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Item 3.1 Proclamation Rideshare Week (2)
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'':. • A ,PROCLAMATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, , .. . ...i;,.;%: ,,X,:::§`;...:,-1-",:,.::-i.: . • CITY OF, ,.-, 1 •• . .-...•..,,7• '.*:',.":.,,:;,ks,":.,....-•„.I...N.1:: DUBLIN , '•: ,CALIFORNIA . .a: ,:...,....,..,; ,,,, ,4,•,. •--., ......:,4).,, • .. •,.:•- ,;..14:=-.Q.:, ,. iriiTi ..;..1.,::1...1 ... ,.•:,,,, • ' .,,',..,;.;,v.....,:4,, ....::,-..,.....s. ....It"...a::::............., M, .... .... „,... .. -L::: .f.-,........sie, - 6,__....._ ;?::,:. .,:-:',::::. :::-5---j.., WHEREAS, the importance of choosing .. alternative . transpo.r-tation that :1',:•-•:-::"...- .. :::::.,.,i, • ,•;;,...::: .T.i.• ,,.... . f . . ..- .7 ....---. -; preserves our economy and health is becoming critical as California's' . .i 1...-.5Y '4•:-..5:‘ ,::::::'?.:... .. .\,,,t...,i.:-,.---•:::.: ;,: ,' . . ,..•:• ...f:,-,/ population and workforce increases; and„ •1• : ' ,..-.1tt...A# ''.....-.7....i1,....•:. 14. . - . •.,.L.:-=:,•?;“..----,-::-.3,6, • k.,.,-....,p,... :„., .„,,... . '/•;:'"': '-'.- ' WHEREAS, ridesharing as a means of transportation is an effective method . 1.,:i,../..„,:,.f,s.......::.. .......,„,., %.,.*:‘,....-.....•• ::,;:-2..: ...:1 of reducing fuel consumption, air ., .pollution, - traffic congestion, , ,..:,i'A\,., f7,1_;:::::;::.'4::":'6•,\, ,74 r•:;•A:2•Y•-. • ,...,1 . .,.--',....:::,..,,,:::::..:11 -.....,. '• -3-1.! transportation costs, and parking needs, and . .. . . • ,..i,:-*:,e):-....,,,E.:::"...,.:*:.::, .• fz:7-y•,::-5-', -:•,•,..i--.:•••••1 " . . • • •.:± ..,--t,2--...,...::i..:.:-./ y.,.... ..;..-r,-,i.,, li.4'-' • • . • , . , . . • . . .. . . . . . . , • ..,..1,•`6,,.1,;,;,,::;,i.,„'47,:-..-., 0 ...VA.,,;:..:71:';'!.f ,.., , . . . . . , A,:..,..';;;,,..:.,, ,,,f,•,,, WHEREAS, increasing public :and p.rivate 5:•.sector awareness of the :benefits of )-dr1,:',.1.,z. i.i-,V '''''''-i. ' • }--i lz.i...-.3-:;,....;,„ ;1',:•,,,-• -••' .'' using alternative trariSpor'tati Op :-will help ensure a healthier •env ir-onment ... .„..,111...,z,:..,......:,%,...4\ rxi ,/,,,..,.:t:.::.,........ .v.,-.11.• . En fr,..-Fgt.. ,0;,::......:::::.-'? '''i ' for this and futu_re generations: . .:fsi:' ..'..,'Ii,"•, ,.( .),., :,-......'.1....-' -' ' ' :r • • ; .. .. . . t;:•,ps-.:.--:-_-.-.:-.:,:::,...::-:,44.\ \',..?.g..:::::'.,:i;=.:;::'.:-',4.1•,; •.,, • . • • .-. . . . .... , • ::.---.-" i •(;/,'%:•:•;-,:.,.,"1,' ,',,-:‘;,.".. .,..,'''' . •,..... .•.' •'.:.- : • ..: : • • . IW-,-,:g?.--,.;;;,,,:-A-... 1-3 \\-,..:.::::.:..... • . •- .- ••- .. ,... • ' [.. • ...• .,:.:-••_...,...,, ::.....--'..?;:,..:.,....k;\%::\.! 1 1 -'..:",.,. .,,„_ ''' '•-.1:•.•1:.:.' .. ''.• ::: - .'- . • ' :''' .r;S:iik::;-,t,414.:i"..::./ 0 \•. :'''';':;.:' 'A .. NOW, •THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED .,that ..jr;••;Pe •.:W. '•• Snyder, -Mayor of •:.the Ci ty• .. ',:4•16'P.11,, ,;,•,...,:•:;,...v t • •- ...,.( ,... Q. i!::::..1‘. : ' ' -! • . t - .WEEK" ' ''lL•=1::16=';',..4, 1 '"';-•'-"'''''''.--..,1'''' o f Dublin, :do hereby proclaim ..'September'•-•!,;t1 4 ,;..-"-- '1 8;-.11 992, .*:a s :•.••`RIDESHARE .WE :,. -.• •' t:A.•:uf:A.:',9V.E'N.4..\ fi:.•%e l..'Tv,,F;si -' . • ' f -.. /....''''':' ' '' ':'':' , ''' in the City. r•Of Dublin and urge= .'all:'...citizens, who. live or Mork' in the. City .:t o .'- :,:.'::4fp (0 ..--,.....: ..,. . ••,(_.... :::;?@::-.:,.....::,:.::::..0 , . . .is.,.y.,:,:„,........,i7.....,... recognize -the importance ... of..',..:..r.'id. e.s.ha.r.i..,n4 1.'. -a,and,''.' using '.•..o. t he. .r ,a1 tern a t i ve. -• .*:••• "-.7 -15-' transportation, 1 and .:to . practice • responsible.:..-citizenship ..by.. ridesharing i• .„...,•l';',11\41,..,.;-,0,•,::..i.•••...11,..,-)1 . . : • and -• •••• .. • • .... . 1-:-e qitl...:!,:::.,.....!:•t/..•••.s.k\ '''•:•`'-':7'..., -'''''''' , •bicycling, ;walking or using public otranSit during this . wee . throughout ,... . ......,,,,,,,i,„,‘,,...i. :„:,.1„„ `7•::':•:4.f•t, : • • "•. '.. . •. •• • ' '' -•••••• •• •-• .'- ''..1.:4•.?.1.%.•..'4,-0;*. ' 1 '.1:..t,.3'' i'••' • the year. . . • .•' . :' •; .,, ,...... • '.. ....::,;:.,• ......, • • . •• - • ..:'.,..,....i ' . ..F.' ' ..: ■.:Z,,,,u7. 57,. i:: .,..: ..a , ..I . . . 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