HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 Accept Gift (2) .. -- e e CITY OP DUBLIN AG~ STATEJSEtIT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 13, 1993 SUBJECT . . Acceptance of Gift to city (Prepared by Dublin Police Staff) Copy of letter from Dee Goble Accept Gift and direct Staff to prepare formal acknowledgement to the Donor EXHIBITS ATTACHED . . RIlCOIIIIBIlIlATIONS ~ PllfANCIAL STATEJIENT : See disoussion below DESCRIPTION : The city recently received a check and letter from Dee Goble regarding the POlice-Misheloff phone "Hot Line" maintained by Police Services. Ms. Goble has donated one months service charge in a show of appreciation for Dublin's continued search for it's missing child. Dublin Police Services would like to utilize the funds to pay one month of service charges on the POlice-Misheloff phone line. Per Government Code Section 37354, all gifts and contributions must be formally accepted by the city Council. Therefore it is the recommendation of staff that the city council accept the gift and direct Staff to prepare a formal acknowledgement to the donor. ~vfO. ~ CITY CLERK FILE 02MIQ]-{1jQ] /><91'!j~!J;, Ie'>>' ~ "'/1' -~~~ ~<:J 1//\ 1~>:~-> ...,~.--.....:............'-- e e CITY OF DUBLIN PO Box 2340, Dublin, California 94568 . City Offices, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, California 94568 August 25, 1993 Thelma W. Goble 2396 Tanager Drive Pleasanton, CA 94566 Dear Ms. Goble: I have received your letter and check for one months continued service of the Ilene Misheloff "Hot Line". The city of Dublin and, especially, the family of Ilene wish to express their sincere thank you for your contribution. This community felt a great loss when one of its children was taken from it so suddenly. We continue to hope and pray that Ilene is alive and safe. It is with this hope in mind that we continue to keep all avenues open for the eventual safe return of Ilene. On behalf of the city of Dublin and the Misheloff family, I would once again like to thank you for your thoughtful contFibution. Very truly yours, Peter Snyder, Mayor city of Dublin NG:PS:mjg Administration (510) 833~6650. City Council (510) 833-6605. Finance (510) 833-6640. Building Inspection (510) 833-6620 Code Enforcement (510) 833-6620 . Engineering (510) 833-6630 . Planning (510) 833-6610 Police (510) 833-6670 . Public Works (510) 833-6630 ยท Recreation (510) 833-6645 r ~ "I. . ':'~.<.'~: ~':.(::',/~ ,". .. i)' ""\ ~ ,I.' .~-. ' " ",.-,...~.,~~'. ~.... ' .~,.~..i...'.'."""'_''''''i~~~~~~._iII:l~.It...: August 1 3 , ~c: t~ ~'K~ (j jUW-t- 1993 RECEIVED AUG 1 G 1993 e . '; -; ,"' ~ '. ~ : , .' ~~.' Ci ty of Dublin t};;;~> '.. . ~~~i~~, o~ai~~o~~r~r 94~~~ernment officials ~;~i~~'.:,:/":;' ,~,':,'.~r:.~tings: i;;'5~;t.;:~;,~,:,;,c',':": :':",My{congradulations' to a city who spends $2~. 6,5 each month H ~f\-'f;.,"" " ,",' .., r" , '~!;i~i;~'i.~.):,..;~:': ';:.::,in,':;search of a lost child. Illene Misheloff could be my ..~t~;i~~~rJ~:'::~;.:':...'dal.lghter or grandda';lghter and I would ne:rer giv:e up the . .:j~E,:i\}<:.~.,';'5earch for. her~ . Ne~ther have you. She ~s the daughter of ~::'M"",~:,:" ,,:',fi}very Dubl~n c~tl.zen. You have not forgotten her. :i;,;~;;';:;:'\':'::{'; -;'. ,,:';',;:)l.r: " ' ",'k~i~~~\*{\;~i.r~,:~~J'\~l~.~.q.losed 'is' my. personal chec~ for $27.65 f<?r "one months '~~~7;~~);ti)!:~:::~/f:~,t~,~~phone serv~ces, to help f~nd, Illene. 'S~nce I do not ,~,J"~-lltl",.-...,:..,,,,,. ,'.' :-1'i . D bl' t t' k t '- f ,.- ;.'<:'('i~~~~'~i.';.~:{L(,~(r,:::; ,v.,e, ~r: u l.r: 'nor I?ay axes, nor al.C 7 rom-' your .'ri:::i;';".:,';":~:::,';::":'.fair c~ ty I g~ ve th~s as a token of grat~ tude for all ~i(...(r! ~'l,'; !".;"l":i. '.', .,' ,.,;: . - ;:;:,(:,;~';':,:::;1::,:/, ,-,':,;,::parents' and grandparents. , r;j',:k,:::.{:':::. <."::;::,,:'~)::,~~ >:: , ,:'<r';'(~::,'i:l: '" .,"-,;:,;I:~'do not know Misheloff' s, . have never been to a vigil, ;;~~;Y~;;:::t'::::>,' ,'-".j'j,~or:,,::given a donation. I _do know Illene'S smiling face <:~h\\t!;:~<:" ;;,t;f'.Ql;;she has always been in 'my prayers. Sincerely yours, : (~t~'.!~r.f::.'::" ~.~. ':Dee ,Goble . ),(The1ma W.) ,', :t.:';,:z,i:,~.;',~:\ /"::.~.;'23,96 Tanager Drive J \l,";:,\~,~'t;i;'~ .:,.'~ ',',~~p.Ie tel' f . 94566 '. ":l+r~',\;11::"" 1''''0', " ".."..}~san on, a ~ orn~a \~ ~lp"(~;""'" i1 ~",.' N .~ 11~:..-'I",~.J'ltf I ~. . " '~:'f.:' ",.~t:t\:.~lftl';.r ( '. ,~' .' ...~~\~}"~ (~. ~<. . . . ,')\~\~;'~~I:~~~t~.'1!1.' '~"';fX;ll~,,,~;l{,r l , : '~{1~~\~?:'(/ .~~:': ,",~ :~~'~~:{~il~>:_ CITY or- DUBLIN