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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 CertifCableTV Regulation (2) , . e e CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 13, 1993 SUBJECT: Certification for the purposes of Cable Television Regulation DO (Prepared by: Bo Barker, Management Assistant) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: I"iacom's Channel Line Up RECOMMENDATION:~liberate on the merits of rate regulation of cable television and direct staff appropriately. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: If directed to apply for certification, the City will incur increased staff costs associated with administering the regulatory process. The initial phase of certification and the development of local regulations can be minimized by cooperating with neighboring cities. The exact amount of staff time needed to administer rate applications is currently unknown. DESCRIPTION: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has recently distributed the regulations related to the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992. Accordingly, the City is now faced with developing policies related to the Cable Television Act. The Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992 allows local governments (franchising authorities) to implement regulations regulating rates for basic service tiers and establish customer service standards. The first and most significant step is to determine if the City of Dublin wishes to apply for certification in order to become a regulating agency. If the City does not apply for certification, the FCC will only regulate cable television basic tier rates if the City can show that it is unable to do so. In determining an agency's ability to regulate, the FCC ,would likely look at the franchise fees received by the agency. If the City does not file for certification, it is possible that the FCC may not choose to regulate basic rates in Dublin due to its current work load priorities and the fact that Dublin's Franchise Fees would cover the cost of rate regulation. The actions required. for certification and associated impacts are presented below. Certification In order to qualify as a regulating agency, the franchising authority (city) must complete a simple certification form and submit it to the FCC no earlier than September 1, 1993. (There is no deadline by which certification requests must be made). Within 120 days of filing for certification, the City must adopt local regulations which adopt standards consistent with the FCC regulations. The Cable operator must also be notified of these actions. Impacts of Certification 1) Increased. staff time. There would be additional staff time required to implement regulations and administer rate applications. The initial certification process and the adoption of the regulations would be the most time consuming phase of the process. This will impact other responsibilities assigned to the Administrative Services Department. The costs for developing regulations could be reduced substantially by combining resources with Livermore, Pleasanton, and San Ramon. San Ramon will be seeking certification, while, Pleasanton and Livermore are considering the situation concurrently with Dublin. 2) The main focus of the Cable Act applies to the regulation of rates. The Cable Act addresses rate regulation by dividing service levels into different "tiers.". Viacom, as with most cable operators, has divided its services into three service tiers. 1) The Basic Tier. 2) The Satellite Value Package Tier. COPIES TO: Michal Houston, Viacom Cablevison CITY CLERK FILE ~ I-rEH AlO. 8.2 e e 3) Premium channels, and pay per view Tier. If certified., the City would have direct ability to respond to citizen concerns related to cable rates for the Basic Tier and an indirect ability to impact the Satellite Value Package Tier. The Pay per View and Pay per Channel Tier would continue to be unregulated. The law presumes that natural market forces would self-regulate these services. A complete list of Viae om's channel line-up indicating which tier the different channels fall under is attached as Exhibit 1. For increase in rate for the basic service tier, Viacom would submit rate applications to the City for approval. Under the law, Viacom would need to show that the per channel charge meets the benchmark rates established by the FCC. Moreover, the Cable Act requires Viacom to submit specific information regarding costs of service, equipment and installation charges. This specific information will enable the City to have the greatest impact on future rate increases. Under the Cable Act, the FCC would regulate the Satellite Value Package Tier. Since the Basic Tier is regulated by the City, Viacom may likely base charges for the Satellite Value Package Tier on the same per channel costs. Thus, it is anticipated that the City, as a certified regulating agency, may have an indirect impact on a this Tier of service as well. 3) The City could establish customer service standards Conclusion The items listed. above represent the main impacts of the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992. The decision whether to seek certification is the first issue with which to take action. Consequently, other issues related to the bill such as fines, refunds and items related to the rate regulation process are not explained. If staff is directed to seek certification, the City Council will be presented with a comprehensive report, detailing additional issues and adopting regulations. Recommendation: The City Council deliberate and provide direction to staff regarding whether the City should become involved in cable television rate regulation and to participate with adjacent cities in the certification process to reduce costs of administration. . ' e e Viacom's Cable Lineup Channel Channel Title 0*= Playboy TV (5p- 3a) 0 California Channel (l1a - 4p) 1 The Movie Channel 2 KTVU - 2 3* The Disney Channel 4 KRON - 4 5 KPIX - 5 6 KICU - 36 7 KGO - 7 8* HBO 9 KQED - 9 10* Showtime 11 KDTV -14 12 KBHK - 44 13 KOFY - 20 14+ ESPN 15+ Nickelodeon 16+* SportsChannel 17+ CNN 18+ TNT 19+ Arts & Entertainment 20+ USA 21+ MTV 22+ Lifetime 23 KCNS - 38 24 KSTS - 48 25 KTEH - 54 26 KTSF - 26 27= Viewers Choice (11a - 4a) 27 C - SPAN 2 (4a -l1a) 28 TBS 29 KFCB - 42 30 Viacom 30 (Community TV) 31 KPST - 66 32+ CNBC (5a- Sp) 32+ C- SPAN (Sp - Sa) 33+ TNN - The Nashville Network 34+ American Movie Classics 35+ VH1 (5a - Sp) 35+ Comedy Central ( Sp - Sa) 36+ Discovery Channel ( 9a - 3a) 36+ QVC Fashion Channel (3a - 9a) 37+ QVC * Basic Tier Channel Satellite Value Package Tier Premium Channel Tier Premium during Games Pay- Per-View (No Mark) + +* = Exhibit 1