6,200 Other 24,050 Contingency 43,672 . ,:TOTAL .. ... . 800,000 Long term lease of land site approved by Livermore City council on March 9, 1992, Estimated value $502,000 Furniture, rugs and ceiling tiles have been donated by Intel and Target. Estimated value $2,500 (CC-INC,'lSl Jobs for Tomorrow 147 Old Bernal Avenue #5 Pleasanton, CA 94566 e January 10, 1996 Mayor Guy Houston and Dublin City Council Members 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 Jobs for Tomorrow requests $10,000 in City of Dublin CDBG grant funds to provide employment education and support services to 30-45 low income women residing at Dublin's Arroyo Vista Housing Projects. Jobs for Tomorrow's goal is to help low income women at Arroyo Vista prepare for work. We currently provide limited employment services to. these women as part of the federal "Bay Area Gateway Demonstration Project". This model project, funded by Department of Health and Human Services, is a collaborative effort of the Alameda County Office of Education, The Dublin School District, the Alameda e:: County Private Industry Council. and several Tri- Valley non-profits. Jobs for Tomorrow requests $10,000 to expand the employment services it provides under the Gateway Project. The $10,000 in current funding from Gateway and Sandia National Lab funding pays for vocational assessments and limited employment education workshops. The $10,000 in CDBG funds will provide additional workshops, job development and job placement services to help these women become employable. The City of Dublin benefits by leveraging federal Housing and Human Services dollars for employment education, With projected cutbacks in AFDC, it is crucial that low income women begin preparing for work and eventual self-sufficiency now. We thank you for the opportunity to submit this request. Sincerely, Linda Willis and Gail Dennler Exe~,?,_e .. D j}i~ect~l' Jobs ~: Tjomorrow ~ ~uJ~ ~hd~ e. EXHIBIT B - 4 J .:: I, : _ . 9":, 1 4 : 50 .: ~ :- I CIF"" IIUBL 11 i t;2 rr=,.' '::'lC-E:33-6E.2E: p, c.. e AL,-\M EDA COLINTY I lOUSING & COMM UNITY I)EVELOPM ENT PROJECT APPLlCATION rOR~1 1996-97 PROGRAM YEAR l. JURJSDICTION (PROJEc'/ TO SF.f<V[:!BE LOCATED l:--.l): Illblin 2. ORGANIZATION TO 8E FlJNDED: Jd::s for T0'IIJr'r'G\7 3, ADDRESS/LOCATIO!\: OF PROJECT;~ Vista IhJs~ Cmp1ex, 6700 ~ Pd., DJblin 4, PROJECT TITLE: VhTEn's Self-Sufficien::y/G3.~ Project 5 , Ell G lB LEA CT I V I TY C ATE (j OR Y : o:H- fup1o.,umt 'I'rain:i1l?: 6, DESCRIPTION: Project p:ovide.s W10ym2flt e:ix::at:icn & Sl..IfIXJrt services to 3)-45 1& in:are w:::rn:n resic1i..""g at krroyo Vista. 7, .GOALS & OB,lt:CTIVF.\ ~lp 19v:in::me \\UTEJ at Arroyo Vist? ~ for \\ark. 8. SCHEf)ULE - LIst l11i\lOf hC'lll'hmarb ill (he' lh.-vulopl11en! unJ IlllpIL'Jl)t'lll.llillllllr projC'c:1. inL'lude: t'xpn:lnl ..:ompklHIIl dxl.:. (For 'A:!ll1pk. pl(l.l~d ~lIrv~y :mJ uc."si/-!n, aL:qlllsill'lll. ,'IlIl.S11'U..:tI0I1'''ll1rl. L'OI1SIIIl,'IIIII1' .L'ompldl<ll\, ; e BENCHMARK: 15 w:nal wUl,carp1e~ €ITp1~~~ ~-=- DATE '__" J.u1y,.~?*> _ MY; l.GJ7 =- = J.uly,l.99'7- July, 1<E1.- Jan..my 10, 19% .....--.--....-. . .... ...--... UKit' - ...---.... ..... .--.---.-- .. ) 5- Tl !rl1i ti mg 1 WJ.Iffi will.CXlTpletE;_g~ffiLJ:y:..._ ,. ---~~~ 7""ff. of p=rr-tirfRnt.s:r.vill create 9_ ~~ a CaJ:e:::f_:p~~: 5J!o of i.dL~cts \-vill ~.oc train:irg ~: 9. I.irr:E Willis...&. G3.il ~ Exec. DirEctors Sunmlllt:J By. Tille 147.Qld Berrnl Ave. #5, Pleasantm, CA 94% Addrc,'i.'''' ..- ("it)' Zip ('oJ", f/(fk.ftlJtl.tt: *rl;**:"w..,..tfl(,~~*:<:~,~:,:....+..u".. ':"~::.": :.;~!'.~::.:*:i:""'+'",I' -"t....._.r~.**#IIfl...""~*.,,".,..... +:y. .....r::;::. .;:'~. ..'.... '1';,:." * ,. .. (Fill HCD Use 01l1.~) l<EVIEWF.[)I/\F'PIWVED KY, [J.'\TC A UTH< If{IZA'rH II'-' (IN FILE _~!:1'-l)~1f"1\'r.'- P'''l!rlllll SllIlf ""i'lftlll f'11l1)[lin:: 0,,",.\01, HC'Q Ad1o'j"'n ('"dllhhill..:.... e.. Url)1l1l 1"""11\ TAt' H'\IIt'd "I' ,SUI\....f\ 1....'1.... Jdn. 8 '95 14:51 CITY OF DUBLIN ~2 FAX 510-833-5628 P. 3 . 10. PROJECT BENEFIT A, Iu~n(jfy Ihe :m~<l Ihal Ih~ pn~i~t.:l l:i serving (i.c:,. :-;il~ auuress. ,:itYWIU"'. !;~nSlls lra':l{~). lIou/or :-;ervlt.:t: urea, A1:'n:yo Vista IbJsirg.Proj~ts, 6700 Ih ~ Pti, ]) ihlin, CA________ (AlI:td, map wIth dl:'-lIrfy i,knlitleU houmhtries llf llrC:lI:-; 10 h.:. served :muiOf henelit<:.u frolll pn~k~I,) e, IUenll!'Y pro.ieL'1 hC:lldi":llIril~:-; within serviL:e ar~l\. 1) Tot:t1l\1IJllha or p~rsons (P) Or hou,sehnlus (HH): (p) 1)_45 :!) Numher p~f"llllS or hOl1s~h()lus with incollle: k:;:; lhltll 50 pC'n.:cnl of lilt'. County median: 2~ '.I) Numh,;r P.:J'SlllJ~ Ill' hO\ls~holds wtlh inl'om... hdW,-,-1l SO IInd !((I'h'rl'~nl llf Coullty median: .\l__,_ 5) P.:.rL:L'nl (4 Jivid~d fly I :tnJ L:onvc:rled III Yco): 4B~.._ 5 J1Q;).z .'. 4) TOlal ('2... l): C. Sour.:t'(s) IIf uala: ~ ~~,_~~~'::...~f Fdu::atioo/ G3.~.!mje:::t _~~~tics II. IF ('ORG FUNDED. f'ROJECT MEETS WIIICH NATIONAL On.l[~CTrVE AS DEFINED IN CDBG RI;<.;ULA TIONS: !TO BE COlvLl.~.l:F.TI:.D BY FUNDINC HJRISDICTIQt>.l A. B~Il~fit~ lov.' :\I1U m<lll",rilk inn>nw hOllSdlOlds: ( IAn::! ( lLilnikd C'hcntck ()Hll\lsin~ Xx)Joh:o: . yes-- B. Aids in lilt'. prGvt'ntjollllf c:limmaliollllf slullls or hli"hl ;:- ,nL~L_ c. Meets r.:.gLlllllory pr'(wisilln rur an :'':livil)' dl,';sj~nl~J 10 m~l a .:.Immunily developmt:nl no~d having a purlil:,II:u lIJ'~t:I1':Y y'es 12, BUDGET PROJECTION: A. cslillllllcd lowl L:ml IIf JlI',~icL:t: $2:4(ill... 8. EstimillGu fllmlin:; t'mlll ;.11 SII\lr\:CS; Sour.:L:' "I. CDBG funds ""''''lUGSlcd 1996/97 $ _lQ,o:::D..___._____ .::- S(\urL~l' /12. _~~,Proje:::t.__. . San:li.a leap r<:r1T'OD.; "'"' SIHIJ'L'L:' 113, ... '...'..ut-<-'-'6"_.____ Si -14ffit ... s. 2,cx::D. -...-. .."'.- ---'.' -...... - NOTE: SUIl1 III' S,.\lf':t" tt 1':1 :-.hollld Gllll,lI "I ~A' aho\'t:. $3),cx::D. c, .1f (SEE EUGEI' ATTACHED) Estil\1al~J h\lug~.1 hy tllntJing sourCe (USe appropnak 1:1Itt:!;on~.s uepc:ndinL-: (In prr~I~Il: . Funding Sourl:e III I, [)t:si!:!n/En~ilh~aing $ 2, Propert)' ^\.'lluisilion $ ~ - Const nIl '1,llfl Con I raeli: (Rehah. Ltnu I'l't~p,) ;> ~, Slx!'f Salam'."; & Benefils ~ :'I, Office bp~lbe.~ $ 6. ConI nt,'l S~r\'il.:"".s $ 7, Rdol.'alllll1 I:xpellse:- $ ~, i 9, $ I () _ __ . .__._._______,' _,_ $ . Tolul $ FlInuill~ FlI/1l.Jjll~ StHlr.;C #7 Sll \I rl~~ 113 $. $ $ ~ L-_ $ $ $ $ $ $ }-- $ ~ $ S .t $ $ $ $ $ $ 13, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW REQUIREMENTS: (To "lllllpletc Ihls "1.'1.'1'1>11, ..ead lhe slll11l11l1l)' ofel,,;h 1:1IIe~or) ltnu cl1<::1.:1; lh..... itl'Pr'OpriKk :msw~r. It' indic:ll"'U. llldllde lIddlll,'llal In IClrIlllilillll, I Source dOcllmentation r~qlleSlc:'.t1 h,-Iow incllld~s, hilt is not limiled Ill: I ) p,',rl'l> 11 II 1 ....xpe..ic:lll.:e or Ih~ inui\'iuultl cOlllpJel ing the ilppl iCiilllln I ind lid", /llllne. I II k: ltllU UHf.: I: 2) IInnl ha I nl.! i\'idlUll <"x l'ericlll.'ed wilh lh.. s\ll~ic\.~t jind\lllt: name. lille Knd dall.'l: 3) plIhhl:Kllon or oth.:r J()~lInWl1falj()11 lill~'JlId., Illk- IImJ dlllel. ele,) ^. Hislllrll.' rr.:,~nVl1I"lIl: N::J.r, ~~~d hy ClllllllY sl:t1T. B. Floodplain MHnagt'.l1lellt: To hI,) COlllpl~lc:d ~y COllllly shlrf, C. ('ol1stal lOlle: To h... I.~omplt:k,d hy COllnlY SlutI' (l1on" in Alam.-d" ('oll1ll)'I, P. SpIte Slllll\'c' .~qHlriers: To h~ l.'omplele~1 l3y COlmlY ,,1,,11 l,-\pril IC)()O Mc'llllll'unda of Undcrslandil)~ 1111 JD EJ> A M OlJ of fl)901>. E. F.I1JKn~el'l::d Spe\.'it".~: Use pcrsol1:d teXperiem'.,; or I,llnlill.'l 1111.' 0!:ttl,"1aJ Wildlite A1isocialillll III d~ter11linr: j f Ih~rl.' :tl't: r:nU:llll;c'red srl,)CI~S pres.:n! in or :tr<llllld Illl' I'n~ll.~cl sile, If th", :lrC:1 is ill reltu y lIrhilllj 7.~I. nolt: Ihi:- hdow cil in!! YOllr personal C:l\ 1'.' 1'1 1,:lh'.' . I ndlldc: the nal1l!! :lIld I ir":: of Ih~ inJiviJualmakin.l,' the delamination and the uuk. or Ih", /lall).. .11 Ihl.' puhlil,:al;oll Ihlll slIpporls the linuing. Wild and Sl'e.ni" !{IVI.'I'S: Tl) he l;ompkll.'.u hy COllnty :..;tan (nPIlc' III Alltl1l<~dlt COUllly), .. F. Jan. 8 '9S 14:52 CITY OF DUBLIN 1:12 FAX 510-833-SS28. P. 5 NJT APfUOOE; TIITS IS NJT A Clli)Jpu::rrCN m::ua::r G. All' ()mdily: lJ~c' pcr~()n." ~xpcrit'.n~", Ill' tlolltlll int"rm:tllllll 11"\1111 )",';d PlallllHlg D~I';trlmc:nl IIr EPA f<=!!Hrding lh.... d"'~,:1 of ;lir qualif)' in Ihe ilrCI1 or fh~ prllied. )ndlld~ the: lHHl1e ltlld 1;II~ of Iht: ;ndividmtllll1ll\/ll!,' tht: determination /lnd thl: J;llo::. "r tht: n;llllt' IIf the plloli'::ttlon that :;lIpp()rt~ the tinJin~, H, F;trmhlllu Protc:.:lltlll; U".... p~rsollal ~xrc:!riencc or rhl:' IO<::il PI:mnin!! Dcp;mmc:nc 10 dckrmint: Whether or nOlth.. site' wll! att"e.;\ !o<:al t:tr1111Rnds. It the sire: is I'olr":~IJy lIr'hllllizc:d. nOle rh;~ helow ~iling YOUI' pl~rsollal ~Xpl~r;l'.Ill'e. lndllc1~ the "Hille :mc1 licIt' lit the- inulviJultl Illllkill~ the; uerumimttion /Iud llw <.late:'. or rht: mllne of the puhlic;II;O/l thai supports thc lindin,;!. I. Noise: A hllI t'.Illt'.nt alld ('onl roJ: To he completed hy (\Hlnty stiltf. .I, F.xl'l()~I\'l' anu Flammahk Ope,'nti<llls: us~ peri;oOld <'.xpc!ri",.I\(.'C' "I' ""{ltin ml<mnHt;on fr<11l1 the /0<';1/ tift' <'III!!!" Ill' F.f'A In dckflllinc if rhe pf{)j~t.t i..; lo,:akd an :t~~~~C'pl"h!~ ;o.cpllntl;o!l distllnce' from .my Hho\.(.'-~rlllllld dpIO~IVi:' Of tlalllllllthlc !'ueb Ill' -:hC'llll";III.'lllllainC'r... Indudc the n;II})t: Hnd litk' of Ilk IIhlivldu;tl lll/lklll!-' lilt" ueknninlttion ;tI1J the date'. "I' Ih,. n;1I1k lit' Ilh~ puhli..';lli(\ll Ihlll s\lppml~ the timlin;.'. K, TOlll1: Ch<:l1li~'af,.;f<"dimldl\'l' t"1..I",,.;u/o.;: U~O: p",.r;o:(\tlal <,.\('<'I"I,'!1'., p" Ih.,. '0,'111 fir" ~'hiel III ddal1llll'" thaI Ift:- PI"lljt:I.'! is /lOr Im:ak.u wirhill 20()O It-d Ilf a 111)(1,' Ill" radi";l\..tivc: sile. Indll~k Ihl'. llilJ))e /llld lillt:..1 Ih.... individLJaJ making the d':'l<'nninilllo!1 alld Ill,' d.ll..... (\1" Ih.. 1111111<' 01' Ill" Iwhhr:tlHlI1 thaI SllPP(\rts 111~ findin!-" L. Airport Cleaf ZOlll:~ am! A(.'cldcn\ t'Ol<:nli:11 Zones; TIl h<, ,'nmpl"'kd hy COllnlY ,.,Ialf. -. . . .' .~, .'. Program Budget Program Cost: $20,000.00 Salaries: Payroll Fringe: Operating: $12,530.00 1,750.00 327,00 5,393.00 Revenue Source Committed Pending City of Dublin CDBG $lO,cro.OO Alameda Office of Education Gateway Demonstration Project $8,CXX),OO Sandia Leap Campaign $2,cro,OO Number of Clients: 30 - 45 low income women Services: 1. Curriculum design 2. Employment Workshops 3. Workshop preparation 4. Job development 5. Job placement assistance 6. Clientphonecon~ct 7. Vocational and Interest Assessment 8. Job Shadowing n E g" Ul ~ " ~I '" 5: ~ o b 0\0 S\D ~~ H ~ ~~ f/) . ~q ~~ ~ ~~ niJ ~ . 2~ B !: \0 \0 If\ ~ 0\ ~ U .... q o +-J q ~ ~ Q) ~ P-1 Jobs Fm' 7'OIl/O,.,.ow Success Slm-ies I entered Jobs For Tomorrow's School to work Progr;lm in Fcbru;>ry, 199<1. I didn't h;lve many skills and hadn't completed high school. I am ;I single parent with ;I 2 1/2 year old SOIL I've lived in ;I homeless shelter, ami I h;lve been on AFDC. Jobs For TOlllorrow changed my lire. They encol.lr;lged me to get my C;ED ;lne! enter their School to \'(101 k Progralll. I lcarnee!ln;1ny v;rlu;lble skills like COlllnHlllica- tion, time man;rgement, interviewing, plus I gained work experience ;It ;I major corpor;r- lion, After completing the program, Jobs For Tomorrow found Ille ;I p;lrt time job. They helped me find child c;rre and gave me the conridcncc I needeclto compete in tod;l (s job m;llkct. Today, 1 live in illY own ;lpaJln1r.nt, ;lncl 1 support myself amI my SOIL 1 h;lve ,I full time job, with the same COl1lP;I11Y, and I'm working tmv;lrds a bettcr position. Teell Parent I ;1111 ;1 single mom with a 3 year old son and cUllent\y on AFDC. I have a few skills, but vel y little work experience. I wanted a good job so I could support my child on my own; howevcr, I didn't know what 1 w;lnted to clo. Jobs For Tomorrow helped me realize how important education a ncl tra in ing a re in gelling a good job. They helped me sign up for c!;lsses and fill out fin:ll1cial aide papers. When I felt like quitting they kept me moti- vated to stay in the progralll. They set lip tutoring sessions, study-buddy groups, and ;1 ll1entoring program to help me succeed in school. I will bc cntering my second scmcs- .ter fn the Environmental Technology Program at Las Positas College. I think this is the career field for me. Thanks to Jobs For Tomorrow I know what direction I'm going and tlwt 1 will be ablc to support myself and my son in the future. " ." .~. J 1... 'I ,. , . ,." . , ' . .'.. ... \..,' , , , . . *' . '.. ' . . .. . ~ ..' .....~ .... .. ," ,. -'''..\' 'I.""",. .. I"" .",' ..... ." '..J'.... . ,p,- . :. '..... '. .,..: . .... . :' .". .... .', ~~". :"',' ...... :tt' ..... - .. . ...:~.'..'.~.:.:': . .... ;"": .. ':'~..'. i....~;;,.::~. ' .... ...., ....0... O~?: .... '.:' ..:' ::.e. ",,~;;, ": ,':. " ~ : ...'... . '. . "~ '.. '. ~, . ..., . .', ,~, .. .'~ ... "."... ~ ... #:), '. . . ..f . . .'.~ .. ' . .' ' . , .' .' . 'It:... .0 . '. ' I '. J08S FOR TOMORROW The purpose of JOBS For Tomorrow is to create and coordinate business and education partnerships that provide employment education, training, and support services that will enable youth and low income adults to become self- supporting in jobs with a future. Low income families in the Tri-Valley struggle to survive on incomes well below the median Bay Area income. JOBS FOR TOMORROW offers employment education programs and support services that address the barriers low income adults and teens face as they move towards economic self-sufficiency: * Limited education * Limited work experience * Lack of confidence * Limited information about career opportunities in traditional and non- traditional jobs. * Limited "workplace" communication, behavioral, and organizational skills * Conflicting family and work demands * Child care, financial and transportation constraints * Lack of successful business role models * Limited technical knowledge and skills For More Information: (510) 462-0109n27-l-8-98' 4-(tf-J~ / 7..rc! Local Partnerships: Jobs For Tomorrow links schools, social service agencies and businesses in local partnerships. We believe that the direct involvement of business people as mentors, trainers, guest speakers and internship sponsors offers the best possible support to our clients in employment preparation, job search and retention. Strategies For Success: * Individualized, results oriented services for high need clients * Business and community collaborations to maximize services. . * Broad range of services integrated to maximize success: Assessments.. Employment Education .. Career Planning.. Mentorlng .. Referrals .. Internships.. Job Placement assistance and Follow-up.. School to Work Transition Programs.. Non-Traditional and Traditional Career Information for Women .. Continuing Education and Training In fonna tion ...... ,........ ..,... ........,..... ......... .... Your Contribution To Your Community: Jobs For Tomorrow is a SOl(c)3 non-profit agency supported by community and corporate foundations, government grants and direct contributions from individuals, businesses and community groups. Your tax-deductible contribution supports Jobs For Tomorrow's employment education programs to promote economic self-sufficiency for Tri-Valley low income aduits and teens. For more information: 0. N v '-" <0l ..... e/) ;:... c Vl '-/ <0l Vl V 0. v v 6 6 .0 ~ C <0l 0 "0 "'. 0 Z u -< (3 t.: ~ o Vl c o 0. e/) v '-" ~ ~ <0l 0 0 v e e. .D~O O..;:>;U .....00 v ..:G " ~ :2 Si 6 ~ g ts ] 0. Me/) ::J V 0. o 0.'- ;:... e/) ..c ...... Vl .- V) E ~ v v u ::J ..... vCJ.5 600 DUBLIN HOUSING AUTHORITY Respond Arroyo Vista Office 6700 Dougherty Rd. #15' Dublin, CA. (510) 828- Administrative Office 22941 Atherton 5t. Hayward, CA 94541 (510) 538-8876 January 1, 1996 Ms. Tasha Huston, Associate Planner Planning Department City of Dublin P.O. Box 2340 Dublin, Ca 94568 Subj: 1996-97 Community Development Block Grant Program Dear Ms. Huston: Enclosed are two copies of the Housing Authority's application for $25,000 in 1996-97 CDBG funds. The bulk ($20,000) of the funds would be used for handicapped accessibility modifications at the Arroyo Vista complex, The Housing Authority has received $12,100 in public housing Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program (ClAP) funds towards completion of this work but the scope of the necessary work exceeds the available funds. .-.. ., The remainder of the funds ($5,000) would be used to purchase ground cover and other planting materials to replace landscaping which has died in many of the common areas in the complex. As you may be aware, the Arroyo Vista operating budget is so tight that funds for project improvements such as this are just not available, The Housing Authority would hope to re-plant the areas with volunteer labor from the Arroyo Vista residents who would be supervised by housing authority personnel. As indicated, the Housing Authority's application provides 100~ benefit for very low income households and will also provide employment opportunities for some of the residents. I appreciate your consideration of the application and if you have any questions, please contact me. C,~\~:rul:_Y01:~10 . ~e a B. Basgal ~ Execu 've Director ~ ~ cc: Pat Martin, Dublin Area Manager Kurt Wiest, Housing Operations Manager . -" EXHIBIT B - 5 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . 9, ALAMEDA COUNTY HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT APPLICATION FORM 1996-97 PROGRAM YEAR JURISDICTION (PROJECT TO SERVEIBE LOCATED IN):lTrh::inr.ounty, Ci ty of Dublin ORGANIZATION TO BE FUNDED: DlJblin HOllSjJig AllT"oriTY ADDRESS/LOCATION OF PROJECT: 6l 0 0 Dougherty Rd , DlIb J in PROJECT TITLE: Arroyo Vista Proj@ct Improvements ELIGIBLE ACTIVITY C^TEGORy:lO-Removal of Architectural Barriers& l4c-Publ Housing Modernization DESCRIPTION: Install curb cuts in pro; ect sidewalks, modify entries, do hardware, restrooms, etc. in office and. communi ty .room to meet 7. h::innir::ipped accessibiity requirements. Replace landscaping (primari ground cover) lost in bad weather. GOALS & OBJECTIVES: M::ih:> The punl i c housing development fully accessible to handicapped persons. Improve.the exterior appearance of the complex. Provide employment opportunities for public housing reside through ~ectlon j requlrements ln constructlon con~rac~s. SCHEDULE - List major bem:hmarks in the development and implementation of project. Include expected completion date. (For example. project survey and de..<;ign, acquisition, construction-start, construction- completion. ) 8. BENCHMARK: A. Architectural Design and Bidding B. Constructlon Start C. Constructlon Completlon DATE: w/in 5 months of funding wjln 00 days of benchmark wjln lLU days of benchmark Ophelia Basgal Submitted By Director Title January 1, 1996 Dalt: 22941 Atherton St. Addrt:ss Hayward City 94544-6633 Zip Codt: ****************************~~***************************************~~******* (For I-ICD Use Only) REVIEWED/APPROVED BY: AUTHORIZATION ON FILE DATE AMENDMENTS Prucram Slnlf As~i~tant PIDnnin~ Dir~t:tnr HCD Advis-tlr\' C'\lnJnith:~ Urhan Coum\" T AC . Board or SUf'l~rvi~ur~ 10. PROJECT BENEFIT Identify the area that the project is serving (i.e., site address, citywide, census tract(s), and/or. service area. A. 6100 Dougherty Rd., Dublin- Arroyo Vista Public Housing Site (Attach map with cle<lrly identified boundaries of areas to be served and/or benefited from project.) B. Identify project beneliciaries within service area. I) Total numb~r of persons (P) or households (HH): 1)150HH (SlIP) 2) Number of low income persons or households (income less than 50 percent of the County mec.lian): 2)15 0 3) Number of low and moderate income person or households (income between 50 and 80 percent of County median): 3)~ 4) TOlal nUlIJb~r of low and low and moderate income persons or households (2 + 3): 4) lSJL 5) Percent of low and low and moderate income persons or households (4 divided by I and convertec.l to %): 5) .lD.lJ.j c. Source(s) of data: Housing Authority Demographic Reports . 11. [F CDBG FUNDED, PROJECT MEETS WHICH NATIONAL OBJECTIVE AS DEFINED IN CDBG REGULATIONS: A. Benefits low and moderate income households: ( )Ar~a iX)Limit~d Clit:ntt:ll: (X)llousing (tJohs x B. Aids in the rr~v~ntion or elimination of slums or blight C. Meets regulatory provision for an activity designed to meet a community d~velopment need having a particular urgency [2. TOTAL NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION or STAFF NEEDED (THAT WILL BE FUNDED WITH CDBG): 0 13. CHANGES IN STAFF NEEDS (+ /-) FROM 1995/96: n [4. ADD[TIONAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES NEEDED: none .. 'o., J' IS. NEW EQUIPMENT: None . (EXPLANATJON): 16. OTHER NEEDS: . '-, .'.. 17. BUDGET PROJECTION: ~. '. / ,,:. . t~ ~ :: .; . .. '" ....: .... ~ '..: . " ' .' '~......, :". '. . '" . .......'. .' :: . '.' :::::: ~::~i::'~ ,::::~: ::,,~, . '. '. '. '. ~ ~ ; ,9:~ Q.;:~t~'1{~;L;:;:..:;~.: .\~~:.::. ..' . .. .. " Source #1. CDBG' funds requested 1996/97 " -:$7; - 00 ri .: '. .'"." ". ",. '::,;: . - . -,. c.:.,.; . .: "~~~~e#2. Pub Ii c -, Hou 5 ing cr'A1>~; '$i~~l~P'\~~~~{gf~ti'{;~:~>',fj ...., . Source 1t3. Public Housing Op~:i;ti:n'gl ;80.0.. .... . .;<< " Funds NOTE: Sum of Source 1(1-3 should equal "17a" above, c. Estimated budget by funding source (use appropriate categories depending ~n project): . *CIAP-Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program ., . .":' ;. ' 18. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW REQUIREMENTS: (To complete this secti'~n, read the summary'ofeach ,~ . category. and ~heck the .'appropriate answer. .. ,If indicated,.. include additional information.) :,'. ~ourc~,,: '. documentation requested bdow includes, but is not, limited to: ': 1)person1l1 experience of the indi~~~ual : . ., completing tbe application [include name, title and date]; 2) another individual experienced with the subject :. [include name, title a!ld date]; 3) publication 0': other ~ocumentation [include title and date], etc.) ,: A, Historic Preservation: To be compieted by County staff. .1 ,I. ..'8; Floodplain Management: To be completed by County staff. I"," c. D, E. ". , . '.' -~ ,- '. Endangered Species: Use personal experience or ,contact th~.National,Wildlife Ass6Ciaii~n ,to:'::,_ . . . ',' , ..... ... . ~ ....... , .... . ~, . . ,.' , ~... .'. , . \...4".~ .\,_ . . ..; determine if there are endangered' species prese.nt ,in: or.'a.round, the pr9ject site.', ,If _t~e,;'ai-ea .is ;~; already urbanized, note this below citing your personal .experience.' Include the n!lme a~(f.titi,e of ;', the individual making the determination and the date, or the name of the publication that sup'ports . the linding. , . Already urbanized- personal experience. (Ophelia Basga1, Director, January 1, l~~bJ F. Wild and Scenic Rivers: To.be completed by County staff (none in Alameda County). G, Air Quality: Use personal experience or obtain information from local Planning Department or EPA regarding the <::tree! of air quality in the area of the pr~iect. Include the name and:title of . the individual making the determination and the date, or the name of the publication tbat supports ... the finding. Satisfactory based upon approval of .other construction ~n the area. (Ophelia ,Basgal,Director, January 1, 1996) H. Fannland Protection:'. Use personal experience or the local Planning Department to determine whether or not the site will affect local farmlands. If the site is already urbanized, note this below citing your personal experience. Include the name and title of the individual making the.' determination and the date. or the name of the publication that supports the lindin~. Already urbanizead-personal experience. (Ophel~a Basgal, Director, Janua.ry 1. 1996) I. Noise Abatement and Control: To be completed by County stafr. J. Explosive and Flammahle Operations: Use personal experience or obtai~ in.formation from the local lire chief or EI' ^ to determine if the project is located an Rccept:lhle'separation distance from . any above-ground explosive or flammable fuds or chemical containers. Include the name and title of the individual making the determination' and the date, or the name of the publication that supports the finding. No knowledge of eYrln~ive~ or flammahle operations-personal experience. - (Ophelia Basgal, Director, January 1, 1996) . . . . . ..: '. ; .~ " ., J'; . . I \ , , .~ . ; :.. ,.' :\'; /"'.i~:'::~;:,:; ~:" .. . ~...'" ." j . .~ . ',- :, K. ",. '., :'. ,,/: . ., ',:',",'/;:,.::');..',..,~.:, Toxic Chemicals/Radioactive .Materials: ... Use personal 'experience: o,r the, local tir~:,chi~L to.\~' ,:' ,,;::.":'" _ determine that the project is not located within 2000 feefof a toxic.or'radioactive site:t lrichide;"o(':''':'~;-' '. the name and title of the individual making 'the determination and the date, or then;;ne' 6( the':'.:-:.;':'~:/~.. publication that supports the finding. ' .. - ,. ,. , "; ':> . ';' ',: . L. . . , . ," ',.., ,. . No knowledge of toxic chemicals/radioact~ ve ma teri'als "':>;':.,':. ,. c personal experlence., ~Uphel~a Hasgal, D1Ieclul, J~nua~y ,1~ 1_ Airport Clear Zones and Accident. Pote~tial Zones: To b~.completed by County staff., :~;., :" :.~',:".'. .~,:':'~_:.'.~.,' '.:. ~.::::,' '- .~'.'2 ~ . ": ~..:: ',-: :.:,; :....,,', . 0"" . . . . ." :,:....: ., .:" . .- " '.. - . ~ .:': ::;; ~,:".~~~~"".(~.,,:,::~:, ".; , , .,4. . ,: ':': ",' ;, ,...' ~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT:.,. . ELIGIBILITY REVIEW.' ! 995/96 F~~DING YEAR UrbartcCobnty~ City of Dublin JURISDICTION FUNDING PROJECT: .1'.'. " '0 I . " . ' '. ~ .: ' PROJECT NAME: ATTnyn V,-c;t;i-PrnjPct TmpTnVp.mp.nts l. 2. . .. INELIGIBLE FACTORS? . 1. ELIGIBLE ACTIVIT)': .," \' .'. 'r ~:: '" ,0 l' '.. A. Acquisition of Real Property:' :' .....::. .: . . . . . " ' .' " . .' " _: 1 . '., . ~: :. B. . Public Facilities. and lmprove~e~ts .;:.... --X- C. D. E. F. G. H. x 3. Public Services . .1'10_ .. No No~ No 1'10_ No No Yes' .Yes' Yes " '. . .:'..: Removal of Architectural Barriers. ':.; ...: Y~s , Housing Rehabilitation New Housing Construction Yes ,: '. ,;.., , . Yes Program Admin Costs Yes Otha Public Hous ing Moderni za tioRo y~s MEETS NATIONAL OBJECTIVE? Benefiting L1M income persons Addressing slums or blight Meeting urgent CD need .. OPERATIONS GROUP REVIEW: A. B. C. COMMENTS: Costs appear necessary and reasonable? Reconunend CDBG Funding? Which CDHG funding cat~gory? No No Yes Yes Jurisdictional Housing Rehab New Construction Housing. Cou.nseI. , General Admin' .- . e. . CROSSCUTTING. REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST Applicable to Proiect Date Assessment Completed Documents On File Access and Adaptability Standards Accounting A ffinnalive Action/Equal Op\lort\lnit y Anti-Kickback Audit Bonding and Insurance Citizen Participation '. < .. Conflict of Interest ~ .! '.' ..... Disaster Assistance ", '" Enerl!Y Standards Environmental Review Flood Insurance Hatch Act Il istoric Pr~s~rvat ion Le:ad Bas~ Paint Local Hiring (Section 3) Prevailing Wage _ Procure:ment Standards (Competitive: Bid.) Property Mana~el11ent Standards Real Property Acquisition Record Retention Relocation Section 3 Please: expand on any crosscutting factor which may have a major impact on prqi~t implementation. (G:\CDBGADM N\96APP. DM E) . ~~ ..: .... \ . .< ..,.. '.' . :' . . "',':. . :: >~: ;:=T' :. ~. .::. ~. :It.:.' . ..... ALAMEDA COUNTY HOUSING & COMMuNITY DEvELOPMENT PROJECT APPLICATION FORM 1996-97 PROGRAM YEAR . 1. JURISDICTION (PROJECT TO SERVE/BE LOCATED IN): Cublin,.AlaJreda County 2. ORGA.NlZATION TO BE FUNDED: Kaleicbsco[X? ktivity Center-- 3. ADDRESSILOCATION OF PROJECT: 7425 Larkdale Avenue, Dublin, CA 94568 4. PROJECT TITLE: Handicapped Accessible & Equipped Minibus Loan Pay Off 5. ELIGIBLE ACTIVITY CATEGORY: Handicapped Services 058 6. DESCRIPTIo'N: Loan payoff tal'Iards purchase of 22 passenger handicapj)2C! accessible minibus equiP!=€d with a wheelchair "lift to transjX)rt developrentally .disabled and physically 'challenged youth and ycx.mg adults 7. GOALS & OBJECTIVES: (1) Provide Kaleicbscq:€ with the resources to 0M1 its 0M1 handicapped accessible and equipped minibus; ~2) Provide transfX)rtation for daily camunity outings for 51 physically & developrentally disabled ycuth, ages 5-22, including 8. four wheelchair OO\.md" SCHEDULE - List m~jor benchmarks In the: de:vdopment and implementation of proj~L Include: e:~pected completioD date. (For e~ampk, pro.j~: surve:y and design, acquisition. construction-start, coDstruction- . : comple:tion.) , BENCHM.A....IU(: DATE: Minibus ourchased for $47.472.38 10/26/94 Loan for minibus ourchase: $11.199.28 11/3/94 f\bnthlv oayrrents on loan for purchase: $196.54 12/1/94 Balance o...ed on loan to First National Camunity Bank: $9,631.21 1/95 Diane GJtelli. tt6W, JD Executive Director Submitt<::d By Title 9. 1L.16l96 Date 7425 Larkdale Avenue Address Dubl in City 94568 Zip Code: -~~~~-~.M~.~~~____~_**_*~_*~~~**_~~~~M*_.__*__*_*._______~*.__*______~_~____~* (For HCD Use Only) R.EVIEWEDfAPPROVED BY: DATE AUTHOR1ZATION ON FTLe AMENDME1'ITS ?~'U~ntl1l Su.ft' As!;i~l,ant Plannin.... Dirct:h'\r HeD Advl:'t'\rv Ct.unrnint:c: Uriun C"un'," T AC . &'l.ard ,'\( $Uf\c:rv''''l'lor:-: EXHIBIT B - 6 . .: . 10. PROJECT BENEFIT A. Identify the area that th~ project is serving (i.e., site address, citywi(k, census tract(s), and/or service area. Dub 1 in/Tri-Val ley (Attach map with clearly identified boundaries of areas to be: se:rvt:d and/or be:nefitt:d from project. ) B. Ide:ntify project be:ndiciario::s within service area. I) Total number of persons (P) or households (HH): 2) Number of low income persons ~r households (income less than 50 percent of the County median): 3) Numbe:r of low and mode:rate income person or households (income betwo::cn 50 and 80 percent of County mt:dian): 4) Total numbe:r of low and low and moderate income persons or households (2+3): c. 5) Percent of low and low and moderate income persons or households (4 dividt:d by 1 and converted to %): . *Persons w/developrental disabilities are considered to rreet 100% Source(s) of data: 10n1 incare qualification requirarent 1) 204 * 2) 204 * 3) 204 * 4) 204 5)100% Teleohone survey, waiting list, current Kaleicbscope roster and federal regulations 11. IF CDBG FUNDED, PROJECT MEETS WHICH NATIONAL OBJECTIVE AS DEFINED IN CDBG REGULATIONS: A. Benetits low and moderate income households: ()Area (~Limi[ed Clientele ()Housing ()Jobs yes B. Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums 9r. . ' hli"ht Provides affordable services to farml1es .wilose Incare mIght be yes cut back if Kaleicbscope serVIces were rot avaIlaDie. C. Mo::cts regulatory provision for an activit)' designt:d to mo::ct a community development n~ having a particular urgency Our supp::>rt servIces are rrandated by Lanterm:m Pet. yes 12. BUDGET PROJECTION: A. Estimated total -:o"t of rrc~ie-:t: S 9,631.21 B. Estimated fundjn~ fnun all sour-:c:s: Sourc:C' It I, CDBG funus n::questeu 1996/97 S 9.631.21 Sou rC:e 1:2. s Sou rc:C' ;t 3" s NOTE: Sum of Sourc:e ;t 1-3 should eLJual .. I 2A" ano'"c:. c. E,,[lmale:d hud~d by fundin~ source: (use: appropriate: c'akgllne" del'elltl1ng on projeC:l): . Funding Fundin~ Funuin~ Source: # I Sou rce: #'2 Source: #3 I. De:sign!En~ine:e:ring S S S :2. PropalY Acquisition 59,631.21 5 S ~. Construl'llon Contracts ( Re:hah. Land Prep,) $ 5 S -I. Staff Salane" & Be:ndits S S 5 5. OftiL'e: Expe:nse:s S S S (), Contnt.:t Se:J"\'ices S $ 5 7. Rell>c'atllln Expe:lbe" S S S S. $ S S 9. S S S 10. S S S Total s9, 631. 21 $ S .. 13. ENVIROi'\MENTAL REVIEW REQUIREMENTS: (To complete tlw; SC"l.tllln. read the summary of each .;ale:gory anu c:hec:k the appropnate: anSWer. If indicated. include: additl()nal int()rmation.) Source: doc:umentation requeste:u helow induues. hut is not limiteu to: I )personal e:\penenl'e of the inuividual c:omplding the appli.;ationl include name:, titlc:anu date/: 2) another individual e,\perie:nc:e:d with the sul~je';l /inc:lude:.name. title and date/: 3) puhlic:ation or other uoc:umentation lincluue: title: anu date:/. c:rc:.) A. Historic Preser\'alilln: To he: c:ompleteu hy County staff. B. Floodplain Ivlana:,el11e:nt: To he c:omplc:red hy County staff. C. Coastal Zone:: To he complc:red hy County staff (none in Alameda County), D. Sok Sourl't:' Alllll tie:rs: To he: c:omplc:red By County staff (April 1990 Me:moranda of UnderstamJin:, IHL!D EPA MOU of 19901l. E. Endangered Species: Use personal experience or C:OIllac:t the NaII()/wl Wildlife Association to de:termine if there are endangereu species present in or :tnll1l1d the: pn~iec:t site. I f the area is alreauy urhanizt::u. note this helow c:iting your pt::rsonal experienl'e:, InL'Jude the name and title: of tht:: inuiviuuaJ making tht:: determination anu the dale. or the: name of the puhlic:ation that ,.;upports the tinuing. F. Wilu anu Sc:enic Rive:rs: To he .;omplc:red hy Count)' staff (none: in ,Alameda County), . e G. :\11' Qua!IlY: L.;",. !,er"on;t! experience or ohtaln informatllln frol1l JIIC.;t! Planning Departl11ent or EP.A. re.:;arding the etfec:t of air l)uality in th~ area of the pn1jec"t. Include the name and title: of the imJi,'iJual maklll':; the Jdt::rmination and the: dale. or the name of the puhlicatlon that "upport" the tindin.:;. H, Farmland Protec:t iI 111: Use pt::rsonal expc:rience or the loc:al Plannin.:; Department to ddermine: whdht::r or not the "ile ,viII affect loc:al timnlands. I f the: site is ;tlrt':tJy urhanizeU. note this helow c:iting your personal e:xperienc~. IncIud~ th~ name and title of tht' indi,'iJual makin.:; the dd~rmination and the date. or the name of th~ puhlic:ation that supports the: tinJin.:;, /. Noise Ahat~ment :ll1d Control: To h~ comrkt~d hy County staff. .I, Explo"i\'e: and Flammahle Operations: Us~ personal c:xpcrit'nL't' or ohtain information from tht' Il),'al tire ,'hief or EP.'; to Jetermine: if the pro.ie:ct is loc:aleJ an ac.,'e!,tahle "eparation distanc:e from any aho, e-.:;round explosive or tlammahlc fuel,.; or c:he:mical C:l)nlainer". InduJe: the name anJ title of the' InJI\.ldllal m:tkin.:; the- dett::rmination anJ the Jate. III' tht' nal11e' of the puhlic:ation that ";Uppllrts the til1llin.:;. K. TOXIC: ChemlcabiRaJioac:tive: 1\1ate:J'Ials: U"e pt::r...;onal t'.\pe'i'Ielll." "1' the IOL'a! tire chle:f to Jde:rmine thar rhe pre !iecr i,.; not loc:areJ within 2000 t'c-d ot a IOXlc. or r;lJioac:ri"e: sileo IndllLJe' rhe name anJ (itl,' ilt tht:. individual making the dt:.tt::rminarion and tht' dale. or tht' name' of the puhliL'atlon that support,.; the tindin.:;. e' L. Airport Clear Zones and Ac:c:ident Potential Zone;: To he complded In- Count'. ,.;taff. e- Project Summary Kaleidoscope Activity Center 1996 request for Dublin Housing and Community Development Grant Kaleidoscope Activity Center in Dublin is licensed as a day care facility serving up to 68 developmentally disabled (some also physically disabled and non-abulatory) youth, ages 5 through 22, from the Tri- Valley area. The youth are trained in independent living skills, job skills and social skills. Kaleidoscope has been in Dublin since it was opened in 1981 by a Tri- Valley mother of two sons with Down Syndrome. She is still an active member of the Center's Board of Directors. Largely because of the skills and support gained over a number of years at Kaleidoscope, one son is working at Home Depot and living with a fellow graduate of Kaleidoscope in a supported living apartment; the other son is working at the Holiday Inn and preparing to live in an apanment, like his brother. Community integration is a major goal for all of the Center's panicipants, Assisting Kaleidoscope with purchase of a 22 passenger handicapped accessible minibus equipped with a wheelchair lift allows participants to make daily community outings as part of their community integration training. They also become familiar with community resources. The Teen and Adult groups are transported weekly via the minibus to pre- vocational training sites in Dublin and Pleasanton. Besides utilizing the many resources in the Valley, trips are made for fun and recreation (bowling and Stoneridge Mall are favorites), Other excursions include Oakland A's games, the San Francisco Zoo and Exploratorium, Water Slides, Santa Cruz beach, and Special Olympics tournaments as far away as San Jose. Regular community outings are also a normalizing experience and an opportunity for non-disabled persons to observe disabled individuals doing the same things we all do. Paying off the minibus loan will help Kaleidoscope compensate for the anticipated 19% federal reduction in 1996 to programs that support people with developmental disabilities. We thank the City of Dublin and County of Alameda very much for their past support. The need is great to sustain and maintain the services Kaleidoscope provides because no other agency or program in the Tri- Valley provides such services. The developmentally disabled are among the least able to advocate for themselves, They need on-going city and county support to ensure their visability and viability. And for the opportunity to become contributing members of our community. . .- .- . . . 9. ALAMEDA COU!\'TY HOUSING & COMMU!\'ITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT APPLICATION FORM 1996-97 PROGRAM YEAR 1. JURISDICTION (PROJECT TO SERVE/BE LOCATED IN): CITY OF DUBLIN /URBAN ALAMEDA COU ORGANIZATION TO BE FUNDED:CITY OF DUBLIN, 100 CIVIC PLAZA, DUBLIN, CA ADDRESS/LOCATION OF PROJECT: VARIOUS LOCATIONS AT EXISTINlS RESIDENCES IN DUBLIN PROJECT TITLE: REHABILITATION - PRIVATELY OWNED RESIDENTIAL ELIGIBLE ACTIVITY C;1.TEGORY: HOMEOWNERSHIP ASSISTANCE DESCRIPTION: MINOR HOME REPAIR ON EXISTING UNITS IN DUBLIN, MIhTI-LOANS FOR HOME REP.t\IRS AND OWNER REHABILITATION LOANS. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. GOALS & OBJECTIVES: TO COMPLETE APPROXIM..ATELY 10 - 16 MINOR HOME REP.AIR PROJECTS, TWO MINI-LOANS, AND ThD OWNER REHABILITATION PROJECTS TO BENEFIT LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSEHOLDS IN DUBLIN. 8. SCH ED U LE . LIst m~iur hc"n~hmarks in the uevelopment anu implementation of project. Include c"xpecleu completion uak. (For example. pn~lect survey and design. acquisition. construction-start. ~onstrllction- completion. ) BENCHMARK: DATE: Laurence L. Tong SlIhmllteu By 1/16/96 Date Planning Direct~r Title 100 Civic Plaza AuJress 94568 Zip Code Dublin City ******:~**:~*~*~:~*********;~**:~*~~********************************:~***:~:~~~:~*:~***:~:~ (For HCD Use Only) REVIEWED/APPROVED BY: AUTHORIZATION ON FILE D.-HE AMEND/dENTS PC\l~r"11l Stair AssistnJ1t PI(lnnil1~ Dir":...'}(lr HCD Advisnn Ctll1\1llilh:~' Urh'lIl ('''"IllY TAl' Bd(1rd nl" SUJ'h.:n I~dr~ EXHIBIT B - 7 10, PROJECT BENEFIT . A. Identity the ar.:a lhat the project is serving (i.e.. site address. citYWide. census tract(~). and/or ~er\"lce an::a_ City of Dublin - Citywide; Census Tracts 4502, 4503, 4504, 4505 (Attach map with clearly identitied houndaries of areas to he served and/or hendited from rn~iect. ) B. Identify pn~iect heneficiaries within service area. I) Total numher of persons (P) or households (HH): I) 6802 2) Numher persons or households with income less than 50 pefcent of the County median: 2)-2]9 (13. 8%) .3) Numher persons or households with income hetween 50 and gO pefcent of County median: .3) 353 (5.2%) 4) Total (2 -.3): -4) 1292 5) Percent (4 divided hy J and converted to 7t): 5) 19% C. SOUfCe(S) of data: 1990 Census Percentages represent estimates based upon previous specia.' census data. _.. I I. IF CDBG FUNDED. PROJECT MEETS WHICH NATIONAL OBJECTIVE AS DEFINED IN CDBG REGULATIONS: (TO BE COMPLETED BY FUNDING JURISDICTIO:'\j A. Bendits low and moderate income households: ( )Area ( )Limited Clientele (::)Housing ()Johs x B. Aids in the prevention Of elimination of slums or hlight C. Meets regulalory provision t<)r an activity designed to meet a community development need having a particulaf ufgency 12. BUDGET PROJECTION: A. Estimated lotal cosl of rn~iect; $ 19,292.00 B. Estimated funding from all soun':eS; SOUfce It I. CDBG funds requested J 996/97 S 19,292.00 SOUfce #2. $ Soufce #.3. s .. .. NOTE: Sum "f S"Ufce It 1-.3 should equal "12A" ahm'e. . . . c. btlmateu huuget hy funull1g source (use appropnate ~'ategorIe:-' uepending (In project): Funding Funuing Funding Sou rcc II I Source 112 Source 1t3 I. Design/ Engineeri ng $ $ S ., Property Acquisition S $ S ~. ConstrUL'flon Contracts (Rehah. Lanu Prep.) $ 19,292. $ S -L Staff Salaries & Bendits $ S S 5. Oftice Expelbes $ $ S 6. Contr<lcl Services S $ $ 7. Relo~'atlon Expelbe" $ S S S. $ S S 9. S S S 10. $ $ S Total $19,292. $ $ 13. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW REQUIREMENTS: (To complde thiS sectll'n. read the summary of each category anu check the appropriate answer. If indicated. incluue aduillllnal information.) Source documelllation requesleU helow incluues. hut is not limited to: I )person:d experien~~e of the individual completing the application I incluue name. title and datel: 2) another inuiviuuaI experienc:eu with the sul:jecl lincluue name. title and uatel: 3) puhlication or other documentation /inl'IuLle titk anu datel. ete.) A. HistorI~' Preservalllln: To he complekU hy County staff. B. Floouplain Manage-ment: To he completcd by County staff. C. Coastal Zone: To he completed hy County staff (none in Alameua ('ounty). D. Sole Sour~'e Aqlll tiers: To he completcd By County staff (,';pril 1990 Mem<>ranua of Unucrstanuing lHUD EP.A. MOU of 199011, E. Enuangereu Specle-s: Use personal experience or cOlllact the NatIonal \Vilulife Association to uetennine j f thert: arc endangered species present in or around the pn~iect sileo I f the are;i is already urhanized. note this helow citing your personal experien~'e. Include the name and ritle of the inui\'iuuaJ making the determination and the dale. or the name- (If the puhlicatlon that supports the tinuing, None - Already Urbanized (Tasha Huston, Associate Planner 1/16/96) F, Wild anu Scenic: Rivers: To he compJded hy County staff (none in Alameua County). G. :\11' Quailty: USe' per"onal experience or ohtain information tnlln IlIC.,1i Planning DepartmelH or EPA regarding the clfect of air ljuality in the area of the pn~iec"l. Inc'luue the name and title of the individual making the determination and the date. or the name of the puhlicatlon that supports the tlnding, No Signifi~ant Impact- (Tasha Huston, Associate Planner, 1/16/96) H, FarmlalltJ ProteCtlllll: Use personal experience or the local Planning Department to determine whether or not the site \vill affect local farmlands. If the silt: is already urhanized. note this helow citing your personal e:xperie:nce. Include the name: and title of the individual making the determination and the date:. or the name of the puhlication that supports the: tinding. Already Urbanized - (Tasha Huston, Associate Planner, 1/16/96) I. Noise Ahateme:nt and Control: To he complCled hy County staff. .I. Explosi\'e: and Flammahle: Ope:rations: Use personal experience or "htain information from the Joc'al tire chief or EP,'; to uctermine: if the: pn~ie:ct is loc~atcu an ac'ceprable "eparation distance from ilny ahll\.e-ground explosive or tlammahle fuels or chemical containe'r", Include the: name and title of the Inul\'idual making the uctermination anu the uate, lIr the' n;lIl1e of the puhlicatio;, thilt supports the tinding. K, TOXIC: Chemicilb;f{auioilc:tive Materials: Use personal e,\perlenu:- "I' the loc'ill tire c:hlef to detC!'mine that the pr<~ie:c't is not locate:d within 2000 feet of a [(IXlc. Ill' rauioacti\'e silt:, Include the: name anu titlc' ot the individual making the ue.tcrmination and the date. or the' name of the' puhllc'atlOn that SUI'POrtS the tinding. L. AIrport Ckar Zone's and Accident Potential Zones: To he: com[,lded Iw County staff. . .. - , . . 01 07 03 03A 03B 03C 03D 03E 03F 03G 03H 031 03J 03K 03L 031\1 03N 030 03P 03Q 03R 035 04 04A 05 05A 05B 05C 05D 05E 05F 05G 05H 051 05J 05K 05L 05M U5N 050 OSP O() 07 US 09 10 II 12 Il . . 14A 14B 14( l.IST OF ELIGIBLE CDBG ACTIVITIES A-=l/ulsition of Re:al Prope'rl~ Disposition Puhlil' Facilitie:s amI Impro\'e:me:nts (Ge:neral) Se:nillr Ce:nte:rs Handi<.:appe:d Ce:ntc:rs Home:lc:ss Facilitie:s Youth Centc:rs Ne:i~hhorhood Facilitie" Park,.,. Re:cre:ational Facilitlc" Parkln~ Facilitie:s Sol id Waste: Disposal I mpro\'eme:nts Flood Drain Improveme:nt" Wate:r Improve:me:nts Stred I mprO\'e:me:nts Sidewalks Child Care Centc:rs Tree PJantin~ Se'\\/er Improveme:nts He:alth Fal'ilitie:" Ahll"eU and Ne~lc:l'ted Children Fal'illties Asheslos Removal Fa<.:illtles lilr AIDS Pallenl" Clc:arance and Demolillon Clean-up of Contaminate:d SikS Puhl ic Sc:rvil'e:s (Ge:neral) Se:nior Service:" Handi<.:apped Se:rvi<.:e:s Homc:le:ss Sc:rvi-=e:s Youth Service:s Transportation Servll'cs Suhstanl'e Ahuse: Service" Batte:red and ,Ahuse:d SpOll"e'S Employme:nt Trainin~ Crime Awarene:ss Fair HOllsin~ A<.:tivitie:s (SlIhje:<.:t to 155t Car) T enant/LandlonJ Counsc:lll1~ Child Care Se:rvi<.:e:s Heal th Servil:e" Ahll"ed and Ne~lc:,'kd Chtldren AI DS Patie:nt:-. Sl'J'eenin~ till. Le:ad Based Paint/Le:ad Hazards Poisoning In tc:ri m Assislanl:e Urhan Re:newal Compldlon Rdlll:ati, 'n Lo"" of Rental Inl'ome Removal of Ar<.:hite<.:tural Barne:rs Privately Owneu Utilitie" Construl:tion of Housin~ Dire',:t Homeownership A"'lstan..:e Sin~lc:-Unit Re:sidential Multi-Unit Re:side:ntial Puhlic Housing Mode:rnlzatlon I.W 14E 14F 14G 14H 141 15 16A 16B 17A 17B 17C 17D 18L 18T 19A 19B 19C 19D 19E 10 21 21A 21B 21C 21D 21F 21H !! Olher Puhllc:/y-Owlleu Re,ldcntlal Builuin~" Puhll,'ly or Pri\'atc Owned Commen.:ial/lnuustrial Ener~y Efticicncy Imrrmcl11ellts ,A,cLJuisition - for Rehahililallllll RdwhilIlation - Auministralloll Lead Baseu/Leau Hazaru Tcst/ Ahate Coue Entim':ement Residential Historic Presen'ation Non- Resiuential Historic Pre"crvation CI Lanu Al'LJuisition/Dlspo'llllln CI Infrastructure De\'dopmcnt CI Builuin~ ACLJuisition. ('onslrul,tion. Rehahilitation Other C llmmercial I nuust rIa I ImprOVements Eu Ulrect Financial Assistan,'c to For-Protit:-- Eu T ec:/mical Assistal1l:e Housing New Construction (Special Subrecirient) Suhsistence Payments (SpCl'ial Suhrecirienl) Homeo\\'nershir Assistanl'e (Special Suhrecirient) Renlal Housing Suhsidies (Special Suhrecipienl) Other Olhelwise Ineligihle Activities (Srecial Suhrecirien.ll Planning Program Auministration General ivlana~emenl. OVersi~hl. anu Clloruination 1 nu i ree:! Costs Puhllc Inl{)rmalllln Fair Hlll",in~ A,'[I\'ltle" (SlIhled tll 20'7( Aumin. Cap) SuhmlSSlllns or Appllcalillll' tllr Feueral Programs Admin Expelbes tor Other H U D Housing Prognllns Unprllgrammed Fund" . . .: .., ~ ,.. CITY OF DUBLIN MEMORANDUM Date: January 22, 1996 To: City Council Members From: Larry Tong, Planning Director t:r Subject: Applications for CDBG Program Year 1996-1997 On Friday afternoon, January 19, 1996, the Planning Staff received the attached three (3) page application for CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) funds for Program Year 1996-1997. Since this material was received after the City Council agenda statement was prepared regarding the CDBG applications, Staff is forwarding this material for your information. The applicant might request consideration of this application under Item No. 8.1 at your January 23, 1996, meeting. If you have any questions on this item, please contact Tasha Huston, Associate Planner, or me. cczJ8Sha Huston, As~~ Carol Cirelli, Sen. PI. F:\MEMO\CDBG296 ~,. . . 9. ALAMEDA COUNTY HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT APPLICATION FORM 1996-97 PROGRAM YEAR I. Residents of Alameda County JURISDICTION (PROJECT TO SERVE/BE LOCATED IN): ORGANIZATION TO BE FUNDED: Valley Communi ty Heal th Center ADDRESS/LOCATION OF PROJECT: 2324 Santa Rita Road (at Mohr Avenue) PROJECT TITLE: Building Acquisi tion ELIGIBLE ACTIVITY C.A.TEGORY: 01, 03P, 10 DESCRIPTION: Acquire medical facili ty to increase number of exam rooms from 8 to 16 in an effort to provide more medical services to the community with an increased accessibility for all patients. GO.t>..LS <-':: OBJECTIVES: Increase pa tien t load, decrease wai ting times, shorten times from patient call to appointment. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7_ 8. SCH ED U LE - List ma.lor henc:hmarks in the Jcvelopmcnt anJ implemefltat")fl ,)f project. I nL'luJe eX pec:teJ ..:ompktlofl Jate. (For example. pn~ie..:t survey anJ Jesign. acqui,"ltlofl. ,.lllhtruc:tiol1-start. ":Ol1structiol1- c:ompktlon. ) BE~CHM..\RK: D.t>..TE: Feasibili ty St1J(lY _4-1-1 ,I 9 6 Building Acquisition -9-1-l/96 Capita1 Campaiens Sue A. Eccleston -9-1-] /97 Fiscal Manager Title January 19,1996 Date Suhmil!eJ By 4361 Railroad Avenue 94566 Pleasanton, CA City Zip CoJe AJJress *******;~**~***;~~***:~*:~****~~*:::~:~:~**~******~*******************:~~:::;*:~:~:~:::*:~:~:~:~*:~:;: (For HCD Use Only) REVIEWEDiAPPRllVED BY. AUTHORIZATI< )N ()N FILE A1dENDMENTS DATE Prtl~rmll St.dY A~:,i~tant Pltlnnil1:! DIf.~....!llr HCD Advi~Cln' ('Clllllnith:.: Urhilll C,'"llIV TAl' Bt\<Ird nl" SUP.:' ,....' I:-.t ~r~ .... .' 10. PRO.l ECT BENEFIT A. Identify the area that the project is sepiing (i.e.. site address. citywide. census tract(s). and/or savlCe area, Residents of Alameda County. social services regardless of income, cuI turc or. anyothcr factor::;. Providing medical and language, lifestyle, (Artach map with ~.learly identJtied houndaries of areas to he sen'ed and/or hendited from pr<~iecl. ) B. Identify pr<~iect hendiciaries within service area, I) Total numher of persons (P) or households (HH): ]) Below 100% of poverty 81.1% * :2) Numher persons or households with income less than 50 percent of the County median: :2) 100 - 124% of poverty 7.9% :>) N umher persons or households with income hd\Wen SO and 80 percent of County median: ~ ) 125 - 149% of poverty 4.5% -+) Total (2 ~ -'): .;)) 150 - 200% of poverty 3.5% S) Percent (4 di\'ided hy I and converted to 7c ): 5) 201 - 250% of poverty 1. 6% c. Sourcds) of data: Above 250% of poverty * Annual income of less than $14,350 for a family 1.4% of four II. IF CDBG FUNDED. PROJECT MEETS WHICH NATIONAL OB.lECTI\'E .~S DEFINED IN CDBG REGULATIONS: (TO BE COivl PLETED BY FUNDING JLJRISDICTIO~) A. Benetits low and Illoderate income households: ( )Area ( )LimJtnl Clientde ()Housing ()Johs B. Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or hlight C. Meds regulatory provision for an activity designed to med a community development need having a particular urgency 12. BUDGET PROJECTION: A. Estimated totall'\lSt of rn~jel.t: s 2, 100,000 B. E.,timated funding from all sources: 300,000 SoUr<.:e It!. CDBC; funds requested 1996/97 S Source #2. Capi tal Campaign 96 s 700,000 SOUf<.:e ;I:>. Gap] t..?J.. Campaign 9 7 S~QQ_LQ_O_9 NOTE: Sum lit SOUf<.:e ;t J -3 should equal "ll.A." ahm'e. .... ,. . . .,~ C. Est i maled hud~et hy funding source (use appropriate categories derendin~ on pr~iel.:l): Funding Fundin~ Funding Source Itl Sou rCe #2 Sou rl.:t: #3 1- Desi~n/EI1~inet:ring $ S 'S ') Property AI.:LJuisition $300,000 $700,000 $700,000 3. Construl.:lilll1 Contracts $400,000 (Rehah. Land Prep.) $ S ~. Slaff Sabries & Bendits S S $ :'i. Oftice Ex pt:IlSCS S S $ (). COlllr;i.:! S"'J"\.ICc'S S S S I. Relocali"ll Expell.,cs $ S S s. S S 50 Y. S S S I (). $ $ S ---_. Total ~OO, 000 s 700,000 ~,100,000