HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 RulesFillingCouncilVac (2) /.. . . CITY.OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY C01DlCIL HEftING DATE: November 28, 1994 SUBJBCII: Amendment to Council Rules related to filling Council vacancies (Prepared by Elizabeth Silver, City Attorney) EJUjIIIAi'FS ATTACHED: ~ Government Code section 36512 Rl!l:OIfMEJIlDATION:", . ~ Discuss and consider and provide appropriate I{N' direction. FlNAfiCIAL STATEMENT: None DESCRIPTION: Councilmember Moffatt has requested that the Cmuncil consider an amendment to the Council's Rules of Conduct to provide that when a vacancy exists on the Council, the remaining councilmembers will only consider the appointment of a replacement at ac meeting at which all four remaining councilmembers are present. Government Code Section 36512, SUbdivision (b) provides that the council shall, within 30 days of a vacancy, fill the vacancy by appointment or call a special election. section 36512, subdivision (c) provides a third option which requires the adoption of an ordinance which could provide for a special election with an appointment being made on an interim basis. Government Code Section 36512 does not preclude a city council from establishing its own internal rules regarding the method of filling council vacancies as long as the rules are not inconsistent with Section 36512. If the Council adopted an amendment to its rules as proposed by em. Moffatt, it would not restrict the Council's ability to call a special election to fill the vacancy or to adopt an ordinance pursuant to Section 36512, subdivision (0) at a meeting at which all Councilmembers are not present. A new Paragraph 18 would need to be added to page 8 of the Council's current rules of conduct as follows: "18. COUNCILMEMBER VACANCIES When a vacancy occurs in the office of Councilmember and the cmuncil. determines to consider filling the vacancy by appointment, the CnmnciI.wil1 make such appointment only at a meeting at which all r.:emainilIg' councilmembers (including the Mayor) are present. This rule stmLU nmt preclude the Council from calling a special election to fill t~ ~cmncw or from adopting an ordinance to fill the vacancy pursuant tra Gm~mnnert: Code Section 36512 at a meeting at which one of the retr\-B.d:ixnLmJ] Ctmncilmembers (including the Mayor) is absent. II ., ITEM NO. 8.2 COPIES TO: C IT Y C L E RK FILE I 161 /'o~ol .c:l"'o l;a"'g"t:l bO .-l. >>tl.<: tl.Ei ~O S;J:!:J:!iQ c:lZ .... il-s "-ll e,o, OtU~'J..4 ~ ~~.Ec2 lE'1il~-5bO 0'g.!.'l:E:B -ll] ~~.~ 'C>ti~~ s::..... @..Q 0 01 ~ I:: b05 ~ 1l ~ .5 .~ 5S...fJ~ olEa~e >'0:9 bOg 13 ~ ~ <~ g ~1l g:8 U '" 'iil:;J " >> 01 .<::;J '" :0 be '" ~3 01 .~ .~ ~ ~ iall];:::~ co (1) C 3 3a-be"" :;J.!!l.S I:: ;!:!:;JgiE.9 ~ 8.~Q)"tl llfii~5~ .<:....s- 5 if;~ e.~ "" e.::I,.r::: Q-4 Q) ~g-;; ~~ Q)C!;~.g~ ,. I:: 0 ....15 ~ '0:3 a::: 0 Cl ~JJ~ a~ 8 ol3~5>> Eo< 'ol~~j~ Z 5" 5'" U ~ gj~;"ga ~ '3""8~~g >l:: g-] ~ ~ 0:E! ~ p::ol I::a"' > ;,.~ "" o gOi!11 ~~ co ~~Q3~~ ~ Cl o u ~ ~ ::s Z >l:: ~ o t.:l ~ o 10 ~ ~ c.oo ., U s:; Qj "t:l .; Qj .. s:; o s:; s:; o Co " t' B ., :- ;,; s:; .S! B !5 OJ ::l 0' ;: Qj .. ::l ~ .. .... .. o ..>d .. 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