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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.1 Prioritize City Svcs and CIP 1992-93 (2) i' N is CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 22, 1992 SUBJECT: Prioritization of City Services & Capital Projects for Fiscal Year 1992-93 (Prepared by: Richard C. Ambrose, City Manager) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1 ) Summary of Departmental Services 2) Summary of 1992-93 Capital Projects 3) Discretionary Service Ranking Form 4) 1992-93 Capital Projects Project Ranking Form 5) 1992-93 Known Budget Savings 6) 1992-93 New Revenues RECOMMENDATION: 1 ) Receive Staff Presentation 2) Receive Public Input 23) Deliberate & Finalize Priorities for City Services 4) Deliberate & Finalize Priorities for 1992-93 Capital Projects 5) Establish Meeting Date to consider the following items: a) cost savings associated with lower priority services and projects; b) operational savings options; c) Revenue enhancement options; and d) one time savings options. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See Below. DESCRIPTION: BACKGROUND In June 1992, the City Manager presented to the City Council a Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 1992-93 and a Fiscal Forecast which projected the City's Revenues and Expenditures through Fiscal Year 1995-96. Based upon the current economic climate and the projected lack of development and population growth, the Fiscal Forecast projected that Discretionary Expenditures (primarily General Fund) would rise faster than Discretionary Revenues if the City were to continue to provide the same level of services in future years as was provided during Fiscal Year 1991-92. The projected shortfalls in Fiscal Years 1991-92 and 1992-93 were $223,527 and $166,039, respectively. Actions were recommended and subsequently adopted by the City Council, which reduced expenditures for both years and resulted in an Adopted 1992-93 Budget, which did not rely upon General Fund Reserves. The 1992-93 Budget did not include any reduction in revenues as a result of the deliberations on the part of the State Legislature, because proposals to balance the State Budget at the time were changing almost daily. THE PROBLEM In a move that was clearly unanticipated by the Cities, the State Legislature adopted the 1992-93 State Budget by taking approximately 9% of Local Property Tax and Trailer Coach-In-Lieu Tax from Cities. The loss in General Fund Revenue to the City of Dublin amounts to $349, 122 for Fiscal Year 1992-93 and places the City's General Fund Budget out of balance. To assess the actual impact of this revenue on the City of Dublin for Fiscal Year 1992-93, Staff has reviewed: 1 ) Fiscal Year 1991-92 Actual ---------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM N0. CITY CLERK FILE .1. Revenues/Expenditures versus Projected Revenues/Expenditures; 2) expenditures which were anticipated in 1991-92, but actually occurred during Fiscal Year 1992-93; 3) budget savings which have been identified since the adoption of the 1992-93 Budget; and 4) new revenues, which have been identified since the adoption of the 1992-93 Budget. FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 At the end of Fiscal Year 1991-92, a deficit of $223,527 was projected for that year. To reduce that deficit, the City Council requested that the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority (DRFA) eliminate contributions to the Workers' Compensation Reserve and Equipment Replacement Reserve for Fiscal Year 1991-92. This resulted in reducing the projected deficit to $130,073. Upon closing the Fiscal Year 1991-92 City's Accounting records, the City had an actual year end surplus when combining discretionary funds of approximately $155,925. However, this surplus does not include approximately $64, 144 which the City will incur in Fiscal Year 1992-93 for services and capital costs, which were anticipated to be paid for in Fiscal Year 1991-92. The City will need to reappropriate funds to cover these costs in Fiscal Year 1992-93. 1992-93 KNOWN BUDGET SAVINGS As shown on the attached Exhibit 5, approximately $135,904 in budgeted expenditures will not be required that 'were anticipated in the Adopted 1992-93 Budget. 1992-93 NEW REVENUES As shown on the attached Exhibit 6, the City will have approximately $29,606 which can be used to offset 1992-93 expenditures. These additional funds are a result of increased SB300 Grant Funds and the Countywide Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program. If the Council agrees to reappropriate funds for those expenditures carried over to 1992-93 from the 1991-92 year end surplus, the City would need to address the following short fall. Amount Needed to Balance Budget State Budget Cut $349,122 1992-93 Known Budget Savings (135,904) 1992-93 New Revenues ( 29.6061 $183,612 In addition to this 1992-93 shortfall, it appears at this time that the economy is not improving and the State of California will be facing another budget deficit in June 1993, which may once again impact the Cities. PROPOSED ACTION PLAN Staff is recommending that the City Council consider the following alternatives to balance the 1992-93 Budget and to prepare for balancing the 1993-94 Budget. 1 . - Prioritize City Services and Capital Projects in order that the City has an orderly plan to reduce services, if this option is selected as a means to balance the 1992-93 and 1993-94 Budgets. 2. Review the desirability of implementing operational changes which will result in savings. 3. Review revenue enhancement options. -2- 4. Review those one-time measures which can be taken to balance the Budget. of the four items listed above, the City Council has previously agreed to consider Item #1 (Service Prioritization) first. This will allow Staff time to estimate savings associated with lower priority services. In addition to the savings estimates, information included in Items 2-4 will be presented to the City Council at a subsequent meeting. It is therefore recommended that 1 ) the City Council receive Staff's presentation on Departmental Services and Capital Projects; 2) provide the public with an opportunity to provide input; 3) finalize its ranking of services and projects; and 4) establish a meeting date for Staff to prepare a final report. a:1022$.agenda#10 -3- FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY CITY COUNCIL - 1010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1 . Legislative Yes, State General Law Cities are No Oversight of Law required to have a City the City Council . City could not function without the City Council . 2 . Participation No; however City would incur additional No, only if in County/ ABAG member insurance costs . City would eliminated State ship not be able to be represented on an ;organizations required on County and regional individual (Ala. Co. , to partici- agencies which make ,decisions basis . Mayor' s Conf. , pate in that impact Dublin. City ABAG, League Insurance would not be aware of pro- of Calif. JPA. posed or enacted laws that Cities) impact City. City would not be able to participate in Statewide effort to impact legislation that could affect City. 3 . Community Promotions a. 'Dublin Pride No. City clean-up efforts would Yes Materials to Minimal r Week be diminished. Lost oppor- schools could tunity to stimulate community be cut back. pride and involvement Omni Page 1 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY CITY COUNCIL - 1010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 3b. St. Patrick' s No Lost opportunity to stimulate No, only if Day more business for merchants eliminated. and to stimulate community pride and involvement. c. Dublin Sub- No Ability to hold Red Ribbon Yes Contribution Ability to hold one of the stance Abuse Week and Dry Graduate Night could be organized events would be Council would be severely diminished. scaled back impacted. 4 . Audit of Yes, federal Potential loss of federal Yes Eliminate May impact City' s ability to City' s regulations funds; City Council would not application receive a more favorable credit Financial require have an independent review for Govt. rating if the City issues debt Records audit if of City' s Financial records . Finance Offi in the future. City cer' s Assoc. receives Certificate federal of Achieve- funds . ment a:1010b.sunnary#l.lss Page 2 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK - 1020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. PERSONNEL CITY/DRFA a. Wage/Benefit Yes, City/DRFA would have no Yes Reduce City/DRFA would be locked into Admin (PERS Requirement employees. frequency of salaries & benefits for a Gov't Code of Federal & review of longer period of time, which 20000) State Law, salary & may have a positive or City Reso & benefits froir. negative impact on the City Union MOU 1 to 2 years. depending upon the economy. b. Recruitment Yes, Federal Punitive damages No & Local Ord if City hires people (Title VII, EEO, AA, Case Law c. Workers Comp Yes, State Punitive damages No, minimize Admin Law Workers' Comp injuries. d. Maintain Yes, State Subject to punitive damages. No Personnel Law, City Records Reso & Ord, Case Law Page 3 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK - 1020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL le. Coordinate No, City Workforce lacking in No, if Training Yes, DRFA essential knowledge necessary training Federal Law to perform job; Keep pace provided, with job requirements; DRFA - coordination punitive damages. necessary. f. Labor Yes, MMBA Legal exposure Yes, only if Relations State/ DRFA enters Federal Law into longer Case Law term contract or contract extension. g. Disciplinary/ Yes, State Punitive damages No Grievance Law & MOU Admin h. DRFA Wellness Yes, MOU, Violation of MOU; Increased No only if Program Local Reso Workers' Comp exposure; Poor eliminated. employee morale; Increase in sick leave. i. City Customer No May require City Manager & No Service Prgm City Council to spend more time directly handling citi- zen complaints regarding City services. May result in more violations of City ordinances because citizens & businesses may avoid City Hall. Page 4 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK - 1020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2 . PUBLIC INFORMATION a. Press Liaison No Poor Press relations; Yes Eliminate Decrease Citizen awareness of Inaccurate information Proactive City activities & reduced press release positive public relations. program. b. City No Decrease in citizen aware- Yes Combine with Citizen/Merchant would receive Newsletter ness & participation & Recreation one less City publication each support of City programs & Brochure year. services. c. Civic Center No Decrease in citizen aware- No, only if Tours ness & participation & eliminated. support of City programs. & services. d. Contribute to No Decrease in business No, only if Chamber community awareness of City eliminated. Newsletter programs, services, etc. e. City No Lack of City promotion/ Yes Do not pursue May impact promotion of City to Promotion/ recognition award prgms prospective residents and Recognition sponsored by businesses. Programs League of CA Cities, etc. Page 5 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK - 1020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2f. Speaker's No Lose contact with elements of No, only if Bureau community (schools, eliminated. businesses, & residents) g. Civic No High School Students would No, only if Education have less knowledge regarding eliminated. Program local government. 3 . CITY CLERK a. Political Yes, State/ City Officials would face No Reform Act Local Law criminal/civil penalties. Administration b. Elections Yes, Fed/ Not optional No Administration State Law Local Ord c. Notary Public No Would need to seek services No, only if elsewhere & pay per eliminated. transaction. d. Certification/ Yes, State City's interests in real No Recordations Law/Local property would be unprotected Ordinance & authenticity of City records questionable. Page 6 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK - 1020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 3e. Records Mgmt Yes, State City would be subject to No Program Law/Local legal challenges. Ord. , Public Records Act f. Agendas, Yes, State/ No evidence of facts that Yes Hold fewer Issues would be delayed. Minutes, Local Law City is operating in accord- Council Comprehensive ance with laws. meetings. Index Action Minimal impact. Minutes only. g. Ordinance Mtce Yes, State/ Increase time to enforce No & Muni Code Local Law laws. Updates h. Law Library No Increase legal costs. No, unless Mtce. eliminated. 4 . Admin/Clerical No Council could not function Yes Use Voice Complaints or requests for Support for as effectively, nor be as Mail only for information would not be City Council well informed. incoming handled as expeditiously. messages to City Council. Page 7 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK - 1020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 5 . Risk Management (See Insurance ) 6 . Coordinate Disaster Preparedness '(See Disaster Preparedness) 7 . Legislative No Council & City Staff would be No, analysis Analysis individually responsible for would be identifying laws that impact eliminated. City Operations. 8 . Annexation/ No No central point in City No Development Staff for landowner to Negotiations discuss development/annexa- tion issues which affect all City Operations.. No annexa- tions/major development could occur. 9 . Coordinate Economic Deve (See Econ. Dev) Page 8 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK - 1020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 10. Coordinate No Fewer employee contributions No, only if Charitable to charitable organizations. eliminated. Fund Raising Drives 11. Contract Yes, Local No assurance that contract No Admin Ordinance services are performed in accordance with agreement & that the contract is the most cost effective means of providing service. 12. Agenda Review Yes, Local Issues raised by one Depart- No Ordinance ment would be considered directly by Council without consideration or impact on other City Departments. 13 . Franchise Yes, More citizen complaints, No Admin Agreement lose opportunity to provide (i.e. Cable more cost effective services TV, Garbage to citizens. etc. ) 14 . Complaint Yes, Local Lose citizen support for City No Investigatio Ordinance programs or proposed programs Page 9 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK - 1020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 15. Financial Yes, Local Risk fiscal insolvency; City Yes Provide less Protract budget hearings. Planning Ordinance Council would have no means information Budget/CIP of directing the fiscal in budget. Preparation resources of the City. 16. Coordinate .Waste Mgmt Activities (See Waste Management) 17 . DRFA Admin Yes, JPA Additional costs will be No incurred by DRFA 18. Annual Goals No The Council would not have a No, only if & Objectives method of identifying those eliminated. Program issues & projects which are of highest Council priority. A:1020b.summy2 Page 10 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: LEGAL SERVICES - 1030 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. DRFA Yes (JPA) No legal counsel for the No Fire Authority. 2 . Litigation No Litigation funds are reserved No to defend the City in legal proceedings. Without them, the City would go unrepre- sented or rely on funds from cash reserves. 3 . General Legal No No legal advice or services Yes Reduce Questions raised at Council Services would be available to the attendance meetings would have to be City to carry out those at Planning deferred, which may result actions required by the Commission in continuing items to Council. and/or City subsequent meetings. Council meetings. Page 11 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: FINANCE - 1040 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1 . Accounts No, Lose ability to track No Receivable Gov' t revenue resulting in loss of Accounting revenue. Procedures 2 . Revenue Yes, State Loss of revenues. No Receipting Law 3 . Payroll Yes, State City would be unable to pay No Law & employees . Federal Law 4 . Business Yes, Local City would have no means of No License Ordinance assuring sales tax was properly allocated to the City; New businesses could possibly locate in improper zones or buildings resulting in safety problems for employees & customers & additional business expense; Cost is fully recovered through fees. 5 . Financial No, Gov' t City Council, City Manager, Yes Prepare Council, City Manager, & Statements Accounting & Operating Departments quarterly Department Heads would have Procedures could not easily monitor financial less control over expenditures. expenditures & revenues. reports . Page 12 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: FINANCE - 1040 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 6. Audit Work Up Yes, Gov' t Audit could not be performed No Accounting, (See City Council) Procedures, Civic Cente Lease Agreement, Federal & State Grant Requirement 7 . Budget Support No Insufficient information No would be available to prepare the budget. 8 . Trustee Yes, COP City would default on debt No Functions/Debt Issue 1988 issuance resulting in poor Services San Ramon Credit Rating. Rd Assessmt District 9 . Accounts Yes, State City would be unable to pay No Payable Law its bills. Page 13 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: FINANCE - 1040 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE - PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 10. Purchasing Yes, Local Purchased items not received No Ordinance, on timely basis; Loss of State Law control & documentation. 11. Treasury Yes, State City would not be able to No Functions Law maximize yield on investments. 12 . Computer No Operating System would No Management eventually fail to meet City's needs. 13 . Fixed Asset No, Gov't Loss of information & No Management Accounting control of the assets Procedures acquired by the City. 14 . Prepare Yes, $1, 000 per day fine. No Annual State Law Reports 15. Respond to Yes, grants. Departments would be unable No Requests from No, other to get necessary financial Other Depts. support support for grants & Departmental Operations. A:1040b.sumny2 Page 14 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: DATA PROCESSING - 1045 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1 . Training No City would be unable to Yes Reduce Users would not be able to operate mainframe computer if training for fully utilize existing personal problems were encountered; personal computer software. Some Employees would be computers. unable to use equipment authorized in 1992-93 Budget. 2 . IBM Support to No Not providing support to the Yes Eliminate Access to the mainframe could Mainframe mainframe could cause the time not be expanded to all current system to eventually run allocated users. into problems; "Down-time" for main may increase causing problems frame in payroll, issuing warrants, modification & the provision of other financial services to Staff & the public. A:1045bsurtmy2 Page 15 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: BUILDING MANAGEMENT - 1050 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. Provide No Buildings would go unrepaired No, City preventative lights would not be replaced, would incur maintenance services would not be greater long repair, minor supervised. term costs. improvements & supervision of Building Maint. contractors for Civic Center, Corp. Yard, Senior Center, Shannon Center, & Swim Center Building 2 . Janitorial No Buildings would become Yes Reduce Non-public areas would have Service for unsanitary; life of building vacuuming loss attractive appearance; Civic Center would be reduced; poor work from 5 to 3 Reduces aesthetics of environment for employees. days/week; buildings. Reduce dusting from 5 to 3 days. Page 16 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: BUILDING MANAGEMENT - 1050 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 3 . Provides Yes, Fire Buildings would deteriorate No various Bldg. Alarm to unusable & unsafe Management Services, condition; Resulting in Services Fire Code; higher long term costs to including Elevator, City. alarm service, State permit pest control, elevators, window cleaning carpet cleaning plant care, floor mats 4 . Meeting Room No Either rentals would be Yes, Eliminate use Outside users would have to Set-up required to set-up tables & of Regional either pay for use or find chairs resulting in more Meeting Room other facilities. damage or not use room at for outside all. non-paying users. 5. Provide Gas & No Could not operate City Yes Savings if Reduce aesthetics of Civic Electric Buildings. Fountain Center. Service Operation is for Civic further Center & Corp reduced or Yard eliminated. A:1050b.summyl Page 17 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: INSURANCE - 1060 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1 . Participate in No City would pay more for No ABAG Insurance alternative coverage; Pool potential loss of favorable equity position in the pool. 2 . Liability & No City would be exposed to No Property Claims greater risk by not following Admin the claims process 3 . Review other Yes Increased risk to the City No insurance State Law needs 4 . Injury & Yes Major fines from OSHA; No Illness State Law Potential to be ordered to Prevention carry out functions Program A:1060B.summy Page 18 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: ELECTIONS - 1070 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL (See City Manager/ City Clerk) t A:1070b.sim W2 Page 19 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: NON-DEPARTMENTAL - 1080 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. Budgeted No City would not have a Yes Amount can City would have to rely on Contingent budgeted reserve from which be reduced or other Cash Reserves to fund Reserve to cover unanticipated eliminated. unanticipated expenses or not expenses that are authorized fund unanticipated expenses. after the Budget is adopted. City would lose some investment income by using other Cash Reserves. Page 20 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: POLICE - 2010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1 . Patrol Yes, No Police on City Streets; Yes a) Increase a) Delays response to emergency Contract Citizens have no protection response time calls; Decrease possibility of All Duties against crime; All crimes go to calls for apprehension of criminal at Governed un-reported; Increase in all service* scene of crime; Increases By State/ crime in City. b) Fix-it danger to public safety; Federal Law tickets/ Increase in criminal activity Contract vehicle ident within City; b) Service no requires verification longer available to citizens at City to sign offs; public counter; Difficult for notify c) No Police citizens to show court proof County 30 reports taker of correction; Added cost to days in at public citizen; c) Hardship to non- advance for office. Dublin residents; Increase in requested amount of crimes that go change; * Existing unreported. County has Avg. response 90 days to time to make change. priority 1 calls: 4 min. 32 - Seconds 2 . Traffic Yes, Reduced level of all traffic Yes a)Reduce a) Increase in overweight/ Enforcement Contract enforcement; Increased Commercial unsafe vehicles; Increase in (See above) response time to accident Enforcement; wear & tear to City streets; scenes; Increase in b) Eliminate Possible Loss of Federal overweight/unsafe commercial non injury Highway Funds; b) No Police vehicles; Increase waiting accident record for citizen or time for release of traffic reports; insurance; Places increased accident reports; Loss of c) Reduce burden on citizen for reporting expertise in major accident targeted No official determination of scene investigation; Need to traffic fault in accident; Reduction contract with outside juris- enforcement. in revenue to City from Page 21 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: POLICE - 2010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL diction for fatal accident citations issued based on investigation; Loss of investigation; c) Increased targeted traffic enforcement- citizen complaint; Increased schools, major intersections, danger to children in school etc. zones; Increase in traffic violations. 3 . Criminal Yes, Inability to successfully Yes a) Would not a) Delay in investigation of Investigation Contract investigate crime; Inability investigate many cases; Loss of possible (See above) to prosecute; Criminal remain property prosecution; Criminals remain free from arrest; Inability crimes with out of custody or released to recover stolen property; no suspect from custody; Increased Increase in crime; ,.Increase or leads; citizens' complaints; Increased in citizens chance of fraud or bad loss to business community; becoming a crime victim. checks cases Loss of public' s confidence; Loss of criminal activity less than b) Increased opportunity for intelligence gathering; Loss $400; or criminal activity within City. of .network with Federal, misdemeanor State & Local Agencies; crimes; b) Reduce criminal intelligence gathering. A:2010bl-3.summyl Page 22 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: POLICE 2010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 4 . Special Yes, No Pro-active narcotic Yes Eliminate No undercover investigation; Investigations Contract enforcement; No narcotics Pro-active Increased narcotics activity; (Narcotics/ (See above) intelligence gathering; enforcement Less narcotics related arrests; Vice) Increase in Non-Dublin No asset seizure; Most residents bringing narcotics narcotics enforcement responsi- into community; Increased bility shifted to patrol; Fewer narcotics exposure to joint investigations with other juveniles; Increase in jurisdictions; Increase in narcotic related crimes property crimes; Increase (burglary/theft) ; No vice potential for violent crime investigation; Increase in City. potential for violent crime. 5 . Juvenile Yes, Increase in unsolved juvenile No Investigation Contract crime; Loss of coordination (See above) with outside juvenile agencies (County, State, Federal) ; Loss of coordina- tion with schools & ability to track problems & establish prevention programs; loss of gang intelligence & gang expertise; Increase in citizen complaints due to , inability to investigate juvenile crime. Page 23 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: POLICE 2010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 6. Crime Yes, Loss •of Neighborhood Watch Yes a) Neighbor- a) No citizen involvement in Prevention Contract Program; Loss of Joint School hood Watch crime prevention; Increase (See above) Drug/Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program; potential for citizens to Possible loss of grant money b) Senior become victims; Eliminates to schools from State; Loss Crime Preven potential core organization to of all Senior Crime Preven- tion Programs be used in case of disaster; tion Programs; Loss of False c) Merchant Reduces positive citizen Alarm Ordinance Program; Loss Alert Progran contact with Police; of all School Crime Preven- b) Increased chance of seniors tion Programs; Loss of becoming crime victims; Citizen Fingerprint Program; c) Increase opportunity for Loss of Merchant Alert crimes against businesses. Program. 7. Public Office Yes, Citizens must conduct all Yes Reduce Hrs Restricts public's access to Contract business by phone or mail; open to public information. (See above) Reduction in crimes reported; public. Increased citizen complaints regarding service. Page 24 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: POLICE 2010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 8. Criminal Yes, State No system for retention of No Records Law, reports; No access to reports Contract by public or press; Violation (See above) of public information laws; Hamper chance for successful prosecution; No employment or Visa background verification conducted for citizens; No purge of criminal records as required by State Law; No forwarding or inputting of specific crime information to State as required' by Law; Delays in processing Court subpoenas, possible contempt of court situations for City. 9. Process Yes, State Violation of State Laws No Criminal Law, regarding handling, Evidence Contract processing, storage & (See above) disposal of evidence. A:2010b4-9,summyl Page 25 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: CROSSING GUARDS - 2020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW i SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1 . Provide School No Reduce pedestrian safety for Yes Eliminate Reduced pedestrian safety for Crossing Guards school children; Potential Crossing school children. at 4 locations liability to City. Guards where locations do not meet warrants A:2020b.summyl Page 26 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET. ACTIVITY: ANIMAL CONTROL - 2030 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. Vicious Dog No, Residents wouldn't have any No Investigation Ordinance is local recourse for dog bites/ Only if permissive attacks Eliminated "may" investigate 2 . Collection of Yes Stray dogs; increased risk of Yes Respond only Stray dogs, increased risk Stray Animals Local Ord disease & increased potential to complaints for disease & increased for dog bites no proactive potential for dog bites/ enforcement complaints. 3 . Dead Animal No Health Hazard No, Pick-up Only if Eliminated 4 . Animal Yes, No verification of No, cost of Licensing Local Ord vaccination; loss of revenue service is fully recovered from license fees. 5. Enforcement Yes, Increased complaints, health No, only if of City's Local Ord & safety issues Eliminated. Animal Related Ordinances 6. Animal Shelter No No place for animals to be No, Services impounded or disposed Only if Eliminated A:2030b.summyl Page 27 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY TRAFFIC SIGNALS & LIGHTING - 2040 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. Traffic Signal No Would have to provide stop No; reduced energy and signs at each signalized maintenance maintenance intersection - would create would result 4 unacceptable congestion, in safety safety problems. and liability .r problems. 2 . Street Light No Perception that streets would Yes, but Light only Reduced vehicular and energy and be unsafe for vehicles and no savings intersections pedestrian safety. maintenance pedestrians could effect to General liability for accidents and Fund. Street Could increase exposure to crimes. lighting is law suits. funded through Citywide Assessment District. i a:2040b.doc.sumfl A ss Page 28 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: DISASTER PREPAREDNESS - 2050 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1 . Hazardous Yes/NPDES Potential Liability - No Spill Cleanup endanger public health & safety. 2 . Revise, update Yes City will be less prepared No emergency plans Emergency for a disaster. Services Ac 3 . Develop/ No If not properly trained, the Yes Fewer Staff Fewer City Depts will be Implement Staff Staff may not respond could be prepared for a disaster. Training appropriately to an incident. trained each year. 4 . Neighborhood No Community unprepared for Yes Conduct fewex May lose continuity in trying Self-Help minimum preparedness for training to train public. Emergency Prep. self-sufficiency. sessions Workshops 5 . Conduct a Yes, Disaster Plans would not be No Disaster State Law tested on a periodic basis. Simulation Exercise 6 . Organize No Could hamper response & No Emergency ability to deal with an Operating incident. Center A:2050b.summyl Page 29 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES r BUDGET ACTIVITY: FIRE v 2060 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY E (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. JOINT POWERS BOARD a. Legislative Yes, Joint If the Authority does not No Oversight Powers . provide the Joint Powers for the Agreement Board, it will not have a Authority . Sect. 2 .7 policy making body. b. Personnel No The Authority would be No Legal Services unrepresented by legal counsel on issues related to personnel which may result .. in greater financial` exposure. c. Labor No Services would have to be No Relations absorbed by the City of Services Dublin impacting the City's Personnel Department resulting in additional costs. d. Audit Yes, Joint Beyond fulfilling the legal No Powers requirement, the Audit Agreement, insures Authority financial State Law compliance with regard to laws, policies, & procedures. Page 30 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: FIRE - 2060 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2. ADMINISTRATIO & SUPPORT a. Overall Yes, Joint If this service is not No Administration Powers provided, the internal & & Command Agreement external customers of the Authority will not have a central point of contact for . service requests. b. Communications Yes, Citizens will not be able to Yes Non-emergency Citizens would be unable contract contact the Authority at communica- to communicate either face to with times when they require fire tions face or by telephone their Alameda services. (Business service needs for items such County; Office) as fire prevention services; Contract This would also affect the with San Authority's ability to deliver Ramon Vly service to employees such as Fire payroll. District John Muir Hospital c. Employee No Eliminating this program Yes 1) Annual 1) Authority Directors, Staff & Recognition would alter personnel Employee employees would have no practices which support the Award Dinner activity which would bring positive efforts of our 2) Employee Staff together to -recognize employees. Recognition outstanding performance. Program 2) Authority personnel would no longer have a periodic program to recognize outstanding effort by their peers. Page 31 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: FIRE - 2060 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 3 . FIRE PREVENTION a. Review of new Yes, DRFA Increased fire damage & loss Yes, however, (1) Review of (1) The Authority would have no development & Ordinance of life due to fire; local development & means to insure compliance with. building Increases in insurance rates. ordinance building fire codes in the design phase projects for would have plans; of developments or building Fire Code to be (2) Inspec- projects; greater potential Compliance changed. tion of new for fire damage & loss of construction. human life; revenue for this service would be lost; another method to calculate and collect Fire Impact Fees would have have to be developed. (2) The Authority would have no means of determining if projects or buildings were developed according to approved plans; revenue for this service would be lost; there would be greater potential for fire damage & loss of human life. Page 32 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: FIRE - 2060 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 3b. Fire Yes, State Increased fire damage & loss No, only if Prevention Law, DRFA of life due to fire along programs Inspections Ordinance with loss of revenue in the mandated by on existing local economy due to lost local ord. Properties business; Increases in are insurance rates can occur. eliminated. (i.e. Commercial, multi-family, & weed abatement inspections c. Fire No The Authority makes no Yes (1) Investi- (1) The Authority will be Investigations initial determination of gation for unable to determine if fires cause & origin of fires, cause & are accidental or intentional reducing the likelihood origin; In the case of intentional of exposing arson & (2) Investi- fires, the proper prosecuting increasing insurance gation for authorities will be unable to costs; The Authority loses prosecution; act. In the case of accidental the ability to understand the fires, the ability of our nature of the fire problem customers to collect from within the community. insurance companies will be affected. (2) When fires are determined to be intentional, the Authority will be unable to assist the prosecuting authorities. Page 33 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: FIRE - 2060 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 3d. Community No Citizens/businesses will be Yes (1) School (1) The Authority will not Safety unable to learn techniques Programs provide safety education to Education which will reduce their (2) Organiza people at an age when values exposure to incidents of tion & are most likely to be learned fire or other life safety business & retained as a life style. hazards. presentation (2) The Authority will no (3) Fire longer deliver safety messages Prevention to groups of people who need Week or desire to learn techniques Activities for safe living. (3) The (4) CPR Authority would not participate Training in a national effort by fire Program departments to promote fire safety. (4) The Authority delivers training in cardio pulmonary resuscitation as part of a national effort to reduce the loss of life due to heart attack; This service would no longer be provided. Page 34 FORM B - SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: FIRE - 2060 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 4 . OPERATIONS & TRAINING a. Training of Yes, CAL The Authority would not be in Yes (1) Outside ( ) & (1) Fire personnel will not be Employees for OSHA, Mutual compliance with OSHA contract fir able to keep pace with skills Fire Fighting Aid Agmts. regulations & mutual aid training; required to deliver fire agreements; Training for fire (2) Employee services; (2) More Workers' activities assures Support Compensation injuries proficiency in a variety of Services resulting in additional costs skills areas which directly to the Authority. benefit Authority customers. b. Training of Yes, The Authority would 'be No employees for contract unable to provide emergency emergency medical services to its medical customers. services c. Responses to Yes, Mutual Without responding to fire No fire & other Aid emergencies & other requests non-medical Agreements, for service, community incidents Joint Power exposure to economic loss & Agreement loss of life would increase. i Page 35 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: FIRE - 2060 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 4d. Emergency Yes, Without providing this No; however, Medical Contract service, seriously ill or the same ser- Responses with John injured persons will be vice could be Muir exposed to greater injury or provided by Hospital & death. The Authority provides San Ramon Val San Ramon response times within a ley Fire Pro- Valley Fire critical 4 to 6 minute window tection Dist. s Protection for first responders. with DRFA providing first re- sponder ser- vice which would result in savings to the Authority ; for equipment & supplies, if the contracts were renego- tiated. Renegotiation of the con- tract would not reduce the level of service. A:2060bsummy2 Page 36 • i_ FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION — 3010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY c ' (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL J . 1 . Administer/ Yes, State No oversight of Public Works No Supervise Law programs & Staff Engineering & all maintenanc activities ( inc record- keeping) 2 . Process citizen No City would be unaware of & No complaints & unresponsive to problems requests for relating to public infra- service structure conditions which may be unsafe to the general public . 3 . Administer State mandated programs (See Engineering activities) A:301 Ob.summy2 Page 37 i FORM ,B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: STREET MAINTENANCE - 3020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. Street Repair No, only Eventual deterioration of Yes Eliminate Would need to make some for overlay due to streets causing hazardous program for repairs to keep pot holes from program suspension conditions for vehicles & 92-93 year appearing; Is one time savings; of Prop 111 higher costs due to need of Would provide lower level of Maintenance full street reconstructions. riding surface for streets; of effort. Would cause some future add'1 costs due to deferred maintenance; Would lose $69, 283 in SB300 match money. 2 . Temp/Emergency No Increased hazards & liability No, funds Street Repair already expended for 92-93 ; Would allow hazardous conditions & increase City liability. 3 . Street Repair No Eventual deterioration of Yes Eliminate Would need to make some repairs for slurry seal streets causing hazardous program for to keep potholes from appearing conditions for vehicles & 92-93 fiscal Is one time savings; Would higher costs due to need for year; Reduce provide lower level of riding full street reconstruction. frequency of surface for streets; Would slurry prgm cause some additional future from every costs due to deferred 7 yrs to maintenance. every 8 yrs. Page 38 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: STREET MAINTENANCE - 3020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 4 . Drainage Yes, Damage to public & private No, Maintenance required property due to storm backups reduction management Endangerment of public safety would result practice for & possible NPDES permit in damage NPDES Prgm violations; Partially funded claims & by non General Fund money. possible fines for failing to adhere to NPDES permit. 5 . Storm Patrol/ No No emergency responses or No, failure . Clean-up inspections immediately to respond before, during, or after a would result storm. in claims against the City. 6 . Sign Repair/ No Endanger public safety; Yes Reduce by 10 Would not replace any guide Maintenance Increase liability; Loss of by not signs (advance street name ability to enforce traffic maintaining signs) nor repair them unless laws & regs non safety hazardous. signs . Page 39 FORM B SIIMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: STREET MAINTENANCE - 3020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 7. Striping/ No Endanger public safety on Yes a) Reduce a & c) Would reduce visibility Marking City Streets & increase City frequency of of curb markings & advisory liability. striping & striping; Some curbs may markings on become unenforceable; low volume b) Minimal. streets; b) Delay for 1 year the replacement of paint striping with themoplastic striping; c) Reduce curb painting frequency to 5 yr cycles instead of 2 z. 8. Guardrail No Would have to appropriate No Repair funds from cash reserves if accident happened, as failure to repair would allow hazardous condition to exist. Page 40 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: STREET MAINTENANCE - 3020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 9. Right of Way Yes, Fire Weeds grown out of control; No Weed Control Code Increasing chance of fire spreading; Increased vermin control problems; Unsightly appearance. 10. Bike Path No Endanger public safety & No, debris/ Maintenance increased liability. hazards would be on bike paths for longer period of time which would increase liability. A:3020b.summy2 Page 41 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: STREET SWEEPING - 3030 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1 . Street- Yes, the Dirt & Debris left in the Yes Cut More dirt & debris would be Sweeping National street resulting in: residential left in street & enter storm Pollution 1 ) unsightly streets; sweeping fron drain. Discharge 2) higher cost to clean 2 times/mo Elimination storm drains & catch basins; to 1 time/mo System 3 ) higher pollutant load to & commercial (NPDES) streams & ultimately to the sweeping fro permit (as S F Bay. Note that the cost every week t required of this program is presently once or twic by the (92-93 ) funded through a per month . Federal storm water utility fee & not (No General Clean Water the General Fund. Fund savings Act) has in 1992-93 . ) identified street sweeping as a best management practice fo reducing storm water pollution runoff. A:3030b.summy2 Page 42 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: STREET TREE MAINTENANCE - 3040 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. Tree Brush/ No Endanger public safety by not Yes Reduce Residents would need to do more Cutting & trimming for sight, planned pruning themselves; some side- Trimming for pedestrian, & vehicle in-house by walks may become impassable; privately owned clearances in residential 50%; Reduce Would require ordinance to trees in public areas. contract require property owners to R-O-W trimming from maintain right-of-way 125 trees to clearance; Would only do 62 . streets where City will do slurry or overlay. 2 . Tree Staking of No Damage to trees from lack of Yes Reduce There may be some damage to City owned inspection, adjustments, & planned trees. trees replacement of tree'stakes & frequency by ties. 20% on major sidewalks & 25% on San Ramon Rd Phase IV 3 . Pruning of No Shorter life span for trees; Yes Reduce Some trees may be damaged by City-owned Increased liability; contract trucks or wind; Trees will not trees trimming bloom as well. frequency from once/ 4 yrs. to once every 6. 5 yrs. ; Eliminate 80% of crepe myrtle pruning. Page 43 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: STREET TREE MAINTENANCE - 3040 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 4 . Tree watering/ No Non-irrigated sidewalk trees No, would be fertilizing would die. additional non-irrigated cost of dead street trees tree removal then replace- ment in future. 5. Tree removal/ No No tree replacement programs; Yes Eliminate Increase number of empty tree 'planting of Increased liability from not planned wells or areas where tree is 'City owned removing dead or damaged annual obviously missing. trees trees. replacement. 6. 'Contract No No control of pests & disease No, Spraying on City owned trees on major additional streets leading to eventual cost of death of trees. removal of dead trees & future tree replacement. A:3040b.sumny2 Page 44 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE - 3050 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. Litter Pick-up Yes, best Litter would accumulate in No Trash can management City trash receptacles & pick-up practice for medians on all major streets; NPDES Permit Would become unsanitary at City receptacles & unsightly in medians. 2 . Bedding Maint/ No Shrubs & groundcovers would Yes a) Eliminate a & b) Result in increased bare Weeding be damaged and/or die, in planned spots; Reduces aesthetics & City Medians, due to uncon- annual uniform appearance in trolled weeds, disease; No replacement landscaped areas; pruning which would result in of ground- c & d) Greater growth onto hazardous sight distances or covers; curbs and paver stones other encroachments onto b) Eliminate between trimmings. public right-of-way; No planned replacement of dead plant annual materials. replacement of shrubs; c) Reduce shrub pruning from 80% of annual inventory to 40%; d) Reduce groundcover trimming by 40%. Page 45 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE - 3050 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 3 . Turf Maint. No City medians would not be Yes a) Reduce a) Greater soil compaction mowed, fertilized, or have aerations resulting in more wasted weed control; Result in loss from twice to irrigation water; b) Grass of capital investment & once/year; along sidewalks & curbs unattractive appearance on b) Reduce would be allowed to encroach major streets where turf is edging from further onto sidewalks & curbs; present. 11 times to c) At various times of the 6 times/year; year, reduction may detract c) Decrease from appearance because of frequency excessive growth. from 7 to 9 calendar day 4 . Irrigation Yes, State All landscapes (plants, trees Cost of dead Maintenance AB 325 & turf) would die, because plant material Effective system would have to be shut & wasted 1/1/93 down if it wasn't maintained. water would exceed cost or irrigation maintenance. 5. Paver Stone No Increased liability & Yes Reduce Depressions on non-pedestrian Maintenance structural deterioration planned hrs access areas would not be resulting in high replacement by 50% repaired reducing appearance & costs. structural integrity of surface Page 46 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE - 3050 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 6. Installation No No installation of Holiday Yes Cut back on Less identity for major street; of Banners banners on street light the number of Longer intervals of time poles. banner between banners. installation per year. 7. Traffic Control No No traffic control for St. No for Community Patrick's Day Parade except Events for police reserves (in p.d. budget) ; Parade is not safe w/o barricades, cones, warning signs. 8. Illegal Sign/ No, City Real Estate "For Sale" signs No, graffiti Hazards policy would remain on City streets; & vandalism Graffiti for illegal graffiti would not be would get out Removal signs. removed; Illegal dumping of of control & items would not be picked up increase from City streets. future costs to repair. 9 . Rodent Control No Endanger public health & No damage to City landscapes. Page 47 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE - 3050 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 10. Leaf Clean-up No Unsightly appearance & Yes Reduce No removal of leaves from increased chance of disease planned hrs bedding outside of leaf in landscape beds. by 20%. season; May result in an incident involving transferral of disease & in some areas may detract from appearance. 11. San Ramon Rd. No One less way for community Yes Reduce Would result in only City Banner groups or City to advertise planned hrs. sponsored events on banner events. by 60% poles; 11 of 17 uses in last by limiting year have been private, of banner poles which City does not recoup all to City costs of installation/removal. events only. A:3050b.summy2 I Page 48 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PARATRANSIT SERVICE - 3060 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1 . LAVTA No Minimal reduction in service Yes $1 , 500 Minimal reduction in service. Contribution Contribution for Paratransit could be Service reduced A:3060b.sumnyl Page 49 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY WASTE MANAGEMENT - 5020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1 . Review appro- Yes, Increased likelihood that No, City priateness of Franchise garbage customers would be either garbage rate Agreement overcharged for garbage participates increases service. or not. 2 . Implement waste Yes, State City may be fined by the No reduction and law State for not meeting diversion pro- mandated goals . Landfill grams contained capacity will be reduced in the Source more quickly. Reduction and Recycling Element and Household Hazardous Waste Element 3 . Administration Yes, local Rates would increase for No, unless of Mandatory ordinance/ other garbage customers, less ordinance Garbage SRRE waste would be recycled. repealed. Ordinance 4. Participate Yes, Joint If City does not participate, Yes Reduce Staff City may be adversely impacted on County Solid Powers additional costs would be time allo- by regional decisions; less Waste Mgmnt Agreement incurred due to loss economy cated to thi assurance that Authority Authority of scale for services program programs funded by local rate performed. payers are appropriate. a:5020b.sum(/l.lss Page 50 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY LIBRARY SERVICES - 8010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1 . Supplement Yes, City Reduces hours that library is Yes Eliminate Reductions to evening and County Library has contract open to the public. Thurs 5-9 pm weekend hours limit availa- Services with Alameda ( 4 hours) bility of library resources ( 19 hours/wk) County with Limits access to library to working people and students. provisions resources, i .e, computer Eliminate for cancel- equipment, copier, books Mon 5-9 pm lation with and periodicals, reference ( 4 hours) 30 days materials, meeting rooms. notice. Eliminate Sun 1 -5 pm ( 4 hours) Eliminate Mon 10 am- 5 pm ... (7 hours) A:8010b.surtmary2.1ss Page 51 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY CULTURAL ACTIVITIES - 8011 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1 . Dublin Fine No Lose paid one-half time Yes Reduce Reduce contribution. Will Arts director. contribution impact DFAF programs, dependinc- Foundation upon the amount of the Contribution Elimination of Temporary reduction. Sculpture Exhibition Program Curtailment of Dublin Sculpture Park (no new works) Reduction to "Dublin Collects ' Program ( 1 to 2 exhibitions per year) . i a:8011b.doc.summary#2.1ss Page 52 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY HERITAGE CENTER - 8012 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1 . Maintenance & Yes (if Violate terms of agreement - Yes Service can Accessibility to public may Operation of Measure AA grant funds may have to be be reduced be delayed. Heritage Centex funds are repaid to EBRPD. if Measure A used to Funds are renovate) Exposes City to additional not used to Agreement liability. acquire & states that renovate facilities Deferred maintenance may lead Heritage must be to increased costs in the Center. maintained future. and open to the public. a:8012b.summary#l.lss page 53 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PARK MAINTENANCE - 8020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. Turf No Turf would be taken over by Yes a) Decrease a) Grass will be taller & less Maintenance weeds due to lack of care and mowing playable for users; b) May would eventually die; Large frequency increase soil compaction capital outlay to replace; from 7 to 9 resulting in increased Cancellation of active/ days for non liability & water being passive uses of parks. athletic wasted; c) Grass would parks; encroach onto sidewalks b)Reduce and curbs impacting aerations appearance at parks; from 2 times/ d) Damaged turf areas due to year to once/ normal use at passive or year;c)Reduce neighborhood parks will not be edging from repaired, does not effect 11 times/yr athletic fields (DSG & Football to 6 times/ Stadium) result may be less yr; desirable appearance & possible d) Eliminate tripping hazards for soccer & turf repair baseball practice. in non athletic turfs (retain DSG & High School foot- A:8020b1.summy2 ball field. ) Page 54 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PARK MAINTENANCE - 8020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2 . Tree No Increased liability & Yes a) Eliminate a) Trees may likely be more Maintenance eventual loss of capital planned tree expensive to replace in future; investment from lack of care. replacement; b) Aesthetic impact; b) Reduce c) Potential damage to trees; planned trim d) Trees will not bloom as ming of well. private owned encroaching plant mat' l by 15%; c) Reduce planned hour for tree staking by 50%; d) Eliminate Crape Myrtle pruning. 3 . Irrigation Yes, State All landscapes would die due No, cost of Maintenance Law AB325 to lack of maintenance; dead plant Effective Systems would have to be shut mat' l 1/1/93 down to avoid wasting water. (including turf) & wasted water would offset cost of irrigation maintenance. Page 55 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PARK MAINTENANCE - 8020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 4. Bedding Maint/ No Shrubs & groundcovers would Yes a) Eliminate a) Result in increased bare Weed Control be severely damaged or die planned spots; b) Reduces aesthetics due to lack of weed control, replacement & uniform appearance of bedding disease & general lack of of ground- areas; c) flower beds & pots care. covers; would be empty, slight savings b) Eliminate on water, but will detract planned from overall appearance of replacement those facilities; d) This of shrubs; will result in less attractive c) Eliminate appearance; e) Groundcovers flower bed would grow over edges of beds maintenance for longer period of time replacement resulting in less attractive at Civic appearance; f) Minor erosion Center Park; problems on slopes would not d) Reduce be repaired. Work reduced to shrub pruning only imminently hazardous from 40% to repairs. 20% of inventory; e) Reduce planned hrs for trimming groundcover by 50%; f) Reduce bedding. repair by 50 A:802Ob2-4.sumny2 Page 56 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PARK MAINTENANCE - 8020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 5. Ballfield No If not maintained, increased Yes Reduce Elimination of detail work Maintenance liability for City & maintenance such as edging base paths & eventually unusable for by 20%. very limited response to league events. problems during seasons, annual renovations would still take place. 6. Playground No Increased liability & higher No Maintenance long term replacement costs due to no maintenance. 7 . Litter Pick-Up No Visible amounts of trash No resulting in unsanitary conditions including rodent & pest control problems. 8 . Restroom Yes, Health Bathrooms would quickly Yes Close Inconvenience to park users Maintenance Codes become unsanitary & thereby Restrooms in although number of users are unusable. Dec, Jan & significantly lower during Feb except these months, particularly for weekend weekdays. use; Reduce main- tenance by 15%. Page 57 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PARK MAINTENANCE - 8020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 9 . Fountain No Water clarity, sanitation Yes Close & drain May experience costs to Maintenance would be non-existent, Park & Civic reactivate fountains in equipment would not be Center March, above routine repaired making fountain Fountains for maintenance costs; Reduce unusable resulting in loss of months of Dec aesthetics for parks & capital investment. Jan, & Feb. Civic Center. 10 . Maintenance No Could not provide support No of Pool side services to pool contractor/ equipment staff such as removal of diving boards, repairs to boards, chairs, pool covers resulting in safety hazards for users. 11 . Drainage Yes, County Wouldn' t inspect or clean No Maintenance Stormwater drainage facilities resulting Permit in stormwater back ups, (NPDES ) possible permit violations & damage to facilities or structures . A:80205-11.summy2 Page 58 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PARK MAINTENANCE - 8020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 12 . Playcourt No No inspection, cleaning, Yes Reduce Inspection would go from weekly Maintenance repair or replacement of planned hrs to bi-weekly; Damaged nets equipment would result in for this would stay up longer. increased liability & activity by decreased usability for users 25%. 13 . Miscellaneous No None of the items listed Yes Reduce Would not be able to assist Maintenance under miscellaneous planned hrs local scouts with mulching of a. Gravel Path maintenance would be in community old Christmas trees; Loss of b. Lighting performed & would either events by mulch in non-planted and C. Unimproved ROW increase liability, reduce 25%. perimeter bedding at City d. Sign Maint. appearance, or impact health Parks. e. Rodent Control & safety issues. f. Comm. Events g. City Directed Training h. Striping/ Marking i. Deck Cleaning j . Parking Lot Sweeping A:8020-12.surtmy2 Page 59 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY COMMUNITY TV - 8030 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. Public Access No Reduced levels of program for Yes Reduce Pleasanton, Livermore, and Community 580/680 News Contribution San Ramon will be fully Television Valley Magazine funding this program. Valley Forum Mayor's Report Depending on the degree of cuts, the programs would be impacted. If, for example, Dublin adopted a 5-10% cut, a probable outcome may be reducing 580/680 news programs from the current 75 to perhaps 50 shows. If Dublin cuts 100% of funding, Channel 30 would be out 25% of their total funding. This could mean the end of Valley Forum, Valley Magazine, and reduced 580/680 news. Cuts of between 10% to 100% would have similar impacts. Actual cuts to programs will have to be evaluated once decisions are made. a:80308.doc.stm#1 Lss Page 60 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: RECREATION 8040-8100 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL RECREATION ADMIN (8040) 1. Coordination of No Heritage Center (See Heritage Center) 2 . Coordination of No Fine Arts Foundation Projects (See Cultural Arts) 3 . Public No Decreased public awareness of Yes Combine Potential. for decreased Information department activities; Winter & enrollment in Spring quarter a. Quarterly Decreased enrollment in Spring activities. Recreation Department activities; Reduc- Brochures Brochure tion in program revenue. b. Press Releases 4 . Parks & Rec No Eliminates avenue for public Yes Bi-monthly Delays decision making process. Commission involvement & input; meetings Increases demand on City Council. Page 61 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: RECREATION 8040-8100 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 5. Facility Reduction in rental revenue; Yes, Eliminate use Reduction in rental revenue; Scheduling Eliminates low or no cost Civic Center, by public; Eliminates low or no cost a. Civic Center No public meeting space; Shannon schedule City public meeting space; b. Shannon Cntr No Eliminates local rental Center. use only. Eliminates local rental c. School Yes, City facility for Dublin residents No, unless facility for Dublin residents. Facilities has agree- Jeopardizes City's ability to School ment with reserve school facilities for facilities School City sponsored programs. scheduling is District eliminated. requiring a minimum 6 month notice to terminate 6. Coordination of No Eliminates public input on No, only if Library future library facilities & eliminated. Planning Task services. Force 7. Information & No Requests for information will No, Referral impact other City Departments unless City reduces operating hours to public Citywide. Page 62 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: RECREATION 8040-8100 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 8 . Park & Facility No Inadequate number of No, only if Planning facilities to meet needs of City did not growing community. pursue new park projects or park/school renovations. 9 . Parks & Rec No Elimination of planning No, document Master Plan document to guide future nearly park/school renovations. complete. 10. Monthly Park No Inability to track progress Yes Bi-monthly or Decreases ability to track Service made & satisfaction on park Quarterly requests in a timely manner; Request Report service requests. Reports. Potential increase in number of duplicate requests; Potential increase in time taken to address requests; Decrease in customer satisfaction. 11. Quarterly No Inability to track enrollment Yes Annual Minimal. Recreation in & success of Department Recreation Reports Programs Report Page 63 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: RECREATION 8040-8100 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW . SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL PLAYGROUNDS (8045) 1. Afterschool No Eliminates supervised after- Yes Decrease Potential decline in enrollment Recreation school activity for 135 (±) hours; as it wouldn't serve those who children; Increased need for Reduce sites need childcare; Depending on afterschool childcare; from 2 to 1. site selected, perception of Increased number of "latchkey playing "favoritism" to one children; Eliminates oppor- school; Decreased enrollment tunities for social interac- as children would not go to tion & skill development in another school to participate. a safe, supervised environ- ment. 2 . Summer No Eliminates supervised summer Yes Decrease Potential decline in enrollment Playground activity for 245 (±) children/ length of as reduction in program hours/ Program Increased need for childcare; program weeks would not meet the needs Increased number of "latchkey (Wks, hours) ; of the participants; Reduction children; Eliminates oppor- Reduce number in number of sites would limit tunities for social interac- of sites. the number of participants the tion & skill development in program could serve. a safe, supervised environ- ment. A:8040-45b.surtmy2 Page 64 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: RECREATION..8040-8100 . MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL SHANNON CENTER (8050) 1. Maintain & No Preschool Program would be Yes Reduce Hours Reduction in Leisure Enrichment Operate cancelled; Leisure enrichment of Operation. Classes offered; Potential Shannon Center classes would be severely reduction in facility rentals. curtailed; Eliminates low or no cost public meeting space; Eliminates local rental facility for Dublin residents Increases costs at Civic Center for relocated Staff; Eliminates convenient site for recreation program registration; Increases foot traffic at Civic Center. PRESCHOOL (8055) 1. Classes No Eliminates affordable Yes, but not (3 classes per preschool program for 60 (±) recommended session - children per session; as program 3 sessions Increases need for private fully from Sept to preschool programs; Reduces recovers its June) preparedness of children for costs. kindergarten; Reduces opportunity for social & educational development. Page 65 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: RECREATION 8040-8100 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2 . Summer Day Camp No Eliminates summer "camp" Yes, but not program for 90 (±) children recommended Reduces opportunity for as program social & educational fully development. recovers its costs. TEENS (8060) 1. Noon time No Eliminates organized lunch- Yes Reduce days Minimal impact. Recreation Prgn time activities; Decreases per week (3 days/week ability to inform teens of at Middle other department teen School) programs. 2 . Afterschool No Reduces opportunities for Yes Reduce days Reduces organized afterschool Recreation positive social interaction per week activities, resulting in teens Program for.. teens in a supervised loitering on campus after (2 days/week atmosphere; Increases number school or on the streets. at Middle of "latchkey" children. School) 3 . "Friday Night No Eliminates safe, supervised Yes Offer Reduces organized evening Out" Program age appropriate evening monthly activities; Potential that (2/month) activities for teens. activities teens will participate in other unsupervised activities. A:8050-55b.suarW2 Page 66 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: RECREATION 8040-8100 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL ADULT SPORTS (8065) 1. Sports Leagues No Loss of revenue; Decreased Yes, but not (Basketball, availability of organized recommended Softball, & sports leagues for Dublin as program Volleyball) residents & businesses; fully Decreased fitness levels for recovers its adults. costs. 2 . Open Gym - No Loss of revenue; Eliminates Yes, but not Basketball opportunities for affordable recommended indoor "drop-in" basketball. as program fully recovers its costs. 3 . Coordination of No Loss of revenue; Loss of No, only if Dublin Sports control over users & types of eliminated. Grounds uses; Impacts youth sports scheduling groups ability to have guaranteed use of fields. Page 67 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: RECREATION 8040-8100 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL YOUTH SPORTS (8066) 1. Sports Leagues No Eliminates opportunities for Yes Eliminate Eliminates softball/T-ball for Softball/T-ball skill development for Dublin softball/ 35 (±) Dublin youth; Reduces . & basketball youth; Decreases fitness T-ball sports options for children. levels for Dublin youth; Program Eliminates volunteer oppor- tunities for adults. 2 . Sports Clinics No Eliminates opportunities for Yes Reduce Limits participation & reduces & Camps skill development for Dublin numbers & options for children. youth; Decreased fitness frequency of levels for Dublin youth; Clinics & Reduces number of activities Camps. available during vacations. SPECIAL EVENTS (8070) 1. Citywide Flea No Potential increase in number No, only if Markets (2) of neighborhood garage sales. event is eliminated. 2 . Halloween No Eliminates a safe, supervised No, only if Spooktacular alternative to trick or event is treating. eliminated. Page 68 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: RECREATION 8040-8100 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO). REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 3 . Tree Lighting No Breaks with City tradition; No, only if Ceremony Eliminates opportunity for event is local groups to perform. eliminated. 4 . Breakfast with No Eliminates fund raising No, only if Santa opportunity for band boosters event is Eliminates opportunity for eliminated. Dublin youth to visit Santa in a convenient accessible location. 5. St Patrick's No Potential loss of revenue to No, only if Day Celebration businesses; Eliminates fund- event is raising opportunity for eliminated. community groups; Eliminates opportunity for local groups to perform; Eliminates oppor- tunity for community to work together to promote Dublin; breaks with City tradition. 6. Easter No Eliminates local Easter Egg No, only if Eggstravaganza Hunt for 200 (+/-) Dublin event is children. eliminated. A:8060-65.sunmy2 Page 69 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SER`IICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: RECREATION 8040-8100 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL SENIOR CITIZENS (8080) 1. Maintain & No; City may Services & programs for Yes Reduce hours Reduces availability of Operate Senior terminate seniors would either have to of operation accessible and affordable Center 10-year be relocated or cancelled. services and activities for lease on Dublin seniors; Reduces City's building ability to meet the demand for with School some services. District at any time. 2 . Information & No Eliminates link between Yes Reduce Center Reduces availability of infor- Referral elderly & needed, sometimes, Hours mation which, .in some cases, is vital information & services. critical to the well-being of seniors. 3 . Meals Program No Increases elderly isolation Yes Reduce number Decreased participation in (meal setting provides of days other Center activities (many nutrition & socialization) meals are come for meals & stay for provided. other activities) . 4 . Cooperative No Eliminates convenient access Yes, but not Services to services such as health recommended (Health Insur- insurance counseling, legal as most ance & Counsel assistance, health screening, services are ing Advocacy senior support services, free of Program, Legal income tax assistance. charge to Assistance for City & Seniors) seniors. Page 70 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: RECREATION 8040-8100 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 5 . Volunteer No Increased cost to City to Yes, but Program hire Staff to perform result in volunteer functions; Decrease increased participation by seniors at Staff costs . Center; Decreased activities available to Seniors. 6 . Education & No Increased elderly isolation; Yes Reduce numbez Decreased attendance; Recreation Eliminates accessible and of classes, Decreased number of accessible (Classes, trips affordable activities . events, trips and affordable activities for special events Costs are recovered. etc. seniors, resulting in increased dances, etc. ) elderly isolation. 7 . Monthly No Eliminates source of outreach No, only if Newsletter to shut-in elderly; Decreases eliminated. awareness by seniors of Center offerings; Decreases participation in Center activities . 8 . Senior Center No Eliminates avenue for public Yes Bi-monthly Minimal Impact. Advisory involvement & input; meetings Committee Increases demand on Parks & Rec Commission & City Council A:8080b.summy2 Page 71 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: RECREATION 8040-8100 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. LEISURE No (1) Eliminates affordable Yes Reduce number (1) Reduces number of ENRICHMENT class options for 2, 170 +/- of classes affordable class options. CLASSES (8090) on an annual basis. offered. (2) Reduces opportunities for (2) Decreases opportunities skill development & social for skill development & interaction. (3) Reduces social interaction. revenue to local businesses. (3) Decreases revenue to local businesses. A:8090b.simmy2 Page 72 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: RECREATION 8040-8100 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL AQUATICS (8100) 1. Maintain & No Eliminates local, accessible Yes Reduce length Eliminates spring & fall recre- operate Dublin site for recreational of season. ational swimming; Decreases Swim Center swimming, instructional and pool rentals; Eliminates some specialty programs, and pool specialty programs (scuba and rentals. LG Training) . 2 . Recreational No Eliminates daily recreational Yes Reduce daily Reduction in hours would Swimming swimming program of 30, 000 (±) hours; Reduce eliminate evening family swim annually; Eliminates summer length of nights; Reduction in length of activity for youth and season. season would eliminate fall & families. spring weekend hours. 3 . Instructional No Eliminates affordable swim Yes Reduce number Inability to meet the demand Programs instruction for 1950 (±) of classes for instructional programs. residents; Increases non- offered; swimmers, resulting in Eliminate increased water-related certain accidents. classes. 4 . Specialty No Eliminates an additional Yes, but Programs source of revenue; Eliminate most programs (Lap Swimming, specialized aquatics classes cover their water aerobics, for 1460 (±) participants. direct costs swim team, & are offered diving, etc. ) in "non-peak" hours, thus n substantial cost savings. Page 73 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: RECREATION 8040-8100 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 5. Pool Rentals Yes; City Eliminates an additional Yes Reduce length Eliminates spring and fall pool has agree- source of revenue to help of season. rentals, including use by DHS ment with offset operating costs. Swim Team and PE classes, and School end-of-the-year pool parties District for for schools. spring use by swim tea requiring minimum of 6 months notice to terminate. 6. Jr. Lifeguard/ No Increased cost to City to Yes, but Aid Program hire Staff to replace junior would result guards/aids. in increased Staff costs. A:8100b.summy2 Page 74 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PLANNING - 9010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1 . Prepare Dublin General Plan, required elements, implementation programs, amendments, updates . a. W. Dub GPA & No Proposed future development Yes; however, Reduce Staff Delay in Sphere of Influence SP Studies would not occur as part of costs are & Consultant & annexation application. City. recovered time finaliz from ing document applicants . b. E. Dub GPA & No Proposed future development Yes; however, Reduce Staff Delay in Sphere of Influence SP Studies would not occur as part of costs are & Consultant & annexation application. City. recovered time finaliz from ing document applicants. c. GPA Tech. Yes, State Potential halt to all future No Revisions Law development. d. Housing Yes, State Potential for inadequate GP; Yes Delay until Could delay subdivision & Element Law Could halt subdivision & challenged. building permit activity. Updates building permit activity. (Rezoning) Page 75 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PLANNING - 9010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL le. Housing Yes, State Potential for inadequate GP; Yes Delay until Could delay subdivision & Element Law Could halt subdivision & challenged. building permit activity. Implementation Building permit activity. Program (Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance) f. Prepare GP No Potential lack of develop- Yes Further delay Lack of policies in place Historic ment policies for historic Address prior to application. for use Element facilities. through of historic site. environmental review instead. g. Annual Report Yes, State Conflict with State Law; No on GP Law impact unknown. 2a. Process Yes, State Potential delay to or loss of Yes Reduce Staff Planning application processing planning Law/Local new development and existing time spent time for these minor applica- applications Zoning Ord businesses; Potential processing tions would increase potential for private & automatic approval (costs applications delay to or loss of new public recovered on major develop- on flat fee. development and existing development ment, but not on flat fee businesses. proposals. applications such as variances, use permits, etc. A:9010b1-2.sumny3 Page 76 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PLANNING - 9010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2b. Pre-applica- No Applicant might not under- No, only if tion meetings stand submittal requirements; eliminated & reviews potential delay in processing Inefficient use of customer's time & money; Increased frustration; Long term costs to City might exceed short term savings. c. Quick-check No Potential delay in processing No, only if of submittals Inefficient use of customer's eliminated. time & money; Increased frustration; Long term costs to City might exceed short term savings. d. Process W. No Area would not become part of Yes; however, Delay Delay in preparing Development Dublin annexa City; Area would remain under costs are spending Agreement, processing develop- tion proposal County jurisdiction. recovered Staff time. ment applications, improving from freeway interchange, beginning applicants. construction. e. Mail & post Yes, State Potential delay in or loss of No public hearin Law new development and existing notices businesses. Page 77 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PLANNING - 9010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2f. Mail & post Yes, State Potential violation of State No Planning Comm Law Law; Potential delay to or & Zoning Admin loss of new development. agendas g. Prepare & Yes, State Potential violation of State No distribute Law Law; Potential delay to or Staff Reports loss of new development and existing businesses. h. Prepare & Yes, State Potential violation of State No only if maintain Plan Law Law, eliminated, Comm & Zoning Admin Minutes i. Conduct No Potential for conflicting No, only if Project Review information or lack of eliminated. Committee coordination among develop- Meetings ment services departments & agencies; Inefficient use of customer & Staff's time; Increased customer frustra- tion; Long term costs might exceed short term savings. Page 78 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PLANNING - 9010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 2j . Complete & No Potential lack of stream Yes File in Increased time in retrieving maintain lining of past files & chronological information, resulting in street address history searches; Potential order by date greater turnaround time for filing system delay in application received. planning appicants and processing; Delay in respond- increased customer frustration. ing to customer requests for information; Increased customer frustration. k. Maintain No Potential delay in identify- No, only if planning ing planning application file eliminated. application numbers for specific street data base addresses; Delay in respond- ing to customer requests for information; Increased customer frustration. 1. Update No Potential for inaccurate No, only if Assessor legal notices; If public eliminated. Parcel No. - hearing improperly noticed, Zoning Maps might need to re-notice & re-hear item; Additional Staff time & noticing costs; Erosion of customer confidence A:9010b-2.summy3 Page 79 . FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PLANNING - 9010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 3 . Administer land use controls through zoning & subdivision regulations a. Process Zoning No Potential lack of consistency Yes Increase Increased customer complaints, Approval Plan & compliance between planning processing greater likelihood that Checks application approvals & time for projects will proceed without building permit approvals . review of permits. building permits . b. Process City Ord. More incompatible land use; Yes Increase Greater conflicts between Zoning Greater deterioration in time in neighbors. Complaints the appearance of City and responding more conflicts between to neighbors . complaints . c. Maintain Sign No Potential lack of information No Inventory RE: previous sign history & approvals; Increased research & processing time. d. CUP Monitoring No Potential lack of compliance No, only if Annual Review with CUP conditions of eliminated. approval; Increase in complaints . Page 80 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PLANNING - 9010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 4 . Coordinate Yes; State Potential delays to new No compliance with Law/Federal development projects; the California Law Conflict with State/Federal Environmental Law. Quality Act (CEQA/NEPA) 5 . Resolve LAFCO No Loss of potential area for No, only if Eastern Dublin future City growth. eliminated. Sphere of Influence boundary 6 . Prepare Zoning No Current Ordinance remains in No, only if Ordinance effect; Study of changes eliminated. Amendment desired by some property Studies RE: owners/businesses would not a) Outdoor be prepared. storage b) banners & flags c) commercial recreation & d) automobile dealership signage A:9010b-3.summy3 Page 81 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY° PLANNING - 9010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 7 . Monitor & conduct research on growth & development proposals a. Monitor No May impact traffic & No, only if Dougherty Vly development in Eastern Dublin eliminated. proposals b. Monitor No May impact land use & No, only if No. Livermore development in Eastern Dublin eliminated. proposal c. Monitor Airport No May impact land use & No, only if Land Use development in Eastern Dublin eliminated. Comm proposal d. Update 3 Yr No Might not recognize develop- No, only if Development ment trends that could impact eliminated. Forecasts City finances. e. Monitor East No May impact land use & develop No, only if County Plan ment on unincorporated areas eliminated. within City's Sphere of Influence. f. Monitor No May impact future growth No, only if Economic management & economic eliminated. Development development in the City. Advisory Board Programs Page 82 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PLANNING - 9010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 7g. Monitor 1990 No May impact City finances . Yes Reduce Staff Might miss some demographic Census time. information that could impact information Dublin programs . h. Monitor State No May impact City finances. No, only if Dept of Finance eliminated. Population Data i . Monitor No May impact future development No, only if Tri- Valley in City & City finances. eliminated. Wastewater Authority Proposal j . Assist in No May impact future development No, only if Monitoring in Eastern Dublin. eliminated. I-580/El Charro Rd Proposals k. Monitor AlaCo Yes, Developments may impact City No Development Contract services & development on on Santa Rita adjacent properties . Property 1. Monitor No Developments may impact City No, only if i Camp Parks services & development on eliminated. Plan adjacent properties . A:9010b-6 Page 83 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PLANNING - 9010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 8 . Provide public information t increase public under- standing of City policies & programs a. Customer No Lack of one source of No, only if Satisfaction systematic customer service eliminated. Survey input. b. Provide No May impact decision of No, only if demographic individuals & businesses eliminated. estimates & considering locating in the forecasts to City. public c. Assist in No Homeowners & residents might No, only if providing not be aware of available eliminated. information housing assistance programs. Re: housing assistance programs d. Counter No Applicants & homeowners might Yes Reduce hours Reduced hours make securing Availability be delayed in obtaining if hours are information more difficult for information RE: Zoning, reduced for the public. signage, General Plan, Building & Specific Plari, flood Public Works . insurance, special study zone and planning application processing. Page 84 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PLANNING - 9010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED .BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 8e. Courtesy No Potential claims of lack of No, only if Newspaper notice; Erosion of customer eliminated. Notices confidence. A:9010b-7 Page 85 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PLANNING 9010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE''OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 9 . Provide technical planning services to other depts. & agencies a. Prepare Yes, State Conflict with State Law. No Implementation Law documents for AlaCo Hazardous Waste Mgmt. b. Assist in TVTC No Potential for incorrect No, only if Subregional planning assumptions to be eliminated. Transportation used in a plan; Potential Plan impact to future development. C. Assist Yes, if Loss of highway funding; No, only if RE: Congestion City Potential for incorrect eliminated. Management receives planning assumptions to be Agency Prgms Prop 111 used in a program; Potential funding. impact to future development. d. Assist RE: No Potential for inappropriate No, only if BART Parking parking lot designs to be eliminated. Lot Designs used which could impact BART operations & the City. Page 86 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PLANNING 9010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 9e. Business No Potential for approval of Yes Increase Delay in processing business License business license applications review time. license applications, which Application that are inconsistent with may result in non-compliance Review zoning regulations. with City Ordinance, resulting RE: Zoning in additional costs to Regulations applicant and City. f. Participate Yes, Potential loss of CDBG funded No, only if in AlaCo Comm. Contract programs. eliminated. Development Block Grant Programs g. Participate No Potential lack of input & No, only if in Tri-Valley information on proposed eliminated. Affordable Tri-Valley housing Housing legislation & affordable Committee housing programs. h. Participate No Potential lack of input & No, only if .. on LAVTA information on LAVTA Plans & eliminated. Technical Programs. Advisory Comm i. Conduct Yes, local Potential lack of on-site No, only if Garbage ordinance confirmation of application ordinance Service information. repealed. Exemption Inspections A:9010b-8.summy3 Page 87 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: PLANNING 9010 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW . SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 10. Planning Yes, local Eliminates forum for public Yes Monthly or Delays decision making process; Commission ordinance input and citizen education bimonthly Increase potential delay to or regarding City planning; meetings loss of new development and Eliminates advisory recom- existing businesses. mendation to City Council regarding General Plans, Specific Plans, Zoning Ordinance Amendments and rezoning applications; increases demand on City Council regarding actions on Conditional Use Permits and appeals on planning staff actions; Potential delay or loss of new develop- ment and existing businesses. A:9010b-8.summy3 Page 88 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: BUILDING & SAFETY - 9020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. Plan Check Yes, Places complete responsibility Yes Increase Preliminary plan review of State Law of code compliance on the Plan Review project would be eliminated. person preparing plans. Processing This could result in costly Without an independent check Time changes to final drawings errors in structural design with resulting delays. or fire safety items could Answering inquiries from the reduce public safety. Costly public regarding code require- changes in the project could ments would be eliminated. be required by the inspector after construction has started. 2 . Building Yes, Places complete Yes Decrease The time available to discuss Inspection State Law responsibility for code availability field problems & corrections compliance on the person of inspector would be limited. Flexibility doing the construction work. in scheduling inspections Errors in construction would would be limited & could result go undetected. Changes to in delays in construction. plans would go undetected. Homeowners may be required to Public safety could be miss several hours of work in reduced. order to have an inspection. Page 89 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: BUILDING & SAFETY - 9020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 3 . Permit Yes, Work would be done without Yes Reduce Office- The time available to secure Issuance State Law regulation & would reduce Hours during permits would be limited. public safety. The County which permits Homeowners may be required to Assessor would not be could be miss several hours of work in notified of any construction issued. order to secure permits in the resulting in a loss of tax limited time available for revenue to both City & County permit issuance. Monthly reports on construc- tion activity would not be sent to the Census Bureau 4 . Counter No Public would be unable to Yes Reduce hours Reduce hours makes securing Availability call for inspections. Public if hours are necessary information more would be unable to get infor- reduced for inconvenient to the public. mation regarding status of Planning & property. This information is Public Works essential in real estate also. transactions. Purchasers may be buying property with significant code violations which could eventually be very expensive for purchaser. Public would be unable to obtain information regarding City requirements. Public would be unable to determine whether inspections passed or failed. Public would be unable to obtain information on status of plan check & permit issuance. Page 90 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: BUILDING & SAFETY - 9020 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 5. Business No New businesses moving into Yes Inspect only Initial Business License License existing buildings with new applica- inspections of existing Inspection serious code violations may tions for businesses revealed many be put to great expense if license. Do code violations involving they have to correct viola- not inspect public safety. Many of these tions at a later date. any existing involved ignorance of the law businesses. rather than disregard of regulations. To prevent inadvertently creating a hazardous condition, it is desirable to inspect industrial businesses once a year & other businesses on a regular schedule, preferably every 3 years. If only new businesses are inspected, serious code violations involving public safety will go undetected. A:9020b.summyl Page 91 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: ENGINEERING - 9030 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. Traffic Engr a. Speed Surveys Yes, State Unable to issue radar cita- No Law tions. b. Development Yes, State Unable to collect fees from No Impact Law development that impacts Studies traffic. c. Citizen/ No Increased liability/public No, only if Council complaints. eliminated. Studies 2 . Design & No Infrastructure would deteri- No, only cut Implementatio (except orate, increased safety basic number of Capital projects hazards & increased traffic of projects. Improvement required by congestion. Program ADA or existing agreement) 3 . Implementation Yes, NPDES Would lose state gas tax No of NPDES, CMA permit, CMA (& Fed ISTEA) for CMA; City & mandated ordinances would be fined if it didn't programs implement NPDES program (NPDES is paid for by utility fee) . Page 92 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: ENGINEERING - 9030 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 4 . Engineering No Developer's engineers would No Plan review' & have to check plans; Could checking cause problems in field. (Note: Cost is recovered from developers) 5. Inspection of No Would have future maintenance No private work problems if improvements were in existing & not to specification. (Note: future public cost is recovered from right-of-way developers) 6. City Mapping No Other departments would have No, Cost to develop their own mapping could be programs. deferred by deferring mapping in in any one year. 7. Engineering Yes, State City would assume cost of No for Assessment Law maintenance (cost recovered Districts through assessment districts) Page 93 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: ENGINEERING - 9030 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 8 . Attend & No Would not be able to properly No, only if monitor the monitor regional agency eliminated. following actions for impacts on agencies & Dublin; Would not be able to committees: apply for and compete for outside grants such as TDA, a. Tri-Valley SB 300, & ISTEA. ;Transportation Council (TVTC) & Technical Subcommittee of TVTC b. Alameda County Yes, if City Transportatior receives ;Advisory Roadway Committee funding ' (ACTAC) C. CalTrans 'I-580/I-680 Committee d. Tri-Valley Wastewater :Authority ~ (TWA) e. Tri-Valley 'Water Recycli Task Force Page 94 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY: ENGINEERING - 9030 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 8f. Alameda Count Flood Control & Water Conservation District, Zone 7 g. Dublin San Ramon Service District (DSRSD) h. Alameda Count Transportatio Authority A:9030b.summyl Page 95 FORM B SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET ACTIVITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 9040 MANDATE CAN SERVICE BE IDENTIFY (YES/NO) REDUCED BELOW POTENTIAL IMPACT OF REDUCING SOURCE OF IMPACT OF NOT CURRENT LEVEL REDUCTIONS SERVICE BELOW SERVICE MANDATE PROVIDING SERVICE YES NO IN SERVICE CURRENT SERVICE LEVEL 1. Staff contact Yes Without Staff oversight and/ No, locked for County (Contract or participation in the in for 2 Economic ending program, the City may get more years. Development 1993/94) less return for its Board program contribution. 2 . Staff support No Programs and policies of the No, unless for Business Downtown Specific Plan will Staff support Task Force: remain unresolved. is eliminated -Special Pro- grams -Traffic/ Land Use/ Circulation -Outdoor Sales 3 . Respond to No May affect economic climate. No site location if potential business does requests for not locate here. information. 4 . Prepare report No City will have no plan for No, unless on feasibility attracting and retaining its eliminated of a local businesses. economic development program a: 9040b. summary#l. lss Page 96 SUMMARY OF 1992-93 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROGRAM AREA: A. GENERAL BY NOT FUNDING THIS PROJECT, WOULD FUNDING A SAVINGS TO CITY' S GENERAL FUND BE PROJECT SOURCE REALIZED? IMPACT OF NOT FUNDING THIS PROJECT 1 . Data Processing Equipment a. Police Criminal Activity No, these funds can only be used Fund for law enforcement purposes that do not supplant services already funded by the General Fund. b. Planning Internal Services Yes, $22, 000 could be transferred Productivity of various. personnel in Public Works Fund ( ISF) from the ISF Reserves to the General these departments who have either no Recreation Reserves Fund for operations . access or limited access to data City Manager processing equipment could not be increased. .rr� a:gen-cp.surtmy#3 r SUMMARY OF 1992-93 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROGRAM AREA: B. COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS BY NOT FUNDING THIS PROJECT, WOULD FUNDING A SAVINGS TO CITY' S GENERAL FUND BE PROJECT SOURCE REALIZED? IMPACT OF NOT FUNDING THIS PROJECT 1 . Annual Sidewalk General Fund Yes, $50, 000 could be used for General The City will receive more sidewalk trip Repair Fund Operations. & fall claims which will increase the City' s litigation costs in the future, unless the City requires property owners abutting the damaged sidewalk to make the repair as allowed under State Law. a;cm-cp.summy#3 SUMMARY OF 1992-93 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROGRAM AREA: C. PARKS BY NOT FUNDING THIS PROJECT, WOULD FUNDING A SAVINGS TO CITY' S GENERAL FUND BE PROJECT SOURCE REALIZED? IMPACT OF NOT FUNDING THIS PROJECT 1 . Park & Recreation General Fund No, this project is already under Facilities Master contract & nearly completed. Plan 2 . Dublin Swim Center Community Develop No, these funds are restricted for Bathhouse Renovations ment Block Grant specific uses permitted by State & Funds & Park Federal Law & cannot be used for Dedication Funds operations. 3 . Heritage Center Measure AA & Yes, the City would save annual City could not assure that the Heritage Acquisition/ Park Dedication maintenance & operation costs for Center would be properly maintained & Renovation Funds the Heritage Center facilities. In would not deteriorate. addition, if these funds were used for Mape Park, the City would save (one time) an additional $9, 000 in park maintenance costs, while Mape Park was under construction. 4. Dougherty Hills Park General Fund Yes, in addition to the project, Residents of Topaz Circle would be unhappy (Landscaping @ Topez construction funds which could be used with Dougherty Hills Open Space appearance. Circle) for operations, an estimated $2, 800 in additional maintenance & utility costs would be avoided. a:parks-cp.summy#3 SUMMARY OF 1992-93 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROGRAM AREA: D. STREETS BY NOT FUNDING THIS PROJECT, WOULD FUNDING A SAVINGS TO CITY' S GENERAL FUND BE PROJECT SOURCE REALIZED? IMPACT OF NOT FUNDING THIS PROJECT .1 . Annual Overlay SB300 Grant & Yes, approximately $150, 000 in street The overlay of streets proposed for Program Measure B Sales repair work performed in preparation FY 1992-93 would be deferred for one year. Tax for the Annual Overlay could be saved This would result in some additional in the Street Maintenance Budget. street deterioration which may result in additional costs to perform this work next year. The City would also lose $69, 283 in SB300 Grant Funds . 2 . Dublin Blvd. Widening Gas Tax & Yes, approximately $13, 393 in Gas Tax This- project totals $2, 355, 632 of which Donlon Way to Village Developer could be transferred to street, $1 , 590, 973 is unfunded. There would be Parkway Reimbursements landscape and signal maintenance work minimal impact in deferring the work (Environmental Air Quality -Work/ which is currently funded by the funded by the Gas Tax funds. Design Completion) General Fund. 3 . Dublin Blvd. Assessment No, this project is already under Extension District, BART construction. Dougherty Rd. to Loan, Developer the Southern Pacific Reimbursements, Right-Of-Way Property Sales, & SB300 Grant 4 . Dougherty Road Gas Tax & Yes, approximately $26, 713 in Gas Tax There would be minimal impact in Improvements south Developer could be transferred to street, deferring the work funded by Gas Tax Funds of Southern Pacific Reimbursements landscape, & signal maintenance work since nearly $1 , 204, 500 of the total Right-Of-Way which is currently funded by the project cost of $1 , 336, 500 is unfunded at General Fund. this time. SUMMARY OF 1992-93 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROGRAM AREA: D. STREETS BY NOT FUNDING THIS PROJECT, WOULD FUNDING A SAVINGS TO CITY' S GENERAL FUND BE PROJECT SOURCE REALIZED? IMPACT OF NOT FUNDING THIS PROJECT 5 . Street Subdrains Gas Tax Yes, approximately $102, 495 could be Some streets will experience additional transferred to street, landscape, & deterioration which will result in the signal maintenance work which is need for additional street repair costs currently funded by the General Fund. in the future. 6 . Traffic Signals - Gas Tax Yes, approximately $10, 000 in Gas Tax There would be minimal impact in Village Parkway at funds could be transferred to street, deferring the work funded by Gas Tax funds Brighton & at landscape & signal maintenance work since the balance of the project cost is Tamarack which is currently funded by the unfunded. (Completion of General Fund. Design Work) 7 . Downtown Street Light Gas Tax Yes, approximately $67, 350 in Gas Tax Golden Gate Drive & Clark Avenue would Additions (Golden Funds could be transferred to street, continue to remain unlit. Both of these Gate Drive, Clark Ave) landscape & signal maintenance work streets have had security and safety which is currently funded by the concerns expressed by businesses. General Fund. 8 . North Avenue Bike TDA Grant Funds No, these funds can only be used for Path this project. a:st-cp.summy#3 DISCRETIONARY SERVICE RANKING FORM Page 1 of 10 RANKING SHOULD (CIRCLE ONE NUMBER FOR EACH SERVICE) SERVICE BE REDUCED SERVICE NOT AS VERY IF NOT NO. DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT ELIMINATED CITY COUNCIL 1010-2 League of Cities Participation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1010-3a Dublin Pride Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 1010-3b St. Patrick' s Day Event 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1010-3c Dublin Substance Abuse Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 1010-4 Audit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK 1020-1a Wage Benefit Admin. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 1020-le Coordinate City Training 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1020-1h DFRA Wellness Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1020-1i Customer Service Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1020-2a Press Liaison 1 2 3 .-- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 1020-2b City Newsletter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 1020-2c Civic Center Tours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1020-2d Contribute to Chamber Newsletter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1020-2e City Promotion/ Recognition Programs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 1020-2f Speaker' s Bureau 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1020-2g Civic Education Program 1 2 . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1020-3c Notary Public 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1020-3f Agendas, Minutes, Comprehensive Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 1020-4 Admin/Clerical Support for City Council 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 1020-7 Legislative Analysis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1020-10 Coordinate Charitable Fund Raising Drives 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1020-15 Financial Planning, Budget CIP Preparation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N EXHIBIT 3 DISCRETIONARY SERVICE RANKING FORM Page 2 of 10 RANKING SHOULD (CIRCLE ONE NUMBER FOR EACH SERVICE) SERVICE BE REDUCED SERVICE NOT AS VERY IF NOT NO. DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT ELIMINATED 1020-18 Annual Goals & Objectives Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LEGAL SERVICES 1030-2 Litigation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1030-3 General Legal Services 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N FINANCE 1040-5 Financial Statements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 1040-7 Budget Support 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1040-12 Computer Management 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1040-13 Fixed Asset Management 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1040-15 Finance Support Other Depts. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DATA PROCESSING 1045-1 Data Processing Training 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 1045-2 Mainframe Computer Support 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N BUILDING MANAGEMENT 1050-2 Janitorial Service Civic Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 1050-4 Meeting Room Set-Up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 1050-5 Civic Center Gas/Elec Use 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1080-1 Maintain Contingent Reserve 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N POLICE 2010-1 Patrol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 2010-2 Traffic Enforcement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 2010-3 Criminal Investigation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 2010-4 Special Investigations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 2010-5 Juvenile Investigation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2010-6 Crime Prevention 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 2010-7 Police Public Office 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N DISCRETIONARY SERVICE RANKING FORM Page 3 of 10 RANKING SHOULD (CIRCLE ONE NUMBER FOR EACH SERVICE) SERVICE BE REDUCED SERVICE NOT AS VERY IF NOT NO. DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT ELIMINATED CROSSING GUARDS 2020-1 School Crossing Guards 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N ANIMAL CONTROL 2030-1 Vicious Dog Investigation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2030-2 Collection of Stray Animals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 2030-3 Dead Animal Pick-Up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2030-5 Enforcement of Animal Ords 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2030-6 Animal Shelter Services 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & LIGHTING 2040-1 Traffic Signal Energy/Maint. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 2050-3 Disaster Training 1 .2. 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 2050-4 Neighborhood Emer. Prep. Workshops 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 2050-6 Organize Emer. Operating Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 FIRE 2060-1b Personnel Legal Services 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2060-2b Fire Communications 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 2060-2c Fire Employee Recognition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 2060-3a Review of new develop/bldg. projects for Fire Code compliance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 Y N 2060-3b Fire Prevention Inspections on existing properties 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 2060-3c Fire Investigations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 2060-3d Community Fire Safety Education 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 2060-4a Firefighting Training 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 2060-4d Emergency Medical Response 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DISCRETIONARY SERVICE RANKING FORM Page 4 of 10 RANKING SHOULD (CIRCLE ONE NUMBER FOR EACH SERVICE) SERVICE BE REDUCED SERVICE NOT AS VERY IF NOT NO. DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT ELIMINATED PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 3010-2 Process Public Works Complaints Requests for Service 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 STREET MAINTENANCE 3020-1 Street Repair for Overlay Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 3020-3 Street Repair for Slurry Seal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 3020-5 Storm Patrol Clean-up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3020-6 Sign Repair/Maintenance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 3020-7 Striping/Marking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 3020-8 Guardrail Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3020-10 Bike Path Maintenance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 3040-1 Tree Brush Cutting/Privately Owned Trees in City Right of Way 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 3040-2 Tree Staking/City Owned Trees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 3040-3 Pruning City Owned Trees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 3040-5 Tree Removal/Planting City Owned Trees 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 3050-2 Bedding Maint/Weeding 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 3050-3 Landscape Turf Maintenance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 3050-5 Paver Stone Maintenance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 3050-6 Banner Installation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 3050-7 Traffic Control for Community Events 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3050-9 Rodent Control 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3050-10 Leaf Clean-Up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 3050-11 San Ramon Road Banner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N DISCRETIONARY SERVICE RANKING FORM Page 5 of 10 RANKING SHOULD (CIRCLE ONE NUMBER FOR EACH SERVICE) SERVICE BE REDUCED SERVICE NOT AS VERY IF NOT NO. DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT ELIMINATED PARATRANSIT SERVICE 3060-1 Contribution for Paratransit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 Y N WASTE MANAGEMENT 5020-3 Admin of Mandatory Garbage Ord. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 5020-4 Participate on County Solid Waste Mgmt. Authority 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N LIBRARY SERVICES 8010-1 Supplement County Library Services 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N CULTURAL ACTIVITIES - 8011 -1 Dublin Fine Arts Contribution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N HERTIAGE CENTER 8012-1 Maintenance & Operation of Heritage Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N PARK MAINTENANCE 8020-1 Park Turf Maintenance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8020-2 Park Tree Maintenance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8020-4 Park Bedding Maint/ Weed Control 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8020-5 Ballfield Maintenance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8020-7 Park Litter Pick Up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 8020-8 Park Restroom Maintenance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 Y N 8020-9 Park Fountain Maintenance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 Y N 8020-10 Maintenance of Poolside Equipment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8020-12 Playcourt Maintenance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8020-13 Miscellaneous Park Maint. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N COMMUNITY TV 8030-1 Public Access Community Television 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N DISCRETIONARY SERVICE RANKING FORM Page 6 of 10 RANKING SHOULD (CIRCLE ONE NUMBER FOR EACH SERVICE) SERVICE BE REDUCED SERVICE NOT AS VERY IF NOT NO. DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT ELIMINATED RECREATION 8040-3a =Quarterly Recreation Brochure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8040-3b Recreation Press Releases 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8040-4 Park & Recreation Commission 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8040-5a Facility Scheduling - Civic Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8040-5b Facility Scheduling - Shannon Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8040-5c Facility Scheduling - School Facilities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8040-6 Coordination of Library Planning Task Force 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8040-8 Park & Recreation Facility Planning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8040-10 Monthly Park Service Request 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8040-11 Quarterly Recreation Reports 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8045-1 Afterschool Recreation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8045-2 Summer Playground Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8050-1 Maintain & Operate Shannon Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8060-1 Teen Noontime Program at Middle School 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8060-2 Afterschool Recreation Program at Middle School 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8060-3 "Friday Night Out" Program 1 2 3. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8066-1 Youth Sports Leagues 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8066-2 Youth Sports Clinics/Camps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8070-1 Citywide Flea Markets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8070-2 Halloween Spooktacular 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8070-3 Tree Lighting Ceremony 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8070-4 Breakfast with Santa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8070-5 St. Patrick' s Day Celebration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DISCRETIONARY SERVICE RANKING FORM Page 7 of 10 RANKING SHOULD (CIRCLE ONE NUMBER FOR EACH SERVICE) SERVICE BE REDUCED SERVICE NOT AS VERY IF NOT NO. DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT ELIMINATED 8070-6 Easter Eggstravaganza 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8080-1 Maintain & Operate Senior Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8080-2 Senior Center Information & Referral 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8080-3 Meals Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8080-7 Monthly Senior Newsletter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8080-8 Senior Center Advisory Committee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8090-1 Leisure Enrichment Classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8100-1 Maintain & Operate Dublin Swim Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8100-2 Recreational Swimming 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8100-3 Swimming Instructional Programs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8100-4 Specialty Aquatics Programs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 8100-5 Pool Rentals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 9010-1d Housing Element Update 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N PLANNING 9010-le Inclusionary Zoning Ord 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 9010-1f General Plan Historic Element 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 9010-2a Process Planning Applications for Development Proposals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 9010-2b Pre-planning application- meetings & reviews 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-2c Quick Check of Planning application Submittals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-2i Conduct Project Review Committee Meetings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-2j Street Address Filing System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 9010-2k Maintain Planning Application Data Base 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DISCRETIONARY SERVICE RANKING FORM Page 8 of 10 RANKING SHOULD (CIRCLE ONE NUMBER FOR EACH SERVICE) SERVICE BE REDUCED SERVICE NOT AS VERY IF NOT NO. DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT ELIMINATED 9010-21 Update Assessor Parcel No/ Zoning Maps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-3a Process Zoning Approval Plan Checks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 9010-3b Process Zoning Complaints 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 9010-3c Maintain Sign Inventory 1 2 3 4 5 6 . 7 8 9 10 9010-3d Conditional Use Permit Monitoring 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-5 Resolve Eastern Dublin Sphere of Influence Boundary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-6a Zoning Ord Study - Outdoor Storage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-6b Zoning Ord Study - Banners/Flags 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-6c Zoning Ord - Commercial/Recreation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-6d Zoning Ord - Auto Dealer Signage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-7a Monitor - Dougherty Valley 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-7b Monitor North Livermore 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-7c Monitor - Airport Land Use Comm. Proposal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-7d Update 3 Year Development Forecasts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-7e Monitor East County Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-7f Monitor Economic Development Advisory Board Programs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-7g Monitor 1990 Census Information 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 9010-7h Monitor State Dept of Finance Population Data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-7i Monitor Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 10 9010-7j Monitor I-580/El Charro Road Proposals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-7k Monitor Alameda County Development on Santa Rita Property 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DISCRETIONARY SERVICE RANKING FORM Page 9 of 10 RANKING SHOULD (CIRCLE ONE NUMBER FOR EACH SERVICE) SERVICE BE REDUCED SERVICE NOT AS VERY IF NOT NO. DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT ELIMINATED 9010-71 Monitor Camp Parks Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-8a Planning Customer Satisfaction Survey 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-8b Provide Demographic Estimates & Forecasts to Public 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-8c Provide information on Housing Assistance Programs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-8d Counter Availability (Planning) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 9010-8e Courtesy Newspaper Notices 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-9b Assist in Development of Subregional Transportation Plan 1 '.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-9d BART Parking Lot Design Review 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-9e Business License Application Review 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 9010-9g Tri-Valley Affordable Housing Committee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-9h LAVTA Technical Advisory Committee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-9i Garbage Service Exemption Inspections 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9010-10 Planning Commission 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BUILDING & SAFETY 9020-1 Building Plan Check 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 9020-2 Building Inspection 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 9020-3 Building Permit Issuance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 9020-4 Counter Availability (Building) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N 9020-5 Business License Inspection 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N ENGINEERING 9030-1c Traffic Studies Requested by City Council/Citizens 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9030-2 Design & Implement Capital Improvement Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DISCRETIONARY SERVICE RANKING FORM Page 10 of 10 RANKING SHOULD _ (CIRCLE ONE NUMBER FOR EACH SERVICE) SERVICE BE REDUCED SERVICE NOT AS VERY IF NOT NO. DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT ELIMINATED 9030-4 Engineering Plan Review 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9030-6 City Mapping 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9030-8a Tri Valley Transportation Technical Advisory Committee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9030-8c CalTrans I-580/I-680 Committee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9030-8d Monitor Tri-Valley Waste Water Authority 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9030-8e Tri-Valley Water Recycling Task Force 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9030-8f Monitor Zone 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9030-8g Monitor DSRSD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9030-8h Monitor Alameda County Transportation Authority 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 9040-2 Staff Support Business Task Force 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9040-3 Respond to Site Location Requests for Information 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9040-4 Report on Local Economic Development Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 c:servrank 1992-93 CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT RANKING FORM SHOULD PROJECT RANKING BE DEFERRED (CIRCLE ONE NUMBER FOR EACH SERVICE) OR REDUCED TO PROVIDE PROJECT NOT AS VERY SAVINGS TO NO. DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT GENERAL FUND Al (B) Data Processing Equipment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N Planning, Public Works, Recreation, City Manager B1 Annual Sidewalk Repair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N C3 Heritage Center Aquisition/ Renovation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N C4 Dougherty Hills Parking (Landscaping @ Topaz Circle) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N D1 Annual Overlay Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N D2 Dublin Blvd. Widening Donlon Way to Village Parkway 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N (Right-Of-Way Appraisal/Design) D4 Dougherty Road Improvements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N South of Southern Pacific Right-Of-Way (Environmental Work) D5 Street Subdrains 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N D6 Traffic Signals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N Village Parkway at Brighton and at Tamarack (Environmental Work) D7 Downtown Street Light 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Y N Additions (Golden Gate Drive, Clark Ave) w rank-cp.sumny#3 1992-93 KNOWN BUDGET SAVINGS Budget Activity Description Amount City Council - Sister City Reception $ 2 ,500 City Manager/Clerk - Salaries/benefits savings 500 Finance - Utilizing temporary service to replace part-time Finance Technician until 3/93 7, 000 Building Management - Delete replacement of Regional Meeting Room light fixtures 1, 075 - Floor Mat Service savings 900 - Deferred Janitorial Service 1, 000 Insurance - Lower premiums than anticipated 3 ,968 Police - Dispatch rebate for 1991-92 5, 650 Street Maintenance - Less striping required for Annual Overlay 10, 000 Street Landscape - Unfilled maintenance worker Maintenance position 7,500 - Subcontract banner installation 7, 000 - Late start-up landscape maintenance San Ramon Road Phase IV 3,200 Heritage Center - Deferred acquisition of Heritage Center 8, 310 Park Maintenance - Unfilled maintenance worker position 7, 500 Aquatics - Water/energy savings resulting from new pool cover 3 , 000 Planning - Senior Planner position remains unfilled until 2/93 41,200 Engineering - Alameda County Congestion Management Agency contribution reduced 2, 561 - Late start on Trip Reduction Ordinance Implementation 14, 000 Citywide - Decrease in retirement contribution rate 9, 040 Total Known Savings $ 135,904 RCA/lss a:Budgsays.rca#6b EXHIBIT 5 i 'r 1992-93 NEW REVENUES Source Description Amount SB300 Grant Amount of SB300 Grant funds for the $ 27, 106 Annual Overlay project has been increased since the adoption of the budget. This will enable the City to transfer $27, 106 in General Fund support to operations. Abandoned Vehicle This Authority will make up to 2,500• $18, 000/year' avai'lable to Dublin to offset police and towing costs associated with the abatement of abandoned vehicles. It is anticipated that $2,500 in eligible expense will be incurred in Fiscal Year 1992-93 . Total Known New Revenues $ 29, 606 RCA/les a:NewRev.rca#6b EMBIT