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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.5 EDublinTrffcImpctFee (2) . ..~: (' ..'. ~/,;,';,A ~~ :S:'/. ~",'.. """:'" ....... SUBJECT: EXHIBITS ATTACHED: -fI *' CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT city Council Meeting Date: December 12, 1994 proposed Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson l)~raffic Impact Fee Report by Barton-Aschman 2) /Report of Roadway Costs by santina & Thompson 3) ~mpact fees for other cities within the Tri-valley A representative of Barton-Aschman will be available at the meeting to explain the elements of the study. Area RECOMMEHDAT~.;: 3) 4) FINANCIAL STATEMENT: open Public Hearing Receive Staff presentation and public comment Question Staff and the public Continue Public Hearing to City Council meeting of December 27th The cost of preparing the Traffic Impact Fee Study will be recovered by fees collected from property owners applying for approval of developments. DESCRIPTION: The Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and the Specific Plan were adopted by the City Council in 1993. These Plans required that the Eastern Dublin developers be responsible for the full cost .of transportation needs for their cumulative projects. One method for developers to pay their fair share of these transportation impacts is through a Traffic Impact Fee (TIll') based on a proportionate share of traffic generation from new development. On October 24, 1994, the City Council authorized Staff to have a consultant prepare a Traffic Impact Fee Study for the Eastern Dublin General plan area. Barton-Aschman was subsequently hired to prepare this Study. The Study is now complete and ready for review by the City Council and the public. The Study covers three categories of transportation improvements: Category 1) category 2) Category 3) Developers within the Eastern General Plan and Specific Plan areas will be required to construct one half of the street fronting their development. All two-lane streets and the outside two lanes of all streets wider than two lanes will be funded directly by developers. The improvements in category 1 are the additional two or four lanes of four- or six-lane roads within the General Plan and Specific Plan areas (Tassajara Road, Hacienda Drive, Dublin Boulevard, transit spine, Gleason Drive and Fallon Road). Also included in this . , category are improvements to the Hacienda/I-SSO Interchange~ the Tassajara/I-580 Interchange, a bicycle path along Tassajara Creek, and the cost of the TIll' and street alignment studies. category 2 improvements are improvements Dublin but outside the Specific Plan and required for development of these areas. should be partially responsible based on which are within the City of General plan area which are Eastern Dublin Developers their new traffic impacts. Regional transportation improvements which are common to other jurisdictions within the Tri-Valley area for which Eastern Dublin developers would be partially responsible based on their new regional traffic impacts. The cost of the category 1 improvements was calculated by santina & Thompson to be $69,688,000. The total cost of the category 2 improvements for Eastern Dublin was ~;;~-;~~-~-------~;~;~-;;~--~:~;-:;-~:::~~:-------- City of San Ramon City of Livermore Town of Danville CITY CLERK FILE ~ ~ -~ , . calculated by Santina & Thompson to be $19,118,740. Barton-Aschman calculated the total cost of the Category 3 improvements for Eastern Dublin to be $10,414,000. The total of these three categories is $99,220,740. The specific improvements in each category are listed in the Barton-Aschman Study. The assumptions used in calculating the costs for category 1 and 2 improvements are set forth in the Santina & Thompson report. The improvements in categories 1, 2 and 3 are either required for the development of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan areas, assumed in the EIR, or serve as mitigation measures of the EIR. Barton-Aschman has determined that the total cost of the improvements be apportioned to new development on the basis of trips generated by different types of development. The proposed fees for these three categories of improvements attributable to residential and nonresidential development are: Single-family residential $3,160/unit (one to 14 units per acre) Multi-family residential $2,200/unit (more than 14 units per acre) Development other than residential $286 per trip The Study proposes allowing commercial developers trip reductions for pass-by trips. pass-by trips are those in which the driver is already on the roadway for another purpose, but sees the commercial business and decides to take advantage of the services, such as gas stations, convenience stores, fast foods, etc. The number of trips for each non-residential project would be categorized and calculated per the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) manual trip generation rate based on the specific land use. As an example of the fee calculation, the Homart project proposes 800,000 square feet of commercial development and they would pay slightly less than $5,040,000 as a TIll'. This translates to $6.30 per sf of building area. If the Council adopts a TIF, developers would not be precluded from paying for the cost of their road improvements and/or Traffic Impact Fees through assessment districts. Also, if a developer oversizes road improvements consistent with the improvements used in the impact fee calculation, he will be entitled to a credit against the TIll'. Staff has contacted other cities within the Tri-Valley area regarding their Traffic Impact Fees to make a comparison of other traffic fees to the magnitude of fees being recommended for Dublin. A summary of this information is shown in Exhibit 3. It was found to be difficult to compare other jurisdictions' fees with fees necessary to implement Dublin's Specific and General Plans because each City bases its needs on a different set of criteria. At the December 12, 1994, city council meeting, the public will be invited to present any comments they have regarding the Traffic Impact Fee. Formal public notice will be given for the December 27th Public Hearing, at which time the Council will be asked to consider adoption of a resolution imposing a TIll' for Eastern Dublin. Although not required, the December 12th meeting has been noticed as a public hearing so that interested persons who cannot attend the December 27th meeting may make comments which will be included as part of the public record. The property owners in Eastern Dublin have been notified of the two public hearings and have been given a copy of the report, as well as the backup cost estimates. It is anticipated that this fee will be reviewed on an annual basis and adjusted, if necessary, based on accumulated interest from loans, increases in cost estimates due to inflation, and actual costs of improvements being installed. Staff recommends that the city Council accept the Staff report, receive public comments and direct Staff to respond to the public comments and return back on December 27th to the City Council with the responses to public comments. At the December 27, 1994, City Council meeting, Staff will be recommending that the City Council adopt the Traffic Impact Fee by Resolution. a:agenda94\1212tif Page 2 .. . e . TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE EASTERN DUBLIN Prepared for City of Dublin Prepared by Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. November 1994 ~'/III ~,,~ ~~r-' E.~ ./,~, lW '" I::. ,.,' ,i.~ ..:' I r" .w "", i:. ,','. ~ ~~;,Jl~.~ ~ ic_~' j I _, · ~. '.. e e Contents Chapters Page 1 2 3 Introduction Traffic Impact Fee Approach Traffic Impact Fee Implementation 1 4 14 Appendix Tobles 2.1 Projected Land Uses in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan 2.2 Section 1 Fees: Eastern Dublin Responsibility 100 Percent 2--3 Section 2 Fees: Eastern DublinlDublin/Contra Costa County! Developer Responsibility 2-4 Section 3 Fees: Tri.Valley Jurisdiction Responsibility 6 10 12 13 Figures 1 Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area 3 11 So'- TIF 180'54233.01000 ~. . . e e 1 . Introduction The Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact fee is designed to pay for roadway and transit improvements necessitated by development associated with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment. These improvements include both the construction of new roadway facilities and the upgrade and improvement of existing facilities, including transit. The traffic and transportation impacts of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment areas are documented in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan General Plan Amendment EIR. Impacts were evaluated for the year 2010. In order to compare traffic impacts for the year 2010, certain arterial and regional roadway facilities and facility sizes were assumed. Impacts from land uses for all development in the Tri-Valley area, excluding the Eastern Dublin development, were compared with impacts from all development in the Tri-Valley area including the Eastern Dublin development. For any impact that was considered significant, mitigation measures were developed and included in the EIR. Impacts were considered significant if the Project would cause traffic operations to exceed Level of Service E on study freeway segments, if the Project would cause traffic operations to exceed Level of Service D at designated study intersections or, if the Project generated traffic that would cause significant safety hazards (from page 3.3-18 of the Specific Plan). The Eastern Dublin Impact Fee is designed to pay for the Projecfs proportional share of the assumed 2010 base network and for the roadway and transit improvement projects specified in the mitigation measures to the EIR. This report first describes existing conditions in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment areas and then lists the required network improvements from the Em. Barton~Aschman Associates, Inc. 1 ~. '. - e Introduction Existing Conditions The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area and General Plan Amendment area is shown on Figure 1. It does not include the area designated on the figure as Future Study Area Agriculture. The majority of the land in the area is presently undeveloped. Existing land uses in this area include some Camp Parks buildings, some Alameda County facilities, and a few low-density residential homes or ranches. Existing Transportation Network The existing transportation network in the Eastern. Dublin Specific Plan area and General Plan Amendment area is very sparse. Dublin Boulevard extends as two lanes from Dougherty Road to Tassajara Road. Tassajara Road is a two-lane roadway. Fallon Road and Doolan Road are two-lane local roadways that dead-end north of 1-580. There is no existing transit service in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area Year 2010 Network Assumptions The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan includes new and improved facilities in or near the Project area that would be built in conjunction with new development through year 2010. In addition to those facilities in or near the project area, the Specific Plan Em includes future transportation improvements in the entire Tri-Valley area for the year 2010 either as assumed background network or as project mitigation. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment area is expected to contribute to funding for these regional road and transit improvements. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 2 ell Gl < 01 l;; 'c l;; ell c:: "C Gl "C ll. l;; ~ <I: "')( :::E .C:: w w C IJl E a; ::l Gl -:n 0 5i ell ~ l.:l Ilt ..J $ " " .. ~ ~ 8 " ~ ~ <b 6 iJ ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ ~.~ U8 .g .~ ~ " L_~ ~i" c 880 ~"~c~.~ 'b-U'I c"fO m .,~~ ~E~~lIO i~~ --1.f::5'o~ca -0 G~<3u ~~~~3~ c lIO Z ~ I~~~o ~g~GB~ d .5 ~;l' i i o ! lC . E .c g . < g i D '" ." ." ~;I .~:~ tfE .. ~ <{ '" .. :> E ::J 0> [:;: " " ill ,. ~8g ffi ~ ~ ~_ ~~~~B Q ..!.. '2::I: (,l ffi ~ ~ .~ ~ ::) u') 421 i: 21 a.. ~ W ~ :r: ~~~(5)@<ID ~D. lll. OJ . Q. . '" ::L. :. ID .2 ~-g~ 111 ;>-. 0 u'J ~ 1:.1: '! -E "0 M~~~g ~.~8~~ 11'I u U Z ..c:: &@~~l o ~ i~ z ~ ~o( ill c:: Z ~ U5 ~H~W-~ (; e8<;;.lIL-..J" ~.~-~.2'- 1:: 8 ~gt)& cnca ~ <t::> ~ WC~ o ~ 0 " u U> E ~ :; z C\. ~ 0 o rtJ j::; l;J0m~ ~L:lWJ5 ill a: => f- -J => o 0: d <( i \ \ ) , I , '\ I \ , \ :....----.l...., ! I <Il ~ <.> <l: '" 0; ... .... '" '" ~ <.> ..; c ~ 0 .9 ~ '" " 3 ~ e l'! " .l'! - " $ E 8 ~ u 0 1I ;; ; ~ ~ ~ ,,~ lil 0( -Q. ~ 0( t; .~ o ~ 0: - ri :: ~ 11 o " " " ~ ~ ~ 'j .. e ~~ -g .g - '" ~ '" ~ ;a " " " ~ 0( ~~ "", E " :;; II ~~ E = o ~ U .. m S ~ ~ " :; * * * e e 2. Traffic Impact Fee Approach The transportation improvements specified in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and included as mitigation measures in the EIR were divided into three sections; (1) Improvements for which Eastern Dublin developments are responsible for 100 percent of the cost, (2) Improvements elsewhere in Dublin for which Eastern Dublin developments are partially responsible, and (3) Regional improvements for which all jurisdictions in the Tri-Valley area, including Eastern Dublin, are responsible. Description of the Project Eastern Dublin includes two development areas. The first includes only growth projected in the Specific Plan area, as shown on Figure 1. The second, called the Project, includes all the development in the first development scenario plus additional development in the General Plan Amendment area. The impact fee is designed to cover the Project development scenario. Land uses projected for this scenario include low-density, medium-density, medium.high density, and high.density residential, retail, office, industrial, school, and parks. Table 2-1 shows the amount of development by land use. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 4 . e Traffic Impact Fee Approach Table 2-1 Projected Land Uses in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Units Residential Low Density Medium Density Medium-High Density High Density 3,916 d.u.* 4,863 d.u. 2,680 d.u. 2,447 d.u. Non-Residential Retail Office Industrial School Park 4,415 ksf 3,952 ksf 1,370 ksf 9,731 students 258 acres Source: Memorandum from City Senior Planner, Dennis Carrington, November 29, 1994 d.u. - dwelling units Trip Generation Trip generation for the land use in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment area was projected based on trip generation rates that relate the type and size of a land use to the number of persons or vehicles traveling to or from the land use. The traffic generation rates used for the Eastern Dublin land uses were based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation and specific counts of traffic generation conducted by DKS Associates for the Specific Plan EIR. The rates were adjusted based on local conditions. Using the adjusted trip generation rates, the Project is expected to generate 423,787 daily vehicle trips. This number is reduced to 346,525 when pass-by trips are taken into account. Pass-by trips are comprised of vehicles that stop at certain land uses, such as restaurants and stores, while on the way to somewhere else. Since these trips are not new trips, but merely diverted trips, a pass-by reduction can be applied to the total number of trips generated by such uses. For the purposes of the traffic impact fee calculation, all retail land uses were assigned a pass-by reduction of 35 percent. The Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation gives a range of pass-by rates for retail development from 12 :percent to 89 percent. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 5 e e Traffic Impact Fee Approach Transportation Improvements The transportation improvements specified in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and mitigation measures in the EIR were divided into three sections; (1) Improvements for which Eastern Dublin developments are responsible for 100 percent of the cost, (2) Improvements elsewhere in Dublin for which Eastern Dublin developments are partially responsible, and (3) Regional improvements for which all jurisdictions in the Tri-Valley area, including Eastern Dublin, are responsible. The transportation improvements for each of the three sections are outlined below. Section I. Eastern Dublin Responsibility 100 Percent According to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and the Em, the following transportation improvements are needed for the development of the Specific Plan area and the General Plan Amendment area and should be funded solely by Eastern Dublin Development. 1. Dublin Boulevard. Extend and widen to six lanes from the Southern Pacific Right- of-way to Airway Boulevard (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on pages 1 and 2 of the DKS revised report from December 15, 1992 and mitigation measure 3.3/10). 2. Hacienda Drive. Widen and extend as four lanes from Dublin Boulevard to Gleason Drive and to six lanes from 1.580 to Dublin Boulevard (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on page 1 of the DKS revised report). 3. Hacienda/I-S80 Interchange Improvements (from mitigation measure Reimburse Alameda County for dedication of right-of-way and add a second left. turn lane to the eastbound off-ramp. This interchange was constructed by the City of Pleasanton with participation by the County for the funding but with no cost to Eastern Dublin. Becal,lse Eastern Dublin developers will benefit from the interchange as will developers to the south of the freeway, Eastern Dublin developers' proportional share of the additionalleft.tum lane is considered to be 100 percent. 4. Transit Spine. Construct four-lane road from Dublin Boulevard west of Hacienda Drive to Fallon Road (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on page 1 of the DKS revised report). 5. Gleason Drive. Construct new four-lane road from west of Hacienda Drive to Fallon Road (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on page 1 of the DKS revised report). (The Project does not require extension of Gleason Drive to Doolan Road due to no devlopment proposed in the future study area). Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 6 e e TraffIC Impact Fee Approach 6. Tassajam Road. Widen to four lanes over a six-lane right-of-way from Dublin Boulevard to the Contra Costa County Line, and to six lanes over an eight-lane right-of-way from Dublin Boulevard to 1-580 (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on page 1 of the DKS revised report and mitigation measure 3.3/14.0). 7. Tassajara 1 Santa Rita Road 11-580 Interchange. Modify and improve this interchange to provide northbound overpass approach as three through lanes and widen eastbound and westbound off-ramps to add turn lanes. The southbound overpass was constructed by the City of Pleasanton with no cost to Eastern Dublin. Because Eastern Dublin developers will benefit from the interchange 8S will developers to the south of the freeway, Eastern Dublin developers' proportionate share of these additional improvements is 100 percent (from mitigation measures 3.318.0 and 3.3/9.0). 8. Fallon Road. Extend to Tassajara Road, widen to four lanes over a six-lane right- of-way from 1-580 to Tassajara Road (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on page 1 of the DKS revised report). 9. Bicycle Path along Tassajara Creek (from mitigation measure 3.3116.0). 10. T1F Study. The study is to establish the required traffic impact fee. 11. Street Alignment Study. The study required to specify the exact street alignments in the Eastern Dublin area. Section II. Dublin Projects with Partial Eastern Dublin Developer Responsibility The second section of transportation improvements, also specified in the Eastern Dublin Em, are in or near Dublin and according to the EIR should be partially funded by Eastern Dublin development. 1. Dublin Boulevard. Widen Dublin Boulevard to six lanes from Village Parkway to the Southern Pacific Right-of-Way (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on pages 1 and 2 of the DKS revised report and mitigation measures 3.3/2.1 and 3.3110.0). All new developments in Dublin, including Eastern Dublin, will share funding responsibility. 2. Scarlett Drive (Southern Pacifk Right-of-Way Connector). Construct a new four- lane street from Dublin Boulevard to Dougherty Road (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on page 3 of the DKS revised report). All new developments in Dublin, including Eastern Dublin, will share funding responsibility. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 7 e e TraffIC Impact Fee Approach 3. Dougherty Road. Widen to six lanes from north of 1-580 to Contra Costa County Limits (from the Em future road improvement assumptions on page 2 of the DKS revised report and mitigation measure 3.3/6.0). The cost for this project should be shared by all City of Dublin new development, including Eastern Dublin, and Contra Costa County new development. 4. I-580/Fallon/El Charro Interchange Upgrade. Improve the interchange (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on page 2 of the DKS revised report and mitigation measure 3.3/12.0). If not for the interchange's use by trucks from the quarry/gravel pit, the interchange improvements would be less expensive. However, the use by trucks will necessitate extra improvements and will increase the cost of construction. The addded increment of cost should be the sole responsibility of the the quarry/gravel pit developer, since no other developer will be benefitting from these extra improvements. The remaining cost of this interchange will be divided proportionately among the Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton, and Contra Costa County. 5. Airway /1-580. Replace and improve this interchange (from mitigation measure 3.3/11.0). The cost of improving this interchange should be divided among the Eastern Dublin, Contra Costa County, and Livermore developers. Section III. Tri-Valley Jurisdiction Regional Responsibility The third section includes regional transportation improvements for which all jurisdictions in the Tri-Valley area, including Eastern Dublin. are responsible. Development within Eastern Dublin will only be responsible for its estimated proportionate contribution to the impacts creating the need for such improvements. These transportation improvements from the EIR are as follows: 1. 1-580/1-680 Interchange. Southbound-to-eastbound flyover and Dublin hook ramps (from the Em future road improvement assumptions on page 2 of the DKS revised report and mitigation measure 3..314.0). 2. 1-580 Auxiliary Lanes. Tassajara to "East of Airway" assumed to be North Livermore Avenue (from mitigation measures 3.311.0. 3.3/3.0. and 3.315.0). 3. Route 84. Build as a four.lane highway on the Isabel alignment from 1-680 to 1.580. including a new interchange at SR 84/1-580 (from the EIR future road improvement assumptions on page 3 of the DKS revised report). 4. Improve Transit Services (see item No. 3.3115.0-.3). Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 8 -- e Traffic Impact Fee Approach Other Improvement Responsibility There are some improvements specified in the EIR that are not included in the three sections above. These improvements are: 1. 1.680 HOV Lanes between Rudgear Road and 1-580 2. North Canyons Parkway extended to Vasco Road.. 3. Bollinger Canyon Road extended as a four~lane arterial to Dougherty Road. 4. 1~580 improvements widen to eight lanes plus two auxiliary lanes between 1~680 and Tassajara Road.. 5. Other local improvements in San Ramon, Pleasanton, and Livermore south of 1-580 consistent with adopted general plan circulation elements. The 1-680 HOV lanes are already under construction. The North Canyon Parkway projects will be the sole responsibility of the City of Livermore. The City of Livermore will not participate in sharing the cost of improvements in the City of Dublin's road system and vice versa Bollinger Canyon Road and other projects located exclusively in other Trl-Valley jurisdictions will be the responsibility of those jurisdictions. The 1~580 auxiliary lanes will be constructed as part of the BART and 1-580/1-680 flyover projects. The Tassajara Connection is not warranted by year 2010, beyond that it is the responsibility of Contra Costa County developers. Cost for Improvements The costs for interchanges, roadway systems and studies for the first two categories of improvements were calculated by the City of Dublin's consultant (Santina and Thompson) or City of Livermore. These roadway cost estimates were prepared based on the premise that within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area and General Plan Amendment area, developers adjacent to the road would be directly responsible for the parkway and 20 feet of roadway improvements (next to the parkway), including right- of-way dedication for this area, essentially creating a two-lane access road. The developer will also be responsible for any turn~lanes into the project site. The impact fee will cover the cost of building the necessary roadway width beyond the minimum two-lane cross-section. The additional width is needed to serve the traffic of all Eastern Dublin development. Costs for regional transportation improvements have been developed by Barton- Aschman Associates, Inc. as part of the Tri-Valley Transportation Plan/Action Plan. The costs for roadway improvements are shown in Tables 2-3, 2-4, and 2-5. Barton~Aschman Associates. Inc. 9 e e Traffic Impact Fee Approach Determination of Traffic Impact Fees The traffic impact fee is calculated by dividing the Eastern Dublin percent share of the total cost of the specified improvements by the total number of daily trips generated by Eastern Dublin development. For section one improvements Eastern Dublin developments are responsible for 100 percent of the costs. Table 2-2 lists the improvements, cost of improvements, and the impact fee for section one. For the improvements in Section II, the responsibility for improvement costs should be apportioned among the identified jurisdictions based on their estimated percentage contributions to the impacts creating the need for the improvements. The percentage of non-participating jurisdictions and through traffic will be deducted from the total percentage and the remainder proportionately divided among the paying jurisdictions. The percentage share for section two was determined in a three-step process. First, the Tri-Valley Transportation Model was used to determine the amount of traffic from the responsible jurisdictions that are projected to be using the improved facilities based on PM peak-hour forecasts using the 2010 expected land use. Then the relative percent of new growth attributable to the responsible jurisdictions was calculated. Finally, the relative percentage was adjusted based on the percentage share of new development for each responsible jurisdiction, using a weighted average method. Table 2-3 lists the roadway improvements, the adjusted percent responsibility by jurisdiction, the improvement cost, and the cost by jurisdiction. For the regional improvements, the responsibility for improvement costs should be apportioned among all the Tri- Valley jurisdictions based on their estimated percentage contributions to the impacts creating the need for the improvements. The percentage share for section three was determined in a similar process as section two. First, the Tri-Valley Transportation Year 2010 PM Peak-Hour Model was used to determine the amount of traffic from Dublin, Eastern Dublin, Livermore, North Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon, Danville, Dougherty Valley, and TassfQara Valley, which are projected to be using the improved facilities. Then the relative percentage of new growth attributable to the responsible jurisdictions was calculated. Finally, the relative percentage was adjusted based on the percentage share of new development for each responsible jurisdiction, using a weighted average method. Table 2-4 lists the roadway improvements, the adjusted percent responsibility by jurisdiction, the improvement cost, and the cost by jurisdiction. Barlon-Aschman Associates, Inc. 10 e e Traffic Impact Fee Approach Table 2-2 Section 1 Fees: Eastern Dublin Responsibility 100 Percent Segment/Improvement Cost Estimate Dublin Boulevard Southern Pacific Alght.of~Way to Airway Boulevard $27,032,000 Hacienda Drive Gleason to Dublin (four lanes) Dublin to 1-580 (six lanes) $5,488,000 Hacienda Drlvell-saO Improvements Transit Spine Dublin w/o Hacienda to Fallon (four lanes) Gleason Drive w/o Hacienda to Fallon (four lanes) Tassajara Road Dublin Boulevard to Contra Costa County (four lanes/six.lane right~f-way) Dublin Boulevard to 1.580 (six lanesleighHane right-of-way) $4,056,000 $11,193,000 $6,283,000 $4,279,000 Tassajara/I-sao Interchange Fallon Road 1-580 to Tassajara (four lane/six-lane right.of-way) Tassajara Creek Bicycle Path Traffic Impact Fee (nF) Study Street Alignment Study Subtotal of COsts Total Number of Daily Trips CostlTrlp $5,600,000 $4,430,000 $1,008,000 $18,000 $301,000 $69,688,000 346,525 $201 The total cost per trip for all three types of improvements is $286; for Section I, $201; for Section II, $55; and for Section III, $30. The total cost for each type of development can be calculated based on the number of trips generated by that type of development. By dividing the development into residential and non-residential development it is possible to separate the costs due to the different types of developments. The total number of trips generated by the residential development included in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan is 136,674 trips. This number includes trips generated by schools and 85 percent of those generated by parks, which are made necessary by the residential development. The remaining 15 percent of park trips are attributed to office land use. The total number of trips generated by the non-residential development, including a 35 percent reduction for the retail trips, is 209,851. The total cost incurred by the residential development is then $39,092,900 and the total cost incurred by the non-residential development is $60,127,800. By dividing the total cost Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc. 11 e e Traffic Impact Fee Approach incurred by the total number of residential units and total non.residential square footage a cost per unit or a cost per square foot can be obtained. With the 8,779 single- family residential units, and the 5,127 multi-family residential units specified by the Specific Plan and General Plan Amendment, the approximate cost per residential unit is $3,160, and the approximate cost per multi-family residential unit is $2,200. This breaks down to a cost for Section I of $2,220, Section II of $600, and Section III of $340 for single-family residential units. For multi-family residential units, the section breakdown is Section I, $1,550, Section II, $420, and Section III, $230. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 12 c:: oe g 0 8 0 0 (II't ~ (II't 0 s 0 0 c:: . 0 <::> III ~ CD CD ~c <'!. <'!. at ;; ;; lr at 0 0 0 0 0 8 ~ ~ (II't (II't ~ 0 0 0 0 0 .a 0 ~ ,... 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Trip generation calculations for individual types of land use will be done on a project by project basis. The City of Dublin will be responsible for calculating appropriate development-specific trip generation rates, based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation, and on local trip generation data. This will result in some variation from the general rates based on the mix of development. For example, multi- family housing generates fewer trips than single. family housing and therefore has a rate of $2,200 which is lower than the single family rate of $3,160. Developers will receive credit for portions of the fee network that they build and for the dedication of right-of.way needed for the completion of the fee network. Credit will not be given for any roadway construction required solely by the project, such as a right-turn lane into the project site that is only used by project patrons or residents. Certain land uses, such as parks and schools are exempt from the traffic impact fee. Their cost of the roadway fee network is absorbed by the residential and office development that necessitates the need for such facilities. Public facility land uses, such as post offices, city buildings and libraries are also exempt. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 15 e e Traffic Impact Fee Implementation Updating the Traffic Fee The traffic impact fee may need to be updated for a variety of reasons including; negotiated changes to the proportional cost shares between Dublin and Contra Costa County, changes to the land use mix specified in the Specific Plan, changes in the construction and land costs, or adoption of a regional traffic impact fee by the Tri- Valley Transportation Council. Barlon-Aschman Associates, Inc. 16 ,.11 '11I-' e Appendix e e . General Trip Generation Rates Used for Calculation of Fee Land Use Rate Residential High Density Medium-High Density Medium Density Low Density Rural Residential Non~Residentlal Retail Office Industrial SChool Parks 7 trips/unit 7 trips/unit 1 0 trips/unit 10 trips/unit 10 trips/unit 50 trips/ksf 5 trips/ksf 5 tripslksf 1.2 trips/student 6 trips/acre e TIF Roadway estimates, City of Dublin created 8/25/94 Print.~: 12/ 2 REPORT OF ROADWAY COSTS by Santina & Thompson - 12/ 2/1994 4: 22: 26 F:-I ~===:========:_=========-====::;:====:====:=:=:===:===~:====:: Dougherty Road, Sesment 1; 4300 feet; 118 RO~ City limits to Amacor Valley (~IDE~ING) 1/2 improvements exist, sallcut and exter~ Civil Improvements at $530 per LF Signals lJi II 011 Creek . Amador Valley Right of way none City aemin, .ce'S.lsri; c.r:1~ rOil acqtln,20.0~ iotal with 10% contingency (0 on ad~in) 52279000 $1200CO $;OOCO SO 5497S00 ~_._.....~.-.-_._~......._._.---.-._._._---_...--*..~........- S3235700 Ocu;~erty Road, Seg~ent 2; 4250 feet; 118 RC~ Valley to Huston Place (WIOE~rHG) 1/2 improvements exis:, sawcut and extend Civil Iw.provements at 5530 pet LF Signals none Right of way '0 x 440 x S18, SP right of way 920 x 8 x SiB, near Huston Place City admin, cesign, em, row ac~:'n,2~.C% Total with ~O% eentingency (0 on acmin) 52252:CC S3163CO 513241:0 551.0356 ..__.~_._..~.______~__.__w_~._..__...______.........._~........ 53512314 Dougherty Road, Segment 3; rt hand tWin H~ston Place to Dublin Boulevard (900') Rt turn pocket onlYi all other Improvements ere dcne civil Imprevemts, 8 x 300 '"lay ar:d CEMO, LS (city) Signal, City ad~in, cesign, em, row aCGt'n,20.0~ iotal with 10% centln;ency (0 on aOnin) $33600 S10CeOO so 525720 .....~4_~._____.._.....~~__..___"'_____.._____P_.__............ sii3eac Cougherty read; Se;~ent _4; 3000 Cublin Blve to north of 1580 eff-ramp ....iden roedway Civil Improvements, LS Signa l modi fi-c:"31:;t:n - Right of way, LS; ;ncl DEMO City aernin, cesi;n, em, row acqt'n,20.0% iotal with 20% contingency (0 on aemin) 5200COO SO 5~COOOCO 5240000 ...--_..._--_...._....-.~_._------_.._--_._...._-_............- 51680000 Cousherty Rd (w/out. freeway interchange) S8,602,000 (~ote that the city of San Ramon and Contra Costa County are Respensible for that portion of Dougherty Rd frem the City Limits north to Ole Ranch Road) , ...... - -.. -..... -. - - -......... - ............... -- --.... ~.~.. .-----. ...... ......... ...-... .-. TiF so ~~;i~ ~<Jj1'?:.~~,p ~;\" .~. ;'i }-.j '~.'. 'j~.. ,~""'''''' .....~ 9._,.~,'~ :.;~ ' , ~., :'.1 " ~:I-' ~~'\I ~~. ~t~ .~..~ .:':rl . '~1 ~. ~U 'u<lJ,o.;-" 'oll · 2. e . . Dublin Boulevard, Segment 5; 2200; 108 RO~ Village Pkw to Sierra Court (UIDEN!NG) As subnitted to Ca.l.trans Civil Improvemets at 300 per If Bridge widening RO~ and Demo; have 100,need 108 City admin, design, crn, r~w acqt'n,20.0~ Te:al with 10% contingency (0 cn admin) $1 million credit for ISTEA contribution ~et total for this ses~ent - $442308 5205769 5221154 $1731!46 51130COO $-10000CO 5130000 ~~~....4________~__..____.___._P__..__...._________.~.....---- D~blin Boulevard, Segment 6; 2030; 108 RC~ Sierra Court to Dougherty Rd (UIDcSING) future improvements will be similar to segments Civil Imprcvemets at 300 per lf . Signals Sierra Lane, civic, ~~dification Oublin Ccurt, medificaticn Oougherty, wi civil i~p Right of waY,a*S18+100k demo City admin, design, cm, ro~ acqt'n,20.0~ ictal with 10% c~ntin~c?(O cn a~~in) 3 and 4 5609000 - S75CCO 5750CO 5210000 5392320 5272264 .._---...._-~-_.-..._.---.-._..._-_.._....-------~-_.........- 5.769716 Dublin Bculevard ext,' Segment 7; 1700; 126 RCW Ccu9~erty to SP RC~; 300 ft ccmpleted; 1400 ft 507. complete Future improvements.cnly in esti~~te civil Improverr.ents at S7CO,0~C Right of ,,"'ay Bart Load of S2.821M Sisnals with other streets, see ses 5 City ad~in, cesign, em, r:w ac~t'n,20.C~ Total with 107. contingency (0 en a=~in) $364000 SO $2821000 S:J 56370Ce S':'140500 ~--_.~~._-._~....---_..__.-_..__.-_._--_..-----~_.._--......-- 56,040,00:J D~~lin Boulevard Tctal(to SP Rcfw) ...---.......-.....-----....--.....--.---......---.....--_.... Ou=lin Soulevard ext, Segment 8; 4750; 126 RO~ SF RC~ to Hacienda Imprcved on each side of existin; roadway (widened acout el) Civil Improve~ets at BOO per If 52850COO Sigr:als Hacienda, new,: major Interi~ sig, new (road un~nown) Spine intersection, new Interim sig, new (road unknown) Right of way,126*57 + 200~ de~o 53292125 City admin, design, cm, rcw acqt'n,20.0~ 51312425 (Ir:cludes Alameda Co. R/W Costs & City of Pleasanton Loan) Tctal with 10~ contingency (0 en ac~in) 58530762 $.70000 512500C 5125000 ._._.._.__.._._-_.*...~.~.._.--_..__.-----_.._.-.__....----... Cublin Boulevard, Segment 9, 5600i 126 R~ Hacienda to Tassajara Road Improved on each si~e~f existing roadway (wider:ed about eL) Civil Improvemets at 800 per If 5224CCOO Signals Tassajara new, major Bridge, $120*'00*55' Right of way,126*S7'+ Ok d~~o City admirl, design, :cm, rowaeqt'n,20.0X (COStS Include City of Pleasanton Loan) Total with 10% contingency (0 en ec~in) $170000 53630CO 52469600 S1048520 56815380 e Dublin Boulevard, Segment 10, 6200; 126 .RC~ Tassajara Rd to Fallon All new roadway included Civil Improvemets at 800 per lf SIgnals. Fallon new, major Right of way.126*$1.25+0k deme City admin. design, cm, row.acqt'n,20,O% Total with 20Y. contingency (0 on ac~in) Dublin Boulevard ext, Se;~ent 11, 9250; 126 ROW Fallon Rd to Airway All new roadway included civil Improvemets at 800 per lf Signals Airway Blvd, major Gleason, major Bridge, 580*100*100 Right of way,126*S1.25 + Ok demo City admin. design, em, row acqt"n,20.0% Total with 20ro contingency (0 on a~min) e $2480000 $170000 548a250 $027650 S4393550 53700000 S1700CO Si70000 S~4COOO 572~3a Si041683 $7291813 ...--_._-..--_......~~...~----~----..._---~...~._............- S27,032,OOO Dublin Blvd Ext, (w/out freeway interohange) FR:E~AY INTERCHANG:, Dublin Boulevard Extension with I seo; segment 12 All new interchange Civil Improve~ents, Ramps Signals Right of ~ay City admin, design. cm, row acqt"n,20.0/. Tctal with 20% contingency (0 en Be"in) 5265COOO 5107143 S100CO~ 5571429 $4fOOPCO ._-----_...._-_._.....--_._..__.~-......_----_._._............ Hacienda, Segment 13, 1500; 126 ROw 1550 (not incl Interchange) to D~blin Blvd I~;roved on each side of existing rced~ay (widened a:out C~) Civil Im~roverr.ets at 800 per If s6coooe Signals, ir.ol wi 6 & 25 $0 Right of way, 126*$7 + Ok demo 5661500 City admin, design, c~, ro~ acqt'n,20.0~ $252300 Tctal with 20% ccntingency (0 on a~":n) .._.._.~_.~_~.______..___..6..._.__________._.._.______._.._._ $1766100 Hac;e~a, Segment 14. 4400; 102 RC~ Gleason to Oublin Slvd ext All new roadway Included Civil Improvemets at 650 ~e~ lf Signals Transit Spine, major Gleasen, major Risht of way,102*$7 + 100k deT~ City admin, design. c~, row acqt'n,20.0~ Total with 20X contingency (0 on admin) S10e6S0D so 5170000 5170COO $123:8C8 $531722 53722051 Hacienda Rd Tot~l (w/out freeway interchange) _.~--~--_.__._------_._--_.-.._..--_.._-_....._--_...~~_._-_.- 55,488,000 -----...--.-----------------------------.---------.-.-..._---. e , .. - FREEWAY INTERCHANGE, Hacienda Road with I 580, Segment 15 ~lcen offramp and modify signal (Loan am't built prior) civil Improvements, lS Signal modification Alameda County $3.762H loan (inel int'st City admin, design, em, row aeqt'n,20.0X total $0 $0 $3762000 $294000 $4056000 Transit Spine, Ses~en: 16, 3130; 102 RO~ Dublin Blvd ext to H~oienda (Camp Parks is on be:h siees of roaeway) Improved on each side of existing roadway (wieened about Ct) Civil lmprcve~ets at 650 per If s1403a05 Signals Future Road, 7 Right of way,102*S7 + lOOk cemo City admin, design, cm, row acqt'n,20.0% iotal with 20ro ccntingency (0 en admin) Transit spine, Segment 17, 5600; 102 RC~ Haoienda to Tassajara A II new roaeway civil Improveme:s at 650 per If Signals, see 11 and 20 Right of way, 102.$7 + 100k demo City admin, design, em, row aoqt"n,20.0% iotal with 20% ccntingency (0 on acmin) Transi: Spine, Seg~e~: 18, 6200; 102 RC~ Tassajara to Falle~ A II new roadway Civil I~~rovemets at 650 per If Signals, see 20 and 23 Right of way,1C2*Sl.25 + lOOk cemo city ad~in, design, cm, rew aeqt'n,20.07. Tctal with 20% eontin;er~y (0 en ed~in) ira~sit Spine Roaeway Total Gleascn, Segment 19, 7000; 102 RC~ 1500 ft west of Ha~ienda to Tassejara 1/2 Improvements exist, sawcut and extend Civil Imprcve~ets at 350 Fer If Signals, see 11 and 20 ~ight of way, 102*$7 + lOOk ce~o City aemin, cesi,n, C~, r~w aeqt'n.20.0~ S170000 51611026 S636966 54458763 Si383200 SO 51557392 ssaa 118 S41i6a29 51531400 SO 5:3::2390 5373958 526177c6 511,193,000 Sc81000 SO $1937240 $52.3648 iotal with 20% contingency (0 on acmin) 53665536 ........................................................(..... e Gleason, Segment 20, 6200; 102 ROV Tassajara to Fallon Al I new roadway Civq.lmproverr.ets at 650 per If Signals, see 20 and 23 Right of way,102*S1.25 + 100k demo city admin, design, em, row acqt'n,20.0% Total with 20% contingency (0 on admin) - 51531400 $0 5338390 S373958 S261nC6 Gleeson Roadway Total $6,283,000 (Sote, the portion of Gleason Road from Fallon Read to Donlard Road is not included because no development is pro~osed for Donlan Canyon as part of the Dublin General Plan A~e~~nt) Scarlet OR Segment 21, 2400; 102 RCW Dougherty Rd to Dublin Blvd ext A l I new roadway Civil l~~rovemets at 650 per If Signals Dcugherty, major Dubl in, major R.~ uti I ities 7 Bridge, 58C*100~90 Right of way,102.S7 . 10Ck c~~o City admin, design, c~, rcwaeqt'n,20.0% Total with 20% contingency (0 on admin) Tassajara Rd. Segment 22, 8250; 126 ROV City li~its to Gleason A I I ne\ol roadway Civil Irr.provemets at 53C Fer If Signals Fallon Gleason, majcr Right of way,126wS7*5C%. 100< de~o City admin, design, em, row ae~t'n,20.0% Total with 20~ oontingency (0 en ad~in) Tassajara Rd. Segment 23, 4400; 126 ROW Gleason to Dublin Blvd. A l I new roadway civil I~~rovemet$ at 800 per If Signals iransit Spine, Major Gleeson, see 19 Right of way,126*$7*48%+ 100k demo City admin, cesign, em, rew acqt1n,20.0% Total wit~ 20% continsency (0 en ac~in) SiS60CCO 5170000 51700CO SC S720COO S.8136CO 5286720 $6,207,000 5i797:CO so so SO S3S$:CC 52516S00 sa800CO S8S000 SO SO s.93000 S1351000 . . e . Tassajara'Rd. Se9ment 24, 1000: 150 R~ Quclin Blvd ext to 1580; (not incl interchange) Existing pavement unusable; all new roadway ~ivil Improvrn'ts at 900, short, at fwy Signats; see 21 ar~ 7 Right of way,150*$7*47% + 100~ demo city admin, design, cm, rcw acqt'n,20.0X Total with 20h contingency (0 on admin) . S270000 so S23740 $58748 54 i 1236 _...__.._...__.___~.~___~.__..~__.~___._.______.__.__..._6..._ 54,279,000 _____...____._.__.._~__.____._____.______.__M__.___._..__6.___ Tassajara Rd. Segment 25, at Freeway, intersecticn Freeway interchange 1/2 of Interchange exists civil Imprcvew,ents, Ramps Signals Right of Way city admin, design, c~, row acqt'n,20.0~ Tctal with 20X ccntingency (0 en eemin) 53700000 5300000 $0 5800000 .....--...-......---......-----....-......-......--....--_.... 55600000 Fallen Rd. Seg~~nt 26, 16000; 126 RO~ Tessajara to Oublin Blvd ext All new roadway civil lmprcve",ets at eao per If Signals Gleason Transit Spine Right of way,126*$1.25+ 1CO( d~ City admin, design, c~, row acqt'n,20.0r. Tctal with 20% contingency (0 en ad~jn) 5216000C 58500C 585000 5452250 5556l.50 ...-.--.....----..---.--....---...--..........---.-...--...... 53895150 Fallon Rd. Seg~e~: 27, 1500; 126 RC~ Du=lin Blvd ext to north of 1580 All new roadway, in~l~de interchan;e civil Imprcve~ets at 800 per If Signals see se<;mem 8 no free~ay interchange or fw signals Right of way,126-S1.25+ 1CO~ de~ City aemin, eesi<;n, c~, row a:qt'n,20.0~ Tctal with 20~ contingency (0 cn a~~in) 53COOCC 50 SO 584063 S76813 55376e8 __..M..._._._.__-...._-..--...--.._.._~-_.___--..M............ 54,430,000 ..._....---_.-_..~._...-_.~_._.._-_.....~.__._..._............ Fallen & 1580 Freeway Interchange with signals; freeway interchange, incl sisnals Right of way City admin, design, em, rcw Bcqt1n,20.0X Total with 20~ ccntingency (0 on acinin) Segment 28 57500000 SC Si 500000 .___.~._._.___._.__~_.__w~___..___~~____~___~.__.._.....-....- 510,500,00C . C/J W .... o (ij ...J ...J < > I 0:: .... 0:: o u. C/J W W u. .... o < c.. :2 - o u. u. < a: .... - W a: o 2 a: W > ::J ooenO> 00~"O ccil!iv..o U') t-- 0 -0 en~ - - - ~~ (/) 00 I- Q) a. - ..... 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