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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.2 SwimCtrSnackBar (2) " i . . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 11, 1994 Request from Dublin swim Team Parent's Committee to build a snack bar at the Dublin swim Center. Report by Diane Lowart, Recreation Director ~snack Bar Proposal 1. Consider request to construct a snack bar by the Dublin Swim Team Parent's Committee subject to approval from the Dublin Unified School District. 2. upon approval from the School District, authorize an additional appropriation from the contingent Reserve in an amount not to exceed $2,100. Approximate cost to city: $1,700 - $2,100 PluS administrative costs associated with coordinating the project and construction. DESCRIPTION : One of the summer aquatics programs sponsored by the city's Recreation Department is a recreational swim team for youth ages 5-18. The Dublin IIGreen Gatorsll participate in the Tri-Valley Swim League and registration for the current season has reached an all time high of 110 swimmers. SUBJECT : EXHIBITS ATTACHED : RECOMMENDATION ~ ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT As with other youth sports activities, parent participation in the swim team is essential for a successful program. Parents assist with the operation of both home and away swim meets by serving as scorekeepers, stroke and turn judges, starters, timers and runners. In addition, at home swim meets the host team is expected to operate a snack bar so the parents also coordinate the operation of a snack bar for home swim meets. In addition to parent assistance at swim meets, swim Team parent volunteers operate a snack bar at the Dublin Swim Center during summer recreational swimming. As there is not a separate building for the snack bar, snacks are sold from a table on the pool deck and sodas are available from a machine. The parents purchase the supplies and staff the snack bar and the revenue generated from sales at the snack bar is typically used for swim team family activities and end-of-the-season awards. During the past season, the parents organized the Dublin swim Team Parents' Committee with elected officers and bylaws. The committee is pursuing non-profit status and one of their goals is to generate funds to help offset the city's cost of the swim team program. Attached is a proposal from the Committee to build a free standing snack bar at the Dublin swim center. As stated in the proposal, the expanded snack bar facility would enable the parents to concentrate on generating the funds needed to strengthen the swim team program. Distribution of the proceeds from the snack bar would be agreed upon between the Parents' Committee and the city prior to the beginning of each season. The approximate cost of the project excluding the foundation is $1,500 and the parents plan to use volunteer labor to construct the building. The estimated cost to the city to construct a concrete foundation and walkway is $1,700 $2,100. As funds were not budgeted for this project in the Fiscal Year 1994-95, a transfer from the Contingent Reserve would be necessary should the city Council approve the project. :=-::~5a-------::::::-:~--;;:~;~;:;;;:i;~;;:;;;;:::: CITY CLERK FILE~ . . The Parks and Recreation commission considered the Dublin swim Team Parent's Committee at their June After a review of the preliminary plans for Commission was in favor of granting permission snackbar. request from the 14, 1994 meeting. the snackbar, the to construct the staff has reviewed the preliminary plans for the snackbar and believes that the construction of the snackbar can be accomplished by parent's Committee volunteers. The city has previously approved similar volunteer projects with the Dublin-San Ramon Lions Club (handicapped playground) and Dublin Little League (scorebooths and batting cages). In the case of these projects, the city entered into a wrltten agreement with the groups which outlined the responsibilities of each party. However, as the Dublin Swim Team Parent's Committee consists of a group of parent volunteers who are not a recognized non-profit organization, it is not possible to enter into an agreement of this nature. If the city council is in favor of pursuing the construction of the snack bar using parent volunteers, the city could sponsor the project utilizing the labor and materials supplied by the parent volunteers. Upon completion, the City would accept the improvements as a gift. In order to limit the liability to the cit~, each volunteer would be required to sign a volunteer Liability Walver and Release Form. It should be noted that the City of Dublin does not own the property on which the swimming pool and bathhouse are located. This property is owned by the Dublin Unified School District and, per the original agreement dated March 21, 1972 between the Amador Valley Joint union High school District and the Dublin-San Ramon Services District, any improvements installed on the premises must be approved by the School District's Board of Trustees. The interests of this agreement were subsequently assigned to the city of Dublin in 1988 and to the Dublin Unified School District at the time of unification. Consequently it will be necessary to obtain School District approval prior to commencing with construction. Staff would recommend that the city council take the following action: 1. consider the request to approve construction of a snack bar at the Dublin swim Center by the Dublin swim Team Parent's committee subject to approval from the Dublin Unified School District. 2. Upon approval from the School District, authorize an additional appropriation from the Contingent Reserve not to exceed $2,100 for the construction of the foundation and walkways. / . . DUBLIN SWIM CENTER SNACK BAR PROPOSAL The Dublin Swim Team Parents' Committee respectively submits the following proposal for the consttuction of a free standing snack bar at the Dublin Swim Center. The Parents' Committee's primary fimction is fund raising for the ongoing financial needs of the summer swim team. The recreation director and Parents' Committee will come to an agreement in writing prior to each season as to the dis1ribution of proceeds. The snack bar will be located in one of two area: 1. To the left of the dOO1way as you exit the swim center building into the pool area. This location will require minimal work for the fowulation. 2. To the right of the doorway as you exit the swim center building to the pool area. The grass area closest to the main building and adjacent to the pwnp room. This location will require a concrete foundation. The Parents' Committee will need the city to pay for the construction of the foundation in this location. The approximate cost of this project excluding the foundation and using volunteer labor will be $1,500 (see attached list of materials). The snack bar will be staffed by parent volunteers for the Dublin Swim Team. The approximate dates and time of operation are as follows: Dates . The first week in June through the second week in August. Times - 1:00pm-5:00ptn, Monday through Sunday during open swim. 7 :OOam-l :OOpm, Saturday during home swim meets. We would like to begin consttuction on this project as soon as possible. This expanded snack bar facility will enable us to concentrate on generating the funds needed to strengthen the swim team program. Our goal is to provide a well organized program for our children to learn, grow and cultivate a sense of pride in our community. Looking forward to your timely response. ~ fARAGQN i}D~I~1~J'.-~ST ,~!Jl.~~:r..S.;]~L KE:>i HI:\SHAW REGIOl'\AL CHEF 4637 CHABOT DRI\'E SUITE 104 PLEAS.-\:>iTO:-i, c.\ 94588 I I Hl'NGRVHlJNTER' .\10\ ':>;T.\I:>; liCK'S C.J.R\"ERS ('IIJ) 847.]'772 (o!IJ) $47.1779 FA>: . DUBLIN GREEN GATORS SNACK BAR MATERIALS LIST 2X4X8 FIR STUDS 90 @ 2.14=192.60 2X4X10 FIR 4 @ 4.00=16.00 2X6X12 FIR 9 @ 7.20=64.80 2X6X16 FIR 1 @ 13.76 2X4X8 PRES. TREAT. FIR 5 @ 3.46=17.30 2X4X12 PRES. TREAT. FIR 1 @ 5.20 3/4 CDX PLYWOOD 1 @ 15.49 1/2 CDX PLYWOOD 8 @ 9.95=79.60 T1-11 CLADWOOD SIDING 14 @ 12.69=177.66 1/8 NON-PERF. HARDBOARD 1 @ 4.40 1/2 PARTICLE BOARD 1 @ 8.29 1/2 SHEETROCK 13 @ 2.39=31.07 1X6 SHELF BOARD 2 @ 7.72=15.44 36IN EXT. PREHUNG DOOR 1 @ 78.27 BEVEL CASING DOOR SET 2 @ 10.41=20.82 ROOF VENTS 2 @ 7.59=15.18 DOOR LOCK SET 1 @ 16.46 BARREL BOLT LATCHES 4 @ 2.81=11.24 FLUSH MOUNT HINGES 4 @ 3.00=12.00 30IN SHELF STANDARDS 4 @ 2.65=10.60 12IN SHELF BRACKETS 8 @ 1.56=12.48 H-1 FRAMING CLIPS 18 @ .49=8.82 ROOF CEMENT GAL. 1 @ 4.49 ASFALT ROOF SHINGLES 4@ 6.45=25.80 15LB. ROOFING FELT 1 @ 8.90 ROOFING NAILS 1 @ 4.04 80 V.C. NAILS 2 @ .59=1.18 16D V.C. NAILS 1 @ 2.74 5/16 LEAD ANCHORS 25 @ .32=8.00 5/16 X 2 1/2 LAG BOLTS 25 @ .20=5.00 40 SHEETROCK NAILS 2 @ .98=1.96 SHEETROCK MUD 1 @ 4.68 SHEETROCK TAPE 1 @ 2.69 30INX8FT COUNTERTOP 1 @ 29.90 48IN FLORESCENT FIXTURES 4 @ 18.90=75.62 48IN FLORESCENT BULBS 8 @ .89=7.12 CONST. ADHESIVE 1 @ 1.29 6FT METAL STORAGE RACK 1 @ 20.00 PRIMER, INTERIOR 2 @ 5.96=11.92 PRIMER, EXTERIOR 2 @ 12.94=25.88 PAINT THINNER GAL. 1 @ 4.96 PAINT, INTERIOR S.G. 2 @ 12.46=24.92 PAINT, EXTERIOR 3 @ 12.56=37.68 SINK, S.S. SINGLE BOWL 1 @ 47.91 FAUCET, KITCKEN 1 @ 28.92 7/8 COUNTER EDGE 3 @ 4.87=14.61 , , . 4/26/94 . . G.F.C.I. DUPLEX OUTLETS 2 @ 7.49=14.98 2 OUTLET BOX 1 @ .99 2 OUTLER COVER 1 @ .90 1 OUTLET BOX 8 @ .17 1 OUTLET COVER 6 @ .17 LIGHT SWITCH 1 @ .59 DUPLEX RECEPTICLE 7 @ .42=2.94 12/2 ROMEX 1 @ 22.91 1/2 WIRE ARMOR 30 @ .25=7.50 14GA. WIRE 120 @ .05=6.00 SINK DRAIN S.S. 1 @ 4.11 SINK P-TRAP 1 @ 1.21 SINK FLANGE 4 @ 1.46 1/2PX3/8C ANGLE VALVE 2 @ 4.59 1/2PX3/8CX12IN. SUPPLY LINE 2 @ 2.89=5.78 1/2 GALV. PIPE AND FITTINGS 20.00 DRAIN PIPE AND FITTINGS 30.00 SUB TOTAL: 1,366.61 TAX: 112.75 TOTAL: 1,479.36 ALL PRICES QUOTED ARE FROM HOME DEPOT PLEASANTON DELIVERY TO DUBLIN SWIM CENTER IS AVAILABLE , , /' T\ -.:r ._. ___ ______~__.___n_=-_=._..__3---~~ '" n_ _I ! / I ( /. -t-;-- I "70 QQ _________n~ _______ ._~~~_.. I I 1.-<--..... ________ _. ---u--L'---~-(Y)'- I - ---.------------------1---- I n_ --.-- .--- -I-- I ~ ; uk -- --~~,-.__.._-- ._~- r'- __J_~_ _ [ l --or I- f ...... 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