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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.02 ImprovemntsTract 5616 (2) ,j, . . CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: February 8, 1993 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements - Tract 5616 (Brighton Meadows) Report by Public Works Director Lee Thompson EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) ~/Resolution 2) Location Map RECOMMENDATION: "l;Y Adopt resolution accepting improvements and letter of credit in lieu of maintenance bond FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The developer is providing a letter of credit in the amount of $71,500 to guarantee against defects for a period of one year from date of acceptance. The City will incur street sweeping and maintenance costs following acceptance. DESCRIPTION: The Final Map for Tract 5616, which is located off of Brighton Drive adjacent to Kolb Park, was approved on February 24, 1992. This property was formerly known as the "Fallon School Site." The development consists of 17 single-family homes. Improvements within Tract 5616 have been determined to be complete and in accordance with approved plans. Some improvements to Kolb Park, which is adjacent to this Tract, are not yet ready for acceptance. The developer has provided a $5,000 cash bond to guarantee completion and maintenance of these landscaping improvements. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution accepting improvements and the maintenance bonds. a: (9293)\february\agst5616 CITY CLERK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - -. - -.... -. - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -FILe ~~ ITEM NO. ~4>~ COPIES TO: Norman 80, Pan CaI Investments .~ . . RESOLUTION NO. -93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS IN TRACT 5616 (BRIGHTON MEADOWS) WHEREAS, the owner-subdivider of the aforesaid Tract previously entered into a contract with the City of Dublin to improve said Tract in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City Engineer, said Tract identified as follows: Subdivider: Brighton Meadows 89 Tract Location: Brighton Drive westerly of Village Parkway Tract Size: 17 single-family lots Resolution Approving Final Map: No. 16-92 City Streets Affected: Brighton Drive, Brighton Place, Brighton Court WHEREAS, said improvements have been completed in accordance with said plans and specifications, and any approved modifications thereof, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, as a condition of said contract, the subdivider is required to guarantee the improvements and to maintain the completed work for a period of one year following acceptance of work by the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, as the improvements are now completed, the original performance bond security requirement can be reduced, in accordance with the authority contained in Section 66499.7 of the Government Code of the State of California, to an amount found necessary to guarantee maintenance of the completed work for the aforesaid one-year period; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: 1. The improvements completed within said Tract be, and they are hereby approved and accepted subject to the aforesaid one-year guarantee; and 2. The aforesaid original letter of credit security requirement be reduced from the amount of $286,000 to a revised security requirement in the amount of $71,500 upon acceptance by Staff of the replacement letter of credit in the said amount of $71,500 as security for the aforesaid one-year guarantee period, and the Mayor of this City Council be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute the said letter of credit on behalf of the said City of Dublin; and ~. i;~ I .;........._~-_-.- ~.. .~._~;<,:,........"..,~ .) ~L.u.n~ . . 3. The said original letter of credit in the amount of $286,000 posted in connection with the work involved in the construction of said Tract be hereby released upon acceptance of said $71,500 letter of credit. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of February, 1993. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk a: (9293)\february\reso5616 . \ ,"- / '~.J .~ I'----u) '-----m I'. U,./ . ;~ :; --... ~', ~J !i' _ i' :"J !;: ~fi' 0 ( " ~~ nJ .:;: . ~ "-. '. 'J:; n;' !:? ~ ../ __ ,,'J:; rv/ 0>;-' , 'r- U)"'~ 'J:;I 0>1 IY), .___ -... 'r- e'J ' ",,.... -... CO' _______ I, '7-- 0) ". '. Q), -... "- 0 , fr) r'"j Q) , ,'7- 0) .: A 't-' ", fr) . -.... . ~. . ,,- ,,-. -... j '-___. AIY) / (Q , .-.... .' IY), , "- ---, i\ 'JL 2 PtRK DU3L N ..\ ~ -r. ~ . ~ t.u SCf-JOOt.... J:STRCT OFFICES \ \ ,> \ ('~\ \ \<::~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ c~ ~~::'-' ~--/ L~OI Be 18 I I I 800 eoo~ ~ i _ ,799 8000 7977 79821 f- I ! 7950. -~ ! --' 7964/ J ! 7941 I ' r-----------. I 7935/ : 7929 . 7Q I..J ,~-- ~Y22 0; 7917' f-' (/l r~ 7908; ;:; i 700~ ; I.......' --' '-' CD! '" z - ::: '.' - :.; z \; z ~ i 7893 I 7878; ; 7881 r--'~ 17869 : 7857 17845 7864 7850 )0- CD o w a:: 4 a... ........ lJJ a:: 0.. l.J ._", ..' _.. .~, _..+ ,~\-,._. I"; '3: ; LcCJ\.T(O,0 k AP '!:if> r----... f?f>I.'C:,.. -~ ' '~.:J ..J ) 1735 /