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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 7.1 CCMeetingTime (2) "- e e CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 11, 1994 City Council Meeting Time (Prepared by: Lou Ann Texeira, Assistant to the City Manager) ~samPle Survey Card ~J~~/ Survey Summary II RECOMMENDATION~ Receive report and determine appropriate city council meeting time. SUBJECT: EXHIBITS: DESCRIPTION: On January 10, 1994, Councilmember Houston requested that the city council consider at a future meeting, changing the starting time for regular City Council meetings from 7:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.. Presently, the Dublin city Council holds regular meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, beginning at 7:30 p.m. This issue was discussed again at the city Council meeting on February 14, 1994. Councilmember Houston stated his three reasons for making the request to change the meeting time: 1) To better accommodate those city staff who do not live in Dublin and must either come back for the meeting or wait around until 7:30 p.m.; 2) city Council meetings occasionally run late, and if the meetings began earlier, perhaps they might conclude earlier; and 3) To attract more citizens to the city Council meetings. After some discussion, the City council directed staff to survey Dublin citizens regarding the preferred starting time for City council meetings. Staff developed a simple survey (see attached) which was included in the 1994 spring Recreation brochure. OVer 10,000 brochures were mailed out to Dublin citizens on March 4, 1994. As of April 5, 162 (1.65%) citizen surveys were received. The citizen survey posed two basic questions: 1) Do you attend city Council meetings (Never, occasionally, Regularly); and 2) What time would you prefer city council meetings begin (6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30). Of the responses received, 52 (31.5%) preferred a 7:30 p.m. meeting time; 51 (31%) preferred a- 7:00 p.m. meeting time; ; 22 (13.3%) preferred a 6:30 p.m. meeting time; 14 (8.5%) preferred a 6:00 p.m. meeting time; and 21 (12.7%) indicated no time preference. The attached survey summary presents a more detailed account of the responses received to date. Staff recommends that the City council review the results of the citizen survey and take any action deemed appropriate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO. ~ 'CI~ FILE ~ ,"', " , ":'>1 :;: "\,:,,;,"J,.},,-',::,,,~,j,:,i\_,',~\.,,':,: ',!',;,",:';,: ,',:',,\',',',',1,';,":": ,,', I, ~.'\:. ;'.:..?:~,<:, I ' ,,of:' ) ':{~'<":i'< ::::,",': ,,'::: '" :;" ; '::.'.': '~<~::i,,:.;<. .' . ' . ;;~:;': ii,:.,;i;;:C /;::; r";' , .'.. '.,. .. "'.' . "-.; ".i ;,' .~'. ;:..' .:", ~S' .~.:. .' .' .' ' o' ...' . 'II:, " ;"~,': './', :t; : ,i' to I "'1. \ . > .'.I~';' j": ;; . ;J";:':""':;;' " ""/:1 , " , " ....,. ", ,"'f'. 1 ,~. .'! I : .~ , , ;. . , ~",' ',-,'.., i!.i,:i I :I"j,., I'; ~: I' . " 1,.1 . ('.,,'. ' . ",' " :: ,,':,i':'~'; . .,' ,.:L:'::((;{0'~)~"\::1 -', -', \" ,'. ~ "" ., \ I - I ,';.. ~ "'1'1, '" " . i' .~, I . . . . ",' .. " I '. :~ . . ~: I . \ I ,';'.. .' 'l.L i, ..' ,; l . ~.',:r I; ~ ,. ,/." ,.'.:," . : ~ '. . I. 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'~'. :h.',',. .. !.':,;::";, .":<:" .-'; Currently, the Dublin City Council meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month, 7:30 p.m. at the Dublin Civic Center. The City Council discllssed the possibility of chilnging the meeting time in an effort to ilH:re<lse iltlendance at City Council meetings. Please lilkc il monll2ntlo respond to the following questions: i I. . , '\ '.;" or ~ ".,\ , ~ '. : I ." I attend City Council meetings: '.' :'i," ." ) Regularly ) OCCilsiol1illl Y ) Never '-.." I would prefer Dublin City Council meelings to: . ' ,"..- -,"-;' ., Begin at 6:00 p.m. Begin at 7:00 p.m. ) 13egin ill 6:30 p,m, ) Begin at 7:30 p.m. Thank yuu fur participating! ',' . . ;,' ., " ,. "I I....., ,': ; ;:: :<or::. "~' ",.,. ,'- , ," ." . ....:.'\.. "LI' ,,'.'..,1,:,. [ - I.' .: l' ~., . . .. :.'iO'. .; ,. .' . ~ I. . ..'..1...... Zx..hibif 1 .... . . " ~. . , "!.I +- .'". ~ e CITY COUNCIL MEETING TIME QUESTIONNAIRE As of 4/5/94 165 cards returned Time Attend Attend Never Attendance Box Preference RecrolarlV Occasionally Attend Not Checked Total 6:00 1 8 5 14 6:00 or 6:30 2 2 6:30 1 11 10 22 6:30 or 7:00 2 2 7:00 2 23 24 2 51 7:00 or 7:30 1 1 7:30 6 27 18 1 52 NO TIME 2 19 21 PREFERENCE TOTAL 10 73 79 3 165 C:CCTIME :Exhibit 2