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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.7 Support Federal Mandates (2)~l / .r' " ~ ~ CYTX OF DTJBLIIJ AGE1dAA STATEMENT CITY COUNCYL MEETING DATEa December ~4~ 1992 SUBJECT: Support of Leqislation to make the Federal Governmen~ fund Fedesal Mandates (Prepaxecl bys Bo Barkera Manaqement Assistant, EXHIBITS ATTACHED: Resolution in Suppoxt of Leqislation obliqatinq the federal qovernment to fund federally mandated programse 1tECOMMENDATYON: Authorize the Magor to siqn the Resolutfon in \f/~° support of the leqislation and send to Representa~ive Gary Condit°s Ofgice. FINANCIAL 3TATEMENT:The City could potentiallg receive fundinq for f~desally mandated proqrams. DESCRIPTIONe The City recently received correspondence from Representative Gary Condit's Office (15th District, California) regarding a bill he would like to Author which would obligate the Federal Government to provide funding for federally mandated programs. I2epresentative Condit indicates he made an attempt to amend the Voting Rights Language Assistance Act of 1992, in the last legislative sessione This would have amended the Act to require the Federal Government to pay the costs incurred by local governments for implementation of the law. The amendment was defeated by only two votesa The previous amendment drive appears to be the catalyst for this new legislation. His arguement is that the Federal Legislature enacts laws without considering what the financial ramifications of their actions on local government. Representative Condit is asking for support of California cities and counties for this proposed legislation. RECOMMENDATIONa Adopt the Resolution in support of the leqislation ~ncl direct ~taff to send a copy to Itepresenta~ive Gary Condit°s Office. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYES ~o: CITY CLERK ITEM NO. ~ ~ ~Q ~ Q ~ F LE ~ ~~s ~ ~ ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 136 - 92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN SUPPORTING REPRESEN`PATIVE GARY CONDIT'S EFFORT TO ~ REQUIRE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO FUND FEDERAL MANDATES WHEREAS, the Federal Government consistently imposes mandates on local government to implement programs; and WHEREAS, these Federal mandates are generally imposed without regard to local government's ability to implement the program financially; and WHEREAS, Federal Legislators must begin to consider the financial ramifications of their actions before simply mandating that new laws be carried out by local government; and WHEREAS, the best way to make our Federal Representatives consider the financial impact of new laws is to require that the Federal Government fund federal mandates; and WHEREAS, in these times of shrinking revenue and budget cuts, most cities in California are already making hard decisions to cut services and are in need of increased revenue, not further mandated expenditures. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin supports Representative Gary Condit's efforts to make the Federal Government fund their mandates before passing the costs onto local government. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of December, 1992 AYES: Councilmembers Burton, Houston, Howard, Moffatt, & Mayor Snyder NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ~ M yor ATTEST : ~~~ i y Cle k a:reso136.agenda#10