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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.03 ApproveChangeOrder94-1 (2) ~ . . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: May 9, 1994 SUBJECT: ~ Village Parkway Reconstruction - Change Order to Replace Base Failures Report by: Public Works' Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) /: Change Order Documents 2) // Cost Breakdown for Alternates 3) Project Map RECOMMENDATION: 1) Approve change order up to $125,393 and direct Staff to prepare the 1994-95 budget documents to reduce the 1994-95 overlay program. Appropriate $79,800 in Measure "B" funding which will become a loan from the General Fund to be paid back in Fiscal Year 1994-95; and appropriate $11,339 in Fund 220 (SB 300) from additional revenues. ~vY 2) FINANCIAL STATEMENT: An additional budget appropriation is recommended in the amount of $91,139. DESCRIPTION: On March 14, 1994, the City Council awarded a bid to Meridian Construction to repave Village Parkway from Amador Valley Boulevard to Kimball Avenue. To date, the contractor has completed the eastern half of Village Parkway and the western half of Village Parkway from Davona Drive to Kimball. However, the project costs for completing this portion of the work have exceeded the anticipated contract costs due to excessive street failure which occurred during the grinding phase of the project due to substantial underground water. These failures necessitated the contractor to cease his grinding operation to repair the failures before the repaving proceeded. The wet soil and base rock were removed, reinforcing fabric was laid on the wet sub~rade, and the roadway section was replaced on the west side of Village Parkway. These additional repairs have cost an additional $76,107 to date. If the contractor encounters the same base failures on the balance of the west side of Village Parkway, Staff anticipates an additional $49,286 in unanticipated costs. This would bring the total unanticipated repair costs to $125,393. If these failures are not as extensive, the cost would be less. The City included in the project budget a contingency reserve of $34,254 for unanticipated costs. Therefore, the project, if completed to Amador Valley Boulevard, could exceed the project budget by $91,139. " Staff has identified two options to complete the project for City Council consideration: 1) Authorize a change order up to $125,393 to completely repave the balance of Village Parkway to Amador Valley Boulevard as originally anticipated. This would necessitate an additional appropriation of $91, 139. These funds would come from the following sources: SB 300 grant: $11,339 * General Fund loan to the Measure B Fund: 79.800 ** I $91,139 * Staff is requesting an additional $24,442 in SB 300 funds from the State for this change order as a supplement to the original $11,339 grant. **This loan would be repaid in 1994-95 from Measure B revenues, which are 2) This would necessitate a reduction in next year's overlay/street repair project level of effort by up to 68%. The advantages to this alternative are (1) the project is completed and has a consistent paved surface; (2) the City would save $23,400 in throw-away work if the balance of Village Parkway is only patched in 1993-94 and would have to be repaved in a subsequent year; and (3) the City may receive an additional $24,442 in SB 300 funds for the change order work. Perform as much work as possible and still stay within the total budget. This would complete all of the east side work, as well as the west side between Kimball Avenue and Davona Drive and between Amador Valley Boulevard and Tamarack Drive. The section between Davona and Tamarack would only be patched, and reconstruction would take place in a future year. The drawbacks to this alternate are that the City would have an unfmished roadway, and approximately $23,400 of work would be installed that would subsequently be removed in the future reconstruction. The advantage would be that the project would remain within the adopted budget. Staff recommends Option 1. a:(overlay) loverlaylagstco Page 2 CITY OF DUBLIN .CHANGE ORDER EXHIBIT 'A' --OATE: ~ROJECT NAME PROJECT CIP NB~ CONTRACT NBR PERCENT COMPLT APPVD CONTRACTOR APPVD BUDGET AMT APPVD CONTRACT AMT o51o4194 VILLAGE PARKWAY REOONSTRUCTION 9657 94-01 63% MERIDIAN CONSTRUCTION $462,429.00 CHANGE AMOUNT + OR(-) CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 CHANGE ORDER NO. 8 CHANGE ORDER NO. 9 CHANGE ORDER NO. 10 $125,393.00 $o.oo $0.0o $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o,oo $o.0o TOTAL OF ALL CURRENT & PRIOR CHANGE ORDERS -- ~,DJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT PROGRESS PAYMENTS MADE: PAYMENT NO. 1 PAYMENT NO. 2 PAYMENT NO. 3 PAYMENT NO. 4 PAYMENT NO. 5 PAYMENT NO. 6 PAYMENT NO. 7 PAYMENT NO. 8 PAYMENT NO. 9 PAYMENT NO. 10 $207,771.47 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $o.00 $0,00 $0.00 $o.oo TOTAL PROGRESS PAYMENTS REMAINING BALANCE ON CONTRACT $428,175.00 $1 25,393.00 $553,568.00 $207,771.47 $345,796.53 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVED DENIED APPROVED DENIED APPROVED DENIED SUPERVISING DEPT. HEAD CiTY MANAGER MAYOR :TY OF DUBLTM - EY~'rBTT nB~ ~O4~/RO~I Village Parkway Recone~ruct£on PAaE I OF Fm~%L N~. (S) ~ N/A CO--CT ~. 94-01 are ha~tby directed =o ~akm the herein described changes from =he plane and ap~fica~ion~ or do ~he ~ol~owing described woNk not included In the ~lan~ And DiuO~p~Lon of work ~o b~ done, o~a~e o~ ~an~L~os, and p~ces b~en additional ~rk a~ cont~ac~ p~io~, agreed p~ce ~nd fo~c~ a~cou~. U~i~ ~XT~A WORK AT FORCZ ACOOUNTt 1) Repair of failed su~g~ade and base rock sections Pereonflel cost to be verified through certified payrolls and equipment %0 ho charged at the latest Cal~=ana schedule. See Page 2 listing for ap~roximmte 6~00 remove and replace roadway section from 4" to 6" a~ bus ato~s X 600 S~ X $ .445/Sf BY P~%SON OF THIS ORDmR, THE TIME O~ COMPLETION WILL ~E ADJUSTED AS ¥OLLOWS~ ~Q.. working naye SUBMITTED SYz ~d Zale, Public Works Inspector DATE! A~PROVAL RECO~}~ENDED~ Meh=an Sepehri~ ~r. civtX Engineer DATE~ APPROVED, CHIEF EN~INK~R; BY! Lee ~. Thompson, Public works Da=. DATE~ We, th8 undersigned cont~&cto~, have given careful conaid.~ation to the change proposed and h~reby egre~, if =hl~ pro~oaal is approved, that we will provide ali equipment, furnish all mate~ials~ except as may otherwise be noted above, and pe~f:~m all necessary for =he work above specified, and will accsp% as full p&ymen~ therefor the prices shown above. Zf th~ ~ntrac~or does no~ ~lgfl acceptance o~ ~his order, hl~ attention is directed to ~LtKen ~Ote~t wi~hi~ the time therein sp~clfied. CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. I ~ROJ~CT/ROAD: Village Parkway Reconstruction EDEI~%L NO.(S):~ N/A PAGE 2 OF 2 PAGES CONTI~ACT NO. 94-01 Estimated Force Account Work to Date: 4/15/94 4/18/94 4/19/94 4/20/94 4/21/94 4/22/94 4/26/94 4/27/94 4/28/94 4/29/94 $ 10,594 11,703 14,723 11,904 5,816 1,757 5,428 6,569 2,255 1,458 3 days loader: 3,900 subtotal: Estimated Extra Work to Complete Work: Additional subgrade repairs at force account: days loader: Additional pavement at bus stops: Total: $ 76,107 44,550 2,600 2~136 ~125,393 VILLAGE PARKWAY RECONSTR,~ ~ rlON ALTERNATES ORIGINAL BUDGET: $336,200 · (Including $33,602 SB 300 funds) ~CONTRACT :~% CONTINGENCY~'COUNClL APPVD) EXISTING BUDGET $426,175.00 $34,254.00 $462,429.00 ALTERNATE I - GRIND OUT A.V.B. TO TAMARACK AND REPAIR TAMARACK TO DAVONA ESTIMATED CONTRACT WORK CHANGE ORDER WORK TO DATE CHANGE ORDER - BUS STOPS EXTENDED SUBGRADE REPAIRS REPAIR FAILED AREAS WEST SIDE BETWEEN DAVONA & TAMARACK (10,525 SF X $1.60) 1 DAY LOADER AT DUMPSITE RAISE VALVES - 14 @ $300 ALLOW $10,000 FOR PIECEMEAL (NOT FULL DAYS W/EQUIP) $334,050.00 $76,107.00 $1,335.00 $18,119.00 $16,840.00 $1,300.00 $4,200.00 SUBTOTAL $451,951.00 $10,000.00 $461,951.00 ALTERNATE 2 - COMPLETE CONTRACT WORK AND ASSUME SAME PERCENTAGE SUBGRADE FAILURES AS REST OF ROAD TO DATE ESTIMATED CONTRACT WORK CHANGE ORDER WORK TO DATE CHANGE ORDER - BUS STOPS EXTENDED SUBGRADE REPAIRS (EST. 36% OF PROJECT LEFT) 2 DAYS LOADER @ DUMPSITE $428,175~00 $76,107.00 $2,136.00 $44,550.00 $2,600.00 $553,568.00 SB 300 FUND USAGE BY ALTERNATE: CONTRACT OVERLAY: $96,040.00 SUBDRAINS: $11,339.00 $107,379.00 ALTERNATE 1 - OVERLAY: $96,040.00 SUBDRAINS: $11,33g,00 $107,379.00 ALTERNATE 2 - OVERLAY: $96,040.00 SUBDRAINS: $11,339.00 $107,379.00 NOTE: MAY BEAS MUCH AS $24,442 MORE IF CHANGE ORDER REIMBURSEMENT IS ALLOWED.