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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.03 EconDevMgrPosition (2) lo '" ''.: . . C I T Y DUBLIN- o F AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 11, 1994 SUBJECT: Establishment of Economic Development Manager Position (prepared by: Lou Ann Riera-Texeira, Assistant to the city Manager) EXHIBITS: 1.~~esolution Amending the Classification Plan ~. /Resolution Amending the Salary Plan RECOMMENDATION}~AdoPt Resolutions FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Sufficient funds have been included in the Fiscal Year 1994-95 Budget. DESCRIPTION: The Fiscal Year 1994-95 Budget includes funding for several new positions including the creation of a new classification for Economic Development Manager. The Economic Development Manager, proposed as a regular full time position, evolved as a recommendation of the Business Development Task Force. The new Economic Development Manager position will report to the city Manager. The new classification will enable the city to actively pursue business retention and business attraction programs and activities. Further, the new position will enable the city to meet a number of goals including implementation of the recommendations proposed by the Business Development Task Force and development of a strategic plan for the city. Examples of work that may be assigned to the Economic Development Manager include: 1. Develop and administer citywide economic development strategies. 2. Act as city liaison and coordinate with existing businesses, prospective businesses and the City to improve the city's revenue growth and promote a well-balanced economy. 3. Develop and conduct economic studies, needs assessments, research & financial analyses. 4. Research and analyze business and community demographics; compile and update an economic development database, including establishing and maintaining a real estate inventory, land costs and lease rates, and related records for businesses; keep abreast of current trends affecting business development. 5. Develop and market techniques, strategies, programs and promotional material to stimulate commercial, industrial and related business activity; develop financial incentives and resources through coordination with State and Federal government, the business community and other groups. The cost to fill the new classification during FY 1994-95 is approximately $62,402. This represents personnel costs (salary/benefits) for a nine month time period due to time associated with conducting the recruitment. The funding also includes related supplies, travel, training and capital outlay necessary to support the new position and the increased level of economic development activities. sufficient funds have been included in the FY 1994-95 budget. Pursuant to the city's Personnel system Rules, a job description and salary range must be adopted for each position classification in the organization. The job description typically includes key elements, knowledge, skills, abilities and requirements of the position. In developing the proposed job specifications and salary range for this position, staff has surveyed other local agencies. Staff has prepared a job description for Economic Development Manager which is comparable to other job specifications and which addresses the city's current needs. Also included in the city's Personnel Rules is a salary plan for full time employees. The salary plan indicates a minimum and maximum salary for each position classification. Based on a survey of other local agencies and a review of the city's current salary ranges, staff has developed a salary range for the Economic Development Manager position. Staff recommends that the city council review the proposed job description and salary range and adopt the attached resolutions revising the classification and salary plans. ------------------------------------------------------------~--------- ITEM NO. ~., COPIES TO: CI~TV CLERK FILE 0 0 ::;.. e . RESOLUTION NO. - 94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN *************** AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN WHEREAS, in accordance with the Personnel System Rules, the city Council adopted Resolution No. 30-84 and subsequent amendments which comprise the Classification Plan; and WHEREAS, resulting from the creation of a new position: Economic Development Manager, an additional jOb classification is required; and WHEREAS, the adoption of a job classification is required for all authorized positions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution No. 30-84 and subsequent amendments shall be further amended to include the new job classification and jOb description for the position of Economic Development Manager as set forth in Attachment A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this document shall become a part of the official Classification Plan for the City of Dublin. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of July, 1994. AYES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: NOES: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk e e ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MANAGER The following key elements describe the basic duties & responsibilities of the position, but are not all-inclusive. Key 1. 2. Candidate Qualifications 3. Elements Develop and administer citywide economic development strategies and programs designed to improve the City's revenue growth & promote a well-balanced economy. Develop and conduct economic studies, needs assessments, research & financial analyses; research & analyze business and community demographics; compile & update an economic development database, including establishing and maintaining a real estate inventory, land costs, lease rates and related records for businesses; keep abreast of current trends affecting business development. Develop and market techniques, strategies, programs and promotional material to stimulate commercial, industrial and related business activity; develop financial incentives and resources through coordination with state and Federal government, the business community and other groups. Act as City liaison & discuss issues concerning economic development, business retention and attraction, and financing with interested parties; convey opinions and suggestions from these parties to city staff and officials. Prepare/monitor project budgets/expenditures; develop project timetables and work programs; research & analyze complex data; evaluate alternatives and make recommendations. Assist in analyzing proposed development projects for their financial feasibility and impacts on economic development. Perform general administrative activities including preparing, negotiating & administer- ing contracts, agreements, grant applications, requests for proposals and related materials. prepare and present clear and concise written and oral reports to citizens, the business community, and government officials. Attend and make presentations at meetings during day, evening and weekend hours. Attend off-site meetings during day, evening and weekend hours. REQUIRED 1. Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in Business or Public Administration, Econo- mics, Urban planning or a related field. 2. Four years of pro- fessional full time experience in economic or business develop- ment. 3. Knowledge of econo- mic development issues trends, and market forces. 4. Knowledge of re- search, analysis & marketing method- oligies. 5. High level of interpersonal skills to deal effectively with others. 6. Ability to communi- cate effectively in writing and orally. 7. Valid California Driver's license to be secured and maintained a condition of conti- nued employment. preferred 1. Master's degree. 2. Familiar with personal computers and appropriate software. General Purpose of position: Under general direction of the City Manager, develops, implements and coordinates economic development activities of the city to encourage business retention/attraction in order to improve the City'S economic climate;'acts as liaison between the City and the business community; provides financial, technical and administrative assistance in the area of economic development; and perform other duties as assigned. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. e e Major Duties and Responsibilities: - Develop and administer citywide economic development strategies and programs. - Develop and conduct economic studies, needs assessments, research & financial analyses; research & analyze business& community demographics; compile& update an economic development database, including establishing & maintaining a real estate inventory, land costs and lease rates, and related records for businesses; keep abreast of current trends affecting business development. - Develop & market techniques, strategies, programs & promotional material to stimulate commercial, industrial and related business activity; develop financial incentives and resources through coordination with state and Federal government, the business community and other groups. - Act as City liaison and discuss issues concerning economic development, business retention/attraction, and financing with interested parties. - Perform general administrative activities including preparing, negotiating & administering contracts, agreements, grant applications, requests for proposals and related materials. - Prepare and present clear and concise written and oral reports to citizens, the business community, and government officials. - Attend and make presentations at meetings during day, evening and weekend hours. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Position requires knowledge of the following: principles, practices & issues of economic development including business recruitment/attraction, real estate, land development and financing alternatives; business, economic and market forces and indicators; marketing, public information & promotional techniques used in economic development; effective public, business & community relations techniques including effective public speaking, communication principles and group dynamics; research & analysis methodologies including statistical analysis and demographics & trend forecasting techniques; local, state & Federal laws, regulations and resources relating to economic development; and administrative and budgeting principles and practices. position requires the ability to: develop, implement and coordinate economic development programs and activities; compile and analyze data pertaining to economic development; organize work, set priorities and exercise sound independent judgement; utilize or learn to use personal computer to perform word processing, spreadsheet and data base functions; prepare and present effective oral and written reports; and work effectively with business leaders, developers, citizens and merchant groups, other City staff and officials. . Education and/or Training: Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in Public or Business Administration, Economics, Urban Planning or a closely related field. A Master's degree is desirable. Four years of full time professional experience in economic or business development involving program development; business attraction, retention and marketing; real estate development; commercial property brokerage/ management; financial analysis; and/or chamber of commerce experience. License and certification:Position requires a valid California Class C driver's license to be secured and maintained as a condition of continued employment. - e RESOLUTION NO. - 94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN *************** AMENDING THE SALARY PLAN WHEREAS, in accordance with the Personnel System Rules, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 17-94 establishing a salary plan for full time personnel; and WHEREAS, included in the Fiscal Year 1994-95 Budget, the city Council approved the creation of a new position: Economic Development Manager; and WHEREAS, this new position will enable the city to actively pursue business retention and business attraction programs and activities; and WHEREAS, the Personnel System Rules require the city council to establish a salary range for each classification. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Article I: section A of Resolution No. 17-94, relating to the salary provisions of full time employees, shall be amended to include the following monthly pay range for the classification Economic Development Manager: Minimum Maximum Economic Development Manager $4,189 $5,236 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1lth day of July, 1994 by the following vote: AYES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: NOES: Mayor ATTEST: city Clerk