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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 1995 BudgetStudy (2) .. . qAJe -- _/~;; J." CITY OF DUBLIN. AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 7,1995 SUBJECT: 1995 Budget Study Session (Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: ~emorandum from City Manager dated March 1, 1995 and Attachments RECOMMENDA TIO~: t\ i Q}t\y ~. 3. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Receive Staff Report Identify areas to be evaluated by Staff in the development of the 1995-96 Budget Establish Annual Budget Hearing Dates See attached. DESCRIPTION: See City Manager's memorandum attached. c/doc/agendal37budg COPIES TO: CITY CLERK FILE L~l~t~l~.@eL ITEM NO. 5J./ -- -. CITY OF DUBLIN MJ;)" 0 RAN DUM TO: FROM: RE: City Council City Manager 1995-96 Budget Study Session DATE: March 1, 1995 The City Council has agreed to conduct a Budget Study Session for Fiscal Year 1995-96 for the purpose of identifying those areas that the Council would like Staff to analyze as part of the development of the City's 1995-96 Annual Operating Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Program. Through the early identification of service and fiscal issues, the City Council will be in a better position to collectively understand the short and long term fiscal and service impacts on the City during the Council's deliberations on the Rudget and Capital Improvement Program later in the fiscal year. This study session should also f2duce the potential for last minute budget issues to arise for which there is little or no time to evaluate. Attached to this memorandum are Attachments 1 - 10 which provide an historical perspective of the City's Expenditures, Revenues, and Fund Balance. Attachment 11 provides a mid-year projection of the amount revenues are anticipated to exceed expenditures. Staff has also prepared an "Analysis of Estimated Future Impacts on City's GenerAl Fund" (Attachment 12). Lastly, Staff has prepared the 1995-96 Budget Issues Worksheet (Attachment 13). Staff recommends that the City Council utilize this worksheet as a means of providing Staff with direction in preparing the 1995-96 Operating Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Program Update. cldoclagenda/37memo -- -- Historical Comparison General Fund Operating Revenue vs. Expenditures (includes C/r Project Expense and Civic Center Debt Service Payments) . .....-..... --.... , .,_ _ ...._..._.._ .____m. ~ . _._-----~~ - ,."~......-.----. Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Expenditures 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994~95 $12,754,132 $12,662,529 $12,707,804 $12,179,833 $12,874,372 Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Revenue ]990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994~95 $14,089,243 $13,113,515 $13,165,467 $13,570,129 $13,682,955 15,500,000 15,000,000 - - ~ - - - - '" - " - - .. - - ,- - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - -, 14,500,000 - - - - - - - ,- - - - - . - -,' - - - . . . -, - - - - . . . -, 14,000,000 13,500,000 13,000,000 12,500,000 . - - - - - . ,- - - - - . . . ,. - 12,000,000 11,500,000 11,000,000 10,500,000 10,000,000 - - - - ~ ~ - :_ - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - -: - - - .. - - - .1 9,500,000 . - ~ . - - - '. . . . . . " - '. ~ . . - - - .' ~ . . . - - - .' 9,000,000 1990-91 - - - - - ~ - 1- - - - - - - ~.- - - - - ~ .... -, - - - - - ... ~ -, ~ ~ - - - ~ ,- - - ~ - ~ - I ~ ~ - - - - - - I - ~ - - - - - -. ~ - - ~ - - - I. ~ - - - - - - 1- - - ~ ~ - - - I - - - - - - - , , - ~~ - - - - - ~- --- - - --- - -- - --~ - - - -- ~ , I I I ___ Expenditures -+- Revenue , , , - --------- ---~--- - --------+..--- , , , , , , - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- --- -- -- --- - - -- , , , I I I I - -..... - - - ---- - - - - - ~ ~ --- --- ~ ~-- - - -- , , 1991 -92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 Analysis: For each of the five years shown, the General Fund Revenues have exceeded the General Fund Expenditures. '" Note: The budgeted 1994-95 Expenditures do not account for operating transfers to other funds. The mid-year Financial Report projected that the General Fund would have net transfers out to other Funds totaling $352,440. 11lis will reduce the amount by which General Fund Revenues are expected to exceed General Fund Expenditures. TIle mid-year report projected a 1994-95 General Fund surplus of $331,000. /finance/ gfrvexp 3/3/9510:12 AM ATTACHMENT 1 tie -- Historical Comparison General Fund Operating Revenue & Expenditures per Capita (includes CIP Project Expense and Civic Center Debt Service Payments) Actua I Ac tu,1l Actual Actual Budget 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 Expenditures $12,754,132 $12,662,529 $12,707,804 $12,179,833 $12,874,372 Population 23,550 23,500 25,162 25,853 26,270 Per Capita Exp. $542 $539 $505 $471 $490 Actual Actun I Actual Actual Budget 1990~91 1991-92 1992~93 1993-94 1994-95 Revenue $14,089,243 $13,113,515 $13,165,467 $13,570,129 $13,682,955 Population 23,550 23,500 25,162 25,853 26,270 Per ~_~E! ta Rev~~~~_____.." $598 __"_..._.___ ~?~~~___ $560 $539 $529 $700 $650 $600 $550 $500 $450 $4()() $350 - __ _ _ - ~~.. - - - - - - -r - ~ - - -- - r- ---~ --, -~- - - - ~!..- - - --~.!. --- -- - - ~ ---- ---~ I , I I ~ ~ _ _ _ _ - Ii' - ____ - _..._~ - ~ -- ~ ,,-- __~__I ~ - - .....- , , ..i-d----. -+- Per Capita Revenue _ Per Capita Expenditure " ' _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ __~ - - __ - ~- ---.,0- - - - -~. I I , ยท - __ ~ ---10---- _~ __..__ --+---..-------1 I I I I -- - - - - - +- - - - -..... - - - - - - -- - - _....- - - - --. I I I I $3()() 199U-91 1991-92 1992 -93 1993-94 1994-95 Analysis: Both the Revenue and Expenditures in the general fund, on a per capita basis, are less in Fiscal Year 1994-95 than Utey were in Fiscal Year 1990-91. /fillance/ gfrvexpcp 3/3/9511:36 AM ATTACHMENT 2 ___ of Dublin General Fund Revenues b_ry -- Actu~r'-- Actual Actual Actual Budget Revenues 199(1-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 - ,_.~.~ ~--" ,,- Property Taxes 3,7~O,6~ J 3,807,251 3,659,582 3,853,102 3,849,500 ~~~_.." Sales Taxes 5,839,089 5,293,709 5,484,502 5,969,342 5,892,000 ~~ ~.. Other Taxes 574,353 599,290 731,622 634,740 638,300 - -~_..._..._~~._~~---~~-- ~-----~" -..- -. Licenses & Permits 248,116 246,459 281,921 340,995 361,350 -----....-.---------- ._~y Fines & Forfeitures 19,47~_ .." 25,780 24,414 34,316 37,500 --- an_'~_ -- - _____~~..n.~__r~__ _.~-_.__... ,,---_. - .--...~._- ~--". ~---~ Interest 1,282"j78 976,342 805,693 877,290 986,100 .__~~'n_. ._.y___w~,..._~~ .. ~ -- ....,,''',.~. .., --~-,,~ , Rentals 56,869 62,161 73,276 58,325 69,500 - ---_._-,,'---"' ..~.. ~.._.,. - -~ ~.!.Sov't Revenue 973,266 864,647 919,902 945,713 970,325 -. r".~ - _.._~---- f---'-"~- -. Charges for Services 1,196,484 939,833 1,020,631 580,738 758,180 - -.- .,"",- ----y,----- -_._-_.~---, -- Other Revenue .. 108,901 298,043 163,924 275,568 120,200 .- ------------ ~.. "--"-..- -.-- -,., ----~---~- --~-- Total Revenues 14,089,243u_...13,113,515 13,165,467 13,570,129 13,682,955 ~.. ___.'.1'"""- ..._r~._.~ ~-~~._.~. -- -~ -. "Includes ABAG Plan Insurance Dividend $14,200,000 .. - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - , $14,000,000 - -"" - - - - .. -, - - - - " - - - - - r ~ - - - - .. - - - -, - - - . - - - - - - , $13,800,000 - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - - ~,- - - - - - - - - - , $13,600,000 - - - - - I $13,400,000 $13,200,000 $13,000,000 - - - .. - - " - - -, - - - - - - - - - - ,. - , - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - , $12,800,000 - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - ,. - - - - - - - - - '" - - - - - . - - - - , $12,600,000 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993.94 1994-95 Analysis: Although there has beer. some growth in General Fund Revenues over the past two fiscal years, the total General Fund Revenues projected in Fiscal Year 1994-95 remain well below the General Fund Revenues received in Fiscal Year 1990-91. \financc\revs2.xls 3/3/9511:20 AM ATTACHMENT 3 -- -- Comparison of General Fund Revenue Adjusted for Inflation (Actual vs. Adjusted to 1991 Dollars) 14,500,000 - ~ ~ ., - .. - - - - .. ... .. - I - - .. - - - .. .. - - ,- - - - - - - .... .. - , 12,000,000 1990~91 14,000,000 .. - .. ... .. j - .. .. - .. .. - - - ...... .. - .. .. .. - ... .. - 1- _ .. _ _ _ .. .. _ _ , 13,500,000 - - - ~ 13,000,000 _ .... _ .. _ .. .. _ _ _ _ .. I - - - .. - - - ... - -.- ... - - - .. - - - - l 12,500,000 1991-n I 1992-93 I 1993.94 I 1994-95 1__ Actual Revenue -lr- Adjusted Revenue I Analysis: Total General Fund Reven'Jes remain in 1994-95 at well below levels achieved in Fiscal Year 1990-91. When adjusted for inflation the City is seeing a slight gain between Fiscal Year 1993-94 and Fiscal Year 1994-95. \fimlnce\coLxls - 3/3/9511:27 AM ATTACHMENT 4 -- -- Historical Trends for Major General Fund Revenues Categories --- --- ...- -----------.- -... ... ._._--_.._._--_.~....~--_._-_. . . _________.~. ,.. ..._.__. _n_ .. '~_'__' Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Revenues 199U*91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 ---- ..----r- .~~- .- -. --,,-I Sales Taxes 5,839,089 5,293,709 5,484,502 5,969,342 5,892,000 ______..~_~_~~.____~~.."r~____ ----- -_.~ -- ----- ------- ,._---~. ._-_._~ ~p'erty Taxes 3,790,611 3,807,251 3,659,582 3,853,102 3,849,500 ~-~,.~ - -~-~ '------ Interest 1,282,078 976,342 805,693 877,290 986,100 --. Charges for Services 1,196,484 939,833 1,020,631 580,738 758,180 ._~.~, "N.w"_r__~__~'_~'."~_"_____ __ _~.a"'~~"~__' ._~...,~- -~.~~-_.~.~~-~~~ ._-~ --- In each of the Fiscal Years 1990-91 through 1994-95, the selected Categories above represented over 83% of the Total General Fund Revenues. 6,000,000 5,000,000 - - - - - - ., - - - - - - - ,- - - - - . - -, - - - - - - - 4,000,000 ---~-----_.... _.~-_......-----~---- ---.-4-- - - - - _.~ -.-.........---- .,., - , ""I" , ......- Sales Taxes -It- Property Taxes -.-Interest -*- Charges for Service 3,000,000 - - ~ - - - -. ~ ... - - - - - 1- ... - - - - - ~I - - - - - ~ .. 2,000,000 - - - - - - ~ I - - - - - - ... 1- - - - - - ... -I - - - - .. - - 1,000,000 ~-~ o 1 1 1 1 1 Analysis: Both Sales and Property Taxes have remained flat when comparing to Fiscal Year 1990-91 and Fiscal Year 1994.95. The decline in interest income reflects the economic decline, especially considering that the Fund Balance available for investment has increased over this period. The decline in charges for Service is partially offset by reductions in elCtJenditures. \hlld~et\maircvs.xls 3/3/952:43 PM ATTACHMENT 5 -- Hif'urical Comparison City of DuHin General Fund Expenditures Operating E'!penses Compared to CIP and Debt Service (Includes 011 Operating Costs) -- CIP 848,440 ~-,-~~--- ._~~~- 1,579,472 1, o 12,754,132 12 ctual Actual Actual Budget 91-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 ,-~---~--- ,532,775 1,479,889 1,464,618 1,440,809 ,~?9~!l67 ..__~~02,~?9 5,727,728 6,250,72~ -~~- 84!~.!~ 595,253 487,451 544,249 29,526 7,271 76 27,100 ,693~~~7 1,745,571 1,712,352 1,827,724 --.- ,438,473 1,297,193 986,29~ 1,154,374 -_._,..~ I----~-- ,885,952 10,928,027 10,378,517 11,244,980 y~--- _._-~ ."-~._~~.. ~.&, " 231,875 204,239 342,723 168,047 544,702 1,575,538 1,458,593 1,461,345 --- ---..... --.. ._-~----.- . -~..._._-- ..~_.-----~. ..."--- 0 0 0 5,756 ___u_, _ _ '_n_..______.. ....__._.__ ..--.-... ,....-----.-- ---",_.,_. ---- .~.~ ,662,529 12,707,804 12,179,833 12,874,372 ,-~- General Govcrnment Actual A 1990-91 19 --'"~--~. 1,369,175 1 -,-~,?~~~~~~ -~....? _____ 837,~~! .m'__ 26,277 .~~~- --~ Culture & Leisure ____ 1,470,,-~9.~ ...--1_ Co~~_unity De~~.I~E_ment __,__!,82~,.'~~ I_~_! ~!,otal Opcrations ___..~_ __~!~~?~6,222_:!.q P~~~ic S~~~tyu,__,______,__._..___ Transp~~.~a.ti~~_..- _. Health & Welfare Net Debt Scrvice ............__ ._n........ C<:)11~igent Reserye Grand Total $14,100,000 ------,---- --,-------,-------, $12,100,000 $10,100,000 $8,100,000 $6,100,000 $4,100,000 -- - - ~ - - - ... ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - ~ , , _ _ _ _ _ _ .J ~ _ _ _ r _ _I... _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - ~ - .1 - - - - - - .! - - - ... - - .1 _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ -+- Grand Total -0-- Total Operations -CIP -x- Debt Service -~ - - ~ - - - - - - -" -- - - - - - --- - - --- , ' . - - - - - - ,. - - - . - - -I - - ~ - - - -, ~ - - - - - - I $2,100,000 :Ii( - - - - - - ~~_,__~ - ~ - ~ - - -'" - - - - - -~ $100,000 t ' , 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 ~ T 1993-94 1994-95 "'Includes Dublin Information Inc. Operating Costs Analysis: The chart identifies that the /,lOst significant part of the General Fund expenditures are related to operating costs. Use of the General Fund for CIP Projects has declined over the past 5 years. The City has reduced its debt service cost by refinancing Ule Civic Center Certificates of Participation. \finance\sumexp.xls 3/3/9510:51 AM ATTACHMENT 6 -- -- Comparison of Gencral Fund Expenses Adjusted for Inflation (Actual vs. Adjusted to 1991 Dollars) 13,200,000 --_...-----; 12,OOO,()()() - - - - - - - - - - r ---r- - - "'f ... --....--,....----- 12,800,000 12,4UO,UUO - - - - - - - - ~ ~ 1 11,6ll0,OOO -~~------f - T - .. , - - .... - - - - - - i 11,200,000 - r - ~-,--- -----., 10,800,000 1990~91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 I___Acttlal_~xpenReR -Ir-Adjustcd Expcnses I Analysis: Total General Fund Expenses in 1994-95 appear to be above the 1990.91 level, Utis is not the case when the figures are adjusted for inflation. The adjusted 1994-95 General Fund Expenditures showed only a slight increase over the Adjusted 1993.94 General Fund Expenditures. \finance \cokh_ xlq _ _~ /.':1. IQ" ').':U, PU ATTACHMENT 7 -- Chart of General Fund Expenditures by Progrillll 6,500,000 ._...__........._....._.._...~~......._._..._._._..__.__..-___...._M_ 6,OOO,()()(J - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - ... - - - - - - ... - - ~ - 5,500,000. -.. - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,000,000 - - .. - - ~ - - - - - - - - - 4,500,(X){) - - ~ - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... - - - 4,000,000 - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - 3,50(l,(}(J(J - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - .. - ~ - - - - - - ~ ... - - - - - -+ - 3,OIX),OOO. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - 2,500,()()(J ... - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ... - - .. - - - ... - - ... - - ... 2,{X)(),OOO - - ... - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - - ... - ......,."'.:;'-~.:~:~..:-:-~~..:.,~"....~.;~.==::..~:...:.:.~:,....:..^~.~~.:~:..... 500,000 11000,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - o 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 -- -+- Public Safety -It- Debt Service ....::,'::..----General Government .,-.-..'ilf"" Culture & Leisure __Community Development ~ Transportation -+- ell' - Health & Welfare Analysis: The trend over the past 5 yeaf.'. has been for Public Safety expenditures to dominate the budget. This is also the only program area which has been increasing nearly every year. The chart shows the decline in Community Development activities with the completion of the Eastern Dublin General Plan and the economic downturn resulting in less development activity. The decline shown in Transportation and CIP Programs reflected a shift in funding more of the costs from Special Revenue Funds and less from the General Fund. \flnance\sumexp.xls 3/3/9512:27 PM ATTACHMENT 8 ee -- GENERAL FUND BALANCE (Pn'pared January 31,1995) June 30. 1994 June 30. 1993 TOTAL FUND EQUITY $ 17,711,706 $ 16,276,437 AMOUNT INVESTED AT 1/31/95 WITH A MATURITY OF MORE THAN 1 YEAR $ 14.306.323 DESIGNATED USES 1 RESERVES Amount Required To Call Outstanding Civic Center COP @ 2/1/99 $ 13,052,781 $ 13 ,052,781 Liability Insurance Reserve 137,210 137,210 Cemetery Endowment 60,000 N/A Reserve Economic Uncertainity 1,369,133 N/A Reserve For Prepaid Expenses 11.981 5.845 Sub - Total Designated Uses $14,631,105 $ 13,195,836 AMOUNT UNDESIGNA TED $ 3,080,601 $ 3,080,601 ATTACHMENT 9 -- -- City of Dublin Historical Comparison of General Fund. Fund Balance per Capita (Adjusted fOf Inflation to June, 1994) ,.,_~_~_~_.......--------~,. .~~_~_~~._,_____~_~,,~___.~~"'~._~________._. "...._..___~,...~_.__ ,ft............---".-.~-~ ,-- Fund crl Populatiori Adjusted Pef Capita As of Jun~ 30___ __~_ Balat~,=-,=-____ ___~~. _~ (Su~vcntion) 1994 ~7,711,706 _~___ 26,270 $17,711,706 ~___~__d_!293 ~~!6,2~6A~?~_ __ ._~~~ _~~~53 $!6,276,4~7 1992 _ $15,45~~~7 __ 2.6% 25,162 _ $15,856,663 ____,,_______________ _ __ ___!2~! .___~_?,~~?,~~~__________?~8.~_____._.2~~~QQ __~!6,21?~_~2~_ 1990 $14,464,038 9.9% 23,550 $15,895,978 .__.__.__..__"."_______~, ..r~_ ___~..~._____~__.",. .__._.,.~- -~-~,. ~ $674 $630 $630 $690 ~,_____~ r~._____~ $675 Per Capita _ _ ~ _ _ ~ _ - - - - ~ r ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ 1- - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - I $800 $750 $700 $650 $600 - - - - - - - - - - - - 0- - - - - - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - ~ - - - - ~ - ~ - - - 1- ~ - - - - ~ . - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - , , ' -- - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - -. - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - ~ - -- , , $550 - ~ - - - - - - - - - . - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ,- - - - - - - - . - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - $500 1990 1991 I 1992 I 1993 I 1994 Analysis: The chart above compares the General Fund. Fund Balance on a per capita basis. The figures have been adjusted for inflation. AtJune 30, 1994 the adjusted per capita amount was nearly identical to Ole amount in 1990. ($674 per capita vs. $675 per capita respectively) \finance\fndbkap.xls 3/3/9510;11 AM ATTACHMENT 10 e_ -- 1994/1995 GENERAL FUND BUDGET SUMMARY ADJUSTED TO REFLECT MID YEAR PROJECTIONS (Adopted Budget Figures As Adjusted By Mid-Year Financial Report And Authorized Budget Adjustments As of December 31, 1994) ADJUSTED REVENUES Estimated General Fund Revenue As Adopted Mid-Year Projected Net Revenue Increases PROJECTED GENERAL FUND REVENUES $ 13,613,455 124.500 $ 13,737,955 ADJUSTED EXPENI>ITURES General Government Net Debt Service Civic Center COP Budgeted Contingent Reserve Public Safety Transportation Health & Welfare Culture & Leisure Services Community Development Capital Improvement Projects $ 1,590,098 1,461,345 5,756 6,261,574 544,249 27,100 1,833,761 1,154,374 175.987 SUB. TOTAL ADJUSTED EXPENDITURES $ 13,054,244 ADJUSTED NET TRANSFERS Net "Transfers Out" To Other Funds $ 352,440 GRAND TOTAL EXPENI>ITURESrrRANS.~ERS OUT $ 13,406,684 PROJECTED DIFFERENCE IN GENERAL FUND REVENUES vs. EXPENDITURES $ 331.271 (Prepllfed Mllfch 2, 1995 Based Upon Fin Rpt 8.4 - 2/13/95) ATTACHMENT 11 -e -- ANAL YSIS OF ESTIMATED FUTURE IMPACTS ON CITY'S GENERAL FUND Staff has identified the following major items which may impact the City's General Fund in Fiscal Year 1995/96 and beyond. 1. REVENUES Sales Tax - The City will be nef-atively impacted by the construction of new shopping centers, primarily in Pleasanton and San Ramon. How much of this sales tax loss will be offset by renovation of existing Dublin Shopping Centers and new Dublin retail outlets is unknown. AMOUNT Unknown 2.' State Budget - The current Governor's budget does not include any revenue shifts away from the cities; however it :~ too early to identify whether the projections and lack of State Budget reductions will hold. There is also some discussion at the State Level regarding potential revisions affecting the formulas for distributing 10('",i. sales tax. Unknown OPERATING EXPENDITURES Identified below are new expenditures which are anticipated by the Operating Departments. The expenditures do not include inflationary increases for the purchase of materials, supplies, and equipment, nor increased cost of wages and benefits for current City employees, contract employees, or Fire Authority employees. Also not included are those objectives in the Preliminary 1995 City Goals & Objectives which require additional funding. COST ITEM ADDITIONAL COST 1. Police Dispatch Costs - The Sheriffs Department has $44,000 in FY 1995/1996 to completed an audit of its dispatch operation costs. This audit $191,900 in FY 1998/1999 has recommended that the cost of dispatch be adjusted for the various contract users. Begilming in 1994/95, Dublin's Police Dispatch costs were proposed to increase at a rate of 20% per year over five years, Of from $180,070 in 1993/94 to $448,070 in 1998/1999. 2. Animal Shelter - The new Cot.;;',ty Animal Shelter will be $56,070 in FY 1995/96 completed in Fiscal Year 1994/95. Upon completion, the Cities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, and the County are obligated to make debt service payments on the new shelter. the estimated 1994/95 debt service payment for the City of Dublin is projected at $56,070. ATTACHMENT 12 e_ -- 3. COST ITEM Fire - In Fiscal Y car 1994/95, the City Council reviewed a proposal from Dougherty RegiomI Fire Authority which would revise staffing and provide for a Paramedic Program, as well as operating Station No 3 from the Alameda County Santa Rita Facility. It is anticipated that the City contribution to Dougherty Regional Fire Authority may increase by 6% adding an additional $170,555 in Fiscal Year 1995/96. This does not include any negotiated salary and benefit increases beyond December 31,1995. 4. Library Services - The City anticipates increased overhead charges from Alameda County associated with the City's Library contract hours. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ADDITIONAL COST $170,555 in Fiscal Year 1995/96 $8,880 in FY 1995/96 $8,275 in FY 1996/97 In the City's Five Year Capital Improvement Program adopted in June of 1994, a tQtal of$10,484,033 in Capital Project needs are identified which are currently unfunded. h/doc/cmofflimpacts e_ tie 1995-96 BUDGET ISSUES WORKSHEET I. EXPENDITURES A. Should the 1994-95 level of service be used as the base level for developing the 1995-96 Budget? Yes or No I r no, what should be included or excluded from the base level of service? B. If the Council is desirous of accomplishing all high priority objectives during Fiscal Year 1995- 96, should the cost of funding those high priority objectives be included as additional budget increments to current service levels? Yes or No C. Should Community Group requests be placed in the base budget at the same funding level as 1994-95; or identified in a separat': budget increment above the base level? Community Groups funded from the General Fund in 1994-95 included: I) Dublin Substance Abuse Council 2) Dublin Fine Arts Foundation 3) Community Television $ 4,500 $ 10,000 $ 21,393 Base Level or Higher Increment D. What additional services (if any) should Slaffevaluate as part of the 1995-96 Budget? ATTACHMENT 13 e_ -- E. On June 30, 1995, the following st:;fvice contracts will be expiring: 1. Police Services 2. Animal Control J. Crossing Guaru S<:rvic<: 4. General Engineering 5. Traffic Engineering 6. Building & Safety 7. Library Services For any of the above contract se.!vices, are you interested in having Staff focus on any particular issue other than the cost of providing the service by the current service provider for 1995-96? Yes or No If Yes, which service, and what aspect of the service would you like the Staff to evaluate? F. In recent years a very limited amount of General Fund Operating Revenues have been allocated for Capital Expenditures. Should Staff continue to rely primarily on special revenue funds for funding Capital Expenditures? Yes or No If No, should Capital Expenditure~ which have no special revenue source be funded from: I. General Fund Operating Revenues _ 2. 1994-95 General Fund Operating Surplus 3. General Fund Balance 4. New Revenue Sources .e -- II. REVENUES A. How should the Citywide Assessment Fees be set for 1995-96? (i. e., Street Lighting, Storm Water) 1. Reflect actual increases in costs? 2. Reflect only the increase in the CPI and subsidize the difference from the General Fund? 3. Freeze Assessments and subsidize difference from the General Fund B. What additional revenue issues (if any) would you like to have Staff evaluate? III. BUDGET DOCUMENT Please review the 1994-95 Preliminary l3udget Document and identify format changes (if any) you would like to see Staffmake in 1995-96. For example (more detail, less detail) IV. BUDGET CALENDAR In order to establish a Budget Calendar for preparation of the Budget, it is necessary to establish a Budget hearing date(s). Staff would recommend the week of June 26, 1995. RCNlss h:g&o/cmoff/95wksht.doc