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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 Change Procedures for Signals/Signs (2) CITY OF DUBLIN
City Council Meeting Date: September 28, 1992
SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Amendment to Municipal Code Sections
6.04.040, 6.04.060, 6.04.070, and 6.04.080 Related to
Traffic Signals, Stop Signs, and Yield Signs; Addition of
Section Regarding Street Closures
Report by: Public Works Director Lee Thompson
EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Draft Ordinance
2) Existing Municipal Code Sections
3) Resolution Approving Warrants for Stop Signs and Yield
RECOMMENDATION: 1) Open public hearing
2) Receive Staff presentation and public comment
� 3) Question Staff and the public
4) Close public hearing and deliberate
S) Waive reading and introduce ordinance
6) Adopt resolution approving warrants
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: No cost associated with this action. The cost of Staff time
could be reduced by simplifying procedures. These changes
are also anticipated to save time for the City Council and
for the public.
DESCRIPTION: The Dublin Municipal Code presently contains provisions that
installation of traffic signals, Stop signs, and Yield Right-of-Way signs must be
approved by the City Council by resolution. As a matter of policy, public hearings
have been conducted for all issues related to Stop signs and Yield signs. Holding
the public hearing necessitates a written Staff report and oral presentation, even
in cases in which Staff has determined that the sign is clearly warranted. Traffic
signals are typically approved as part of the Capital Improvement Program long
before installation and therefore, resolutions designating signalized intersections
have been typically placed on the Consent Calendar.
The California Vehicle Code (CVC) allows local jurisdictions to establish traffic
control devices by various means. For example, No Parking Zones are required to be
approved by resolution, while Passenger Loading Zones are required to be approved by
ordinance. Section 21101 of the CVC states that a local authority MAY adopt rules
and regulations on a number of matters, including designation of stop intersections,
or signalized intersections, through streets, and also street closures (either
temporary or permanent) . The CVC does not have a requirement for designating yield
right-of-way intersections.
When Dublin was incorporated and adopted the Alameda County Code by reference, all
control devices were approved by ordinance. At the time of the Municipal Code
update, the means of approving each type of device was established in accordance
with the CVC. As allowed under CVC Section 21101, Council approval was made a
requirement for signals, Stop signs, and Yield signs. There is no existing Code
section regarding approval of street closures; however, the policy has been that
street closures are approved by the City Council.
As a means of saving time for the general public, City Staff, and the City Council,
Staff is recommending that the City Council amend the Municipal Code as follows:
1) Traffic signals would not require any additional action by the City Council
above approval of the Capital Improvement Project and its funding and possibly
approval of grant applications. The State has developed warrants and standards
which Staff uses to formulate recommendations for installation of traffic signals.
FILE 1,619 0
The City Council may, of course, direct Staff to construct signals in locations
which do not meet the warrants. However, City Council adoption of a additional
resolution which simply declares an intersection to be signalized is superfluous and
would be eliminated.
2) Stop signs are proposed to be approved for installation by Staff without City
Council action provided that (1) the installation meets adopted warrants and/or
State Law requirements and (2) that the issue is not controversial. The benefit of
this ability is that Staff could alleviate a potential safety problem without
waiting two or three weeks for the next Council meeting AND that the City Council' s
time would not be taken up by a non-controversial issue. This measure is expected
to reduce costs by eliminating some written reports and probably some traffic
In cases in which a requested or proposed Stop sign does not meet the established
warrants and/or is controversial, and if the originator of the initial request so
desires, the issue would be referred to the City Council for a decision. Staff
proposes to continue to notify residents and/or business owners of proposed stop
sign installations, whether the action is to be taken by Staff or by the City
Over the past several years, a set of critera developed by TJKM has been used to
determine whether a Stop sign installation is warranted. These criteria have not
been officially adopted by the City Council. Since the proposed Code amendment
includes language relative to warrants, Staff feels that these criteria should
become official and is therefore requesting that the City Council consider adoption
by resolution. Staff has made a few modifications to the TJKM warrants which may
facilitate a location's meeting the warrants, including references to school
crossings. The proposed resolution also includes language which would allow the
City Council to approve a proposed location which does not meet the warrants.
3) The approval process for Yield Right-of-Way signs is proposed to be the same
as that for Stop signs.
4) Street closures: It is proposed that Staff be allowed to approve the closure
of a street on a temporary basis. This would include closure for construction or
for parades, block parties, and so forth, under the provisions of an encroachment
permit. This ability would alleviate the additional Staff time required to write a
Staff report and make a presentation, and the City Council's time would not be taken
up by these requests. In addition, the members of the public seeking approval for a
street closure would not have to take the time to write a letter and then wait two
or three weeks until the next Council meeting for approval. If an application for
permit to close a street is denied by the Public Works Director, the applicant would
have the right of appeal to the City Council per Municipal Code Section 7.04.440.
It is proposed, however, that any permanent street closures would be approved by the
City Council.
Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing, deliberate, and (1)
waive the reading introduce the ordinance amending the Municipal Code and (2) adopt
the resolution approving the warrants for Stop signs and Yield signs.
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AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 6.04.040, 6.04.060, 6.04.070,
The City Council of the City of Dublin does ordain as follows:
SECTION 1: City of Dublin Municipal Code Section 6.04.040 Installation of
Traffic Signals is amended to read as follows:
The Public Works Director or his designee shall install traffic signals at
such locations as approved by the City Council as a Capital Improvement Project, and
in accordance with an approved budget. Said traffic signals shall be designed in
accordance with the requirements of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) .
SECTION 2: City of Dublin Municipal Code Section 6.04.060 Failure to Stop at
Stop Sign - Through Streets is amended to read as follows:
It is unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to fail to stop at the entrance
or entrances to those streets or parts of streets designated by the Public Works
Director or his designee or by the City Council when signs are erected giving notice
SECTION 3: City of Dublin Municipal Code Section 6.04.070 Failure to Stop at
Stop Sign - Intersections is amended to read as follows:
It is unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to fail to stop at the entrance
or entrances to those intersections designated by the Public Works Director or his
designee or by the City Council when signs are erected giving notice thereof. The
criteria for approval for the installation of Stop signs shall be as follows:
(a) Stop signs which meet the adopted warrants therefor may be approved by
the Public Works Director or his designee or by the City Council.
(b) Stop signs which meet the California Vehicle Code requirements and
regulations the,refor may be approved by the Public Works Director or his designee or
by the City Council.
(c) Stop signs which do not meet the adopted warrants or California Vehicle
Code requirements therefor may only be approved by the City Council by resolution.
SECTION 4: City of Dublin Municipal Code Section 6.04.080 Yield Rights-of-Way
- Council designation is amended to read as follows:
Yield Rights-of-Way. The Public Works Director or his designee or the City
Council may designate the entrances to intersections on highways at which Yield
Right-of-Way signs shall be erected. The criteria for approval for the installation
of Yield signs shall be as follows:
(a) Yield signs which meet the adopted warrants therefor may be approved by
the Public Works Director or his designee or by the City Council.
(b) Yield signs which meet California Vehicle Code requirements and
regulations therefor may be approved by the Public Works Director or his designee or
by the City Council.
(c) Yield signs which do not meet the adopted warrants or California Vehicle
Code requirements therefor may only be approved by the City Council by resolution.
SECTION 5: The following Section is added to the City of Dublin Municipal
Section 6.04.470 Street Closures -
(a) The Public Works Director or his designee may approve temporary closure
of a street for the purpose of construction or for parades, block parties, or other
local events, when said closure is determined to be necessary for the safety and
protection of persons using that portion of the street during the temporary closure.
Said approval shall be granted by means of issuance of an encroachment permit under
the provisions of Municipal Code Chapter 7.04.
(b) Approval for permanent closure of a street or a portion thereof may only
be granted by the City Council by resolution.
SECTION 6: This ordinance shall become effective 30 days after its final
passage and adoption by the City Council. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin
shall cause this ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public places in the
City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State
of California.
City Clerk
a: (9293)\september\traford
6.04.010 =
6.04360 Bus stops—Council "Traffic code" means that compila-
designation. tion of ordinances and resolutions and
other regulations relating to traffic
Article VI. Bicycles and Skateboards adopted pursuant to this chapter and
6.04370 Bicycle lanes. maintained by the city engineer. (Ord.
6.04.380 Skateboard use— 55-87 § 1: Ord. 13 § 1 (part), 1982)
6.04.020 Administrative officer
Article VII. Additional Provisions The City Manager is authorized to
6.04390 Permissible weights. place markings, signals, signs, devices or
6.04.400 Off-street driving other indications upon or adjacent to a
prohibited—Exception. street indicating the course to be traveled
6.04.410 Marked crosswalks— by vehicles on such streets. The City
Council designation. Manager is authorized to locate and indi-
6.04.420 No crossing—Council cate one or more lanes of traffic from
designation. which drivers of vehicles may make right
6.04.430 On-street vehicle storage or left hand turns. The City Manager is
prohibited. authorized to place dividing markers in
6.04.440 On-street vehicles for intersections whenever, in his opinion,
sale—Vendors— traffic conditions warrant such place-
Violation. ment.(Ord.55-87§ 12:Ord. 13§ 1(part),
6.04.450 Obstruction of 1982)
enforcement prohibited.
6.04.460 Council authority. 6.04.030 Turning movements
unlawful where marked.
Article I.Traffic Control It is unlawful for the driver of any vehi-
cle to turn such vehicle, either left hand
6.04.010 Definitions. turn, right hand turn, or U-turn, at the
Whenever any words or phrases used intersection or between the intersections
in this chapter are not defined, but are and between the hours and on the days
defined in Division I (commencing with designated by the City Council by ordi-
Section 100) of the California Vehicle nance when signs are erected giving
Code and amendments thereto,such def- notice thereof.(Ord.55-87§2:Ord. 13§ 1
initions shall apply: (part), 1982)
"City Manager" means the City Man-
ager or his designee. 6.04.040 Installation of traffic
Ordinance. Whenever action under signals.
this title is required to be taken by ordi- The City Manager shall install traffic
nance,the ordinance shall be uncodified signals at such locations as designated by
and the provisions thereof shall be the City Council by resolution. (Ord.
included in the city traffic code. 55-87 § 8: Ord. 13 § 1 (part), 1982)
220 Ya
t, der a
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6.04.050 _
6.04.050 Right turns unlawful where street listed in the traffic code as a one-
marked. way street, except in the direction indi-
It is unlawful for the driver of any vehi- cated in the traffic code, when signs are
cle to make a right turn at the erected giving notice thereof. The City
intersections and between the hours and Council shall designate the one-way
on the days designated by the City Coun- streets, and the direction of traffic
cil by ordinance when signs are erected thereon, by resolution. (Ord. 55-87 § 7:
giving notice thereof. (Ord. 55-87 § 3: Ord. 13 § 1 (part), 1982)
Ord. 13 § 1 (part), 1982)
6.04.100 Compliance with traffic
6.04.060 Failure to stop at stop signs and signals required.
sign—Through streets. It is unlawful for any person to disobey
It is unlawful for the driver of any vehi- the instructions of any mechanical or
cle to fail to stop at the entrance or electrical traffic signal, traffic sign, or
entrances to those streets or parts of marking upon the street placed in
streets designated by the City Council by accordance with the provisions of this
resolution when signs are erected giving chapter.(Ord.55-87§9:Ord. 13§ 1(part),
notice thereof.(Ord.55-87§4:Ord. 13§1 1982)
(part), 1982)
6.04.070 Failure to stop at stop 6.04.110 Driving over new surfacing
sign—Intersections. or paint prohibited.
It is unlawful for the driver of any vehi- It is unlawful for any person to drive a
cle to fail to stop at the entrance or vehicle over or across any newly laid
entrances to those intersections desig- pavement or street surfacing or newly
nated by the City Council by resolution painted markings on any street when an
when signs are erected giving notice appropriate barrier, sign, marker, or any
thereof.(Ord.55-87§5:Ord. 13§1(part), other warning device is in place. (Ord.
1982) 55-87 § 10:.Ord. 13 § 1 (part), 1982)
6.04.080 Yield rights-of-way— 6.04.120 Driving upon closed street
Council designation. prohibited.
The City Council, by resolution, shall It is unlawful for any person to drive a
designate the entrances to intersections vehicle over any street or portion thereof
on highways at which yield right-of-way when any barrier, sign, marker, or other
signs shall be erected. (Ord. 55-87 § 6: warning device gives notice that such
Ord. 13 § 1 (part), 1982) street or portion thereof is closed. (Ord.
55-87 § 11: Ord. 13 § 1 (part), 1982)
6.04.090 Driving or parking in
wrong direction on one-way 6.04.130 Approved barriers and
streets. signs only allowed.
It is unlawful for the driver of any vehi- No person, public utility, or any
cle to drive or park such vehicle on any department in this city shall erect or place
WHEREAS, public safety may require installation of stop signs and/or
yield right-of-way signs; and
WHEREAS, certain criteria, called "warrants, " have been developed in
order to determine whether the installation of stop signs or yield right-of-way
signs will improve public safety at a specific location; and
WHEREAS, consistent application of these criteria is essential to the
effectiveness of the stop sign or yield sign;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of
Dublin does hereby approve the criteria, called "warrants" for all-way stop sign
installations, one-way or two-way stop sign installations, and yield right-of-way
sign installations attached as Exhibits A, B, and C respectively.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council may approve installation of
stop signs and/or yield right-of-way signs which do not meet these criteria if the
City Council finds that public safety and interest is best served by installation of
the stop signs and/or yield right-of-way signs.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 28th day of September, 1992.
City Clerk
a: (9293)\september\resotraf
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A fully-justified, properly installed all-way stop can effectively assign right-of-
way, reduce vehicle delay, and decrease accidents. All-way stop sign installation
may be considered if any of the following conditions exist:
(a) Total vehicular volume entering the intersection from all
approaches must average 350 vehicles per hour for a four-way
intersection OR 300 vehicles per hour for a T-intersection for any
eight hours of an average day. The eight hours need not be
(b) In addition, the combined vehicular and pedestrian volume entering
the intersection from the minor street or streets for the same
eight hours must average at least 1/3 of the total volume entering
the intersection.
Five or more reported accidents within a 12-month period and of a type
susceptible to correction by installation of all-way stop signs.
The intersection sight-distance (based on Caltrans standards) on one or
more approaches of the major street is less than 150 feet.
Warrants are to be reduced to 60% of the values in Section 1 and 2 above
if ALL of the following conditions are met:
(a) Both streets are residential streets with existing 25 mph speed
(b) Neither street is an adopted through street.
(c) Neither street exceeds 40 feet of roadway width.
(d) No existing stop sign or signal is located on the more heavily
traveled street within a distance of 600 feet.
(e) Streets extend 600 feet or more away from the intersection on at
least three sides.
(f) Installation of a all-way stop is compatible with overall traffic
circulation needs for the residential area.
This warrant is satisfied by the conditions in EITHER (a) OR (b) below
(a) Students cross the more heavily traveled street at the
intersection as part of an official elementary school route plan,
and if ALL of the following conditions are met:
(1) All of the conditions in Section 4 Residential Area (a
through f) are met.
(2) The more heavily traveled street has more than 280 feet
intersection sight distance visibility (based on Caltrans
standards) . _
(3) The elementary school route plan has been approved by the
Public Works Director/City Engineer.
(b) More than 20 elementary school children per hour cross the more
heavily traveled street going to or from school at a time when at
least 300 vehicles are in direct conflict with pedestrians, AND if
all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The more heavily traveled street has adequate intersection
sight distance visibility (based on Caltrans standards) for
the 85th percentile speed or speed limit of the major
street, whichever is higher.
(2) No existing stop sign, signal, or crosswalk is located on
the major street within a distance of 600 feet.
(3) Installation of an all-way stop is compatible with overall
traffic circulation needs.
One-way or two-way stop signs are appropriate where there is a need to control the
right-of-way at an intersection, but traffic conflicts are not significant.
Typically, the signs are installed on local streets where they intersect collector,
major, or arterial streets, and/or where collector streets intersect major or
arterial streets.
A. Stop sign installation on the minor (lower volume) street may be considered if
any TWO of the following conditions exist:
(a) Total vehicular volume on the major street must be 500 vehicles
per day or 50 vehicles per hour during the peak hour on an average
(b) Total vehicular volume on the minor street must be 250 vehicles
per day or 25 vehicles per hour during the peak hour on an average
Two or more reported accidents within a 12-month period of a type
susceptible to correction by installation of stop signs. A yield sign
may be considered if no other warrant is. met.
The intersection sight distance (based on Caltrans standards) on one or
more approaches of the street is less than 125 feet.
85th percentile speeds greater than 25 mph prevail or unusual conditions
exist (such as a school, playground, steep hill, visible signs of skid
marks, etc. )
B. Stop sign installation on the minor street may be considered if any ONE of the
following conditions exist:
(1) Total vehicular volume on the major street must be 1,000
vehicles per day or 100 vehicles per hour during the peak
hour of an average day AND
(2) Total vehicular volume on the minor street must be 500
vehicles per day or 50 vehicles per hour during the peak
hour of an average day.
(b) The minor- street intersects with a major street, and the major
street has a vehicular volume of more than 1,900 vehicles per day.
Three or more reported accidents within a 12-month period of a type _
susceptible to correction by stop signs.
The intersection sight distance (based on Caltrans standards) on one or
more approaches of the major street is less than 100 feet.
The minor street (lower volume street) crossing is on an officially-
designated elementary school route; or a minimum of 10 children cross
the minor street going to or from school.
Yield sign installation on the minor (lower volume) street may be considered if any
of the following conditions exist:
(a) Total vehicular volume on the major street of 500 vehicles per day
or. 50 vehicles per hour during the peak hour of an average day.
(b) Total vehicular volume on the minor street of 250 vehicles per day
or 25 vehicles per hour during the peak hour of an average day.
Substantially higher volumes than the above warrant consideration of a
stop sign.
Indication of an accident or special problem that could be corrected by
yield signs.
The intersection sight distance (based on Caltrans standards) on one or
more approaches of the street is less than 125 feet.
Right-of-way assignment is needed to prevent confusion, but where a stop
is not necessary at all times.
Where there is a separate or channelized right turn lane, without an
adequate acceleration lane.
NOTE: All yield sign installations shall be checked at approximately
three-month intervals for one year to determine if operation is
satisfactory. If there is continued accident experience,
replacement of yield signs by stop signs shall be considered.