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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 5.1 Regional Mtg Rm Valley Volunteer Ctr (2) CITY OF DUBLIN
SUBJECT Request from Valley Volunteer Center for use
of the Regional Meeting Room
Report by Diane Lowart, Recreation Director
E)03IBITS ATTACHED Correspondence from Christine Lafferty,
� 1I1� Program Director, Nonprofit Management Services
RECOMMENDATION ,vv� Consider request
FINANCIAL STATEMENT Estimated lost fee revenue: $4, 200
DESCRIPTION At the July 22, 1991 meeting of the Dublin
City Council , the Council approved a request from the Valley Volunteer
Center for use of the Regional Meeting Room at no charge for their
Nonprofit Management Services workshop program. The request that was
approved by the Council provided for 24 separate workshops scheduled
on a quarterly basis for Fall, Winter and Spring. A similar request
from the Valley Volunteer Center was approved by the Council in August
of 1990.
During 1991/92, the Valley Volunteer Center conducted 17 seminars in
Dublin which were attended by over 325 nonprofit staff members,
vo'Lunteers and board members. The seminars were designed to provide
information to local community based organizations so that they can
stay current on topics crucial for a nonprofit's well-being.
Presenters spoke on topics such as fundraising techniques, volunteer
and staff management, nonprofit financial management, and volunteer
and board recruitment.
The Valley Volunteer Center is once again requesting support from the
City of Dublin for utilization of the Regional Meeting Room at no cost
for their 1992/93 workshops. As stated in the attached correspondence
from Program Director Christine Lafferty, they are requesting use for
a maximum of 25 separate workshops and have indicated that the
scheduling of these workshops can be fairly flexible so as to not
interfere with City use. As was done during the previous two years,
the workshops would be scheduled on a quarterly basis for Fall,
Winter and Spring, and the actual workshop dates would be selected
approximately six weeks to two months prior to the start of the
If the City were to charge the Valley Volunteer Center for use of the
Regional Meeting Room as requested, the revenue generated would total
approximately $4, 200 . However, by waiving these use fees, the City
would become a major donor for the Valley Volunteer Center and be
listed as such on the major donor list.
Although the City Council has approved use of the Regional Meeting
Roam at no cost by the Valley Volunteer Center for the past two years,
the Council may want to reconsider approval of their request in light
of the current fiscal condition facing the City.
It is the recommendation of Staff that the City Council consider the
request from the Valley Volunteer Center for use of the Regional
Meeting Room at no cost for 25 Nonprofit Management Services workshops
between September of 1992 through June of 1993 .
ITEM NO. _ COPIES TO: Valley Volunteer Center
FILE o2 :Oa�,Z
WValley Volunteer Center
Board of Directors
Jane Staehle July 22, 1992
Terry Bedell
Vice President
Doug Bell Diane Lowart
Pat Smith City of Dublin, Recreation Department
Secretary P.O. BOX 2340
Valerie Barnes Dublin, CA 94568
Charlie Biederman
Kathy Blackburn Dear Diane,
Heidi Hanson Bcwes
Tori Campbell Nelson Thank you for your assistance in arranging the use of the Regional
David Cooper Meeting Room as our training site during the past fiscal year. Your
Judie Decker staff was very courteous in helping us coordinate the workshops. The
Charles DePaoli room set—up was punctual and staff's efficiency insured that things
Geoff Etnire ran smoothly at the workshops.
Susan Gallinger
Roger Grossman This past year brought an increase in the number of people
Maxine Jennings participating in the training. Over 325 nonprofit staff members,
Carol Mitchell volunteers and board members attended the management assistance
Carol verity workshops that we held in Dublin and we are seeing an increase in the
Donna J.Campbell number of Dublin based organizations attending the workshops.
Executive Director
Representatives from the American Cancer Society, Hope Hospice and
Advisory Council Dublin High School attended several of the workshops that we offered.
Lilly Ault
Elva Cooper Dublin's support contributed significantly to the success of this
Kay Daniels nonprofit training program. The Regional Meeting Room provided a
Michal Dittrich professional and comfortable atmosphere, as well as easy access from
Art Dunkley the major freeways. I might also add that the convenience of
Bruce Gach,M.D. restaurants within a short distance was beneficial. Many of the
Judge William Gale workshop participants patronized Dublin's restaurants during a break
Warren Harding in the workshop or before returning to work.
Mike Harris
Tim Hunt The local agencies had an opportunity to participate in workshops from
BillLaube some of Northern California's leading authorities on nonprofit
Barbara Mertes management. These trainers helped our community based organizations
Bonnie Moss to stay current on topics crucial for a,nonprofit's well—being --
Rev.William Nebo fundraising techniques, volunteer and staff management, nonprofit
John Noonan financial management and volunteer anal ,board recruitment.
Betty Nostrand
Gerald Richards The City of Dublin helped to make these workshops a rewarding
Betty Stallings experience for all — the local nonprofit community, the trainers, our
Arel Wente staff and the business sector.
Virginia Woy
333 Division Street • Pleasanton, California 94566 • (510)462-3570 • FAX(510)462-0596
3311 Pacific Avenue • Livermore, California 94550 • (510)294-9023
I would like to request the city's support of our 1992-1993 workshop series.
The availability of the Regional Meeting Room is very important in our attempt
to make these workshops accessible and affordable for all local agencies.
Your contribution allows us to continue our mission of fostering excellence in
human service programs serving this community.
We would like to use the Regional Meeting Room for a maximum of 25 workshops
from September 1992 through June 1993. The scheduling for these workshops can
be flexible so as to not interfere with city use. Typically the workshops are
scheduled on a quarterly basis for Fall, Winter and Spring. Actual workshop
dates are selected approximately 6-8 weeks prior to the start of the quarter.
Thank you once again for all your assistance with this year's workshop series.
Please know that Dublin's support in our efforts to serve this area's
nonprofit community is greatly appreciated. We look forward to your continued
involvement in our 1992-1993 program.
Christine Lafferty
Program Director
Nonprofit Management Services
Valley Volunteer Center
The Valley Volunteer Center's Nonprofit Management Services program has
been successfully serving the Tri—Valley community for nearly 10 years. This
program is a primary provider for high quality, low-cost.workshops for
nonprofit organizations throughout the East Bay.
During a fiscal year we include workshops that cover personnel
management, volunteer recruitment and management, public.relations and
marketing, financial management, fund raising and boardsmanship. A needs
assessment form is requested from each workshop participant so that we can
provide training based on the current needs of local agencies. Our trainers
come from throughout the Northern California area and many are nationally
recognized for their particular expertise. In our 1990-1991 fiscal year, 322
individuals participated in at least one of the 21 workshops that we offered.
Additionally this program offers a library of video training tapes for
use by staff, volunteers and board members of the agencies we serve. These
tapes can be used for retreats, in—house training and workshops. They serve
as another cost effective way to receive valuable information on the best
management techniques and strategies for nonprofits. An audio—visual
equipment library is also available through this program.
With the cooperation of local businesses, we have instituted a Board
Bank to further assist nonprofit organizations. Board candidates are
recruited from the corporate sector and are offered training in the skills
needed to be effective on a nonprofit board of directors. Training is also
provided for participating agencies to assist them in developing an active and
involved board. At the conclusion for the trainings, we refer prospective
board members to agencies that meet their needs and interest.
To keep the fees for these programs affordable for all nonprofit groups,
our Board does invest some fundraising income. We need to obtain underwriting
for the remainder of the operating expenses for this program.
333 Division Street • Pleasanton, California 94566 • (510) 462-3570 • FAX (510) 462-0596
3311 Pacific Avenue • Livermore, California 94550 • (510) 294-9023